Toronto Catholic District School Board

For French language Catholic schools in Toronto, see Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud.
Toronto Catholic District School Board
formerly Metropolitan Separate School Board (MSSB)

"Transforming the world through witness, faith, innovation and action."
80 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 6E8, Canada
District information
Established April 2, 1953 (MSSB)
January 1, 1998 (separation of French schools)
Closed December 31, 1997 (MSSB)
Superintendents 8 (areas)
1 (Student Success and Adult Learning Centres)
Schools 168 elementary schools
31 high schools
2 arts schools[1]
Budget CA$1.2B[2] million (2014–2015)
District ID B67059
Students and staff
Students 55,287 elementary students
30,577 secondary students[3]
Other information
Chair of the Board Angela Kennedy
Director of Education Angela Gauthier
Elected trustees 12
Student trustees Karina Dubrovskaya and Alison Gacad (2015–2016)
Headquarters of the school board

The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB, known as English-language Separate District School Board No. 40 prior to 1999[4]) is an English-language public-separate school board for Toronto, Ontario, Canada, headquartered in North York.[5] It is one of the two English boards of education in the City of Toronto, serving the former municipalities of Scarborough, North York, York, East York, Toronto and Etobicoke. With 85,864 students, the TCDSB is one of the largest school boards in Canada, and is the largest publicly funded Catholic school board in the world.[6] Until 1998, it was known as the Metropolitan Separate School Board (MSSB) as an anglophone and francophone separate school district.


TCDSB's former entity, Metropolitan Separate School Board

Prior to 1998, the Metropolitan Separate School Board was the governing body of all publicly funded Roman Catholic schools in Toronto. In 1998, the board was reorganised, resulting in the separation of English and French language schools, the latter of which are now part of the Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud. The resulting board was named the Toronto Catholic District School Board.


The Toronto Catholic District School Board mission statement relies on as "an inclusive learning community rooted in the love of Christ" that "educates students to grow in grace and knowledge and to lead lives of faith, hope and charity." The vision encourages learning communities of the Board to "transform the world through witness, faith, innovation and action." [7]

The school board is governed by 12 elected trustees who serve for a four-year term. Each year one secondary school student is selected to serve on the board as a student trustee (who is not entitled to vote). The chair of the board, the vice-chair and the honorary treasurer are elected at the inaugural meeting of the board, and serve for one year. As of August 2013, Ann Andrachuk serves as chair and Sal Piccininni serves as vice-chair. Trustees are paid $18,500 a year in salary and can claim up to $18,000 for expenses. Prior to the 1998 separation of French-language schools, the Metropolitan Separate School Board had three French language seats.[8] The policies of the Board are administered by the Director of Education and designates.

There are more than 85,864 students serving over 200 Catholic schools, and represent close to 475,000 Catholic school supporters in all of Toronto. The TCDSB also has staff consisting of 6,000 teachers, 2,800 support staff, 360 principals and vice principals, and 200 administrators.[9]

In addition, the Board operates standing three committees: the Student Achievement and Well Being, Catholic Education and Human Resources, Corporate Affairs, Strategic Planning and Property, & Governance Framework.[10]


