List of songs recorded by Red Hot Chili Peppers

A complete list of known songs written and recorded by the Red Hot Chili Peppers that have been released or have gone unreleased. The list also includes the full discographies of all of the band members, past and current.

Album songs

All songs that appear on albums by Red Hot Chili Peppers. (154)

Song Album
"21st Century" Stadium Arcadium
"Aeroplane" One Hot Minute
"The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie" I'm with You
"American Ghost Dance" Freaky Styley
"Animal Bar" Stadium Arcadium
"Annie Wants A Baby" I'm with You
"Apache Rose Peacock" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Around the World" Californication
"Baby Appeal" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Backwoods" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
The Abbey Road EP
What Hits!?
"Battle Ship" Freaky Styley
"Behind the Sun" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
What Hits!?
"Blackeyed Blonde" Freaky Styley
"Blood Sugar Sex Magik" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Breaking the Girl" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Greatest Hits
"Brendan's Death Song" I'm with You
"The Brothers Cup" Freaky Styley
What Hits!?
"Buckle Down" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
"By the Way" By the Way
Greatest Hits
"C'mon Girl" Stadium Arcadium
"Cabron" By the Way
"Californication" Californication
Greatest Hits
"Can't Stop" By the Way
"Catholic School Girls Rule" Freaky Styley
The Abbey Road EP
What Hits!?
"Charlie" Stadium Arcadium
"Coffee Shop" One Hot Minute
"Dance, Dance, Dance" I'm with You
"Dani California" Stadium Arcadium
"Dark Necessities" ''The Getaway''
"Death of a Martian" Stadium Arcadium
"Deep Kick" One Hot Minute
"Desecration Smile" Stadium Arcadium
"Did I Let You Know" I'm with You
"Don't Forget Me" By the Way
"Dosed" By the Way
"Easily" Californication
"Emit Remmus" Californication
"Especially in Michigan" Stadium Arcadium
"Ethiopia" I'm with You
"Even You Brutus?" I'm with You
"Factory of Faith" I'm with You
"Falling into Grace" One Hot Minute
"Fight Like a Brave" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
What Hits!?
"Feasting on the Flowers" "The Getaway"
"Fire" B-Side of "Fight Like A Brave"
The Abbey Road EP
Mother's Milk
What Hits!?
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Freaky Styley" Freaky Styley
"Funky Crime" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
"Funky Monks" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Get on Top" Californication
"Get Up and Jump" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
What Hits!?
"Give It Away" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Greatest Hits
"Go Robot" "The Getaway"
"Good Time Boys" Mother's Milk
"Goodbye Hooray" I'm with You
"Grand Pappy du Plenty" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Green Heaven" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
"The Greeting Song" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Happiness Loves Company" I'm with You
"Hard to Concentrate" Stadium Arcadium
"Hey" Stadium Arcadium
"Higher Ground" Mother's Milk
What Hits!?
Greatest Hits
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Hollywood (Africa)" Freaky Styley
The Abbey Road EP
What Hits!?
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Hump de Bump" Stadium Arcadium
"I Could Die for You" By the Way
"I Could Have Lied" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"I Like Dirt" Californication
"If" Stadium Arcadium
"If You Have to Ask" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"If You Want Me to Stay" Freaky Styley
What Hits!?
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Johnny, Kick a Hole in the Sky" Mother's Milk
What Hits!?
"Jungle Man" Freaky Styley
