Kangxi radical

The 214 Kangxi radicals (康熙部首) form a system of radicals (部首) of Chinese characters. The radicals are numbered in stroke count order. They are the de facto standard used as the basis for most modern Chinese dictionaries, such that reference to "radical 61", for example, without additional context, refers to the 61st radical of the Kangxi Dictionary, 心; xīn "heart".
Originally introduced in the 1615 Zihui, they are named for the more famous Kangxi Dictionary of 1716 (Kāngxī 康熙 being the era name for 1662–1723). The system of 214 Kangxi radicals is based on the older system of 540 radicals used in the Han-era Shuowen Jiezi.

The Kangxi dictionary lists a total of 47,035 characters divided among the 214 radicals, for an average of 220 characters per radical, but distribution is unequal, the median number of characters per radical being 64, with a maximum number of 1,902 characters (for radical 140 艸) and a minimum number of five (radical 138 艮). The radicals have between one and seventeen strokes, the median number of strokes being 5 (radical 107).
The ten radicals with the largest number of characters account for 10,665 characters (or 23% of the dictionary). The same ten radicals account for 7,141 out of 20,992 characters (34%) in the Unicode CJK Unified Ideographs block as introduced in 1992, as follows:
Radical | Kangxi Dictionary | CJK Unified Ideographs |
Radical 140 艸 "grass" | 1,902 characters | 981 characters (U+8278–864C) |
Radical 85 水 "water" | 1,595 characters | 1,079 characters (U+6C34–706A) |
Radical 75 木 "tree" | 1,369 characters | 1,016 characters (U+6728–6B1F) |
Radical 64 手 "hand" | 1,203 characters | 740 characters (U+624B–652E) |
Radical 30 口 "mouth" | 1,146 characters | 756 characters (U+53E3–56D6) |
Radical 61 心 "heart" | 1,115 characters | 581 characters (U+5FC3–6207) |
Radical 142 虫 "insect" | 1,067 characters | 469 characters (U+866B–883F) |
Radical 118 竹 "bamboo" | 953 characters | 378 characters (U+7AF9–7C72) |
Radical 149 言 "speech" | 861 characters | 567 characters (U+8A00–8C36) |
Radical 120 糸 "silk" | 823 characters | 574 characters (U+7CF8–7F35) |
Modern dictionaries
Modern Chinese dictionaries continue to use the Kangxi radical-stroke order, both in traditional zidian (字典, lit. "character/logograph dictionary") for written Chinese characters and modern cidian (辭典 "word/phrase dictionary") for spoken expressions. The 214 Kangxi radicals act as a de facto standard, which may not be duplicated exactly in every Chinese dictionary, but which few dictionary compilers can afford to completely ignore. They also serve as the basis for many computer encoding systems, including Unihan. The number of radicals may be reduced in modern practical dictionaries, as some of the more obscure Kangxi radicals do not form any characters that remain in frequent use. Thus, the Oxford Concise English–Chinese Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-596457-8), for example, has 188 radicals. The Xinhua Zidian, a pocket-sized character dictionary containing about 13,000 characters, uses 189 radicals. A few dictionaries also introduce new radicals, treating groups of radicals that are used together in many different characters as a kind of radical. For example, Hanyu Da Cidian, the most inclusive available Chinese dictionary (published in 1993) has 23,000 head character entries organised by a novel system of 200 radicals.
