List of terrorist incidents, January–June 2013

This is a timeline of individual violent attacks which took place from January to June 2013, including attacks by state and non-state actors for political or other unknown motives. Ongoing military conflicts are listed separately. The list here is incomplete, please add to it to make it better.


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Motorcycle bomb 4 50 Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan A motorcycle bomb exploded at the Ayesha Manzil intersection near Jinnah Ground, close to the headquarters of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement. The attack took place after a party rally and a speech by its leader Altaf Hussain. Many of the injured were reported to have been hit by ball bearings. The explosion caused damage to nearby vehicles and buildings, and was reportedly heard from several kilometres away. Local hospital staff reported that at least 5 of the injured were in critical condition.[1]
1 Shooting 7 1 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Four unidentified gunmen ambushed a car carrying medical NGO workers working for Ujala. Six women and a man were shot dead, while the driver was injured, according to the local police chief. Though the Pakistani Taliban denied responsibility, the police were investigating possible links to the group or other Islamist movements. The World Health Organization also suspended its work on polio vaccinations.[2]
3 Car bombing, IED 32 75 Iraq Baghdad and Musayyib, Iraq A car bomb killed 28 Shia pilgrims and injured 60 others as they were returning from Karbala, while in the capital Baghdad a roadside bomb exploded near a minibus, killing four pilgrims and wounding 15 others.[3][4] Islamic State of Iraq
3 Car bombing 11 40 Syria Damascus, Syria A car bomb exploded at a petrol station in the center of Syria's capital Damascus, killing and injuring dozens of people. No group claimed responsibility for the blast.[5]
10 Suicide bombings, bombing 126 270+ Pakistan Quetta, Pakistan A string of bombings hit Pakistan, killing 126 and leaving scores injured. A bombing at a crowded market in Quetta killed 12 and injured 47 in an attack claimed by a Balochistan separatist group. Later, twin blasts took place in quick succession at a snooker hall. A total of 92 people were killed in these attacks, including 9 policemen, 25 rescue workers and 3 journalists who perished in the second one. In addition, an explosion at a Tableeghi Jamaat seminary in the Swat Valley, outside of Saidu Sharif, killed 22 people and wounded 60.[6][6][6][7][7][7][8][9][10] Lashkar-e-Jhangvi
13 Roadside bombing 14 21 Pakistan North Waziristan, Pakistan A roadside bomb killed 14 Pakistani soldiers near Miranshah in the border region of North Waziristan, one day after Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud called for a halt on attacks against the Army in the area, opting to focus on NATO forces in Afghanistan instead.[11]
15 Rocket attacks 82 160 Syria Aleppo, Syria Two large explosions struck an area between the Aleppo University halls of residence and the faculty of architecture, killing 82 and injuring scores more as students were gathering for the first day of exams. Syrian State TV accused rebels of launching a surface-to-air missile at the area, while opposition activists said government jets had bombed the campus.[12]
15 Suicide bombing 7 6 Iraq Fallujah, Iraq A suicide bomber killed a prominent Sunni MP and six others in Fallujah, two days after Finance Minister Rafi al-Issawi survived an assassination attempt in the same city. The parliamentarian, Ayfan Sadoun al-Essawi, was an important member of the Sahwa committee in Fallujah and part of the opposition to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.[13] Islamic State of Iraq
16 Suicide bombings, shootings 55 288 Iraq northern and central Iraq A suicide bomber detonated a truck full of explosives next to the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Kirkuk, killing 26 and leaving 204 injured. A similar attack against another Kurdish office in Tuz Khormato killed 5 and wounded 40. Roadside bombings and shootings in other areas, including Baghdad, Tikrit and Baiji, left at least 24 dead and dozens injured.[14][15] Islamic State of Iraq
