List of least concern fishes
- Extinct, since 1500: 66 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 6 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 446 species
- Endangered (EN): 614 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 1,211 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 515 species
- Least concern (LC): 8,655 species
- Data deficient (DD): 2,949 species
- 14,462 species have been evaluated
- 11,513 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 9170 are not threatened at present (LC, NT, LR/cd)
- 2271 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 72 to 158 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))
As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 8655 least concern fish species.[1] 60% of all evaluated fish species are listed as least concern. The IUCN also lists 34 fish subspecies as least concern.
Of the subpopulations of fishes evaluated by the IUCN, 44 species subpopulations have been assessed as least concern.
This is a complete list of least concern fish species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Species or subspecies which have least concern subpopulations (or stocks) are indicated. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
Lobe-finned fishes
- Protopterus annectens annectens
- Southern lungfish
Cartilaginous fishes
There are 303 cartilaginous fish species assessed as least concern. There are also subpopulations of cartilaginous fish species assessed as least concern. Chondrichthyes includes sharks, rays, skates, and sawfish.
Rays and skates
There are 144 species in the order Rajiformes assessed as least concern.
Guitarfish species
Whiptail stingrays
- Blind torpedo
- Western numbfish
- Eastern numbfish
- Ornate numbfish
- Tasmanian numbfish
- Banded numbfish
- Broad skate
- Southern thorny skate
- Arctic skate
- Jensen's skate
- Bigmouth skate
- Lempriere's skate
- Brown bight skate
- Pale tropical skate
- Graham's skate
- Heald's skate
- Dipturus oculus
- Argus skate
- Slimeskate
- Weng's skate
- Dusky finless skate
- Rosette skate
- Cuckoo skate
- Sawback skate
- Yellospotted skate
- Krefft's skate
- Soft skate
- Blue pygmy skate
- Iberian pygmy skate
- Arafura skate
- Okamejei leptoura
- Clearnose skate
- Brown skate
- Spotted skate
- Speckled ray
- Longnose skate
- Rock skate
- Bigthorn skate
- Rajella bathyphila
- Bigelow's skate
- Challenger skate
- Ghost skate
- Sooty skate
- Round ray
- Mid-atlantic skate
- Leopard skate
- Sailray
- Blackish skate
- Purplebelly skate
- Smoothback skate
- New Zealand rough skate
- Western shovelnose stingaree
- Striped stingaree
- Masked stingaree
- Common stingaree
- Circular stingaree
- Crossback stingaree
- Chesterfield Island stingaree
- Wide stingaree
- Patchwork stingaree
- Spotted stingaree
- Lobed stingaree
- Mitotic stingaree
- New Caledonian stingaree
- Butterfly stingaree
- Sparsely-spotted stingaree
- Coral Sea stingaree
- Brown stingaree
- Aleutian skate
- Little-eyed skate
- Bottom skate
- Broadnose skate
- Duskypink skate
- Cinnamon skate
- Challenger's skate
- Commander skate
- White-blotched skate
- Fine-spined skate
- Whitebrow skate
- Pallid skate
- Bathyraja panthera
- Alaska skate
- Richardson's ray
- Golden skate
- Pacific white skate
- Eremo skate
- Roughtail skate
- Creamback skate
- Western looseskin skate
- Southern round skate
- Notoraja azurea
- Broken Ridge skate
- Blotched skate
- Allens skate
- Mosaic skate
- Peacock skate
- False peacock skate
- Dusky skate
- Blotched sandskate
- Zipper sandskate
- Bering skate
- Dapplebellied softnose skate
- Rhinoraja longicauda
- Oda skate
- Rhinoraja taranetzi
Other Rajiformes species
- Australian butterfly ray
- California butterfly ray
- Sixgill stingray
- Coffin ray
- Bat ray
- New Zealand eagle ray
- Thornback guitarfish
- Deepwater stingray
- Bigtooth river stingray
- Potamotrygon orbignyi
- Borneo legskate
- Western legskate
- Blackbodied legskate
- Pacific electric ray
- Round stingray
- Yellow stingray
- Smalleyed round stingray
Ground sharks
There are 76 ground shark species assessed as least concern.
Requiem sharks
- Whiskery shark
- Sicklefin houndshark
- Japanese topeshark
- Longnose houndshark
- Bigeye houndshark
- Gummy shark
- Starry smooth-hound
- Grey smooth-hound
- Brown smooth-hound
- Smalleye smooth-hound
- Spotted estuary smooth-hound
- Sicklefin smooth-hound
- Australian grey smooth-hound
- Western spotted gummy shark
- Banded houndshark
- Leopard shark
- White-bodied catshark
- Roughskin catshark
- White ghost catshark
- Flaccid catshark
- Longhead catshark
- Ghost catshark
- Smalleye catshark
- Fat catshark
- Spatulasnout catshark
- Saldanha catshark
- Australian spotted catshark
- Starry catshark
- Western spotted catshark
- Pale spotted catshark
- Asymbolus parvus
- Orange-spotted catshark
- Variegated catshark
- Gulf catshark
- Banded sand catshark
- Australian marbled catshark
- Australian blackspotted catshark
- Australian reticulate swellshark
- Draughtsboard shark
- Australian swellshark
- Balloon shark
- Swellshark
- Australian sawtail catshark
- Roughtail catshark
- Gecko catshark
- Blackmouth catshark
- Mouse catshark
- Peppered catshark
- African sawtail catshark
- Phallic catshark
- Indonesian speckled catshark
- Halaelurus sellus
- Dark shyshark
- Izak catshark
- Filetail catshark
- Narrowtail catshark
- Boa catshark
- Small-spotted catshark
- Chain catshark
- Cloudy catshark
- Dwarf catshark
Other ground shark species
Carpet sharks
There are 33 species in the order Squaliformes assessed as least concern. There are also subpopulations of species in the order Squaliformes assessed as least concern.
- Black dogfish
- New Zealand lanternshark
- Blurred lanternshark
- Tailspot lanternshark
- Pink lanternshark
- Etmopterus dislineatus
- Blackmouth lanternshark
- Pygmy lanternshark
- Broadbanded lanternshark
- Southern lanternshark
- Caribbean lanternshark
- Blackbelly lanternshark
- False lanternshark
- Smooth lanternshark
- West Indian lanternshark
- Fringefin lanternshark
- Thorny lanternshark
- Velvet belly lanternshark
- Hawaiian lanternshark
- Green lanternshark
Other Squaliformes species
There are 23 Chimaera species assessed as least concern.
- Whitefin chimaera
- Southern chimaera
- Carpenter's chimaera
- Longspine chimaera
- Cape chimaera
- Small-eyed rabbitfish
- Pale ghost shark
- Spotted ratfish
- Black ghostshark
- Bight ghostshark
- Hydrolagus lusitanicus
- Marbled ghostshark
- Eastern Pacific ghostshark
- Dark ghostshark
- Pale chimaera
- Pointy-nosed blue chimaera
- Smallspine spookfish
- Narrownose chimaera
- Broadnose chimaera
- Pacific spookfish
Other cartilaginous fish species
- Pit-klamath brook lamprey
- Carpathian brook lamprey
- Ukrainian brook lamprey
- Eudontomyzon stankokaramani
- Vladykov's lamprey
- Ohio lamprey
- Chestnut lamprey
- Northern brook lamprey
- Southern brook lamprey
- Mountain brook lamprey
- Silver lamprey
- Least brook lamprey
- Lampetra ayresii
- European river lamprey
- Brook lamprey
- Western brook lamprey
- Lombardy brook lamprey
- American brook lamprey
- Arctic lamprey
- Lethenteron reissneri
- Sea lamprey
Ray-finned fishes
There are 8293 ray-finned fish species and 32 ray-finned fish subspecies assessed as least concern. There are also subpopulations of ray-finned fish species assessed as least concern.
- Coregonus albellus
- Coregonus albula
- Coregonus alpinus
- Cisco
- Arctic cisco
- Coregonus fatioi
- Coregonus fontanae
- Coregonus ladogae
- Coregonus lutokka
- Coregonus macrophthalmus
- Coregonus maxillaris
- Coregonus megalops
- Muksun
- Broad whitefish
- Coregonus nilssoni
- Coregonus nobilis
- Coregonus palaea
- Coregonus pallasii
- Peled
- Humpback whitefish
- Least cisco
- Coregonus suidteri
- Coregonus wartmanni
- Coregonus zuerichensis
- Coregonus zugensis
- Sockeye salmon
- Black Sea salmon
- Salmo marmoratus
- Atlantic salmon
- Brown trout
- Arctic char
- Boganida char
- Salvelinus lepechini
- Salvelinus murta
- Salvelinus thingvallensis
- Salvelinus umbla
- Nelma
- Arctic grayling
- Grayling
Subpopulations and stocks
- Sockeye salmon (41 subpopulations)
There are 196 toothcarp species and two toothcarp subspecies assessed as least concern.
Pupfish species
- Scaleless killifish
- Dislisazancik baligi
- Arabian toothcarp
- Mediterranean killifish
- Iridescent toothcarp
- Sakarya toothcarp
- Yucatan pupfish
- Bolson pupfish
- Cuatro Cienegas pupfish
- Cachorrito del aguanaval
- Red river pupfish
- Sheepshead pupfish
- Goldspotted killifish
- Floridichthys polyommus
- Aplocheilichthys antinorii
- Brichard's lampeye
- Bukoba lampeye
- Central East African lampeye
- Lake Rukwa lampeye
- Meshscaled topminnow
- Aplocheilichthys jeanneli
- Johnston's topminnow
- Striped topminnow
- Aplocheilichthys kingii
- Kongoro lampeye
- Big tailed lampeye
- Spotted lampeye
- Aplocheilichthys mediolateralis
- Natal topminnow
- Aplocheilichthys pumilus
- Lake Rudolf lampeye
- Banded lampeye
- Bitschumbi lampeye
- Mosquitofish
- Largespring gambusia
- Eastern mosquitofish
- Mangrove gambusia
- Gulf gambusia
- Least killifish
- Blue lampeye
- Hypsopanchax jobaerti
- Southern deepbody
- Ruwenzori lampeye
- Zaire lampeye
- Zebra lampeye
- Laciris pelagicus
- Lualaba lampeye
- Saisi lampeye
- Moero lampeye
- Tanganyika killifish
- Cameroon lampeye
- Nile jewel cichlid
- Scheel's lampeye
- Mimic lampeye
- Amazon molly
- Poecilia koperi
- Sailfin molly
- Barred livebearer
- Emerald green lampeye
- Norman's lampeye
- Poropanchax rancureli
- Poropanchax stigmatopygus
- Isthmian priapella
- Bluegreen lampeye
- Procatopus cabindae
- Loeme lampeye
- Large finned lampeye
- Variable lampeye
- Rhexipanchax schioetzi
- Aphyosemion ahli
- Lyretail panchax
- Bates' killi
- Two-stripped aphyosemion
- Aphyosemion buytaerti
- Aphyosemion callipteron
- Banner lyretail
- Cameroon killi
- Aphyosemion castaneum
- Celia's aphysemion
- Christy's lyretail
- Lemon-finned killi
- Redspot panchax
- Gabon jewelfish
- Red barred killi
- Elegant killi
- Escherich's killi
- False jewel killi
- Jewel killi
- Aphyosemion ferranti
- Aphyosemion georgiae
- Hannelore's killi
- Herzog's killi
- Hofmann's killi
- Aphyosemion joergenscheeli
- Aphyosemion labarrei
- Aphyosemion lamberti
- Aphyosemion loennbergii
- Aphyosemion lujae
- Aphyosemion maculatum
- Aphyosemion mimbon
- Aphyosemion ocellatum
- Aphyosemion polli
- Aphyosemion punctatum
- Aphyosemion raddai
- Aphyosemion riggenbachi
- Aphyosemion schioetzi
- Aphyosemion splendopleure
- Aphyosemion striatum
- Guinean killifish
- Clown killi
- Epiplatys ansorgii
- Epiplatys barmoiensis
- Epiplatys bifasciatus
- Epiplatys chevalieri
- Redchin panchax
- Dubois' panchax
- Epiplatys esekanus
- Epiplatys fasciolatus
- Epiplatys grahami
- Epiplatys huberi
- Epiplatys infrafasciatus
- Epiplatys maeseni
- Epiplatys mesogramma
- Epiplatys neumanni
- Epiplatys olbrechtsi
- Epiplatys phoeniceps
- Epiplatys sangmelinensis
- Six-barred epiplatys
- Epiplatys singa
- Epiplatys spilargyreius
- Epiplatys togolensis
- Starhead killi
- Fundulopanchax kamdemi
- Fundulopanchax puerzli
- Blue gularis
- Nothobranchius brieni
- Nothobranchius eggersi
- Turquiose killifish
- Redtail notho
- Nothobranchius janpapi
- Nothobranchius jubbi
- Caprivi killifish
- Kirk's killifish
- Blackspotted nothobranch
- Small scaled nothobranch
- Nothobranchius neumanni
- Spotted killifish
- Nothobranchius palmqvisti
- Blue notho
- Rainbow kilifish
- Striped nothobranch
- Togo killifish
- Uganda nothobranch
- Gérys killi
- Scriptaphyosemion guignardi
- Aphyosemion cameronense halleri
- Dusky panchax
- Lowland topminnow
- Northern studfish
- Golden topminnow
- Banded topminnow
- Marsh killifish
- Banded killifish
- Starhead topminnow
- Russetfin topminnow
- Gulf killifish
- Mummichog
- Northern plains killifish
- Baja California killifish
- Lined topminnow
- Spotfin killifish
- Striped killifish
- Blackstripe topminnow
- Fundulus nottii
- Blackspotted topminnow
- Bayou killifish
- Speckled killifish
- Redface topminnow
- Plains topminnow
- Seminole killifish
- Longnose killifish
- Southern studfish
- Diamond killifish
- Plains killifish
- Pygmy killifish
- Bluefin killifish
- Rainwater killifish
Other toothcarp species
- Green goodea
- Lennon's ilyodon
There are 47 silverside species assessed as least concern.