Table of radicals
No. | Radical (variants) | Stroke count | Pīnyīn | Sino- Vietnamese (Hán-Việt) |
Hiragana-Romaji | Hangeul-Romaja | Meaning | Frequency | Simplified | Examples |
1 | 一 | 1 | yī | nhất | いち-ichi | 한일-hanil | one | 42 | 七三丈不丘世 | |
2 | 丨 | 1 | gǔn | cổn | ぼう-bō | 뚫을곤-ddulheulgon | line | 21 | 中 | |
3 | 丶 | 1 | zhǔ | chủ | てん-ten | 점주-jeomju | dot | 10 | 丸, 主 | |
4 | 丿 | 1 | piě | phiệt | の-no | 삐침별-bbichimbyeol | slash | 33 | 久,之,乎 | |
5 | 乙 (⺄, 乚) | 1 | yǐ | ất | おつ-otsu | 새을-saeeul | second | 42 | 九,也 | |
6 | 亅 | 1 | jué | quyết | はねぼう-hanebō | 갈고리궐-galgorigweol | hook | 19 | 了,事 | |
7 | 二 | 2 | èr | nhị | ふた-futa | 두이-dui | two | 29 | 五,井,些,亞 | |
8 | 亠 | 2 | tóu | đầu | なべぶた-nabebuta | 돼지해머리-dwaejihaemeori | lid | 38 | 亡,交,京 | |
9 | 人 (亻,𠆢) | 2 | rén | nhân (đứng, nón) |
ひと-hito | 사람인(변)-saramin(byeon) | man | 794 | 仁,休,位,今 | |
10 | 丿 | 2 | ér | nhi nhân đi |
にんにょう- ninnyō | 어진사람인발-eojinsaraminbal | son, legs | 52 | 兄,元 | |
11 | 入 | 2 | rù | nhập | いる-iru | 들입-deurip | enter | 28 | 入,全,兩 | |
12 | 八 | 2 | bā | bát | はちがしら-hachigashira | 여덟팔-yeodeolbpal | eight | 44 | 公,六,共,兵 | |
13 | 冂 | 2 | jiōng | quynh khuynh |
まきがまえ-makigamae | 멀경몸-meolgyeongmom | (down box) | 50 | 内,再 | |
14 | 冖 | 2 | mì | mịch | わかんむり-wakammuri | 민갓머리-mingatmeori | cover | 30 | 冗,冠 | |
15 | 冫 | 2 | bīng | băng | にすい-nisui | 이수변-isubyeon | ice | 115 | 冬,冶,冷,凍 | |
16 | 几 | 2 | jī | kỷ | つくえ tsukue | 안석궤-anseokgwe | table | 38 | 凡 | |
17 | 凵 | 2 | qū | khảm | うけばこ-ukebako | 위튼입구몸-witeunipgumom | (open box) | 23 | 凶,出,函 | |
18 | 刀 (刂) | 2 | dāo | đao | かたな-katana | (선)칼도(방)-(seon)kaldo(bang) | knife | 377 | 刀,分,切,初,利,刻,則,前 | |
19 | 力 | 2 | lì | lực | ちから-chikara | 힘력-himryeok | power | 163 | 力,加,助,勉 | |
20 | 勹 | 2 | bāo | bao | つつみがまえ-tsutsumigamae | 쌀포몸-ssalpomom | wrap | 64 | 勾,包 | |
21 | 匕 | 2 | bǐ | chủy | さじのひ-sajinohi | 비수비-bisubi | spoon | 19 | 化,北 | |
22 | 匚 | 2 | fāng | phương | はこがまえ-hakogamae | 튼입구몸-teunipgumom | (right open box) | 64 | 匣 | |
23 | 匸 | 2 | xǐ/xì | hệ | かくしがまえ-kakushigamae | 감출혜몸-gamchulhyemom | hiding enclosure | 17 | 匹,區 | |
24 | 十 | 2 | shí | thập | じゅう-jū | 열십-yeolsip | ten | 55 | 十,千,午,半,博 | |
25 | 卜 | 2 | bǔ | bốc | ぼくのと-bokunoto | 점복-jeombok | divination | 45 | 占,卦 | |
26 | 卩 (㔾) | 2 | jié | tiết | ふしづくり-fushizukuri | 병부절-byeongbujeol | seal (device) | 40 | 印,危,卵 | |
27 | 冂 | 2 | hàn | hán | がんだれ-gandare | 민엄호-mineomho | cliff | 129 | (pr. chǎng) | 厚,原 |
28 | 厶 | 2 | sī | khư | む-mu | 마늘모-maneulmo | private | 40 | 去,參 | |
29 | 又 | 2 | yòu | hựu | また-mata | 또우-ddou | again | 91 | 友,反,取,受 | |
30 | 口 | 3 | kǒu | khẩu | くち-kuchi | 입구-ipgu | mouth | 1,146 | 口,古,可,名,君,否,呉,告,周,味,命,和,哲,唐,善,器 | |
31 | 囗 | 3 | wéi | vi | くにがまえ-kunigamae | 큰입구(몸)-keunipgu(mom) | enclosure | 118 | 四,回,國,圖 | |
32 | 土 | 3 | tǔ | thổ | つち-tsuchi | 흙토-heulkto | earth | 580 | 土,在,地,型,城,場,壁,壓 | |
33 | 士 | 3 | shì | sĩ | さむらい-samurai | 선비사-seonbisa | scholar | 24 | 士,壹 | |
34 | 夂 | 3 | zhǐ | truy/trĩ | ふゆがしら-fuyugashira | 뒤져올치-dwijyeoolchi | go | 11 | 夆 | |
35 | 夊 | 3 | suī | truy/tuy | すいにょう-suinyō | 천천히걸을쇠발-cheoncheonhigeoreulsoebal | go slowly | 23 | 夏 | |
