List of active separatist movements in Europe
This is a list of currently active separatist movements in Europe. Separatism often refers to full political secession,[1][2][3] though separatist movements may seek nothing more than greater autonomy or to be recognized as a national minority.[4]
What is and is not considered an autonomist or secessionist movement is sometimes contentious. Entries on this list must meet three criteria:
- They are active movements with active members;
- They are seeking greater autonomy or self-determination for a geographic region (as opposed to personal autonomy);
- They are citizens/peoples of the conflict area and do not come from another country.
Under each region listed is one or more of the following:
- De facto state (de facto entity): for unrecognized regions with de facto autonomy;
- Proposed state: proposed name for a seceding sovereign state;
- Proposed autonomous area: for movements towards greater autonomy for an area but not outright secession;
- De facto autonomous government: for governments with de facto autonomous control over a region;
- Government-in-exile: for a government based outside of the region in question, with or without control;
- Political party (or parties): for political parties involved in a political system to push for autonomy or secession;
- Militant organisation(s): for armed organisations (sometimes called terrorist organisations);
- Advocacy group(s): for non-belligerent, non-politically participatory entities.
- People: for information on what regional/ethnic/ethno-religious/racial/religious group calls for change for each individual movement listed.
Various ethnic groups in Europe are seeking greater autonomy or independence. In the European Union (EU), several of these groups are members of the European Free Alliance (EFA). In some cases, the group seeks union with a neighbouring country.
Active separatist movements by country
- People: Tyrolians
- Political parties: Forward Tyrol, Citizens' Forum Tyrol, Citizens' Club Tyrol
- Proposed state: County of Tyrol
- Political parties: Forward Tyrol, Citizens' Forum Tyrol, Citizens' Club Tyrol
- People: Carinthian Slovenes
- People: Burgenland Croats
- Proposed autonomous area: Burgenland
- People: Greeks in Albania
- Political parties: Omonoia, Unity for Human Rights Party (seeks autonomous status or union with Greece)
Flanders or Flemish Community (the latter includes
Brussels-Capital Region)
- People: Flemish
- Proposed state:
- Political parties:
New Flemish Alliance (member of the European Free Alliance), Libertair, Direct, Democratisch, and Vlaams Belang member of the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty-Group
- Movements: Vlaamse Volksbeweging (VVB), Overlegcentrum van Vlaamse Verenigingen
- Political parties:
- Proposed state:
- People: Flemish and Dutch
- Proposed state:
- Political Parties: Individual politicians from different parties, both Dutch and Flemish.
- Movements: Grootneerlandisme
- Proposed state:
- People: Walloons
- Proposed state:
- Political parties: Walloon Rally
- Proposed state:
- People: French
- Proposed state: Unification with the
French Republic
- Political parties: Wallonia France Rally
- Proposed state: Unification with the
German-speaking Community of Belgium
- People: Germans in Belgium
- Proposed state: unification with
- Proposed state: unification with
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- People: Serbs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Proposed state:
Republika Srpska
- Political parties: Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, Serbian Democratic Party[7]
- Proposed state:
Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia
- People: Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Proposed state:
Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia
- Proposed state:
Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia
- People: Bosnians
- Proposed state:
Western Bosnia
- Political parties: Fikret Abdić
- Proposed state:
- People: Macedonians
- Proposed unification with
- Political parties: United Macedonian Organization Ilinden-Pirin
- Proposed unification with
Dobrich Province and Silistra Province
Ruse Province and Razgrad Province
- People: Pomaks
- People: Istrians
- Proposed autonomous area: Istria
- Political parties: Istrian Democratic Assembly, Istrian Democratic Forum
- Proposed autonomous area: Istria
- People: Hungarian, Serbs
- Proposed autonomous area: Baranya and unification with
Baranya County and
- Proposed autonomous area: Baranya and unification with
- People: Fiumans
- Proposed autonomous area: Fiume
- Political party: List for Fiume (EFA member)[8]
- Proposed autonomous area: Fiume
- People: Dalmatians
- Proposed autonomous area: Dalmatia
- People: Slavonians
- Proposed autonomous area: Slavonia
- People: Serbs
- Proposed state: Republika Srpska Krajina or unification with
- Proposed state: Republika Srpska Krajina or unification with
Republic of Cyprus
Breakaway states:
- People: Turkish Cypriots
- De facto state with no international recognition except from Republic of Turkey:
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
- De facto state with no international recognition except from Republic of Turkey:
Czech Republic
- People: Silesians
- Political party: Silesian Autonomy Movement (EFA member)[10]
- For movements in Greenland, see List of active separatist movements in North America.
- People: Danish
- Proposed autonomous region: Bornholm
- Political party: Bornholm's Self-Government Party (Bornholms Selvstyre parti)[11][12]
- Proposed autonomous region: Bornholm
- People: Faroese
- Proposed state:
Faroe Islands
- Political parties: Republican Party, Progress, People's Party, Centre Party, Self-Government Party
- Movement: Faroese independence movement
- Proposed state:
- People: Åland Swedes
- Proposed state:
- Political party: Future of Åland (EFA member)
- Proposed state:
- Secessionist movements
- People: Basque
- Proposed state: Unification with the
Basque Country and
Navarre— Euskal Herria [13][14][15]
- Political parties: Abertzaleen Batasuna (AB), Batasuna, Eusko Alkartasuna (EFA member), Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea (Basque Nationalist Party).