What Hits!?
"Knock Me Down" Mother's Milk
What Hits!?
"Look Around" I'm with You
"Love Trilogy" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
"Lovin' and Touchin' " Freaky Styley
"Make You Feel Better" Stadium Arcadium
"Magic Johnson" Mother's Milk
"Me and My Friends" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
What Hits!?
"Meet Me At The Corner" I'm with You
"Mellowship Slinky in B Major" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Midnight" By the Way
"Minor Thing" By the Way
"Mommy Where's Daddy" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Monarchy of Roses" I'm with You
"My Friends" One Hot Minute
Greatest Hits
"My Lovely Man" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Naked in the Rain" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Nevermind" Freaky Styley
"No Chump Love Sucker" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
"Nobody Weird Like Me" Mother's Milk
"On Mercury" By the Way
"One Big Mob" One Hot Minute
"One Hot Minute" One Hot Minute
"Organic Anti-Beat Box Band" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
"Otherside" Californication
Greatest Hits
"Out in L.A." The Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Parallel Universe" Californication
Greatest Hits
"Party on Your Pussy (aka Special Secret Song Inside)" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
"Pea" One Hot Minute
"Police Helicopter" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Police Station" I'm with You
"Porcelain" Californication
"The Power of Equality" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Pretty Little Ditty" Mother's Milk
"Punk Rock Classic" Mother's Milk
"Purple Stain" Californication
"Readymade" Stadium Arcadium
"Right on Time" Californication
"The Righteous & the Wicked" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Road Trippin'" Californication
Greatest Hits
"Savior" Californication
"Scar Tissue" Californication
Greatest Hits
"Sex Rap" Freaky Styley
"Sexy Mexican Maid" Mother's Milk
"Shallow Be Thy Game" One Hot Minute
"She Looks to Me" Stadium Arcadium
"She's Only 18" Stadium Arcadium
"Sir Psycho Sexy" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Skinny Sweaty Man" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
"Slow Cheetah" Stadium Arcadium
"Snow ((Hey Oh))" Stadium Arcadium
"So Much I" Stadium Arcadium
"Stadium Arcadium" Stadium Arcadium
"Stone Cold Bush" Mother's Milk
"Storm in a Teacup" Stadium Arcadium
"Strip My Mind" Stadium Arcadium
"Subterranean Homesick Blues" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Subway to Venus" Mother's Milk
"Suck My Kiss" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Greatest Hits
"Taste the Pain" Mother's Milk
What Hits!?
"Tear" By the Way
"Tearjerker" One Hot Minute
"Tell Me Baby" Stadium Arcadium
"They're Red Hot" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Thirty Dirty Birds" Freaky Styley
"This Is the Place" By the Way
"This Velvet Glove" Californication
"Transcending" One Hot Minute
"Throw Away your Television" By the Way
"Torture Me" Stadium Arcadium
"True Men Don't Kill Coyotes" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Abbey Road EP
What Hits!?
"Turn It Again" Stadium Arcadium
"Under the Bridge" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
What Hits!?
Greatest Hits
"Universally Speaking" By the Way
Greatest Hits
"Venice Queen" By the Way
"Walkabout" One Hot Minute
"Walkin' on Down the Road" The Uplift Mofo Party Plan
"Warlocks" Stadium Arcadium
"Warm Tape" By the Way
"Warped" One Hot Minute
"We Believe" Stadium Arcadium
"Wet Sand" Stadium Arcadium
"Why Don't You Love Me" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Yertle the Turtle" Freaky Styley
"You Always Sing the Same" The Red Hot Chili Peppers
"The Zephyr Song" By the Way