- Big-scale sand smelt
- Sand smelt
- Hardhead silverside
- Bearded silverside
- Kailola's hardyhead
- Reef silverside
- Short-snout hardyhead
Neotropical silversides
- Moon silverside
- Beach silverside
- Robust silverside
- Longfin silverside
- Guatemala silverside
- Miller's silverside
- Pitcher silverside
- Atherinella nocturna
- Thickscale silverside
- Panama silverside
- Bright silverside
- Star silverside
- Topsmelt silverside
- Jack silverside
- Basilichthys semotilus
- Brook silverside
- Blackside silverside
- Querimana silverside
- Landia silverside
- Rough silverside
- Menidia audens
- Inland silverside
- Atlantic silverside
- Menidia peninsulae
- Odontesthes incisa
- Chilean silverside
Other silverside species
- Bedotia longianalis
- Neostethus bicornis
- Smith's priapium fish
- Forktail blue-eye
- Cape blue-eye
- Telmatherina bonti
Includes sticklebacks and relatives.
- Fourspine stickleback
- Brook stickleback
- Three-spined stickleback
- Gasterosteus gymnurus
- Gasterosteus islandicus
- Blackspotted stickleback
- Indostomus paradoxus
- Pungitius laevis
- Ukrainian stickleback
- Ninespine stickleback
- Sea stickleback
There are 1231 species and three subspecies in the order Cypriniformes assessed as least concern. Cypriniformes includes carps, minnows, loaches and relatives.
Hillstream loaches
- Aborichthys elongatus
- Mottled loach
- Acanthocobitis rubidipinnis
- Acanthocobitis zonalternans
- Annamia normani
- Balitora annamitica
- Burmese stone loach
- Balitora eddsi
- Balitora kwangsiensis
- Balitora lancangjiangensis
- Balitora longibarbata
- Barbatula altayensis
- Stone loach
- Barbatula quignardi
- Barbatula sturanyi
- Barbatula zetensis
- Beaufortia cyclica
- Beaufortia pingi
- Beaufortia polylepis
- Western ghats loach
- Formosania tinkhami
- Hemimyzon macroptera
- Hemimyzon papilio
- Homaloptera leonardi
- Homaloptera manipurensis
- Homaloptera menoni
- Silent Valley loach
- Homaloptera rupicola
- Homaloptera smithi
- Homaloptera yunnanensis
- Black lizard loach
- Indoreonectes evezardi
- Lepturichthys fimbriata
- Devi's loach
- Micronemacheilus pulcher
- Micronemacheilus taeniatus
- Nemacheilus anguilla
- Nemacheilus arenicolus
- Nemacheilus cleopatra
- Nemacheilus denisoni
- Gunther's loach
- Nemacheilus longistriatus
- Nemacheilus monilis
- Nemacheilus mooreh
- Nemacheilus nilgiriensis
- Nemacheilus pallidus
- Nemachilichthys rueppelli
- Dotted loach
- Zodiac loach
- Neonoemacheilus labeosus
- Angora loach
- Two spot loach
- Kura sportive loach
- Kura loach
- Oxynoemacheilus bureschi
- Banded Kura loach
- Ceyhan sportive loach
- Tigris loach
- Melid loach
- Paphlagonian loach
- Lebanese loach
- Pamphylian loach
- Oxynoemacheilus merga
- Levantine loach
- Kizilirmak sportive loach
- Oxynoemacheilus theophilii
- Physoschistura pseudobrunneana
- Protomyzon pachychilus
- Pseudogastromyzon fangi
- Pseudogastromyzon myersi
- Schistura athos
- Creek loach
- Schistura bucculenta
- Schistura carbonaria
- Schistura cataracta
- Schistura caudofurca
- Schistura clatrata
- Schistura corica
- Schistura daubentoni
- Schistura dayi
- Schistura desmotes
- Schistura dorsizona
- Schistura fusinotata
- Schistura geisleri
- Schistura hingi
- Schistura imitator
- Schistura isostigma
- Schistura kengtungensis
- Schistura kongphengi
- Schistura magnifluvis
- Schistura mahnerti
- Schistura malaisei
- Schistura melarancia
- Schistura multifasciata
- Schistura namboensis
- Schistura nicholsi
- Schistura nomi
- Schistura obeini
- Schistura pervagata
- Schistura poculi
- Schistura porthos
- Schistura procera
- Schistura reidi
- Schistura robertsi
- Schistura rupecula
- Schistura savona
- Schistura scaturigina
- Schistura sexcauda
- Schistura sikmaiensis
- Schistura sombooni
- Schistura subfusca
- Schistura tirapensis
- Schistura udomritthiruji
- Schistura vinciguerrae
- Sewellia speciosa
- Sinogastromyzon sichangensis
- Sinogastromyzon szechuanensis
- Sinogastromyzon wui
- Triplophysa dalaica
- Triplophysa intermedia
- Triplophysa microps
- Triplophysa moquensis
- Triplophysa obtusirostra
- Triplophysa orientalis
- Triplophysa stenura
- Triplophysa stewarti
- Triplophysa tibetana
- Triplophysa turpanensis
- Triplophysa xichangensis
- Tuberoschistura baenzigeri
- Tuberoschistura cambodgiensis
- Zagroz dwarf loach
- Vanmanenia pingchowensis
- Vietnamese multi banded zebra loach
- Yunnanilus pachycephalus
True loaches
- Acanthopsoides delphax
- Acanthopsoides gracilentus
- Acanthopsoides gracilis
- Acanthopsoides hapalias
- Acanthopsoides molobrion
- Horseface loach
- Horse-faced loach
- Yoyo loach
- Botia dario
- Botia histrionica
- Canthophrys gongota
- Cobitis bilineata
- Euphrates spined loach
- Balkan loach
- Cobitis elongatoides
- Aegean spined loach
- Cobitis kurui
- Spiny loach
- Cobitis melanoleuca
- Cobitis ohridana
- Cobitis pontica
- Colchic spined loach
- Galatian spined loach
- Cobitis sinensis
- Struma spined loach
- Spined loach
- Don spined loach
- Cobitis vardarensis
- Lepidocephalichthys annandalei
- Lepidocephalichthys berdmorei
- Lepidocephalichthys coromandelensis
- Lepidocephalichthys furcatus
- Lepidocephalichthys goalparensis
- Lepidocephalichthys guntea
- Lepidocephalichthys hasselti
- Loktak loach
- Lepidocephalichthys manipurensis
- Lepidocephalichthys micropogon
- Peppered loach
- Lepidocephalus thermalis
- Leptobotia guilinensis
- Leptobotia pellegrini
- Pond loach
- Weatherfish
- Neoeucirrhichthys maydelli
- Pangio cuneovirgata
- Indian coolie-loach
- Pangio myersi
- Pangio pangia
- Pangio semicincta
- Parabotia fasciata
- Parabotia maculosa
- Golden spined loach
- Sabanejewia balcanica
- Sabanejewia baltica
- Sabanejewia bulgarica
- Sabanejewia caucasica
- Sabanejewia kubanica
- Italian loach
- Banded tiger loach
- Yasuhikotakia caudipunctata
- Sun loach
- Red-finned loach
- Blue botia
- Skunk loach
- Common bream
- Mesopotamian bream
- Caucasian bream
- Acapoeta tanganicae
- Kinesisk bitterling
- Acheilognathus melanogaster
- Acheilognathus taenianalis
- Ruivaco
- Chiselmouth
- Acrossocheilus beijiangensis
- Acrossocheilus hemispinus
- Acrossocheilus parallens
- Acrossocheilus yunnanensis
- Longfin dace
- Albulichthys albuloides
- South Caspian sprilin
- Transcaucasian sprilin
- Dagestan spirlin
- Kuban spirlin
- Manyas sprilin
- Russian spirlin
- Common bleak
- Alburnus arborella
- Black spotted bleak
- Danube bleak
- Georgian shemaya
- Sakarya bleak
- Kura bleak
- Hazer Shah kuli
- Alburnus hohenackeri
- Alburnus istanbulensis
- İskenderun shah kuli
- Azov shemaya
- Alburnus mento
- Neretva bleak
- Alburnus scoranza
- Shah kuli
- Alburnus thessalicus
- Amblypharyngodon atkinsonii
- Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae
- Silver carplet
- Indian carplet
- Amblypharyngodon mola
- Amblyrhynchichthys micracanthus
- Chinese bleak
- Arabian shabout
- Aspidoparia jaya
- Asp
- Atrilinea roulei
- Blue bream
- White-eye bream
- Ariza labeo
- Kalabans
- Bangana devdevi
- Bangana diplostoma
- Sucker barb
- Barbodes aurotaeniatus
- Spotted barb
- Carnatic carp
- Spanner barb
- Barbodes rhombeus
- Gold barb
- Red tailed tinfoil
- Java barb
- Tinfoil barb
- Barbus ablabes
- Hamilton's barb
- Spottail barb
- Ripon barbel
- Barbus amanpoae
- Barbus anema
- Broadstriped barb
- Chubbyhead barb
- Barbus ansorgii
- East African red-finned barb
- Barbus arcislongae
- Rosefin barb
- Barbus aspilus
- Barbus atakorensis
- Dash-dot barb
- Barbus atromaculatus
- Barbus balcanicus
- Common barbel
- Barbus bernardi
- Barotse barb
- Barbus baudoni
- Barbus bergi
- Hyphen barb
- Barbus brazzai
- Shorthead barb
- Barbus brevidorsalis
- Barbus brichardi
- Barbus bynni
- Barbus callensis
- Clipper barb
- African redfinned barb
- Barbus candens
- Barbus carens
- Barbus carpathicus
- Barbus chicapaensis
- Barbus chiumbeensis
- Barbus chlorotaenia
- Barbus ciscaucasicus
- Barbus crocodilensis
- Barbus cyclolepis
- Barbus diamouanganai
- Cunene barb
- Barbus ensis
- Sakarya barbel
- Barbus evansi
- African banded barb
- Barbus fasolt
- Barbus figuiguensis
- Barbus fritschii
- Barbus guirali
- Redtail barb
- Sickle barb
- Spotscale barb
- Namaquab barb
- Butterfly barb
- Barbus humeralis
- Barbus hypsolepis
- Inconspicuous barb
- Barbus intermedius
- Jackson's barb
- Jae barb
- Barbus janssensi
- Barbus johnstonii
- Barbus kamaia
- Barbus kamolondoensis
- Redspot barb
- Gillbar barb
- Barbus kubanicus
- Barbus labiosa
- Lizard barbel
- Barbus leonensis
- Barbus lepineyi
- Line-spotted barb
- Barbus litamba
- Barbus luapulae
- Luika barb
- Barbus lukusiensis
- Barbus luluae
- Barbus macinensis
- Blackstripe barb
- Broadband bard
- Bunjako barb
- Barbus magniatlantis
- Yellow barb
- Barbus marmoratus
- Barbus martorelli
- Barbus massaensis
- Barbus matthesi
- Papermouth
- Barbus mawambiensis
- Ewaso Nyiro barb
- Zigzag barb
- Barbus moulouyensis
- Copperstripe barb
- Barbus musumbi
- Sidespot barb
- Barbus neglectus
- Neumayer's barb
- Barbus nigeriensis
- Barbus nounensis
- Nyanza barb
- Barbus oligogrammus
- Marmara barbel
- Olivegreen ufipa barb
- Pangani barb
- Barbus pallaryi
- Goldie barb
- Straightfin barb
- Barbus parablabes
- Barbus parajae
- Pellegrin's barb
- Barbus peloponnesius
- Barbus pergamonensis
- Barbus perince
- Romanian barbel
- Italian barbel
- Barbus pobeguini
- Dashtail barb
- Briána
- Barbus prionacanthus
- Barbus punctitaeniatus
- Redeye barb
- Southern papermouth