- Trade unions: Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna, Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak
- Youth advocacy groups: Egi, Gazte Abertzaleak, Iritzarri, Segi
- Militant organisations: ETA, Irrintzi
- Proposed state: Unification with the
Brittany and parts of
Pays de la Loire
- People: Bretons
- Proposed state:
- Advocacy groups: Celtic League[16]
- Political parties: Adsav, Strollad Breizh, Emgann, Breiz Atao
- Militant organisation: Talbenn Dieubiñ Breizh (Breton Revolutionary Army) (ARB)
- Proposed state:
Northern Catalonia / Roussillon (predominantly Pyrénées-Orientales)
- People: Catalans
- Proposed state: Unification with
Catalonia — Catalan Countries
- Political parties: Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (EFA member), Unitat Catalana (EFA member), Candidatura d'Unitat Popular[17]
- Proposed state: Unification with
- People: Corsicans
- Proposed state:
- Political party: Corsica Libera
- Proposed state:
- People: Savoyans
- Proposed state:
- Political party: Liga de la Savouè (Savoyan League)
- Proposed state:
- People: Provençals (Occitans)
- Proposed state:
- Militant group: Front Nacionala Liberacion de Provença
- Proposed state:
- Autonomist movements
- People: Alsatians (Allemanics)
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political parties: Elsass Zuerst, Nationalforum Elsass-Lothringen, Unser Land
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Bretons
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political party: Unvaniezh Demokratel Breizh (EFA member)
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Corsicans
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political party: Partitu di a Nazione Corsa (EFA member)
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Niçard
- Proposed autonomous area:
County of Nice
- Political party: Partit Nissart[18]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Normands
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political party: Mouvement normand (Normand Movement)
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Savoyans
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political party: Movement Règion Savouè
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Occitans
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political parties: Partit Occitan (EFA member), Iniciativa per Occitània, Anaram au Patac, Hartèra
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Proposed state: Cretan State
- Proposed state : Free State of Ikaria
- Proposed state: Septinsular Republic
- People: Cham Albanians
- People: Bavarians
- Proposed state: Bavaria (Free State of Bavaria)
- Political party: Bavaria Party
- Proposed state: Bavaria (Free State of Bavaria)
- People: Frisians
- Proposed autonomous region: East Frisia
- Political party: Die Friesen
- Proposed autonomous region: East Frisia
- People: Franconians
- Proposed autonomous area: Franconia
- People: Sorbs
- Proposed autonomous area: Lusatia
- Political party: Lusatian Alliance
- Proposed autonomous area: Lusatia
- People: Danish, Frisians
- Proposed autonomous area: Southern Schleswig
- Political party: South Schleswig Voter Federation
- Proposed autonomous area: Southern Schleswig
- People: Sardinians
- Proposed state:
Republic of Sardinia
- Political parties: Sardinia Nation, Sardinian Action Party, Independence Republic of Sardinia, Project Republic of Sardinia, others
- Militant organisations: Fronte Nazionale de Liberazione de sa Sardigna (defunct), Movimentu Nazionalista Sardu (defunct), Movimento Armato Sardo (defunct)[20]
- Proposed state:
- People: South Tyroleans (a subset of Tyroleans)
- Proposed state: unification with
Tyrol (
- Political parties: Die Freiheitlichen, South Tyrolean Freedom, Citizens' Union for South Tyrol, Lega Nord Alto Adige/Südtirol
- Militant organisations: South Tyrolean Liberation Committee (defunct)
- Proposed state: unification with
- Proposed state:
Republic of Venice
- People: Serbs
- Proposed reunification with
Serbia — Proposed autonomous province
- Political organisations: Assembly of the Community of Municipalities, Community of Serb municipalities
- Proposed reunification with
- People: Gorani people
- Proposed unification with
Serbia — Proposed autonomous province
- Proposed unification with
- People: Latgalians
- Proposed unification with
Russia — Proposed autonomous province
- Political organisations: Social Democratic Party "Harmony"
- Proposed unification with
- People: Samogitians
- Proposed state:
- Proposed state:
Albanian community in Macedonia
- People: Albanians
- Proposed state:
Republic of Ilirida or union with
- Armed organizations: ANA/AKSh (status unknown – inactive)
- Proposed state:
Breakaway state:
- People: Equal proportions of Russians, Ukrainians and Moldovans
- De facto state: with partial de jure recognition
- Political organisation: Government of Transnistria
- Militant organisation: Army of Transnistria
- De facto state: with partial de jure recognition
Proposed independent and autonomous movements:
- People: Gagauz
- Proposed state:
- Political organisation: Gagauzian People Assembly should Moldova decided to unite with Romania, Gagauzia would have the right to self-determination.
- Proposed state:
- People: Bulgarians
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Frisian
- Proposed autonomous area: Frisia
- Political party: Frisian National Party, (EFA member)
- Status: Democratic movement seeking greater autonomy for Frisian-speaking people in Friesland[23]
- Proposed autonomous area: Frisia
- People: Limburgish
- People: Silesians
- Proposed autonomous area: Silesia
- Political party: Silesian Autonomy Movement[10]
- Proposed autonomous area: Silesia
- People: Kashubians
- Proposed autonomous area: Kashubia
- An association of people: Kaszëbskô Jednota who want to actively participate in the life of the Kashubian nation and who recognize its right to cultural autonomy and self-identity within the multi-ethnic society.
