List of fictional books
A fictional book is a non-existent book created specifically for (i.e. within) a work of fiction. This is not a list of works of fiction (i.e., actual novels, mysteries, etc.), but rather imaginary books that do not actually exist.
Inclusion criteria
This is a list of fictional books that appear in literature. Fictional books appearing in other print media, such as comics, are listed in List of fictional books from periodicals. Fictional books that appear in other types of media, such as television shows, are listed in List of fictional books from non-print media.
This is not a list of works of fiction (i.e., actual novels, mysteries, etc.), but rather imaginary books that do not actually exist. The fictional books on this list are ordered alphabetically under the name of the actual author who invented them.
Works invented by Edwin A. Abbott
In Flatland:
- Through Flatland to Thoughtland by Prof. A. Square
Works invented by Gilbert Adair
In The Act of Roger Murgatroyd:
- The Case of the Family Jewels by Evadne Mount
- Death Be My Deadline by Evadne Mount
- The Mystery of the Green Penguin by Evadne Mount
- No Murder in the Title by Evadne Mount
- Oedipus vs. Rex by Evadne Mount
- The Proof of the Pudding by Evadne Mount
- The Stroke of 12 by Evadne Mount
- The Timing of the Stew by Evadne Mount
- The Urinal of Futility by Evadne Mount
- The Wrong Voice by Evadne Mount (play)
In A Mysterious Affair of Style:
- Death: A User's Manual by Evadne Mount
- Eeny-Meeny-Murder-Mo by Evadne Mount (play)
- Murder Without Ease by Evadne Mount
- The Tourist Trap by Evadne Mount (play)
In A Closed Book:
- The First Fruits by Sir Paul
- The Lion of Beltraffico by Sir Paul
- Sitting at the Feet of Ghosts by Sir Paul
- The Spirit of the Place by Sir Paul
Works invented by Douglas Adams
In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series:

- The Big Bang Theory: A Personal View by Eccentrica Gallumbits
- Celestial Homecare Omnibus
- Encyclopedia Galactica
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Guilt But Were Too Ashamed To Find Out by Oolon Colluphid
- Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Sex But Have Been Forced To Find Out by Oolon Colluphid
- Fifty-Three More Things to do in Zero Gravity
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Mark II
- How I Scaled the North Face of the Megapurna with a Perfectly Healthy Finger But Everything Else Sprained, Broken or Bitten Off By a Pack of Mad Yaks
- How I Survived an Hour with a Sprained Finger
- Life Begins at Five Hundred and Fifty
- Practical Parenting in a Fractally Demented Universe
- Sidereal Daily Mentioner's Book of Popular Galactic History
- Songs of the Long Land by Lallafa
- Sqornshellous Swamptalk
- Time Traveller's Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations by Dr. Dan Streetmentioner
- The Ultra-Complete Maximegalon Dictionary of Every Language Ever
- Where God Went Wrong by Oolon Colluphid
- Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes by Oolon Colluphid
- Who Is This God Person Anyway? by Oolon Colluphid
- Well That About Wraps It Up for God by Oolon Colluphid
- You and Your Planets by Gail Andrews
In Doctor Who :
- Origins of the universe by Oolon Colluphid
- The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey by Rassilon
Works invented by Lloyd Alexander
- In The Book of Three, there is a distinct and fictional tome named The Book of Three
Works invented by Martin Amis
In The Information:
- Aforethought by Richard Tull
- Amelior by Gwyn Barry
- Dreams Don't Mean Anything by Richard Tull
- Invisible Worms (unpublished) by Richard Tull
- Summertown by Gwyn Barry
- Untitled by Richard Tull
In London Fields:
- Darts: Master the Discipline by Anonymous
In Money:
- The Ironic High Style by Doris Arthur
Works invented by Poul Anderson
In The Earth Book of Stormgate:
- Far Adventure, an autobiography by Maeve Downey
- The Sky Book of Stormgate by Rennhi
- Tales of the Great Frontier by A. A. Craig. (Poul Anderson had used the pseudonym ""A. A. Craig"" for two earlier stories.)
- A "running set of reminiscences" by James Ching
- Private journals of Hirharouk
Works invented by Wes Anderson
In The Royal Tenenbaums:[1]
- Accounting For Everything: A Guide to Personal Finance, non-fiction by Henry Sherman
- Dudley's World, non-fiction by Raleigh St. Clair
- Family of Geniuses, a memoir by Etheline Tenenbaum
- Old Custer, a novel by Eli Cash
- The Peculiar Neurodegenerative Inhabitants of the Kazawa Atoll, non-fiction by Raleigh St. Clair
- Three Plays ("Erotic Transference," "Nakedness Tonight," "Static Electricity"), by Margot Tenenbaum
- Wildcat, a novel by Eli Cash
In Moonrise Kingdom:[2]
- Disappearance of the 6th Grade by Burris Burris
- The Francine Odysseys by Gertrude Price
- The Girl from Jupiter by Isaac Clarke
- The Light of Seven Matchsticks by Virginia Tipton
- The Return of Auntie Lorraine by Miriam Weaver
- Shelly and the Secret Universe by Nan Chapin
Works invented by Piers Anthony
In The Source of Magic:
- The Anatomy of Purple Dragons, author unknown
- Hailstones: Magic vs. Mundane, author unknown
- The Status of Spirits in Royal Abodes, author unknown
- Tales for Ghosts, author unknown
Works invented by Isaac Asimov
- Encyclopedia Galactica (Other writers, including Douglas Adams, above, have borrowed this title.)
In "Blind Alley":
- Essays on History, by Ligurn Vier
Works invented by Kate Atkinson
- by Effie Andrews, the 'Madame Astarti' novels:
- The Finger of Fate
- Hand of Fate
- Mermaids Ahoy!
- Pick a Card, Any Card
- The Wheel of Fortune
- by Martha Sewell (poetry)
- Cherry Picking in Vermont
- Chicken Spirits
- by Andrea Garnet
- The Adventures of Anthea
- Anthea's Anguish (Booker prizewinner 2001)
- The Balniddrian Conspiracy (in the Chronicles of Edrakonia series) by Kevin Riley
- The Expanding Prism of J by Archie McCue
- The Invasion of the Tara-Zanthians by Colin Hardy
- Wards of Love by Philippa McCue
In Life After Life:
- by Delphine Fox (pseudonym for Isobel Todd)
- The Adventures of Augustus (series)
Works invented by Margaret Atwood
- The Blind Assassin by Laura Chase
- The Chase Industries: A History
In Lady Oracle:
- Lady Oracle by Joan Foster
- by Louise K. Delacroix (pen name of Joan Foster)
- Escape from Love
- The Lord of Chesney Chase
- Love Defied
- The Secret of Morgrave Manor
- Stalked by Love
- Turrets of Tantripp
- by Mavis Quilp
- Anne Armstrong, Junior Nurse
- Helen Curtis, Senior Nurse
- Janet Holmes, Student Nurse
- Judith Morris, Arctic Expedition Nurse
- Lucy Gallant, Army Nurse
- Nurse of the High Arctic
- Romance in Paradise
In The Robber Bride:
- Deadly Vestments: A History of Inept Military Couture by Antonia Fremont (in progress)
- Five Ambushes by Antonia Fremont
- Four Lost Causes by Antonia Fremont
Works invented by John Barnes
- Chronicles, by Cedric
- The Codwalloper's Daughter, traditional story ballad
- Highly Unpleasant Things It Is Sometimes Good To Know, compilation
- King Boniface, by Roderick
- The Masque of Murder, by Roderick
- Memoirs, by King Amatus
- Penna Pike, traditional story ballad, extended by Prince Amatus
- Robber Baron: The Rise of the Thunder Family from Terror of the North to the Kingdom's Most Respected Barony, by Deacon (Prime Minister) Dick Thunder (authorship disputed)
- Things That Are Not Good To Know At All, compilation
- The Third Part of Prince Amatus, by Roderick
- The Tragical Death of Boniface the Good, by Roderick
Works invented by L. Frank Baum
In The Road to Oz:
- Encyclopedia Donkaniara, by an unknown author
In the Oz books, by Baum and his successors:
- Glinda's Great Book of Records
Works invented by Max Beerbohm
In Seven Men:
- Negations by Enoch Soames
- Fungoids by Enoch Soames
- Ariel in Mayfair by Hilary Maltby
- A Faun on the Cotswolds by Stephen Braxton
- Savonarola: A Tragedy by Ladbroke Brown
In A Christmas Garland:
- Out of Harm's Way by A. C. Benson
- Perkins and Mankind by H. G. Wells
- Sitting Up for the Dawn by H. G. Wells
- A Midwife for the Millennium by H. G. Wells
- How to Be Happy Though Yet Unborn by H. G. Wells
- Words About Words by Ezra K. Higgins
- The History of Sarah Wrackgarth by Arnold Bennett
- Snt. George: A Christmas Play by George Bernard Shaw
- All Roads by Maurice Baring
- Hell: A Harlequinade by John Davidson
Works invented by John Bellairs
- An Answer for Night-Hags
- Krankenhammer by Stefan (the mad cobbler of Mainz) Schimpf
- Nameless Horrors and What to Do About Them
- Six Centuries of English Spells
- Table of Rust Rates by Captain Monkhouse
In Spell of the Sorcerer's Skull:
- Clavicule de Saloman, La by Warren Windrow
- Weird Tales of the Maine Seacoast
In The Dark Secret of Weatherend:
- A History of Hoosac County
- Eminent Minnesotans
- Peculiarities of American Cities
- The Book of the Dead by Simon of Salisbury
- The Testament of J. K. Borkman by Jorgen Knut Borkman
In The Figure in the Shadows:
- Free Inquiry into the Properties of Magic Amulets by Florence Helene Zimmermann
In The House with a Clock in Its Walls:
- Cloud Formations and Other Phenomena by Isaac Izard
- Hardesty's Universal Omnium Gatherum
In The Letter, The Witch, and the Ring:
- A Cyclopedia of Jewish Antiquities by Reverend Merriwether Burchard
In The Mummy, The Will, and the Crypt:
- Stately Homes of New England
In The Doom of the Haunted Opera (with Brad Strickland):
- Transactions of the Capharnaum County Magicians Society (6 volumes)
In Vengeance of the Witch-Finder (with Brad Strickland):
- History of the Barnavelt Family and the Rebellion Against King Charles I by James Barnavelt
- Persecution, for Witch-Craft, of Martin Christian Barnavelt by Martin Christian Barnavelt
Works invented by Hilaire Belloc
In "Done into Verse: A Suggestion for a Rhymed 'Who's Who': Keanes, Herbert O'Hone":
(all by Herbert Keanes)
- Problems of the Poor
- The Future of Japan
- Musings by Killarney's Shore
- What, indeed, is man?
- Flowers and Fruit
- The Ethics of Jean-Paul
- Is There a Clifford?
- Nero
Works invented by Jedediah Berry
- The Manual of Detection
Works invented by Robert Bloch
In The Man Who Collected Poe:
- The Crypt by Edgar Allan Poe
- The Further Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar Allan Poe
- The Worm of Midnight by Edgar Allan Poe
In The Mannikin:
- Cabala of Saboth
- Commentaries on Witchcraft by Mycroft
In The Shambler from the Stars:
- De Vermis Mysteriis (Mysteries of the Worm)
In The Suicide in the Study:
- Cultes des Goules by Comte d'Erlette
- Black Rites by Luveh-Keraphf
Works invented by Roberto Bolaño
In 2666: (all by Benno von Archimboldi)
- Lüdicke
- The Endless Rose
- The Leather Mask
- Rivers of Europe
- Bifurcaria Bifurcata
- Inheritance
- Saint Thomas
- The Blind Woman
- The Black Sea
- Lethaea
- The Lottery Man
- The Father
- The Return
- D'Arsonval
- The Garden
- Mitzi's Treasure
- Railroad Perfection
- The Berlin Underworld
- Bitzius
- The King of the Forest
- The Head
Works invented by Jorge Luis Borges
In Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius:
- Anglo-American Cyclopedia 1917 edition
- A First Encyclopaedia of Tlön
- History of a Land called Uqbar by Silas Haslam (1874)
In "The Library of Babel":
- The Combed Thunderclap
- The Plaster Cramp
- Axaxaxas mlö (the words "axaxaxas mlö" also occur in Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius in an example of the language of Tlön)
In stories named after the fictional books:
- The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim by Mir Bahadur Ali (1932)
- The Book of Sand
- The Garden of Forking Paths by Ts'ui Pen
- April March by Herbert Quain
- Biography of the Baal Shem by Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky (1940)
- The Conversation with the Man Called Al-Mu'tasim: A Game of Shifting Mirrors by Mir Bahadur Ali (1934) -- Illustrated version
- Don Quixote and other works by Pierre Menard
- An Examination of the Philosophy of Robert Fludd by Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky (1921)
- A General History of Labyrinths by Silas Haslam (1888)
- The God of the Labyrinth by Herbert Quain
- Dem hemlige Fralsaren by Nils Runeberg (1909)
- History of the Sect of the Hasidim by Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky (1931)
- Kristus och Judas by Nils Runeberg (1904)
- Lesbare und lesenswerthe Bemerkungen über das Land Ukkbar in Klein-Asien by Johann Valentin Andreä
- Les Problemes d'un probleme by Pierre Menard (1917)
- The Secret Mirror by Herbert Quain
- Statements by Herbert Quain
- Tetragrammaton by Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky
- Urkunden zur Geschichte der Zahirsage (Documents and Tales: the History of the Zahir) by Julius Barlach (1899)
- A Vindication of the Cabala by Dr. Marcel Yarmolinsky (1938)
- Vindication of Eternity by Jaromir Hladík (1927)
- Temple of Fire by Ali Azur
- The Book of Things Unknown by Attar
Works invented by William Boyd
In Any Human Heart:
- by Logan Montstuart
- The Mind's Imaginings
- The Girl Factory
- The Cosmopolitans
- The Villa by the Lake
- by Peter Scabius
- Beware of the Dog
- Night Train to Paris
- Three Days in Marrakesh
- Guilt
- Iniquity
- The Slaughter of the Innocents
- The Red and the Blue and the Red
- Already Too Late
- by Butler Hughes
- North by Night
- by Eugene Mallabar
- The Peaceful Primate
- Primate's Progress
In Restless:
- by Eva Delectorskaya
- The Story of Eva Delectorskaya
- by Sam M Goodforth
- The Hollow Mountain
- by Robert York
- Germany: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Works invented by Richard Brautigan
In The Abortion: An Historical Romance 1966:
- Bacon Death, by Marsha Patterson
- Breakfast First, by Samuel Humber
- The Culinary Dostoevski, by James Fallon
- The Egg Laid Twice, by Beatrice Quinn
- Growing Flowers by Candlelight in Hotel Rooms, by Ms. Charles Fine Adams
- He Kissed All Night, by Susan Magar
- A History of Nebraska, by Clinton York*
- Hombre, by Canton Lee
- It's the Queen of Darkness, Pal, by Rod Keen
- Jack, The Story of a Cat, by Hilda Simpson
- Leather Clothes and the History of Man, by S. M. Justice
- Love Always Beautiful, by Charles Green
- Moose, by Richard Brautigan
- My Dog, by Bill Lewis
- My Trike, by Chuck
- The Need for Legalized Abortion, by Doctor O.