- Western Balkan barbel
- Barbus rubrostigma
- Barbus sacratus
- Barbus setivimensis
- Barbus somereni
- Barbus stanleyi
- Barbus stappersii
- Midspot barb
- Barbus strumicae
- Barbus sublineatus
- Barbus taeniopleura
- Barbus tanapelagius
- Thamalakane barb
- East coast barb
- Barbus trachypterus
- Threespot barb
- Barbus trinotatus
- Barbus trispilomimus
- Barbus trispilopleura
- Barbus trispilos
- Barbus tropidolepis
- Lake Turkana barb
- Slender barb
- Barbus urostigma
- Barbus usambarae
- Bowstripe barb
- Vistula barbel
- Barbus wurtzi
- Nzoia barb
- Zanzibar barb
- Barilius bakeri
- Barilius barila
- Barna baril
- Barilius bendelisis
- Barilius gatensis
- Mesopotamian barilius
- Barilius shacra
- Barilius tileo
- Barilius vagra
- Blicca bjoerkna
- Dwarf rasbora
- Three-spotted dwarf minnow
- Morar
- Central stoneroller
- Largescale stoneroller
- Mexican stoneroller
- Bluefin stoneroller
- Highland stoneroller
- Fourbarbel scraper
- Colchic scraper
- Namak scraper
- Taurus scraper
- Caucasian scraper
- Levantine scraper
- Ceyhan scraper
- Nipple-lip scraper
- Western fourbarbel scraper
- Longspine scraper
- Tigirs scraper
- Mesopotamian himri
- Carassioides acuminatus
- Carassius auratus
- Crucian carp
- Chagunius chagunio
- Chagunius nicholsi
- Humpback
- Predatory carp
- Mongolian redfin
- Silver hatchet chela
- Turkana sardine
- Chelaethiops congicus
- Chelaethiops elongatus
- Chelaethiops minutus
- Black sea nase
- Colchic nase
- Kura nase
- Kuban's nase
- Common nase
- Terek nase
- Mesopotamian nase
- Volga undermouth
- Northern redbelly dace
- Southern redbelly dace
- Finescale dace
- Mountain redbelly dace
- Deccan white carp
- Cirrhinus mrigala
- Reba carp
- Redside dace
- Rosyside dace
- Congo barb
- Clypeobarbus pleuropholis
- Upjaw barb
- Cosmochilus harmandi
- Lake chub
- Crossocheilus atrilimes
- Burmese latia
- Gangetic latia
- Siamese algae eater
- Crossocheilus reticulatus
- Culter recurviceps
- Beardless barb
- Cyclocheilichthys armatus
- Cyclocheilichthys enoplos
- Mekong giant barb
- Cyclocheilichthys heteronema
- Cyclocheilichthys lagleri
- Cyclocheilichthys repasson
- Satinfin shiner
- Ocmulgee shiner
- Alabama shiner
- Bluntface shiner
- Greenfin shiner
- Whitetail shiner
- Tallapoosa shiner
- Thicklip chub
- Bannerfin shiner
- Red shiner
- Whitefin shiner
- Fieryblack shiner
- Spotfin shiner
- Tricolor shiner
- Blacktail shiner
- Steelcolor shiner
- Santee chub
- Hadramaut lotak
- Smallmouth lotak
- Largemouth lotak
- Arabian lotak
- Indus lotak
- Cyprinus rubrofuscus
- Pearl danio
- Glowlight danio
- Danio dangila
- Blue danio
- Zebrafish
- Rose danio
- Danionella translucida
- Filament barb
- Giant danio
- Bengal danio
- Devario fangfangae
- Devario gibber
- Devario laoensis
- Devario leptos
- Malabar danio
- Queen danio
- Roundnose minnow
- Guadalupe roundnose minnow
- Nueces roundnose minnow
- Discherodontus ashmeadi
- Discherodontus schroederi
- Discogobio tetrabarbatus
- Discogobio yunnanensis
- Distoechodon tumirostris
- Lake sardine
- Rainbow shark
- Longjaw minnow
- Silverjaw minnow
- Streamline chub
- Ozark chub
- Blotched chub
- Gravel chub
- Burmese flying barb
- Esomus altus
- Esomus barbatus
- Esomus caudiocellatus
- Esomus danrica
- Striped flying barb
- Esomus thermoicos
- Tonguetied minnow
- Cutlip minnow
- Garra aethiopica
- Annandale garra
- Oman garra
- Garra blanfordii
- Garra bourreti
- Cambodian logsucker
- Garra congoensis
- Barbless disc-barb
- Garra dembecha
- Cameroon logsucker
- Garra fasciacauda
- Garra fuliginosa
- Garra geba
- Gotyla
- Garra ignestii
- Kemp garra
- Lamta garra
- Garra lissorhynchus
- Garra makiensis
- Cauvery garra
- Mullya garra
- Naga garra
- Garra nasuta
- Garra notata
- Garra orientalis
- Garra ornata
- Doctor fish
- Aden garra
- Nilgiri garra
- Garra theunensis
- Arabian garra
- Small-mouth garra
- Garra waterloti
- Catla
- Utah chub
- Blue chub
- Rio Grande chub
- Gnathopogon nicholsi
- Gobio alverniae
- Don gudgeon
- Gobio bulgaricus
- Carpathian gudgeon
- Colchic gudgeon
- Gudgeon
- Gobio holurus
- Gobio kubanicus
- Iberian gudgeon
- Gobio obtusirostris
- Gobio occitaniae
- Sakarya gudgeon
- Ukrainian gudgeon
- Gobio volgensis
- Gymnocypris waddellii
- Gymnostomus caudimaculatus
- Gymnostomus lineatus
- Gymnostomus lobatus
- Gymnostomus ornatipinnis
- Gymnostomus siamensis
- Melon barb
- Haludaria kannikattiensis
- Hampala dispar
- Hampala barb
- Hemibarbus longirostris
- Hemibarbus umbrifer
- Sharpbelly
- Hemiculterella sauvagei
- Asi golden barb
- Red stripe barb
- Mesopotamian garra
- California roach
- Green carplet
- Huigobio chenhsienensis
- Brassy minnow
- Cypress minnow
- Mississippi silvery minnow
- Plains minnow
- Eastern silvery minnow
- Bigeye chub
- Pallid shiner
- Highback chub
- Lined chub
- Rosyface chub
- Clear chub
- Hypselobarbus jerdoni
- Hypselobarbus kurali
- Goldfin tinfoil barb
- Hypsibarbus myitkyinae
- Hypsibarbus salweenensis
- Hypsibarbus vernayi
- Hypsibarbus wetmorei
- Rednose labeo
- Angra labeo
- Labeo annectens
- Cunene labeo
- Labeo barbatus
- Minor carp
- Labeo batesii
- Boga labeo
- Boggut labeo
- Orangefin labeo
- Labeo camerunensis
- Orange River mudfish
- Labeo chariensis
- Black sharkminnow
- Purple labeo
- Labeo coubie
- Labeo cyclopinnis
- Harlequin sharkminnow
- Redeye labeo
- Labeo degeni
- Labeo dhonti
- Malabar labeo
- Labeo dyocheilus
- Labeo falcipinnis
- Fringed-lipped peninsula carp
- Labeo forskalii
- Labeo fulakariensis
- Kuria labeo
- Labeo greenii
- Gregori's labeo
- Labeo kawrus
- Labeo kibimbi
- Labeo kirkii
- Pigmouth carp
- Labeo lineatus
- Labeo longipinnis
- Labeo lualabaensis
- Red-spot mudsucker
- Upper Zambezi labeo
- Labeo macrostoma
- Murree labeo
- Leaden labeo
- Labeo nasus
- Nile carp
- Labeo nunensis
- Labeo parvus
- Bombay labeo
- Labeo quadribarbis
- Labeo rocadasi
- Rohu
- Labeo rosae
- Labeo roseopunctatus
- Tugela labeo
- Silver labeo
- Labeo sanagaensis
- Labeo senegalensis
- Labeo simpsoni
- Moggel
- Ningu
- Sicklefin labeo
- Smallmouth yellowfish
- Drakensberg minnow
- Labeobarbus batesii
- Labeobarbus brevispinis
- Labeobarbus cardozoi
- Labeobarbus caudovittatus
- Zambezi yellowfish
- Labeobarbus compiniei
- Labeobarbus habereri
- Labeobarbus intermedius
- Labeobarbus malacanthus
- Largescale yellowfish
- Labeobarbus megastoma
- Labeobarbus micronema
- Scaly yellowfish
- Labeobarbus nedgia
- Smallscale yellowfish
- Labeobarbus progenys
- Labeobarbus truttiformis
- Labeobarbus tsanensis
- Labeobarbus versluysii
- Labiobarbus leptocheila
- Labiobarbus siamensis
- Dadio
- Laubuca laubuca
- Hitch
- Leptocypris lujae
- Leptocypris modestus
- Nile minnow
- Leptocypris weeksii
- Leptocypris weynsii
- Mountain dace
- Moderlieschen
- Bearn beaked dace
- Leuciscus burdigalensis
- Leuciscus chuanchicus
- Leuciscus danilewskii
- Ide
- Common dace
- Leuciscus oxyrrhis
- Mesopotamian asp
- Lobocheilos melanotaenia
- Lobocheilos rhabdoura
- Albanian barbel
- Luciobarbus bocagei
- Luciobarbus graellsii
- Lydian barbel
- Mursa
- Levantine barbel
- Andalusian barbel
- Shark minnow
- White shiner
- Cardinal shiner
- Crescent shiner
- Striped shiner
- Warpaint shiner
- Common shiner
- Duskystripe shiner
- Bleeding shiner
- Bandfin shiner
- Blueside shiner
- Blacktip shiner
- Pretty shiner
- Scarlet shiner
- Ribbon shiner
- Mountain shiner
- Pinewoods shiner
- Cherryfin shiner
- Ouachita Mountain shiner
- Redfin shiner
- Speckled chub
- Sturgeon chub
- Shoal chub
- Burrhead chub
- Sicklefin chub
- Silver chub
- Allegheny pearl dace
- Northern pearl dace
- Wuchang bream
- Bengala barb
- River sardine
- Malagarasi sardine
- Taiwan lesser-bream
- Metzia lineata
- Microdevario gatesi
- Microdevario kubotai
- Microdevario nanus
- Microphysogobio chinssuensis
- Microphysogobio fukiensis
- Microphysogobio kachekensis
- Microphysogobio kiatingensis
- Microphysogobio tafangensis
- Kinneret bream
- Peamouth
- Mylopharodon conocephalus
- Mystacoleucus argenteus
- Mystacoleucus atridorsalis
- Mystacoleucus chilopterus
- Mystacoleucus ectypus
- Mystacoleucus greenwayi
- Mystacoleucus marginatus
- Athi sardine
- Neobola moeruensis
- Neobola stellae
- Neolissochilus paucisquamatus
- Neolissochilus soroides
- Neolissochilus stracheyi
- Neolissochilus vittatus
- Redspot chub
- Hornyhead chub
- Redtail chub
- Bluehead chub
- River chub
- Bigmouth chub
- Bull chub
- Golden shiner
- Whitemouth shiner
- Highfin shiner
- Texas shiner
- Orangefin shiner
- Comely shiner
- Pugnose shiner
- Popeye shiner
- Burrhead shiner
- Emerald shiner
- Blackspot shiner
- Rough shiner
- Red River shiner
- Bridle shiner
- River shiner
- Bigeye shiner
- Ghost shiner
- Silverside shiner
- Ironcolor shiner
- Redlip shiner
- Greenhead shiner
- Rainbow shiner
- Dusky shiner
- Bigmouth shiner
- Fluvial shiner
- Wedgespot shiner
- Redeye chub
- Blackchin shiner
- Blacknose shiner
- Spottail shiner
- Rio Grande shiner
- Tennessee shiner
- Longnose shiner
- Yellowfin shiner
- Taillight shiner
- Highland shiner
- Ozark minnow
- Carmine shiner
- Coastal shiner
- Silver shiner
- Chub shiner
- Swallowtail shiner
- Yazoo shiner
- Rosyface shiner
- Saffron shiner
- Bedrock shiner
- Sabine shiner
- New River shiner
- Sandbar shiner
- Silverband shiner
- Mirror shiner
- Silverstripe shiner
- Sand shiner
- Telescope shiner
- Weed shiner
- Topeka shiner
- Skygazer shiner
- Mimic shiner
- Channel shiner
