Rojava–Syrian government relations

YPG-Syrian government conflict
Part of the Rojava conflict
LocationMainly al-Qamishli and al-Hasakah, Syria
Status Ongoing

Rojava Rojava

Supported by:
Syriac Union Party[1]

Syria Syrian Arab Republic

Casualties and losses
~400-500 killed
~1,000 captured

While conflict between the Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) and Syrian government during the Syrian Civil War has not been as active as fighting against Islamist forces, there have been several conflicts between the two forces.

There has also been cooperation between YPG/PYD forces and the governement and its Russian ally against rebel forces during the Northern Aleppo offensive. This has included Russian air support for advancing YPG forces,[3] Syrian government dependance (during the Battle of Aleppo) on YPG forces to cut off all the rebels' northern supply routes from Turkey[4] and YPG forces moving in to hold some areas taken by the Syrian government around Aleppo.[5] Such Syrian government-YPG/PYD cooperation has been described by The Economist as a "tacit alliance".[5]


On September 6, 2012 Kurdish activists reported that 21 civilians were killed in the Kurdish neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsud in Aleppo, when the Syrian army shelled the local mosque and its surroundings. Despite the district being neutral during the Battle of Aleppo and free of government and FSA clashes, local residents believed that the district was shelled as retaliation for sheltering anti-government civilians from other parts of the city. In a statement released shortly after the deaths, the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) vowed to retaliate.[6] A few days later, Kurdish forces killed 3 soldiers in Afrin (Kurdish: Efrîn) and captured a number of other government soldiers in Kobani and Al-Malikiyah (Kurdish: Dêrika Hemko) from where they drove the remaining government security forces out. It was also reported that the government had begun to arm Arab tribes around Qamishli in preparation for a possible confrontation with Kurdish forces, who still did not completely control the city.[7]

At least 8 government soldiers were killed and 15 wounded by a car bomb in the al-Gharibi district of Qamishli on 30 September 2012. The explosion targeted the Political Security branch.[8]

The YPG claimed to have killed 376 Syrian government soldiers and captured 790 in 2013.[9]

On 2 January 2013, a bomb was detonated by unknown assailants in front of a Syrian government security office in Qamishli, wounding four members of the local security forces.[10]

In mid-January, as clashes re-erupted between rebels and Kurdish separatists in Ras al-Ayn, YPG forces moved to expel government forces from oil-rich areas in Hasakah Province.[11] Clashes broke out from 14 to 19 January[12] between the army and YPG fighters in the Kurdish village of Gir Zîro (Tall Adas), near al-Maabadah (Kurdish: Girkê Legê), where an army battalion of around 200 soldiers had been blockaded[13] since 9 January.[12] YPG forces claimed to have expelled government after the clashes.[11] One soldier was reportedly killed and another eight injured, while seven were captured (later released[12]) and 27 defected.[13] Fighting at the oil field near Gir Zîro ended on 21 January, when government forces withdrew after receiving no assistance from Damascus.[14] In Rumeilan, directly west of al-Maabadah, another 200 soldiers had been surrounded by YPG forces, and 10 soldiers were reported to have defected.[11]

From 8 to 11 February,[15] heavy clashes broke out between the YPG and government troops in the PYD/YPG-held district Ashrafiyah where, according to SOHR, at least 3 soldiers and 5 pro-government militiamen were killed. The fighting followed deadly shelling on 31 January on Ashrafiyah, in which 23[16] civilians were killed after FSA units moved into the Kurdish sector of Aleppo.[17] According to its own reports, the YPG lost 7 of its members the fighting, while also claiming that 48 soldiers were killed and 22 captured,[16] and a further 70[18] injured.

On 26 February, the Syrian army once again shelled the PYD-held Kurdish sector of Aleppo, causing extensive damage to civilian areas. Five people were killed in the bombardment, and eleven more—including four children—were injured.[16]

In the beginning of March, YPG forces took complete control of oil fields and installations in north-east Syria after government forces in it surrendered. During the same time YPG assaulted government forces and took control of town Tall ʿAdas, which is adjacent to Rumeilan oil fields, and also took control of Al-Qahtaniya (Kurdish: Tirbespî).[19]

On 14 April 2013, government warplanes bombed the predominantly Kurdish village of Hadad, in Hasakah Governorate. 16 people were reported killed.[20]

On December 31, 2013, as YPG units were locked in large-scale and bloody fighting around the jihadist stronghold of Tall Hamis, Kurdish sources reported that government forces simultaneously attacked a YPG checkpoint in the Hasakah neighbourhood of Kallasah and an Asayish checkpoint in nearby Tall Hajar neighbourhood. The sources claimed that seven soldiers were killed by the YPG and Asayish as they counterattacked and secured both areas, while one YPG fighter lost his life and two Asayish members were wounded; civilian deaths and injuries were also reported. Government forces soon retreated, and a tense calm had returned to the city by the following day.[21][22]

On March 31, 2014, Kurdish sources claimed that members of the pro-government National Defence Force shot a YPG fighter in Qamishli city. The YPG responded by launching an operation in the Qadour Bek district of Qamishli, killing seven pro-government fighters and detaining 10 others. It was also reported that the YPG captured parts of the Qadour Bek district, including the Customs Building and the Qamishli's Bread Factory.[23]