Bonus tracks & B-Sides

All songs that do not appear on albums, and their releases. (71)

Song Releases Recording Sessions
"A Certain Someone" B-Side of "Tell Me Baby" Stadium Arcadium
"Bicycle Song" iTunes By the Way bonus track By the Way
"Blues for Meister" Out in L.A. Recorded in 1988 with DeWayne McKnight and D.H. Peligro
"Bob" iTunes One Hot Minute bonus track One Hot Minute
"Body of Water" B-Side of "The Zephyr Song" By the Way
"Brave From Afar" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Bunker Hill" B-Side of "Fortune Faded" Californication
"Castles Made of Sand" iTunes Blood Sugar Sex Magik bonus track Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Catch My Death" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Deck the Halls" Out in L.A.
"Eskimo" B-Side of "Fortune Faded" By the Way
"Fat Dance" iTunes Californication bonus track Californication
"Fela's Cock" B-Side of "Under the Bridge", "Suck My Kiss" and "Breaking the Girl" Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Fortune Faded" Greatest Hits By the Way
"Freaky Styley" (Original Long Version) Freaky Styley 2003 Remastered Re-release Freaky Styley
"Funny Face" B-Side of "Snow ((Hey Oh))" Stadium Arcadium
"Gong Li" B-Side of "Scar Tissue"
Californication - Australia and Japan Release
"Hanalei" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Havana Affair" We're a Happy Family - A Tribute to Ramones
iTunes Stadium Arcadium bonus track
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Covers EP
We're a Happy Family - A Tribute to Ramones
"Hometown Gypsy" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"How It Ends" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"How Strong" B-Side of "Otherside"
M.O.M., Vol. 3: Music for Our Mother Ocean
Californication(Australian bonus CD)
"I Found Out" Working Class Hero: A Tribute to John Lennon Working Class Hero: A Tribute to John Lennon
"I'll Be Your Domino" B-Side of "Snow ((Hey Oh))" Stadium Arcadium
"In love, Dying" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Instrumental #1" B-Side of "Scar Tissue" Californication
"Instrumental #2" iTunes Californication bonus track
Californication (Australian bonus CD), working title for the song was called 'Blondie', which was leaked in its rough mix form in 2015
"Joe" B-Side of "Desecration Smile" and "Hump de Bump" Stadium Arcadium
"Knock Me Down" (Original Long Version) Mother's Milk 2003 Remastered Re-release Mother's Milk
"Lately" B-Side of "Dani California" Stadium Arcadium
"Let's Make Evil" B-Side of "My Friends"
iTunes One Hot Minute bonus track
One Hot Minute
"Little Miss Lover" iTunes Blood Sugar Sex Magik bonus track Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Long Progression" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Love of Your Life" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Love Rollercoaster" Beavis and Butthead Do America Soundtrack Post-One Hot Minute session
"Magpies on Fire" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Melancholy Mechanics" B-Side of "Warped"
Twister Soundtrack
One Hot Minute - Japan Release
One Hot Minute
"Mercy Mercy" B-Side of "Tell Me Baby" Stadium Arcadium
"Million Miles of Water" B-Side of "Dani California" Stadium Arcadium
"Millionaires Against Hunger" B-Side of "Knock Me Down", "Higher Ground", and "Taste the Pain"
Freaky Styley 2003 Remastered Re-release
Freaky Styley
"Never is a Long Time" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Open/Close" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Out of Range" B-Side of "The Zephyr Song" By the Way
"Over Funk" iTunes Californication bonus track Californication
"Pink as Floyd" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Politician (Mini Rap)" B-Side of "Higher Ground" Mother's Milk
"Quixoticelixer" iTunes Californication bonus track Californication
"Rivers of Avalon" B-Side of "The Zephyr Song" By the Way
"Runaway" iTunes By the Way bonus track The band had recorded an album's worth of songs during the Greatest Hits sessions and this was one of them
"Salute to Kareem" Mother's Milk 2003 Remastered Re-release Mother's Milk
"Save the Population" Greatest Hits The band had recorded an album's worth of songs during the Greatest Hits sessions and this was one of them
"Save This Lady" B-Side of "Desecration Smile" and "Hump de Bump" Stadium Arcadium
"Search and Destroy" B-Side of "Give It Away" and "Under the Bridge"
The Beavis and Butt-head Experience
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
We Will Fall: The Iggy Pop Tribute
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Covers EP
Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Sexy Mexican Maid" (Original Long Version) Mother's Milk 2003 Remastered Re-release Mother's Milk
"Sikamikanico" B-Side of "Under the Bridge"
Wayne's World Soundtrack

Live Rare Remix Box
Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Show Me Your Soul" Pretty Woman Soundtrack
B-Side of "Knock Me Down" and "Taste The Pain"
What Hits!?
Post-Mother's Milk session
"Slowly Deeply" B-Side of "Universally Speaking" By the Way
"Someone" B-Side of "The Zephyr Song" By the Way
"Song That Made Us What We Are Today" Mother's Milk 2003 Remastered Re-release Mother's Milk
"Soul to Squeeze" B-Side of "Give It Away" and "Under the Bridge"
Coneheads Soundtrack
Greatest Hits
Blood Sugar Sex Magik
"Strange Man" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Stretch" B-Side of "My Friends"
iTunes One Hot Minute bonus track
One Hot Minute
"The Sunset Sleeps" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Taste the Pain (Original Long Version)" Longer version of the Mother's Milk song that was featured on the Say Anything... soundtrack" Say Anything...
"Teatro Jam" B-Side of "Around the World" Californication
"Teenager in Love" B-Side of "By the Way"
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Covers EP
By the Way
"This Is the Kitt" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Time" B-Side of "By the Way"
By the Way - Japan Release
By the Way
"Victorian Machinery" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You
"Whatever We Want" B-Side of "Dani California" Stadium Arcadium
"Your Eyes Girl" I'm With You Sessions I'm With You