- Proposed autonomous area: Kashubia

Hungarian community in Romania
- People: Hungarians
- Proposals for Hungarian territorial autonomy:
- Other administrative proposals by regionalist organisations:
- Political organisations: Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, the demand for Hungarian autonomy has been part of their program since 1993.[27] Hungarian Civic Party, they signed a settlement with the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania about cooperation and joint support for Hungarian autonomy.[28] Hungarian People's Party of Transylvania (PPMT), the party proposes the establishments of Transylvanian parliament and government and supports the case of Szekler autonomy in Szekely Land.[29] It also advocates territorial autonomy for Partium.[30][31] Liga Transilvania-Banat, a regionalist party led by Sabin Gherman.[32]
- Advocacy organisations: Szekler National Council,[33] Hungarian National Council of Transylvania, Liga Pro Europa, a Romanian-Hungarian regionalist NGO.,[32] Provincia, a group of intellectuals promoting regionalization of Romania,[32] Autonomy for Transylvania (AFT) campaign, it demands autonomy for Transylvania.[34] Democratic League of Transylvania (Liga Transilvania Democrată), a regionalist NGO,[35] an active supporter of the "Autonomy for Transylvania" campaign,[36] League of Banat (Liga Banateana), a regionalist NGO.[37][38]
- People: Germans of Romania
- Political organisations: Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania
Russian Federation
- Russia's Black Sea
Crimean Federal District ( Crimea and
- People: Ukrainians
- Proposed state: Reunification with
- Political organisation: Ukrainian Government
- Proposed state: Reunification with
- People: Crimean Tatars
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political organisation: Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Russia's North Caucasus
- People: Chechens
- Militant organisation: Chechen separatists
- Proposed state:
Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (1991–99)
- Religious group: Sunnis
- Militant organization: Caucasus Emirate
- Proposed state:
Caucasus Emirate
- People: Circassian
- Movement: Circassian nationalism; Circassian Congress; Circassian Youth Initiative; Adyge Djegi
- Proposed state: Circassia, including all regions historically included in Circassia and/or inhabited by Circassians (note: this includes Adygea as well as north Kabardino-Balkaria, north Karachay–Cherkessia, south-east Krasnodar Krai, and south Stavropol Krai)
- People: Balkar, Karachay
- Movement: Various nationalist organisations in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay–Cherkessia
- Goals: Firstmost, the establishment of autonomy for the
Karachay and
Balkaria, rather than in biethnic republics where they must share power with Russians and Circassians (division of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay–Cherkessia into smaller units, also popular for Circassian nationalists). Then, the unification of Karachay and Balkar units is advocated by some but not all nationalists (see Balkar and Karachai nationalism)
- Proposed state: Karachay-Balkar Republic (includes south Kabardino-Balkaria and south Karachey-Cherkessia)
Abazinia in central-north Karachay–Cherkessia
- People: Abazins
- Proposed state: Abazin Republic (proclaimed but non-recognized in 1991 as autonomous)
- People: Kumyks
- Movement: Tenglik (since 1989)
- Proposed state: Kumyk Republic (proclaimed but non-recognized in 1991 as autonomous)
- Russia's other European regions
- People: Tatars
- Political party: All-Tatar Public Center
- Movement: Tatar Youth Union "Azatlyk"
- Proposed state: Tatarstan, Idel-Ural
- Movement: Congress of the Peoples of Udmurtia
- Proposed state: Idel-Ural
- Movement: Chuvash Youth Union
- Proposed state: Idel-Ural
- Proposed state: Idel-Ural
- Proposed state: Idel-Ural
- Movement: Bashkir social movement "Kuk bure"
- Proposed state: Idel-Ural
- People: Komi
- Proposed state: Komi Republic
- People: Don Cossacks
- Movement: Don Cossacks of Don Host Oblast autonomists
- Proposed state: Don Republic (proclaimed in 1918 and in 1991 as part of Union of Cossack Republics in Southern Russia in Union of Sovereign States that never founded both)
- People: Kuban Cossacks
- Movement: Kuban Cossacks of Kuban Oblast autonomists
- Proposed state: Kuban People's Republic (proclaimed in 1918), Kuban Republic (attempted to proclaim in 1991 as part of Union of Cossack Republics in Southern Russia in Union of Sovereign States that never founded both)
North Caucasus near Terek
- People: Terek Cossacks
- Movement: Terek Cossacks of Terek Oblast autonomists
- Proposed state: Upper Kuban Cossack Republic (proclaimed in 1991 as part of Union of Cossack Republics in Southern Russia in Union of Sovereign States that never founded both)
Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
- People: Serbs, Hungarians in Serbia
- Proposed autonomous region:
- Political parties (autonomist): League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, Reformists of Vojvodina, Vojvodina's Party
- Proposals for Hungarian territorial autonomy in the northern part of Vojvodina:
- People: Hungarians
- Proposed autonomous area: Hungarian Regional Autonomy
- Political parties: Hungarian Coalition composed of three political parties (Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians, Democratic Party of Vojvodina Hungarians, Democratic Fellowship of Vojvodina Hungarians)
- Proposals for Hungarian territorial autonomy in the northern part of Vojvodina:
- People: Albanians in Serbia
- Proposed autonomus province:
Preševo Valley
- Movement: Albanian nationalism
- Political organisation: Party for Democratic Action
- Unification with
- Armed organizations: National Liberation Army (Albanians of Serbia)|KLA/UÇPMB (disarmed and dismantled in 2001), KLA/AK
- People: Bosniaks of Serbia
- Proposed autonomous province:
Sandžak or unification with
- Advocacy groups (autonomist): Islamic Community in Serbia[39]
Breakaway state:
Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija (Kosovo)
- People: Albanians in Kosovo
- De facto state:
Republic of Kosovo (majority international recognition)
- Political organisation: Government of Kosovo
- Proposed state: Unification with
- Movement: Albanian nationalism
- De facto state:

Southern Slovakia:
- People: Hungarians
- Proposed autonomous area: Territorial autonomy for the compact Hungarian ethnic block and cultural autonomy for the regions of sporadic Hungarian presence.[40]
- Political parties (autonomist): Party of the Hungarian Community,[41] In 2010, the party renewed their demand for autonomy.[42]
- Proposed autonomous area: Territorial autonomy for the compact Hungarian ethnic block and cultural autonomy for the regions of sporadic Hungarian presence.[40]

- People: Andalusian
- Proposed state:
- Political parties (nationalist): Partido Andalucista (dissolved), Bloque Andaluz de Izquierdas, Partido Comunista del Pueblo Andaluz
- Political parties (secessionist): Nación Andaluza, Asamblea Nacional de Andalucía, Candidatura Unitaria de Trabajadores
- Youth movements: Jaleo!!!, Juventud Independentista Revolucionaria Andaluza, Juventudes Andalucistas (dissolved)
- Trade union: Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores
- Proposed state:
- People: Aragonese
- Proposed state
- Socialist):
- Federalist:
- Political party (nationalist): Chunta Aragonesista (EFA member), Tierra Aragonsesa
- Political party (secessionist): Estau Aragonés, Puyalón de Cuchas,
- Youth movements: Purna Astral, Chobenalla Aragonesista
- Trade union: Sindicato Obrero Aragonés (SOA)
- Other pro-independence organisations: A Enrestida, Sindicato d'Estudiants Independentistas y Revolucionarias d'Aragón (SEIRA), Bloque Independentista de Cuchas
- Socialist):
- Proposed state
- People: Asturians
- Proposed state:
- Political parties (autonomist): Partíu Asturianista, Unión Renovadora Asturiana
- Political parties (nationalist): Unidá Nacionalista Asturiana (EFA member), Unidá, Bloque por Asturies, Compromisu por Asturies
- Political parties (secessionist): Andecha Astur
- Youth movements: Darréu, UNA-Mocedá, Fai!
- Trade unions: Corriente Sindical d'Izquierda, SUATEA
- Other pro-independence organisations: Sofitu
- Proposed state:
- People: Balearics — Catalanics (those with Catalan ancestry)
- Proposed state:
Balearic Islands —
Catalan Countries (Confederation of Catalan States)
- Political parties: Partit Socialista de Mallorca-Entesa Nacionalista (in Majorca)
- Youth advocacy groups: Arran, Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana de les Illes Balears
- Proposed state:
Basque Country (autonomous community)
- People: Basques
- Proposed state:
Basque Country (greater region) – Euskal Herria[13]
- Political parties: Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea (Basque Nationalist Party) (member of the European Democratic Party), Eusko Alkartasuna (EFA member), Bildu, Amaiur, Aralar, Eusko Abertzale Ekintza (Basque Nationalist Action), Batasuna (illegalised due to terrorism support)
- Trade union: Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna, Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak
- Youth advocacy groups: EGI, Gazte Abertzaleak, Haika (illegalised) Segi, Ikasle Abertzaleak
- Militant organisations: ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) (ceasefire since 2011), Iraultza (disbanded), Komando Autonomo Antikapitalistak (merged with ETA)
- Proposed state:
- People: Canarians
- Proposed state:
Canary Islands
- Political parties (autonomist): Coalición Canaria, Partido Nacionalista Canario, Centro Canario Nacionalista, Nueva Canarias