16 Shooting 5 3 Kenya Garissa, Kenya Suspected Islamic militants shot dead 5 people and injured 3 others at a restaurant in Kenya's eastern city of Garissa. Authorities said they believed the gunmen belonged to the Somali al-Shabaab group, as the victims included a senior prison warden, fitting a pattern of previous attacks.[16] al-Shabaab Suspected
16-19 Shooting, hostage crisis 69 unknown Algeria In Aménas, Algeria Al-Qaeda-linked militants under the command of Mokhtar Belmokhtar took more than 800 people hostage at a remote gas facility in Algeria. After a tense 4-day standoff with the Algerian Army and at least 2 assaults, the crisis ended, with at least 40 hostages and 29 militants confirmed dead, while 685 Algerian workers and 107 foreigners were freed.[9]
20 Shootings 6 24 Nigeria Kano and Kogi State, Nigeria A group of gunmen attacked the convoy of Alhaji Ado Bayero, the Emir of Kano, killing 4 and injuring 14 others, including two of his sons. In addition, militants from the Boko Haram breakaway group Ansaru ambushed a Nigerian Army convoy in Kogi State, killing 2 officers and injuring 8 others. The troops were heading to Mali to assist in the ECOWAS mission as part of the conflict against Jihadist groups.[17][18]
21-23 Shootings 31 0 Nigeria northern Nigeria Suspected Boko Haram militants murdered 31 people over the course of 3 days, including 18 hunters selling bushmeat, who were shot at market in Damboa on January 21. Five people were shot in Kano on the next day as they were playing board games. At least 8 civilians were killed in Maiduguri on January 23, as gunfire was reported from parts of the city.[9][19] Boko Haram Suspected
21 Suicide truck bombing 42 30+ Syria Al-Salamiyah, Syria A suicide bomber detonated a truck full of explosives at a building used by a pro-government militia in the central Syrian city of Salamiyah, located in Hama Governorate. At least 42 people were killed and dozens more wounded, with militia members and civilians among the casualties. On January 30 the Al-Nusra Front claimed responsibility for the attack.[20][21] Al-Nusra Front
22 Suicide bombings, shootings 26 58 Iraq central Iraq A wave of attacks in and around Baghdad killed at least 26 and left more than 50 injured. Bombings and shootings took place in the capital, as well as Taji and Mahmoudiyah.[22] Islamic State of Iraq
23 Suicide bombing 49 83 Iraq Tuz Khormato, Iraq A suicide bomber blew himself up during a funeral for a politician's relative in the city of Tuz Khormato, killing 42 and leaving 75 others wounded. Other attacks across central and northern Iraq killed 7 people and injured 8 others.[23][24] Islamic State of Iraq
26 Suicide bombing, IED 20 16 Afghanistan Kunduz and Kandahar, Afghanistan A suicide bomber killed 10 policemen and injured 9 others in the northeastern Afghan city of Kunduz. Among the victims were the city's counter terrorism and traffic police chiefs. Later, a police patrol carrying 3 Taliban members suspected of planting bombs hit an IED near Kandahar. Eight policemen and 2 of the suspects were killed, while six officers and the other detainee were injured.[25][26]
28 Suicide bombing 11 17 Yemen Rada, Yemen A suicide bombing at a Yemeni Army checkpoint near the Rada in the central Al Bayda' Governorate killed 11 soldiers and injured 17 others.[27]
29 Suicide bombing 2 20+ Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia A suicide bombing at the gate of the Villa Somalia killed two guards and injured dozens more. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was abroad at the time, while Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon, whose house was near the site of the blast, was not injured.[28][29] al-Shabaab


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Suicide bombing 27 55 Pakistan Hangu, Pakistan A suicide bomber attacked a crowd of Shi'ite worshippers leaving a mosque in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, killing at least 27 and leaving more than 50 others injured.[30]
2 Raid 35 8 Pakistan Lakki Marwat, Pakistan A team of 30 to 50 militants staged a raid on a Pakistani Army checkpoint in the country's volatile northwest, killing 13 soldiers and 10 civilians. At least 12 insurgents died in the assault, which included suicide bombers and rocket attacks.[31]
2 Suicide bombing 1 1 Turkey Ankara, Turkey A suicide bombing in front of the US embassy in Ankara killed a security guard and injured a journalist. The leftist RPLP-F group claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was in response to NATO's recent deployment of MIM-104 Patriot missiles along the troubled Turkish-Syrian border.[32] RPLP-F