- The Other Side of My Hand, by Harlow Blade
- Pancake Pretty, by Barbara Jones
- Printer's Ink, by Fred Sinkus
- The Quick Forest, by Thomas Funnel
- Sam Sam Sam, by Patricia Evens Summers
- The Stereo and God, by Reverend Lincoln Lincoln
- UFO vs. CBS, by Susan De Witt
- Vietnam Victory, by Edward Fox
- Your Clothes are Dead, by Les Steinman
Works invented by Marie Brennan
In A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent:
- A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir, by Isabella Camherst, Lady Trent
- A Journey to the Mountains of Vystrana, by Isabella Camherst, Lady Trent
- Concerning the Rock-Wyrms of Vystrana: Their Anatomy, Biology, and Activity, with Particular Attention to Their Relation with Humans, and the Revelation of Mourning Behavior, by Jacob Camherst and others
- A Natural History of Dragons, by Sir Richard Edgeworth
- Avian Anatomy, by Gotherham
- Reliques of Vystrani Wisdom, by David Parnell
- Methods of Cavern Formation in a Variety of Environments, by Pegshaw
Works invented by Elinor Brent-Dyer
In the Chalet School series:
- In A Future Chalet School Girl: Mystery at Heron Lake by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Althea Joins the Chalet School: The Secret of Castle Dancing by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Carola Storms the Chalet School: The Rose Patrol in the Alps by Josephine M. Bettany
- In The Chalet School Goes To It: Gipsy Jocelyn by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Gay from China at the Chalet School: Indian Holiday and Nancy Meets a Nazi by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Jo Returns to the Chalet School: Cecily Holds the Fort and Malvina Wins Through by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Joey Goes to Oberland: Audrey Wins the Trick and Dora of the Lower Fifth by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Lavender Laughs at the Chalet School: Lavender Laughs in Brazil: Lavender Laughs in Cyprus: Lavender Laughs in Libya: Lavender Laughs in Scotland: Lavender Laughs in the West Indies: Lavender Laughs in Turkey and Lavender laughs in New Guinea by Sylvia Leigh; and The Lost Staircase, Luella was a Land Girl, and The Robin Makes Good by Josephine M. Bettany
- In The Chalet School and the Island: The Sea Parrot by Kester Bellever
- In The Chalet School in Exile: Tessa in Tyrol by Josephine M. Bettany
- In The Mystery at the Chalet School: The Leader of the Lost Cause by Josephine M. Bettany
- In The New Mistress at the Chalet School: King's Soldier Maid and Swords Crossed by Josephine M. Bettany
- In A Problem for the Chalet School: A Royalist Soldier-Maid and Werner of the Alps by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Three Go to the Chalet School: Lavender Laughs in Kashmir by Sylvia Leigh
- In Tom Tackles the Chalet School: The Fugitive of the Salt Cave and The Secret House by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Two Sams at the Chalet School: Swords for the King! by Josephine M. Bettany
- In Maids of La Rochelle: Guernsey Folk Tales by Elizabeth Temple
Works invented by John Brunner
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan
- You're an Ignorant Idiot a series by Chad C. Mulligan
- Better ? than ? by Chad C. Mulligan
- You : Beast by Chad C. Mulligan
Works invented by Steven Brust
In Athyra:
- The Book of the Seven Wizards
- Knitting of Bones
- On the Number of the Parts of the Body
- The Remembered Tales of Calduh
- The Sorcerer's Art and the Healing of the Self
- Bedra of Ynn and Lotro: An Historical and Poetical Comparison, author unknown
- A Brief Consideration of Adverb Placement in Colloquial Tongue by Vaari
- The Clothes Unmake the Emperor by Baron Vile
- Court Dress Before the Interregnum by Traanier
- History of Doors and Windows by Kairu
- Imperial Wing of the Old Palace by Dentrub
- Mountain Ballads, author unknown
- Overview of the Architecture of the Old Imperial Palace by Burrin
- Redwreath and Goldstar Have Traveled to Deathgate (play), author unknown
- Short Life of Lotro, author unknown
- Tales of Beed'n, author unknown
- Three Broken Strings by Paarfi of Roundwood
- Wise Sayings of Five Bards, author unknown
In Jhegaala:
- Fauna of the Middle South: A Brief Survey by Oscaania
- Six Parts Water (play) by Miersen
Works invented by Lois McMaster Bujold
In The Curse of Chalion:
- The Fivefold Pathway of the Soul: On the True Methods of Quintarian Theology by Ordol
- The Legend of the Green Tree by Behar
Works invented by A. S. Byatt
Works invented by James Branch Cabell
In the Biography of the Life of Manuel:
In The Nightmare Has Triplets:
Works invented by Italo Calvino
In If on a Winter's Night a Traveler:
- If on a Winter's Night a Traveler, by Italo Calvino
- Outside the Town of Malbork, by Tazio Bazakbal
- Leaning from the Steep Slope, by Ukko Ahti
- Without Fear of Wind or Vertigo, by Vorts Viljandi
- Looks Down in the Gathering Shadow, by Bertrand Vandervelde
- In a Network of Lines that Enlace, by Silas Flannery
- In a Network of Lines that Intersect, by Ermes Marana
- On the Carpet of Leaves Illuminated by the Moon, by Takakumi Ikoka
- Around an Empty Grave, by Calixto Bandera
- What Story Down There Awaits its End?, by Anatoly Anatolin
Works invented by Cao Xueqin
In Hong Lou Meng:
- Ji Zhi (姬子)
Works invented by Peter Carey
- Corallines of the Devon Coast and Hennacombe Rambles by Theophilus Hopkins
Works invented by Thomas Carlyle
In Sartor Resartus:
- by _von Diog. Teufelsdrockh
- Die Kleider, ihr Werden und Wirken (Clothes, their Origin and Influence): J. U. D. etc. Stillschweigen und Cognie. Weissnichtwo, 1831.
Works invented by Jonathan Carroll
- Bones of the Moon by Cullen James (not the same book as Bones of the Moon by Jonathan Carroll)
- The Green Dogs of Sorrow by Marshall France
- The Land of Laughs by Marshall France
- Night Races Into Anna by Marshall France
- Peach Shadows by Marshall France
- An untitled biography of Edward Abbey by Stephen Abbey
- An untitled biography of Marshall France by Stephen and Gardner Abbey
- Flash and Blood by Stephen King
Works invented by Michael Chabon
In Summerland:
- How to Catch Lightning and Smoke
- The Wa-He-Ta Brave's Official Tribe Handbook
In "The God of Dark Laughter":
- Encyclopedia of Archaeo-Anthropological Research
- Uber das Finstere Lachen, by Friedrich Von Junzt
- Khndzut Dzul (The Unfathomable Ruse)
In Wonder Boys:
- The Abominations of Plunkettsburg and Other Tales by Albert Vetch (writing as August Van Zorn)
- The Arsonist's Girl by Grady Tripp
- The Bottomlands by Grady Tripp
- Fans and Fadeaways by John Jose Fahey
- Eight Solid Light-years of Lead by John Jose Fahey
- Kind of Blue by John Jose Fahey
- The Land Downstairs by Grady Tripp
- The Love Parade by James Leer
- Sad Tidings by John Jose Fahey
- Wonder Boys by Grady Tripp
Works invented by Robert W. Chambers
- The King in Yellow by Castaigne in The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers (Castaigne is either the author or the translator)
- The King in Yellow has been adopted by authors into the Lovecraftian tradition.
- The Imperial Dynasty of America by an unknown author. (From The Repairer of Reputations, a short story in The King in Yellow.
Works invented by Raymond Chandler
Attributed to Aaron Klopstein (Klopstein committed suicide at the age of 33, shooting himself with an Amazonian blowgun):[3]
- Once More the Cicatrice (novel)
- The Seagull Has No Friends (novel)
- The Hydraulic Facelift (poetry)
- Cat Hairs in the Custard (poetry)
- Twenty Inches of Monkey (short stories)
Works invented by Agatha Christie
Attributed to Ariadne Oliver:
- The Affair of the Second Goldfish
- The Body in the Library
- The Cat it Was Who Died
- Death of a Debutante
- The Lotus Murder
- The Clue of the Candle Wax
- The Woman in the Woods
- The White Cockatoo
- The Tendency of the Criminal (article)
- Famous Crimes Passionnels (article)
- Murder for Love v. Murder for Gain (article)
Attributed to Salome Otterbourne:
- Under the Fig Tree
- Snow on the Desert's Face (unpublished)
Works invented by Clamp
- A City With No People (children's book series)
- Vol. 1: A City With No People
- Vol. 2: Someone Just For Me
- Vol. 3: They Can Do Anything
- Vol. 4: A Wish That Can't Be Granted
- Vol. 5: Little By Little
- Vol. 6: Please Find Me
- Vol. 7: A Warm Heart
Works invented by Susanna Clarke
Works invented by Jonathan Coe
In What a Carve Up!:
- Accidents Will Happen by Michael Owen
- Great Plumbers of Albania (unknown author)
- 300 Years of Halitosis (unknown author)
- The Winshaw Legacy: A Family Chronicle by Alan Beamish
- So You Think You Know about Plinths? by Revd. J. W. Pottage
- A Life in Packaging - Fragments of an Autobiography:Volume IX - The Styrofoam Years (unknown author)
- A Pox on the Box: Memoirs of a Disillusioned Broadcaster by Alan Beamish
- Dropping in on Jerry: A Light-Hearted Account of the Dresden Bombings by Wing Commander "Bullseye" Fortescue
- A Lutheran Approach to the Films of Martin and Lewis (unknown author)
- The A-Z of Plinths by Revd. J. W. Pottage
- The Loving Touch by Michael Owen
- Plinths! Plinths! Plinths!" by Revd. J. W. Pottage
- I was Celery (unknown author)
Works invented by J.M. Coetzee
- The House on Eccles Street by Elizabeth Costello
- Fire and Ice by Elizabeth Costello
- Strong Opinions by JC
Works invented by Eoin Colfer
- The Complete Maximegalon Statistics, Volumes 1—15,000
- The Quick Guide to the Complete Maximegalon Statistics, Volumes 1—25,000
Works invented by Wilkie Collins
- The World of Sleep (In Who Killed Zebedee)
- Life, Letters, and Labours of Miss Jane Ann Stamper (forty-fourth edition) (In The Moonstone)
Works invented by Joseph Conrad
- An Inquiry into some Points of Seamanship by a man Tower, Towson—some such name (In Heart of Darkness) Conrad is probably either conflating or making Marlow conflate two books: J. T. Towson's navigation tables, 1848 and 1849, and Nicholas Tinmouth's An Inquiry relative to various points of seamanship, 1845: so not really an invented book.[4]
Works invented by Cressida Cowell
- How to Train Your Dragon by Professor Yobbish (In How to Train Your Dragon)
Works invented by Richard Cowper
In A Dream of Kinship:
- Codex Iniquitatis, author unknown
- Letters to Brother Matthew by Brother Francis of York (later called Saint Francis)
- A Perspective of the Christian Dilemma by Brother Matthew (writing as V. O. V.)
