Serbian parliamentary election, 2012

Serbian parliamentary election, 2012
6 May 2012

All 250 seats in the National Assembly
126 seats needed for a majority
Turnout 57.77%
  First party Second party Third party
Leader Tomislav Nikolić Boris Tadić Ivica Dačić
Leader since 2008 2004 2003
Seats before 30 70 20
Seats won
73 / 250
SNS 55, others 18
67 / 250
DS 49, others 18
44 / 250
Seat change Increase 43 Decrease 3 Increase 24
Popular vote 940,659 863,294 567,689
Percentage 24.04% 22.07% 14.51%

  Fourth party Fifth party Sixth party
Leader Vojislav Koštunica Čeda Jovanović Mlađan Dinkić
Leader since 1992 2005 2006
Seats before 21 17 24
Seats won
21 / 250
19 / 250
16 / 250
Seat change Steady Increase 2 Decrease 8
Popular vote 273,532 255,546 215,666
Percentage 7.00% 6.53% 5.51%

Prime Minister before election

Mirko Cvetković

Elected Prime Minister

Ivica Dačić

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The Serbian parliamentary election, 2012 was held on 6 May 2012 to elect members of the National Assembly. The parliamentary elections were held simultaneously with provincial, local, and presidential elections.[1][2]


The 2008 election resulted in the formation of a new pro-European government on 7 July 2008, with the necessary parliamentary votes coming from President Boris Tadić's For a European Serbia list, and the coalition of the Socialist Party of Serbia, the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia and United Serbia (the SPS-PUPS-JS coalition), plus six out of the seven minorities representatives. The new government elected Mirko Cvetković (endorsed by the Democratic Party) as Prime Minister.

The opposition, the Serbian Radical Party (SRS), had a split after the elections. The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) party broke off and is headed by Tomislav Nikolić and Aleksandar Vučić, both of whom were major figures in the SRS before the establishment of the SNS in late 2008. In most opinion polls they and Democratic Party (DS) remain the two most popular parties, in combination gaining at least 60 percent of the total vote when combined. Other parties remain far behind, struggling to even attain double digit popularity figures.[3]

In early 2011, according to the Democratic Party's strategic marketing polls, the opposition SNS had higher ratings than the next three most popular parties combined.[4] The opposition attempted to promote early elections to take place in 2011. Major opposition rallies in February 2011 focused on the difficult socioeconmic conditions as well as widespread corruption.[5][6] The protesters' goal was to hold the elections earlier, in the Fall of 2011.[7] The protests did not succeed in affecting the date of the elections, which are to be held on 6 May 2012.[2] At least 50,000 to 70,000 attended the peaceful protests held on streets of Belgrade organised by SNS, the strongest among the country's opposition bloc.[6]

In fall 2011, posters and billboards endorsing various parties peppered Belgrade.[8] The election campaigns of many parties are well under way, despite the election date having been set for the first half of 2012.[8]

Participating parties/lists

There were 18 registered electoral lists for the 2012 parliamentary elections:[9]