3 Suicide car bombing 42 111 Iraq Kirkuk, Iraq A suicide car bombing at the provincial police HQ in Kirkuk killed at least 36 and injured 105 others, including the city's chief of police. Three additional attackers were killed after the blast, as they tried to throw grenades at security forces. Six people were killed and six injured in various other attacks across central Iraq.[33][34] Islamic State of Iraq
4 Suicide bombing 22 44 Iraq Taji, Iraq A suicide bomber attacked a government building in Taji, 15 kilometres north of the capital Baghdad, killing 22 and injuring 44 others. Nineteen of the victims were members of the Sahwa militia opposed to al-Qaeda in Iraq, who were waiting for their monthly salaries, while the other 3 were Iraqi soldiers.[35][36]
8 Car bombings 38 106 Iraq across Iraq A pair of car bombs killed 17 and injured 45 others at a bird market in Baghdad's Kadhimiya district. Two similar attacks killed 16 and wounded 44 in Shomali, 70 km south of Hillah. A blast outside Karbala killed 5 and injured 16, while an Iraqi soldier was wounded by sniper fire in Fallujah.[37]
8 Bombing 16 27 Pakistan Kalaya, Pakistan A blast a marketplace popular with paramilitary members killed 16 and injured 27 others in Kalaya, the capital of Orakzai Agency in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The Tehrik-i-Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.[38] Tehrik-i-Taliban
8 Bombing 54 -- Syria Buraq, Syria A minibus exploded near a military supply factory in Buraq, a suburb of Hama, killing 54 civilians. Both government and rebel forces condemned the attack.[39]
9 Rocket attack 6 42 Iraq Camp Hurriyah, Iraq A Katyusha rocket attack killed six people and injured 42 others at Camp Hurriya, an Iraqi facility near Baghdad that shelters members of People's Mujahedin of Iran. A spokesman for the group placed the blame on Iran's Quds Force unit.[40][41]
11 Bombings, shootings 26 37 Iraq across Iraq A car bombing at a checkpoint in Mosul killed 8 people and injured 18 others, while militants shot dead 4 others in the city. Fourteen others were killed and 19 wounded in other attacks across Iraq, including incidents in Baghdad, Baiji, Baqubah and Kirkuk.[42]
11 Car bombing 13 28 Turkey Cilvegözü, Turkey A car bomb exploded at the Bab al-Hawa border crossing between Turkey and Syria, killing 13 people, including 3 Turkish citizens. At least 28 others were injured in the blast, which occurred after a Syrian-registered minivan was detonated close to a customs building on the Turkish side of the border.[43]
12 Bombing plot 0 0 Norway Oslo, Norway An unknown man stated that he was on his way to Oslo centre to blow up the Parliament during a bus tour. The statements were overheard by the bus driver who alerted police. When he was arrested, he was armed with a gas guns and wore a bulletproof vest. The man had repeatedly spoken out hatefully about Norwegian authorities. He was in his 20s and was born and raised in Norway, with possible ties to Norwegian Defence League, a fascist political organisation. Unknown
16 Bombing 84 190 Pakistan Quetta, Pakistan A bomb attached to a motorbike exploded at a market in Hazara Town on the outskirts of Quetta, killing at least 84 and injuring almost 200 others. Most of the victims were members of the predominantly Twelver Shia minority, and authorities expected the death toll to rise due to the large number of serious injuries.[44] Lashkar-e-Jhangvi
17 Car bombings 37 130 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq A series of car bombs struck the Iraqi capital, killing at least 37 and injuring more than 130 others. Most of the attacks took place in Shiite parts of the city, including Sadr City.[45] Islamic State of Iraq
21 Car bombings 83 250+ Syria Damascus, Syria A huge car bomb exploded next to the Ba'ath Party offices in Damascus, killing 61 and injuring more than 200. The attack killed mostly civilians and was the deadliest in the capital during the civil war. Both the government and the SNC condemned the blast. In addition, three bombings killed 22 and injured 50 in the suburb of Barzeh. Most of the victims were government soldiers.[46][47] Al-Nusra Front Suspected
21 Bombings 17 119 India Hyderabad, India Two blasts occurred at crowded intersections in the Indian city of Hyderabad, killing 17 and injuring more than 100 others. Authorities suspected the Islamist Indian Mujahideen group of being behind the bombings.[48][49] Indian Mujahideen Suspected