In The Road to Corlay:
- Morfedd's Testament by Morfedd
- The Avian Apocrypha, anonymous
- The Book of Gyre, anonymous
- The Book of Morfedd, anonymous
- Carlisle ms, anonymous
- Old Peter's Tale, anonymous
- Orgen's Dream, anonymous
In A Tapestry of Time:
- Being and Non-Being by Hagendorf
- Catalogue by Dean Pardoe
- Consolations of Philosophy by Pargeter
- History of Kinship in the United Kingdoms, Vol. 1 by Franscombe
- Kentmere Psalter, author unknown
- Leaves from an Antiquarian's Notebook by Dean Pardoe
- Lexicon by Langley
- Revelations by St. Francis
- The True History of the Boy by St. Francis
- An unknown title by Master Surgeon Brynlas
- An unknown title (contains the word "Life") by Dom Sarega
- L'Histoire Particulière de la Renaissance by Pierre Candel
- Reminiscences by Margaret Hardy
- W. H. O. Regeneration Statistics. Vol. 3. 2004, author unknown
Works invented by Edmund Crispin
- Metromania by Robert Warner (play) (in The Case of the Gilded Fly)
Works invented by Justin Cronin
- Belle of the Ball by Jordana Mixon (in The Passage)
Works invented by John Crowley
In Little, Big:
- Architecture of Country Houses by John Drinkwater
- Brother North-Wind's Secret and other books (resembling Thornton Burgess's books) by John Storm Drinkwater
- Upstate Houses and Their Histories (pamphlet), author unknown
In The Solitudes:
- Mythos and Tyrannos by Frank Walker Barr
- Time's Body by Frank Walker Barr
- Bitten Apples by Fellowes Kraft
- The Book of a Hundred Chapters by Fellowes Kraft
- Bruno's Journey by Fellowes Kraft
- The Court of Silk and Blood by Fellowes Kraft
- Darkling Plain by Fellowes Kraft
- A Passage at Arms by Fellowes Kraft
- Under Saturn by Fellowes Kraft
- The Way's Far Turning by Helen Niblick
- Steganography by Lois Rose
- Dawn of the Druids, author unknown
- Phaeton's Car, author unknown
- Worlds in Division, author unknown
Works invented by Andrew Crumey
- Il Furto by Alfredo Galli (in Music, in a Foreign Language)
- The Optical Illusion Last Friday by Alfredo Galli (in Music, in a Foreign Language)
- Minds and Memories by Lowell (in Music, in a Foreign Language)
- Aphorisms by Vincenzo Spontini (in Pfitz)
- Tales from Rreinnstadt by Muller (in D'Alembert's Principle)
- Epistemology and Unreason by Ian Muir (in Mr Mee)
- Rosier's Encyclopedia by Jean-Bernard Rosier (in Mr Mee)
- The Angel Returns by Heinrich Behring, translated by Celia Carter (in Mobius Dick)
- Professor Faust by Heinrich Behring, translated by Celia Carter (in Mobius Dick)
- Evolution Towards Perfection by Otto Hinze (in Mobius Dick)
- The Teleology of Mental Degeneration by Otto Hinze (in Mobius Dick)
- Synchronicism and Coincidence by Otto Hinze (in Mobius Dick)
Works invented by Chris Crutcher
- Warren Peece by Chris Crutcher (in The Sledding Hill)
Works invented by Mark Z. Danielewski
In House of Leaves:
Works invented by Robertson Davies
In Fifth Business:
- Celtic Saints of Britain and Europe by Dunstable Ramsay
- Forgotten Saints of the Tyrol by Dunstable Ramsay
- A Hundred Saints for Travellers by Dunstable Ramsay
Works invented by John DeChancie
In Castle Murders:
- Eidolons of the King by Librarian Osmirik, the Castle books as they exist in the fictional world
- The Moswell Plan by Dorcas Bagby, a book believed to be fictional even in its own world
In Castle Perilous:
- Ervoldt: His Book by Lord Ervoldt
Works invented by Philip K. Dick
In The Man in the High Castle:
- The Grasshopper Lies Heavy by Hawthorne Abendsen
In A Maze of Death:
- How I Rose From the Dead in My Spare Time and So Can You by A. J. Spectowsky
In The Transmigration of Timothy Archer:
- Here, Tyrant Death by Bishop Timothy Archer
Works invented by Paul Di Filippo
In Plumage From Pegasus:
- Mega-Awesome SF: The True Story Behind Forever Plus! by Amber Max
- Forever Plus! by Amber Max
- A History of Supermarket Fiction: How SF Swept the World by Roger Barnard
- Imaginary Realist: The Life of Timothy Eugene by Milton Sharp
- The Magazine Chums Meet the Distributor of Doom by C.J. Cutlyffe Heintz-Ketzep
- The Magazine Chums and the Case of the Disappearing Readers by C.J. Cutlyffe Heintz-Ketzep
- The Magazine Chums and the Great Paper Shortage by C.J. Cutlyffe Heintz-Ketzep
- The Magazine Chums Apply for an Arts Council Grant by C.J. Cutlyffe Heintz-Ketzep
- The Unsurrendered Fembot by Richard Calder
- The Big Book of High-Tech Texas Bar-B-Q by Bruce Sterling
- A History of Science Fiction and Fantasy in the New Yorker by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Faith-Based Fictions: A Conversation by Orson Scott Card, Andrew Greeley and Barry Malzberg
- Women Write Fantasy, Men Write Science fiction by Nancy Kress and Charles Sheffield
- I was a Teenaged Pornographer! by Robert Silverberg
- Boy Magnate by Gordon Van Gelder
- Great Mafia Science by Ben Bova
- How to Pick Up Guys by Samuel Delany
- Corn Likker, Drag Racin' and Coon Huntin' by Andy Duncan and Michael Bishop
- Andre Norton's Smackdown by Andre Norton
Works invented by Martin Donovan and David Koepp
- Forever Young by Helen Sharp
Works invented by Arthur Conan Doyle
In the Sherlock Holmes series:
- Chaldean Roots in the Ancient Cornish Language by Sherlock Holmes
- The Dynamics of an Asteroid by Professor James Moriarty
- Early English Charters by Sherlock Holmes
- Giant Rat of Sumatra by Dr. John Watson
- Heavy Game in the Western Himalayas (1881) by Colonel Sebastian Moran
- Malingering by Sherlock Holmes
- Of Tattoo Marks by Sherlock Holmes
- On Secret Writings by Sherlock Holmes
- On the Polyphonic Motets of Lassus by Sherlock Holmes
- On the Study of Tobaccos and their Ashes by Sherlock Holmes
- On the Surface Anatomy of the Human Ear by Sherlock Holmes
- On the Typewriter and Its Relation to Crime by Sherlock Holmes
- Practical Handbook of Bee Culture, with Some Observations upon the Segregation of the Queen by Sherlock Holmes
- Three Months in the Jungle (1884) by Colonel Sebastian Moran
- A Treatise on the Binomial Theorem by Professor James Moriarty
- Upon the Dating of Old Documents by Sherlock Holmes
- Upon the Influence of a Trade upon the Form of the Hand by Sherlock Holmes
- Upon the Tracing of Footsteps by Sherlock Holmes
- Upon the Uses of Dogs in the Work of the Detective by Sherlock Holmes
- Whole Art of Detection by Sherlock Holmes
In the Professor Challenger series:
- Outlines of Vertebrate Evolution by Professor George Edward Challenger
- Some Observations Upon a Series of Kalmuk Skulls by Professor George Edward Challenger
Works invented by Umberto Eco
- The Carmassi Brothers by Adeodato Lampustri
- Chaste Throbs by Odolinda Mezzofanti Sassabetti
- Chronicles of the Zodiac by Dr. De Amicis
- The Dismissed by Adeodato Lampustri
- Diary of a Village Doctor
- Diary of a Young Girl's Illness
- Panther Without Eyelashes by Adeodato Lampustri
- The Wonderful Adventure of Metals
- Manuscript de Dom Adson de Melk, Le by Abbe Vallet
- On the Use of Mirrors in the Game of Chess by Milo Temesvar
Works invented by David Eddings
In The Belgariad:
- The Mrin Codex a prophecy made by a madman
Works invented by Joe Eszterhas
In Basic Instinct:
- The First Time by Catherine Tramell
- Love Hurts by Catherine Tramell
Works invented by Sebastian Faulks
- Alfie the Humble Engine by Sally Higgs (winner of the Pizza Palace Book of the Year)
- Bolivia: Land of Shadows by Antony Cazenove
- The Potter's Tale by R. Tranter
- Shropshire Towers by Alfred Huntley Edgerton
- A Winter Crossing by Alexander Sedley
Works invented by Joshua Ferris
- Hiding Places Both Underwater and Underground a McLenox Publication
- The Anarchist's Philosophy a McLenox Publication
- How to Make a Fake Birth Certificate on Your Home Computer a McLenox Publication
Works invented by Ronald Firbank
In Caprice:
- Ozias Midwinter by unknown
In Inclinations:
- Book of Cats by Miss Neffal
- Notes on the Tedium of Places by William Wordsworth
- Six Strange Sisters by Geraldine O'Brookomore
- Those Gonzagas by Geraldine O'Brookomore
- Three Lilies and a Moustache by unknown
- Travels by Lady Cray
- Violet's Virtue (or The Virtue of the Violet) by A Literary Lady (The Scottish Sappho)
In Vainglory:
- Autobiography by Mrs. Cresswell
- Beams by Bishop Pantry
- Even-Tide by Bishop Pantry
- The Home Life of Lucretia Borgia by Mrs. Asp
- Inner Garden by Bishop Pantry
- The Leg of Chicken by Mr. Garsaint
- Love's Arrears by Claud Harvester
- New Poems by Claud Harvester
- Night Thoughts by Bishop Pantry
- The Red Rose of Martyrdom by Mrs. Cresswell
- Sacerdotalism and Satanism by Miss Missingham
- Scroll from the Fingers of Ta-Hor by Miss Hospice
- Vaindreams by Claud Harvester
- Verlaine at Bournemouth by Lady Anne Pantry
- The Women Queens of England by Mrs. Asp
Works invented by Jasper Fforde
In the Thursday Next novels:
In the Nursery Crimes novels:
Works invented by Gardner F. Fox
In Kothar--Barbarian Swordsman:
- The Lord Histories of Satoram Mandamor
In Kothar and the Demon Queen:
- Attributed to Gronlex Storbon
- Dialogue of Demons
- Nights of Necromancy
Works invented by Michael Frayn
- Natural Man by Dr Elizabeth Serafin
- Fair Do's:Studies in the Perception of Social Justice by E J Maitland
Works invented by Cornelia Funke
In Inkheart:
- Inkheart by Fenoglio
Works invented by Neil Gaiman
Works invented in Good Omens, co-authored by Terry Pratchett, are listed in the "Terry Pratchett" section of this article.
Works invented in The Sandman comics are listed in the "DC Comics" section of List of fictional books from periodicals.
Works invented by Stella Gibbons
- The Higher Common Sense and The Pensées by the Abbé Fause-Maigre, translated by H. B. Mainwaring
- Pard-spirit; A Study of Branwell Brontë by Mr. Meyerburg (Mybug)
Works invented by Robert Goddard
In Play to the End:
- Lodger in the Throat by Joe Orton
- The Plastic Men by Derek Oswin
Works invented by Edward Gorey
(by C. F. Earbrass):
- The truffle plantation
- The meaning of the house
- A moral dustbin
- More chains than clank
- Was it likely?
- The unstrung harp
(by Miss D. Awdrey-Gore):
- The toastrack enigma
- The blancmange tragedy
- The postcard mystery
- The pincushion affair
- The toothpaste murder
- The dustwrapper secret
- The teacosy crime
(by Dewda Yorger):
- Dreary Rewdgo on the Great Divide
- Dreary Rewdgo in the Yukon
- Dreary Rewdgo at Baffin Bay
Works invented by John Green
- An Imperial Affliction by Peter Van Houten
- The Price of Dawn
- Midnight Dawns
- Requiem for Mayhem
Works invented by Graham Greene
- The Ambitious Host by Maurice Bendrix
- The Crowned Image by Maurice Bendrix
- The Grave on the Water-Front by Maurice Bendrix
Works invented by Radclyffe Hall
- The Furrow by Stephen Johnson
Works invented by Carolyn Hart
In The Christie Caper:
In Death on Demand:
Works invented by Mark Helprin
In Winter's Tale:
- The Afro-California Jumping Style by Sierra Leon
- Care and Feeding of the Horse by Robert S. Kahn
- Catalog of Alabama Curry Combs 1760–1823 by Georgia Fatwood
- Dressage by Turner
- Equine Anatomy by Burchfield
- Memoirs of a Military Groom by Moffet Southgate
- Pictures of Big White Horses by unknown
- Ride Like Hell, You Son of a Bitch! by Fulgura Frango
- A River Moves Forward by Selena Haskins
Works invented by Frank Herbert
In the Dune series:
Works invented by William Hope Hodgson
In Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder stories:
- Experiments with a Medium by Professor Garder
- the Sigsand MS
- Astral and Astarral Co-ordination and Interference by Harzam with addenda by Carnacki
- Astarral Vibrations Compared with Matero-involuted Vibrations Below the Six-Billion Limit by Professor Garder
- Induced Hauntings by Harzam
- Acrostics by John Dumpley
Works invented by S. A. Hunt
In The Outlaw King series:
- "The Brine and the Bygone" by Edward Brigham
- "The Cape and the Castle" by Edward Brigham
- "The Rope and the Riddle" by Edward Brigham
- "The Truth and the Trial" by Edward Brigham
- "The Blade and the Bone" by Edward Brigham
- "The Feared and the Free" by Edward Brigham
- "The Gunslinger and the Giant" by Edward Brigham
Works invented by Aldous Huxley
In Brave New World:
- Chemical and Bacteriological Conditioning of the Embryo; author unknown
- Practical Instructions for Beta-Store Workers; author unknown
In Crome Yellow:
- Biography of Men Who Achieved Greatness, author unknown
- Biography of Men Who had Greatness Thrust Upon Them, author unknown
- Biography of Men Who were Born Great, author unknown
- Biography of Men Who were Never Great at All, author unknown
- Certaine Priuy Counsels by One of Her Maiestie's Most Honourable Priuy Counsels, F.L. Knight by Sir Ferdinando Lapith
- Cosmic Cuts, author unknown
- Dictionary of the Finnish Language by Caprinulge
- History of Crome by Henry Wimbrush
- Humble Heroisms by Mr. Barbecue-Smith
- Pipe-Lines to the Infinite by Mr. Barbecue-Smith
- The Tales of Knockespotch by Knockespotch
- Thom's Works and Wanderings by Tom Thom
- unknown by Denis Stone
- unknown by Mr. Barbecue-Smith
- unknown by Hercules Lapith
- What a Young Girl Ought to Know, author unknown
- Wild Goose Chase, A Novel, author unknown
Works invented by James Hynes
- Les Mortifications by Jean-Claude Evangeline
- Das Ding an Sich: A Cultural History of Cultural Histories by Lorraine Alsace[5]
- To Reign in Hell: The Will to Power in Paradise Lost by Anthony Pescecane
- Where's Waldo? The Representation of Everyman in Emerson by J. O. Schmeaux
- Daughters of the Night: Clitoral Hegemony in LeFanu's Carmilla by Victoria Victorinix
- Rhythm and Metonomy in Coleridge's Christobel by Victoria Victorinix
- The Barbecued God: Death of a Yorkshireman by Joseph Brody
- The Missionary Position: The Franciscan Construction of Rapanui Gender 1862–1936 by Virginia Dunning
- (Re) Visioning Resurrection: The Myth of Human Sacrifice by Gregory Eyck
- A History of Early Modern Witchcraft by Victor Karswell
- Cooking the Captain: The Colonialist as Yorkshire Pudding by Stanley Tulafale
Works invented by John Irving
In The World According to Garp:
- A Sexual Suspect by Jenny Fields (autobiography)
- A History of Everett Steering's Academy by Stewart Percy
- The Pension Grillparzer by T.S. Garp
- Procrastination by T.S. Garp
- The Second Wind of the Cuckold by T.S. Garp
- The World According to Bensenhaver by T.S. Garp
- Confessions of an Ellen Jamesian by Anonymous
- Lunacy and Sorrow: The Life and Art of T.S. Garp by Donald Whitcomb
- My Father's Illusions by T.S. Garp
- The Mouse Crawling Between the Walls by Ted Cole
- The Door in the Floor by Ted Cole
- A Sound Like Someone Trying Not To Make a Sound by Ted Cole
- Summer Job by Ed O'Hare
- Coffee and Donuts by Ed O'Hare
- Leaving Long Island by Ed O'Hare
- Sixty Times by Ed O'Hare
- The Same Orphanage by Ruth Cole
- Before the Fall of Saigon by Ruth Cole
- Not for Children by Ruth Cole
- Followed Home from the Flying Food Circus by Alice Somerset
- Missing Persons McDermid by Alice Somerset
- McDermid Reaches a Milestone by Alice Somerset
- McDermid Retired by Alice Somerset
- My Last Bad Boyfriend by Ruth Cole
- A Difficult Woman by Ed O'Hare
In Until I Find You:
- The Slush Pile Reader by Emma Oastler
- Normal and Nice by Emma Oastler
In Last Night In Twisted River:
- Family Life in Coos County by Danny Angel
- The Kennedy Fathers by Danny Angel
- Kissing Kin by Danny Angel
- The Spinster; or, The Maiden Aunt by Danny Angel
- East of Bangor by Danny Angel
- Baby in the Road by Danny Angel
- In the After-Hours Restaurant by Danny Angel
Works invented by Jin Yong
- Jiu Yin Zhen Jing (九陰真經; Nine Yin True Classic), a fictional book on martial arts techniques and inner energy cultivation methods. It appears in all three novels in the Condor Trilogy.
