Railway Staff College
The National Academy of Indian Railways formerly Railway Staff College a Centralised Training Institute trains Group A and Group B Railway Officers, beginning with freshly inducted probationary officers of all 10 organised Civil & Engineering services that form the management cadre of Indian Railways. The Academy also trains officers of other Group A services of the Government of India. The Academy is housed in a sprawling 55 acres campus of the Pratap Vilas Palace at Lalbaug, Vadodara. The Academy is headed by a Director General and manned by faculty drawn from the large talent pool of experienced Railway Officers from various disciplines.[1]
The Academy is housed in the Pratap Vilas Palace, Vadodara

Recommended by the Ackworth Committee set up by Government of India in 1920-21, The Railway Staff College was set up in 1930 at Prem Nagar, Dehradun District, where the Indian Military Academy is presently located, but was wound up shortly afterwards. The college was re-established on 31 January 1952 in its present regal and sylvan surroundings at Pratap Vilas Palace Vadodara built by Maharaja Sayaji Rao for his eldest son Fatehsing Rao who had recently married. Its construction was started on 15 February 1908 in the year when the last ruler of Baroda State, Pratapsingh Rao was born and his father Fatehsing Rao died. Named after Pratapsingh Rao, the palace was designed in the renaissance style by Charles F. Stevens, son of F.W. Stevens, the British Architect who designed the Victoria Terminus in Mumbai. The palace complex is built in 55 acres (220,000 m2) of well laid out gardens and wooded land enlivened by the calls of peacocks and migratory birds. The Palace is adorned by exquisite carvings of creepers, flowers, leaves, birds and animals and noted for its architectural grandeur highlighted with columns and arches. It has columns and arches drawn from South India, Central India, North India and Islamic tradition. The palace, completed in 1914, also known as Lalbaugh Palace or Prince’s Palace, was leased by the then Bombay Government on 31 January 1949 and given to the Railways for their use who subsequently purchased the property on 6 January 1964 for Rs 24,38,271.

