List of endangered fishes
- Extinct, since 1500: 66 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 6 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 446 species
- Endangered (EN): 614 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 1,211 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 515 species
- Least concern (LC): 8,655 species
- Data deficient (DD): 2,949 species
As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 614 endangered fish species.[1] 4.2% of all evaluated fish species are listed as endangered. The IUCN also lists ten fish subspecies as endangered.
Of the subpopulations of fishes evaluated by the IUCN, 26 species subpopulations have been assessed as endangered.
For a species to be considered endangered by the IUCN it must meet certain quantitative criteria which are designed to classify taxa facing "a very high risk of exintction". An even higher risk is faced by critically endangered species, which are listed separately (List of critically endangered fishes) even though they also meet the quantitative criteria for endangered species. There are 1060 fish species which are endangered or critically endangered.
Additionally 2949 fish species (20% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[3]
This is a complete list of endangered fish species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Species or subspecies which have endangered subpopulations (or stocks) are indicated. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
Cartilaginous fishes
There are 45 cartilaginous fish species assessed as endangered. There are also subpopulations of cartilaginous fish species assessed as endangered. Chondrichthyes includes sharks, rays, skates, and sawfish.
Rays and skates
- Longheaded eagle ray
- Mottled eagle ray
- Ornate eagle ray
- Knifetooth sawfish
- Spotback skate
- Graytail skate
- Mekong freshwater stingray
- Daisy stingray
- Barndoor skate
- Blackchin guitarfish
- Roughback whipray
- Marbled whipray
- Giant freshwater stingray
- White-edge freshwater whipray
- Leucoraja circularis
- Winter skate
- Malacoraja senta
- Devil fish
- Purple eagle ray
- Roughnose stingray
- Dwarf sawfish
- Rough ray
- Undulate ray
- Common guitarfish
- Brazilian cownose ray
- African wedgefish
- Bottlenose skate
- Pincushion ray
- Coastal stingaree
- Maugean skate
Ground sharks
- Sicklefin lemon shark (1 subpopulation)
- Scalloped hammerhead (3 subpopulations)
- Turkish brook lamprey
Ray-finned fishes
There are 566 ray-finned fish species and ten ray-finned fish subspecies assessed as endangered. There are also subpopulations of ray-finned fish species assessed as endangered.
- Pollan
- Schelly
- Coregonus vandesius
- Huchen
- Gila trout
- Satsukimasu salmon
- Adriatic salmon
- Salmo peristericus
- Salvelinus japonicus
- Esei Lake char
- Salvelinus willoughbii
Subpopulations and stocks
- Sockeye salmon (12 subpopulations)
There are 62 toothcarp species and nine toothcarp subspecies assessed as endangered.
- Aphanius baeticus
- Aphanius burduricus
- Spanish toothcarp
- Aphanius stiassnyae
- Burdur toothcarp
- White River springfish
- Checkered pupfish
- Blackfin pupfish
- Comanche Springs pupfish
- Sonoyta pupfish
- Carbonera pupfish
- Largescale pupfish
- Cachorrito gigante
- Owens pupfish
- Death Valley pupfish
- Cachorrito boxeador
- White Sands pupfish
- Dominican gambusia
- Pecos gambusia
- Flame lampeye
- Ogôoué lampeye
- Hummingbird lampeye
- Northern platyfish
- Marbled swordtail
- Aphyosemion alpha
- Red-finned killi
- Bamileke killi
- Aphyosemion bualanum
- Goby killi
- Aphyosemion fulgens
- Aphyosemion lugens
- Aphyosemion passaroi
- Aphyosemion poliaki
- Aphyosemion tirbaki
- Aphyosemion volcanum
- Epiplatys biafranus
- Epiplatys etzeli
- Epiplatys lokoensis
- Epiplatys njalaensis
- Epiplatys roloffi
- Amiet's lyretail
- Fundulopanchax arnoldi
- Cinnamon killi
- Kribi killi
- Marbled killifish
- Fundulopanchax oeseri
- Fundulopanchax rubrolabialis
- Emerald aphyosemion
- Jeanpol's killi
- Nothobranchius polli
- Nothobranchius rosenstocki
- Nothobranchius symoensi
- Berthold's killi
- Bruening's killi
- Aphyosemion celiae celiae
- Epiplatys chaperi schreiberi
- Epiplatys fasciolatus tototaensis
- Epiplatys fasciolatus zimiensis
- Epiplatys olbrechtsi azureus
- Epiplatys olbrechtsi dauresi
- Epiplatys olbrechtsi puetzi
- Mamfe killi
Other toothcarp species
- Slender silverside
- Blacknose silverside
- Colpichthys hubbsi
- Murray hardyhead
- Boeseman's rainbowfish
- Golden silverside
- Key silverside
- Neostethus thessa
- La Preciosa silverside
- Quechulac silverside
- Honey blue-eye
- Rheocles wrightae
- Teramulus waterloti
There are 245 species in the order Cypriniformes assessed as endangered. Cypriniformes includes carps, minnows, loaches and relatives.