- Jiu Yang Zhen Jing (九陽真經; Nine Yang True Classic), a fictional book similar to the Jiu Yin Zhen Jing. It appears only in the second and third novels in the Condor Trilogy.
Works invented by Diana Wynne Jones
In The Lives of Christopher Chant:
Jones invented a series of children's books that are apparently similar to Enid Blyton's Malory Towers and St. Clair's series. The Millie, below, are about a girl, Millie, who goes to a boarding school called Lowood House School. There are reportedly about ten books in the series, but only six are named: the first five, below, and another book called Head Girl Millie.
- Millie Goes to School
- Millie of Lowood House
- Millie Plays the Game
- Millie's Finest Hour
- Millie in the Upper Fourth
Works invented by Robert Jordan
- The Essays of William of Maneches
- The Travels of Jain Farstrider
- Voyages Among the Sea Folk
In The Great Hunt:
- The Dance of the Hawk and the Hummingbird by Teven Aerwin
- Mirrors of the Wheel
- To Sail Beyond the Sunset
- A Study of the War of the Shadow by Moilin daughter of Hamada daughter of Juendan
- The History of the Stone of Tear by Eban Vandes
- A Journey to Tarabon by Eurian Romavni
- The Killers of the Black Veil by Soran Milo
- Dealing with the Territory of Mayene, 500 - 750 of the New Era
- The Treasures of the Stone of Tear
- Travels in the Aiel Waste, with Observations on the Savage Inhabitants
In ''The Fires of Heaven:
- The Flame, the Blade and the Heart
In Lord of Chaos:
- Essays on Reason by Daria Gahand
- Men of Fire and Women of Air by Elora daughter of Amar daughter of Coura
- A Study of Men, Women, and the One Power Among Humans by Ledar son of Shandin son of Koimal
Works invented by Franz Kafka
- Die Plagen, welche Grete von ihrem Manne Hans zu erleiden hatte (in Der Prozeß/The Trial)
- Die Rache des Kommandeurs [series of columns] (in Tagebücher/Diaries)
Works invented by Caitlín R. Kiernan
- Alice by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ("Lewis Carroll")
- The Ark of Poseidon by Sarah Crowe
- Bloody Mary, La Llorona, and the Blue Lady: Feminine Icons in a Child's Apocalypse by Judith Louise Darger
- The Boats of Morning by Alex Marlowe
- The Breathing Composition by Welleran Smith
- The Children of Artemis by Fera Delacroix
- Closing the Door: Anatomy of Hysteria by Elenore Ellis-Lincoln
- The Ecstatic River by Reese Callicot
- Evening at the Gates of Dawn by Sadie Jasper
- Famous Film Monsters and the Men Who Made Them by Ben Browning
- The Far Red World by Andre Tyson
- Hauntings of Old New England by Sadie Jasper
- Hollywood Land by William Faulkner
- The Last Loan Shark of Bodega Bay by Theo Angevine
- Lemming Cult by William L. West
- The Light Beyond Centre by Reese Callicot
- A Long Way To Morning by Sarah Crowe
- Looking for Moreau: A Posthumanist Manifesto by Maxwell White
- The Man Who Laughed at Funerals by Theo Angevine
- Memoirs of a Martian Demirep (author unknown)
- The Mound Builders and the Stars: An Archaeo-Astrological Investigation by Charles L. Patrick Akeley
- New American Monsters: More Than Myth? by Gerald Durrell
- Ode to Fanny Brawne by John Keats
- Pornographies of Pnakotus (author unknown)
- Pretoria by Theo Angevine
- Red Book of Riyadh (author unknown)
- The Red Tree by Sarah Crowe and Dr. Charles L. Harvey
- Seven at Sunset by Theo Angevine
- Silent Riots by Sarah Crowe
- The Travels of Odysseus by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
- Waking Leviathan by Jacova Angevine
- Werewolvery in Europe and Rituals of Corporeal Transformation by Arminius Vambery
- What the Cat Dragged In by Theo Angevine
- The Magdalene Grimoire by Roderick Burgess (from The Girl Who Would Be Death miniseries, based on Neil Gaiman's Sandman series)
Works invented by Stephen King
Works invented by Barbara Kingsolver
- How to Survive 101 Calamities
In The Lacuna:
- Vassals of Majesty by Harrison W. Shepherd
- Pilgrims of Chapultepec by Harrison W. Shepherd
- The Unforetold by Harrison W. Shepherd
Works invented by Elizabeth Kostova
In The Historian:
- The untitled dragon books which different characters in the book find.
- Ballads of the Carpathians
- The Cannibals by Henricus Curtius
- The "Chronicle" of Zacharias of Zographou by Atanas Angelov and Anton Stoichev
- The Damned by Giorgio of Padua
- Sisyphus by Thomas Aquinas
- Fortunes of an Assassin by Erasmus
- History of Central Europe by Lord Gelling
- The King of Tashkani by William Shakespeare, as a "lost work"
- Life of Saint George
- Philosophie of the Aweful
- Tales from the Carpathians published by Robert Digby
- The Torture Commissioned by the Emperor for the Good of the People by Anna Comnena
Works invented by Nicole Krauss
- The History of Love by Leo Gursky
- How to Survive in the Wild by Alma Singer
- Life as We Didn't Know It
- The Remedy
- Words for Everything
Works invented by R. A. Lafferty
In Fourth Mansions:
- The Back Door of History by Arpad Arutinov
- Broken Cisterns and Living Waters by Endymion Ellenbogen
- New Bestiary by Audifax O’Hanlon
- The Precursors by Dr. Jurgens
- Prose Poems by Maurice Craftmaster
- Second Trefoil Lectures by Michael Fountain
- Simplicitas by Orthcutt
Miscellaneous Lafferty:
- Beard in Essential by Aristotle in Through Other Eyes
- Beard in Existential by Aristotle in Through Other Eyes
- The Contingent Mutation by Dr. Minden in Ginny Wrapped in the Sun
- Euntes Ergo Docete Omnes ("Going therefore Teach Ye All") by Pope Pious XV in Name of the Snake
- Exaltation Philosophy by Audifax O’Hanlon in Entire and Perfect Chrysolite
- History of Philosophy by Cobblestone in Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne
- Joint Report to the General Dubuque PTA Concerning the Primary Education of the Camiroi by Piper, Paul, et al. in Primary Education of the Camiroi
- Lost Skies by Audifax O’Hanlon in Incased in Ancient Rind
- Report of Field Group for Examination of Off-Earth Customs and Codexes to the Council for Government Renovation and Legal Re-Thinking by Piggot, Paul, et al. in Polity and Custom of the Camiroi
- The Relationship of Extradigitalism to Genius by Zubarin in The Six Fingers of Time
- The Sexagintal and the Duodecimal in the Chaldee Mysteries by Schimmelpenninck in The Six Fingers of Time
- Twenty-second Century Comprehensive Encyclopedia in Land of the Great Horses
- World as Perfection by Diogenes Pontifex in Entire and Perfect Chrysolite
Works invented by Stanisław Lem
In One Human Minute:
- One Human Minute, by J. Johnson and S. Johnson, Moon Publishers, 1988
- Weapons Systems of the Twenty-first Century: The Upside-down Evolution, 2105
- The World as Cataclysm
- Eruntics, by Reginald Gulliver
- GOLEM XIV, by GOLEM; foreword by Irving T. Creve, M.A., PH.D.; introduction by Thomas B. Fuller II, General, U.S. Army, RET.; afterword by Richard Popp, Indiana University Press, 2047
- A History of Bitic Literature, by Juan Rambellais, et al.
- Necrobes, by Cezary Strzybisz
- Vestrand's Extelopedia in 44 Magnetomes
In A Perfect Vacuum:
- Being Inc., by Alastair Waynewright
- Gigamesh, by Patrick Hannahan
- Gruppenfuhrer Louis XVI (or Nazi Squad Leader Louis the Sixteenth), by Alfred Zellermann
- Idiota (or The Idiot), by Gian Carlo Spallanzani
- Die Kultur als Fehler (or Civilization as Mistake), by Wilhelm Klopper
- Odysseus of Ithaca, by Kuno Mlatje
- Pericalypsis, by Joachim Fersengeld
- Rien du tout, ou la consequence (or Nothing, or the Consequence), by Mme Solange Marriot
- Les Robinsonades (or The Robinsonad), by Marcel Coscat
- Sexplosion, by Simon Merrill
- Toi (or You), by Raymond Seurat
- U-Write-It
In Solaris:
- Historia Solaris, by Hughes and Eugel
Works invented by Madeleine L'Engle
- untitled book about medical applications of lasers by Dr. Wallace Austin
In A Severed Wasp:
- Curing and Healing by Cardinal Wolfgang von Stromberg (establishes notability of character within the book)
- The Horn of Joy by Matthew Maddox (the book serves as a MacGuffin in the novel, being sought after by Charles Wallace and others; but ultimately is not needed) Also seen in An Acceptable Time
- Once More United by Matthew Maddox. Maddox's first book is incidental to L'Engle's novel.

Works invented by Jonathan Lethem
In Chronic City:
- You Can't be Serious, Dr. Jurow ghostwritten by Oona Laszlo.
- Obstinate Dust by Ralph Warden Meeker. (Very likely a reference to Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace)[6]
Works invented by C. S. Lewis
In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe:
- The Life and Letters of Silenus
- Is Man a Myth?
- Men, Monks, and Gamekeepers; a Study in Popular Legend
- Nymphs and Their Ways
In Prince Caspian:
- Grammatical Garden or the Arbour of Accidence pleasantlie open'd to Tender Wits by Pulverentus Siccus
- Dialect and Semantics by Dr. Elwin Ransom
Works invented by Barry Lopez
In "The Mappist"
- The City of Ascensions by Onesimo Peña (pseudonym of Corlis Benefideo)
- The City of Floating Sand by Frans Haartman (pseedonym of Corlis Benefideo)
- The City of Frangipani by Jemboa Tran (pseudonym of Corlis Benefideo)
- The City of Cod by William Smith Everett (pseudonym of Corlis Benefideo)
- The City of Geraniums by Corlis Benefideo
Works invented by H. P. Lovecraft
This includes works by others in the Cthulhu Mythos.
