University of the Philippines, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Coordinates: 14°39′12″N 121°4′11″E / 14.65333°N 121.06972°E / 14.65333; 121.06972

UP Diliman College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Type University of the Philippines College (officially Degree-Granting Unit)
Established 1910
Dean Prof. Grace H. Aguiling-Dalisay, Ph.D.
Location Palma and Benton Halls, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Housed at the old AS (College of Arts and Sciences) building now called Palma Hall in University of the Philippines Diliman, the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy has eight departments and one institute which offer undergraduate and graduate programs. It also offers the courses which make up the social sciences component of the Revitalized General Education Program of the University of the Philippines System.[1]

CSSP forms part of the former College of Liberal Arts (pre-1950s) and the former college of Arts and Sciences (pre-1983). The history of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), University of the Philippines (UP), dates back to the year 1910 although its name was given only in 1983. CSSP began as part of the College of Liberal Arts which was established in June 1910 by virtue of a decision of the UP Board of Regents.[1]


The history of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), University of the Philippines (UP), dates back to the year 1910 although its name was given only in 1983. CSSP began as part of the College of Liberal Arts which was established on June 1910 by virtue of a decision of the UP Board of Regents. The college previously existed as an institution called Junior College of Liberal Arts operated by the Bureau of Education of the Department of Public Instruction. At first it was named the College of Philosophy, Science and Letters before it was changed to the College of Liberal Arts on 30 January 1911. The college had two units—the Junior College which offered two years of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts; and the Senior College which offered three years of study leading to the degree of Master of Arts. The coursework in the Junior College was such as to prepare the students who wished to enroll in professional course.[2]

Before the start of the first semester of the academic year 1959-1960, the College of Liberal Arts was reorganized into three academic units -the University College, the College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. All three units, however, were served by only one faculty

The College of Liberal Arts was reorganized in order to solve the problem that may result with the implementation of the basic education program. The University College started its operations during the first semester of 1959-1960. It was given the task of teaching the general education courses, including the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, for the first two years. To strengthen the foundation of a liberal education, the college was expected to continue the general education, as well as to correct some aspects taught in high school.[1]

Meanwhile, the third and subsequent years of college studies were handled by the College of Arts and Sciences which was mandated to continue offering undergraduate courses in the humanities, social sciences, natural and physical sciences, mathematics and languages. These disciplines were offered by the college as fields of specialization. As such, the third and subsequent years of college studies of a student were focused on one discipline for in-depth study, aside from other related disciplines, called free electives, which he may rake.

The different roles played by the University College and the College of Arts and Sciences necessitated separate administrations. To avoid the overlapping of roles of the two colleges and to integrate the various disciplines, three major divisions were formed to take the place of the academic departments—the Division of Humanities, Division of Social Sciences, arid the Division of Natural Sciences. The traditional academic disciplines operated under their respective divisions without any departmental head

On 26 October 1983, the UP Board of Regents issued Administrative Order No.170 creating three new colleges from the former College of Arts and Sciences - the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), ripe College of Arts and Letters (CAL), and the College of Science (CS).

Dr Francisco Nemenzo (1976–1981) of the Department of Political Science was the Dean of the CAS before it was split into three colleges. Prof Ofelia Angangco (1981–1983) from the Department of Sociology was the Dean of CSSP when it was split into three colleges. She was succeeded bv Dr Leslie Bauzon (1983–1989) from the Department of History who served as the first Dean of the CSSP In 1989, Dr Zeus A. Salazar (1989–1992) was sworn in as new dean.

The social sciences and philosophy are the foundation of a relevant university education. Students are encouraged to respond to the need for critical thought and inquiry, as well as to disseminate and refine the standards of values which they so constantly apply in daily living. The college, with the help and guidance of highly competent faculty and staff shares the vision of molding students to "search further into the depths of knowledge and to pursue truth."

Palma Hall

The CSSP located at the Palma Hall along Roxas Avenue. The building was named after Rafael Palma (1874-1939), who served as the fourth president of the university from 1923 to 1933. It houses the following departments: Anthropology, Geography History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Population Institute. The Third World Studies Program and the Folklore and Philippine Studies Program are also housed under the CSSP which also takes charge of the administration of Diliman Review, a quarterly publication-for the students of the three colleges.[3]

The work of Architect Cesar Concio, Palma Hall is heavily influenced by both the Bauhaus school of design, just like its twin building Melchor Hall. Concio's other notable other works are the Church of the Risen Lord and Vinzons Hall inside the UP campus, the Insular Life building and the Children's Hospital. It is a long horizontal, five-storey reinforced concrete building designed in planar forms tempered with Filipino design expression.[4]