36 | 匕 | 3 | xī | tịch | ゆうべ-yūbe | 저녁석-jeonyeokseok | evening | 34 | 夕,外,多,夜 | |
37 | 大 | 3 | dà | đại | だい-dai | 큰대-keundae | big | 132 | 大,天,奈,奧 | |
38 | 女 | 3 | nǚ | nữ | おんな-onna | 계집녀-gyejipnyeo | woman | 681 | 女,好,妄,妻,姉,始,姓,姫 | |
39 | 子 | 3 | zǐ | tử | こ-ko | 아들자-adeulja | child | 83 | 子,孔,字,學 | |
40 | 宀 | 3 | mián | miên | うかんむり-ukammuri | 갓머리-gatmeori | roof | 246 | 守,家,寒,實 | |
41 | 寸 | 3 | cùn | thốn | すん-sun | 마디촌-madichon | inch | 40 | 寸,寺,尊,將 | |
42 | 小 (⺌, ⺍) | 3 | xiǎo | tiểu | しょう-shō | 작을소-jageulso | small | 41 | 小,少 | |
43 | 尢 (尣) | 3 | wāng | uông | まげあし-mageashi | 절름발이왕-jeolleumbariwang | lame | 66 | 尤,就 | |
44 | 匸 | 3 | shī | thi | しかばね-shikabane | 주검시엄-jugeomsieom | corpse | 148 | 尺,局 | |
45 | 屮 | 3 | chè | triệt | てつ-tetsu | 왼손좌-oensonjwa | sprout | 38 | 屯 | |
46 | 山 | 3 | shān | sơn | やま-yama | 뫼산-moesan | mountain | 636 | 山,岡,岩,島 | |
47 | 巛 (川, 巜) | 3 | chuān | xuyên | まがりがわ-magarigawa | 개미허리(내천)-gaemiheori(naecheon) | river | 26 | 川,州,巡 | |
48 | 工 | 3 | gōng | công | たくみ-takumi | 장인공-jangingong | work | 17 | 工,左,巫,差 | |
49 | 己 | 3 | jǐ | kỷ | おのれ-onore | 몸기-momgi | oneself | 20 | 己,巳 | |
50 | 巾 | 3 | jīn | cân | はば-haba | 수건건-sugeongeon | turban | 295 | 市,布,帝,常 | |
51 | 干 | 3 | gān | can | ほす-hosu | 방패간-bangpaegan | dry | 9 | 平,年 | |
52 | 幺 | 3 | yāo | yêu | いとがしら-itogashira | 작을요-jageulyo | short thread | 50 | 幻,幼 | |
53 | 广 | 3 | guǎng | nghiễm | まだれ-madare | 엄호-eomho | (dotted cliff) | 15 | 序,店,府,度,座,庭,廣,廳 | |
54 | 廴 | 3 | yǐn | dẫn | えんにょう-ennyō | 민책받침-minchaekbatchim | long stride | 9 | 延 | |
55 | 巾 | 3 | gǒng | củng | にじゅうあし-nijūashi | 스물입발-sumeuripbal | (two hands) | 50 | 弁 | |
56 | 弋 | 3 | yì | dặc | しきがまえ-shikigamae | 주살익-jusarik | shoot | 15 | 小,少 | |
57 | 弓 | 3 | gōng | cung | ゆみ-yumi | 활궁-hwalgung | bow | 165 | 弓,引,弟,弱,彌 | |
58 | 彐 (彑) | 3 | jì | ký/kệ | けいがしら-keigashira | 튼가로왈-teungarowal | snout | 25 | 当,彖 | |
59 | 彡 | 3 | shān | sam | さんづくり-sandzukuri | 터럭삼-teoreoksam | bristle | 62 | 形,彦 | |
60 | 女 | 3 | chì | sách | ぎょうにんべん-gyōnimben | 두인변-duinbyeon | step | 215 | 役,彼,後,得,徳,徼 | |
61 | 心 (忄,⺗) | 4 | xīn | tâm | りっしんべん-risshimben | 마음심(심방변/마음심밑)-maeumsim(simbangbyeon/maeumsimmit) | heart | 1,115 | 必,忙,忌,性,悪,情,想 | |
62 | 戈 | 4 | gē | qua | かのほこ-kanohoko | 창과-changgwa | halberd | 116 | 成,式,弐,戦 | |
63 | 戶 (户,戸) | 4 | hù | hộ | と-to | 지게호-jigeho | door | 44 | 戸,戻,所 | |
64 | 手 (扌,龵) | 4 | shǒu | thủ | て-te | 손수(재방변)-sonsu(jaebangbyeon) | hand | 1,203 | 手,才,持,掛,挙,拜,拳,掌,掣,擧 (打,批,技,抱,押) | |
65 | 支 | 4 | zhī | chi | しにょう-shinyō | 지탱할지-jitaenghalji | branch | 26 | 攱,攲 | |
66 | 攴 (攵) | 4 | pū | phộc | ぼくづくり-bokuzukuri | 칠복(등글월문)-chilbok(deunggeulweolmun) | rap, tap | 296 | 收,敍,數,斅 | |
67 | 文 | 4 | wén | văn | ぶん-bun | 글월문-geulweolmun | script | 26 | 文,斊,斈,斌,斐,斑,斕 | |
68 | 斗 | 4 | dǒu | đẩu | とます-tomasu | 말두-maldu | dipper | 32 | 料,斡 | |
69 | 斤 | 4 | jīn | cân | おの-ono | 날근-nalgeun | axe | 55 | 斦,斧,新,斥,斬,斷 | |
70 | 方 | 4 | fāng | phương | ほう-hō | 모방-mobang | square | 92 | 方,放,旅,族 | |
71 | 无 (旡) | 4 | wú | vô | なし-nashi | 이미기방-imigibang | not | 12 | 无,旡,既,旣 | |
72 | 工 | 4 | rì | nhật | にち-nichi | 날일-naril | sun | 453 | 日,白,百,明,的,映,時,晩 | |
73 | 曰 | 4 | yuē | viết | いわく-iwaku | 가로왈-garowal | say | 37 | 書,最,晉,曷,曹,曾 | |
74 | 戈 | 4 | yuè | nguyệt | つき-tsuki | 달월-dalweol | moon | 69 | 有,服,青,朝 | |