- Political parties (secessionist): FREPIC-AWAÑAK, Alternativa Nacionalista Canaria, Alternativa Popular Canaria, Unidad del Pueblo,
- Youth movement: Azarug
- Proposed state:
- People: Cantabrians
- Proposed state:
- Political party: Cantabrian Nationalist Council
- Youth movement: Regüelta (Revolt)
- Trade union: Intersindical Cántabra
- Proposed state:
- People: Catalans
- Proposed state:
Catalonia (Republic) —
Catalan Countries (Confederation of Catalan States) (i.e. including other Catalan-speaking areas)
- Political parties (secessionist):
- Together for Yes: coalition to stand in the Catalonian parliamentary election, 2015 supported by Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (33/135 seats in the Catalan parliament), Republican Left of Catalonia (21/135), Democrats of Catalonia (6/135), Moviment d'Esquerres (1/135) and other small parties and civil organisations
- Popular Unity Candidates (10/135)
- Political parties (autonomist): Initiative for Catalonia Greens-United and Alternative Left (13/135), Democratic Union of Catalonia (10/135 seats in the Catalan parliament)
- Civil organisations: Assemblea Nacional Catalana, Procés Constituent, Catalunya Acció, Sobirania i Progrés
- Youth advocacy groups: Arran, Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, Joves d'Esquerra Verda, Joventut Nacionalista de Catalunya, Unió de Joves
- Political parties (secessionist):
- Proposed state:
- People Castilians
- Proposed states:
- Political parties (autonomist): Partido Castellano PCas
- Political parties (secessionist): Izquierda Castellana
- Youth movements: Yesca
- Proposed states:
- People: Galicians
- Proposed state:
Galicia. Some groups also propose a unification with
Portugal —
Portugalicia (See reintegrationism)
- Political party: Bloque Nacionalista Galego (Galician Nationalist Block) (autonomist) (EFA member), Nós-Unidade Popular (WE-Popular Unity) (independentist), Frente Popular Galego (Galician Popular Front) (independentist), Partido Galeguista (The Galician Party), Terra Galega Galician Coalition (Centrist nationalist Party), Alternativa Galega de Esquedas (Galician Left Alternative)
- Youth advocacy groups: Galiza Nova, AGIR, CAF
- Militant organisation: Resistência Galega
- Proposed state:
- People: Leonese
- Proposed states:
Leonese Country
- Political parties: Unión del Pueblo Leonés UPL, Partido Regionalista del País Leonés PREPAL
- Youth movements: Conceyu Xoven
- Advocacy groups: AGORA País Llionés
- Proposed states:
- People: Navarran or Navarrese (a subgroup of Basque people)
- Proposed states: Unification with the
Basque Country – Euskal Herria
- Political parties: Geroa Bai, Bildu, Basque Nationalist Action, Batasuna, Euskal Herritarrok
- Militant organisations: ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) (ceasefire since 2011), Iraultza (disbanded), Komando Autonomo Antikapitalistak (merged with ETA)
- Proposed states: Unification with the
Territory of Olivenza (Olivença)
- People: Portuguese
- Proposed state: Unification with
- Militant organisations: Amigos de Olivença (Portuguese irredentist movement)
- Proposed state: Unification with
- People: Valencians — Catalanics (those with Catalan ancestry)
- Proposed state:
Valencian Country or
Kingdom of Valencia — with the option for a free association with the rest of
Catalan Countries
- Political parties: Valencian Nationalist Bloc, Initiative of the Valencian People, Popular Unity Candidates, Republican Left of the Valencian Country, Valencian State, Valencian Nationalist Left, Valencian Left
- Advocacy groups: Pro-Catalan Valencianists (who defend pan-Catalanism and Fuster's theories) propose the creation of a Valencian State and some type of reconnection with the rest of Catalan-speaking areas. Only a minor tendency within anti-Catalan Valencianism (Blaverism) proposed independence of the Kingdom of Valencia from both Catalonia and Spain.[43][44]
- Youth advocacy groups: Arran, Youths of Compromís (mostly soveranist and non-secessionist), Youths of Republican Left of the Valencian Country
- Trade union: Intersindical Valenciana
- Other organisations: Valencian Sovereignty (Sobirania Valenciana)
- Proposed state:
Additionally, there are a number of almost extinct secessionist or soveranist movements in other autonomous communities and historical territories, e.g. Extremadura and Murcia.
- People: Extremadurans
- People: Murcians
- Proposed state:
- Political parties (nationalist): Partido Federal Murciano, Partido del País Murciano, Unión de los Pueblos de Murcia
- Political parties (autonomist): Partido Regionalista Murciano, Partido Murcianista, Nueva Región, Unión Democrática de la Región de Murcia-Coalición Ciudadana Regional
- Proposed state:
Local secessionist (mostly autonomist) movements include Aranesism, Bercianism, Cartagenism, Majorcanism, Manchego autonomism, Navarrism, Valencian Blaverism and Eastern Andalusian autonomism.