25 Suicide bombing 7 several Mali Kidal, Mali Seven MNLA members were killed and several injured in a suicide bombing at a checkpoint in the northern Malian city of Kidal. Similar attacks killed 7 people in Kidal and near Tessalit the week before, both claimed by MUJWA, an AQIM splinter group.[50] MUJWA
26 Shooting 17 0 Afghanistan Ghazni Province, Afghanistan A group of 17 Afghan Local Police recruits were shot to death after being drugged by Taliban infiltrators. The group later claimed responsibility for the attack, which was the deadliest of its kind to date.[51] Afghan Taliban
28 Bombings, shootings 33 70 Iraq across Iraq A string of bombings and shootings killed 33 and injured 70 others in Iraq. Most of the victims came from a double bombing near a Baghdad stadium, while other attacks took place in Mosul and the Triangle of Death.[52] Islamic State of Iraq


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
3 Car bombings 48 180 Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan At least 48 people were killed and scores injured after twin bombings struck Shi'ite faithful as they were leaving a prayer hall. Authorities suspected the Sunni militant group Lashkar-e Jhangvi of being behind the attacks.[53]
4 Ambush 64 10 Iraq Akashat, Iraq Unidentified gunmen ambushed a Syrian Army convoy escorted by Iraqi soldiers, killing 51 Syrians and 13 Iraqis. The well-planned assault took place in Akashat, near the desert border between the two nations. The Islamic State of Iraq claimed responsibility for the attack on March 11.[54][55] Islamic State of Iraq
9 Shooting 7 0 Nigeria Bauchi State, Nigeria The Islamist Ansaru group shot and killed seven hostages it had been holding since an assault on an oil facility in Northern Nigeria on February 7. The victims included four Lebanese, as well a Briton, a Frenchman and a Greek.[56] Ansaru
9 Suicide bombings 19 16 Afghanistan Kabul and Khost, Afghanistan Suicide bombings next to the Afghan Defense Ministry in Kabul and an ISAF patrol in Khost killed 19 and injured 16 others. Both incidents took place as US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was on his first official visit to the country.[57] Afghan Taliban
13 Suicide bombing 10 10 Afghanistan Kunduz, Afghanistan A suicide bomber detonated his vest at a buzkashi game in the northern province of Kunduz, killing 10 and injuring 10 others. Among those killed was the district's police chief.[58]
13 Bombings, shootings 5 10 India Srinagar, India Two gunmen assaulted a CRPF camp in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, killing 5 troops and injuring 10 others. Authorities suspected the Hizbul Mujahideen or Lashkar-e-Taiba of being behind the attack.[59]
14 Car bombings, Shootings 33 72 Iraq Baghdad, Iraq A coordinated series of attacks near the Justice Ministry in Baghdad left 7 insurgents and 24 civilians dead, while 57 others were wounded. Various other incidents across the country killed 2 and injured 15.[60]
17 Car bombing 10 24 Iraq Basra, Iraq A rare car bombing struck Basra, killing 10 civilians and injuring 19 others. The blast took place close to a bus station on the outskirts of Iraq's second largest city. An earlier bombing near a tax department injured 5 people.[61]
18 Car bombing 10 20 Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia The Islamist al-Shabaab group claimed responsibility for a car bombing near Mogadishu's National Theater that killed 10 and wounded 20 others, including the city's intelligence chief Khalif Ereg.[62][63] al-Shabaab
18 Suicide bombing 41 44 Nigeria Kano, Nigeria A suicide bomber attacked a bus station in a predominantly Christian area of Kano, killing 41 passengers and injuring dozens more.[64][65]
19 Bombings, shootings 98 240 Iraq across Iraq A series of coordinated bombings and shootings across central and northern Iraq killed 98 people and left more than 200 injured on the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq War. At least 61 were killed and 148 wounded in Baghdad alone, where most of the major attacks took place.[66] Islamic State of Iraq
21 Car bombing 15 40 Pakistan Peshawar, Pakistan A car bombing at the Jalozai refugee camp near Peshawar killed at least 15 and injured 40 others. Authorities suspected the Lashkar-e-Islam group of staging the attack in response to recent arrests.[67]