75 | 丨 | 4 | mù | mộc | き-ki | 나무목-namumok | tree | 1,369 | 木,杢,板,相,根,森,楽,機,末,本,杉,林 | |
76 | 欠 | 4 | qiàn | khiếm | あくび-akubi | 하품흠-hapumheum | lack | 235 | 欣,欽,欧,欲,歌 | |
77 | 止 | 4 | zhǐ | chỉ | とめる-tomeru | 그칠지-geulchilji | stop | 99 | 正,歩,此,步,武,歪,歲 | |
78 | 歹 (歺) | 4 | dǎi | ngạt/đãi | がつ-gatsu | 죽을사변-jukeulsabyeon | death | 231 | 死,列,殕 | |
79 | 殳 | 4 | shū | thù | ほこつくり-hokotsukuri | 갖은등글월문-gajeundeunggeulweolmun | weapon | 93 | 役,投,殴,殷 | |
80 | 毋 (母, ⺟) | 4 | wú | vô | なかれ-nakare | 말무-malmu | do not | 16 | 毋,母,毎,姆,梅 | |
81 | 比 | 4 | bǐ | tỷ | くらべる-kuraberu | 견줄비-gyeonjulbi | compare | 21 | 皆,批,毕,毖,毘,毚 | |
82 | 毛 | 4 | máo | mao | け-ke | 터럭모-teoreokmo | fur | 211 | 毟,毡,毦,毫,毳,耗 | |
83 | 夏 | 4 | shì | thị | うじ-uji | 각시씨-gaksissi | clan | 10 | 氏,民,紙,婚,氓 | |
84 | 气 | 4 | qì | khí | きがまえ-kigamae | 기운기엄-giungieom | steam | 17 | 気,汽,氧 | |
85 | 水 (氺,氵) | 4 | shuǐ | thủy | みず-mizu | (아래)물수/(삼수변)-(arae)mulsu/(samsubyeon) | water | 1,595 | 水,永,泳,決,治,海,演,漢,瀬 | |
86 | 火 (灬) | 4 | huǒ | hỏa | ひ-hi | 불화(연화발)-bulhwa(yeonhwabal) | fire | 639 | 火,灯,毯,爆 (烈,烹,焦,然,煮) | |
87 | 爪 (爫) | 4 | zhǎo | trảo | つめ-tsume | 손톱조-sontopjo | claw | 36 | 爬,爯,爭,爰,爲 | |
88 | 丶 | 4 | fù | phụ | ちち-chichi | 아비부-bu | father | 10 | 斧,釜 | |
89 | 爻 | 4 | yáo | hào | こう-kō | 점괘효-jeomgwaehyo | (double x) | 16 | 爼,爽,爾 | |
90 | 爿 (丬) | 4 | qiáng | tường | しょうへん-shōhen | 장수장변(2)-jangsujangbyeon | (half tree trunk) | 48 | 牀,奘,牃 | |
91 | 片 | 4 | piàn | phiến | かた-kata | 조각편-jogakpyeon | slice | 77 | 版,牌,牒 | |
92 | 牙 | 4 | yá | nha | きば-kiba | 어금니아-eogeumnia | fang | 9 | 芽,呀,牚 | |
93 | 牛 (牜, ⺧) | 4 | niú | ngưu | うし-ushi | 소우-sou | cow | 233 | 告,牟,牧,物,特,解 | |
94 | 犬 (犭) | 4 | quǎn | khuyển | いぬ-inu | 개견(개사슴록변)-gaegyeon(gaesaseumnokbyeon) | dog | 444 | 犬,犯,狂,狙,狗,献,獣 | |
95 | 玄 | 5 | xuán | huyền | げん-gen | 검을현-geomeulhyeon | profound | 6 | 弦,玆 | |
96 | 玉 (玊, 王, ⺩) | 5 | yù | ngọc | たま-tama | 구슬옥변-guseulokbyeon | jade | 473 | 王,玉,主,弄,皇,理,差,聖 | |
97 | 瓜 | 5 | guā | qua | うり-uri | 오이과-oigwa | melon | 55 | 呱,瓞 | |
98 | 瓦 | 5 | wǎ | ngõa | かわら-kawara | 기와와-giwawa | tile | 174 | 瓧,瓮,甄 | |
99 | 甘 | 5 | gān | cam | あまい-amai | 달감-dalgam | sweet | 22 | 柑,甜,酣 | |
100 | 土 | 5 | shēng | sinh | うまれる-umareru | 날생-nalshaeng | life | 22 | 牲,笙,甥 | |
101 | 丨 | 5 | yòng (shuǎi) | dụng | もちいる-mochiiru | 쓸용-sseulyong | use | 10 | 佣,甬,甯 | |
102 | 田 | 5 | tián | điền | た-ta | 밭전-batjeon | field | 192 | 田,町,思,留,略,番 | |
103 | 疋 (⺪) | 5 | pǐ | thất/sơ | ひき-hiki | 짝필-jjakpil | bolt of cloth | 15 | 疏,楚,胥,延 | |
104 | 疒 | 5 | nè | nạch | やまいだれ-yamaidare | 병질엄-byeongjileom | sickness | 526 | 病,症,痛,癌,癖 | |
105 | 癶 | 5 | bō | bát | はつがしら-hatsugashira | 필발머리-pilbalmeori | dotted tent, legs | 15 | 発,登 | |
106 | 白 | 5 | bái | bạch | しろ-shiro | 흰백-heuinbaek | white | 109 | 皃,的,皆,皇 | |
107 | 皮 | 5 | pí | bì | けがわ-kegawa | 가죽피-gajukpi | skin | 94 | 披,彼,波 | |
108 | 皿 | 5 | mǐn | mãnh | さら-sara | 그릇명-geureutmyeong | dish | 129 | 盂,盉,盍,監,蘯 | |
109 | 目 | 5 | mù | mục | め-me | 눈목-nunmok | eye | 647 | 目,見,具,省,眠,眼,観,覧 | |
110 | 毛 | 5 | máo | mâu | むのほこ-munohoko | 창모-changmo | spear | 65 | 茅,矜 | |
111 | 矢 | 5 | shǐ | thỉ | や-ya | 화살시-hwasalsi | arrow | 64 | 医,族,矩 | |
112 | 石 | 5 | shí | thạch | いし-ishi | 돌석-dolseok | stone | 499 | 石,岩,砂,破,碑,碧 | |