- Coosa shiner
- Ochetobius elongatus
- Onychostoma fusiforme
- Onychostoma meridionale
- Opsaridium loveridgii
- Southern barred minnow
- Dwarf sanjika
- Opsaridium ubangiense
- Barred minnow
- Opsariichthys bidens
- Opsarius barnoides
- Opsarius bernatziki
- Opsarius koratensis
- Opsarius ornatus
- Opsarius pulchellus
- Pugnose minnow
- Oregon chub
- Oreichthys cosuatis
- Sacramento blackfish
- Malabar osteobrama
- Osteobrama cotio
- Osteobrama cunma
- Osteobrama feae
- Nilgiri osteobrama
- Bheema osteobrama
- Kantaka barb
- Osteochilichthys thomassi
- Osteochilus enneaporos
- Dusky face carp
- Osteochilus melanopleura
- Bonylip barb (preferred over 'Pla rong mai tub')
- Nash barb
- Osteochilus salsburyi
- Osteochilus spilurus
- Hard-lipped barb
- Waandersii's hard-lipped barb
- Oxygaster anomalura
- Albanian roach
- Parachela hypophthalmus
- Parachela maculicauda
- Parachela oxygastroides
- Parachela siamensis
- Parachela williaminae
- Parachondrostoma miegii
- Paralaubuca barroni
- Paralaubuca harmandi
- Paralaubuca riveroi
- Paralaubuca typus
- Khandalla minnow
- Parasikukia maculata
- Cá lá giang
- Dáska
- Ziege
- Rosy barb
- Pethia didi
- Pethia erythromycter
- Golden barb
- Pethia guganio
- Pethia meingangbii
- Pethia narayani
- Spottedsail barb
- Dotted sawfin barb
- Pethia stoliczkanus
- Pethia thelys
- Ticto barb
- Dnieper chub
- Smyrna chub
- Riffle minnow
- Fatlips minnow
- Suckermouth minnow
- Kanawha minnow
- Stargazing minnow
- Phoxinus bigerri
- Phoxinus colchicus
- Phoxinus lumaireul
- Common minnow
- Phoxinus septimaniae
- Bluntnose minnow
- Fathead minnow
- Slim minnow
- Bullhead minnow
- Placocheilus caudofasciatus
- Smallscale yellowfin
- Flathead chub
- Platysmacheilus exiguus
- Sacramento splittail
- Poropuntius bantamensis
- Poropuntius burtoni
- Poropuntius carinatus
- Poropuntius faucis
- Poropuntius genyognathus
- Poropuntius laoensis
- Poropuntius normani
- Prolabeops melanhypopterus
- South European nase
- Iberian nase
- Pseudogobio vaillanti
- Pseudogyrinocheilus prochilus
- Pseudohemiculter hainanensis
- Pseudolaubuca engraulis
- Pseudolaubuca sinensis
- Tuz Lake spring minnow
- Levantine minnow
- Levantine spring minnow
- Pseudorasbora elongata
- Stone moroko
- Broadstripe shiner
- Apalachee shiner
- Sailfin shiner
- Metallic shiner
- Flagfin shiner
- Lowland shiner
- Ptychobarbus dipogon
- Sacramento pikeminnow
- Northern pikeminnow
- Umpqua pikeminnow
- Puntigrus partipentazona
- Puntioplites falcifer
- Puntioplites proctozystron
- Puntioplites waandersi
- Red side barb
- Puntius brevis
- Swamp barb
- Puntius dorsalis
- Parrah barb
- Puntius pugio
- Khavli barb
- Pool barb
- Onespot barb
- Greenstripe barb
- Raiamas batesii
- Trout barb
- Raiamas buchholzi
- Coppernose barb
- Burmese trout
- Lake Rukwa minnow
- Raiamas salmolucius
- Senegal minnow
- Raiamas steindachneri
- Rasbora amplistriga
- Rasbora atridorsalis
- Pale rasbora
- Blackline rasbora
- Greater scissortail
- Cauvery rasbora
- Slender rasbora
- Twospot rasbora
- Rasbora labiosa
- Redstripe rasbora
- Largescaled rasbora
- Sidestripe rasbora
- Gangetic scissortail rasbora
- Rasbora rubrodorsalis
- Dwarf scissortail rasbora
- Chinese rasbora
- Yellowtail rasbora
- Scissortail rasbora
- Rasbora vulgaris
- Silver cyprinid
- Blacknose dace
- Longnose dace
- Umpqua dace
- Leopard dace
- Western blacknose dace
- Speckled dace
- Umatilla dace
- European bitterling
- Georgian bitterling
- Rhodeus fangi
- Light's bitterling
- Rhodeus meridionalis
- Rhodeus rheinardti
- Amur bitterling
- Rhodeus sinensis
- Rhodeus spinalis
- Chekanovskii's minnow
- Swamp minnow
- Redside shiner
- Lahontan redside
- Vatani rohtee
- White-finned gudgeon
- Northern whitefin gudgeon
- Romanogobio ciscaucasicus
- Romanogobio elimeius
- Kessler's gudgeon
- South Caucasian gudgeon
- Romanogobio parvus
- Romanogobio pentatrichus
- Don whitefin gudgeon
- Danube gudgeon
- Danube whitefin gudgeon
- Rutilus aula
- Rutilus basak
- Vobla
- Black sea roach
- Rutilus heckelii
- Rutilus karamani
- Rutilus ohridanus
- Pigo
- Common roach
- Cactus roach
- Silver razorbelly minnow
- Large razorbelly minnow
- Bloch razorbelly minnow
- Boopis razorbelly minnow
- Novacula razor belly minnow
- Finescale razorbelly minnow
- Sardinella razorbelly minnow
- Salmophasia sladoni
- Mahanadi razorbelly minnow
- Sarcocheilichthys parvus
- Sarcocheilichthys sinensis
- Scaphesthes macrolepis
- Scaphiodonichthys acanthopterus
- Scaphiodonichthys burmanicus
- Scaphognathops stejnegeri
- Common rudd
- Scardinius hesperidicus
- Skadar rudd
- Scardinius plotizza
- Gorgak
- Schizothorax griseus
- Schizothorax heterochilus
- Schizothorax lissolabiatus
- Nepalese snowtrout
- Schizothorax oconnori
- Transcaspian marinka
- Dinnawah snowtrout
- Schizothorax waltoni
- Securicula gora
- Dusky labiate-barbel
- Creek chub
- Fallfish
- Sandhills chub
- Dixie chub
- Sikukia stejnegeri
- Sinibrama affinis
- Sinibrama macrops
- Tui chub
- Spinibarbus denticulatus
- Squalidus atromaculatus
- Squalidus wolterstorffi
- Trasimeno chub
- Central Anatolian pike chub
- Squalius aphipsi
- Tuzla chub
- Mesopotamian chub
- Squalius carolitertii
- European chub
- Marmara chub
- Aegean chub
- Squalius laietanus
- Mesopotamian pike chub
- Squalius orpheus
- Squalius pamvoticus
- Squalius peloponnensis
- Squalius platyceps
- Squalius prespensis
- Sakarya chub
- Squalius squalus
- Transcaucasian chub
- Squalius vardarensis
- Systomus jacobusboehlkei
- Olive barb
- Telestes montenigrinus
- Telestes muticellus
- Telestes pleurobipunctatus
- Souffia
- Anchovy rasbora
- Tiny scale barb
- Tench
- Toxabramis houdemeri
- Lambchop rasbora
- Harlequin rasbora
- Tropidophoxinellus hellenicus
- Varicorhinus altipinnis
- Varicorhinus axelrodi
- Varicorhinus beso
- Varicorhinus ensifer
- Varicorhinus fimbriatus
- Varicorhinus macrolepidotus
- Varicorhinus mariae
- Pungwe chiselmouth
- Varicorhinus sandersi
- Varicorhinus steindachneri
- Varicorhinus tornieri
- Varicorhinus werneri
- Menderes vimba
- Zarte
- Xenocypris macrolepis
- Yaoshan carp
- Niger barb
- Barbus bynni waldroni
- Systomus sarana subnasutus
- Balitora minnow
- Rainbow minnow
- Homaloptera minnow
- Psilorhynchus nepalensis
- Stone carp
- River stone carp
- River carpsucker
- Quillback
- Highfin carpsucker
- Utah sucker
- Longnose sucker
- Desert sucker
- Bridgelip sucker
- White sucker
- Bluehead sucker
- Owens sucker
- Sonora sucker
- Flannelmouth sucker
- Largescale sucker
- Sacramento sucker
- Mountain sucker
- Klamath smallscale sucker
- Tahoe sucker
- Blue sucker
- Southeastern blue sucker
- Western creek chubsucker
- Creek chubsucker
- Lake chubsucker
- Sharpfin chubsucker
- Alabama hogsucker
- Northern hogsucker
- Roanoke hog sucker
- Smallmouth buffalo
- Bigmouth buffalo
- Black buffalo
- Spotted sucker
- Silver redhorse
- Bigeye jumprock
- Smallmouth redhorse
- River redhorse
- Blacktip jumprock
- Notchlip redhorse
- Gray redhorse
- Black redhorse
- Golden redhorse
- Greater jumprock
- Shorthead redhorse
- V-lip redhorse
- Pealip redhorse
- Blacktail redhorse
- Striped jumprock
- Greater redhorse
- Torrent sucker
There are 90 species in the order Osmeriformes assessed as least concern. Osmeriformes includes freshwater smelts and allies.
- Pond smelt
- Osmerus dentex
- European smelt
- Rainbow smelt
- Longfin smelt
- Eulachon
- Agassiz' slickhead
- Small scaled brown slickhead
- Owston's slickhead
- Smalleye smooth-head
- Risso's smooth-head
- Asquamiceps caeruleus
- Asquamiceps hjorti
- Bajacalifornia calcarata
- Bigeye smooth-head
- Black warrior
- Fangtooth smooth-head
- Koefoed's smooth-head
- Michael Sars smooth-head
- Smallscale smooth-head
- Bathytroctes squamosus
- Long-fin smooth-head
- Murray's smooth-head
- Salmon smooth-head
- Toothless smooth-head
- Loosescale smooth-head
- Krefft's smooth-head
- Grenadier smooth-head
- Narcetes erimelas
- Blackhead salmon
- Starry smooth-head
- Abyssal smooth-head
- Softskin smooth-head
- Madeiran smooth-head
- Antillean slickhead
- Talismania bifurcata
- Talismania homoptera
- Talismania longifilis
- Threadfin smooth-head
- Bluntsnout smooth-head
- Alice Argentina
- North-pacific argentine
- Striated argentine
- Smalltoothed argentine
- Glossanodon polli
- Pygmy argentine
- Palebelly searsid
- Bighead searsid
- Holtbyrnia cyanocephala
- Holtbyrnia innesi
- Bigeye searsid
- Palegold searsid
- Maul's searsid
- Smallscale searsid
- Dark searsid
- Longbilled searsid
- Midridged searsid
- Largepore tubeshoulder
- Beaked searsid
- Multipore searsid
- Legless searsid
- Shining tubeshoulder
- Schnakenbeck's searsid
- Koefoed's searsid
Deep-sea smelts
- Grey's deepsea smelt
- Bathylagichthys problematicus
- Silver big-eye smelt
- Longsnout blacksmelt
- Bigscale deepsea smelt
- Stout blacksmelt
Other Osmeriformes species
- Agassiz's smooth-head
- Slender argentine
- Nansenia atlantica
- Nansenia tenera
- Short-snout icefish
- New Zealand smelt
- Stokell's smelt
- Xenophthalmichthys danae
Includes milkfish, beaked salmon and allies.
- Cromeria nilotica
- Beaked salmon
- Angola Kneria
- Airbreathing shellear
- Kneria katangae
- Cunene Kneria
- Kneria paucisquamata
- Northern Kneria
- Kneria rukwaensis
- Kneria stappersii
- Kneria wittei
- Parakneria abbreviata
- Parakneria cameronensis
- Gorongoza Kneria
- Parakneria spekii
- Hingemouth
There are 578 catfish species assessed as least concern.