21 Suicide bombing 42 84 Syria Damascus, Syria A suicide bombing inside a Damascus mosque killed 42 people and injured 84 others. Among the dead was prominent Sunni cleric Mohamed Al-Bouti, a longtime ally of the Syrian government and the Imam of the Umayyad Mosque. The SNC condemned the attack, while the Free Syrian Army denied responsibility.[68]
22 Shootings, bombings 25 -- Nigeria Ganye, Nigeria Unidentified gunmen attacked at least 13 locations in Ganye, a city in Nigeria's northeastern Adamawa State, including the local police HQ, a bank and several local bars. At least 25 people were killed in the two-hour assault, including the deputy chief of the local prison, where 127 inmates were freed.[69] Boko Haram Suspected
22-23 Bombings 26 36 Pakistan across Pakistan A bomb planted in a rickshaw exploded near a hotel at the main bazaar in Dera Allah Yar in Balochistan on March 22, killing 9 and injuring 24 others.[70] A suicide car bombing at a checkpoint near Miranshah in North Waziristan killed 17 soldiers and injured 12 others on the next day.[71]
29 Suicide bombing 10 31 Pakistan Peshawar, Pakistan A suicide bomber detonated his vest at a checkpoint near the US consulate in Peshawar, killing 10 people and injuring 31 others, most of them civilians.[72]
29 Car bombings 24 151 Iraq across Iraq A series of car bombs exploded at four Shi'ite mosques in Baghdad and one in Kirkuk, leaving at least 22 people dead and 144 others wounded. In addition, an IED blast north of the capital killed 2 security officers and injured 7 others.[73]


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Bombings, shootings 45 78 Iraq Tikrit, Iraq A tanker bomb exploded at the police headquarters in Tikrit, killing at least 42 people and injuring 67 others. Other attacks across the country left 3 dead and 11 others injured, including the mayor of Tuz Khormato and at least four journalists.[74] Islamic State of Iraq Suspected
3 Assault 55 100+ Afghanistan Farah, Afghanistan A group of militants wearing suicide vests attacked the courthouse in Farah in an attempt to free Taliban fighters standing trial. At least 34 civilians and 12 members of the security forces were killed during the assault, along with 9 insurgents. More than 100 others were injured in the attack, which was later claimed by the Afghan Taliban.[75] Afghan Taliban
5 Ambush 12 0 Nigeria Bayelsa, Nigeria Militants ambushed a police patrol boat in Nigeria's southern delta region, killing all 12 occupants. The MEND group claimed responsibility, saying it was in response to jail sentence given to their leader Henry Okah.[76] MEND
6 Bombings, shootings 29 64 Iraq Baqubah, Iraq A suicide bomber killed 22 and injured 55 at a political rally for a local Sunni candidate in Baqubah. Other attacks across the country killed 7 and injured 9 others, most of them members of the security forces.[77] Islamic State of Iraq Suspected
8 Roadside bombing 9 22 Afghanistan Wardak, Afghanistan A roadside bomb exploded under a bus travelling southwest of Kabul, killing 9 people and injuring 22 others.[78] Afghan Taliban Suspected
8 Suicide bombing 15 53 Syria Damascus, Syria A suicide bomber detonated his vehicle in central Damascus, killing 15 people and injuring 53 others. The attack took place on Sabaa Bahrat Square, next to the Central Bank of Syria.[79]
11 Roadside bombing 2 6 Thailand Pattani, Thailand A roadside bomb hit a military patrol in the Panare District of Pattani Province, killing 2 soldiers and injuring 6 others.[80]
12 Suicide bombing 4 8 Mali Kidal, Mali Two suicide bombers detonated their explosive belts at a market in Kidal, killing 4 Chadian soldiers and injuring 8 others, including 5 civilians.[81][82] MOJWA
14 Suicide bombings 35 40+ Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia A team of 9 militants wearing suicide vests attacked the Supreme Court building in the Somalian capital, killing at least 35 people and leaving scores injured. The insurgent group al-Shabaab later claimed responsibility for the attack, the biggest it has staged since being chased out of Mogadishu in August 2011.[83][84] al-Shabaab
15 Bombings, shootings 75 356 Iraq across Iraq A string of attacks across Iraq left 75 dead and approximately 350 others injured. The wave of attacks began with 8 bombings in Baghdad that killed 30 and wounded 92. Attacks also took place in Kirkuk, Baqubah, Tikrit, Fallujah, Nassiriyah and Mussayab, among others.[85]
