2014 in science

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In November 2014, the Philae lander launched by the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft performed the first successful landing on a comet (Philae's target, Comet 67P, pictured).

A number of significant scientific events occurred in 2014, including the first robotic landing on a comet and the first complete stem-cell-assisted recovery from paraplegia. The year also saw a significant expansion in the worldwide use and sophistication of technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles and wearable electronics.

The United Nations declared 2014 the International Year of Family Farming and Crystallography.[1]

Events, discoveries and inventions


1 January 2014: New computer models show that climate change is more sensitive to the effects of cloud formation than previously thought.
"Mystery" rock? found by the Opportunity rover on the planet Mars – comparison of images: Sol 3528 and Sol 3540 (23 January 2014)[18][19] (b/w) (solution).


First image by the Curiosity rover of the Earth and the Moon in the night sky of Mars (31 January 2014).[50]
New NASA database[74] tracks Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) which may comprise more than 20% of the carbon in the universe and may be starting materials for the formation of life.[75][76][77]
Disintegration of asteroid P/2013 R3 observed by the Hubble Space Telescope (6 March 2014).[98]


Evidence of gravitational waves in the infant universe may have been uncovered by the microscopic examination of the focal plane of the BICEP2 radio telescope.[113]
Evidence of an underground ocean of liquid water on Enceladus, moon of planet Saturn, reported (3 April 2014; artist image).[137][138]


Discovery of Kepler-186f - an Earth-sized exoplanet in the habitable zone of its host star (artist concept; 17 April 2014).[156][157]
Antibiotic resistance is now a major global threat, WHO reports. (30 April 2014).


Jupiter - Great Red Spot is decreasing in size (May 15, 2014).[201]


Hubble Ultra-Deep Field image (full range of UV to NIR light) includes galaxies existing shortly after the Big Bang (June 2014).[219]
The Curiosity rover completed its first Martian year (687 Earth days) on the planet Mars (24 June 2014).[228]
A summary of achievements of the Cassini spacecraft after a decade orbiting the planet Saturn.[239]


Mars - Geologic Map
(USGS; 14 July 2014)
(full / video).[251][252][253]
Driving Distance Records - for Out-Of-This-World "Space Rovers" (NASA;28 July 2014).[266][267]
Mars 2020 Rover - Payload (artist's concept; 31 July 2014).[282][283]


6 August 2014: The Rosetta probe arrives at comet 67P.
Neanderthal reconstruction exhibit at the Neanderthal Museum.


India's first Mars probe - the Mars Orbiter Mission, Mangalyaan.


Moon - ancient rift valleys found around Oceanus Procellarum (GRAIL; 1 October 2014).
Kuiper belt object - possible target of New Horizons spacecraft (artist's concept).[421]
Comet Siding Spring passed near Mars on 19 October 2014 (Hubble; 11 March 2014).


5 November 2014: ALMA image of HL Tauri.[473][474]
12 November 2014: The Philae probe from the Rosetta spacecraft lands successfully on the surface of Comet 67P.


Methane measurements in the atmosphere of Mars by the Curiosity rover.



See also


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External links

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