E-LOTOS (Enhanced LOTOS) is a formal specification language designed between 1993 and 1999, and standardized by ISO in 2001.[1]

E-LOTOS was initially intended to be as a revision of the LOTOS language standardized by ISO 8807 in 1989. But the revision turned out to be profound, leading to a new specification language.

The starting point for the revision of LOTOS was the PhD thesis[2] of Ed Brinksma, who had been the Rapporteur at ISO of the LOTOS standard.

In 1993, the initial goals of the definition of E-LOTOS have been stated in this announcement[3]

In 1997, when the language definition reached the maturity level of an ISO Committee Draft, the following announcement[4] was posted, which describes the main features of E-LOTOS.

The following document[5] recalls the milestones of E-LOTOS definition project.

E-LOTOS has inspired descendent languages, among which LOTOS NT[6] and LNT[7]

See also


  1. ISO/IEC international standard 15437:2001. Information technology - Enhancements to LOTOS (E-LOTOS). Geneva, September 2001.
  2. Ed Brinksma. On the Design of Extended LOTOS - A Specification Language for Open Distributed Systems, PhD thesis, University of Twente, Nov. 1988.
  3. ISO/IEC JTC1/N2802, Proposal for a New Work Item on "Enhancements to LOTOS. December 16, 1993. Available from ftp://ftp.inrialpes.fr/pub/vasy/publications/elotos/announce-93.txt
  4. Juan Quemada. E-LOTOS has born, February 18, 1997. Available from ftp://ftp.inrialpes.fr/pub/vasy/publications/elotos/announce-97.txt
  5. Juan Quemada. Description of the E-LOTOS New Work Item. June 16, 1998. Available from ftp://ftp.inrialpes.fr/pub/vasy/publications/elotos/announce-98.txt
  6. Mihaela Sighireanu (with updates by Alban Catry, David Champelovier, Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang, Guillaume Schaeffer, Wendelin Serwe, and Jan Stöcker). LOTOS NT User's Manual (Version 2.7). Technical Report INRIA Rhône-Alpes/VASY, November 2012, 107 pages. Available from http://vasy.inria.fr/traian/manual.html
  7. David Champelovier, Xavier Clerc, Hubert Garavel, Yves Guerte, Frédéric Lang, Christine McKinty, Vincent Powazny, Wendelin Serwe, and Gideon Smeding. Reference Manual of the LNT to LOTOS Translator. Technical Report INRIA Rhône-Alpes/CONVECS, 2015, 125 pages. Available from http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Champelovier-Clerc-Garavel-et-al-10.html

External links

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