- Azathoth and Other Horrors by Edward Pickman Derby
- Black Tome of Alsophocus
- Book of Azathoth
- Chronicles of Nath by James Sheffield
- Chronike von Nath by Rudolf Yergler
- Book of Eibon
- De Vermis Mysteriis
- Derby
- Dhol Chants
- The Eltdown Shards (tr. by Gordon Whitney)
- Ghorl Nigral (also The Book of Night)
- Ilarnek Papyri
- Liber Ivonis
- Liber-Damnatus
- Livre d'Eibon
- Necronomicon by Abdul al-Hazred
- Pnakotic Manuscripts
- Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan by Hsan the Greater (tr. Etienne-Laurent De Marigny)
- Unaussprechlichen Kulten by Friedrich von Junzt
Works invented by Thomas Mann
In "Death in Venice":
- A prose epic on Frederick the Great by Gustav von Aschenbach
- Maia by Gustav von Aschenbach
- Ein Elender (The Abject) by Gustav von Aschenbach
- Geist und Kunst (Mind and Art) by Gustav von Aschenbach
Works invented by Anthony Marra
In "A Constellation of Vital Phenomena ":
- Origins of Chechen Civilization: Prehistory to Fall of the Mongol Empire by Khassan Ghesilov
- Chechen Civilization and Culture Under Russian Patronage by Khassan Ghesilov
Works invented by Ann M. Martin
In The Baby-sitters Club series:
- Alice Anderson by Henrietta Hayes
- Alice Anderson's Big Break by Henrietta Hayes
- Alice Anderson's Greatest Challenge by Henrietta Hayes
- The Anderson Family Reunion by Henrietta Hayes
- The Basics of Playwriting by an unnamed author
- Bone Chilling Ghost Stories by an unnamed author
- Ghosts and Spooks, Chills and Thrills: Stories NOT to be Read After Dark by an unnamed author
- Ghosts: Fact and Fantasy by an unnamed author
- Ghosts I Have Known by an unnamed author
- Good Money by an unnamed author
- Great Dog Tales by an unnamed author
- A History of Stoneybrooke by Enos Cotterling
- The Horse in Art by an unnamed author
- Horses of the World by an unnamed author
- Kids Can Cook … Naturally by an unnamed author
- Live from New York by Amelia Moody
- The Lost Grandmother by Amelia Moody
- Mandy Mandango Takes the Bull by the Horns by Amelia Moody
- Night Frights Number Thirteen! Don’t Get Out of Bed! by Theodore “Ted” Garber
- Nitty Gritty Meatballs by Amelia Moody
- Spirits, Spooks, and Ghostly Tales by an unnamed author
- The Stoneybrook Who’s Who by an unnamed author
Works invented by W. Somerset Maugham
- A Modern Artist: Notes on the work of Charles Strickland by Edward Leggatt, ARHA, publ. Martin Secker, 1917
- Karl Strickland: sein Leben und Schwingel und seine Kunst, by Hugo Weitbrecht-Rotholz, Ph.D., publ. Schwingel und Hanisch. Leipzig, 1914
- Strickland: The Man and His Work, by Robers Strickland (his son). Wm. Heinemann, London. 1913
Works invented by Ian McEwan
In Saturday:
- No Exequies (poetry) by John Grammaticus (winner of the Newdigate Prize)
- My Saucy Bark (poetry) by Daisy Perowne (granddaughter of John Grammaticus, and also Newdigate prizewinner)
In Atonement
Works invented by Anne Michaels
In Fugitive Pieces:
- Bearing False Witness by Athos Roussos
- From Relics to Replica by Athos Roussos
- Groundwork by Jakob Beer
- Dilemma Poems by Jakob Beer
- Hotel Rain by Jakob Beer
- What Have You Done to Time by Jakob Beer
Works invented by David Mitchell
In Ghostwritten:
- The Infinite Tether - You and Out of Body Experiences by Dwight Silverwind
In Cloud Atlas:
- Knuckle Sandwich by Dermot 'Duster' Hoggins
- The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing by Adam Ewing
- Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery by Hilary V. Hush
- The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish by Timothy Cavendish
In The Bone Clocks:
- Wanda in Oils by Crispin Hershey
- Desiccated Embryos by Crispin Hershey
- Red Monkey by Crispin Hershey
- Echo Must Die by Crispin Hershey
- The Radio People by Holly Sykes
- Wildflowers by Holly Sykes
- Soul Carnivores by Soleil Moore
- Your Last Chance by Soleil Moore
- Route 605 by Nick Greek
- Man in a White Car by Richard Cheeseman
- Across the Wide Ocean by Devon Kim-Ashkenazy
- In God's Country by Japheth Solomon
- Horsehead Nebula by Maaza Kolofski
- The Creepy Guy in the Yoga Class by Louis Baranquilla
- The Icepick Man by Ersilia Holt
Works invented by Walter Moers
In The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear:
- The Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and Other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Professor Abdullah Nightingale
Works invented by Lucy Maud Montgomery
In Anne of Avonlea:
- Edgewood Days by Charlotte E. Morgan
- Golden Keys by Charlotte E. Morgan
- The Rosebud Garden by Charlotte E. Morgan
- A Mad Love by an unnamed woman (it has one hundred and three chapters)
- The Life-Book of Captain Jim by Captain James Boyd and Owen Ford
- Morgan on the Care of Infants
In Emily's Quest:
- The Moral of the Rose by Emily Byrd Starr
- A Seller of Dreams by Emily Byrd Starr (unpublished)
- A Royal Betrothal by Mark Delange Greaves
In The Blue Castle:
- Thistle Harvest by John Foster
- Magic of Wings by John Foster
- Wild Honey by John Foster
Works invented by Richard Morgan
In the Takeshi Kovacs series:
- Poems and Other Prevarications by Quellcrist Falconer
- Things I Should Have Learned by Now by Quellcrist Falconer
Works invented by Haruki Murakami
In 1Q84
- Air Chrysalis by Fuka-Eri (pen name of Eriko Fukada) and ghost written by Tengo Kawana.
Works invented by Vladimir Nabokov
- Quercus
In The Real Life of Sebastian Knight:
- Lost Property by Sebastian Knight
- Success by Sebastian Knight
- The Doubtful Asphodel by Sebastian Knight
- The Funny Mountain by Sebastian Knight
- The Prismatic Bezel by Sebastian Knight
In Lolita:
- Histoire Abrégée de la Poésie Anglaise by Humbert Humbert
- Lolita, or the Confession of a White Widowed Male by Humbert Humbert
- The Proustian Theme in a Letter from Keats to Benjamin Bailey by Humbert Humbert
- Who's Who in the Limelight (a theatrical yearbook of 1946), author unknown
- The Little Nymph a play by Clare Quilty
- Dark Age a play by Clare Quilty
- The Strange Mushroom a play by Clare Quilty
- Fatherly Love a play by Clare Quilty
- The Enchanted Hunters a play by Clare Quilty
- The Lady who Loved Lightning a play by Clare Quilty & Vivian Darkbloom
- My Cue a biography of Clare Quilty by Vivian Darkbloom
In Pnin:
- Suhie Gubi (Dry Lips) by Liza Bogolepov
- Russia Awakes by Miss Herring
- Response, A Hundred Love Lyrics by American Women
In Pale Fire:
- A book on surnames (title unknown) by Charles X. Kinbote
- Timon Afinsken (translation of Timon of Athens by Conmal, Duke of Aros
- Voluminous correspondence by Ferz and Oswin Bretwit
- Zemblan variants of the Konungs skuggsjá collected or forged by Hodinski (also known as Hodyna)
- Ten volumes' worth of novels (titles unknown) by Jane de Faun
- Dim Gulf by John Shade
- Hebe's Cup by John Shade
- Night Rote by John Shade
- Poems by John Shade
- Supremely Blest by John Shade
- Taming a Seahorse by John Shade
- A psychology textbook (title unknown) by Professor C.
- Birds of Mexico by Samuel Shade, illustrated by Carolyn Shade
- Historia Zemblica
- The Merman (play)
The book begins with a list of "Other Books by the Narrator". Many, if not all, of these titles appear to be doppelgangers of Nabokov’s real novels.
- Tamara (1925), relates to Mary
- Pawn Takes Queen (1927), relates to King, Queen, Knave and The Defense[1]
- Plenilune (1929), relates to The Defense
- Camera Lucida (Slaughter in the Sun), relates to Laughter in the Dark (UK title: Camera Obscura)
- The Red Top Hat (1934), relates to Invitation to a Beheading
- The Dare (1950), relates to The Gift (Dar, in Russian) and Glory
- See under Real (1939), relates to The Real Life of Sebastian Knight and Pale Fire[1]
- Esmeralda and Her Parandrus (1941)
- Dr. Olga Repnin (1946), relates to Pnin
- Exile from Mayda (1947), a short story collection, could relate to Spring in Fialta and Other Stories
- A Kingdom by the Sea (1962), relates to Lolita
- Ardis (1970), relates to Ada
Works invented by Geoff Nicholson
In Hunters and Gatherers:
- The Books of Power (18 vols.) by Thornton McCain
Works Invented by Garth Nix
In Sabriel:
- The Book of the Dead (anonymous)
In Lirael:
- The Book of Remembrance and Forgetting [anonymous]
- Creatures by Nagi by Nagi
- In the Skin of a Lyon [anonymous]
Works invented by Idra Novey
In Ways to Disappear:
- by Beatriz Yagoda
Works invented by Patrick O'Brian
- New Operations for Suprapubic Cystotomy by Dr. Stephen Maturin
- Suggestions for the Amelioration of Sick-Bays by Dr. Stephen Maturin
- Thoughts on the Prevention of Diseases most usual among Seamen by Dr. Stephen Maturin
- Tractatus de Novae Febris Ingressu by Dr. Stephen Maturin
- Mariners: Consensus and Cohesion in Certain States of Adversity by Dr. Stephen Maturin
- Some Remarks on Peruvian Cirripedes by Dr. Stephen Maturin
- Modest Proposals for the Preservation of Health in the Navy by Dr. Stephen Maturin
- Remarks on Pezophaps Solitarious by Dr. Stephen Maturin
Works invented by Flann O'Brien
- A Conspectus of the Arts and Sciences by Cowper
- Flower o' the Prairie by William Tracy
- Jake's Last Ride by William Tracy
- Red Flannagan's Last Throw by William Tracy
- De Selby Compendium by Bassett
- Lux Mundi: A Memoir of de Selby by Bassett
- Recollections by Bassett
- Glauben ueber Ueberalls by Countess Schnapper
- A Memoir of Garcia by de Selby
- Codex by de Selby
- Country Album by de Selby
- Golden Hours by de Selby
- Layman's Atlas by de Selby
- Rural Atlas by de Selby
- Histoire de Notre Temps by Du Garbandier
- Great Towns by Goddard
- The Man Who Sailed Away: A Memoir by H. Barge
- Conspectus of the de Selby Dialetic by Hatchjaw
- De Selby's Life and Times by Hatchjaw
- The De Selby Water-Boxes Day by Day by Hatchjaw
- Hatchjaw and Bassett by Henderson
- De Selbys Leben by Kraus
- Collected Works by Le Clerque
- Extensions and Analyses by Le Clerque
- De Selby - l'Enigme de l'Occident by Le Fournier
- De Selby - Lieu ou Homme? by Le Fournier
- Thoughts in a Library by Peachcroft
- Bibliographie de de Selby
Works invented by George Orwell
In Keep the Aspidistra Flying:
- The World Beyond, by the author of Spirit Hands Have Touched me
- Father Hilaire Chestnut's "latest book of R.C. propaganda"
- London Pleasures, lengthy narrative poem which Gordon Comstock is working on but never completes—"a dreadful book that never got any further, and which, as he knew in his moments of clarity, never would get any further"
- Mice, small volume of poetry by Gordon Comstock
- High Jinks in a Parisian Convent by Sadie Blackeyes
- Jesus the First Rotarian, Some Aspects of the Italian Baroque ("a snooty-looking volume"), Secrets of Paris and The Man She Trusted, none of whose authors are stated
- Marxism for Infants by Comrade X, member of the CPGB
- Astrology applied to Horse-racing, "which proved that it's all a question of influence of the planets on the colours the jockey is wearing."
- Wasted Passion—"The chap in the story finds out that his girl has gone off with another chap."
Works invented by Charles Palliser
In Betrayals:
- The Armageddon Protocol by Drummond Gilchrist (unfinished)
- The Atlantis Ultimatum by Drummond Gilchrist
- The Importance of Being Jack, a play by Maturin within the fictional television show Biggert.
- The Cincinnatus Papers by Jeremy Prentice
- Down on Whores by Horatio Quaife
- Enough Rope by Auberon Saville
- The Finger Man by Cyril Pattison
- For Richer, For Poorer by Jeremy Prentice
- The Mystic Medicine Man: Henri Galvanauskas in Lithuania 1940-41 by Jacques Gicquiaux
- The Greater Glory by Jeremy Prentice
- Let Not Ambition by
- The Hauptmann Ultimatum by Frederick Ludlum
- The Quintain by Drummond Gilchrist
- The Quintessence by Cyril Pattison
- The Right Lines by Horatio Quaife
- The Sensation Seeker by Cyril Pattison
- Unmasking Strategies of Desire: Texts, Power, and the Phallus in the Work of Henri Galvaunauskas by Graham Speculand
- The Sting in the Tail by Jeremy Prentice, unpublished
- The Throat Surgeon by Lavinia Armitage
- Too Clever by Half by Jeremy Prentice
- The Twister by William Henry Ireland, unpublished
Works invented by Orhan Pamuk
In The Black Book:
- Obscuri Libri by Bottfolio
- Kitabü’z- Zulmet by İbn Zerhanî
Works invented by Christopher Paolini
In Brisingr:
- Domia abr Wyrda
Works invented by Arturo Pérez-Reverte
In The Club Dumas:
- Umbrarum Regni Novem Portis
- Key to Captive Thoughts
- A Curious Explanation of Mysteries and Hieroglyphs
- The Three Books of the Art
- The Secrets of Wisdom by Nicholas Tamisso
- The Lost Word by Bernard Trevisan
- Asclemandres
- Delomelanicon, or Invocation of Darkness by Lucifer
- De origine, moribus et rebus gestis Satanae
- Dissertazioni sopra le apparizioni de' spiriti e diavoli
- Restructor omnium rerum
- Isis, the Naked Virgin by Baroness Ungern
- The Devil, History and Legend by Baroness Ungern
- Lupin, Raffles, Rocambole, and Holmes by Boris Balkan
- Dumas: the Shadow of a Giant by Boris Balkan
- Universal Bibliography by Mateu
- Dictionary of Rare and Improbable Books by Julio Ollero
- The Thousand Best Desserts of La Mancha by Enrique Taillefer
- The Secrets of Barbecue by Enrique Taillefer
- The Dead Man's Hand, or Anne of Austria's Page by Enrique Taillefer
- Angeline de Gravaillac, or Unsullied Virtue by Amaury de Verona
- I, Onan
- In Search of Myself
- Oui, C'est Moi
- Treatise on the Art of Fencing by Don Jaime Astarloa
Works invented by Elizabeth Peters
- History of Ancient Egypt by Professor Radcliffe Emerson
In The Deeds of the Disturber:
- Development of the Egyptian Coffin from Predynastic Times to the End of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty, With Particular Reference to Its Reflection of Religious, Social, and Artistic Conventions by Professor Radcliffe Emerson
In Die For Love:
- Crimson Bloom of Love by Valerie Fitzgerald
- The Slave of Lust by Valerie Vanderbilt
- With a Willow in Her Hand by Valerie Valentine
In Naked Once More:
- Lust Among the Savages by Jacqueline Kirby
- Naked in the Ice by Kathleen Darcy
- Passion of the Dark by Jacqueline Kirby
- Priestess of the Ice God by Brunnhilde Karlsdottir
- Red Flag, Red Blood by Jack Carter
Works invented by Stephen Potter
In Gamesmanship:
- Bird Gamesmanship by Stephen Potter
- Gamesman's Handbook (1949) by Stephen Potter
- Gardens for Gamesmen, or When to be Fond of Flowers by Stephen Potter
- Moth's Way and Bee's Wayfaring by O. Agnes Bartlett
- Origins and Early History of Gamesmanship by Stephen Potter
- The Silver Book of End-Play Squeezes by Stephen Potter
- Twenty-Five Methods of Tee-Leaving by Stephen Potter
In Lifemanship:
- Dictionary of Lifemanship and Gameswords by Symes
- Kninghts, and How to Reasuure Them about their Social Position by unknown
- MP-manship 1953 by T. Driberg
- Periodship (volume 2) by J. Betjeman
- Springs on the Arun by A.C.Y. Davis
In One-Upmanship:
- The Birdsman in Society by B. Campbell
- Bricks Without Straw by Olaf Pepacanek
- The Muse in Chains by Stephen Potter
- The Tea Party by T.D. Pontefract
In Supermanship: '
- Airborne Heritage by Stephen Potter
- Down to Sixteen or Less by Stephen Potter
- Literary Guide to the Thames Valley by Stephen Potter
- My Fayre Sussex by Otto Carling
- Rhododendron Hunting in the Andes by Dr. Preissberger
Works invented by Anthony Powell
For a list organized by author see "An Anthony Powell ABibliograohy." [7]
- Borage and Hellebore by Nick Jenkins
- Sweetskin by Alaric Kydd
- Bin Ends by F.X. Trapnel
- Camel Ride to the Tomb by F.X. Trapnel
- Dogs Have No Uncles by F.X. Trapnel
- Profiles in String by F.X. Trapnel
In the A Dance to the Music of Time series:
- Dust Thou Art by St. John Clarke
- E'en the Longest River by St. John Clarke
- Fields of Amaranth by St. John Clarke
- The Heart is Highland by St. John Clarke
- Match Me Such Marvel by St. John Clarke
- Mimosa by St. John Clarke
- Never to the Philistines by St. John Clarke
In Fisher King:
- An unknown title by Valentine Beals
- The Gothic Symbolism of Mortality in the Texture of Jacobean Stagecraft by Emily Brightman
- Cain's Jawbone by Evadne Clapham
- Death's Head Swordsman, The Life and Works of X. Trapnel by Russell Gwinnett
- Bedsores by Ada Leintwardine
- The Bitch Pack meets on Wednesday by Ada Leintwardine
- Fierce Midnights by O. Guiller-Lawson
- An unknown title by Shirley Handsworth
- Aristogeiton: a Harmony by Minhinnick
- Than Whom What Other? by Redhead
- Athletes Footmen by Quentin Shuckerly
- An unknown title by T.T. Waring
Works invented by Terry Pratchett
In the Discworld series:
- 100 Walks in the Ramtops, by Eric Wheelbrace
- Almanack de Gothic
- Cooking with Brains, by Chef Aimsbury (Chef dé Canine Cuisine, Royal Bank of Ankh-Morpork)
- Demonylogie Malyfycorum of Henchanse thee Unsatyfactory
- Diseases of the Dragon
- The Show Judges' Guide to Dragons, by Lady Sybil Ramkin
- Diseases of the Sheep
- Geoffrey and the Magic Pillow Case in Snuff, by Miss Felicity Beedle
- Grim Fairy Tales
- The Goode Childe's Booke of Faerie Tales
- I Spy....Demons, by Professor Cuvee of Unseen University
- Inne Juste 7 Dayes I Wille Make You a Barbearian Hero!, by Cohen the Barbarian
- The Joye of Snackes, by "A Lancre Witch"
- Koom Valley Codex
- The Laws and Ordinances of the Cities of Ankh and Morpork
- Liber Immanis Monstrorum, by Professor Cuvee of Unseen University
- The Little Duckling Who Thought He Was an Elephant in Snuff, by Miss Felicity Beedle
- Melvin and the Enormous Boil in Snuff, by Miss Felicity Beedle
- Mr. Bunnsy Has an Adventure
- Necrotelicomnicon
- The Octavo
- Res Centum et Una Quas Magus Facere Potest
- The Summoning of Dragons, by Tubal de Malachite
- True Art of Levitatione
- Twurp's Peerage
- Walking in the Koom Valley, by Eric Wheelbrace
- What I Did On My Holidays, by Twoflower
- Where's My Cow? in Thud! (A version exists in the real world which features the fictional characters reading the fictional version.)
