Transformers: Universe
Transformers: Universe is a line of toys that consists of re-painted and re-released toys from various Transformers lines of toys. For the comic book series see Transformers Universe (comic book).
Toy line
Transformers: Universe is a Transformers comic series and toy line that introduced repainted versions of past figures. The Transformers: Universe toy line traces its origins back to when Hasbro imported the Transformers: Car Robots toy line from Takara and called it Transformers: Robots in Disguise. Although they made most Hasbro versions of the Car Robots characters, they also released a number of repainted molds from previous toy lines and released them as part of the Robots in Disguise line. When the Robots in Disguise line ended and Transformers: Armada started, the repainted product line was given its own title: Transformers: Universe.
Transformers: Universe toys
2002 toys
Although the Transformers: Universe line didn't start until late 2003, several convention exclusives were released in 2002 bearing the Transformers: Expanded Universe title, and they were worked into the Universe line. These were sold at BotCon.
- CatSCAN - Redeco of Beast Machines Night Slash Cheetor
- Cyclonus - Redeco of Beast Machines Jetstorm, a BotCon 2002 exclusive
- Glyph - Recolor of Generation 1 Bumblebee keychain. A BotCon 2002 exclusive
- Rook - Recolor of Generation 1 Windcharger keychain. A BotCon Europe 2002 exclusive
2003 toys

- Optimus Primal - Redeco of first Beast Wars gorilla version as an Autobot
- Optimus Prime - Redeco of Robots in Disguise version in yellow
- Razorclaw - Redeco of Beast Wars Tigerhawk as a Decepticon
- Reptilion - Redeco of Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Iguanus as a Decepticon
- Roulette & Shadow Striker- BotCon 2003 exclusive remolds of Robots in Disguise Side BurnmkoPGDI as a female Autobot and Decepticon
- Sideswipe - Remold of Robots in Disguise Prowl. A convention exclusive
- Silverbolt - Redeco of Beast Wars Fuzor as an Autobot
- Snarl - Redeco of Beast Machines Snarl as an Autobot
- Sunstreaker - Remold of Robots in Disguise Prowl. A convention exclusive
- Tankor & Obsidian - Redeco of Beast Machines version, packaged with Obsidian as Decepticons
- Ultra Magnus - Redeco of Robots in Disguise version
2004 toys
- Air Raid vs. Wind Sheer - A Decepticon and Autobot set of redecoed Generation 2 Cyberjets sold together under the Deluxe size class
- Blackarachnia - Redeco of Beast Machines version as a Decepticon
- Bonecrusher - Micromaster forms part of Devastator
- Buckethead - Micromaster, forms part of Devastator
- Crystal Widow vs. Oil Slick - A redeco of Beast Machines Blackarachnia as an Autbot with a remold of Armada Sideswipe as a Decepticon and Mini-Con Search and Destroy), a K-Mart store exclusive
- Depthcharge - 2004 redeco of Beast Wars version as an Autobot, came with Cybershark drone. Hasbro designer Aaron Archer claimed at BotCon 2004 that this toy's color scheme was meant to resemble Boba Fett's Slave-1
- Dirt Boss - Armada Dirt Boss packaged with a tiny tin
- Downshift - Armada Downshift packaged with a tiny tin
- Fireflight - 2004 redeco of Beast Machines Spy Streak as an Autobot. Came packaged with repaints of the Armada Mini-Cons Firebot and Thunderwing Sold together as a Deluxe sized set
- First Aid - 2004 Micromaster redeco of Sireen, forms part of Defensor, a KayBee Toys store exclusive
- Autobot Groove - 2004 Micromaster redeco of Glide - forms part of Defensor, a Kaybee store exclusive
- Hightower - Micromaster forms part of Devastator
- Hoist - A redeco of Robots in Disguise Spy Changer X-Brawn
- Hot Spot - 2004 Micromaster redeco of Neo-Wheel, forms part of Defensor, a Kaybee store exclusive
- Inferno - 2005 redeco of Transformers: Robots in Disguise Prowl, painted in a style resembling Generation One Red Alert. According to Glen Hallit, had the Transformers: Universe comic continued, this character would have been a reincarnation of Beast Wars Inferno
- Autobot Jazz - A redeco of Robots In Disguise Spy Changer Side Burn as Generation 1 Jazz