Live recordings

Any song that has not been studio recorded by Red Hot Chili Peppers, but recorded live and released. (29)

Song Background Releases
"An Opening" Jam B-Side of "Hump de Bump"
"Black Cross" 45 Grave cover Live in Hyde Park
"Brandy" Looking Glass cover Live in Hyde Park
"Beverly Hills" Circle Jerks cover The Bridge School Collection, Vol.1
"By the Way" (Acoustic) Original B-Side of "Universally Speaking"
"Californication" (Acoustic) Original The Bridge School Collection, Vol.1
"Castles Made of Sand" Jimi Hendrix cover Mother's Milk 2003 Remastered Re-release
Out in L.A.
"Christchurch Fireworks Music" Jam B-Side of "Can't Stop"
"Crosstown Traffic" Jimi Hendrix cover Mother's Milk 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Dr. Funkenstein" Parliament cover Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Drum Homage Medley" Jam Live in Hyde Park
"End of Show Brisbane" Jam B-Side of "Californication"
"End of Show State College" Jam B-Side of "Californication"
"Everybody Knows This is Nowhere" Neil Young cover Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Covers EP
"Flea's Trumpet Treated by John" Jam Live in Hyde Park
"F.U." Thelonious Monster cover Out in L.A.
"I Feel Love" Donna Summer cover Live in Hyde Park
"I Get Around" Beach Boys cover Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Covers EP
"I Just Want to Have Something To Do" Ramones cover The Bridge School Collection, Vol.1
"Leverage of Space" Original Live in Hyde Park
"Lyon 6.6.06" Jam B-Side of "Tell Me Baby"
"Nothing to Lose" Original B-Side of "Can't Stop"
"Permutation" Jam B-Side of "Snow ((Hey Oh))"
"Rolling Sly Stone" Original Live in Hyde Park
"Suffragette City" David Bowie cover B-Side of "Aeroplane"
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Covers EP
"Tiny Dancer" Elton John cover Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Tuesday Night in Berlin" Jam B-Side of Fortune Faded
"What Is Soul?" George Clinton cover B-Side of "By the Way"
"Yertle Trilogy" Original/Jam B-Side of "Around the World"

Demos/Unreleased songs

Demo versions of songs by Red Hot Chili Peppers. (44)