113 | 示 (礻) | 5 | shì | thị/kỳ | しめす-shimesu | 보일시(변)-boilsi(byeon) | spirit | 213 | 示,礼,社,奈,神,祭,視,禁,福 | |
114 | 禸 | 5 | róu | nhựu | ぐうのあし-gūnoashi | 짐승발자국유-jimseungbaljagugyu | track | 12 | 禹,禺,禽 | |
115 | 禾 | 5 | hé | hòa | のぎ-nogi | 벼화-byeohwa | grain | 431 | 利,私,季,和,科,香,秦,穀 | |
116 | 穴 | 5 | xué | huyệt | あな-ana | 구멍혈-gumeonghyeol | cave | 298 | 空,突,窅,窘,窩,窶,竇 | |
117 | 立 | 5 | lì | lập | たつ-tatsu | 설립-seollip | stand | 101 | 立,音,産,翌,意,新,端,親,競 | |
118 | 竹 (⺮) | 6 | zhú | trúc | たけ-take | 대죽-daejuk | bamboo | 953 | 竺,笑,第,等,簡 | |
119 | 女 | 6 | mǐ | mễ | こめ-kome | 쌀미-ssalmi | rice | 318 | 料,断,奥,糊,麟 | |
120 | 糸 (糹) | 6 | mì | mịch/ty | いと-ito | 실사-silsa | silk | 823 | 纟 | 系,級,紙,素,細,組,終,絵,紫 |
121 | 丶 | 6 | fǒu | phẫu | ほとぎ-hotogi | 장군부-janggunbu | jar | 77 | 缶,缸,窑,陶 | |
122 | 网 (罒,⺲,罓,⺳) | 6 | wǎng | võng | あみがしら-amigashira | 그물망-geumulmang | net | 163 | 買,罪,置,羅 | |
123 | 羊 (⺶,⺷) | 6 | yáng | dương | ひつじ-hitsuji | 양양-yangyang | sheep | 156 | 着,羚,翔,着 | |
124 | 羽 | 6 | yǔ | vũ | はね-hane | 깃우-=gisu | feather | 220 | 習,翀,翁,翔 | |
125 | 老 (耂) | 6 | lǎo | lão | おい-oi | 늙을로-neulgeullo | old | 22 | 耆,孝,耋 | |
126 | 而 | 6 | ér | nhi | しかして-shikashite | 말이을이-malieuri | and | 22 | 耎,耐,耑 | |
127 | 耒 | 6 | lěi | lỗi | らいすき-raisuki | 가래뢰-garaeroe | plow | 84 | 耔,耝,耨,耰 | |
128 | 耳 | 6 | ěr | nhĩ | みみ-mimi | 귀이-gwii | ear | 172 | 取,聞,職,叢 | |
129 | 聿 (⺻) | 6 | yù | duật | ふでづくり-fudezukuri | 붓율-busyul | brush | 19 | 律,書,建 | |
130 | 肉 (⺼) | 6 | ròu | nhục | にく-niku | 고기육(육달월)-gogiyuk(yukdalwol) | meat | 674 | 肉,肖,股,胃,腅,脤 | |
131 | 口 | 6 | chén | thần | しん-shin | 신하신-sinhasin | minister | 16 | 臥,宦,蔵 | |
132 | 自 | 6 | zì | tự | みずから-mizukara | 스스로자-seuseuroja | self | 34 | 自,臫,臬,臲 | |
133 | 石 | 6 | zhì | chí | いたる-itaru | 이를지-ireulji | arrive | 24 | 致,臸,臺 | |
134 | 臼 | 6 | jiù | cữu | うす-usu | 절구구(변)-jeolgugu(byeon) | mortar | 71 | 桕,舅,舂,鼠,插 | |
135 | 而 | 6 | shé | thiệt | した-shita | 혀설-hyeoseol | tongue | 31 | 乱,适,話,舍 | |
136 | 舛 | 6 | chuǎn | suyễn | ます-masu | 어그러질천-eogeureojilcheon | oppose | 10 | 舛,舜,舞 | |
137 | 土 | 6 | zhōu | chu | ふね-fune | 배주-baeju | boat | 197 | 航,船,艦 | |
138 | 屮 | 6 | gēn | cấn | こん-kon | 괘이름간-gwaeireumgan | stopping | 5 | 良,飲,很 | |
139 | 干 | 6 | sè | sắc | いろ-iro | 빛색-bitsaek | color | 21 | 色,艴,艷 | |
140 | 艸 (艹) | 6 | cǎo | thảo | くさ-kusa | 풀초(초두머리)-pulcho(chodumeori) | grass | 1,902 | 共,花,英,苦,草,茶,落,幕,靴,鞄,薬 | |
141 | 虍 | 6 | hū | hô | とらかんむり-torakammuri | 범호엄-beomhoeom | tiger | 114 | 虎,虐,彪,虒 | |
142 | 八 | 6 | chóng | trùng | むし-mushi | 벌레훼-beollehwe | insect | 1,067 | (pr. chóng) | 蚯,蚓,強,触,蟻,蟹 |
143 | 血 | 6 | xuè | huyết | ち-chi | 피혈-pihyeol | blood | 60 | 洫,衁,衅,衆 | |
144 | 行 | 6 | xíng | hành | ぎょう-gyō | 다닐행-danilhaeng | walk enclosure | 53 | 行,衍,術,衝 | |
145 | 衣 (衤) | 6 | yī | y | ころも-koromo | 옷의(변)-oseui(byeon) | clothes | 607 | 衣,初,被,装,裁,複 | |
146 | 襾 (西,覀) | 6 | xī | tây | にし-nishi | 덮을아-deopeura | west | 29 | 西,要,覊 | |
147 | 見 | 7 | jiàn | kiến | みる-miru | 볼견-bolgyeon | see | 161 | 见 | 規,親,覺,觀 |
148 | 角 | 7 | jiǎo | giác | つの-tsuno | 뿔각=bbulgak | horn | 158 | 觚,解,觕,觥,觸 | |
149 | 言 (訁) | 7 | yán | ngôn | ことば-kotoba | 말씀언-malsseumeon | speech | 861 | 讠 | 誁,詋,詔,評,詗,詥,試,詧 |
150 | 谷 | 7 | gǔ | cốc | たに-tani | 골곡-golgok | valley | 54 | 谿,豀,谸 | |
151 | 豆 | 7 | dòu | đậu | まめ-mame | 콩두-kongdu | bean | 68 | 豈,豐,豎 | |