- People: Aranese (a subset of Gascon Occitans)
- Proposed autonomous area: Aran Valley — within
Catalonia or unification with
- Political parties: Convergència Democràtica Aranesa, Unitat d'Aran, Partit Renovador d'Arties-Garòs, Esquerra Republicana Occitana, Partit de la Nacion Occitana, Partit Occitan
- Proposed autonomous area: Aran Valley — within
- People: Norwegian Trønder
- Proposed state:
Republic of Jamtland or unification with
- Proposed state:
- People: Norwegian Østerdaling
- Proposed unification with
- Proposed unification with
- Regional group: Jurassien (French speaking)
- Proposed state: "Free State of Jura"
- Political party: Mouvement Indépendantiste Jurassien (Jurassian Independentist Movement)[46]
- Proposed autonomous area: Reunified Jura (northern and southern districts), remaining inside the Swiss Confederation
- Militant organisations: Mouvement Autonomiste Jurassien (Jurassian Autonomist Movement),[47] Groupe Bélier (Youth activists movement)[48]
- Proposed state: "Free State of Jura"
- Regional group: Ticinesi (Italian speaking)
- Proposed state: "Ticino"
- Political party: Lega dei Ticinesi
- Pressure groups: Domà Nunch
- Breakaway state

Luhansk Oblast (partially)
- People: Russians
- De facto state:
Lugansk People's Republic
- Political parties: Russian Block, Russian Unity, New Russia Party
- Militant organization: United Armed Forces of Novorossiya
- De facto state:
Donetsk Oblast (partially)
- People: Russians
- De facto state:
Donetsk People's Republic
- Political parties: Donetsk Republic, Russian Block, Russian Unity, New Russia Party
- Militant organization: United Armed Forces of Novorossiya
- De facto state:
- Disputed status
- People: Russians
- De facto state: Russian Federation
- Militant organization: Russian Armed Forces
- People: Russians
- De facto state: Russian Federation
- Militant organization: Russian Armed Forces
- Proposed autonomous regions
Ukrainian Bessarabia
- People: Romanians, Russians, Gagauzians, Bulgarians
- Proposed state: Republic of Budjak or Bessarabian People's Republic
- People: Crimean Tatars
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political organisation: Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Hungarian, Rusyn[49]
- Proposed autonomous area: Transcarpathian Regional Confederation of the Hungarian and Rusyn People[50]
- Political parties: People's Parliament Carpathian Rusyns, who demands autonomy of Ruthenia
- Proposed autonomous area: Transcarpathian Regional Confederation of the Hungarian and Rusyn People[50]
United Kingdom
- Secessionist movements
- People: Scots
- Proposed state:
- Political parties: Scottish National Party (EFA member), Scottish Green Party, RISE - Scotland's Left Alliance,[51] Scottish Socialist Party
- Advocacy groups: Celtic League[16]
- Proposed state:
- People: Welsh
- Proposed state:
- Political parties: Plaid Cymru, Cymru Annibynnol
- Advocacy groups: Cymuned, Celtic League[16]
- Proposed state:
- People: Ulster Scots people
- Proposed state:
- Militant organisations: Some elements within the Ulster Defence Association
- Proposed state:
- People: Irish
- Proposed state: Unification with
- Movement: United Ireland
- Political parties:Sinn Féin, Social Democratic and Labour Party, Republican Sinn Féin, Irish Republican Socialist Party, Fianna Fáil , éirígí , Workers' Party of Ireland , Irish Republican Socialist Party .
- Militant organisations: Provisional Irish Republican Army Real Irish Republican Army, Continuity Irish Republican Army, Óglaigh na hÉireann
- Advocacy group: Celtic League,[16] 32 County Sovereignty Movement
- Proposed state: Unification with
- Autonomist movements
- People: English
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political parties: English Democrats,[52] UKIP[53]
- Advocacy groups: Campaign for an English Parliament
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Scottish
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political parties: Scottish National Party (EFA member)[54]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Welsh
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political parties: Plaid Cymru
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: English
- Proposed autonomous area:
London region
- Political parties: Labour Party[55]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: English
- Proposed autonomous area:
Greater Manchester
- Political parties: Conservative Party[56]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: English
- Proposed autonomous area:
West Midlands
- Political parties: Conservative Party[56]
- Proposed autonomous area:
Cornwall (possibly including the Isles of Scilly)
- People: Cornish
- Proposed autonomous area:
Cornwall (with a law-making assembly; many supporters want to change its status into a constituent country within the UK, separating from England)
- Political parties: Green Party of England and Wales,[57] Mebyon Kernow – Party for Cornwall (supports separation from England; EFA member), Cornish Nationalist Party, Liberal Democrats[58][59]
- Advocacy groups: Celtic League, Cornish Constitutional Convention, Cornwall 2000, Revived Cornish Stannary Parliament, Tyr Gwyr Gweryn,[60][61] Wessex Constitutional Convention[62]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: English
- Proposed autonomous area:
Wessex (redefined regions of England)
- Political parties: Wessex Regionalist Party
- Advocacy group: Wessex Constitutional Convention
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: English
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political parties: Liberal Democrats, Yorkshire First
- Advocacy group: Yorkshire Devolution Movement[68][69]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Shetlanders, Orcadians and Scots
- Proposed autonomous area:
Northern Isles
- Political parties: Liberal Democrats[70]
- Advocates: Liam McArthur MSP, Tavish Scott MSP,[70] and some members of the local councils.[71]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Orcadians and Scots
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Political parties: Liberal Democrats[70]
- Advocates: Liam McArthur MSP[70]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- People: Shetlanders and Scots
- People: Scots
- Proposed autonomous area:
Outer Hebrides[71]
- Proposed autonomous area:
- Independence movements (dependant territories)
- People: Manx
- Proposed State:
Isle of Man
- Political party: Mec Vannin
- Advocacy group: Celtic League[16]
See also
- Lists of active separatist movements
- List of historical separatist movements
- Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
- List of micro-regional organizations
- ↑ "Separatism", Free Dictionary
- ↑ Merriam; Webster, "Separatism", Dictionary
- ↑ "Separatism", The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English, Encyclopedia, 2008
- ↑ Harris, Jerry (2009). The Nation in the Global Era Conflict and Transformation. Brill. p. 320. ISBN 90-04-17690-X.