- Copionodon pecten
- Glanapteryx niobium
- Malacoglanis gelatinosus
- Plectrochilus wieneri
- Pseudostegophilus haemomyzon
- Trichomycterus longibarbatus
- Trichomycterus maracaiboensis
- Trichomycterus stawiarski
- Snail bullhead
- Ictalurus catus
- Black bullhead
- Yellow bullhead
- Brown bullhead
- Flat bullhead
- Spotted bullhead
- Blue catfish
- Channel catfish
- Ozark madtom
- Elegant madtom
- Mountain madtom
- Slender madtom
- Checkered madtom
- Stonecat
- Black madtom
- Tadpole madtom
- Least madtom
- Margined madtom
- Speckled madtom
- Eastern Ozark madtom
- Brindled madtom
- Freckled madtom
- Brown madtom
- Flathead catfish
- Basa fish
- Pangasius conchophilus
- Spot pangasius
- Pangasius macronema
- Mekong catfish
- Pangasius nasutus
- Pangasius pangasius
- Pangasius polyuranodon
- Pseudolais pleurotaenia
- Exostoma labiatum
- Gagata cenia
- Gagata dolichonema
- Gagata gagata
- Gagata melanopterus
- Gagata sexualis
- Glyptosternon maculatum
- Glyptothorax alaknandi
- Glyptothorax annandalei
- Glyptothorax botius
- Glyptothorax burmanicus
- Glyptothorax callopterus
- Glyptothorax cavia
- Glyptothorax chindwinica
- Glyptothorax dorsalis
- Glyptothorax fokiensis
- Glyptothorax garhwali
- Glyptothorax granulus
- Glyptothorax horai
- Glyptothorax indicus
- Glyptothorax lampris
- Glyptothorax laosensis
- Glyptothorax lonah
- Glyptothorax macromaculatus
- Glyptothorax ngapang
- Glyptothorax pectinopterus
- Glyptothorax stolickae
- Glyptothorax telchitta
- Three-lined catfish
- Glyptothorax ventrolineatus
- Gogangra viridescens
- Nangra assamensis
- Kosi nangra
- Oreoglanis hypsiurus
- Oreoglanis infulatus
- Oreoglanis macropterus
- Parachiloglanis hodgarti
- Pareuchiloglanis longicauda
- Pareuchiloglanis poilanei
- Pseudecheneis serracula
- Pseudecheneis sulcata
- Sisor rabdophorus
- Belodontichthys truncatus
- Hemisilurus mekongensis
- Kryptopterus bicirrhis
- Kryptopterus cryptopterus
- Kryptopterus geminus
- Kryptopterus macrocephalus
- Kryptopterus micronema
- Goan catfish
- Ompok urbaini
- Phalacronotus apogon
- Phalacronotus bleekeri
- Pterocryptis anomala
- Burmese silurus
- Pterocryptis cochinchinensis
- Silurichthys schneideri
- Amur catfish
- Wels catfish
- Silurus meridionalis
- Mesopotamian catfish
Loach catfishes
- Amphilius atesuensis
- Amphilius brevis
- Amphilius cryptobullatus
- Marbled mountain catfish
- Broadtail mountain catfish
- Amphilius longirostris
- Natal mountain catfish
- Mountain barbel
- Amphilius pulcher
- Amphilius rheophilus
- Common mountain catfish
- Amphilius zairensis
- Andersonia leptura
- Belonoglanis tenuis
- Congoglanis alula
- Doumea angolensis
- Doumea sanaga
- Doumea typica
- Leptoglanis xenognathus
- Paramphilius baudoni
- Phractura brevicauda
- Phractura clauseni
- Phractura lindica
- Phractura longicauda
- Phractura scaphyrhynchura
- Phractura tenuicauda
- Tetracamphilius notatus
- Trachyglanis ineac
- Zaireichthys brevis
- Zaireichthys heterurus
- Sand catlet
- Auchenoglanis biscutatus
- Giraffe catfish
- Bathybagrus tetranema
- Chrysichthys ansorgii
- Golden Nile catfish
- Chrysichthys bocagii
- Kibonde
- Chrysichthys brevibarbis
- Kokuni
- Chrysichthys delhezi
- Chrysichthys duttoni
- Kukumai
- Chrysichthys graueri
- Chrysichthys habereri
- Chrysichthys johnelsi
- Chrysichthys laticeps
- Chrysichthys longibarbis
- Aluminum catfish
- Chrysichthys mabusi
- Chrysichthys maurus
- Bagrid catfish
- Chrysichthys ogooensis
- Chrysichthys okae
- Mottled catfish
- Chrysichthys platycephalus
- Chrysichthys punctatus
- Shovelnose catfish
- Chrysichthys sianenna
- Chrysichthys stappersii
- Chrysichthys thonneri
- Chrysichthys thysi
- Chrysichthys wagenaari
- Spiny catfish
- Gephyroglanis congicus
- Lophiobagrus aquilus
- Lophiobagrus brevispinis
- African bullhead
- Notoglanidium boutchangai
- Flatnose catfish
- Parauchenoglanis altipinnis
- Parauchenoglanis balayi
- Zambezi grunter
- Parauchenoglanis punctatus
- Phyllonemus filinemus
- Spatula-barbeled catfish
Airbreathing catfishes
- Bathyclarias atribranchus
- Bathyclarias eurydon
- Bathyclarias filicibarbis
- Bathyclarias foveolatus
- Bathyclarias longibarbis
- Bathyclarias loweae
- Bathyclarias nyasensis
- Bathyclarias rotundifrons
- Bathyclarias worthingtoni
- Channallabes alvarezi
- Eel catfish
- Clariallabes centralis
- Clariallabes heterocephalus
- Clariallabes laticeps
- Clariallabes longicauda
- Clariallabes melas
- Clariallabes platyprosopos
- Clariallabes uelensis
- Clariallabes variabilis
- Clarias agboyiensis
- Clarias albopunctatus
- Alluaud's catfish
- Clarias angolensis
- Clarias anguillaris
- Walking catfish
- Clarias buettikoferi
- Clarias buthupogon
- Clarias camerunensis
- Clarias dhonti
- Clarias dumerilii
- Clarias ebriensis
- Hong Kong catfish
- Clarias gabonensis
- African catfish
- Clarias hilli
- Clarias jaensis
- Smooth-head catfish
- Clarias longior
- Clarias macromystax
- Clarias meladerma
- Blunttooth catfish
- Slender walking catfish
- Clarias nigromarmoratus
- Clarias pachynema
- Clarias platycephalus
- Clarias salae
- Clarias stappersii
- Snake catfish
- Werner's catfish
- Dolichallabes microphthalmus
- Gymnallabes typus
- Eel-like fattyfin catfish
- Heterobranchus isopterus
- Vundu
- Platyallabes tihoni
- Tanganikallabes mortiauxi
- Acanthocleithron chapini
- Atopochilus christyi
- Atopochilus savorgnani
- Pennant-tailed catlet
- Chiloglanis batesii
- Chiloglanis cameronensis
- Chiloglanis congicus
- Pangani suckermouth
- Phongolo catlet
- Okavango suckermouth
- Chiloglanis lukugae
- Chiloglanis microps
- Chiloglanis occidentalis
- Sawfin catlet
- Chiloglanis pojeri
- Shortspine catlet
- Chiloglanis sanagaensis
- Chiloglanis sardinhai
- Lowveld suckermouth
- Three-lobed suckermouth
- Chiloglanis voltae
- Euchilichthys astatodon
- Euchilichthys dybowskii
- Euchilichthys guentheri
- Euchilichthys royauxi
- Microsynodontis christyi
- Mochokiella paynei
- Mochokus brevis
- Mochokus niloticus
- Synodontis acanthomias
- Fischer's Victoria squeaker
- Bigeye squeaker (fb)
- Synodontis albolineatus
- Angel catfish
- Synodontis annectens
- Synodontis ansorgii
- Synodontis aterrimus
- Synodontis bastiani
- Nile catfish
- Synodontis batesii
- Synodontis budgetti
- Synodontis caudalis
- Synodontis centralis
- Synodontis clarias
- Synodontis congicus
- Bugeye squeaker
- Synodontis courteti
- Barredtail squeaker
- Synodontis depauwi
- Synodontis dhonti
- Featherfin squeaker
- Synodontis filamentosus
- Chocolatestriped squeaker
- Sudan squeaker
- Fuelleborn's squeaker
- Synodontis geledensis
- Synodontis gobroni
- Synodontis granulosus
- Synodontis greshoffi
- Synodontis haugi
- Synodontis katangae
- Leopard squeaker
- Synodontis longirostris
- Largespot squeaker
- Largemouth squeaker
- Synodontis matthesi
- Synodontis membranaceus
- Synodontis multipunctatus
- Cloudy squeaker
- Synodontis nigrita
- Back-swimming Congo catfish
- Blackspotted squeaker
- Malawi squeaker
- Onespot squeaker
- Synodontis nummifer
- Synodontis obesus
- Synodontis ocellifer
- Synodontis omias
- Synodontis ornatipinnis
- Synodontis ornatissimus
- Cuckoo catfish
- Congo squeaker
- Synodontis polli
- Synodontis polyodon
- Synodontis polystigma
- Synodontis punctifer
- Synodontis resupinatus
- Ricardo's squeaker
- Synodontis rufigiensis
- Lake Rukwa squeaker
- Mandi
- Synodontis schoutedeni
- Synodontis serratus
- Synodontis smiti
- Synodontis soloni
- Synodontis sorex
- Synodontis steindachneri
- Synodontis tanganyicae
- Synodontis tessmanni
- Bubblebarb squeaker
- Synodontis thysi
- Synodontis unicolor
- Finetooth squeaker
- Synodontis velifer
- Synodontis vermiculatus
- Synodontis violaceus
- Synodontis waterloti
- Upper Zambezi squeaker
- Brown squeaker
- Acentronichthys leptos
- Brachyrhamdia imitator
- Chasmocranus rosae
- Imparfinis spurrellii
- Myoglanis potaroensis
- Pimelodella cristata
- Pimelodella pappenheimi
Electric catfish species
- Kukwari sea catfish
- Hardhead catfish
- Widehead sea catfish
- Tete sea catfish
- Arius acutirostris
- Threadfin sea catfish
- Berney's catfish
- Madagascar sea catfish
- Coco sea catfish
- Gafftopsail catfish
- Chilhuil sea catfish
- Long-barbeled sea catfish
- Smoothmouth sea catfish
- Guinean sea catfish
- Yellow sea catfish
- Big-bellied sea catfish
- Higuchi's sea catfish
- Gloomy sea catfish
- Box sea catfish
- Cochlefelis burmanicus
- Peruvian sea catfish
- Guri sea catfish
- Broad-snouted catfish
- Chomba sea-catfish
- Thomas sea catfish
- Sculptured sea catfish
- Thick-lip sea-catfish
- Bressou sea catfish
- Softhead sea catfish
- Chilisea catfish
- Combinate sea catfish
- Blacktip sea catfish
- Flatmouth catfish
- Couma sea catfish
- Brown sea catfish
- Pemecou sea catfish
- Aspidoras maculosus
- Adolfo's catfish
- Corydoras cervinus
- Corydoras coppenamensis
- Corydoras ehrhardti
- Corydoras gracilis
- Bandit corydoras
- False black lancer
- Bayad
- Sudan catfish
- Kampango
- Bagrus orientalis
- Bagrus ubangensis
- Batasio batasio
- Batasio fasciolatus
- Batasio fluviatilis
- Batasio tengana
- Chandramara chandramara
- Hemibagrus macropterus
- Krishna mystus
- Hemibagrus menoda
- Hemibagrus microphthalmus
- Hemibagrus nemurus
- Hemibagrus peguensis
- Hemibagrus pluriradiatus
- Hemibagrus spilopterus
- Blacktail catfish
- Asian red tailed catfish
- Mystus albolineatus
- Mystus armatus
- Mystus atrifasciatus
- Mystus bleekeri
- Mystus carcio
- Mystus castaneus
- Mystus cavasius
- Mystus dibrugarensis
- Mystus falcarius
- Mystus gulio
- Mystus keletius
- Mystus leucophasis
- Wynaad mystus
- Mystus multiradiatus
- Mystus mysticetus
- Malabar mystus
- Zugzug catfish
- Mystus pulcher
- Mystus rufescens
- Mystus seengtee
- Mystus singaringan
- Mystus tengara
- Mystus vittatus
- Mystus wolffii
- Nanobagrus fuscus
- Pelteobagrus argentivittatus
- Braznikov's catfish
- Pseudobagrus ondon
- Pseudomystus leiacanthus
- Bumble bee catfish
- Pseudomystus stenomus
- Mahanadi rita
- Gogra rita
- Deccan rita
- Rita rita