Training of Personnel of Indian Railways
Indian Railways employs over 1.25 million personnel including 15,000 group ‘A’ and group ‘B’ officers. The Academy is the apex institution for Management Training of all Railway Officers and Professional Training for Officers of Accounts, Personnel, Stores and Medical departments including the centralised training for newly recruited IRAS, IRPS, IRSS and IRMS probationary officers.
Professional Training of all officers including centralized training of probationers of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Signal Engineering, Traffic Transportation and Commercial and Security departments of Indian Railways is conducted at six other Centralised Training Institutes (CTIs) viz,
- Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune
- Indian Railway Institute of Signal and Telecommunications Engineering, Secunderabad
- Indian Railway Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Jamalpur
- Indian Railway Institute of Electrical Engineering, Nasik
- Indian Railway Institute of Transportation Management, Lucknow
- Jagjivan Ram Railway Protection Force Academy Lucknow
The training of non-gazetted staff is conducted at 55 Main Training Centers and 222 Other Training Centers (i.e., Area Training Centers, Basic Training Centers, Divisional Training Centers, Multi Disciplinary Training Centers etc.[2]
Year | AFP | Centralized Probs. | Mandatory Courses | OUT courses | |
2010 | 181 | 35 | 1410 | 113 | 30 |
2011 | 375 | 105 | 1320 | 59 | 60 |
2012 | 551 | 83 | 1566 | 87 | 0 |
2013 | 433 | 91 | 1538 | 26 | 31 |
2014 | 400 | 194 | 1636 | 106 | 41 |
2015 | 537 | 740 | 1652 | 38 | 17 |
The Academy
Mr.Rajeev Gupta is the current Director General of the Academy. The faculty comprises of 24 railway experts drawn from various disciplines i.e., Finance, HR, Management, Engineering, Law, Safety, Security, Medicine, Rajbhasha etc.[3]
All the 7 CTIs of Indian Railways including NAIR function under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), with Training Directorate of the Board acting as the nodal Directorate.[4]
Training programmes for Probationary Officers
Group ‘A’ Foundation & Induction Programmes
The Foundation and Induction Programmes are 10 and 4 weeks combined programme for Probationers of all the 9 Organized Group A services which man the Indian Railways.
For IRMS Probationers, separate 4 week and 2 week Foundation and Induction Programmes are conducted respectively.
Centralized Training for IRAS, IRSS, IRPS & IRMS Probationers:
The Academy functions as a ‘Centralised Training Institute’, coordinating and assessing probationary training of officers belonging to ‘Indian Railway Accounts Service’, Indian Railway Personnel Service’, ‘Indian Railway Stores Service’ and Indian Railway Medical Service’. Training includes class room inputs, field training, visit to other CTIs for discipline specific modules.
Group ‘B’ Foundation and Induction Programmes:
The Group ‘B’ Foundation Programme of 4 week duration for recently promoted Group ‘B’ Officers of all departments gives an overview of the working of all departments. Classroom inputs are supplemented by field visits, educational tours and projects.
Four week Group ‘B’ Induction Programmes are conducted separately for Stores, Accounts and Personnel departments.
Mid Service Training Programme:
These programmes are offered in two different formats; one – the courses that gives general inputs of interest to all at a particular stage of their career and the other – the courses that give function specific or subject specific inputs only to relevant set of Managers.
Special Courses:
Large No of theme based special short term courses on various topics such as Right to Information Act, Discipline & Appeal Rules, Vigilance, Labour Laws, Safety, Hospital Management, Information Technology are conducted throughout the year
The latest schedule for training programmes can be found here.[5] 2016- Training Calendar of NAIR
Some of the important Seminars/Workshops conducted during 2015 were [6]
Interactive Workshop on Project Management through Alternate Financing on 29 and 30 June 2015. Over 30 COM/CTPM’s, CAO(Con)/ CE(Con)’s and FA&CAO (Con)’s from 12 freight loading Zonal Railways and several Executive Directors from Board as well as Adviser (Finance) participated in this 2 day event. The Workshop was inaugurated by Smt. Rajalakshmi Ravikumar, Ex Financial Commissioner (Railways) on 29th June 2015.
Workshop on Recruitment procedures for RRB Chairpersons has been organized from 22.06.15 to 24.06.15. Twenty five present and newly posted Chairpersons attended this Workshop. Shri Pradeep Kumar, Member Staff addressed the Chairpersons and offered valuable suggestions for improvement of the recruitment system through introduction of on-line recruitment procedures.
During this visit Member Staff also had an interaction with the faculty on the setting up of Rail University at NAIR and inspected the upcoming infrastructure facilities at NAIR.
As desired by Hon’ble Minister of Railways, NAIR has taken initiative to develop a “Good Governance Code” for Station Managers (Gaz.) on IR, since they are the Railways’ front-line executives. Accordingly, a Workshop on “ Good Governance Code” for Station Managers (Gaz.) was orgnaised at NAIR from 13.7.15 to 17.7.15. Total 15 Station Managers (Gaz.) from major stations participated in this Workshop.
Interdisciplinary Seminar on “Enhancing Productivity on IR through IT Applications” held on 29 & 30 October 2015 was attended by 12 senior Railway Officers viz. 6 from Traffic Department, 5 from Accounts Department & 1 from Personnel Department. During the deliberations it was emerged that IR can utilize its internal capacity to transport goods for internal consumption, thus reducing expenditure on transport and inventory. A report on the discussions held during the seminar along with the suggestions is being sent to Railway Board separately.
Sr. Professional Course for SAG IRAS officers was conducted from 16 to 20 November 2015. Nineteen officers attended the course. The course was inaugurated by Shri Devi Prasad Pandey, Retd. Member Traffic, Railway Board. Shri Sanjoy Mookerjee, Financial Commissioner (Railways), addressed the participants on 20 November 2015 on the imperatives of adopting and internalizing modern themes of more proactive professional approach to railway finances.
Considering a significant global opportunity for railway equipment, rolling stock, services and the current market volume for railway products, equipment and services at around EUR 162 billion per year, a two days seminar “Make in India for the World – Realizing export potential of Railway products & services” was organized on 15 and 16 December 2015 with the participation of Officers from Railways, Public Sector Units, Exim Bank, Directorate-General of Foreign Trade, and important private industries. The Seminar came up with vision and mission for exports along with a roadmap for positioning India as a dominant player on global stage. Constraints affecting railway exports, market and strategy for export, role of R&D for capturing export markets, future road map etc. were also discussed during the Seminar.
On the occasion a Working Paper titled “Make in India for the world – Realizing Export potential of Railways” prepared by EXIM Bank was released by Member Mechanical, Railway Board.
A ‘Startup Seminar’ was held at NAIR on 8th Dec. 2015. The Seminar was attended by 27 officers from Railway Board, Startups, Venture Capitalists and Incubators. and successful in its objective of assessing the expectations of startups, incubators and venture capitalists from the railways, as well as the potential for railways to benefit from them.
Training Programmes For Non-Railway Officers
International Programme on ‘Costing & Pricing of Rail Transport Services’ for Executives of Railways and other Transport sectors from BIMSTEC & Mekong-Ganga Cooperation and Allied Countries.(Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam and India).
Academic Support Services
Library & Cybrary
The library at National Academy of Indian Railways is rich with about 53,000 books. These include both Hindi & English books on various subjects like transport, economics, rail transport, psychology, management, law, finance, engineering, computer science, literature etc. More than 100 journals & government publications are subscribed. Five e-Journals are also subscribed here. Recently, database of NAIR library is put on at NIC’s (National Informatics Centre) e-Granthalaya portal with a cluster of five CTIs’ (IRICEN, IRISET, IRIEEN, IRITM & NAIR) and RDSO libraries. In future, Libraries of Zonal Railways and Production Units will also be put on this portal.
The Cybrary is equipped with PCs of latest configuration with internet connectivity, LaserJet printers and Scanners. Cybrary is open to guest officers from 0800 hours to midnight. A Facility Management System provides computer related support services to trainee officers. The website of the Academy nair.indianrailways.gov.in hosts important information like tenders, instructions to Guest officers etc. NAIR is also using various e-initiatives like Complaint Management System, online trainee registration, Feedback and lapel card application software, Time Tabling application software etc.
Model Room
The Academy has a well equipped model room displaying various types of train operating and signaling systems in use on Indian Railways. Probationers learn practical train operations by running working models of trains under a simulated hands-on environment. Model Room has working models of Route Relay Interlocking (RRI), Auxiliary Warning System (AWS), Automatic Block Signaling, Train Activated Warning at Level Crossings, Block Proving by Axle Counters, 4 Aspects Automatic Signal & Data Logger etc.
Rail Parisar is the official news letter of the Academy on activities other than academics. Abhivyakti[7] is an in house publication containing technical and literary articles both in Hindi and English.
Support Services