152 | 豕 | 7 | shǐ | thỉ | いのこ-inoko | 돼지시-dwaejisi | pig | 148 | 豖,豚,象 | |
153 | 豸 | 7 | zhì | trãi | むじな-mujina | 갖은돼지시변-gajeundwaejisibyeon | badger | 140 | 豹,貌,貓,貈,貉 | |
154 | 貝 | 7 | bèi | bối | かい-kai | 조개패-jogaepae | shell | 277 | 贝 | 財,賊,賜,贛,貧,貨,貫,貿 |
155 | 赤 | 7 | chì | xích | あか-aka | 붉을적-bulgeuljeok | red | 31 | 赫,赭 | |
156 | 走 (赱) | 7 | zǒu | tẩu | はしる-hashiru | 달릴주-dallilju | run | 285 | 赴,起,超 | |
157 | 足 (⻊) | 7 | zú | túc | あし-ashi | 발족-baljok | foot | 580 | 跑,跨,跟,跪,路 | |
158 | 冫 | 7 | shēn | thân | み-mi | 몸신-momsin | body | 97 | 躬,躲,軀 | |
159 | 車 | 7 | chē | xa | くるま-kuruma | 수레거-suregeo | cart | 361 | 车 | 軌,軟,較,軍,載 |
160 | 力 | 7 | xīn | tân | からい-karai | 매울신-maeulsin | bitter | 36 | 辜,辟,辣,辦,辨 | |
161 | 辰 | 7 | chén | thần/thìn | しんのたつ-shinnotatsu | 별진-byeoljin | morning | 15 | 辱,農 | |
162 | 辵 (辶,⻌,⻍) | 7 | chuò / zouzhi | sước | しんにょう-shinnyō | 갖은책받침(책받침)-gajeunchaekbatchim(chaekbatchim) | walk | 381 | 巡,迎,通,追,逃,辶,迎,進 | |
163 | 邑 (阝,⻏,⻖) | 7 | yì | ấp | むら-mura | 고을읍(우부방)-goeureup(ububang) | city | 350 | 那,邦,郎,部,郭,都,鄉 | |
164 | 酉 | 7 | yǒu | dậu | ひよみのとり-hyominotori | 닭유-dalgyu | wine | 290 | 醉,酱,油,醒,酸 | |
165 | 釆 | 7 | biàn | biện | のごめ-nogome | 분별할변-bunbyeolhalbyeon | distinguish | 14 | 釉,釋 | |
166 | 里 | 7 | lǐ | lý | さと-sato | 마을리-maeulli | village | 14 | 野,野 | |
167 | 金 (釒) | 8 | jīn | kim | かね-kane | 쇠금-soegeum | gold | 806 | 钅 | 銀,銅,釘,銳,鋞,鋙,鉒,鉍,鉗,鈡,鈠 |
168 | 長 (镸) | 8 | cháng | trường | ながい-nagai | 길장(변)-giljang(byeon) | long | 55 | 长 | 镸,镽 |
169 | 宀 | 8 | mén | môn | もん-mon | 문문-munmun | gate | 246 | 门 | 間,閑,關,闘,閉,開,閏,間,關 |
170 | 阜 (阝) | 8 | fù | phụ | おか-oka | 언덕부(좌부변)-eondeokbu(jwabubyeon) | mound | 348 | 阪,防,阻,陆,陘,院,险,陳 | |
171 | 厶 | 8 | lì | lệ | れいづくり-reizukuri | 미칠이-michiri | slave | 12 | 隸,隺 | |
172 | 方 | 8 | zhuī | chuy | ふるとり-furutori | 새추-saechu | short-tailed bird | 233 | 雀,集,雁,难,雀,雅 | |
173 | 雨 | 8 | yǔ | vũ | あめ-ame | 비우-biu | rain | 298 | 雾,霜,雪,霸,雲,霧 | |
174 | 青 (靑) | 8 | qīng | thanh | あお-ao | 푸를청-pureulcheong | blue | 17 | 靕,靖,靜 | |
175 | 非 | 8 | fēi | phi | あらず-arazu | 아닐비-anilbi | wrong | 25 | 靠,靠,靟 | |
176 | 面 (靣) | 9 | miàn | diện | めん-men | 낯면-natmyeon | face | 66 | 靦,靨 | |
177 | 革 | 9 | gé | cách | かくのかわ-kakunokawa | 가죽혁-gajukhyeok | leather | 305 | 靴,鞍,鞅,鞍,鞭 | |
178 | 立 | 9 | wéi | vi | なめしがわ-nameshigawa | 가죽위-gajugwi | tanned leather | 100 | 韦 | 韋,韓,韜 |
179 | 韭 | 9 | jiǔ | cửu | にら-nira | 부추구-buchugu | leek | 20 | 韱,韲 | |
180 | 石 | 9 | yīn | âm | おと-oto | 소리음-sorieum | sound | 43 | 韶,韻,韾 | |
181 | 弁 | 9 | yè | hiệt | おおがい-ōgai | 머리혈-meorihyeol | leaf | 372 | 页 | 頃,項,順,須,領,頭,頩,頂 |
182 | 風 (𠘨) | 9 | fēng | phong | かぜ-kaze | 바람풍-barampung | wind | 182 | 风 | 颱,飄,颿,颩,颪 |
183 | 毛 | 9 | fēi | phi | とぶ-tobu | 날비-nalbi | fly | 92 | 飞 | 飜,飝 |
184 | 食 (飠) | 9 | shí | thực | しょく-shoku | 밥식(변)-bapsik(byeon) | eat | 403 | 饣 | 飯,飲,餓,餘,餐,養 |
185 | 冖 | 9 | shǒu | thủ | くび-kubi | 머리수-meorisu | head | 20 | 馗,馘 | |
186 | 香 | 9 | xiāng | hương | においこう-nioikō | 향기향-hyanggihyang | fragrant | 37 | 馨,馫 | |
187 | 馬 | 10 | mǎ | mã | うま-uma | 말마-malma | horse | 472 | 马 | 馮,馴,馳,駐,驚 |
188 | 骨 | 10 | gǔ | cốt | ほね-hone | 뼈골-ppyeogol | bone | 185 | 骼,髒,髀,骿,骾 | |
189 | 高 (髙) | 10 | gāo | cao | たかい-takai | 높을고-nopeulgo | tall | 34 | 髚,髛 | |