- King Atlas - A redeco of Predator Skyquake/Machine Wars Starscream as an Autobot, designed to resemble the Japanese-exclusive character Dai Atlas
- Longhaul - Micromaster forms part of Devastator
- Megazarak - Redeco of Armada Megatron and GalvatronComes with the Mini-Con Caliburn, a redeco of Armada Leader-1. A convention exclusive
- Mirage - Armada Mirage packaged with a tiny tin
- Nemesis Prime - Redeco of Japanese Big Convoy, a Target store exclusive Decepticon
- Nemesis Strika - Repaint of Beast Machines Strika as a Decepticon
- Optimus Prime - 2004 repaint of Robots in Disguise Spy Changer Scourge painted to resemble Generation 1 Optimus Prime
- Optimus Prime & Prowl- 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise Spy Changer in yellow, packaged with Spy Changer Prowl colored to resemble Generation 1 Red Alert. A Walmart exclusive
- Prowl - 2004 redeco of Road Police, forms part of Defensor
- Prowl - 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise Prowl. A Walmart exclusive
- Quickmix - Micromaster, forms part of Devastator
- Ramjet - Redeco of Armada Skywarp, Toys-R-Us exclusive Came with redecos of the Mini-Cons Thunderclash and the Air Military Team
- Autobot Ratchet - 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise X-Brawn
- Red Alert - 2004 redeco of Discharge, forms part of Defensor
- Ruination - Combined form of the Commandos, a redeco of the Robots in Disguise set. A Walmart exclusive
- Scavenger - Micromaster, forms part of Devastator
- Sentinel Maximus - Redeco and remold of Transformers: Armada Overload. His Mini-Con/Headmaster partner was originally to be named Hyperlinq, although it is meant to be the same character as Apelinq, with Sentinel Maximus acting as a fusion of Apelinq and Primal Prime. The Mini-Con's name was changed to Ape-Linq for the final release through Hasbro
- Side Burn - 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise Side Burn. A Walmart exclusive
- Silverstreak - Repaint of Robots in Disguise Side Swipe
- Skydive - 2004 redeco of Beast Machines Skydive as an Autobot
- Skywarp - Repaint of Beast Machines Deluxe Jetstorm, painted in the colors of Generation 1 Skywarp. Although he is a Decepticon, in the comics he is not allied with Unicron's Decepticon forces, but is a member of the Wreckers, a mostly Autobot and Maximal group
- Smokescreen vs. Ransack - A redeco of Armada Smokescreen, with Mini-Con, packaged in a "Battle in a Box" with Decepticon Ransack, a redeco of Armada Hoist and Mini-Con Liftor
- Soundwave & Spacecase - Repaint of the Machine Wars version painted to resemble Generation 1 Soundwave, packaged with a redeco of Generation 2 Spacecase
- Stockade & Magna Stampede - 2004 redeco of Beast Machines Tank Drone. Sold with Magna Stampede redecoand 2 Mini-Cons, Armada Prowl and Terradive redecos
- Streetwise - 2004 redeco of Circuit II, forms part of Defensor
- Dinobot Striker - 2004 redeco of Beast Wars Neo Saberback as an Autobot
- Sunstorm - Redeco of Armada Thrust, packaged with Mini-Con Inferno (redeco of the Armada Mini-Con Inferno) and a redecoed Armada Street Action Team. A Walmart exclusive
- Swerve - 2004 redeco of Armada Blurr (came packaged with the Mini-Con Roadhandler, a repaint of the Armada Mini-Con Incinerator)
- Dinobot Triceradon - 2004 redeco of Beast Wars Neo Guiledart as an Autobot
- Ultra Magnus & Ironhide - Redecos of Robots in Disguise Spy Changer Ultra Magnus and Generation 2 Go-Bot Motormouth. A Walmart exclusive
- Ultra Magnus vs. Treadshot - Redeco of Armada Optimus Prime as the Generation 1 character, with the Mini-Con Over-Run.Packaged in a "Battle in a Box" set with Treadshot (a remold of Armada Side Swipe) and the Mini-Con Nightbeat
- Wheeljack - A redeco of Robots In Disguise Spy Changer Daytonus
- Autobot Whirl - 2004 redeco of Turbomaster Rotorstorm painted to look like Generation 1 Whirl
A trio of six packs of Armada Mini-Cons were released under the Transformers: Energon toyline, but according to the official Hasbro website these packs were described as Transformers: Universe toys. The sets included Adventure and Sea teams, the Race and Space teams. and the Night Attack and Road Wrecker teams.