- Rita sacerdotum
- Sperata acicularis
- Long-whiskered catfish
- Sperata aorella
- Sperata seenghala
- Tachysurus adiposalis
- Tachysurus fulvidraco
- Tachysurus intermedius
- Clupisoma garua
- Clupisoma montana
- Clupisoma prateri
- Clupisoma sinensis
- Eutropiichthys britzi
- Eutropiichthys burmannicus
- Eutropiichthys murius
- Eutropiichthys vacha
- Laides longibarbis
- Neotropius acutirostris
- Neotropius atherinoides
- Parailia congica
- Parailia occidentalis
- Glass schilbid
- Parailia spiniserrata
- Pareutropius buffei
- African glass catfish (fb)
- Pareutropius longifilis
- Pareutropius mandevillei
- Proeutropiichthys macropthalmos
- Indian taakree
- Golden barbel
- Schilbe bocagii
- Female belly up
- Schilbe congensis
- Schilbe djemeri
- Schilbe grenfelli
- Silver butter catfish
- Schilbe laticeps
- Schilbe mandibularis
- Shoulderspot catfish
- Schilbe micropogon
- Schilbe moebiusii
- Schilbe multitaeniatus
- African butter catfish
- Schilbe tumbanus
- Egyptian butter catfish
- Yangambi butterbarbel
- Silond catfish
- Siluranodon auritus
- Bushymouth catfish
- Ancistrus piriformis
- Ancistrus spinosus
- Chaetostoma patiae
- Corymbophanes kaiei
- Crossoloricaria venezuelae
- Whiptail catfish
- Dolichancistrus pediculatus
- Epactionotus gracilis
- Eurycheilichthys limulus
- Harttia longipinna
- Hemipsilichthys papillatus
- Hypostomus hemiurus
- Hypostomus luteus
- Hypostomus macrops
- Hypostomus myersi
- Hypostomus unae
- Hypostomus varimaculosus
- Lasiancistrus schomburgkii
- Lithoxus bovallii
- Loricariichthys edentatus
- Otothyris rostrata
- Oxyropsis wrightiana
- Parotocinclus haroldoi
- Parotocinclus longirostris
- Rineloricaria thrissoceps
- Rineloricaria wolfei
- Spatuloricaria euacanthagenys
- Spatuloricaria evansii
- Squaliforma tenuicauda
- Sturisoma nigrirostrum
- Sturisoma tenuirostre
Driftwood catfishes
- Auchenipterus britskii
- Auchenipterus nuchalis
- Centromochlus reticulatus
- Gelanoglanis stroudi
- Jaguar catfish
- Tatia aulopygia
- Trachelyopterus albicrux
- Erethistes pusillus
- Hara hara
- Hara horai
- Hara jerdoni
- Hara minuscula
- Pseudolaguvia kapuri
- Pseudolaguvia ribeiroi
- Pseudolaguvia shawi
Other catfish species
- Akysis hendricksoni
- Akysis prashadi
- Amblyceps apangi
- Amblyceps foratum
- Amblyceps laticeps
- Amblyceps mangois
- Amblydoras monitor
- Rock-catfish
- Gilded catfish
- Banjo cat
- Banjo catfish
- Cephalosilurus fowleri
- Angler catfish
- Chaca chaca
- Cranoglanis henrici
- Stinging catfish
- Air-sac catfish
- Olyra kempi
- Olyra longicaudata
- Ossancora fimbriata
- Singapore little warty catfish
- Parapimelodus valenciennis
- Pimelodus coprophagus
- Pseudobagarius similis
- Bocon toadfish
- Aphos porosus
- Large-eye toadfish
- Batrachoides liberiensis
- Cotuero toadfish
- Pacific toadfish
- Pacuma toadfish
- Multipored toadfish
- Dow's toadfish
- Lusitanian toadfish
- Gulf toadfish
- Bicolor toadfish
- Leopard toadfish
- Scarecrow toadfish
- Oyster toadfish
- Perulibatrachus elminensis
- Perulibatrachus rossignoli
- Darkedge midshipman
- Saddle midshipman
- Greene's midshipman
- Daisy midshipman
- Mimetic midshipman
- Porichthys myriaster
- Plainfin midshipman
- Few-rayed toadfish
- Atlantic midshipman
- Bearded toadfish
- Cano toadfish
- Big-eyed toadfish
- Copper Joe toadfish
There are 58 species and one subspecies in the order Syngnathiformes assessed as least concern. Syngnathiformes includes the pipefishes and seahorses.
- West Atlantic pygmy pipehorse
- Fringed pipefish
- Insular pipefish
- Naked pipefish
- American pugnose pipefish
- Ocellated pipefish
- Short-bodied pipefish
- Barhead pipefish
- Brown-banded pipefish
- White-nose pipefish
- Snubnose pipefish
- American crested pipefish
- Short-fin pipefish
- American dwarf pipefish
- Doryichthys boaja
- Pygmy pipefish
- Doryichthys deokhatoides
- Longsnouted pipefish
- Janss' pipefish
- Enneacampus ansorgii
- Enneacampus kaupi
- Snake pipefish
- Belly pipefish
- Beady pipefish
- Bellybarred pipefish
- Shiho's seahorse
- Ichthyocampus carce
- Harlequin pipefish
- Short-tailed pipefish
- Microphis cuncalus
- Microphis dunckeri
- Worm pipefish
- Straightnose pipefish
- Finless pipefish
- Mushroom-coral pipefish
- Black-striped pipefish
- Greater pipefish
- Barred pipefish
- Kelp pipefish
- Caribbean pipefish
- Barcheek pipefish
- Dusky pipefish
- Northern pipefish
- Bay pipefish
- Sargassum pipefish
- Lesser pipefish
- Pacific seaweed pipefish
- Gulf pipefish
- Bull pipefish
- Broadnosed pipefish
- Black-sided pipefish
Other Syngnathiformes species
- Longspine snipefish
- Longsnout bellowfish
There are 3815 species and 16 subspecies in the order Perciformes assessed as least concern.
- Slender betta
- Peaceful betta
- Spotted betta
- Betta prima
- Paradise fish
- Giant gourami
- Parasphaerichthys ocellatus
- Spiketail paradise fish
- Honey gourami
- Trichogaster fasciata
- Thick-lipped gourami
- Dwarf gourami
- Moonlight gourami
- Snakeskin gourami
- Three spot gourami
- Pygmy gourami
- Mekong croacking guaramy
- Croaking gourami
- Alticorpus macrocleithrum
- Alticorpus mentale
- Alticorpus pectinatum
- Alticorpus peterdaviesi
- Alticorpus profundicula
- Altolamprologus compressiceps
- Pearl cichlid
- Anomalochromis thomasi
- Apistogramma gephyra
- Apistogramma urteagai
- Archocentrus spinosissimus
- Aristochromis christyi
- Alluaud's haplo
- Bluelip haplo
- Astatoreochromis vanderhorsti
- Astatotilapia bloyeti
- Astatotilapia burtoni
- Eastern river bream
- Astatotilapia paludinosa
- Astatotilapia stappersii
- Nkhomo-benga peacock
- Aulonocara brevinidus
- Aulonocara gertrudae
- Aulonocara guentheri
- Fairy cichlid
- Aulonocara rostratum
- Greenface aulonocara
- Aulonocara stonemani
- Flavescent peacock
- Aulonocranus dewindti
- Baileychromis centropomoides
- Bathybates fasciatus
- Bathybates ferox
- Bathybates graueri
- Bathybates hornii
- Bathybates leo
- Bathybates minor
- Bathybates vittatus
- Benthochromis melanoides
- Benthochromis tricoti
- Giant cichlid
- Buccochromis heterotaenia
- Slender tail hap
- Stripeback hap
- Buccochromis rhoadesii
- Buccochromis spectabilis
- Callochromis macrops
- Callochromis melanostigma
- Callochromis pleurospilus
- Caprichromis liemi
- Caprichromis orthognathous
- Cardiopharynx schoutedeni
- Chaetobranchus semifasciatus
- Chalinochromis brichardi
- Champsochromis caeruleus
- Champsochromis spilorhynchus
- Malawi thicklip
- Buzi river bream
- Canary kurper
- Chetia gracilis
- Chilochromis duponti
- Chilotilapia rhoadesii
- Chromidotilapia guntheri
- Chromidotilapia kingsleyae
- Chromidotilapia mamonekenei
- Chromidotilapia melaniae
- Chromidotilapia mrac
- Chromidotilapia schoutedeni
- Congochromis dimidiatus
- Congochromis sabinae
- Congochromis squamiceps
- Copadichromis azureus
- Haplochromis borleyi redfin
- Copadichromis chrysonotus
- Copadichromis cyaneus
- Copadichromis eucinostomus
- Copadichromis flavimanus
- Copadichromis ilesi
- Copadichromis jacksoni
- Copadichromis likomae
- Copadichromis mloto
- Copadichromis pleurostigma
- Copadichromis pleurostigmoides
- Copadichromis prostoma
- Copadichromis quadrimaculatus
- Verduya's hap
- Corematodus shiranus
- Corematodus taeniatus
- Crenicichla cincta
- Pike cichlid
- Crenicichla macrophthalma
- Ctenochromis benthicola
- Ctenochromis horei
- Blackspot climbing perch
- Ctenopharynx nitidus
- Ctenopharynx pictus
- Cunningtonia longiventralis
- Cyathochromis obliquidens
- Featherfin cichlid
- Cyclopharynx fwae
- Cyclopharynx schwetzi
- Cynotilapia afra
- Cyphotilapia frontosa
- Cyprichromis leptosoma
- Cyrtocara moorii
- Malawi eyebiter
- Ncheni type haplochromis
- Dimidiochromis kiwinge
- Haplochromis sunset
- Diplotaxodon aeneus
- Diplotaxodon apogon
- Diplotaxodon argenteus
- Diplotaxodon greenwoodi
- Diplotaxodon limnothrissa
- Diplotaxodon macrops
- Divandu albimarginatus
- Docimodus evelynae
- Docimodus johnstoni
- Eclectochromis lobochilus
- Eclectochromis ornatus
- Ectodus descampsii
- Orange chromide
- Green chromide
- Threespot torpedo
- Fossorochromis rostratus
- Genyochromis mento
- Geophagus brachybranchus
- Gephyrochromis lawsi
- Gephyrochromis moorii
- Gnathochromis permaxillaris
- Gnathochromis pfefferi
- Grammatotria lemairii
- Greenwoodochromis bellcrossi
- Greenwoodochromis christyi
- Guianacara oelemariensis
- Haplochromis angustifrons
- Haplochromis bakongo
- Haplochromis chilotes
- Haplochromis crebidens
- Haplochromis eduardianus
- Haplochromis elegans
- Haplochromis flavus
- Haplochromis torpedo stripe
- Haplochromis graueri
- Haplochromis insidiae
- Haplochromis kamiranzovu
- Haplochromis laparogramma
- Haplochromis limax
- Haplochromis lucullae
- Haplochromis macconneli
- Haplochromis macropsoides
- Haplochromis microchrysomelas
- Haplochromis mylodon
- Haplochromis nigripinnis
- Haplochromis nigroides
- Haplochromis occultidens
- Haplochromis oligacanthus
- Haplochromis olivaceus
- Haplochromis pappenheimi
- Haplochromis paropius
- Haplochromis paucidens
- Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus
- Haplochromis riponianus
- Haplochromis rubescens
- Haplochromis rudolfianus
- Haplochromis scheffersi
- Haplochromis schubotzi
- Haplochromis schubotziellus
- Haplochromis squamipinnis
- Haplochromis stigmatogenys
- Haplochromis tanaos
- Haplochromis taurinus
- Haplochromis turkanae
- Haplochromis vittatus
- Haplochromis xenognathus
- Haplotaxodon microlepis
- Hemibates stenosoma
- African jewelfish
- Banded jewel cichlid
- Hemichromis exsul
- Hemichromis fasciatus
- Hemichromis letourneuxi
- Hemichromis lifalili
- Hemichromis stellifer
- Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia
- Giant haplochromis
- Texas cichlid
- Heterochromis multidens
- Julidochromis dickfeldi
- Julidochromis marlieri
- Golden julie
- Convict julie
- Masked julie
- Blue mbuna
- Scrapermouth mbuna
- Blue streak hap
- Labidochromis maculicauda
- Labidochromis mathotho
- Labidochromis shiranus
- Labidochromis textilis
- Labidochromis vellicans