The Academy has three hostels, appropriately named as 'Pahune,' 'Mehman' and ‘Athithi’to accommodate about 203 officers in 100 air-conditioned rooms of Pahune and 43 rooms of Mehman and 25 rooms in Athithi. Pahune hostel has lift facility and two rooms are earmarked on ground floor for differently-abled officers. NAIR has a well equipped auditorium called ‘Sardar Patel Sabhagriha’, with a seating capacity of 250. Seminars, conferences, mock drill sessions, films, cultural functions etc. are organized on a regular basis in the sabhagriha.

The Academy has excellent sports infrastructure that includes- wooden floor Badminton courts, Synthetic surface Tennis courts, Basketball court, Volleyball court, Squash court, Swimming pool with sauna bath, Cricket ground, Billiards & Table tennis lounge and other indoor games. NAIR also has an air-conditioned Gymnasium with all modern equipments. Four wooden-floor badminton courts have been renovated with improved illumination. A small Golf green has been developed for beginners to develop putting/chipping skills.

New Sports Complex is coming up and is likely to be commissioned shortly. The progress of the work is in advanced stage of completion. It comprises one Squash court, three Badminton Courts one Air-conditioned Gym and one Billiards room. There is a viewing gallery on 1st floor for watching tournaments.
Mess :
The NAIR Officers Mess registered under an association of persons, i.e. Association for Assistance to Guest Officers (AANGO) is managed by a committee of officers. The committee comprises the elected mess representatives of ongoing training programs and few members of faculty nominated by Director General. It has two AC dining halls to jointly accommodate more than 400 users at a time. It is equipped with all necessary modern catering tools and plants, and other amenities. It runs on ‘no profit, no loss basis’ by engaging private mess workers and supervisors.
Important events
Inauguration of Knowledge Portal by Hon’ble Minister of Railways on 28.09.2015:
The Hon’ble Minister for Railways had desired that the training and learning environment of Indian Railways be upgraded so that it is in line with the “Digital India” campaign and is aggregated at one place i.e. online learning, virtual learning environment, virtual class rooms etc. all are available to the Railway personnel.
To partly fulfill this mission National Academy of Indian Railways, Vadodara has built a Knowledge Portal which has aggregated most of the available knowledge about Indian Railways at one location and has also tried to encompass as much knowledge as possible, by linking websites, documents etc. for dissemination of knowledge on Indian Railways.
Hon’ble MR inaugurated Knowledge Portal on 28.09.2015 at New Delhi through video conference. The occasion was graced by Members of the Board in Delhi and by Chairman, Railway Board, Member Staff, GM, Western Railway and other distinguished guests at NAIR, Vadodara. http://www.kportal.indianrailways.gov.in/
Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways visit on 17.4.15
Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways visited NAIR on 17/4/15 and inspected various facilities in the campus of NAIR including the new hostel under construction. He laid the Foundation stone at the new Sports complex being constructed in the NAIR campus. He also addressed the Probationary Officers undergoing Group ‘A’ Foundation Course at the Academy. His visit to NAIR was highly valuable and inspired the faculty, Probationary Officers and staff.
Dedication of New hostel “Athithi” to guest officers, and inauguration of renovated mess and the Heritage Arcade-cum-Souvenir Shop by Chairman, Railway Board on 28-09-2015:
Shri A.K. Mital, Chairman Railway Board inaugurated the first phase of the World Class Facilities viz. New Hostel “Athithi”, renovated Mess and opened the Heritage Arcade-cum-Souvenir Shop to the public on 28/9/15. During the visit he addressed the Faculty Members of NAIR and also inspected Sports Complex- existing and under development.
External links
Coordinates: 22°16′50″N 73°12′01″E / 22.2806°N 73.2002°E