2005 toys
- Arcee - Repackage of Energon Arcee
- Barricade - Rerelease of Energon Barricade, overstock sold at closeout stores like Big Lots
- Blastcharge - Black repaint of Beast Machines version
- Night Slash Cheetor - Redeco of Beast Machines Night Slash Cheetor as an Autobot
- Doom-Lock - Repackage of Energon Doomlock
- Downshift - Kaybee store exclusive redeco of Energon Downshift
- Frostbite - A redeco of Beast Wars Transmetal II Jawbreaker as a Decepticon
- Insecticon - Rerelease of Energon Insecticon, available in Family Dollar stores
- Longhorn - A redeco of Beast Wars transmetal 2 Ramulus. This toy was actually called Transformers: Universe Ramulus on the Hasbro web site, but in the box it was labeled Longhorn
- Perceptor - A repackage of the Transformers: Energon Mini-Con set
- Ramjet - BotCon 2005 exclusive redeco of Legends of Cybertron Starscream in the colors of Universe Ramjet
- Sharkticon - Repackage of Energon Sharkticon
- Snowcat - Kaybee store exclusive redeco of Energon Snowcat
- Skywarp - SDCC 2005 exclusive redeco of Legends of Cybertron Starscream in the colors of Generation 1 Skywarp
- Steamhammer - Rerelease of Energon Steamhammer, similar to Barricade
- Storm Jet - Repackage of Energon Storm Jet
- Energon Strong Arm - Repackage of Energon Energon Strongarm
- Windrazor - Repackage of Energon Windrazor
2006 toys
- Air Raid – Micromaster Autobot
- Bonecrusher & Scavenger – Repaint of Robots in Disguise Build Team members painted to look like Generation 1 Constructicon Bonecrusher and Scavenger. A Target store exclusive
- Autobot Camshaft – 2006 repackage of the second clear recolor Spy Changer W.A.R.S. with a new bio. Character is supposed to be a homage to the Generation 1 Omnibot Camshaft, but isn't the same color. Exclusive to Family Dollar stores
- Cruellock – Repackage of Energon Cruellock
- Energon Saber – Repackaged Energon Saber team under the Universe label sold at discount stores
- Fireflight – Micromaster Autobot
- Hoist – 2006 repackage of the second clear recolor Spy Changer Ironhide with a new bio. Character is supposed to be a homage to the Generation 1 Hoist. Exclusive to Family Dollar stores
- Long Haul & Hightower – Repaint of Robots in Disguise Build Team members painted to look like Generation 1 Constructicon Long Haul and Hook. A Target store exclusive
- Midnight Express – Micromaster Autobot
- Mirage – 2006 repackage of the second clear recolor Spy Changer Mirage with a new bio. Character is supposed to be a homage to the Generation 2 Go-Bot Mirage (with which it shares the same mold). Exclusive to Family Dollar stores.