Hillstream loaches
- Barbatula samantica
- Barbatula tschaiyssuensis
- Anamalai loach
- Santhampara loach
- Longischistura striatus
- Nemacheilus jordanicus
- Nemacheilus pantheroides
- Nemacheilus petrubanarescui
- Nemacheilus pulchellus
- Nemacheilus sp. nov.
- Shimoga loach (Nemachilichthys shimogensis)
- Burdur loach
- Van loach
- Orontes sportive loach
- Isiki loach
- Damascus loach
- Mancilik dwarf loach
- Cilician loach
- Schistura bairdi
- Schistura bolavenensis
- Schistura kangjupkhulensis
- Schistura minutus
- Nagodi loach
- Schistura nudidorsum
- Mini dragon loach
- Schistura quasimodo
- Schistura reticulata
- Schistura sijuensis
- Schistura thanho
- Schistura tigrinum
- Sewellia marmorata
- Sewellia patella
- Sewellia pterolineata
- Periyar loach
- Travancore loach
- Yunnanilus nigromaculatus
True loaches
- Zebra loach
- Cobitis arachthosensis
- Beysehir spined loach
- Great Beysehir spined loach
- Cobitis calderoni
- Ceyhan spined loach
- Cobitis hellenica
- Orontes spined loach
- Phrygian spined loach
- Brown spined loach
- Cobitis trichonica
- Central Anatolian spined loach
- Cobitis vettonica
- Lepidocephalichthys arunachalensis
- Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi
- Paralepidocephalus yui
- Dwarf loach
- Achondrostoma occidentale
- Achondrostoma salmantinum
- Bakır Shemaya
- Antalya bleak
- Manyas shemaya
- Crimea shemaya
- Syrian spotted bleak
- Pontian shemaya
- Alburnus schischkovi
- Alburnus volviticus
- Silvery white fish
- Big white fish
- Anaecypris hispanica
- Dalmatian barbelgudgeon
- Bala shark
- Barbodes palaemophagus
- Barbus acuticeps
- Barbus aliciae
- Berg-breede river whitefish
- Barbus bawkuensis
- Barbus bourdariei
- Brook barbel
- Barbus claudinae
- Barbus huguenyi
- Barbus lauzannei
- Carps
- Barbus nigroluteus
- Barbus quadralineatus
- Sawfin
- Barbus stauchi
- Barbus subinensis
- Barbus sylvaticus
- Barbus thysi
- Barbus traorei
- Treur River barb
- Border barb
- Jerdon's baril
- Orontes scraper
- Longsnout scraper
- Arabian himri
- Hadramaut himri
- Beysehir nase
- Tefenni nase
- Levantine nase
- Minnow-nase
- Italian nase
- Blackside dace
- Laurel dace
- Anatolian golden barb
- Periyar latia
- Blue shiner
- Plateau shiner
- Conchos shiner
- Cuatro Cienegas shiner
- Cyprinus chilia
- Inle carp
- Danio erythromicron
- Aruli barb
- Exclamation barb
- Tambraparini barb
- Devario auropurpureus
- Devario horai
- Nilgiri danio
- Barred danio
- Devil's River minnow
- Channa barb
- Slender chub
- Folifer yunnanensis
- Tawi Atair garra
- Dear sea garra
- Cardamon garra
- Kalakad stone carp
- Smooth Hadramaut garra
- Spiny Hadramaut garra
- Periyar garra
- Humpback chub
- Gila chub
- Virgin river chub
- Eber gudgeon
- Işıklı gudgeon
- Gobio skadarensis
- Gymnostomus horai
- Tuz golden barb
- Lipped algae eater
- Rio Grande silvery minnow
- Curmuca barb
- Nilgiris barb
- Korhi barb
- Hump backed mahseer
- Periyar barb
- Least chub
- Labeo alluaudi
- Green labeo
- Tana labeo
- Labeo potail
- Labeobarbus ethiopicus
- Labeobarbus macrophtalmus
- Labeobarbus mbami
- Labeobarbus mungoensis
- Labeobarbus roylii