On March 27, SOHR reported that the Syrian army shelled the Kurdish-held neighbourhood of al-Msheirfah in Hasakah city.[24] The Syrian Kurdish news agency ANHA, citing a YPG source, stated that the attack began at 11:30 AM, and that mortar shells fired by the army struck the YPG's "Martyr Shiyar" office and a cotton mill, causing material damage.[25] This incident occurred while the YPG was fighting off an ISIS attack against the town of Jaz'ah near Ya'rubiyah.[26]

On April 5, 2014, according to the SOHR, the leader of the NDF center in Hasakah was killed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Al-Shadadi, south of Hasakah.[27]

On June 28, 2014, Syrian government forces, backed by the NDF, took control of five villages after clashes with ISIS and allied tribes near Qamishli. Government forces bombarded ISIS strongholds in the area.[28]

In October 2014, the Syrian state media claimed the government had sent arms to Kurdish forces during the Siege of Kobanî, but this claim was disputed by the PYD.[29]

Throughout most of 2015, the YPG was grudgingly accepting of SAA/NDF presence in Al-Hasakah city, letting them take the brunt of casualties in several battles with ISIL. De facto cooperation ensued between local YPG and SAA/NDF units against ISIL, though tensions were high there were several clashes throughout the year.

In January 2015, the YPG clashed with Syrian government forces in Al-Hasakah city.[30]

In April 2015, Syrian minister Ali Haidar reportedly met with Kurdish officials in Rojava, and conducted talks regarding some degree of de-jure autonomy for the region,[31] in spite of Rojava already being de facto autonomous from the government. He also claimed the government was providing military assistance to Kurdish forces.[32]

In June 2015, the YPG and Asayish forces again clashed with the government in Qamishli, capturing several regime held institutions.[33]

In July 2015, YPG and government forces cooperated against ISIS during the Battle of Al-Hasakah.[34]

In July 2015, PYD leader Salih Muslim announced that the YPG was willing to join the Syrian army if the government committed to official decentralization of powers.[35]

On August 4, 2015, the YPG laid out terms for collaboration with the Syrian government.[36]

On August 9, 2015, in response to allegations of collaboration with the regime, a YPG spokesman issued a statement that the YPG will "collaborate with anyone to expel extremists" from northeastern Syria.[37]

On September 16, 2015, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad announced that Syria was open to decentralization proposals after the conflict between the government and opposition groups was over.[38]

On October 9, 2015, PYD officials reportedly held talks with representatives of the Syrian government and the Russian military in Damascus and Latakia about a joint effort against ISIS.[39]

On December 7, 2015, Assad affirmed that his government had supplied arms to the PYD, and said he had documents to verify his claim.[40]

On December 16, 2015, the Asayish had a minor clash with Syrian National Defence Forces in Qamishli after the arrest of Asayish members by the NDF.[41]

On December 19, 2015, the YPG and allied groups signed a truce with the Fatah Halab rebel operations room in Aleppo. This was quickly followed by a peace with the Mare' Operations Room. This marked a deterioration in relations between the YPG and the Syrian government.[42][43]

On December 23, 2015, Syrian National Defence Forces launched an attack on YPG-led Syrian Democratic Forces in Al-Hasakah, resulting in 4 injured SDF fighters and 1 dead NDF militant.[44] The same day, Syrian military helicopters dropped barrel bombs on the YPG-controlled neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsoud in Aleppo.[45] Russia also announced that it would in the future only provide assistance to the YPG through the Syrian government.[46]

On January 13, 2016, the Asayish attacked the regime-backed Sootoro militia's checkpoints in Qamishli, resulting in the death of one Sootoro militant,[47] although the militias reconciled on January 18.[48]

On January 28, 2016, the Syrian Arab Air Force once again dropped barrel bombs on YPG-controlled Sheikh Maqsoud, resulting in 15 civilian casualties.[49] The YPG responded on January 30 by firing mortar shells at a regime checkpoint in Aleppo, killing four members of pro-Assad security forces.[50]

On January 31, 2016, the Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar Jaafari ruled out autonomy or federalism for Kurdish areas in Syria.[51]

On February 15, 2016, the Syrian government condemned Turkey's shelling of Kurdish forces in the border region in a letter to the UN Security Council.[52]

On March 16, 2016, PYD-linked Asayish forces reportedly surrounded an NDF controlled position in Qamishli. Details are currently unclear.[53]

In April 2016 the PYD announced that they will impose a boycott on any future parliamentary elections involving Assad.[54]

In late April 2016, Asayish forces clashed with the National Defence Forces loyal to Syrian Government in Qamishli, resulting in the Qamishli clashes (April 2016). The YPG also got involved. During three days of clashes, 16 YPG/Asayish fighters and 23 civilians were killed; NDF casualties were 22-31 killed and 80-102 captured. The YPG seized three positions from the government in Qamishli, including the prison. NDF and Sootoro reversed some of Asayish's gains and captured two checkpoints, a stadium, and a hospital in the city. On April 22, both sides agreed on a tentative truce, and territory taken by the Kurdish forces was kept.

See also


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