- Overbite with Repugnus – Repaint of Beast Wars Second Hellscream as a Decepticon with a redeco of Beast Wars Buzzclaw as an Autobot, painted as a homage to Generation 1 Repugnus. A Target store exclusive
- Overload - Micromaster Autobot
- Railspike - Micromaster Autobot
- Rapid Run - Micromaster Autobot
- Ro-Tor - Micromaster Autobot.
- Skydive - Micromaster Autobot
- Signal Flare - Repackage of the Energon toy
- Silverbolt - Micromaster Autobot
- Storm Jet - 2006 repaint of Micromaster Raker, a former Japanese exclusive in Generation 1
- Tankor - Micromaster Autobot
- Terradive - Repackage of Energon Terradive
- Treadshot - Repackage of Energon Treadshot
- Wideload - Repackage of Energon Wideload
2007 toys
- Backstop - A repackage of Cybertron Scout class toy, released at discount shops
- Brakedown - A repackage of Cybertron Scout class toy, released at discount shops
- Brushguard - A repackage of Cybertron Scout class toy, released at discount shops
- Downshift vs. Cannonball - Repackaged Deluxe toys from the Cybertron line. First seen stores in the Philippines, these toys were released in the U.S. on Black Friday 2007 in Walmart stores
- Excellion vs. Thundercracker - Repackaged Deluxe toys from the Cybertron line. First seen stores in the Philippines, these toys were released in the U.S. on Black Friday 2007 in Walmart stores
- Lugnutz - A repackage of Cybertron Scout class toy, released at discount shops
- Optimus Prime vs. Megatron The Ultimate battle - A repackage of the Classic Deluxe 2-pack as Universe toys
- Scattorshot - A repackage of Cybertron Scout class toy, released at discount shops
- Autobot Swerve - Transforms into a Chevrolet Aveo, released in Europe as a giveaway to people who test-drove the Aveo. Excess stock was later sold on GM's European website
- Undermine - A repackage of Cybertron Scout class toy, released at discount shops
2008 toys
Hasbro announced more Transformers: Universe toys targeted for release in the fall of 2008. This line continued the Classics and Robot Heroes toylines and was expected to include about half new molds and half redecos of old molds. According to reports at Toy Fair UK 2008 the line would include Beast Wars characters. Botcon 2008 announced more new figures.[1] Among the figures expected were:
Animated series
- Bumblebee - A new Legends class mold
- Optimus Prime - A new Legends class mold
- Prowl - A new Legends class mold
- Starscream - A new Legends class mold
Armada series
- Mini-Con 12 Pack - A K-Mart store exclusive 12 pack redecos of the Classics Mini-Cons toys
- Unicron with Dead End - A re-release of the Armada Unicron toy. A Toys R' Us store exclusive
Beast Wars series
- Cheetor - A new Deluxe sized mold.[2]
- Robot Heroes Rattrap vs. Blackarachnia
- Robot Heroes Cheetor vs. Megatron II
- Robot Heroes Optimus Primal vs. Tarantulas
Beast Machines series
- Robot Heroes Cheetor vs. Tankor
- Robot Heroes Optimus Primal vs. Jetstorm
Classics series
- Acid Storm - A redeco of Classics Starscream
- Aerial Rivals - A five pack of Legends class toys sold as a Target store exclusive. Air Raid is a redeco of Cybertron Soundwave. Blades is a redeco of Cybertron Evac. Ramjet is a redeco of Cybertron Starscream. Skydive is a redeco of Cybertron Jetfire. Thrust is a redeco of Cybertron Starscream
- Blades - A redeco of Cybertron Voyager Class Evac
- Blaster with partner Blockrock - Redeco of Cybertron Voyager Soundwave and Laserbeak
- Dropshot - A redeco of Cybertron Cybertron Defense Scattorshot as a Decepticon
- Galvatron - A Classics-style remake of the Generation 1 character. Deluxe sized toy
- Heavy Load with Drillbit - A Decepticon redeco of Cybertron Voyager Quickmix
- Ironhide - A Classics-style remake of the Generation 1 character. Deluxe sized red SUV with Oregon plates
- Hound - A Legends class new mold
- Jazz - A Legends class new mold