15 Bombings 5 264[86] United States Boston, United States Two bombs were detonated near the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon, killing at least 3 people and leaving more than 180 others injured. Dzhokar Tsarnaev and his older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev were identified as the main suspects, with Tamerlan was killed during a shootout with police in Watertown, Massachusetts in the early hours of April 19, and Dzhokar arrested nearby about 18 hours later. The two are also suspected of fatally shooting a police officer in Cambridge prior to the police chase.[87]
16 Suicide bombings 22 49 Pakistan across Pakistan A suicide bombing at a political rally of the Awami National Party in Peshawar killed at least 18 and injured 49 others, while another attack in Balochistan killed four. The reported target of the first blast was ANP leader Haroon Bilour, whose father Bashir was killed in a similar attack in 2012.[88] Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
16 Bombing 0 16 India Bangalore, India A bomb placed on a motorcycle exploded next to the offices of the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party in the southern city of Bangalore, injuring 11 policemen and 5 civilians.[89]
23-26 Bombings, shootings 331+ 577+ Iraq across Iraq On April 23, an Iraqi Army raid against a protest encampment in the city of Hawija, west of Kirkuk, led to dozens of civilian deaths and to several insurgent groups and local tribal militias attacking security forces across the country. At least 331 were killed and almost 600 injured in four days of violence, and attacks against security forces and the Sons of Iraq continued at a lower level after that.[90][91][92][93] Islamic State of Iraq, Naqshbandi Army, Sons of Iraq, Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police
25-26 Bombings 14 33 Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan A bomb exploded outside the offices of the secular MQM party on April 25, killing five people and wounding nine others. On the next day a similar attack took place outside an office of the ANP, killing at least 9 and injuring 24 others. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for both attacks, which come before next month's elections.[94][95] Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
28 Shooting 0 4 Italy Rome, Italy During Letta Cabinet swornig at Quirinale Palace in Roma, a gunman shot at four police officers, seriously injuring two, outside the premier's office.[96] Luigi Preiti was sentenced to 16 years in prison.[97] Luigi Preiti
29-30 Car bombings 19 50+ Syria Damascus, Syria A car bombing exploded near the convoy of Prime Minister Wael Al-Halqi in the central Damascus district of Mezzeh on April 29, killing six people and injuring many others. Another bombing in the Marjeh district on April 30 left at least 13 dead and dozens more injured.[98][99]


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Shooting 6 1 Thailand Pattani, Thailand Four gunmen opened fire in front of a grocery store in Thailand's southern Pattani Province, killing six civilians and injuring another.[100]
4 Shooting 5 2 Philippines Sipalay, Philippines Suspected New People's Army militants raided a mining complex, burning several vehicles and buildings before being pursued by Philippine Army forces. In the ensuing firefight at least 5 soldiers were killed and two others injured, while insurgent casualties remained unknown.[101] New People's Army
5 Suicide car bombing 8 20+ Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia A suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden car into a convoy carrying Qatari officials in Mogadishu, killing 8 civilians and injuring dozens more. The Islamist group al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack and threatened more strikes.[102] al-Shabaab
15-21 Bombings, shootings 449 732 Iraq across Iraq A series of deadly bombings and shootings struck the central and northern parts of Iraq over a period of seven days, killing at least 449 people and injuring more than 700 others. The deadliest incident was a blast at a Sunni mosque in Baqubah on May 17 that killed 43 and injured 80 others, sparking fears of a return to all-out sectarian violence.[103][104][105][106] Islamic State of Iraq Suspected
20 Bombings 4 52 Russia Makhachkala, Russia Two remote-controlled car bombs were detonated in front of the local court marshal building in Dagestan's capital Makhachkala, killing 4 and leaving more than 50 others injured. A smaller first blast was followed by a larger explosion that appeared to have targeted law enforcement officials.[107] Shariat Jamaat Suspected