190 | 髟 | 10 | biāo | bưu/tiêu | かみがしら-kamigashira | 터럭발-teoreokbal | hair | 243 | 髮,鬚,鬆,鬍,髦 | |
191 | 鬥 | 10 | dòu | đấu | とうがまえ-tōgamae | 싸울투-ssaultu | fight | 23 | 鬧,鬪 | |
192 | 支 | 10 | chàng | sưởng | ちょう-chō | 울창주창-ulchangjuchang | sacrificial wine | 8 | 鬰,鬱 | |
193 | 鬲 | 10 | lì | cách | かなえ-kanae | 다리굽은솥력-darigubeunsotryeok | cauldron | 73 | 鬶,鬷,鬸 | |
194 | 鬼 | 10 | guǐ | quỷ | おに-oni | 귀신귀-gwisingwi | ghost | 141 | 魂,魁,鬽,魄 | |
195 | 魚 | 11 | yú | ngư | うお-uo | 물고기어-mulgogieo | fish | 571 | 鱼 | 鯉,鮑,魛,魜,魝,魞,魟,魠 |
196 | 工 | 11 | niǎo | điểu | とり-tori | 새조-saejo | bird | 750 | 鸟 | 鳫,鳮,鳱,鳳,鳴,鳿,雞,鳴,鴻,鴛 |
197 | 鹵 | 11 | lǔ | lỗ | ろ-ro | 짠땅로-jjanddangro | salt | 44 | 卤 | 鹹,鹼,鹽 |
198 | 广 | 11 | lù | lộc | しか-shika | 사슴록-saseumrok | deer | 104 | 塵,麃,麋,麉,麟 | |
199 | 麥 | 11 | mài | mạch | むぎ-mugi | 보리맥-borimaek | wheat | 131 | 麦 | 麴,麵,麱,麨,麺 |
200 | 麻 | 11 | má | ma | あさ-asa | 삼마-samma | hemp | 34 | 麼,魔 | |
201 | 黃 | 12 | huáng | hoàng | きいろ-kiiro | 누를황-nureulhwang | yellow | 42 | 黊,黌 | |
202 | 黍 | 12 | shǔ | thử | きび-kibi | 기장서-gijangseo | millet | 46 | 黏,黎 | |
203 | 黑 | 12 | hēi | hắc | くろ-kuro | 검을흑-geomeulheuk | black | 172 | 點,黛,黱,黨 | |
204 | 勹 | 12 | zhǐ | chỉ | ふつ-futsu | 바느질할치-baneujilhalchi | embroidery | 8 | 黼,黻 | |
205 | 黽 | 13 | mǐn | mãnh | べん-ben | 맹꽁이맹-maengggong | frog | 40 | 黾 | 鼈,黿,鼆 |
206 | 鼎 | 13 | dǐng | đỉnh | かなえ-kanae | 솥정-sotjeong | tripod | 14 | 鼏,鼒 | |
207 | 弓 | 13 | gǔ | cổ | つづみ-tsudzumi | 북고-bukgo | drum | 46 | 鼗,鼘 | |
208 | 欠 | 13 | shǔ | thử | ねずみ-nezumi | 쥐서-jwiseo | rat | 92 | 鼢,鼣,鼤 | |
209 | 爻 | 14 | bí | tị | はな-hana | 코비-kobi | nose | 49 | 鼼,鼽,鼿 | |
210 | 齊 | 14 | qí | tề | せい-sei | 가지런할제-gajireonhalje | even | 18 | 齐 | 齋,齏,齏 |
211 | 齒 | 15 | chǐ | xỉ/sỉ | は-ha | 이치-ichi | tooth | 162 | 长 | 齡,齠,齗 |
212 | 龍 | 16 | lóng | long | りゅう-ryū | 용룡-yongryong | dragon | 14 | 龙 | 龖,龘 |
213 | 龜 | 16 | guī | quy | かめ-kame | 거북귀-geobukgwi | turtle | 24 | 纟 | 貝 |
214 | 亠 | 17 | yuè | dược | やく-yaku | 피리약-piriyak | flute | 19 | 龣,龤 |
The Unicode standard encoded 20,992 characters in version 1.0.1 (1992) in the CJK Unified Ideographs block (U+4E00–9FFF). This standard followed the Kangxi order of radicals (radical 1 at U+4E00, radical 214 at U+9FA0) but did not encode all characters found in the Kangxi dictionary. Individual characters were listed based on their Kangxi radical and number of additional strokes, e.g. U+5382 厂, the unaugmented radical 27 meaning "cliff" is listed under "27.0", while U+5383 to U+5386 are listed under "27.2" as they all consist of radical 27 plus two additional strokes. More characters were added in later versions, adding "CJK Unified Ideographs Extensions" A, B, C and D as of Unicode 7.0 (2014) with further additions planned for Unicode 8.0. Within each "Extension", characters are also ordered by Kangxi radical and additional strokes. The Unicode Consortium maintains the "Unihan Database", with a Radical-Stroke-Index. The Unicode Common Locale Data Repository provides no official collation (sort order) rule for Unicode CJK characters (short of sorting characters by codepoint);[1] such collation rules as there are language-specific (such as JIS X 0208 for Japanese kanji) and do not include any of the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension characters.