Ward Trustee Municipal Ward Federal and Provincial Riding TDSB Corresponding Ward Notes
1 Joseph Martino 1, 2, 4 Etobicoke North
Etobicoke Centre
1, 2
2 Ann Andrachuk 3, 5, 6 Etobicoke Centre
2, 3
3 Sal Piccininni 7, 12 York West
York South-Weston
4, 6
4 Patrizia Bottoni 8, 9, 10 York West
York Centre
4, 5
  • Chair of the Corporate Affairs, Strategic Planning and Property Committee
5 Maria Rizzo 15, 16, 23, 25 Eglinton-Lawrence
Don Valley West
8, 12, 13
  • Vice-Chair of the Corporate Affairs, Strategic Planning and Property Committee
6 Frank D'Amico 11, 17 York South-Weston
6, 9
  • Vice-Chair of the Board
7 Mike Del Grande 24, 33, 37, 39, 40 Willowdale
Don Valley East
Scarborough Southwest
Scarborough Centre
12, 17, 19, 20
8 Garry Tanuan 41, 42, 44 Scarborough-Agincourt
Scarborough-Rouge River
Pickering-Scarborough East
21, 22
9 Jo-Ann Davis 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 Trinity-Spadina
St. Paul's
Toronto Centre
10, 11, 14
  • Chair of the Student Achievement and Well Being, Catholic Education and Human Resources Committee
10 Barbara Poplawski 13, 14, 18 Parkdale-High Park
7, 9
11 Angela Kennedy 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34 Don Valley West
Don Valley East
Beaches-East York
13, 15, 16, 17
  • Chair of the Board
12 Nancy Crawford 35, 36, 38, 43 Scarborough Centre
Scarborough Southwest
18, 19, 22
  • Vice-Chair of the Student Achievement and Well Being, Catholic Education and Human Resources Committee
Student Trustee(s) Karina Dubrovskaya
(Bishop Allen Academy)
Allison Gacad
(St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School)
--- --- ---
  • Part of the Nurturing Our Catholic Community Committee

Chairs of the Board

Italics indicate the trustee remains active.[11]

Directors of Education


The current director of education is Angela Gauthier who was appointed on August 1, 2013. She served as interim director in 2011.

Past directors

School Building Architecture

Like the TDSB-built schools, 70% of the TCDSB stock of school buildings outside of the old City of Toronto were built after World War II and during the 1950s. These are typically Mid-Century modern in style with two to three storey brick facade and large double hung windows albeit from the cross attached. Some are built in Tudor Gothic style ones in the late 1800s.


The Toronto Catholic District School Board governs 201 schools in the Toronto area: 30 secondary schools, 168 elementary schools, and 3 schools that combine both secondary and elementary grades.[1]

This list below also shows a number of buildings that were transferred from the Toronto Board of Education (TBE) throughout the 1980s.

