Soyuz 39
Soyuz 39 was a 1981 Soviet manned space flight to the Salyut 6 space station. It was the fifteenth expedition, and carried the eighth international crew to the orbiting facility.[2] The crew visited Vladimir Kovalyonok and Viktor Savinykh, who had reached Salyut-6 ten days prior.
The flight carried Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Jügderdemidiin Gürragchaa into space. With this mission, Gürragchaa became the first Mongolian, and second Asian cosmonaut.
The Mongolian contribution for this mission had begun in 1967, when the president of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences Bazaryn Shirendev attended a conference of scientists from socialist countries in Moscow, where the Intercosmos project was announced.[3] Dzhanibekov and Gürragchaa performed about thirty experiments during the course of the mission.[4]
Backup crew
Mission parameters
- Mass: 6800 kg
- Perigee: 197.5 km
- Apogee: 282.8 km
- Inclination: 51.6°
- Period: 89.01 minutes
Mission highlights

Coin commemorating the joint USSR-Mongolian spaceflight
Soyuz 39 docked with the first Mongolian cosmonaut aboard. The resident EO-6 crew assisted the Intercosmos crew with station equipment and oriented the station according to the needs of the visiting crew's experiments.
On 24 March, the cosmonauts installed cosmic ray detectors in the station's work and transfer compartments. On 26 March the cosmonauts performed the Illuminator ("viewing port") experiment, which studied the degradation of the station’s viewports. On 27 March, Vladimir Kovalyonok and Viktor Savinykh of the resident crew used the Gologramma ("hologram") apparatus to image a viewing port damaged by micrometeoroids. They repeated this experiment the next day, when they also collected samples of the station’s air and microflora and removed the cosmic ray detectors for return to Earth. 28-29 March were largely devoted to studies of Mongolia from space. The visiting crew also checked out their spacecraft on 29 March
The Soviet news service TASS noted that by 29 March, Salyut 6 had conducted 20,140 revolutions of Earth.
- 1 2 McDowell, Jonathan. "SATCAT". Jonathan's Space Pages. Retrieved 24 March 2014.
- ↑ The mission report is available here:
- ↑ "Сансрын хамтарсан нислэг". Retrieved 21 March 2012.
- ↑ "Зөвлөлт-монголын сансрын хамтарсан нислэгийн үеэр хийсэн эрдэм шинжилгээний сорил, туршилтууд". Retrieved 21 March 2012.
External links
| Main topics | |
| Uncrewed missions | |
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| Satellites |
- Interkosmos 1
- Interkosmos 2
- Interkosmos 3
- Interkosmos 4
- Interkosmos 5
- Interkosmos 6
- Interkosmos 7
- Interkosmos 8
- Interkosmos 9
- Interkosmos 10
- Interkosmos 11
- Interkosmos 12
- Interkosmos 13
- Interkosmos 14
- Interkosmos 15
- Interkosmos 16
- Interkosmos 17
- Interkosmos 18
- Interkosmos 19
- Interkosmos 20
- Interkosmos 21
- Interkosmos 22
- Interkosmos 23
- Interkosmos 24
- Interkosmos 25
- Interkosmos 26
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| Manned flights | |
| Kosmos 1237 | Molniya-3 No.25 | Kosmos 1238 | Kosmos 1239 | Kosmos 1240 | Kosmos 1241 | Musson No.11 | Progress 12 | Kosmos 1242 | Molniya 1-49 | Kosmos 1243 | Interkosmos 21 | Kiku 3 | Kosmos 1244 | Kosmos 1245 | Kosmos 1246 | Kosmos 1247 | Hinotori | Comstar D4 | OPS 1166 | Kosmos 1248 | Kosmos 1249 | Kosmos 1250 · Kosmos 1251 · Kosmos 1252 · Kosmos 1253 · Kosmos 1254 · Kosmos 1255 · Kosmos 1256 · Kosmos 1257 | Soyuz T-4 | Kosmos 1258 | OPS 7350 | Kosmos 1259 | Gran' No.18L | Kosmos 1260 | Soyuz 39 | Molniya-3 No.24 | Yantar-2K No.979 | Kosmos 1261 | Kosmos 1262 | Kosmos 1263 | STS-1 | Kosmos 1264 | Kosmos 1265 | Kosmos 1266 | OPS 7225 | Kosmos 1267 | Kosmos 1268 | Kosmos 1269 | Soyuz 40 | Meteor-2 No.8 | Nova-1 | Kosmos 1270 | Kosmos 1271 | Kosmos 1272 | Kosmos 1273 | GOES 5 | Intelsat V F-1 | Rohini RS-D1 | Kosmos 1274 | Kosmos 1275 | Molniya-3 No.30 | Kosmos 1276 | Kosmos 1277 | Meteosat 2 · APPLE · CAT-3 | Kosmos 1278 | NOAA-7 | Molniya 1-50 | Ekran No.21L | Kosmos 1279 | Kosmos 1280 | Kosmos 1281 | Meteor-Priroda 2-4 · Iskra 1 | Kosmos 1282 | Kosmos 1283 | Kosmos 1284 | Gran' No.19L | DE-1 · DE-2 | Kosmos 1285 | Kosmos 1286 | FLTSATCOM 5 | Kosmos 1287 · Kosmos 1288 · Kosmos 1289 · Kosmos 1290 · Kosmos 1291 · Kosmos 1292 · Kosmos 1293 · Kosmos 1294 | Bulgaria 1300 | Himawari 2 | Kosmos 1295 | Kosmos 1296 | Kosmos 1297 | Kosmos 1298 | Kosmos 1299 | Kosmos 1300 | Kosmos 1301 | Kosmos 1302 | OPS 3984 | Kosmos 1303 | Kosmos 1304 | Kosmos 1305 | Kosmos 1306 | Kosmos 1307 | Kosmos 1308 | Kosmos 1309 | Shijian 2 · Shijian 2-01 · Shijian 2-02 | Oreol 3 | Kosmos 1310 | SBS-2 | Kosmos 1311 | Kosmos 1312 | Kosmos 1313 | SME · UoSAT-1 | Kosmos 1314 | Gran' No.20L | Kosmos 1315 | Kosmos 1316 | Molniya-3 No.31 | Venera 13 | OPS 4029 | Kosmos 1317 | Kosmos 1318 | Venera 14 | STS-2 | Kosmos 1319 | Molniya 1-51 | Satcom 3R | Bhaskara 2 | Kosmos 1320 · Kosmos 1321 · Kosmos 1322 · Kosmos 1323 · Kosmos 1324 · Kosmos 1325 · Kosmos 1326 · Kosmos 1327 | Kosmos 1328 | Kosmos 1329 | Intelsat V F-3 | RS-3 · RS-4 · RS-5 · RS-6 · RS-7 · RS-8 | Navstar 7 | Kosmos 1330 | MARECS-1 · CAT-4 | Molniya-1 No.55 | | Payloads are separated by bullets ( · ), launches by pipes ( | ). Manned flights are indicated in bold text. Uncatalogued launch failures are listed in italics. Payloads deployed from other spacecraft are denoted in (brackets). |