22 Knife attack 1 2 United Kingdom Woolwich, United Kingdom British soldier and Drummer Lee Rigby was knocked down by a car in Woolwich, after which the 2 occupants attacked him with knives and a machete, almost decapitating him and dumping the body on the road. The attackers were later injured in a shootout with security forces and subsequently arrested.[108] Lone wolves
22 Suicide bombings, shootings 35 14 Niger Arlit and Agadez, Niger Two groups of suicide bombers attacked an Areva uranium mine near Arlit, as well as the military barracks in Agadez. Among the victims were 24 soldiers, 10 attackers and an Areva employee. The MOJWA group claimed responsibility for the attack, later confirming it was co-operating with Mokhtar Belmokhtar's Masked Brigade.[109][110][111] MOJWA / Masked Brigade
22 Bombing 13 16 Pakistan Quetta, Pakistan A bomb hidden in a rickshaw exploded as a Balochistan Constabulary convoy was passing by near Quetta, killing 11 soldiers and 2 civilians injuring more than a dozen others. The Pakistani Taliban claimed the attack, saying it was in response to recent arrests in Swat.[112] Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
25 Shootout 12+ 19 Philippines Sulu, Philippines At least seven Filipino marines and five Aby Sayyaf militants were killed after an hour-long gunbattle near the town of Patikul in Sulu that was the result of a recent Army offensive. In addition to those killed, 9 soldiers and 10 militants were injured.[113] Abu Sayyaf / Philippine Army
26 Ambush 27 32 India Chhattisgarh, India A ten-vehicle convoy carrying Indian National Congress workers was ambushed by around 250 Naxalite rebels after a land mine was triggered in the Darbha valley, a remote area in the Sukma district. Among those killed were Chhattisgarh INC leader Nand Kumar Patel and his son, who were kidnapped during the incident and later found dead, as well as Salwa Judum founder and former state Minister, Mahendra Karma.[114] Communist Party of India (Maoist)
26 IED, ambush 7 8 Philippines Cagayan Province, Philippines Special Action Force personnel traveling to a hospital near Cataratan in the country's far north were targeted with a roadside bomb. Rebels then opened fire on their vehicle, killing 7 marines and stealing a number of weapons.[115] New People's Army


Date Type Dead Injured Location Details Perpetrator State Non-
1 Prison break 2 3 Niger Niamey, Niger Inmates at a prison in Niger's capital Niamey attempted to escape, killing two guards and injuring three others. Authorities were investigating how the group managed to get heavy weapons inside the building, which houses members of Boko Haram and other Islamist groups. On June 3, a government spokesman announced that a total of 22 people had escaped from the facility, including a member of AQIM.[116][117] Boko Haram/MOJWA
3 Suicide bombing 13 20 Afghanistan Paktia, Afghanistan A suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonated his explosives near a military convoy and government offices, killing two U.S. soldiers, an Afghan police officer and 10 children from a nearby school. At least twenty others were injured by the blast.[118] Afghan Taliban
6 Roadside bombing 2 2 Tunisia Kasserine, Tunisia Two Tunisian Army soldiers were killed and two others injured after their vehicle hit an IED near Jebel ech Chambi, close to the border with Algeria. More than twenty soldiers have been injured in similar attacks since the end of April, but this was the first fatal incident.[119] AQIM
6 Suicide bombing 7 9 Afghanistan Helmand, Afghanistan Seven ISAF soldiers from Georgia were killed and nine others injured after a suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden truck at the entrance to a FOB in the south of Afghanistan.[120] Afghan Taliban
7 Shooting 21 0 Nigeria Maiduguri, Nigeria A group of militants hiding automatic weapons inside a coffin prepared for burial attacked a government militia checkpoint in the northern city of Maiduguri, killing 13 people before being shot during an escape attempt.[121] Boko Haram
8 Car bombing 7 10 Syria Homs, Syria A car bomb ripped through an Alawite district in the central city of Homs, killing 7 and injuring 10 others on the same day that Syrian Army forces concluded a successful offensive to recapture the neighboring district.[122]