Palma Hall was one of the first four buildings that were constructed since UP Manila transferred to UP Diliman in 1949. The building has an asymmetrical structure inspired by international style and Filipino design expression. The main purpose of its design is to make the building well-ventilated and let natural light enter. The building was finished in 1951. Palma Hall was, and still is, a common meeting place for various student organizations and movements, serving as a venue for different student activities such as rallies, miting de avances, and Alpha Phi Omega's famous Oblation Run which takes place every December. Palma is the largest classroom building complex in Diliman that was initially 22,990 square meters initially but has now been expanded by buildings such as the Third World Studies Center.[5]

The Hall also has pavilions at the back where the institutes of the College of Science are located, namely: Pavilions 1 and 2 (the only pavilions with three floors) of the Institute of Chemistry, Llamas Science Hall or Pavilion 3 of the National Institute of Physics, and Pavilion 4 of the Institute of Biology. The said Institutes have recently moved out of the pavilions to the new National Science Complex, in order to give way for the other departments of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy to occupy them.

Academic Departments

The Department of Anthropology offers undergraduate and graduate courses in the five fields of anthropology: cultural and social anthropology, archaeology, biological anthropology, linguistic anthropology and anthropological theory. The courses are designed to help students understand human biological and cultural diversity and the forces that shape cultural evolution and social change.[6]

Mabuhay! Welcome to the UP Diliman Department of Geography!

Geography focuses on the study of the Earth as the home of humans. As a holistic discipline, it examines human-environment interactions, spatial processes, and development of places and localities. It studies the physical and human processes of the Earth and investigates how these produce different landscapes. It uses geographic techniques such as spatial analysis, cartography, geographic information science (GIScience), remote sensing, and statistical methods to explore and comprehend the complexities of natural and cultural systems and how they relate to each other. Such understandings could bring about a better grasp of the factors that lead to the transformations of everyday spaces at different scales – local, regional, global.

As the only Geography department in the Philippines, we hope to bring Geography to where it should be - at the center of decision-making in our country. We take an active role in propagating Geography in order to raise awareness on how daily lives are influenced by human-environment interactions and empower localities in facing the challenges of an increasingly globalizing world.[7]

The Department of Linguistics of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy in U.P. Diliman was established on August 28, 1922. Its first name was Department of Philippine Linguistics. It was renamed Department of Oriental Languages in 1924, Department of Oriental Languages and Linguistics in 1963, Department of Linguistics and Asian Languages in 1973, and finally Department of Linguistics in 1983. The primary aim of the department since its founding has been the scientific study, preservation and promotion of the Philippine languages through teaching, field research and publication.[8]

The Philosophy Department offers a BA Philosophy program, MA Philosophy program and PhD in Philosophy . In addition to these programs, the University of the Philippines (UP) Manila College of Medicine and the UP Diliman Department of Philosophy jointly offer a Diploma in Bioethics Program (since school year 2004-2005) and a Master of Science in Bioethics (since school year 2006-2007). For details, visit the Bioethics Training Project website, or download the program brochure.[9]

The Department of Political Science was established as a unit of the College of Liberal Arts in 1915. The first head of the unit, then called "chief of the Department," was George A. Malcolm. He headed the Department while he was concurrently Dean of the College of Law from 1915-1920. His successor as Chief of the Department was Maximo M. Kalaw, the first Filipino head of the Department. Kalaw headed the Department from 1920-1934. The Department greatly influenced the development of the discipline in the country. Malcolm's Government of the Philippine Islands and his collaborative work with Kalaw, Philippine Government, firmly established the legalistic and institutional approaches of the discipline in our country. These dominant approaches had been strongly challenged in the Department in the 1960s, and has been replaced with orientations in political sociology and political economy. These have become the dominant perspectives in the Department. The Department has continued to influence the discipline in our country in spite of institutional reorganizations of the College of Liberal Arts. In the 1950s, the College was reorganized into a College of Arts and Sciences, which was divided into three Colleges in 1983 - College of Arts and Letters, College of Science, and College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. The Department of Political Science is now one of the seven departments in the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy.[10]

In consideration of the context of the department's history and the events of the past few years that had changed the profile and character of its membership, the Department has formulated the following mission statement: The UPDP aims to contribute to the science of human behavior and to apply the science to improve the quality of life. As such, it takes the lead in the development of Psychology as a basic and applied science in the Philippines and in the ASEAN, mindful of its role in the national development efforts. The following strategies were further outlined to enable the department to achieve these missions: To provide instructional, research, and extension services through: "State-of-the-art" instruction in degree, non-degree, and short-term programs designed for a variety of audiences; Innovative research agenda and methodology in the basic and applied areas; and Quality extension services. To establish linkages with units in the U.P. System and with other universities, government agencies and entities, NGOs, communities, business groups etc. in order to: Create synergies and avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts; Keep the department continually informed of what is happening in the larger environment so that it can keep abreast with the issues involving the discipline. To actively disseminate research findings, developments on theory and experiences in extension work to a broad but differentiated target audience. To pursue non-traditional sources of support. To explore ways of organizing its membership so that it can pursue the department's mission with flexibility, efficacy, and efficiency. To clarify the underlying principles that will be guiding future departmental decisions and actions, the following values were also identified as being central to one's identity as a member of the department. Service orientation-beyond the self to serve and share Commitment to Psychology as a discipline Commitment to professional and personal excellence Awareness of current developments, issues and concerns Openness to new ideas; intellectual curiosity Resourcefulness, creativity, persistence Forward-looking [11]

