Star Wars: The Old Republic (comics)

Star Wars: The Old Republic is an American comic book series set in the Star Wars universe. The series is published by Dark Horse Comics. The first two arcs of the series were originally posted online for reading at Star Wars: The Old Republic's official site. They then were published by Dark Horse Comics in a comic book series.

It is set in the Old Republic timeframe in the Star Wars universe.


Threat of Peace

Threat of Peace is set in the year 3,653 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). It is written by Rob Chestney, and penciled by Alex Sanchez with color by Michael Atiyeh.[1] It was originally released online in 27 parts, divided up into 3 acts. It was later put in print by Dark Horse Comics.

Blood of the Empire

Blood of the Empire is set in the year 3,678 BBY. It is written by Alexander Freed, and penciled by David Ross with color by Michael Atiyeh.[2] It was originally released online in 12 parts, divided up into 3 acts. It was later put in print by Dark Horse Comics.

The Lost Suns

The Lost Suns is set in the year 3,643 BBY. It is written by Alexander Freed, and penciled by David Ross with color by Michael Atiyeh.[3] Unlike the other two arcs, it was not published online. Instead, it was published in print by Dark Horse Comics.


Trade Paperbacks


External links

The Old Republic on Wookieepedia, a Star Wars wiki

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