- The World of Poo in Snuff, by Miss Felicity Beedle
In The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents:
- Mr Bunnsy Has an Adventure
In Good Omens (with Neil Gaiman):
- The Nice And Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
- The "Buggre Alle Thys" Bible (fictional edition of the Bible)
In Wintersmith:
- Survival in the Snow (by T.H. Mouseholder)
- Cooking in Dire Straits (by Superflua Raven)
- Among the Snow Weasels (by K. Pierpoint Poundsworth)
- The Habits of Wolves (by Captain W.E. Lightly)
- Magnaventio Obtusis (by Perspicacia Tick)
- Ancient and Classical Mythology (by Chaffinch)
- Passion's Plaything (by Marjory J. Boddice)
- Sundered Hearts (by Marjory J. Boddice)
- Unexpurgated Dictionary
Works invented by Malcolm Pryce
- On Pools of Love by Joyce Moonweather
- Governing a Sloop Captain Marcus Trelawney
- Towards a New Pathology of Slovenliness Dr Heinz X. Nuesslin
- Roses of Charon by Job Gorseino
- Corruption of the Deep: The Captain's Guide to Last Rites and Burials at Sea
Works invented by Thomas Pynchon
- An Account of the Singular Peregrinations of Dr Diocletian Blobb among the Italians, Illuminated with Exemplary Tales from the True History of That Outlandish And Fantastical Race
- The Courier's Tragedy by Richard Wharfinger (a Jacobean revenge play in five acts)
- The Ghastly Fop (from Mason & Dixon)
- How I Came to Love the People (anonymous)
- The Italian Wedding Fake Book by Deleuze & Guattari
- King Kong; 18 vls. by Mitchell Prettyplace (a 'definitive study')
- Neil Nosepicker's Book of 50,000 Insults. The Nayland Smith Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts), 1933
- On Preterition by William Slothrop ('among the first books to've been not only banned but ceremonially burned in Boston')
- The Plays of Ford, Webster, Tourneur and Wharfinger by Dr. Emory Bortz
- Plotting the Stealth and Intrigue of the Jacobean Revenge Plays by Dr. Emory Bortz
- Tales of the Schwarzkommando collected by Steve Edelman
- Things That Can Happen In European Politics by Ernest Pudding
- The Wisdom of the Great Kamikaze Pilots (with illustrations by Walt Disney)
- The Chums of Chance and the Evil Halfwit
- The Chums of Chance at Krakatoa
- The Chums of Chance Search for Atlantis
- The Chums of Chance in Old Mexico
- The Chums of Chance and the Curse of the Great Kahuna
- The Chums of Chance in the Bowels of the Earth ('for some reason one of the less appealing of this series, letters having come in from as far away as Tunbridge Wells, England, expressing displeasure, often quite intense, with my harmless little intraterrestrial scherzo.') (Pynchon 2006, p. 117)
- The Chums of Chance and the Ice Pirates
- The Chums of Chance Nearly Crash into the Kremlin
- The Book of Iceland Spar ('commonly described as "like the Ynglingasaga only different"')
- The Chums of Chance at the Ends of the Earth
- Adventures in Neuropathy by Puckpool
- The Chums of Chance and the Caged Women of Yokohama
Works invented by François Rabelais
Works invented by Ayn Rand
In The Fountainhead:
- Clouds and Shrouds, a memoir by Lois Cook
- The Gallant Gallstone, a novel by Lois Cook
- Sermons in Stone, a book about architecture by Ellsworth Toohey
In Atlas Shrugged:
- The Heart is a Milkman, a novel by Balph Eubank
- The Metaphysical Contradictions of the Universe, a philosophy book by Dr. Simon Pritchett?
- The Vulture Is Molting, a nonfiction book by an unnamed author
- Why Do You Think You Think?, a nonfiction book by Dr. Floyd Ferris
Works invented by Corey Redekop
In Shelf Monkey:
- By Agnes Coleman:
- My Baby, My Love
- Baby I was Nothing Before You
- Baby Madeleine, What Happened
- By Patricia Yellow:
- A Dime of Two for Your Thoughts
- By Douglas McDonald:
- Jesus Rides Shotgun
- By Ian Falk:
- Shame on All of You
- By Nicholas Rapley:
- I'm All Out of Tea
- By Laureen Hoper:
- Lightbulbs and Dreams
- By Gerry Ewes:
- Diamonds Out of Diapers
Works invented by Mary Renault
In The Friendly Young Ladies:
- By J.O. Flint:
- Pillar of Cloud
- Remission
- By Tex O'Hara, pseudonym of Leonora Lane:
- Lone Stair Trail
- The Mexican Spur
- Quick on the Draw
- Silver Guns
- Yippee-ih!
Works invented by J. K. Rowling
This is a list of books mentioned in the Harry Potter series. Titles specifically mentioned as textbooks are listed first, by class, followed by other books listed by general topic. Note that three of the following fictional books have since been written and published in the real world: Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp (2001), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander (2001), and The Tales of Beedle the Bard (2007, 2008).
Hogwarts textbooks
Works invented by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
In The Shadow of the Wind:
- By Julián Carax:
- The Angel of the Mist
- The Cathedral Thief
- The Red House
- The Shadow of the Wind
Works invented by Brandon Sanderson
In The Way of Kings, by Nohadon:
- The Way of Kings, a scriptural work
Works invented by Lewis Sands
In The Librarian, by L. Sands:
Works invented by May Sarton
In Mrs. Stevens Hears the Mermaids Singing, by F. Hilary Stevens:
- Bull's Eye, a novel
- From a Hospital Bed, poems
- Themes & Variation, poems
- Dialogues, poems
- Country Spells, poems
- The Silences, poems
- Most of the book is an interview of Mrs. Stevens at 70, and each book represents a section of her life.
Works invented by Dorothy L. Sayers
In Gaudy Night :
In Have His Carcase:
In Strong Poison:
In Unnatural Death:
In Whose Body?:
Works invented by Davis Schneiderman
In Drain:
- The Book of Maneuvers by Fulcrum Maneuvers, plays a pivotal role
In Multifesto: The Henri d'Mescan Reader:
- Summary Execution by Henri d'Mescan
- Abstractions by Henri d'Mescan
- Marginalia by Henri d'Mescan
- The Trial and Death of Henri d’Mescan: Apoplectic by Henri d'Mescan
- Spacecats of the World, Untie! by Henry Mescaline
- Tupeat, Frompeet, Repeit by Henry Mescaline
- Hallucigenome: The Henry Mescaline Reader by Henry Mescaline
- Post-America" by Henri d'Mescan
- 'Touching a Careless God, or Were by Hans Dialectic
- And the Pleasure Dome Decrees… by Lucien Spume
- Kaballah?—Cab Allah! by Henri d’Mescan
- Crocodilopolis, or, The Ribcage Sounds Like A Wooden Chest by Gact
- The Breakers — Newport, RI. in 103 New World Sites: A Compendium of the Obtuse
- Try and Catch God before God ACTs Up. by Tacg
In Dis:
- Autobiomagicatomsexmonkey by Thelonius Bosh, edited by Ablaut the monkey.
Works invented by Charles M. Schulz
The Six Bunny-Wunnies series by Helen Sweetstory
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies and Their Pony Cart
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies Go To Long Beach
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies Make Cookies
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies Join an Encounter Group
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies and Their XK-E
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies and Their Water Bed
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies and Their Layover in Anderson, Indiana
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies and Their Female Veterinarian
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out
- The Six Bunny-Wunnies Visit Plains, Georgia
Works invented by Michael Shea
In Nifft the Lean:
- The Aquademoniad
- Thaumaturgicon, by Undle Nine-fingers
- The Life and Personal Recollections, as well as Many pointed Observations, of Grahna-Shalla, son of Shalla-hedron of Lower Adelfi, who Fished in the Demonsea and Returned with Booty Marvelous to Tell
- Thaumaturge's Pocket Pandect, by Balder Xolot
- Pan-Demonion, by Parple
Works invented by Alix Kates Shulman
In Ménage:
- Fire Watch, by Zoltan Barbu
- Stories, by Heather McKay
In Burning Questions:
- My Life as a Rebel, by Zane Indiana
Works invented by Clark Ashton Smith
- The Book of Eibon, by Eibon
- Histoire d'Amour, by Bernard de Vaillantcoeur
- The Testament of Carnamagos. This title was used twice, once set in current times(short story "The Treader of the Dust") and also set in the far distant future, in Zothique, earth's last continent.(short story "Xeethra".) Either Smith lost track or the book is extraordinarily long-surviving.