- ↑ "Directory of Minorities". Minority rights. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
he size of the Greek minority is especially contentious on account of the history of claims to southern Albania made by the Greek government in Athens, and of the substantial support within Greece and among Greeks in Albania, for the establishment of an autonomous district of 'Northern Epirus'.
- ↑ Andreevska, Elena (1998). The national minorities in the Balkans under the European and UN system of protection of human and minority rights. Magor. ISBN 978-998985105-6. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
Omonia's previous policy of improvements for ethnic Greeks within Albania has been progressively abandoned in favour of either autonomy or enosis
- ↑ Armed Peacekeepers in Bosnia. Diane. 2004. p. 122. ISBN 978-1-4289-1020-1.
- ↑ "Lista za Rijeku" [List of Rijeka] (in Bosnian). Retrieved 20 March 2014.
- ↑ Maxmilián Strmiska. "Rise and Fall of Moravian Regionalist Parties". The International Institute of Political Science. Retrieved 10 April 2009.
- 1 2 "Silesian Autonomy Movement". Silesian Autonomy Movement. Retrieved 10 April 2009.
- ↑ "Free Bornholm,". Retrieved 4 October 2014.
- ↑ "Amtsradsvalg,". Retrieved 4 October 2014.
- 1 2 Zubiaga, M. et al.: Towards a Basque State. Nation-building and institutions, Bilbo: UEU, 2012 ISBN 978-84-8438-421-2.
- ↑ Mateos, T. et al.: Towards a Basque State. Citizenship and culture, Bilbo: UEU, 2012 ISBN 978-84-8438-422-9.
- ↑ Antiguedad, I. et al.: Towards a Basque State. Territory and socioeconomics, Bilbo: UEU, 2012 ISBN 978-84-8438-423-6.
- 1 2 3 4 5 "Current Campaigns". Celtic League. Retrieved 7 April 2015.
- ↑ "Presentació del Grup de Suport a la CUP de Perpinyà" [Presentation of Candidatura d'Unitat Popular, in Perpignan]. (in Catalan). 6 November 2014.
- ↑ Parti niçois [Nice party] (in French)
- ↑ Stehle, Anja (13 September 2014), "Freiheit für Bayern – mei', wär' des schee: Nach Schottland referendum entscheidend ist dass die bevölkerung das will" [Freedom for Bavaria – please consider the schee: Scotland referendum is crucial for the population will], Handelsblatt (in German)
- ↑ Shao Chuan Leng, Coping with Crises: How Governments Deal with Emergencies, pg.92
- ↑ "The Brussels Agreement and Serbia's National Interests: A Positive Balance Sheet?" (PDF). KONRAD -ADE NAUER -ST I FT UNG. 25 April 2014. Retrieved 4 May 2015.
- ↑ "Bulgarii din Republica Moldova cer autonomie și amenință Chișinăul cu alipirea la Găgăuzia". Retrieved 20 June 2014.
- ↑ "FNP program for the Provincial Elections 2007". Frisian National Party. Archived from the original on 6 October 2007. Retrieved 12 April 2009.
- ↑ ""Dobrogea ar trebui să fie autonomă faţă de restul ţării". Independenţa regiunii de sud-est, vehiculată la Constanţa" ["Dobrogea should be independent of the rest of the country." Independence of the South-East, circulated in Constanta] (in Romanian). Adevarul. 10 July 2013. Retrieved 20 June 2014.
- ↑ "După aşa-zisul Ţinut Secuiesc, altă regiune vrea Autonomie" [After the so-called Szekely Land, another region wants autonomy] (in Romanian). Provincia news. 10 July 2013. Archived from the original on 16 July 2013. Retrieved 20 June 2014.
- ↑ "Regionaliștii Din Dobrogea, Chemați Să Susțină Proiectul Autonomiei Maghiare" [Regionalists in Dobrogea invited to support Hungarian Autonomy Project] (in Romanian). Ziua constanta. 20 May 2014. Retrieved 20 June 2014.
- ↑ "Borbély az autonómiatervezet ről: ejnye, hogy megijedtünk!" [Barber's autonomy from the draft: ahem, that scared!] (in Romanian). kronika. 28 March 2014. Retrieved 28 March 2014.
- ↑ "Jövő héten egyeztet az MPP és az RMDSZ az autonómia-tervezetről". 25 March 2014. Retrieved 28 March 2014.
- ↑ "Cultural autonomy and territorial federalism: two voting options for Hungarians in Transylvania". Nationalia. 13 November 2012. Retrieved 28 May 2014.
- ↑ "Megalakult a Partiumi Autonómia Tanács" [The formation of the Partium Council Autonomy] (in Hungarian). Kitekinto. 22 July 2013. Retrieved 20 June 2014.
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- 1 2 3 "Cooperating regionalist and autonomy movements in Europe" (PDF). Central European University. 2007. Retrieved 30 March 2014.
- ↑ "Szekler National Council". Transilvania. Retrieved 12 April 2009.
- ↑ "Petiţie pentru autonomia Transilvaniei, depusă la Prefectura Cluj" [Petition for the autonomy of Transylvania, Cluj filed Prefecture] (in Romanian). Romania libera. 12 March 2014. Retrieved 30 March 2014.