Secondary schools

Name Image Location Administration Opened Team name Enrolment (2012–13) Parish Notes
Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary School 99 Humber Blvd. Principal: Vince Russiello
Vice Principals: Linda Maselli-Jackman, Raymond Sanborn
1989 Raiders 744 Our Lady of Victory
  • Located on the former York Humber site
Bishop Allen Academy 721 Royal York Road Principal: Stephen Carey
Vice Principals: Mary Keenan, Don Walker
1989 Cardinals 1505 Our Lady of Sorrows
  • Located on the former Kingsmill Vocational site
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic Secondary School 1515 Bloor Street West Principal: Maria Pereira
Vice Principals: Rita Leone, Lisa McGukin
1880 and 1986
Merged 1988
Royals 950 St. Joan of Arc
  • Located on the former West Park site
  • Formerly St. Joseph's Commercial School, renamed Thomas Merton in 1985.
Blessed Cardinal Newman Catholic High School 100 Brimley Road South Principal: Joan Tschernow
Vice Principals: Stefan Barrans, Anne Martin
1973 Knights 1308 St. Theresa Shrine
Blessed Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School 40 Sewells Road Principal: Stephen Carey
Vice Principals: Jose Flores, Michelina Corsano
1985 Titans 630 St. Barnabas
  • Regional Arts program
Brebeuf College School 211 Steeles Avenue East Principal: Anthony Azzopardi
Vice Principals: Walter Spano, Monica Calligaro
1963 Bulls 1040 Blessed Trinity
Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts 36 Greenfield Avenue Principal: Anne Bellissimo
Vice Principals: Franco Rubino, Bruno Garisto
1990 724
Chaminade College School 490 Queens Dr, Toronto, ON M6L 1M8 Principal: Carmine Settino
Vice Principals: Angelo Petrolito, Clarence Pitterson
1964 Gryphons 920
Dante Alighieri Academy 60 Playfair Avenus Principal: Flora Cifelli
Vice Principals: Teresa Santoro, Joseph Stesco, Sandra Figliomeni
1974 Monarchs 1194 St. Charles
Don Bosco Catholic Secondary School 2 St. Andrew's Blvd Principal: Michael Rossetti
Vice Principals: Gabe Piccolo, Kelly Breen
1978 Eagles 569
Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School 1760 Martin Grove Road Principal: Michael Rossetti
Vice Principals: Teresa Garisto, Paul Raso
1974 Crusaders 915 St. Andrew
  • Original location on 21 Panorama Court, now a community hub
  • Located on the former Humbergrove site, previously used by Marian (closed 2002).
Father John Redmond Catholic Secondary School and Regional Arts Centre 28 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive Principal: Lisa Tomeczek
Vice Principals: Robert D’Addario, Ann Marguerite Moynihan
1985 Redhawks 1102
Francis Libermann Catholic High School 4640 Finch Avenue East Principal: Brian Hunt
Vice Principals: Ryan Peterson, Laila Velocci
1977 Falcons 879 Prince of Peace
  • Gifted program for Grades 7-8.
James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic High School 1440 Finch Avenue West Principal: Anthony Bellisario
Vice Principals: Thomas Pavia, Ada Mellino
1982 Wolves 879 St. Wilfrid
Jean Vanier Catholic Secondary School 959 Midland Avenue Principal: John Brady
Vice Principals: Anne Louise Bannon, Reginald Ramlogan
1989 Mavericks 1017 St. Maria Goretti
  • Located on the former Tabor Park Vocational / SCAS site
Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School 101 Mason Boulevard Principal: Anita Bartolini
Vice Principals: Josie Pannozzo, Paolo Morrone
1847 Gator 928
Loretto College School 151 Rosemount Avenue Principal: Vince Russiello
Vice Principals: Caroline Falzon, Mary Lynn Flett
1915 Lightning 556 St. Nicholas of Bari Church
Madonna Catholic Secondary School 50 Dubray Avenue Principal: Erica Wilson
Vice Principals: Victoria Raco
1963 Phoenixs 536 St. Phillip Neri
Marshall McLuhan Catholic Secondary School 1107 Avenue Road Principal: Luisa Cangelosi
Vice Principals: Anna Enenajor, Victor Mio
1998 Rebels 1068 Our Lady of the Assumption
Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School 3200 Kennedy Road Principal: Patricia Coburn
Vice Principals: Derek Chen, Violet Keenan
1985 Wolverines 1124 Epiphany of Our Lord
  • Self-directed Learning program.
Michael Power/St. Joseph High School 105 Eringate Drive Principal: Joseph Brisbois
Vice Principals: George Kolos, Peter O'Neil, Lisa Tomezcek
1949 and 1957
Merged 1988
Trojans 2066 Nativity of Our Lord
  • Located on the former Vincent Massey site
  • Original location on Bloor and Dundas, now Michael Power condos.
Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic Secondary School 2170 Kipling Avenue Principal: Susan Souter
Vice Principals: Marcello Mancuso, Todd Visinski
1984 Jaguars 1031 St. Benedict
  • Located on the former Heatherbrae site, acquired 2005.
Neil McNeil High School 127 Victoria Park Avenue Principal: Michael Wallace
Vice Principals: Robert Noble, Kathleen Wong
1958 Maroons 817 St. John
Notre Dame High School 12 Malvern Avenue Principal: Jolanta Hickey
Vice Principals: Reshida Nezirevic, Bernice Peacock
1941 Spirit 682 St. John
Senator O'Connor College School 60 Rowena Drive Principal: Paul McAlpine
Vice Principals: Joseph Liscio, Louise Brighton
1963 Blues 1220 Annunciation
St. Basil-the-Great College School 20 Starview Lane Principal: Tony Augello
Vice Principals: Laura DiManno, Miles Fernandes
1962 Barons 1246 St. Jude
St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School 685 Military Trail Principal: Paul McAlpine
Vice Principals: Louise Brighton, Bernie Burns
1983 Panthers 1400 St. Thomas More
St. Joseph's College School 74 Wellesley Street West Principal: Helen Lesniak
Vice Principals: Alice Wong-Rettig, Anna Patejczuk
1864 Bears 848 St. Basil
St. Joseph's Morrow Park Catholic Secondary School 3379 Bayview Avenue Principal: Linda Maselli-Jackman
Vice Principals: Teresa Garisto, Walter Spano
1960 Jaguars 657 Blessed Trinity
St. Mary's Catholic Secondary School 66 Dufferin Park Avenue Principal: Robert Merolle
Vice Principals: Frank DeFina, Kristin Carey
1982 Huskies 740 St. Anthony
  • Self-directed Learning program.
St. Michael's Choir School 67 Bond St Principal: Mr. Barry White
Vice Principals: Mr. Linton Soares
1937 Spartan
    St. Patrick's Catholic Secondary School 49 Felstead Drive Principal: Sandra Mudryj
    Vice Principals: Paul Adams, Susan Laidlaw
    1852 (elementary)
    1986 (present)
    Patriots 549 St. Catherine of Siena
    • Operates as the Centre for Arts, Media, and Technology.
    • Located on the former Lakeview SS site.