Works invented by Lemony Snicket
In The Reptile Room:
In The Wide Window:
In The End:
In Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography:
Works invented by Muriel Spark
In The Finishing School :
- The School Observed by Rowland Mahler
- Who Killed Darnley? by Chris Wiley
In The Girls of Slender Means :
- The Sabbath Notebooks by Nicholas Farringdon
- Warrender Chase by Fleur Talbot
In Memento Mori :
- The Gates of Granella and The Seventh Child by Charmian Colston
In A Far Cry From Kensington :
- Farewell, Leicester Square by Hector Bartlett
Works invented in The Spitting Image Book
- Jennings Has Tweaky Nipples by Anthony Buggery
- Jennings Buys a New Dress by Anthony Buggery
- Jennings and the Hormone Implants by Anthony Buggery
- Jennings Gradually Begins to Feel More at Ease When He is With Other Women by Anthony Buggery
- Jennings Spends an Intimate Evening with a Signals Officer from the Royal Navy by Anthony Buggery
- Jennings Undergoes Specialist Surgery by Anthony Buggery
- Mrs. Jennings Has Twins by Anthony Buggery
Works invented by Neal Stephenson
In Cryptonomicon and Quicksilver:
- The Cryptonomicon
In Anathem :
- Second New Revised Book of Discipline
In The Diamond Age :
- A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
Works invented by Laurence Sterne
In The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman:
- Grand System of Universal Monarchy by Jean-Baptiste Colbert
- De Fartandi et Illustrandi Fallaciis by Didius
- Military Architecture and Pyroballogy by Gobesius
- Notes for a Sermon to be Preached at Court by Dr. Homenas
- Treatise on the Animus and the Anima by Metheglingius
- De Concubinis Retinendis by Phutatorius
- Works by Prignitz
- De Partu Difficili by Lithopaedus Senonesis
- A (short) List of the Virtues of the Widow Wadman by Toby Shandy
- Apologetical Oration by Toby Shandy
- The Campaigns of Uncle Toby and Corporal Trim by Tristram Shandy
- Dissertation upon the Word 'Tristram' by Walter Shandy
- Life of Socrates by Walter Shandy
- Philippicks by Walter Shandy
- Plain Stories by Tristram Shandy
- Remarks Made on a Tour of France in the Year 1765 by Tristram Shandy
- Tristrapaedia by Walter Shandy
- De Nasis by Hafen Slawkenbergius
- Treatise on Midwifery by Dr. Slop
- Works by Ludovicus Sorbonensis
- The Second Council of Carthage by St. Cyprian
- Code Louis by unknown
- Dramatic Sermons by Parson Yorick
Works invented by Peter Straub
- In The Hellfire Club: Night Journey by Hugo Driver
- In Ghost Story: The Nightwatcher by Donald Wanderly
- In Koko: The Divided Man by Tim Underhill
Works invented by S. M. Stirling
- In The Domination serie: Meditations of Elvira Naldorssen by Elvira Naldorssen
Works invented by Barry Strugatz and Mark R. Burns
In She-Devil:
- Love in the Rinse Cycle by Mary Fisher
- Trust and Betrayal: A Docu-Novel of Love, Money and Betrayal by Mary Fisher
Works invented by Josephine Tey
- Bells on Her Toes by Rupert Rouge
- History Is the Bunk by Brent Carradine (planned non-fiction)
- The Case of the Missing Tin-Opener by John James Mark
- The Rose of Raby by Evelyn Payne-Ellis
- The Sweat and The Furrow by Silas Weekley
- Unnamed hard-boiled detective novel by Oscar Oakley
- Unnamed romance novel by Lavinia Finch
In Miss Pym Disposes:
- The Book by Lucy Pym
Works invented by J. R. R. Tolkien
- Book of Mazarbul by Balin and other Dwarves
- Book of the Kings
- Dorgannas Iaur by Torhir Iphant
- Equessi Rúmilo by Rúmil
- Grey Annals by scholars of Doriath
- Lammas by Pengolodh
- Noldolantë by Maglor
- Of the Beginning of Time by Quennar i Onótimo
- Old Words and Names in the Shire by Merry Brandybuck
- Parma Culuina
- Quentale Ardanomion
- The Reckoning of the Years by Merry Brandybuck
- The Red Book of Westmarch
- The Tale of Years by Quennar i Onótimo
- There and back again by Bilbo Baggins
- Yénonótië by Quennar i Onótimo
Works invented by Harry Turtledove
In American Empire: Blood and Iron:
- Over Open Sights by Jake Featherston
In American Empire: The Center Cannot Hold:
- I Sank Roger Kimball by Sylvia Enos, ghost written by Ernest Hemingway
In Settling Accounts: In at the Death:
- Equality by General Irving Morrell, U.S. Army
- How I Blew Up Philadelphia by Brigadier General Clarence Potter, C.S. Army (retired)
Works invented by John Updike
In Bech: A Book:
- Travel Light, a novel by Henry Bech
- Brother Pig, a novel by Henry Bech
- When the Saints, an essay collection by Henry Bech
In Bech is Back:
- Think Big, a novel by Henry Bech
Works invented by Jack Vance
In Araminta Station:
- Charter of the Cadwal Conservancy by the Members of the Naturalist Society of Earth
- The Worlds of Man by the Fellows of the Fidelius Institute
In Cugel's Saga:
- Intimate Anatomy of Several Overworld Personages by Haruvoit
In the Demon Princes series:
- Better Understanding of the Institute by Charles Bronstein
- Chronicles of Navarth by Carol Lewis
- Civilized Ideas and Civilized Worlds by Michael Yeaton
- A Comparison of Mathematical Processes as Employed by Six "Intelligent" Alien Races by Unspiek, Baron Bodissey
- A Concise History of Oikumene by Albert B. Hall
- The Criminal Mentality by Michael Diaz
- Dar Sai and the Darsh by Joinville Akers
- Encyclopedia of Sociology by B. A. Edgar
- Everyman's Guide to the Stars
- Fauna of the Vegan Worlds by Rapunzel K. Funk
- Games of the Galaxy by Everett Wright
- Gustations by Michael Weist
- The Heham Fjoliot
- Human Institutions by Prade
- The Institute: A Primer by Mary Murray
- Interplanetary Crime: Causes and Consequences by Karen Miller
- The Moral Essence of Civilization by Calvin V. Calvert
- Peccant Souls by Theodore Pederson
- Peoples of the Coranne by Richard Pelto
- The Sexual Habits of the Sarkoy by B. A. Edgar
- Star Directory
- Studies in Comparative Anthropology by Russell Cooke
- The Teachings of Didram Bodo Sime by Didram Bodo Sime
- Ten Explorers: A Study of Type by Oscar Anderson
- Tourist Guide to the Coranne by Jane Szantho
In The Dying Earth:
- Cazdal's Tract
- The Cyclopedia
- The Lost Book of Kells
- The Tomes of Kae
- Thrump's Almanac by Thrump
- Zaraides the Wizard, His Compendium of Spells, Beware by Zaraides
- Zaraides the Wizard, His Workbook, Beware by Zaraides
In the Lyonesse Trilogy
- Abstracts and Excerpts, by Balberry
- Book of Logotypes
- Candasces
- The Chronicles of Ys
- Clavetz of Avallon
- Dalziel of Avallon
- Jirolamo
- Junifer Algo
- Lagronius: his Chronicles
- Matreo
- Memories of Nausicaa
- Morning Ode, by Merosthenes
- Orgon Photis
- Panis the Ionian
- The Pantological Index
- Saint Uldine's Children
- Twitten's Almanac
- War of the Goths and the Huns, by Khersom
- Introduction to Old Earth by Ferencz Szantho
- Worlds I Have Known by L. G. Dusenyi
- Characteristic Stuffs: Dusts and Microvies of the Latter Aeons
- The Encyclopedia
- The Great Gloss
- Primer of Practical Magic, by Killiclaw
- The Three Books of Phandaal
In The Star King:
- The Demon Princes by Caril Carphen
- The IPCC: Men and Methods by Raul Past
- Life by Unspiek, Baron Bodissey
- Men of the Oikumene by Jan Holberk Vaenz LXII
- New Discoveries in Space by Ralph Quarry
- Popular Handbook of the Planets
- Scroll from the Ninth Dimension
- The Book of Dreams by Howard Alan Treesong
- The Killing Machine Peoples of the Concourse by Streck and Chernitz
Works invented by Kurt Vonnegut
Attributed to Kilgore Trout:
Attributed to Beatrice Rumfoord:
Attributed to other authors:
Works invented by Bill Watterson
- Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie by Mabel Syrup
- Commander Coriander Salamander and 'er Singlehander Bellylander by Mabel Syrup
Works invented by Evelyn Waugh
In Brideshead Revisited: (all by Charles Ryder)
- Ryder's Country Seats
- Ryder's English Homes
- Ryder's Village and Provincial Architecture
- Ryder's Latin America
Works invented by Donald Westlake
In Jimmy the Kid:
- Child Heist by Richard Stark. (Several chapters from this fictional book are included in Jimmy the Kid. Westlake actually wrote many novels under he pen name of Stark, but this one was fictional, a self-joke. Stark also appears briefly as a character.)
Works invented by P. G. Wodehouse
- In the Jeeves stories
- All for Love by Rosie M. Banks
- Autumn Leaves by Gwendolen Moon
- Blackness at Night by Adela Cream
- The Case of the Poisoned Doughnut by Rex West
- The Courtship of Lord Strathmorlick by Rosie M. Banks
- Inspector Biffen Views the Body by Rex West
- Jenny, The Girl Jockey
- Madcap Myrtle by Rosie M. Banks
- Memories of Eighty Interesting Years by Lady Carnaby
- Murder in Mauve by Rex West
- The Mystery of the Pink Crayfish by Rex West
- My Friends the Newts by Loretta Peabody
- Only a Factory Girl by Rosie M. Banks
- Pipped on the Post
- Recollections of a Long Life by Sir Willoughby
- A Red, Red Summer Rose by Rosie M. Banks
- 'Twas on an English June by Gwendolen Moon
- The Woman Who Braved All by Rosie M. Banks
- The Poisoned Pen
- Spindrift by Florence Craye
- Spinning Wheel
- With Guns and Camera in Little Known Borneo
- In "The Artistic Career of Corky"
- American Birds by Alexander Worple
- The Children's Book of American Birds by Muriel Singer
- More American Birds by Alexander Worple
- In Aunts Aren't Gentlemen (U.S. title The Cat-nappers)
- By Order of the Czar
- The Mystery of A Hansom Cab
- Mervyn Keene, Clubman by Rosie M. Banks
- Murder at Greystone Grange
- Miscellaneous
- In Clustering Around Young Bingo: Frank Recollections of a Long Life by Lady Bablockhythe
- In Cocktail Time: Cocktail Time by Sir Raymond Bastable
- In Leave it to Psmith: Songs of Squalor by Ralston McTodd
- In Pigs Have Wings: On the Care of the Pig by Augustus Whiffle
- In Sam in the Suburbs: Is There a Hell? by Rev. Aubrey Jerningham
- In Sleepy Time: Hypnotism As A Device To Uncover the Unconscious Drives And Mechanism In An Effort To Analyse the Functions Involved Which Gives Rise To Emotional Conflicts In the Waking State by Professor Pepperidge Farmer
- In Something Fresh: The Adventures of the Secret Six by Felix Clovelly
- In Strychnine in the Soup: Strychnine in the Soup by Slingsby, Blood on the Banisters
Works invented by Gene Wolfe
In Bibliomen :
In The Book of the Short Sun :
In The Doctor of Death Island :
In The Fifth Head of Cerberus :
In From the Desk of Gilmer C. Merton (from the short story collection Storeys from the Old Hotel)
In Peace :
In Seven American Nights (from the short story collection The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories)
In Useful Phrases (from the short story collection Strange Travelers) :
In Xavier McRidy :
Works invented by John Wyndham
- Nicholson's Repentances, a supplement to the Bible
- Sex Is My Adventure by Josella Playton
Miscellaneous from literature
- Abnegation as Statement: Symbol and Sacrament in the Achievement of Rex Ivory by Professor Wadding in The Transit of Venus by Shirley Hazzard
- The Alfred G. Graebner Memorial High School Handbook of Rules and Regulations by an unknown author in The Alfred G. Graebner Memorial High School Handbook of Rules and Regulations by Ellen Conford
- All of Them Witches by J. R. Hanslet in Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin
- Almost Like Suicide by Cal Cunningham in About the Author by John Colapinto
- The Almshouse by Mr. Popular Sentiment (a parody of Charles Dickens) in The Warden by Anthony Trollope
- Amazing Amy and the Big Day by Rand and Marybeth Elliott in Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
- An American Life: Biography of a Patriot, The Life and Times of Austin Bell (unpublished) by Foster Cummings in Columbo: The Grassy Knoll by William Harrington
- An Open Invitation to the Chymical Wedding, being a Modest Prologomenon to a Fuller Revelation of the Hermetic Mystery by Louisa Agnew in The Chymical Wedding by Lindsay Clarke
- The Ancient Enemy by Timothy Flyte in Phantoms by Dean Koontz
- Angel's Choice by Jocelyn Lewis in Away From It All by Judy Astley
- Apocalypse Cow: Escape from the Cursed Isle by Lesley McBrien in Apocalypse Cow by Michael Logan
- Ariadne by Emmanuel Foxx in The Players Come Again by Amanda Cross
- Attempt at a Uniform and Pragmatic Classification of the Neuroses and Psychoses, Based on an Examination of Fifteen Hundred Pre-Krapaelin and Post-Krapaelin Cases as they would be Diagnosed in the Terminology of the Different Contemporary Schools Together with a Chronology of Such Subdivisions of Opinion as Have Arisen Independently. by Dick Diver in Tender Is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Bad Blood by Will Bunting in American Vampire by Scott Snyder & Stephen King
- The Ball-Breakers' Guide by an unknown author in A Bitter Peace by Michael Peterson (pub. Women's Center, Oakland, CA)
- The Banjo Players Must Die by Josef Assad as a novel is itself a product of the story it tells
- Be a Perfect Person In Just Three Days! by Dr K. Pinkerton Silverfish in the book of the same name by Stephen Manes
- Beneath the Visiting Moon by Penelope Milne, a.k.a. Edith Hope, in Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner
- The Big Green Book by an unknown author in The Big Green Book by Robert Graves
- Big Julie Criscoll Versus The Whole Wide World by Emma Morley in One Day by David Nicholls
- The Biography of a Dead Cow by Mr. Rudolph Block in The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce
- The Biography of Celebrated Mummies by Reverend Doctor Fundgruben in The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan by James Morier
- Blood and Loot by Horace Hackett in Typewriter in the Sky by L. Ron Hubbard
- Blood on Their Hands: The Crime of It All, A study of some selected abuses in sixteenth century Europe (Monograph) by Ignatius J. Reilly in A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
- Blue Angel by Ted Swenson in Blue Angel by Francine Prose
- The Book, a sort of fairy bible in the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer
- Book of Bride by Sisters of the Convent of St. Bride in Fires of Bride by Ellen Galford
- The Book of Counted Sorrows by an unknown author in Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean Koontz (Epigrams from The Book of Counted Sorrows appear in most of Dean Koontz's novels)
- The Book of Fred by an unknown author in The Book of Fred by Abby Bardi
- The Book of Gramarye by an unknown author in The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper
- The Book of Knights; A History of the Famous Lives and Deeds of Valor of Many Brave Knights by an unknown author in The Book of Knights by Yves Meynard
- Book of Life and Book of the Dead in the Bible and Talmud by various
- The Book of Silence by an unknown author in The Book of Silence by Lawrence Watt-Evans
- Book of the City of Ember by an unknown author in The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau
- The Book of the Learned (a 12th-century illuminated manuscript in Latin) by an unknown author in Moving Target by Elizabeth Lowell
- The Book of Ultimate Truths by Hugo Rune in The Book of Ultimate Truths by Robert Rankin
- Bulk Discounting by Morton Kennedy in by Susan Coll
- The Catalogue of Obsolete Entertainments by Adam Pennyman in Lucky Wander Boy by D.B. Weiss
- Catechism (also titled Confessions of Faith) by Mogila in The Suppressed Edition by Richard Curle
- Child Heist by Richard Stark in Jimmy the Kid by Donald Westlake (Several chapters of "Child Heist" are published in Jimmy the Kid, but the full book is not. Westlake has written real books under the name "Richard Stark".)
