
Introduced 1987
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry IT-NIC
Sponsor IIT-CNR
Intended use Entities connected with  Italy
Actual use

Very popular in Italy

Commonly used as a domain hack in English-speaking countries
Registration restrictions Must be a resident of an EU country to register. Domain name must be at least three characters long.
Structure Registration is permitted at second level; there are some third-level names beneath second-level labels, but these are not much used
Documents How to register
Dispute policies Dispute procedure
Website Italy NIC
For the file format, see Impulse Tracker.

.it is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Italy.

Because it is also the English word it, and many words end with -it, this can commonly used in the construction of domain hacks, such as play.it (now owned by CBS Radio), write.it or make.it.

There are a number of reserved second-level domain names, for example, domain names like Italy.it, or other names that are referring to geographical regions of Italy.[1]

Reserved domains are not limited to the provided examples: any domain name which appears to be linked to an administrative geographical subdivision is reserved. E.g. the town of Tuoro sul Trasimeno have the following domains reserved:[2] Tuoro.Perugia.it, Tuoro.PG.it, TuorosulTrasimeno.Perugia.it, Tuoro-sul-Trasimeno.Perugia.it, TuorosulTrasimeno.PG.it, Tuoro-sul-Trasimeno.PG.it, TuoroTrasimeno.Perugia.it, Tuoro-Trasimeno.Perugia.it, TuoroTrasimeno.PG.it, Tuoro-Trasimeno.PG.it.

However, only comune.Tuoro-sul-Trasimeno.PG.it is actually registered as the official town hall web site. Furthermore, and even if it is not explicitly listed, it is not possible to privately register a domain such as comune-di-tuoro-sul-trasimeno.it.[3]


  1. http://www.nic.it/create-and-change.it/domini-riservati-geografici-1/domini-riservati-e-non-assegnabili
  2. http://www.nic.it/documenti/appendice-c.pdf
  3. http://www.nic.it/create-and-change.it/domini-riservati-geografici-1/domini-riservati-agli-enti-locali-territoriali

External links

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