- Leadership Team - A five pack of Legends class toys sold as a Target store exclusive. Hot Zone is a redeco of Cybertron Optimus Prime. Hun-Gurrr is a redeco of Cybertron Scourge. Razorclaw is a redeco of Cybertron Leobreaker. Scattorshot is a redeco of Cybertron Vector Prime Silverbolt is a redeco of Cybertron Thundercracker
- Megatron - A Legends class new mold that turns into a tank
- Nemesis Prime - Voyager redeco of Classics Optimus Prime in the style of the recent evil version of the character. It was a SDCC 2008 exclusive.[3]
- Onslaught - A Classics-style remake of the Generation 1 character. An Ultra size mold.[4]
- Onslaught - A redeco of Cybertron Legends Red Alert in the colors of Generation 1 Onslaught.[5]
- Powerglide - An Ultra sized mold
- Prowl - A Classics-style remake of the Generation 1 character. Deluxe size toy
- Red Alert - A redeco of Cybertron Legends Hot Shot in the colors of Generation 1 Red Alert
- Sideswipe - Remold of Universe Deluxe Sunstreaker
- Silverbolt - A Classics-style remake of the Generation 1 character. Ultra sized, first appeared at the 2008 Australian Toy Fair.[6]
- Silverstreak - Remold of Universe Deluxe Prowl
- Starscream - A redeco of Cybertron Legends Thundercracker in the colors of Generation 1 Starscream
- Stormcloud - A black, purple and green redeco of Universe Ultra Powerglide
- Sunstreaker - A Classics-style remake of the Generation 1 character. Deluxe size
- Tankor - Deluxe sized toy. A Classics-style remake of the Generation 1 character Octane
- Tread Bolt - A redeco of Classics Voyager Jetfire in the colors of the Generation 1 Micromaster Tread Bolt
Cybertron series
- Optimus Prime vs. Crumplezone - A re-release of Cybertron Leader Class Galaxy Force Optimus Prime and Cybertron Voyager Class Crumplezone
- Optimus Prime, Blurr & Longrack vs. Buzzsaw & Runamuck "Battle for the Cyber Planet Keys" - A 5-Pack of Deluxe class figures which include Cyberton Deluxe Optimus Prime, in a G1 redeco, Cyberton Blurr, Cybertron Longrack, Cybertron Runamuck, and Cybertron Buzzsaw
Generation 1 series
- Beachcomber - Legends class figure, a new mold
- Brawn - Legends class figure, a new mold
- Bumblebee - A Legends class version of his Classics toy in G1 colors
- Optimus Prime - A re-release of the Generation 1 Optimus Prime toy. Includes brand new box art, a sound box, a remastered Generation 1 DVD, and possibly more
- Roadbuster vs. Dirge "Autobot Ambush" - A Target store exclusive. Redecos of Cybertron Cybertron Defense Hot Shot and Cybertron Voyager Starscream
- Robot Heroes Sunstreaker vs. Galvatron
- Robot Heroes Hound vs. Blitzwing
- Robot Heroes Arcee vs. Rumble
- Robot Heroes Perceptor vs. Hardshell (Hardshell is the Insecticon Bombshell renamed)
- Robot Heroes Snarl vs. Sharkticon (Snarl is the Dinobot Slag renamed, Sharkticon is the Sharkticon Gnaw renamed)
Generation 2 series
- Inferno - A Voyager sized Fire Truck. First shown at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con International
Robots in Disguise series
- Robot Heroes Optimus Prime vs. Megatron. First shown at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con International
Special Edition series
- Drag Strip - A redeco of Classics Mirage to look like the Generation 1 Stunticon[7]
- Megatron - A redeco of Classics Deluxe Megatron from "The Ultimate Battle" 2-Pack with Optimus Prime, this time with a G1 paint scheme[8]
- Optimus Prime - A redeco of Classics Deluxe Optimus Prime from "The Ultimate Battle" 2-Pack with Megatron, this time with an improved G1-style paint scheme[9]
- Overkill - A redeco of Classics Grimlock to look like the Generation 1 character, who originally transformed into a cassette tape[10]
War Within series
- Springer vs. Ratbat "Standoff Beneath the Streets" - A Target store exclusive. Includes a redeco of Cybertron Evac as Springer and a redeco of Cybertron Sideways as Ratbat
2009 toys
The Universe line continued with several new series in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the franchise. The Classics series is discontinued and replaced by the Generation 1 series. This year saw the Transformers: Titanium line rolled into the Universe label.
