List of film director and cinematographer collaborations

The following is a partial list of notable film director and cinematographer collaborations. The list consists of films, organized by film director and for each director, organized by the cinematographer(s) with whom he or she worked repeatedly, surely more than twice.

Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


J. J. Abrams

Robert Aldrich

Aldrich and Biroc also collaborated on episodes of the TV series China Smith, of which World for Ransom is considered an extension.

Tomas Alfredson

Woody Allen

Pedro Almodóvar

Robert Altman

Alejandro Amenábar

Hans Burman

Brad Anderson

Paul Thomas Anderson

Anderson and Elswit also collaborated on the short Mattress Man Commercial (2003).

Wes Anderson

Theo Angelopoulos

Jean-Jacques Annaud

Nimród Antal

Michelangelo Antonioni

Michael Apted

Dario Argento

Darren Aronofsky

Hal Ashby

Richard Attenborough

David Ayer


Noah Baumbach

Michael Bay

Juan Antonio Bayona

Marco Bellocchio

Peter Berg

Ingmar Bergman

Bernardo Bertolucci

Luc Besson

Kathryn Bigelow

Neill Blomkamp

Jan de Bont

John Boorman

Darren Lynn Bousman

Danny Boyle

Kenneth Branagh

Robert Bresson

Martin Brest

Craig Brewer

Jean-Claude Brisseau

James L. Brooks

Luis Buñuel

Tim Burton


James Cameron

Cameron and Carpenter also collaborated on the Universal Studios attraction T2 3-D: Battle Across Time (1996)

Martin Campbell

Jane Campion

Joe Carnahan

John Carpenter

John Cassavetes

Nick Cassavetes

Claude Chabrol

Chabrol and Rabier also collaborated on several TV projects

Youssef Chahine

Abdel Aziz Fahmy

Ahmed Khourshid

Ramses Marzouk

Abdel Halim Nasr

Mohsen Nasr

Alvise Orfanelli

J.C. Chandor

Charlie Chaplin

Chaplin's autobiography also includes Triple Trouble (1918) in his filmography — a compilation assembled by Leo White with scenes from Police and an unfinished Chaplin short, Life, along with new material shot by White.

Michael Cimino

Larry Clark

George Clooney

Henri-Georges Clouzot

Coen Brothers

Bill Condon

Chris Columbus

Francis Ford Coppola

Sofia Coppola

Anton Corbijn

Wes Craven

David Cronenberg

Cameron Crowe

Alfonso Cuarón

George Cukor

Michael Curtiz


Stephen Daldry

Joe Dante

Frank Darabont

Dardenne Brothers

Andrew Davis

Frank Tidy

Álex de la Iglesia

Manoel de Oliveira

António Mendes

Brian De Palma

Guillermo del Toro

Jonathan Demme

Claire Denis

Roger Donaldson

Richard Donner

Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck

Carl Theodor Dreyer


Clint Eastwood

Blake Edwards

Atom Egoyan

Sergei Eisenstein

Roland Emmerich


Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Jon Favreau

David Fincher

Marc Forster

Stephen Frears

Antoine Fuqua

Cary Joji Fukunaga


Christophe Gans

Terry Gilliam

Jean-Luc Godard

Michel Gondry

Alejandro González Iñárritu

Stuart Gordon

Paul Greengrass

Christopher Guest


Curtis Hanson

Catherine Hardwicke

Werner Herzog

Walter Hill

Tom Hooper

Ron Howard


James Ivory


Peter Jackson

Jim Jarmusch

Rian Johnson

Joe Johnston

Spike Jonze


Richard Kelly

Burt Kennedy

Krzysztof Kieślowski

Masaki Kobayashi

Stanley Kubrick


Mike Leigh

Sergio Leone

Louis Leterrier

Justin Lin

Richard Linklater

George Lucas

David Lynch

Adrian Lyne


Terrence Malick

Michael Mann

Rob Marshall

Neil Marshall

Steve McQueen

Sam Mendes

Fernando Meirelles

George Miller


Mike Nichols

Christopher Nolan


Nagisa Oshima


José Padilha

Alan J. Pakula

Park Chan-wook

Alexander Payne

Roman Polanski


Sam Raimi

Brett Ratner

Matt Reeves

Nicolas Winding Refn

Guy Ritchie

Robert Rodriguez

Chuck Russell

Russo brothers


John Sayles

Martin Scorsese

Ridley Scott

Tony Scott

M. Night Shyamalan

Bryan Singer

John Singleton

Zack Snyder

Steven Spielberg


Quentin Tarantino

Colin Trevorrow

François Truffaut

Tom Tykwer


Gore Verbinski

Paul Verhoeven

Denis Villeneuve

Luchino Visconti

Lars von Trier


Wachowski brothers

James Wan

Wim Wenders

Joss Whedon

Robert Wise

Wong Kar-wai

Edgar Wright


Robert Zemeckis

Edward Zwick


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, May 05, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.