The UP Department of Sociology has been providing quality education, research, and community/extension services through its various programs for almost one hundred years. It was first founded as the Department of Anthropology and Sociology in 1908 and later restructured as the Department of Sociology and Social Welfare in the 1950s. On 9 November 1962, the Department was established as a distinct unit of the University and came to be known as the UP Department of Sociology.

UP Population Institute

The University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) was formally established as a unit of the University of the Philippines on November 1964 with an initial grant from the Ford Foundation. Located at the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Palma Hall) building, it is the only academic institution in the Philippines offering graduate level training in Demography and Population Studies. It has two degree programs, Master of Arts in Demography (MA Demo) and Master in Population Studies (MPopS).[12]

As an academic unit, UPPI performs the three-pronged function of teaching, research, and extension. Through its links with the government, local and international agencies, it plays an important role in the analysis of population-related issues by way of a strong program of research and extension backed up by facilities for analysis of survey data and a data archive of surveys on population-related courses.[12] UPPI is a Council Member of the Committee for International Co-operation in National Research in Demography (CICRED).[13]

Course Offering

The Master of Arts in Demography is a degree program that aims to train practitioners of Demography who are able to conduct independent high quality research, teach Demography courses at both graduate and undergraduate levels, conduct short-term demographic training programs and engage in population program formulation and evaluation.[12]

The Master in Population Studies (MPopS) is a non-thesis program that aims to meet the need for population practitioners with a strong grounding in the theory and methods of Demography and the ability to critically analyze the interrelationship between population factors and development in its various ramifications, from an interdisciplinary perspective.[12]

UP Population Institute Library

The UP Population Institute Library is housed within the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Palma Hall) building. It serves students, faculty, and staff of the university as well as outside researchers and practitioners engaged in population and related research from academic institutions, non-government organizations, and other government agencies. Each year, it strives to sustain and improve its collection of books, journals, and related information.[15]

Third World Studies Center

The Third World Studies Center (TWSC) of the University of the Philippines is an academic research institute based at the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), committed to analyze and develop alternative perspectives on Philippine, regional and global issues.[16] The TWSC has a long tradition of research on critical political economy, development issues, democratization, and governance. Research is focused on the search for progressive discourses and alternative paradigms. Guided by the principles of participatory research, the main objectives of the Center's researches are to develop Third World perspectives on various issues and to translate knowledge generated in order to promote actions for change or to improve existing local actions. Central to this process of knowledge transformation is the role of social movements and civil society, which the Center works closely with.

TWSC's current research agenda is to document and analyze resistance and alternatives to neoliberal globalization in Southeast Asia and to locate spaces for policy intervention, probe deeper the issue of human security in the Philippines and to surface and reconstruct narratives in the memory and history of protests.[17]

The Center serves as a forum for the articulation and analyses of various issues, as well as a mechanism for dialogue and debate among scholars, governments and the larger society. TWSC-sponsored activities provide support for class instruction, especially in courses requiring discussions on contemporary social, political and economic concerns.[18]

Degree Offerings

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate programs

Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science

Master of Arts

Other master's degrees

Non-degree initiatives


See also



  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Archived July 1, 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  2. Archived from the original on March 5, 2008. Retrieved August 12, 2008. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  3. "A brief history and organizational set-up of CSSP", CSSP Faculty Directory: Human Resources for Research, Training and Consultancy :1990
  4. Valera-Turalba, Maria Cristina (2005). Philippine Heritage Architecture: before 1521 to the 1970s. 8007-B Pioneer St., Brgy. Kapitolyo, Pasig City 1603. ISBN 971-27-1709-7.
  5. University of the Philippines Diliman, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. "Palma Hall". Retrieved 2 June 2014. External link in |website= (help)
  6. Archived September 15, 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  7. Welcome to the UP Department of Geography!
  8. Archived from the original on May 22, 2008. Retrieved August 12, 2008. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  9. Philosophy Department
  10. Archived August 3, 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  11. Archived from the original on May 29, 2008. Retrieved August 12, 2008. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  12. 1 2 3 4 Archived from the original on September 5, 2007. Retrieved August 14, 2008. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  13. Archived from the original on July 17, 2008. Retrieved August 12, 2008. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  14. Archived September 18, 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  15. Archived from the original on November 23, 2007. Retrieved August 14, 2008. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  16. Third World Studies Center
  17. Third World Studies Center - Research
  18. Third World Studies Center

External links

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