
Introduced 1994
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry ZAMNET Communication Systems Ltd.
Sponsor ZAMNET Communication Systems Ltd.
Intended use Entities connected with
Actual use Gets some use in Zambia, although .com is more popular.
Registration restrictions Legal entities with a presence in Zambia.
Structure Registrations are made at the third level beneath established sub-domains; registered ISPs can register at the second level, although there are some unexplained exceptions to this rule.
Documents PDF registration form Word registration form
Website ZAMNET domain name registration

.zm is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Zambia. Registrants of .zm domains must "have a presence in Zambia".[1]

Second-level domains

Registrants are required to register domains at the third level under an existing second-level domain (SLD). There are eight second-level domains:[2]

The designations above are assumed based on observed practices and standard conventions, as ZAMNET (the ccTLD registry) do not maintain online documentation codifying this. Most entities will generally register either a .co.zm or .org.zm domain, if they choose to use the ccTLD rather than a generic top-level domain.

The one documented exception to the requirement to register at the third level is that "registered ISPs"[1] may register at the second level—e.g., zamnet.zm. However, there are several undocumented variances to this rule—e.g., the Bank of Zambia's domain is boz.zm. The Regulator Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority ZICTA is zicta.zm


The .com.zm, .edu.zm and .net.zm SLDs are administered by CopperNET Solutions, while all other .zm domains are registered through ZAMNET.


  1. 1 2 Domain Name Registration Form
  2. CopperNet Solutions price list

External links

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