  1. Choice For A Better Life – Boris Tadić (Izbor za bolji život - Boris Tadić/Избор за бољи живот – Борис Тадић)
    A coalition formed around the Democratic Party together with the Social Democratic Party of Serbia, the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, the Greens of Serbia, the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina and the Christian Democratic Party of Serbia.[10]
  2. Serbian Radical Party – Vojislav Šešelj (Srpska radikalna stranka - Dr Vojislav Šešelj/Српска радикална странка – Др Војислав Шешељ)
    Serbian Radical Party is running alone in this election for the first time after party split, following the last parliamentary election in 2008. Their list is led by party leader Dr Vojislav Šešelj, who is an anti-communist currently on trial for alleged war crimes and is suspected of being involved in crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.[11]
  3. United Regions of Serbia – Mlađan Dinkić (Ujedinjeni regioni Srbije - Mlađan Dinkić/Уједињени региони Србије – Млађан Динкић)
    Coalition formed around the G17 Plus party. Among the members of this coalition are Together for Šumadija, People's Party and several other, mostly regional political parties and movements. Leader of the list is Mlađan Dinkić.
  4. Turnover – Čedomir Jovanović (Preokret - Čedomir Jovanović/Преокрет – Чедомир Јовановић)
    Coalition formed by Liberal Democratic Party, Serbian Renewal Movement, Social Democratic Union, Rich Serbia, Vojvodina's Party, Democratic Party of Sandžak, Green Ecological Party and The Party of Bulgarians from Serbia. It is also supported by the Association of Free and Independent Trade Unions. Leader of the list is Čedomir Jovanović.[12]
  5. Let's Get Serbia Moving – Tomislav Nikolić (Pokrenimo Srbiju - Tomislav Nikolić/Покренимо Србију – Томислав Николић)
    Coalition formed around the Serbian Progressive Party with New Serbia, Movement of Socialists, Strength of Serbia Movement, Serbian Association of Small and Medium Companies and Entrepreneurs, Association of Refugees in Serbia, People's Peasant Party, Bosniak People's Party, Democratic Party of Macedonians, Roma Party, Vlach Unity Movement and Economic Renewal of Serbia. Leader of the list is Tomislav Nikolić.[13]
  6. Democratic Party of Serbia – Vojislav Koštunica (Demokratska stranka Srbije - Vojislav Kostunica/Демократска странка Србије – Војислав Коштуница)
    The Democratic Party of Serbia competed independently in the election. Leader of the list is Vojislav Koštunica.[14]
  7. Ivica Dačić – "Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS), United Serbia (US)" (Ivica Dačić - Socijalistička partija Srbije, Partija ujedinjenih penzionera Srbije, Jedinstvena Srbije/Ивица Дачић - Социјалистичка партија Србије, Партија уједињених пензионера Србије, Јединствена Србија)
    Coalition consisting of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia and United Serbia. The Serbian Veteran Movement was the minor part of the coalition. Leader of the list is Ivica Dačić.[15]
  8. Dveri - For The Life Of Serbia (Dveri za život Srbije/Двери за живот Србије)
    List of independent candidates affiliated with nationalist and Eurosceptic organization Dveri. This is the first time they run for the Parliament. Leader of the list is Branimir Nešić.[16]
  9. Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians – István Pásztor (Vajdasági Magyar Szövetség/Savez vojvođanskih Mađara - Ištvan Pastor/Савез војвођанских Мађара – Иштван Пастор) M
    Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians is first national minority list on this election. Leader of the list is son of party president István Pásztor, Bálint Pásztor.[17]
  10. Reformist Party – Milan Višnjić (Reformistička stranka - Prof. dr Milan Višnjić/Реформистичка странка – Проф. др Милан Вишњић)
    Reformist Party is local party from Niš. Leader of the list and also a candidate for Mayor of Niš is Prof. Dr Milan Višnjić.[18]
  11. Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak – Sulejman Ugljanin (Stranka demokratske akcije Sandžaka - dr Sulejman Ugljanin/Странка демократске акције Санџака – др Сулејман Угљанин) M
    The Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak a is Bosniak national minority list on this election. Leader of the list is Sulejman Ugljanin.[19]
  12. Movement of Workers and Peasants (Pokret radnika i seljaka/Покрет радника и сељака)
    The list of independent candidates affiliated with Citizen’s Group Movement of Workers and Peasants.[20]
  13. Social Democratic Alliance – Nebojša Leković (Socijaldemokratski savez - Nebojša Leković/Социјалдемократски савез – Небојша Лековић)
    The Social Democratic Alliance party ran independently. List leader is party president Nebojša Leković.[21]
  14. All Together – BDU, CAH, DUC, DFVH, Slovak Party – Emir Elfić (Sve zajedno - Emir Elfić/Све заједно – Емир Елфић) M
    All Together is a coalition of five minority parties - Bosniak Democratic Union, Civil Alliance of Hungarians, Democratic Union of Croats, Democratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians and the Slovak Party. Leader of the list is president of Bosniak Democratic Union, Emir Elfić.[22]
  15. Albanian Coalition of Preševo Valley (Koalicioni i Shqiptarëve të lugines së Preshevës/Koalicija Albanaca Preševske doline/Коалиција Албанаца Прешевске долине) M
  16. Montenegrin Party – Nenad Stevović (Црногорска партија – Ненад Стевовић) M
  17. Communist Party - Josip Broz (Komunistička partija - Josip Broz/Комунистичка партија – Јосип Бpoз)
  18. None of The Above (Nijedan on ponuđenih odgovora/Ниједан од понуђених одговора) M

M — national minority list - the minimum threshold for these lists is 0.4% of the vote, compared to 5% for the others.