Kangxi Radicals block
Kangxi Radicals | |
Range |
U+2F00..U+2FDF (224 code points) |
Plane | BMP |
Scripts | Han |
Symbol sets | CJK Radical |
Assigned | 214 code points |
Unused | 10 reserved code points |
Source standards | CNS 11643-1992 |
Unicode version history | |
3.0 | 214 (+214) |
Note: [2] |
In Unicode version 3.0 (1999), a separate Kangxi Radicals block was introduced which encodes the 214 radicals in sequence, at U+2F00–2FD5. These are specific codepoints intended to represent the radical qua radical, as opposed to the character consisting of the unaugmented radical; thus, U+2F00 represents radical 1 while U+4E00 represents the character yī meaning "one". In addition, the CJK Radicals Supplement block (2E80–2EFF) was introduced, encoding alternative (often positional) forms taken by Kangxi radicals as they appear within specific characters. For example, ⺁ "CJK RADICAL CLIFF" (U+2E81) is a variant of ⼚ radical 27 (U+2F1A), itself identical in shape to the character consisting of unaugmented radical 27, 厂 "cliff" (U+5382).
Kangxi Radicals[1][2] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+2F0x | ⼀ | ⼁ | ⼂ | ⼃ | ⼄ | ⼅ | ⼆ | ⼇ | ⼈ | ⼉ | ⼊ | ⼋ | ⼌ | ⼍ | ⼎ | ⼏ |
U+2F1x | ⼐ | ⼑ | ⼒ | ⼓ | ⼔ | ⼕ | ⼖ | ⼗ | ⼘ | ⼙ | ⼚ | ⼛ | ⼜ | ⼝ | ⼞ | ⼟ |
U+2F2x | ⼠ | ⼡ | ⼢ | ⼣ | ⼤ | ⼥ | ⼦ | ⼧ | ⼨ | ⼩ | ⼪ | ⼫ | ⼬ | ⼭ | ⼮ | ⼯ |
U+2F3x | ⼰ | ⼱ | ⼲ | ⼳ | ⼴ | ⼵ | ⼶ | ⼷ | ⼸ | ⼹ | ⼺ | ⼻ | ⼼ | ⼽ | ⼾ | ⼿ |
U+2F4x | ⽀ | ⽁ | ⽂ | ⽃ | ⽄ | ⽅ | ⽆ | ⽇ | ⽈ | ⽉ | ⽊ | ⽋ | ⽌ | ⽍ | ⽎ | ⽏ |
U+2F5x | ⽐ | ⽑ | ⽒ | ⽓ | ⽔ | ⽕ | ⽖ | ⽗ | ⽘ | ⽙ | ⽚ | ⽛ | ⽜ | ⽝ | ⽞ | ⽟ |
U+2F6x | ⽠ | ⽡ | ⽢ | ⽣ | ⽤ | ⽥ | ⽦ | ⽧ | ⽨ | ⽩ | ⽪ | ⽫ | ⽬ | ⽭ | ⽮ | ⽯ |
U+2F7x | ⽰ | ⽱ | ⽲ | ⽳ | ⽴ | ⽵ | ⽶ | ⽷ | ⽸ | ⽹ | ⽺ | ⽻ | ⽼ | ⽽ | ⽾ | ⽿ |
U+2F8x | ⾀ | ⾁ | ⾂ | ⾃ | ⾄ | ⾅ | ⾆ | ⾇ | ⾈ | ⾉ | ⾊ | ⾋ | ⾌ | ⾍ | ⾎ | ⾏ |
U+2F9x | ⾐ | ⾑ | ⾒ | ⾓ | ⾔ | ⾕ | ⾖ | ⾗ | ⾘ | ⾙ | ⾚ | ⾛ | ⾜ | ⾝ | ⾞ | ⾟ |
U+2FAx | ⾠ | ⾡ | ⾢ | ⾣ | ⾤ | ⾥ | ⾦ | ⾧ | ⾨ | ⾩ | ⾪ | ⾫ | ⾬ | ⾭ | ⾮ | ⾯ |
U+2FBx | ⾰ | ⾱ | ⾲ | ⾳ | ⾴ | ⾵ | ⾶ | ⾷ | ⾸ | ⾹ | ⾺ | ⾻ | ⾼ | ⾽ | ⾾ | ⾿ |
U+2FCx | ⿀ | ⿁ | ⿂ | ⿃ | ⿄ | ⿅ | ⿆ | ⿇ | ⿈ | ⿉ | ⿊ | ⿋ | ⿌ | ⿍ | ⿎ | ⿏ |
U+2FDx | ⿐ | ⿑ | ⿒ | ⿓ | ⿔ | ⿕ | ||||||||||
Notes |
See also
![]() |
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Kangxi radicals. |
![]() |
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Chinese radicals. |
- List of Shuowen Jiezi radicals
- List of Unicode radicals
- List of Xinhua Zidian radicals – 189 radicals
- List of Japanese radicals
- Section headers of a Chinese dictionary
- ↑ Ken Whistler, Markus Scherer, Unicode Collation Algorithm, Unicode Technical Standard #10, version 7.0.0 (2014).
- ↑ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 29 August 2014.
- An Analysis of the Two Chinese Radical Systems, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 13, 2, 95–109, May 78
External links
![]() |
Look up Index:Chinese radical in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
- Simplified Chinese characters with English definitions, grouped by radicals
- Table of the 214 radicals in the unicode project
- List of radicals in home-printable A4 layout
- List of 214 Japanese radicals and exceptions to Kangxi, searchable and grouped by stroke number
- Tangorin, search Japanese kanji using the 214 Kangxi radicals (link broken: use the Web Archive.org Wayback Machine copy instead)
- Chinese characters by radical
- List of Radicals, meaning and naming with Japanese.
- Chinese etymology search radicals and receive the meaning as well as illustrations of radicals in history