Armada series
- Hot Shot with Jolt - A new Deluxe mold for Armada Hot Shot in more cartoon accurate colors. Comes with Jolt which can connect to Hot Shot but does not activate anything
- Mini-Con 10 pack
Beast Wars series
- Dinobot - A new Deluxe sized mold
- Leo Prime - A remold of Cybertron Voyager Leobreaker in the colors of Optimus Prime, including a new head to resemble Prime's head
- Leo Prime redeco - A remold of Cybertron Voyager Leobreaker in the colors of Beast Wars Second Lio Convoy. A Target store exclusive
- Robot Heroes Tigatron vs. Inferno
Cybertron series
- Overload - A redeco of Cybertron Cybertron Defense Scattorshot done as an upgrade of the Armada character
- Vector Prime with Safeguard - A redeco of the Cybertron toy in the colors of Dinobot
Generation 1 series
- Bruticus Maximus - A redeco of Energon Bruticus Maximus done as a homage to the Generation 1 Combaticons, with Onslaught, Vortex, Brawl, Swindle, now a helicopter, and Blast Off, now a tank
- Cyclonus with Nightstick - Deluxe sized toy with Targetmaster partner
- Cosmos - A Legends class figure. First shown at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con International
- Countdown - A redeco of Cybertron Cybertron Defense Red Alert as the Generation 1 Micromaster. A Toys R Us store exclusive
- Darkwind - A redeco of Universe Silverbolt as the Generation 1 Powermaster. A Toys R Us store exclusive
- Hardhead - A redeco of Universe Ultra Onslaught. A Walmart exclusive
- Hound vs. Ravage - A Deluxe sized toy for Hound with a cassette Ravage
- Rodimus - A new Legends class mold
- Insecticons - Encore reissue of Bombshell, Shrapnel and Kickback, released as a Toys R Us exclusive 3 pack
- Perceptor - Encore reissue of Perceptor, released as a TRU exclusive
- Powerglide - A redeco of the last Universe Ultra Powerglide, this time in more Generation 1 accurate colors
- Autobot Ratchet - A remold of Universe Classic Series Ironhide
- Robot Heroes Prowl vs. Laserbeak
- Robot Heroes Ricochet vs. Predaking
- Smokescreen - Redeco of Universe Deluxe Prowl. First seen on the front page of issue #23 of the Transformers Collectors' Club Magazine due out in October/November
- Starscream - A redeco of the Classics toy with a more Generation 1-accurate color scheme
- Superion - A redeco of Energon Superion Maximus done as a homage to the Generation 1 Aerialbots, with Silverbolt, Air Raid, Fireflight, Skydive, and Airazor, the new name for Slingshot due to trademark reasons
- Warpath - A new Legends class mold
- Wheelie - A new Legends class mold
- Robot Heroes Victory Saber vs. Dessarus (Victory Saber and Dessarus are Star Saber and Deathsaurus from Transformers: Victory)
- Soundwave - Encore reissue of Soundwave included Ratbat, to be released as an SDCC exclusive
Generation 2 series
- Skyfall - A redeco of Universe Ultra Silverbolt as the Generation 2 character Skyjack. A Walmart exclusive
Robots in Disguise series
- Predacon Bruticus - A redeco of Cybertron Ultra Scourge as the Predacon character from Robots in Disguise
- Robot Heroes Optimus Prime vs. Megatron
Titanium series
- Hot Zone - A redeco of 6 inch Titanium Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime. A Target store exclusive
- Optimus Prime - A redeco of 6 inch Titanium War Within Optimus Prime. A Target store exclusive
- Thrust - A redeco of 6 inch Titanium War Within Thundercracker. A Target store exclusive
Unreleased Transformers: Universe Toys
A number of toys for the Transformers: Universe line were proposed, but were never produced.
