Robinsonekspedisjonen 2007

Robinsonekspedisjonen: 2007, was the seventh season of the Norwegian version of the Swedish show Expedition Robinson and it premiered on the 9th of September 2007 and aired until the 2nd of December 2007. As this was the first season of Robinson to air since its initial cancellation in 2007, the producers decided to take the show back to its roots. However, there were a few twists throughout the season, the first being that the eighteen initial contestants were forced to compete in an endurance competition before they were split into teams. The two contestants to quit the competition first were eliminated. The next twist came in episode two in which a joker, Linni Meister, entered the game. In episode four, Merete Svenningdal was voted as the least deserving person to win the game by her fellow South team members. Following the vote, Merete was moved to the North team. Following Gunnar Norbeck's evacuation in episode eleven, Peter Arambasic, who had been eliminated in a challenge just prior to the merge, returned to the game in his place. Norbeck was eventually eliminated in a duel against Anne-Grete. In episode thirteen, Kenneth and Vibeke had to compete in a duel in order to determine who would return to the game. Ultimately, it was Ann-Kristin Otnes who won the season with a jury vote of 5-3 over Anne-Grete Strand.

Finishing order

Contestant Original
Episode 4
Christine Buch
23, Sarpsborg
None First to quit Challenge
Day 1
Michael Torød
26, Tromsø
Second to quit Challenge
Day 1
Stine Hemstad
27, Oslo
North Team 1st Voted Out
Day ?
Hilde-Gunn Sorteberg
43, Ås
North Team 2nd Voted Out
Day ?
Bjørn Vordahl
45, Tønsberg
North Team North Team 3rd Voted Out
Day ?
Erling Christiansen
24, Oslo
South Team South Team 4th Voted Out
Day ?
Merete Svenningdal
32, Narvik
South Team North Team 5th Voted Out
Day ?
John Wiig
24, Hunndalen
North Team North Team 6th Voted Out
Day ?
Linni Meister
21, Oslo
North Team North Team 7th Voted Out
Day ?
Peter Arambasic
Returned to the Game
South Team South Team Lost Challenge
Day ?
Fredrik Jensen
23, Hundvåg
North Team North Team Robinson 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day ?
Gunnar Norbeck
31, Oslo
North Team North Team Left Competition
2nd Jury Member
Day ?
Isak Ladegård
23, Oslo
South Team South Team 9th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day ?
Peter Arambasic
47, Kristiansand
South Team South Team Lost Duel
4th Jury Member
Day ?
Kenneth Meland
26, Stavanger
South Team South Team Lost Duel
5th Jury Member
Day ?
Bente Furu
36, Drøbak
North Team North Team 10th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day ?
Vibeke Austad
29, Stokke
South Team South Team Lost Challenge
7th Jury Member
Day ?
Alice Balto
27, Alta
South Team South Team Lost Challenge
8th Jury Member
Day ?
Anne-Grete Strand
27, Oslo
South Team South Team Runner-Up
Day 47
Ann-Kristin Otnes
27, Lillestrøm
South Team South Team Sole Survivor
Day 47

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, April 14, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.