
Introduced 1994
TLD type Country Code Top‐Level Domain
Status Active
Registry Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC)
Sponsor Vietnam Ministry of Information and Communication
Intended use Entities connected with  Vietnam
Actual use Fairly popular in Vietnam
Structure Names are registered at second level and third level beneath various second‐level categories
Website VNNIC (Vietnamese)
VNNIC (English)

.vn is the country code top‐level domain (ccTLD) for Vietnam.

The domain name registry for .vn is the Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC). In 2003, the company Dot VN, Inc. signed an agreement with VNNIC allowing it to market the vn domain name abroad. Nowadays, .vn can be registered all over the world via worldwide .vn accredited registrar system. Web surfers need to be careful, since many sites with TLD .vn contain malware.[1]

Second‐level domains

The .vn domain name may be registered as a ccTLD or country code second‐level domain (ccSLD). Below is a list of ccSLDs under the .vn domain name.

ccSLD Uses
com.vn commercial
biz.vn business; equivalent to com.vn
edu.vn education and training
gov.vn state and government (central and local)
net.vn establishment and provision of online services
org.vn organizations involved in political, cultural, and social activities
int.vn Vietnam-based international organizations
ac.vn organizations and individuals involved in research activities
pro.vn organizations and individuals involved in highly specialized domains
info.vn organizations and individuals involved in the creation, distribution, and supply of information
health.vn organizations and individuals involved in pharmaceutical and medical activities
name.vn proper names of individuals involved in Internet-related activities


  1. ↑ Constantin, Lucian. "VN Is the World's Riskiest Country Domain Extension". SoftPedia.com. Retrieved 14 January 2016.

External links

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