- Flying minnow
- Little Colorado spinedace
- Peninsular Hill trout
- Luciobarbus graecus
- Jordan barbel
- Luciocyprinus striolatus
- Arkansas river speckled chub
- Spikedace
- Red dwarf rasbora
- Palezone shiner
- Cahaba shiner
- Cape Fear shiner
- Bluntnose shiner
- Onychostoma alticorpus
- Lake salmon
- Long finned barb
- Parachondrostoma turiense
- Parapsilorhynchus elongatus
- Pelasgus prespensis
- Pethia manipurensis
- Chennai sawfin barb
- Phoxinellus alepidotus
- Phoxinellus anatolicus
- Phoxinus strandjae
- Phoxinus strymonicus
- Poropuntius bolovenensis
- Poropuntius consternans
- Yellow tail brook barb
- Poropuntius lobocheiloides
- Poropuntius solitus
- Jullien's golden carp
- Thicklipped barb
- Eastern Cape redfin
- Smallscale redfin
- Berg River redfin
- Fiery redfin
- Maluti redfin
- Pamphylian spring minnow
- Giant spring minnow
- Burdur spring minnow
- Fat spring minnow
- Drusian spring minnow
- Pseudophoxinus egridiri
- Lycian spring minnow
- Pisidian spring minnow
- Euphrates spring minnow
- Hittitic spring minnow
- Apamean spring minnow
- Pseudophoxinus punicus
- Cauvery barb
- Puntius crescentus
- Dharna barb
- Wilpita rasbora
- Romanogobio benacensis
- Rutilus meidingeri
- Rutilus ylikiensis
- Miss Kerala look alike
- Red line torpedo barb
- Burmese rammy nose
- Elmalı rudd
- Nukta
- Schizothorax lepidothorax
- Sinocyclocheilus tingi
- Chocolate chub
- Squalius castellanus
- Squalius keadicus
- Striped chub
- Squalius lucumonis
- Squalius malacitanus
- Squalius microlepis
- Squalius moreoticus
- Squalius tenellus
- Squalius torgalensis
- Asoka barb
- Systomus martenstyni
- Paskóviza
- Telestes croaticus
- Telestes sp. nov.
- Sandkhol carp
- Black mahseer
- Dwarf mahseer
- Malabar mahseer
- Putitor mahseer
Includes freshwater smelts and allies.
- Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis
- Amblyceps arunchalensis
- Amphilius caudosignatus
- Amphilius korupi
- Amphilius lamani
- Arius festinus
- Arius uncinatus
- Barnard's rock-catfish
- Sharavati batasio
- Chiloglanis asymetricaudalis
- Incomati rock catlet
- Chrysichthys teugelsi
- Chrysichthys walkeri
- Clariallabes mutsindoziensis
- Wagur
- Anamalai sucker catfish
- Glyptothorax davissinghi
- Glyptothorax housei
- Glyptothorax madraspatanus
- Glyptothorax poonaensis
- Imperial white collared yellow catfish
- Bagre de yaqui
- Irvineia voltae
- Lepthoplosternum tordilho
- King's bullhead
- Liobagrus nigricauda
- New Grenada sea catfish
- Notoglanidium akiri
- Notoglanidium maculatum
- Notoglanidium thomasi
- Saddled madtom
- Orangefin madtom
- Ouachita madtom
- Pygmy madtom
- Caddo madtom
- Oreoglanis heteropogon
- Oreoglanis siamensis
- Iridescent shark
- Paramphilius firestonei
- Parauchenoglanis longiceps
- Mexican blindcat
- Malabar patashi
- Pterocryptis barakensis
- Pterocryptis inusitata
- Malabar silurus
- Silonia childreni
- Synodontis dorsomaculatus
- Synodontis guttatus
- Synodontis pardalis
There are 134 species in the order Perciformes assessed as endangered. There is also a subpopulation of species in the order Perciformes assessed as endangered.