- Alpha Trion - Repaint of Beast Machines Snarl
- Blackarachnia - Repaint of the original Tarantulas/Blackarachnia mold. Was going to be released as a Wal-Mart exclusive "Horrorcon Halloween" two-pack with Leatherhide
- Brawn - Remold of Energon Strongarm as a homage to Generation 1 Brawn
- Defensor - remold of Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime
- Wreckers Devcon - repaint of Beast Machines Mirage
- Devcon - Repaint of Energon Slugslinger
- Drench with Mini-Con Wind Sheer - Repaint of Armada Wheeljack as a homage to Generation 2 Drench with Armada Mini-Con Wind Sheer repaint Was going to be released as a Target exclusive two-pack with Smokescreen. [ 1 ]
- Transmetal Fractyl - Repaint of Beast Wars Transmetal Terrorsaur
- Leatherhide - Repaint of Beast Wars Mutant Soundwave. Was going to be released as a Wal-Mart exclusive "Horrorcon Halloween" two-pack with Blackarachnia
- Megatron - Remold of Robots in Disguise Megatron as a homage to Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Megatron as a post-Beast Machines version of the character; was later produced as an exclusive for BotCon 2016.
- Menasor - Decepticon repaint of Generation 1 Thunderclash. Was going to be called Motormaster at one point, but that name was unavailable
- Nightprowler - Repaint of the original Beast Wars Cheetor mold. Was going to be released as a Wal-Mart exclusive "Horrorcon Halloween" two-pack with Waspinator
- Ramulus - Repaint of Beast Wars Ramulus in the green colors had in early issues of the Wreckers comic
- Roadbuster - Remold of Energon Strongarm as a homage to Generation 1 Roadbuster
- Rotorbolt - Purple recolor of Beast Machines Obsidian.
- Seacons - Redecos of the Generation 1 Seacons. Released instead as a Transformers Fan Club exclusive under the Timelines series
- Smokescreen with Mini-Con Jolt - Repaint of Armada Hot Shot as a homage to Generation 1 Smokescreen with Armada Mini-Con Jolt repaint. Was going to be released as a Target exclusive two-pack with Drench
- Spacewarp - Decepticon repaint of Armada Jetfire, a homage to Generation 1 Astrotrain. Was going to be released as a Toys "R" Us exclusive with repaints of the Armada Space Team. The concept was revived by Master Collector for a club exclusive figure in 2007, this time as a new version of Astrotrain featuring repaints of the Transformers: Cybertron Giant Planet Mini-Con team. The original concept was later characterized as a female Decepticon who served as a guest host on the "Ask Vector Prime" Facebook blog before getting her own spinoff, Spacewarp's Log.
- Waspinator - A repaint of Transmetal Waspinator. Was going to be released as a Wal-Mart exclusive "Horrorcon Halloween" two-pack with Nightprowler
- ↑ The Allspark: Transformers News, Transformers The Movie News, Beast Wars, G1 - BotCon: Hasbro Panel!
- ↑ Transformers Universe Beast Wars Series - Maximal Cheetor - Product Detail
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- ↑ Transformers - Universe - Great Toys & Games At
- ↑ Transformers Universe Classic Series - Onslaught - Product Detail
- ↑ Universe (Classic 2.0) Ultra-Class Silverbolt Revealed at Australian Toy Fair - Transformers News
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