- Lamprologus callipterus
- Lamprologus congoensis
- Lamprologus lemairii
- Lamprologus mocquardi
- Lamprologus ocellatus
- Lamprologus ornatipinnis
- Lamprologus signatus
- Lepidiolamprologus cunningtoni
- Lepidiolamprologus elongatus
- Lepidiolamprologus profundicola
- Lestradea perspicax
- Lestradea stappersii
- Lethrinops albus
- Lethrinops altus
- Lethrinops argenteus
- Golden sand-eater
- Lethrinops christyi
- Greenface sandsifter
- Lethrinops gossei
- Lethrinops leptodon
- Lethrinops lethrinus
- Lethrinops longimanus
- Lethrinops lunaris
- Lethrinops macrochir
- Lethrinops rounded head
- Littletooth sandeater
- Lethrinops red flush
- Lethrinops polli
- Lethrinops turneri
- Malawi gar
- Limnochromis abeelei
- Spangled cichlid
- Limnochromis staneri
- Limnotilapia dardennii
- Lithochromis rubripinnis
- Lithochromis rufus
- Lobochilotes labiatus
- Maylandia barlowi
- Maylandia crabro
- Maylandia elegans
- Maylandia fainzilberi
- Maylandia livingstonii
- Zebra mbuna
- Mbipia mbipi
- Golden mbuna
- Melanochromis benetos
- Melanochromis brevis
- Melanochromis labrosus
- Melanochromis melanopterus
- Melanochromis robustus
- Melanochromis simulans
- Purple mbuna
- Mylochromis anaphyrmus
- Mylochromis balteatus
- Mylochromis epichorialis
- Mylochromis ericotaenia
- Mylochromis formosus
- Mylochromis guentheri
- Golden mola hap
- Mylochromis labidodon
- Basket hap
- Haplochromis yellow black line
- Mylochromis melanotaenia
- Mylochromis mola
- Softy hap
- Mylochromis obtusus
- Mylochromis plagiotaenia
- Mylochromis semipalatus
- Roundtooth hap
- Mylochromis subocularis
- Naevochromis chrysogaster
- Nanochromis nudiceps
- Nanochromis parilus
- Nanochromis teugelsi
- Velvet black
- Neochromis omnicaeruleus
- Neochromis rufocaudalis
- Neolamprologus boulengeri
- Neolamprologus brevis
- Neolamprologus brichardi
- Neolamprologus caudopunctatus
- Neolamprologus crassus
- Neolamprologus falcicula
- Neolamprologus fasciatus
- Neolamprologus furcifer
- Neolamprologus gracilis
- Neolamprologus hecqui
- Neolamprologus leleupi
- Neolamprologus leloupi
- Neolamprologus longior
- Neolamprologus meeli
- Neolamprologus modestus
- Neolamprologus mondabu
- Neolamprologus moorii
- Neolamprologus multifasciatus
- Neolamprologus mustax
- Neolamprologus niger
- Neolamprologus obscurus
- Neolamprologus petricola
- Neolamprologus pleuromaculatus
- Neolamprologus prochilus
- Neolamprologus pulcher
- Neolamprologus savoryi
- Neolamprologus sexfasciatus
- Neolamprologus splendens
- Fourspine cichlid
- Neolamprologus toae
- Neolamprologus tretocephalus
- Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus
- Nimbochromis linni
- Nimbochromis livingstonii
- Nimbochromis polystigma
- Nimbochromis venustus
- Nyassachromis breviceps
- Small green utaka
- Nyassachromis microcephalus
- Nyassachromis nigritaeniatus
- Nyassachromis purpurans
- Nyassachromis serenus
- Ophthalmotilapia boops
- Ophthalmotilapia heterodonta
- Ophthalmotilapia nasuta
- Ophthalmotilapia ventralis
- Oreochromis angolensis
- Oreochromis korogwe
- Oreochromis leucostictus
- Mweru tilapia
- Black tilapia
- Oreochromis schwebischi
- Oreochromis tanganicae
- Oreochromis upembae
- Orthochromis kalungwishiensis
- Cunene dwarf happy
- Orthochromis polyacanthus
- Orthochromis stormsi
- Orthochromis torrenticola
- Otopharynx argyrosoma
- Golden-margined hap
- Otopharynx brooksi
- Otopharynx decorus
- Royal blue hap
- Otopharynx ovatus
- Otopharynx selenurus
- Otopharynx speciosus
- Otopharynx tetraspilus
- Otopharynx tetrastigma
- Pallidochromis tokolosh
- Monarch cichlid
- Paracyprichromis brieni
- Paracyprichromis nigripinnis
- Parananochromis caudifasciatus
- Parananochromis gabonicus
- Parananochromis longirostris
- Paretroplus tsimoly
- Pelmatochromis buettikoferi
- Pelmatochromis nigrofasciatus
- Pelvicachromis humilis
- Common krib
- Pelvicachromis taeniatus
- Perissodus microlepis
- Petrochromis famula
- Petrochromis fasciolatus
- Petrochromis orthognathus
- Petrochromis polyodon
- Threadfin cichlid
- Petrotilapia genalutea
- Petrotilapia tridentiger
- Dwarf bream
- Deep-water hap
- Placidochromis hennydaviesae
- Placidochromis johnstoni
- Placidochromis longimanus
- Super VC-10 hap
- Placidochromis phenochilus
- Placidochromis stonemani
- Placidochromis subocularis
- Platytaeniodus degeni
- Plecodus elaviae
- Plecodus multidentatus
- Plecodus paradoxus
- Plecodus straeleni
- Protomelas annectens
- Fenestratus
- One-and-a-half-stripe hap
- Protomelas kirkii
- Protomelas labridens
- Protomelas marginatus
- Protomelas pleurotaenia
- Protomelas similis
- Protomelas spilonotus
- Protomelas spilopterus
- Spindle hap
- Protomelas triaenodon
- Egyptian mouthbrooder
- Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi
- Pseudosimochromis curvifrons
- Pseudotropheus lucerna
- Pseudotropheus macrophthalmus
- Pseudotropheus minutus
- Pseudotropheus perspicax
- Pindani
- Red top williamsi
- Pterochromis congicus
- Ptychochromis grandidieri
- Ptychochromis oligacanthus
- Pundamilia nyererei
- Pundamilia pundamilia
- Reganochromis calliurus
- Rhamphochromis esox
- Rhamphochromis longiceps
- Rhamphochromis lucius
- Rhamphochromis macrophthalmus
- Rhamphochromis woodi
- Rainbow bream
- Sargochromis codringtonii
- Kunene bream
- Pink bream
- Deepcheek bream
- Snaileater
- Sargochromis mortimeri
- Sarotherodon caudomarginatus
- Sarotherodon mvogoi
- Schwetzochromis neodon
- Electric blue hap
- Sciaenochromis benthicola
- Sciaenochromis fryeri
- Sciaenochromis gracilis
- Electric blue kande
- Sciaenochromis spilostichus
- Humpback largemouth
- Speckleface bream
- Longfin largemouth
- Purpleface largemouth
- Yellow-belly bream
- Serranochromis spei
- Serranochromis stappersi
- Brownspot largemouth
- Simochromis babaulti
- Simochromis diagramma
- Simochromis loocki
- Simochromis pleurospilus
- Spathodus erythrodon
- Spathodus marlieri
- Lionhead cichlid
- Steatocranus gibbiceps
- Steatocranus tinanti
- Stigmatochromis modestus
- Candle hap
- Stigmatochromis woodi
- Taeniochromis holotaenia
- Taeniolethrinops cyrtonotus
- Taeniolethrinops furcicauda
- Taeniolethrinops laticeps
- Taeniolethrinops praeorbitalis
- Tangachromis dhanisi
- Spotfin goby cichlid
- Telmatochromis bifrenatus
- Telmatochromis brachygnathus
- Telmatochromis dhonti
- Telmatochromis temporalis
- Telmatochromis vittatus
- Thicklipped happy
- Thoracochromis brauschi
- Namib happy
- Thoracochromis callichromus
- Thysochromis ansorgii
- Tilapia baloni
- Tilapia bilineata
- Tilapia brevimanus
- Tilapia buttikoferi
- Tilapia cabrae
- Tilapia cameronensis
- Tilapia congica
- Tilapia dageti
- Guinean tilapia
- Tilapia louka
- Tilapia margaritacea
- Spotted tilapia
- Tilapia nyongana
- Redbreast tilapia
- Okavango tilapia
- Banded tilapia
- Tilapia tholloni
- Tramitichromis brevis
- Tramitichromis intermedius
- Tramitichromis lituris
- Tramitichromis trilineatus
- Tramitichromis variabilis
- Trematocara caparti
- Trematocara kufferathi
- Trematocara macrostoma
- Trematocara marginatum
- Trematocara nigrifrons
- Trematocara stigmaticum
- Trematocara unimaculatum
- Trematocara variabile
- Trematocranus labifer
- Haplochromis placodon pointed head
- Trematocranus placodon
- Triglachromis otostigma
- Tropheops macrophthalmus
- Tropheops novemfasciatus
- Tropheus annectens
- Tropheus brichardi
- Tropheus kasabae
- Blunthead cichlid
- Tylochromis aristoma
- Hump-back bream
- Tylochromis intermedius
- Tylochromis jentinki
- Tylochromis labrodon
- Tylochromis lateralis
- Tylochromis leonensis
- Mweru hump-backed bream
- Tylochromis polylepis
- Tylochromis pulcher
- Tylochromis robertsi
- Tylochromis sudanensis
- Tylochromis variabilis
- Tyrannochromis macrostoma
- Tyrannochromis nigriventer
- Xenotilapia bathyphilus
- Xenotilapia boulengeri
- Xenotilapia caudofasciata
- Yellow sand cichlid
- Xenotilapia leptura
- Xenotilapia longispinis
- Xenotilapia nigrolabiata
- Xenotilapia ochrogenys
- Xenotilapia ornatipinnis
- Xenotilapia sima
- Xenotilapia tenuidentata
- Rovuma tilapia
- Oreochromis placidus rovumae
- Oreochromis upembae malagarasi
- Dwarf Victoria mouthbrooder
- Upper Zambezi nembwe
- Serranochromis robustus robustus
- Naked sand darter
- Florida sand darter
- Southern sand darter
- Eastern sand darter
- Scaly sand darter
- Redspot darter
- Mud darter
- Cumberland snubnose darter
- Autumn darter
- Emerald darter
- Teardrop darter
- Splendid darter
- Corrugated darter
- Orangefin darter
- Buffalo darter
- Greenside darter
- Blenny darter
- Carolina fantail darter
- Brook darter
- Rainbow darter
- Bluebreast darter
- Greenfin darter
- Bluntnose darter
- Lipstick darter
- Creole darter
- Carolina darter
- Coastal darter
- Coosa darter
- Fringed darter
- Choctawhatchee darter
- Stone darter
- Tuskaloosa darter
- Blackside snubnose darter
- Brown darter
- Meramec saddled darter
- Cherry darter
- Arkansas saddled darter
- Iowa darter
- Fantail darter
- Saffron darter
- Strawberry darter
- Savannah darter
- Swamp darter
- Slough darter
- Tuckasegee darter
- Harlequin darter
- Christmas darter
- Turquoise darter
- Blueside darter
- Greenbreast darter
- Yoke darter
- Kanawha darter
- Highland Rim darter
- Stripetail darter
- Tombigbee darter
- Headwater darter
- Longfin darter
- Redband darter
- Brighteye darter
- Pinewoods darter
- Least darter
- Sunburst darter
- Blackfin darter
- Johnny darter
- Barcheek darter
- Westrim darter
- Okaloosa darter
- Sooty darter
- Tessellated darter
- Guardian darter
- Eastrim darter
- Goldstripe darter
- Duck darter
- Riverweed darter
- Cypress darter
- Stippled darter
- Orangebelly darter
- Kentucky darter
- Alabama darter
- Redline darter
- Rock darter
- Bloodfin darter
- Sawcheek darter
- Snubnose darter
- Slabrock darter
- Orangethroat darter
- Spottail darter
- Speckled darter
- Gulf darter
- Swannanoa darter
- Tallapoosa darter
- Tennessee darter
- Missouri saddled darter
- Seagreen darter
- Current darter
- Variegate darter
