
Introduced 1995
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Nigerian Internet Registration Association
Sponsor National Information Technology Development Agency
Intended use Entities connected with  Nigeria
Actual use Popular in Nigeria and abroad
Registration restrictions Open domains can be registered by anybody with intent to use; semi-closed and closed domains have specific industry-based restrictions. There are no other restrictions
Structure Registrations are typically made at the third level beneath second-level names; NIRA may register premium domains at the second level
Documents NIRA Policies
Dispute policies NIRA Dispute Resolution Policy
Website NIRA (Nigeria Internet Registration Association)

.ng is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Nigeria.

On May 13, 2009, IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) completed the process of re-delegation of the .ng domain name from temporary authorities to the current Nigerian ones. For many years, Randy Bush has been the Technical contact of the .ng domain name. With the IANA re-delegation, the technical contact is now the local Nigerian DNS administrator, while the administrative contact is the president of Nigeria Internet Registration Association.

To speed up the process of registering .ng domain names, NIRA has accredited a first batch of 29 Domain registrars, most of whom are Nigerian companies. Registrars are categorized into Platinum, Gold, Silver and Standard categories.[1]

Second level domains

In addition, NIRA themselves reserve the right to register 'premium' top level domains under .ng (for example, google.ng).[2]

Ibukun Odusote was the first contact person for the .ng domain name and she was made a life patron of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association in 2013 for her pioneering work.[3]


  1. "NIRA registrars listing". Archived from the original on 14 November 2010. Retrieved 29 November 2010.
  2. "NIRA Domain name policy" (PDF). Retrieved 16 March 2011.
  3. NIRA gets 3 life Patrons, IT Realms, Retrieved 23 January 2016

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