- Alcolapia alcalicus
- Amphilophus margaritifer
- Astatotilapia sp. 'shovelmouth'
- Benitochromis conjunctus
- Benitochromis finleyi
- Benitochromis nigrodorsalis
- Benitochromis riomuniensis
- Benitochromis ufermanni
- Orange-fringed largemouth
- Chetia mola
- Chromidotilapia linkei
- Danakilia franchettii
- Canara pearlspot
- Gobiocichla ethelwynnae
- Haplochromis cyaneus
- Haplochromis desfontainii
- Haplochromis erythromaculatus
- Haplochromis simpsoni
- Haplochromis venator
- Hemichromis cerasogaster
- Curve-bar cichlid
- Lamprologus tumbanus
- Lethrinops macracanthus
- Lethrinops micrentodon
- Lethrinops microdon
- Lethrinops stridae
- Limbochromis robertsi
- Nanochromis transvestitus
- Lake Magadi tilapia
- Oreochromis amphimelas
- Oreochromis karongae
- Oreochromis lepidurus
- Oreochromis lidole
- Oreochromis squamipinnis
- Orthochromis kasuluensis
- Orthochromis luongoensis
- Orthochromis mazimeroensis
- Orthochromis mosoensis
- Orthochromis rubrolabialis
- Parananochromis axelrodi
- Parananochromis ornatus
- Paretroplus dambabe
- Paretroplus gymnopreopercularis
- Paretroplus maromandia
- Haplochromis sp. 'long snout'
- Ptychochromis inornatus
- Ptychochromis loisellei
- Pundamilia igneopinnis
- Lowveld largemouth
- Tilapia kottae
- Tylochromis microdon
- Bathygobius burtoni
- Nanogoviós
- Exuma goby
- Cayman cleaner goby
- Cayman sponge goby
- Jarocho goby
- Plain goby
- Isthmian goby
- Thessalogoviós
- Tortonese's goby
- Iyidere goby
- Priolepis ascensionis
- Rhinogobius lineatus
- Sicyopterus eudentatus
- Sicyopterus rapa
- Sicyopterus sarasini
- Sibayi goby
- Smilosicyopus sasali
- Stiphodon julieni
- Cayman greenbanded goby
Other Perciformes
- Amblycirrhitus earnshawi
- Sacramento perch
- Madagascar kob
- Badis tuivaiei
- Betta livida
- Chaetodontoplus vanderloosi
- Humphead wrasse
- Red stumpnose seabream
- False Bay klipfish
- Bot River klipfish
- Lightning man triplefin
- Lonely blenny
- Hong Kong grouper
- Dusky grouper
- Nassau grouper
- Threadfin porgy
- Mardi Gras wrasse
- Halichoeres socialis
- Veracruz white hamlet
- Kribia leonensis
- Tanganyika lates
- Albert lates
- Forktail lates
- White steenbras
- Great northern tilefish
- Paiva's blenny
- Eastern freshwater cod
- Trout cod
- Island grouper
- Gulf grouper
- Oxleyan Pygmy Perch
- Neopomacentrus aquadulcis
- Magdalena blenny
- Camotillo
- Parosphromenus harveyi
- Red steenbras
- Protogobius
- Cassava croaker
- Banggai cardinalfish
- Eastern Province rocky
- Greenback parrotfish
- Springeratus polyporatus
- Terateleotris aspro
- Atlantic bluefin tuna
- Typhleotris madagascariensis
- Typhleotris pauliani
Subpopulations and stocks
- Swordfish (1 subpopulation)
- Alestes bouboni
- Alestopetersius nigropterus
- Brycinus bartoni
- Victoria robber
- Naked characin
- Ladigesia roloffi
- Nannocharax altus
- Neolebias axelrodi
- Neolebias kerguennae
Other ray-finned fishes
- Siberian sturgeon
- Alosa volgensis
- Bermuda anchovy
- Japanese eel
- American eel
- Canthigaster cyanetron
- Canthigaster rapaensis
- St. Helena sharpnose pufferfish
- Blaasop beauty
- Cape seahorse
- Atlantic halibut
- Saint Lucia mullet
- Lucayan cave brotula
- Marcusenius meronai
- Victoria stonebasher
- Mastacembelus oatesii
- Senegalese hake
- Monopterus fossorius
- Mormyrus subundulatus
- Mai-ndombe dwarf sprat
- Nomorhamphus towoetii
- Ferocious coralbrotula
- Blind swamp eel
- Sharp-jawed buntingi
- Pillaia indica
- Pungitius stenurus
- Reticulated toadfish
- Splendid toadfish
- Pallid sturgeon
- Asian arowana
- Ascension scorpionfish
- Melliss's scorpionfish
- Acadian redfish
- Shortspine thornyhead
- Stomatorhinus ivindoensis
- Takifugu plagiocellatus
- Grandparents clingfish
- Egg-carrying buntingi
- Xenopoecilus sarasinorum
Subpopulations and stocks
- White sturgeon (2 subpopulations)
- Myxine paucidens
- Paramyxine taiwanae
See also
- List of least concern fishes
- List of near threatened fishes
- List of vulnerable fishes
- List of critically endangered fishes
- List of recently extinct fishes
- List of data deficient fishes
- Sustainable seafood advisory lists and certification
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- ↑ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.