    Combined schools

    Elementary schools

    • St. Agatha
    • St. Agnes
    • St. Aidan
    • St. Albert
    • All Saints
    • St. Alphonsus
    • St. Ambrose
    • St. Andrew
    • St. Angela
    • Annunciation
    • St. Anselm
    • St. Anthony
    • St. Antoine
    • St. Augustine
    • St. Barbara
    • St. Barnabas
    • St. Bartholomew
    • St. Bede
    • St. Benedict
    • St. Bernardl
    • Blessed John XXIII
    • Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
    • Blessed Margherita of Cittá di Castello
    • Blessed Sacrament
    • Blessed Trinity
    • St. Bonaventure
    • St. Boniface
    • St. Brendan
    • St. Brigid
    • St. Bruno
    • Canadian Martyrs
    • Cardinal Leger
    • St. Catherine
    • St. Cecilia
    • St. Charles
    • St. Charles Garnier
    • Christ the King
    • St. Clare
    • St. Clement
    • St. Columba
    • St. Conrad
    • Sts. Cosmas and Damian
    • St. Cyrill
    • D'Arcy McGee
    • St. Demetrius
    • St. Denis
    • The Divine Infant
    • St. Dominic Savio
    • St. Dorothy
    • St. Dunstan
    • St. Edmund Campion
    • St. Edward
    • St. Elizabeth
    • St. Elizabeth Seton
    • Epiphany of Our Lord
    • St. Eugene
    • Father Serra
    • St. Fidelis
    • St. Florence
    • St. Francis de Sales
    • St. Francis of Assisi
    • St. Francis Xavier
    • St. Gabriel
    • St. Gabriel Lalemant
    • St. Gerald
    • St. Gerard Majella
    • St. Gregory
    • St. Helen
    • St. Henry
    • Holy Angels
    • Holy Child
    • Holy Cross
    • Holy Family
    • Holy Name
    • Holy Redeemer
    • Holy Rosary
    • Holy Spirit
    • St. Ignatius of Loyola
    • Immaculate Conception Elementary School
    • Immaculate Heart of Mary
    • St. Isaac Jogues
    • James Culnan
    • St. James
    • St. Jane Frances
    • St. Jean de Brebeuf
    • St. Jerome
    • St. Joachim
    • St. John
    • St. John Bosco
    • St. John the Evangelist
    • St. John Vianney
    • St. Josaphat[15] (Ukr. Catholic)
    • St. Joseph
    • Josyf C. Slipyj[16] (Ukr. Catholic)
    • St. Jude
    • St. Kateri Tekakwitha
    • St. Kevin
    • St. Lawrence
    • St. Leo
    • St. Louis
    • St. Luigi
    • St. Luke
    • St. Malachy
    • St. Marcellus
    • St. Margaret
    • St. Marguerite Bourgeoys
    • St. Maria Goretti
    • St. Mark
    • St. Martha
    • St. Martin de Porres
    • St. Mary
    • St. Mary of the Angels
    • St. Matthew
    • St. Matthias
    • St. Maurice
    • St. Michael
    • Msgr. J. Corrigan
    • St. Monica
    • Mother Cabrini
    • Nativity of Our Lord
    • St. Nicholas
    • St. Nicholas of Bari
    • St. Norbert
    • Our Lady of Fatima
    • Our Lady of Grace
    • Our Lady of Guadalupe
    • Our Lady of Lourdes
    • Our Lady of Peace
    • Our Lady of Perpetual Help
    • Our Lady of Sorrows
    • Our Lady of the Assumption
    • Our Lady of Victory
    • Our Lady of Wisdom
    • St. Paschal Baylon
    • St. Paul
    • St. Philip Neri
    • St. Pius X
    • Pope Paul VI
    • Precious Blood
    • Prince of Peace
    • St. Raphael
    • St. Raymond
    • Regina Mundi
    • St. Rene Goupil
    • St. Richard
    • St. Rita
    • St. Robert
    • St. Roch
    • St. Rose of Lima
    • Sacred Heart
    • Santa Maria
    • St. Sebastian
    • Senhor Santo Christo
    • St. Simon
    • Stella Maris
    • St. Stephen
    • St. Sylvester
    • St. Teresa
    • St. Theresa Shrine
    • St. Thomas Aquinas
    • St. Thomas More
    • St. Timothy
    • Transfiguration
    • St. Ursula
    • Venerable John Merlini
    • St. Victor
    • St. Vincent de Paul
    • St. Wilfrid
    • The Divine Infant

