September 1946

Future Indian Premier Nehru
September 2, 1946: Viceroy of India Wavell swears in transitional government
Future Pakistani Premier Khan
September 10, 1946: Sister Agnes Bojaxhiu inspired to become Mother Teresa

The following events occurred in September 1946:

September 1, 1946 (Sunday)

September 2, 1946 (Monday)

September 3, 1946 (Tuesday)

September 4, 1946 (Wednesday)

September 5, 1946 (Thursday)

September 6, 1946 (Friday)

September 7, 1946 (Saturday)

September 8, 1946 (Sunday)

September 9, 1946 (Monday)

September 10, 1946 (Tuesday)

September 11, 1946 (Wednesday)

September 12, 1946 (Thursday)


September 13, 1946 (Friday)

September 14, 1946 (Saturday)

Hank Williams

September 15, 1946 (Sunday)

September 16, 1946 (Monday)

September 17, 1946 (Tuesday)

September 18, 1946 (Wednesday)

September 19, 1946 (Thursday)

September 20, 1946 (Friday)

September 21, 1946 (Saturday)

September 22, 1946 (Sunday)


September 23, 1946 (Monday)

September 24, 1946 (Tuesday)

September 25, 1946 (Wednesday)

September 26, 1946 (Thursday)

September 27, 1946 (Friday)

September 28, 1946 (Saturday)

September 29, 1946 (Sunday)

September 30, 1946 (Monday)


