Ecological station (Brazil)

Ilha do Sambaqui. Guaraqueçaba Bay

An ecological station in Brazil is a type of protected area of Brazil as defined by the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC). The purpose is to preserve untouched representative samples of the different biomes in Brazil.

Objectives and restrictions

In the 1970s the Special Secretariat of the Environment under the environmentalist Paulo Nogueira Neto launched a program of estações ecológicas (ecological stations) with the aim of establishing a network of reserves that would protect representative samples of all Brazilian ecosystems.[1] The objective of an ecological station is to preserve nature and conduct scientific research. It establishes the right of eminent domain, with the private areas included in its boundaries requiring expropriation. In these areas, public visitation is prohibited, except for educational purposes, in accordance with the provisions of the Management Plan of the unit or specific regulation, and scientific research depends on previous authorization from the body responsible for the administration of the unit and is subject to the conditions and restrictions established by this body.[2]

Changes to the environment in an ecological station are allowed to restore modified ecosystems, to manage species so as to preserve biodiversity and to collect specimens for scientific purposes. Changes are also allowed to conduct scientific research that affects the environment more than observation or collection, but in no more 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) or than or a maximum of 3% of the total area of the ecological station, whichever is smaller.[3]

Selected lists of ecological stations


Name State Area Created Biome
(ha) (acre)
Aiuaba 11.525 2001
Alto Maués 668.160 2014
Aracuri-Esmeralda Rio Grande do Sul 277 680 1981 Atlantic Forest
Caracaraí Roraima 86,793 214,470 1982 Amazonia
Carijós Santa Catarina 759 1,880 1987
Castanhão 12.579 2001
Cuniã 189.661 2001 Amazonia
Guanabara 1.935 2006
Guaraqueçaba Paraná 4,476 11,060 1982
Iquê Mato Grosso 215,969 533,670 1981 Amazonia
Jari Amapá, Pará 227,126 561,240 1982 Amazonia
Juami-Japurá Amazonas 831,524 2,054,740 1985 Amazonia
Jutaí-Solimões 284.285 1983 Amazonia
Maracá Roraima 103,976 256,930 1981 Amazonia
Maracá-Jipioca Amapá 60,200 149,000 1981 Amazonia
Mata Preta Santa Catarina 6,566 16,225 2005
Mico Leão Preto 5.500 2002
Murici Alagoas 6,132 15,153 2001
Niquiá Roraima 284,787 703,720 1985 Amazonia
Pirapitinga Minas Gerais 1,384 3,420 1987
Raso da Catarina Bahia 105,300 260,202 1984
Rio Acre Acre 77,500 192,000 1981 Amazonia
Seridó Rio Grande do Norte 1,163 2,870 1982
Serra das Araras Mato Grosso 28,637 70,760 1982 Amazonia
Serra Geral do Tocantins Bahia, Tocantins 716,306 1,770,031 2001 Amazonia
Taiamã Mato Grosso 11,555 28,550 1981 Amazonia
Taim Rio Grande do Sul 10,939 27,030 1986
Tamoios Rio de Janeiro 9,361 23,130 1990
Terra do Meio 3.373.110 2005 Amazonia
Tupinambás São Paulo 2,464 6,090 1987
Tupiniquins São Paulo 1,728 4,270 1986
UFMG Minas Gerais 114 282 1988
Uruçui-Una Piauí 135,120 333,900 1981


Name State Area Created Biome
(ha) (acre)
Águas do Cuiabá Mato Grosso 11,328 27,992 2002
Águas Emendadas Federal District 9,181 22,687 1968
Angatuba São Paulo 1,394 3,445 1985
Barreiro Rico São Paulo 293 724 2006
Caetetus São Paulo 2,254 5570 1977
Grão-Pará Pará 4,245,819 10,491,647 2006 Amazonia
Itirapina São Paulo 5,512 13,620 1984
Jataí São Paulo 9,010 22,264 1982
Juréia-Itatins[4] São Paulo 84,379 208,505 1986
Mata do Jacaré São Paulo 75 185 1987
Paraíso Rio de Janeiro 5,000 12,355 1987
Pau-Brasil Paraíba 82 203 2002
Rio da Casca Mato Grosso 3,534 8,732 1994 Amazonia
Rio Flor do Prado Mato Grosso 8,517 21,045 2003 Amazonia
Rio Madeirinha Mato Grosso 13,683 33,811 1997Amazonia
Rio Ronuro Mato Grosso 102,000 252,047 1998 Amazonia
Rio Roosevelt Mato Grosso 96,925 239,506 2007 Amazonia
Samuel Rondônia 71,061 175,595 1989 Amazonia
Serra dos Três Irmãos Rondônia 87,412 215,999 1990 Amazonia
Sítio Rangedor Maranhão 121 299 2005 Amazonia



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