10 Bombings, shootings 94 289 Iraq across Iraq Insurgents staged another series of coordinated attacks across central and northern parts of Iraq, killing more than 90 people and injuring hundreds more. The incidents included a series of bombing and clashes in Mosul that killed 34 and wounded 123 others. Other attacks targeted Iraqi Army bases, markets, as well as police checkpoints.[123] Islamic State of Iraq
11 Suicide car bombings 17 40+ Afghanistan Kabul, Afghanistan Two suicide bombers detonated their explosives-laden vehicles in front of Afghanistan's Supreme Court building in a heavily fortified area of the capital Kabul. The attack, which targeted buses with court employees, killed at least 17 people and left dozens more injured.[124] Afghan Taliban
11 Suicide bombings 14 31 Syria Damascus, Syria Twin suicide bombers struck in front of a police station on Marjeh Square in the heart of Syria's capital Damascus, killing 14 people and injuring more than 30 others. Though frequently targeted in the past, this was the first major attack in the center of the city in more than six weeks.[125] Al Nusra Front
15 Shootings, stabbings 6 11 Libya Benghazi, Libya Hundreds of plain-clothed gunmen attacked security installations across Libya's second largest city, torching buildings and vehicles and killing six members of an elite Army unit. At least 11 people were injured in the assault, which was the second deadly incident to rock Benghazi in less than a week.[126]
15 Bombing 7 12 Somalia Wanlaweyn, Somalia A bomb ripped through a coffee shop in Wanlaweyn, 90 km away from the capital Mogadishu, killing seven people and injuring twelve others. The victims included civilians, as well as government soldiers.[127] al-Shabaab
15 Bombings, shootings 27 21 Pakistan across Pakistan A bomb destroyed a bus carrying students from a Quetta Women's University, while a subsequent blast took place at a nearby hospital treating victims from the first attack. In a separate attack, BLA militants destroyed the historical Quaid-e-Azam Residency near Ziarat.[128][129][130] Lashkar-e-Jhangvi / Balochistan Liberation Army
16 Bombings, shootings 54 174 Iraq across Iraq Insurgents set off a number of coordinated attacks across Iraq, killing more than 50 people and injuring scores more. Deadly attacks took place in Baghdad and Mosul, but most of the incidents focused on the country's south, including Kut, Najaf, Nassiriya and Basra.[131] Islamic State of Iraq
16 & 19 Shootings 22 0 Nigeria northern Nigeria A team of suspected Islamist militants attacked a school in Damaturu on June 16, killing 13 people, including students and teachers. Three days later a similar attack in the city of Maiduguri left nine students dead.[132] Boko HaramSuspected
18 Suicide bombing 28 60+ Pakistan Shergarh, Pakistan A suicide bomber detonated his vest at a funeral in northwest Pakistan, killing 28 and injuring scores more. Among those killed in the attack was Imran Khan Mohmand, who was previously an independent MPA.[133][134][135]
19 Bombing 22 20+ Somalia Mogadishu, Somalia A team of militants detonated a car bomb at the main UNDP base in the Somali capital and staged an assault on the compound which left 22 dead and dozens injured. Government forces were able to retake control of the site after a 90-minute shootout which killed 7 attackers, 7 civilians, 4 foreign UN security staff and 4 local guards.[136] al-Shabaab
21 Suicide bombing 15 25+ Pakistan Peshawar, Pakistan A suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shiite mosque in a Peshawar's Gulshan neighborhood, killing at least 15 and injuring dozens more. The perpetrators first gunned down a police officer and a security guard, before the suicide bomber went into the mosque.[137]
25 Suicide car bombing, shooting 3 Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan
A group of eight Taliban fighters cleared two high-level security clearances, entering one of the most heavily restricted areas in Kabul.[138] They detonated a series of suicide bombs near the eastern gate of the Afghanistan presidential palace, launching two rocket propelled grenades at the CIA headquarters in Afghanistan and engaging in a firefight with palace security guards.[139] Three Afghan guards were killed, as well as all of the eight Taliban fighters.[140] Afghan Taliban


  1. Reuters (2013-01-01). "4 killed, 50 injured as bomb goes off near MQM rally". DNA. Retrieved 2013-01-01.
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