  1. John S. Koliopoulos and Thanos M. Veremis, Modern Greece: a history since 1821 (John Wiley and Sons, 2009) p120; "Greek Monarchy Wins In Plebiscite; 8 Die In Voting Disturbances", Pittsburgh Press, September 2, 1946, p1
  2. Justin Corfield, The History of Cambodia (ABC-CLIO, 2009) p43
  3. Gavan Daws, Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands (University of Hawaii Press, 1974) p363
  4. David Kamp, The United States of Arugula: How We Became a Gourmet Nation (Random House, Inc., 2007) p51
  5. "Era of National Govt. Dawns", The Indian Express (Madras), September 3, 1946, p1
  6. Jagdish Chandra Sharma, Indian Prime Ministership: A Comprehensive Study (Concept Publishing Company, 2002) p19-20
  7. Nick Redfern, Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story (Simon and Schuster, 2005) pp63-64
  8. "Plane Crash In France Kills Score", Miami Daily News, September 4, 1946, p1
  9. "18 Die, 2 Missing In Airliner Crash", Pittsburgh Press, September 5, 1946, p1
  10. Cynthia Jacobs Carter, Freedom in My Heart: Voices from the United States National Slavery Museum National Geographic Books, 2009) p191
  11. John Lewis Gaddis, The United States and the origins of the Cold War, 1941–1947 (Columbia University Press, 2000) p331; "Byrnes Urges Government For Germany", Pittsburgh Press, September 6, 1946, p1
  12. Bob Carroll, Total Football: The Official Encyclopedia of the National Football League (HarperCollins, 1999) p528
  13. Al Blackburn, Aces Wild: The Race for Mach 1 (Rowman & Littlefield, 1999) p11
  14. "23 Killed in Crash Of Plane in Africa", Pittsburgh Press, September 7, 1946, p1
  15. "Bulgar Boy King Loses His Thorne", Miami Daily News, September 9, 1946, p2-A
  16. "Bulgaria's former king OK'd as premier", Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, July 25, 2001, p7A
  17. Robert McHenry, Famous American Women: A Biographical Dictionary from Colonial Times to the Present (Courier Dover Publications, 1983) p121
  18. Trans-Australia Airlines Museum
  19. Meg Greene, Mother Teresa: a biography (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004) p27
  20. Joseph Langford, Mother Teresa's Secret Fire: The Encounter That Changed Her Life, and How It Can Transform Your Own (Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2008) pp44
  21. Pasquale Anthony Leonardo and Adam Zagoria, Ultimate: The First Four Decades (Ultimate History, Inc. 2010)
  22. "COURT HALTS POWER STRIKE", Pittsburgh Press, September 10, 1946, p1
  23. "Dodgers Battle to 19-Inning Scoreless Tie With Reds", New York Times, September 12, 1946, p11
  24. William J. Pomeroy, The Philippines: Colonialism, Collaboration, and Resistance (International Publishers Co, 1992) p152
  25. James Chace, Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Created the American World (Simon and Schuster, 2007) p158; "WALLACE TALK SPLITS CABINET", Miami Daily News, September 13, 1946, p1
  26. [,9171,777086,00.html THE PRESIDENCY: What I Meant to Say...", TIME Magazine, September 23, 1946
  27. Henry Armin Herzog, And Heaven Shed No Tears (University of Wisconsin Press, 2005) p306
  29. "Williams' Homer Trips Indians 1-0; Blow to Left in First Inning Decides, Bringing First Flag to Boston Since 1918", New York Times, September 14, 1946
  30. Constantine Mavroudis and Carl L. Backer, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (Elsevier Health Sciences, 2003) p168
  31. Randy Roberts, The rock, the curse, and the hub: a random history of Boston sports (Harvard University Press, 2005) p55
  32. "U.S. Population in 1990 to be 165,000,000" Miami Daily News, September 15, 1946, p1
  33. "Population and Area (Historical Censuses", U.S. Census Bureau
  34. Paul Hemphill, Lovesick Blues: The Life of Hank Williams (Penguin Books, 2006) p60
  35. Paul R. Gregory, Lenin's Brain and Other Tales from the Secret Soviet Archives (Hoover Press, 2008) pp64-66
  36. Neil Sheehan, A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (Random House, Inc., 2009)
  37. "Faroes Favor Freedom: Islands' Plebiscite Shows Small Margin So Far for Secession", New York Times, September 16, 1946, p1
  38. "Bulgaria a Republic", Daytona Beach Morning Journal, September 16, 1946, p2 Peter John Georgeoff, The Social Education of Bulgarian Youth (University of Minnesota Press, 1968) p7
  39. Donald Filtzer, The Hazards of Urban Life in Late Stalinist Russia: Health, Hygiene, and Living Standards, 1943–1953, (Cambridge University Press, 2010) p4
  40. John Lamm and Chuck Queener, Ferrari: Stories from Those Who Lived the Legend, (MBI Publishing Company, 2007 p13
  41. Andrew Zimbalist, In the Best Interests of Baseball?: The Revolutionary Reign of Bud Selig (John Wiley and Sons, 2007)
  42. James Von Schilling, The Magic Window: American Television, 1939–1953 (Psychology Press, 2003) p75
  43. "State of the Art", by Edward Rosen, SPIN Magazine (July 1985) p55
  44. David Patterson, Encyclopedia of Holocaust Literature (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002) p207; Elie Wiesel and Dorothy Rabinowicz, Dimensions of the Holocaust: Lectures at Northwestern University (Northwestern University Press, 1990) p69
  45. Dennis David and Lloyd Laumann, Tonka (MBI Publishing Company, 2004) p14
  46. "Churchill's Plea: United States of Europe", Sydney Morning Herald, September 20, 1946, p1; Manoranjan Dutta, European Union and the Euro revolution (Emerald Group Publishing, 2007)
  47. Cannes Film Festival History; Remi Fournier Lanzoni, French Cinema: From Its Beginnings to the Present (Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004)
  48. Steve Neal, Harry and Ike: The Partnership That Remade the Postwar World (Simon and Schuster, 2002) p92-93
  49. "TRUMAN FIRES WALLACE: GAGS AIDES ON POLICY", Pittsburgh Press", September 20, 1946, p1; Robert H. Ferrell, Harry S. Truman: A Life (University of Missouri Press, 1996)
  50. "Niagara Falls Section Collapses", Pittsburgh Press September 30, 1946, p1
  51. "Wife Sees Gunmen Slay Cheese King", Miami Daily News, September 22, 1946, p1
  52. Yogi Berra and Dave Kaplan, Ten Rings: My Championship Seasons (HarperCollins, 2003)
  54. "Independence Voiced By Faroes Assembly", Ottawa Citizen, September 24, 1946, p9; "Danish King Dissolves Faroes Parliament", September 25, 1946, p7; "Faroe Islands Accept Proposal", September 10, 1947, p9
  55. Ngô Vĩnh Long, Before the Revolution: The Vietnamese Peasants Under the French (Columbia University Press, 1991) pp114-115
  56. Ken Hechler, Working with Truman: A Personal Memoir of the White House Years (University of Missouri Press, 1996)
  57. Margaret Truman, Harry S. Truman (William Morrow Co., 1972) p323
  58. John Acacia, Clark Clifford: The Wise Man of Washington (University Press of Kentucky, 2009)
  59. Cathay Pacific Airways History
  60. "Lee Makes Stage History As He Plays White Role". The New York Times. September 26, 1946. Retrieved 2016-02-20.
  61. "Negro Actor Plays White Man on Stage—Successful Performance May Open New Field in American Theater", Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 26, 1946, p3
  62. Richard Butwell, U Nu of Burma (Stanford University Press, 1969) p49
  63. "Zale Staggers Back to Flatten Graziano", Milwaukee Journal, September 28, 1946, p6
  64. John Lewis Gaddis, The Cold War: A New History (Penguin, 2006) p30
  65. "Plane Hit 'Supersonic Wall' on Fatal Test Flight, Is Belief", Milwaukee Journal, September 29, 1946, p6; James P. Harrison, Mastering the Sky: A History of Aviation from Ancient Times to the Present (Da Capo Press, 2000) p217
  66. "Australian Politics and Elections", University of Western Australia
  68. "King George II Returns to the Throne in Greece", New York Times, September 30, 1946, p1
  69. Gen. Eisenhower Urges Outlawing Of Atomic Bomb", St. Petersburg (FL) Times, September 29, 1946, p11
  70. "Dodgers and Cards Muff Chance to Win Flag; Meet in Playoff", Milwaukee Journal, September 30, 1946
  71. "Eagles Win Negro Title- Newark Nine Trips Kansas City Monarchs", New York Times, September 30, 1946
  72. Carlos Santiago Nino, Radical Evil on Trial (Yale University Press, 1998); "Verdict Dooms 21 Nazis in War Trial", Pittsburgh Press, September 30, 1946, p1
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