List of fish in Pakistan
There are 531 species of Fish in Pakistan. 233 of them are of fresh water. Mahseer is the national fish of Pakistan. Here is a list of these fishes:
- Notopterus notoperus
- Notopterus chitala
- Naziritor zhobensis
- Triplophysa stoliczkai - Deosai only
- Diptyichus maculatus - Deosai only
- Ptychobarbus conirostis - Deosai only
Family Cyprinidae
Mahseer, National fish of Pakistan
Thela Fish
- Tor putitora - Mahasher
- Labeo rohita - Rohu
- Catla catla - Thela Fish
Family Clupeidae
- Gudusta chapra
- Taenialosa ilisha
Family Chandidae
- Channa marulia
- Channa striata
- Channa punctata
- Channa gachua
Spiny-rayed fishes

- Colisa lalia
- Colisa fasciata
- Oreochromis mossambica
- Badis badis
- Sicamugil cascasia
- Glossgobius giuris
- Chanda nama
- Chanda baculis
- Nandus nandus
- Chanda ranga

Rainbow Trout
Exotic species
- Salmo trutta - Brown trout
- Oncorhynchus mykiss - Rainbow trout
- Cyprinus carpio - Chinese carp
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