    Former schools

    Previously the district operated French-language schools in addition to English-language schools. As of May 1980 the district operated five of the seven public French-language schools in Metropolitan Toronto, with the other two being operated by the North York Board of Education. The Metropolitan Separate School Board required any potential student to have at least one French-speaking parent before being admitted to a French-speaking school. One of the francophone schools operated by the board was the Ecole Sacre Coeur, which first opened in 1891 in a building basement and moved to its own facility in 1896. In the year it started, Toronto had 130 francophone families.[17] As of 2013 all French-language public schools in Toronto are operated by the Conseil scolaire Viamonde and the Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud.

    Meanwhile, the Board operated and funded two schools that they were part of since 1967 namely De La Salle College and St. Michael's College School. The schools, however, were re-privatized in 1985 and 1994 (although De La Salle spent almost 7 years with the board). In addition, three high schools such as Brother Edmund Rice Catholic Secondary School, Marian Academy, and Regina Pacis Catholic Secondary School were run by the Metropolitan Separate School Board. Both schools were closed between 2001 and 2002 due to low enrollment and the facilities were later reused.

    School bus transportation

    The following service providers have been contracted by the school board:[18]


    Uniforms are mandatory for students at the secondary level and elementary starting in the fall 2011.[19] In 2010 some elementary schools started implementing use of uniforms. [19]

    In 1988, the MSSB ruled that public separate high schools are required to wear uniforms. At the time, all of the high schools in Scarborough except for Cardinal Newman Secondary School had uniforms. Some trustees anticipated protests from parents and students from Newman.[20]

    As of 2014, all TCDSB elementary students must wear a uniform of a white or navy blur top, and navy blue bottoms. This is enforced in special programs such as the gifted program and ME.