- ↑ "De ce "Liga Transilvania Democrată"" [Why "Transylvania Democratic League"] (in Romanian). Neuerweg. 21 March 2014. Retrieved 15 June 2014.
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- ↑ "Program" (in Romanian). Liga Banateana. Retrieved 20 June 2014.
- ↑ "Bănăţenii vor autonomie economică şi administrativă: "Acest lucru nu înseamnă independenţa sau ruperea de România"" [Economic and administrative autonomy of Banat: "This does not mean independence or breaking of Romania"] (in Romanian). Adevarul. 29 October 2012. Retrieved 20 June 2014.
- ↑ "Zukorlić: Autonomija Sandžaka sve izvesnija".
- ↑ "Berényi: A tömbnek területi, a szórványnak kulturális autonómiát". 20 July 2013. Retrieved 29 March 2014.
- ↑ "Head of party for ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia says autonomy necessary for minority's survival". 17 April 2013. Retrieved 3 April 2014.
- ↑ "A felvidéki önrendelkezés kilátásairól az autonómia albizottság ülésén". 16 April 2013. Retrieved 29 March 2014.
- ↑ Independència Valenciana (Valencian)
- ↑ Valencia Freedom
- ↑ Daftary, Troebst (2004). Radical Ethnic Movements in Contemporary Europe. Berghahn Books. p. 192. ISBN 978-1-57181-695-5.
- ↑ "Mouvement Indépendantiste Jurassien" [Movement Indépendantiste Jura] (in French). Retrieved 23 June 2015.
- ↑ "Mouvement autonomiste jurassien" [Jura autonomist movement] (in French). Retrieved 23 June 2015.
- ↑ "Groupe Bélier – Mouvement de lutte pour l'Unité du Jura" [Aries Group – Movement struggling for Jura Unity] (in French). 14 March 2015. Retrieved 23 June 2015.
- ↑ "The Hungarians of Transcarpathia demand autonomy and double citizenship". 30 March 2014. Retrieved 2014-05-14.
- ↑ "Hungarians, Rusyns in Zakarpatie afraid of forced Ukrainization, want autonomy". 23 April 2014. Retrieved 2014-06-19.
- ↑
- ↑ English Democrats seek independence for England, BBC News. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ↑ "Section 5: Solutions – Economic, Legal and Political Measures", Restoring Britishness: UKIP Policy, UK Independence Party, archived from the original on 28 September 2011, retrieved 6 April 2010
- ↑ "Scottish government renews call for extra powers on tax and welfare". The Guardian. 16 June 2015. Retrieved 27 June 2015.
- ↑ Daniel Boffey (30 May 2015). "London should be treated as city state, says Labour mayoral hopeful". The Guardian. Retrieved 27 June 2015.
- 1 2 Helen Pidd; Patrick Wintour (23 October 2014). "Cameron hails plan to fast-track devolution for English cities". The Guardian. Retrieved 29 June 2015.
- ↑ "Green Party will support calls for a Cornish Assembly". The Cornish Guardian. 8 May 2014. Retrieved 8 May 2014.
- ↑ Graeme Demianyk (10 March 2014). "Liberal Democrats vote for Cornish Assembly". The Western Morning News. Retrieved 6 April 2014.
- ↑ "Spring Conference 2014". Liberal Democrats. 3 September 2014. Retrieved 29 June 2015.
- ↑ "Cornish Nation". Archived from the original on 11 June 2007.
- ↑ Stoyle, Professor Mark (17 February 2011), "The Cornish: A Neglected Nation?", British History, BBC
- ↑ Robins, David; Xylas, Nick (15 March 2003). The Case for Wessex (PDF). Wessex Constitutional Convention. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-9544667-0-1. Retrieved 15 February 2013.
- ↑ Robins, David; Xylas, Nick (15 March 2003). The Case for Wessex (PDF). Wessex Constitutional Convention. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-9544667-0-1. Retrieved 15 February 2013.
- ↑ Mark Stead (24 March 2012). "We want devolution, says York council leader". The York Press. Retrieved 12 February 2013.
- ↑ "The official website of the "Yorkshire Independence – Campaign for devolution"". 22 November 2010. Archived from the original on 6 December 2010.
- ↑ The Yorkshire devolution movement, Facebook Account
- ↑ "David Blunkett MP suggests "Yorkshire Parliament"". News (BBC). 27 October 2010. Retrieved 7 May 2014.
- ↑ The Yorkshire devolution movement, Word press
- ↑ Yorkshire devolution
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dean Herbert (18 March 2013). "Lib Dem's Scott wants 'home rule' for Shetland isles". Scottish Express. Retrieved 20 May 2013.
- 1 2 Severin Carrell (17 March 2013). "Scottish independence: islands consider their own 'home rule'". The Guardian. Retrieved 20 May 2013.
- ↑ "Nå kan Shetland bli en del av Norge".
- ↑ "NA bankrupt economy, North Sea oil rights sold to China and Shetlanders defecting to Norway. What if Scotland DID go it alone?".
- ↑ "Shetland: Rather be part of Norway, than Scotland".
- ↑ "Norwegian politician: Welcomes closer ties to Shetland".
External links
"Manifest" (PDF), Politiskaprogram [Political program], AX: Ålands framtid, 2011.