Song Releases
"50/Fifty"[1] Unreleased instrumental recorded during 2003 Greatest Hits sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Andaman & Nicobar"[2] Unreleased demo recorded during the Californication sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Behind the Sun" (Instrumental Demo) The Uplift Mofo Party Plan 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Blender" Unreleased song from the One Hot Minute sessions. At one point thought to be "One Big Mob/Stretch" however it is a separate song. This song has never surfaced anywhere[3][4]
"Boatman"[5] Unreleased demo recorded during the Californication sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Bone" (Demo)[6] Unreleased song recorded during the Freaky Styley sessions. The song was leaked to the internet
"Californication (Alternate version)"[7] Unreleased reggae influenced alternate version recorded during the Californication sessions. This version was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Circle of the Noose" Unreleased and intended for follow-up album to One Hot Minute. It is considered to be the last song to feature Dave Navarro prior to his departure in April 1998. Navarro said it was his favorite song he recorded with the band.[8][9] The rough mix of the completed song, which was recorded on March 16, 1998, leaked to the internet on February 3, 2016[10]
"Desiree" Unreleased song mentioned by Flea in 2006 to have been recorded during the band's 2003 Greatest Hits sessions [11]
"Dum Chuck A Willie" (Demo)[12] Unreleased song recorded during the Freaky Styley sessions. The song was leaked to the internet
"Fall Water"[13] Unreleased song recorded during the By the Way sessions on 11/30/01. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Flea Fly" (Demo) 1983 demo recorded under the name Tony Flow And The Miraculously Majestic Masters Of Mayhem and released on Out in L.A.
"Get Up and Jump" (Demo) From the band's demo tape that eventually got them their first shows and signed to EMI. Appears on Out in L.A.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Goldmine"[14] Unreleased song recorded during the By the Way sessions on 11/30/01. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Gong Li (Demo)"[15] Unreleased instrumental demo version recorded during the Californication sessions. This version was leaked to the internet in 2014. The released version appears on the "Scar Tissue" single
"Green Heaven" (Demo) From the band's demo tape that eventually got them their first shows and signed to EMI. Appears on Out in L.A.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Human Satellite" Unreleased song written during sessions for debut album. Producer, Andy Gill suggested the band record the song because it could be a hit although the song was such a departure from the music the band was making and into. No version of the song has ever surfaced
"Instrumental Jam"[16] Unreleased 8 minute instrumental demo recorded during the Californication sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Leverage of Space Unreleased studio version recorded during the band's 2003 Greatest Hits sessions. A studio version has yet to surface. Live version released on Live in Hyde Park
"Me and My Friends" (Instrumental Demo) The Uplift Mofo Party Plan 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Millionaires Against Hunger" (Unfinished version)[17] Unfinished and longer version of the released version. This version contains some missing vocals and instrumentals and was leaked to the internet in 2014. The released version appeared on the "Knock Me Down", "Higher Ground" and "Taste the Pain" singles along with the Freaky Styley 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Mini-Epic (Kill For Your Country)" Unreleased studio version recorded during the band's 2003 Greatest Hits sessions. Intended for anti-war album producer Rick Rubin was planning but never released. The song was performed live a few times and got its first official release in March 2015 on the live album, Cardiff, Wales: 6/23/04
"Mommasan"[18] Unreleased demo recorded during the Californication sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Nevermind" (Demo) From the band's demo tape that eventually got them their first shows and signed to EMI. Appears on Out in L.A.
Freaky Styley 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Out in L.A." (Demo) From the band's demo tape that eventually got them their first shows and signed to EMI. Appears on Out in L.A.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Parallel Universe" (Demo) B-Side of "Around the World"
"Plate of Brown"[19] Unreleased instrumental recorded during the Californication sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Police Helicopter" (Demo) From the band's demo tape that eventually got them their first shows and signed to EMI. Appears on Out in L.A.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Porcelain Alice"[20] Unreleased demo version from Californication sessions with original working title and alternate lyrics than the released album version. This version leaked in 2014
"Prince Of Sadness"(Demo)[21] Unrelased song recorded during the Freaky Styley sessions. This song has leaked to the internet
"Rock & Roll"[22] Unreleased song recorded during the By the Way sessions on 11/30/01. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Rolling Sly Stone" Unreleased studio version recorded during the band's 2003 Greatest Hits sessions. A studio recording has yet to surface anywhere. A live version was released on Live in Hyde Park.
"Set It Straight" Unreleased song recorded during the Freaky Styley sessions. The band can be seen briefly performing the song live in the 1986 movie, Tough Guys
"Sex Rap" (Demo) From the band's demo tape that eventually got them their first shows and signed to EMI. Appears on Out in L.A.
Freaky Styley 2003 Remastered Re-release
"Starlight"[23] Unreleased instrumental recorded during 2003 Greatest Hits sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Stranded" (Demo) 1983 demo recorded under the name Tony Flow And The Miraculously Majestic Masters Of Mahyem and first released as a b'side to the 1985 Jungle Man" single and later on 1994's Out in L.A.
"Sugar Sugar"[24] Unreleased demo recorded during the Californication sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"Takin' Care of Business"[25] Unreleased 1990 cover of Bachman-Turner Overdrive song. Possibly recorded for a soundtrack. No recording of the song has ever surfaced
"Teatro Jam (Longer version with more vocals)"[26] Unreleased almost 8 minute long version recorded during the Californication sessions. Mostly instrumental but containing some vocals. This version was leaked to the internet in 2014. Studio version was released as a b-side.
"Tellin' A Lie"[27] Unreleased demo recorded during the Californication sessions. This song was leaked to the internet in 2014
"These Are Not My Dreams Of Bunker Hill (Demo)"[28] Unreleased demo recorded during the Californication sessions. This version was leaked to the internet in 2014. The song was later re-recorded during the Californication sessions and released as a b-side on "Fortune Faded"
"Trouble in the Pub"[29] Unreleased demo recorded during the Californication sessions. A instrumental version of the song was leaked to the internet in 2014 and a rough mix with vocals was leaked in 2015
"Unknown Blood Sugar Sex Magik song"[30] A unknown song recorded during the Blood Sugar Sex Magik sessions was briefly heard during the VH-1 documentary, Ultimate Albums
"What It Is (aka Nina's Song)" (Demo) Out in L.A.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers 2003 Remastered Re-release
"You Always Sing the Same (Demo) From the band's demo tape that eventually got them their first shows and signed to EMI. Appears on Out in L.A.