    Enrolment of non-Catholics

    While Catholic high schools are funded by the provincial government, making them open to any students who wish to attend, elementary schools do not have to enroll non-Catholic students. Many argue that the practice of fully funding separate schools exclusively for the Catholic faith is discriminatory to other religions (the United Nations has twice chastised the province for this policy). Supporters of the current Catholic education system point out that it has existed, in one form or another, since Confederation, and that the Constitution Act, 1867 enshrines the right to government-funded religious education to all Catholics. The opposition, however, argues that this is an appeal to tradition, and point to other provinces in Canada which amended the constitution to abolish Catholic school funding. It is up to the school principal whether or not non-Catholics are enrolled.

    Government funding

    Recently, the issue of government funding for religious schools has become a major political issue (see Ontario general election, 2007), with PC Party Leader John Tory supporting an extension of funding to all religious schools, Dalton McGuinty's Liberals and Howard Hampton's NDP supporting the status quo, and Frank de Jong's Greens alone calling for elimination of public funding for all religious schools (including Catholic Schools).

    Trustee spending scandal

    The board was embroiled in controversy in May 2008 when a report commissioned by the provincial government uncovered spending abuses by certain trustees, including charges for meals, promotional materials, and prohibited benefits.[21][22] Provincial supervisor Norbert Hartmann was appointed to oversee administration of the board as a result.[23]


    The official symbol of the Toronto Catholic District School Board was designed in 1969 by the internationally recognized design artist, Allan Fleming, who designed the Canadian National logo. It combines the cross, the anchor, and the heart representing the three theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. It is based on the cross and anchor symbol used by the early Christians in the catacombs, the added heart representing humanity.[24]

    See also


    1. 1 2 TCDSB Alphabetical School Directory
    2. ↑
    3. ↑,%202014/Budget%20Estimates%202014-15.pdf
    4. ↑ "Ontario Regulation 107/08". e-Laws. Government of Ontario. Retrieved 15 April 2014.
    5. ↑ "About Us." Toronto Catholic District School Board. Retrieved on March 11, 2011. "Administrative Offices: Toronto Catholic District School Board 80 Sheppard Avenue East, North York, ON M2N 6E8"
    6. ↑
    7. ↑ TCDSB Mission and Vision
    8. ↑ "Newcomer wins French seat on school board." Toronto Star. November 16, 1991. News p.A12. Retrieved on July 24, 2013. "[...]to one of the three French-language seats on the Metropolitan Separate School Board."
    9. ↑ TCDSB - About Us
    10. ↑ Committees of the Board | TCDSB
    11. ↑ Inaugural Meeting
    12. ↑ Judge orders Catholic trustee out - Toronto Star, February 7, 2009. Retrieved on October 12, 2013.
    13. ↑ Rushowy, Kristin Ousted from Catholic board, trustee now a public high school teacher - Toronto Star, September 10, 2010. Retrieved on October 12, 2013.
    14. ↑ People | SCAS Ed-Vance
    15. ↑ see Josaphat Kuntsevych
    16. ↑ see Josyf Slipyj
    17. ↑ "Toronto has 7 public schools for French-speaking children." The Canadian Press (CP) at Montreal Gazette. Wednesday May 21, 1980. p. 66. Retrieved from Google News (66 of 141) on July 24, 2013.
    18. ↑ Toronto Catholic District School Board school bus providers
    19. 1 2
    20. ↑ "Catholic high school students must wear uniforms, board says." Toronto Star. February 2, 1988. News p. A16. Retrieved on September 15, 2013. "Now students at all 34 Catholic secondary schools except for Cardinal Newman school in Scarborough wear uniforms. Some trustees fear Cardinal Newman students and their parents will protest the decision."
    21. ↑ - Education - Catholic board cuts 85 teachers
    22. ↑
    23. ↑
    24. ↑

    Further reading

    External links

    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, April 12, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.