- A Clockwork Orange by F. Alexander in A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
- Collected Works by Shunsuke Hinoki in Forbidden Colors by Yukio Mishima
- Coming Home by Alun Weaver in The Old Devils by Kingsley Amis (unfinished)
- A Compleat Atlas of the House and Immediate Environs in The Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix
- Consider the Porpoise by an unknown author in Grandmother's Pigeon by Louise Erdrich
- The Cupboard Under the Stairs by Frank Prime in The Beacon by Susan Hill
- Death and Resurrection by Ibn Khanu in The Secret of the Vault by Wesley Rosenquest
- The Deccan Traps And Other Unlikely Destinations by Rory McHoan in The Crow Road by Iain Banks
- A Classical Dictionary by John Lemprière in Lemprière's Dictionary by Lawrence Norfolk
- The Discourses and Edifications of Liw Osfeo by an unknown author in Fools Errant by Matt Hughes
- Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood by Vivi Abbott Walker in Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells
- The Doubtful Debutante by an unnamed professor in Dead Poets Society, a novel by N.H. Kleinbaum, based on the motion picture written by Tom Schulman
- Drummondganj Book of the Dead by Jed in The Everest Hotel by I. Allan Sealy
- Ducks and Duck Breeding by an unknown author in The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford
- Dying Earth by Martin Silenus in Hyperion by Dan Simmons
- An Early Bath for Thompson by A. D. Young in The Restraint of Beasts by Magnus Mills
- Earthseed: Books of the Living by Lauren Oya Olamina in Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
- Elegant Waste by Griffin Silver in Strangers in Paradise by Terry Moore
- Encyclopaedia Sebestiana by various scholars unknown in Nowhere by Thomas Berger
- Encyclopedia Galactica by an unknown author in Foundation series by Isaac Asimov
- Ethics of Ygor by an unknown author in The Great White Space by Basil Copper
- Etiquette Along The Mississippi by Gaylord Gibbon in Lake Wobegon Days by Garrison Keillor
- The Failed Stone by John Dart in Starcrossed by A. A. Gill
- Faith and Morals for the Catholic Fireside: A Question-box for the Layman by Revd. Aidan Raphael Croucher in Fludd by Hilary Mantel
- Fear Itself by Grey Berwald in Batman: Fear Itself by Michael Reaves & Steven-Elliot Altman
- The Fighting Sailor by Jack Ryan in The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy (a biography of Fleet Admiral William Halsey)
- Flixton Slick - Super Sleuth by C. E. J. and Jennings Darbishire in Jennings Goes to School by Anthony Buckeridge (unpublished)
- Fornication comme acte culterel, La by Henri Mensonge in Mensonge by Malcolm Bradbury
- Four handwritten volumes of 100 pages each, "in a cramped hand and with Latin quotations." The last volume was a political treatise based in Humanitas. By Bras Cubas in The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas by Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis
- The Furnace of Sin by Lucas Holderness in Love and Mr. Lewisham by H.G. Wells
- Ghosts of the New England Coast by Marshall Watkins in Captain Butcher's Body by Scott Corbett
- The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Hortense Francis Weckweet in Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente. Later expanded into a novel
- The Grasshopper Lies Heavy by Hawthorne Abendsen in The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick
- The Great Good Thing by The Author in The Great Good Thing by Roderick Townley
- Gulf of Darkness by Leidall in Violence by Algernon Blackwood
- Handbook for Messiahs by an unknown author in Illusions by Richard Bach
- The Help by Eugenia Phelan in The Help by Kathryn Stockett
- History of Damar by Astytlet in The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley
- Hyperion Cantos by Martin Silenus in Hyperion by Dan Simmons
- I Love My Willy by Austin Tichenor - Reduced Shakespeare Company
- Ieximal Jelimite by an unknown author in The Poet Assassinated by Guillaume Apollinaire (play)
- Inkheart in Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
- Jacob Wrestling by James Mortmain in I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
- The Labyrinth of the World by an unknown author in Ex-Libris by Ross King (A palimpsest of Galileo's treatise on Jovian moons)
- Lady Don't Fall Backwards by Darcy Sarto in The Missing Page by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson (in Hancock's Half Hour)
- The Lair of the Dragon by Judith Adams in Death in Five Boxes by Carter Dickson
- The Law, Complete by an unknown author in After Hamelin by Bill Richardson (Law Book of the Trolavians)
- The Laws of Human History by Valentin Michael Karstev in Protect and Defend by Eric L. Harry
- Le Guide by Henri (director) LeClercq in Monsieur Pamplemousse on Probation by Michael Bond
- Lexicon Corsi by Anon(ymous) in Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavić
- Liber inducens in Evangelium aeternum by Joachim of Flora in "The Tables of the Law" by W.B. Yeats.
- Life is Stranger than Truth, Volume II: Nine More Miniature Gods by an unknown author in The Paris Stories by Laird Hunt (pamphlet)
- The Lord of the Swastika by Adolf Hitler in The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad
- The Lost Heir by Phoebe (publish anonymously) Marlow in Sylvester, or the Wicked Uncle by Georgette Heyer
- The Mad Tryst by Sir Launcelot Canning in The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe
- The Maxims of Marriage or The Duties of a Married Woman, Together with Her Daily Exercises by an unknown author in The School for Wives by Molière
- Make Four Million Dollars By Next Thursday! by Dr K. Pinkerton Silverfish in the book of the same name by Stephen Manes
- Mixed Moss by James (as Captain Flint) Turner in Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome
- A Modest Proposal for the Spreading of Christianity in Foreign Parts, whereby it is hoped its entertainment will become general all over the world by an unknown author in Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Maturin (Manuscript volume found in an asylum)
- Multitudes, Multitudes, an anti-war novel being written by the devious junior officer Tom Keefer in The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk
- The Murder of Gonzago by an unknown playwright in Hamlet by William Shakespeare (also known as ""The Mousetrap")
- N. P. by Sarao Takase in N. P. by Banana Yoshimoto
- Never Whistle While You're Pissing by Hagbard Celine in the Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
- The Neverending Story by an unknown author in The Neverending Story by Michael Ende
- The Nine Doors to the Kingdom of Shadows by 17th century author Aristide Torchia in The Club Dumas by Arturo Pérez-Reverte
- Off The Road by William Henry Deveraux in The Straight Man by Richard Russo
- One Woman's War by Kate (Unknown) in Lace by Shirley Conran
- Or I Will Sell My Soul For Guilt by Thomas Covenant in the Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R. Donaldson. Covenant is reported to have written at least two other novels prior to the start of the First Chronicles, but these are left unnamed by Donaldson
- The Orange and the Apple in Arthur C. Clarke's A Fall of Moondust
- Um Ourives das Palavras by Amadeu Inacio de Almeida Prado in Pascal Mercier's Nachtzug nach Lissabon
- Pause-O-Men for the Virgin by an unknown author in The Great Pursuit by Tom Sharpe (an inexact word-palindrome of "Virgin thee for Menopause").
- Penny Has a Plan by Ruthanne Hendry in The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin
- Peter Flowerbuck by Adrian Healey in The Liar by Stephen Fry (a forgery that Healy tries to pass off as being written by Charles Dickens)
- The Practice of Thinking in Murray Leinster's Med Ship stories
- Preternatural by Karen Guerreri in Preternatural by Margaret Wander Bonanno
- The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern - the purportedly abridged, just the good parts version by William Goldman is the original. Goldman asserted that Morgenstern also wrote a sequel, Buttercup's Baby, but it has never been published apart from a "teaser" chapter at the end of later editions of The Princess Bride
- The Principles of Private Detection by Clovis Andersen in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith
- The Ratisutra by Jayamala in Love in a Dead Language by Lee Siegel
- The Real Jonathan by Betsy Clendenin in Columbo: The Hoover Files by William Harrington
- Report of a Reconnaissance of the Black Hills of Dakota by William Ludlow in Legends of the Fall by Jim Harrison.
- Revelations of Glaaki by an unknown author in The Inhabitant of the Lake by Ramsey Campbell (in The Inhabitant of the Lake and Less Welcome Tenants)
- The Rise of the Colored Empires, by "this man Goddard," admired by Tom Buchanan in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. (Nick Carraway: "As for Tom, the fact that he 'had some woman in New York,' was really less surprising than that he had been depressed by a book. Something was making him nibble at the edge of stale ideas...")
- Rtr's Strbk by an unknown author in Rtr's Strbk by Peter Neumeyer (from "Signal 54")
- Rules and Traffic Regulations, Which May Not be Bent or Broken by an unknown author in The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
- The Secret Goldfish by D. B. Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
- The Secret of Secrets by Duban the Sage in The Tale of King Yunan and the Sage Duban by Arabian Nights (Richard Burton translation)
- The Secret Watcher by Halpin Chalmers in The Hounds of Tindalos by Frank Belknap Long
- The Seven Minutes by J J Jadway in The Seven Minutes by Irving Wallace
- Seven-Day Magic by an unknown author in Seven-Day Magic by Edward Eager (A magic book that writes itself. At times it also has the titles "Wishful Ways for Wizards", "Helpful Hints for Homemakers", and "Dreadful Deeds for Dragons".)
- Sylvio, the Fisherman's Son by Frederic Moreau in Sentimental Education by Gustave Flaubert
- The Smugglers of Lost Souls' Rock by an unknown author in October Light by John Gardner
- Songs of a Housepainter by Matthew Harrison in Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson
- The Southern Way by Savannah (as Renata Halpern) Wingo in The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy
- Speaker for the Dead: The Hive Queen and the Hegemon by Andrew "Ender" Wiggin in Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
- Speaker for the Dead: The Life of Human by Andrew "Ender" Wiggin in Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card
- Stanzas, Scars and Scandals - A Dramatic History of the Life of Lord Byron by H. J. Ragworth in Cham by Jonathan Trigell
- Strangers from the Sky by Dr. Garamet Jen-Saunor in Strangers from the Sky by Margaret Wander Bonanno
- Tears, Idle Tears by an unknown author in The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells (one of the characters says it should have been called "Slop, Silly Slop")
- Telemachus Sneezed by Atlanta Hope in the Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
- A True and Faithful rendering of the Life of Dona Rosalina Alvarez della Cueva, Abbess of the Convent of Santa Barbara of Tartarus by Domenico Eucaristo Deseos in The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington
- The True Grimoire by Alibeck in Casting the Stones by John Pocsik
- The True History of the World by Lucien de Terre in The Werewolves of London by Brian Stableford (4 volumes)
- To Serve Man by an unknown author in To Serve Man by Damon Knight (from the planet Kanamit)
- Too Many Cousins by Raymond Shears in Too Many Cousins by Douglas G. Browne
- The Twelve Hours of the Night by William Ashbless in The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers
- Under a Loggia by "Joseph Emery Prank" (pseudonym of Eleanor Lavish) in A Room with a View by E. M. Forster
- Universal Principles by an unknown author in Against a Dark Background by Iain M. Banks
- The Unwritten Book by Jason K. Kingsland in Ex-Libris by John Shire
- The Uselessness of Everything by the Hemulen in Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson
- Vastarien by an unknown author in "Vastarien" by Thomas Ligotti (in Teatro Grottesco and Other Stories)
- Vatican Codex by Mayan in The Philosopher's Stone by Colin Wilson
- Viage to the Contree of the Cimmerians by Gervase of Langford in Codex by Lev Grossman
- Warren Peece by Chris Crutcher in The Sledding Hill by Chris Crutcher
- The Way Out in works by Harry Stephen Keeler
- Who Put Back The Clock? by E. H. B. in The Wrong Box by Robert Louis Stevenson
- The Vault of Mr.Curwen by Alice Waite (short story)
- The Wings of Death by Osric Dane in "Xingu" by Edith Wharton (short story)
- Yellow Dragon by M. de Bac in The Devil's Manuscript by Sidney Kilner Levett-Yeats[8]
- You Will Never Die by Carl G. Soziere in "Divided By Infinity" by Robert Charles Wilson (Divided by Infinity is in the anthology The Perseids)
Additional reading
- Kennedy, George A. Fictitious Authors and Imaginary Novels in French, English and American Fiction from the 18th to the Start of the 21st Century, Mellen Press, 2004. ISBN 0-7734-6251-1
See also
- List of fictional guidebooks
- Lists of books
- List of fictional comics
- List of fictional books from non-print media
- List of fictional books from periodicals
- List of fictional brands
- List of fictional diaries
- List of fictional television shows
- List of unpublished books by notable authors
- Musaeum Clausum
- ↑ The Royal Tenenbaums
- ↑ Moonrise Kingdom
- ↑ Chandler, Raymond; MacShane, Frank; Gorey, Edward (8 February 2007). The Notebooks of Raymond Chandler: And English Summer a Gothic Romance. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-122744-8. Retrieved 2 November 2011.
- ↑ J.A.Arnold, Conradiana 7.2 (1976) 121-6
- ↑ Wanton Deconstruction, Tobin Harshaw, New York Times, January 21, 2001
- ↑ "Chronic City by Jonathan Lethem". Hungry Like the Woolf. Retrieved 21 August 2014.
- ↑ "An Anthony Powell ABibliography" The New Psalmanazar
- ↑ Sidney Kilner Levett-Yeats was a minor Victorian novelist, known to Rudyard Kiping from Lahore's Punjab Club. Born to a once-important British colonial family, Levett-Yeats was a low-level English bureaucrat in India turned romantic novelist.
External links
- The Invisible Library, curated by Brian Quinette (site dead as of October 2006 - see the site copy, from November 2004)
- The Invisible Library, Malibu Lake Branch, curated by Fayaway & Hermester Barrington
- The Fictional World of Archives, Art Galleries and Museums
- Underneath the Bunker A frequently updated journal, offering reviews of fictional books