Opinion polls

Source Date of Polling DS SNS SRS DSS SPS LDP URS Others Margin of Error
Faktor Plus[26] 14–22 April 2012 28.3 33.5 5.5 5.7 11.8 6.2 3.3 +/-3
IRI[27] 8–9 April 2012 24.0 27.0 5.0 8.0 12.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 unknown
Faktor Plus[28] 2–8 April 2012 29.4 33.4 5.7 5.5 11.6 6.3 3.5 +/-3[29] 2–5 April 2012 27.1 27.1 7.9 6.6 13.3 7.9 6.1 3.9 unknown
Faktor Plus[30] 18–25 March 2012 29.1 33.2 5.8 5.8 11.1 6.4 3.8 +/-3
Partner konsalting[31] 7–11 March 2012 31.7 35.5 5.3 5.0 12.6 1.9 unknown
Faktor Plus[32] 5–15 February 2012 28.2 30.6 7.0 5.6 7.1 6.0 3.0 7.2 unknown
Partner konsalting[33] February 2012 25.8 33 5.3 4.4 10.1 5.8 2.1 3.2 PUPS
1.6 LSV
1.1 SDPS
NSPM[34] 25 December 2012 – 5 January 2012 25.0 28.9 6.5 7.5 11.2 6.3 4.0 12.3 unknown
Factor Plus[35] 19–27 December 2011 26.7 32.8 7.1 5.4 7.1 5.8 3.2 11.9 unknown
NSPM[36] 11 November 2011 27 28.5 7.1 7.1 8.3 6.6 3.2 12.3 unknown
VIP[37] 18 October 2011 25 36 8 5 7 5 unknown
IFIMES International Institute[38] 1–25 June 2011 23.3 42.9 6.9 7.8 5.4 7.1 1.8 4.8 +/-3
VIP[39] 6 April 2011 24.3 41.7 7.5 7.1 5.5 8.6 1.4 unknown
IFIMES International Institute[40] 1–25 March 2011 24.3 41.8 7.7 7.1 5.5 8.3 1.4 3.9 +/-3
TNS Medium[41] 10 February 2010 30.6 29.9 8.3 6.2 6.7 4.3 3.0 11.0 unknown
Strategic Marketing[42] 12 September 2009 35.1 31 9.7 6.7 4.4 4.7 unknown
Strategic Marketing[43] 4 September 2009 35 31 10 7 4 5 0.5 7.5 unknown
Strategic Marketing[44] 6 November 2008 40 20 10 10 6 unknown
Strategic Marketing[45] October 2008 28.9 21 7.2 unknown


The Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID) was amongst the electoral observers.[46] CeSID was also an election monitor.[47]


About 6.7 million people were eligible to vote in the elections. The OSCE undertook the organisation of voting for the roughly 109,000 Serb voters in Kosovo.[48] Voting stations were open from 7:00 to 20:00[49] with no incidents reported across the country. Voter turnout by 18:00 was 46.34% in Belgrade, 48.37% in central Serbia and 47.89% in Vojvodina.[50] Voter turnout in Kosovo was 32%.[47]

 Summary of the 6 May 2012 National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia election results
Electoral list Votes % Seats +/–
Let's Get Serbia MovingTomislav Nikolić 940,659 24.05 73 Increase 73
Choice for a Better LifeBoris Tadić 863,294 22.07 67 Decrease 35
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS), United Serbia (US) 567,689 14.51 44 Increase 24
Democratic Party of SerbiaVojislav Koštunica 273,532 7.00 21 Steady 0
TurnoverČedomir Jovanović 255,546 6.53 19 Increase 3
United Regions of SerbiaMlađan Dinkić 215,666 5.51 16 Decrease 5
Serbian Radical Party – Dr Vojislav Šešelj 180,558 4.62 Decrease 77
Dveri for the Life of Serbia 169,590 4.34
Alliance of Vojvodina HungariansIstván Pásztor 68,323 1.75 5 Increase 1
Movement of Workers and Peasants 57,199 1.46
Communist PartyJosip Broz 28,977 0.74
Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak – Dr Sulejman Ugljanin 27,708 0.69 2 Increase 2
All Together – BDU, CAH, DUC, DFVH and Slovak Party – Emir Elfić 24,993 0.63 1 Increase 1
None of the Above 22,905 0.59 1 Increase 1
Social Democratic Alliance – Nebojša Leković 16,572 0.42
Albanian Coalition from Preševo Valley 13,384 0.30 1 Steady 0
Reformist Party – Prof Dr Milan Višnjić 8,867 0.22
Montenegrin Party – Nenad Stevović 3,855 0.10
Invalid 171,819 4.39  
Total turnout (57.77%, -3.56% or 3,911,136 out of 6,770,013) 3,911,136 100.00 250


  SNS coalition  (73)
  DS coalition   (67)
  DSS  (21)
  URS  (16)


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External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to 2012 elections in Serbia.
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