List of remixes and alternate versions of songs (excluding demos). (24)

Song Releases
"Baby Appeal" (Club Mix) B-Side of "Get Up and Jump"
"Behind the Sun" (Ben Grosse Remix) Out in L.A.
"Californication" (Remix by Ekkehard Ehelers) B-Side of "Fortune Faded"
"Fight Like a Brave" (Boner Beats Mix) B-Side of "Fight Like a Brave"
"Fight Like a Brave" (Knucklehead Mix) B-Side of "Fight Like a Brave"
"Fight Like a Brave" (Mofo Mix) B-Side of "Fight Like a Brave"
"Fight Like a Brave" (Not Our Mix) B-Side of "Fight Like a Brave"
"Get Up and Jump" (Dance Mix) B-Side of "Get Up and Jump"
"Give It Away" (12" Mix) B-Side of "Give It Away"
"Give It Away" (Rasta Mix) B-Side of "Give It Away"
"Higher Ground" (12" Vocal Mix) B-Side of "Higher Ground" and "Behind the Sun"
Out in L.A.
"Higher Ground" (Bert Bevans Mix) B-Side of "Higher Ground"
"Higher Ground" (Daddy-O Mix) B-Side of "Higher Ground" and "Taste the Pain"
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Higher Ground" (Munchkin Mix) B-Side of "Higher Ground"
"Hollywood (Africa)" (Dub Mix) B-Side of "Hollywood (Africa)"
"Hollywood (Africa)" (Extended Dance Mix) B-Side of "Hollywood (Africa)"
Out in L.A.
Under the Covers: Essential Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Hollywood (Africa)" (7" Edit) B-Side of "Jungle Man"
"Hollywood (Africa)"
"If You Have to Ask" (Disco Krisco Mix) B-Side of "If You Have to Ask" and "Soul to Squeeze"
"If You Have to Ask" (The Friday Night Fever Blister Mix) B-Side of "If You Have to Ask" and "Soul to Squeeze"
"If You Have to Ask" (Scott and Garth Mix) B-Side of "If You Have to Ask" and "Soul to Squeeze"
"If You Want Me to Stay" (Pink Mustang Mix) B-Side of "Behind the Sun"
Out in L.A.
"Nevermind" (7" Edit) B-Side of "Hollywood (Africa)"
"Road Trippin'" (Without Strings) B-Side of "Otherside"
"Love Rollercoaster" (Rock Rollercoaster Mix) B-Side of "Love Rollercoaster"

Cover songs (Non-studio)

Songs covered by Red Hot Chili Peppers live in concert, studio covers are not included in this list. The majority of these songs have only been partially covered as intros to original Chili Peppers songs, or covered in a joking fashion. The list is not complete and needs updating.


Songs and albums that the Red Hot Chili Peppers have appeared on, either as a group or individually. May not be complete.

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Anthony Kiedis


Chad Smith

Josh Klinghoffer

John Frusciante

(Solo discography)

Dave Navarro

Hillel Slovak

Jack Irons

Cliff Martinez

(Soundtrack composer discography)

Jack Sherman

D.H. Peligro

DeWayne McKnight

Arik Marshall

Jesse Tobias


  25. Mother's Milk#Mother.27s Milk tour and aftermath
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, May 05, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.