- Striped darter
- Glassy darter
- Wounded darter
- Redfin darter
- Etheostoma zonale
- Backwater darter
- Bandfin darter
- Donets ruffe
- Balon's ruffe
- Ruffe
- Schraetzer
- Yellow perch
- European perch
- Azov percarina
- Guadalupe darter
- Tangerine darter
- Southern logperch
- Common logperch
- Texas logperch
- Channel darter
- Piedmont darter
- Gilt darter
- Ozark logperch
- Appalachia darter
- Mobile logperch
- Bigscale logperch
- Blackside darter
- Longnose darter
- Chainback darter
- Blackbanded darter
- Stripeback darter
- Sharpnose darter
- Bronze darter
- Shield darter
- Slenderhead darter
- Roanoke darter
- Dusky darter
- River darter
- Frecklebelly darter
- Gulf logperch
- Saddleback darter
- Sauger
- Zander
- Walleye
- Volga pikeperch
- Streber
- Common zingel
- Large-scale grunter
- Silver grunter
- Tapiroid grunter
- Sixlined trumpeter
- Gilbert's grunter
- Midgley's grunter
- Tiger perch
- Largescaled terapon
- Mossfish
- Pacific mutton hamlet
- Rivulated mutton hamlet
- Slender grouper
- Peacock grouper
- Bluelined coralcod
- Graysby
- Blue spotted hind
- Bluelined hind
- Black guativere
- Leopard hind
- Freckled hind
- Coral hind
- Niger hind
- Vermilion hind
- Pacific graysby
- Harlequin hind
- Cephalopholis polyspila
- Six-blotch hind
- Tomato hind
- Strawberry hind
- Flag-tailed rockcod
- Leather bass
- Epinephelus adscensionis
- Rock bass spotted cabrilla
- Areolate grouper
- Brown spotted reef cod
- Epinephelus clippertonensis
- Whitespotted grouper
- Speckled blue grouper
- Blacktip grouper
- Blue and yellow grouper
- Red hind
- Hexagon grouper
- Blacksaddle grouper
- Marquesan grouper
- Starry grouper
- Longspine grouper
- Snubnose grouper
- Highfin grouper
- Honeycomb grouper
- Netfin grouper
- Comet grouper
- White-blotched grouper
- White-streaked grouper
- Dot-dash grouper
- Longfin grouper
- Oblique-banded grouper
- Halfmoon grouper
- Foursaddle grouper
- Black-dotted grouper
- Threespot grouper
- Reticulate grouper
- Potato cod
- Spanish flag
- Rooster hind
- Sevenbar grouper
- Misty grouper
- Sevenband grouper
- Western comb grouper
- Gag
- Scamp grouper
- Mottled grouper
- Tiger grouper
- Broomtail grouper
- Pacific creole-fish
- Creole-fish
- Bar-cheeked trout
- Oval grouper
- White-edged lyre tail
- Yellow-edged lyretail
- Bostrychus africanus
- Four-eyed sleeper
- Green-backed gudgeon
- Ambon gudgeon
- Crazy fish
- Tailface sleeper
- Pacific fat sleeper
- Sleeper goby
- Fat sleeper
- Spine-cheek gudgeon
- Large-scaled spinycheek sleeper
- Eleotris daganensis
- Brown spinecheek gudgeon
- Broadhead sleeper
- Eleotris oxycephala
- Eleotris perniger
- Spotted sleeper
- Spinycheek sleeper
- Eleotris senegalensis
- Eleotris vittata
- Emerald sleeper
- Snakehead gudgeon
- Tarndale bully
- Cran's bully
- Upland bully
- Common bully
- Giant bully
- Bigmouth sleeper
- Gobiomorus maculatus
- Guavina
- Golden gudgeon
- Hypseleotris compressocephalus
- Kribia kribensis
- Kribia nana
- Kribia uellensis
- Freshwater sleeper goby
- Kokoda mogurnda
- Eastern mogurnda
- Spangled gudgeon
- Oxyeleotris marmorata
- Yellowfin goby
- Akihito vanuatu
- Triplespot shrimpgoby
- Buan goby
- Amblygobius tekomaji
- Sabre goby
- Apocryptodon punctatus
- Slow goby
- Roman nose goby
- Candy cane goby
- Awaous grammepomus
- Oopu nakea
- Oman sea longsnout goby
- Awaous macrorhynchus
- Awaous ocellaris
- Racer goby
- Whiskered goby
- Barbulifer ceuthoecus
- Barbuligobius boehlkei
- Bathygobius aeolosoma
- Bathygobius andrei
- Antilles frillfin
- Bathygobius casamancus
- Notchtongue goby
- Brown frillfin
- Checkerboard frillfin goby
- Island frillfin
- Panamic frillfin
- Frillfin goby
- Don tadpole-goby
- Granular pugolovka
- Caspian stellate tadpole-goby
- Caspian tadpole goby
- Azov tadpole goby
- Small-spine tadpole-goby
- Black Sea tadpole-goby
- Stellate tadpole-goby
- Boddart's goggle-eyed goby
- White-eye goby
- Bollmannia chlamydes
- Ragged goby
- Shelf goby
- Citrine goby
- Bumblebee goby
- Kabili bumblebee goby
- Mekong dwarf goby
- Brachygobius xanthomelas
- Gorgonian goby
- De Buen's goby
- Jeffrey's goby
- Saddled goby
- Scaleless worm goby
- Caspiosoma caspium
- Chaenogobius annularis
- Thread-spined goby
- Translucent goby
- Wasp goby
- Gecko goby
- Brito's goby
- Chestnut goby
- Kolombatovic's goby
- Liechtenstein's goby
- Colon goby
- Coryphopterus glaucofraenum
- Coryphopterus punctipectophorus
- Redlight goby
- Burrowing goby
- Crystal goby
- Darter goby
- Blotchcheek goby
- Ctenogobius lepturus
- Mangrove goby
- Impostor goby
- Slashcheek goby
- Dash goby
- Ctenogobius sagittula
- American freshwater goby
- Emerald goby
- Marked goby
- Spottail goby
- Sperm goby
- Toothed goby
- Didogobius kochi
- Didogobius schlieweni
- Splechtna's goby
- Didogobius wirtzi
- Bighead goby
- Hale's drombus
- Economidichthys pygmaeus
- Shortstripe goby
- Belize sponge goby
- Banded cleaner goby
- Sharknose goby
- Cleaner goby
- Yellowline goby
- Barsnout goby
- Inornate goby
- Spotback goby
- Linesnout goby
- Spotlight goby
- Northern neon goby
- Redhead goby
- Yellownose goby
- Serranilla goby
- Slaty goby
- Yellowprow goby
- Silt goby
- Eugnathogobius illotus
- Eugnathogobius kabilia
- Eugnathogobius mindora
- Eugnathogobius siamensis
- Eugnathogobius variegatus
- Bandedtail goby
- Roughtail goby
- Evermannichthys spongicola
- Belly-spotted pygmy-goby
- Lyre goby
- Small goby
- Puntang goby
- Exquisite sand-goby
- Steinitz's goby
- Longjaw mudsucker
- Nineline goby
- Golden flathead goby
- Bearded flathead goby
- River goby
- Tank goby
- Glossogobius olivaceus
- Eyebar goby
- Goldspot goby
- Actor coral goby
- Gobioides africanus
- Violet goby
- Peruvian eelgoby
- Gobioides sagitta
- Estuary goby
- Gobionellus occidentalis
- Highfin goby
- Gobiopterus mindanensis
- Naked goby
- Sonora goby
- Seaboard goby
- Rockcut goby
- Twoscale goby
- Paradox goby
- Code goby
- Vermiculated goby
- Yucatan goby
- Bellotti's goby
- Gobius ateriformis
- Golden goby
- Bucchich's goby
- Couch's goby
- Red-mouthed goby
- Sarato's goby
- Steven's goby
- Slender goby
- Gobius hypselosoma
- Gobius kolombatovici
- Black goby
- Rock goby
- Roule's goby
- Gobius rubropunctatus
- Gobius senegambiensis
- Striped goby
- Yellow-headed goby
- Two-spotted goby
- Crescent goby
- Sandtop goby
- Paleback goby
- Gorogobius nigricinctus
- Splitbanded goby
- Hetereleotris vulgaris
- Cheekspot goby
- Brown-speckled sand-goby
- Knipowitschia bergi
- Köycegiz naked goby
- Caucasian dwarf goby
- Köycegiz dwarf goby
- Longtail dwarf goby
- Adriatic dwarf goby
- Guillet's goby
- Diminutive goby
- Lentipes kaaea
- Fries's goby
- Lesueurigobius koumansi
- Sanzo's goby
- Lophiogobius ocellicauda
- Pacific crested-goby
- Crested goby
- Mahogany goby
- Bluebanded goby
- Dwarf goby
- Diphasic goby
- Pygmy goby
- Bermuda goby
- Island goby
- Okapi goby
- Convict goby
- Gorgeous goby
- Bluegold goby
- Lythrypnus zebra
- Mauligobius nigri
- Toad goby
- Balboa goby
- Seminole goby
- Yellow-spotted goby
- Low-crested goby
- Roundscale goby
- Emblem goby
- Erect goby
- Microgobius gulosus
- Meek's goby
- Banner goby
- Miraflores goby
- Dashback goby
- Taboga goby
- Green goby
- Large-headed goby
- Mugilogobius abei
- Bandfin mangrove goby
- Yellowstripe goby
- Merton's mangrove goby
- Pacific mangrove goby
- Indonesian goby
- Queen of Siam goby
- Nematogobius brachynemus
- Monkey goby
- Round goby
- Neogobius pallasi
- Atlantic shrimp goby
- Orange-spotted sand-goby
- Obliquogobius turkayi
- Coralline goby
- Kei goby
- Oxyurichthys stigmalophius
- Padogobius bonelli
- Mauve goby
- Mekong rock goby
- Parasicydium bandama
- Peppered goby
- Lucretia's goby
- Parrella macropteryx
- Doublestripe goby
- Atlantic mudskipper
- Bath's goby
- Canestrini's goby
- Kner's goby
- Lozano's goby
- Marbled goby
- Common goby
- Sand goby
- Skadar goby
- Norway goby
- Painted goby
- Quagga goby
- Pinchuk's goby
- Caucasian goby
- Caspian freshwater goby
- Mushroom goby
- Caspian bighead goby
- Ponticola kessleri
- Flatsnout goby
- Syrman goby
- Dawson's goby
- Rusty goby
- Priolepis robinsi
- Tubenose goby
- Eastern tubenose goby
- Western tubenose goby
- Sleepy goby
- Ferrer's goby
- Pseudapocryptes elongatus
- Pseudogobiopsis oligactis
- Northern fatnose goby
- Scaleless goby
- Toadfish goby
- Highspine goby
- Kaufman's goby
- Pterogobius zonoleucus
- Roosevelt's goby
- American shadow goby
- Girdled goby
- Speckled goby
- Redigobius chrysosoma
- Checked goby
- Tambujon goby
- Barcheek goby
- Rhinogobius leavelli
- Rhinogobius mekongianus
- Rhinogobius taenigena
- Tusked goby
- Schismatogobius vitiensis
- Sicydium crenilabrum
- Multispotted goby
- Spotted algae-eating goby
- Sicyopterus franouxi
- Sicyopterus griseus
- Sicyopterus lagocephalus
- Sicyopterus lividus
- Sicyopterus pugnans
- Sicyopus nigriradiatus
- Sicyopus zosterophorus
- Silhouettea aegyptia
- Smilosicyopus chloe
- Smilosicyopus fehlmanni
- Grotto goby
- Stenogobius beauforti
- Stenogobius fehlmanni
- Stenogobius genivittatus
- Stenogobius gymnopomus
- Stenogobius hoesei
- Kenyan river gogy
- Stenogobius laterisquamatus
- Stenogobius mekongensis
- Stenogobius ophthalmoporus
- Chinestripe goby
- Stenogobius yateiensis
- Stigmatogobius sella
- Stiphodon atratus
- Stiphodon birdsong
- Stiphodon caeruleus
- Stiphodon elegans
- Stiphodon rutilaureus
- Stiphodon sapphirinus
- Stiphodon tuivi
- Thorogobius angolensis
- Leopard-spotted goby
- Large-scaled goby
- Thorogobius rofeni
- Orangesided goby
- Frecklefin goby
- Tigrigobius macrodon
- Greenbanded goby
- Semiscaled goby
- Leopard goby
- Zebrette goby
- Shimofuri goby
- Tridentiger kuroiwae
- Trimma fraena
- Vanneaugobius canariensis
- Ratan goby
- Wheelerigobius maltzani
- Cameroon goby
- Yongeichthys thomasi
- Zebra goby
- Grass goby
- Badis badis
- Badis blosyrus
- Badis ferrarisi
- Badis khwae
- Badis ruber
- Dario hysginon
- Arabian yellowfin seabream
- Surf bream
- Picnic seabream
- Two-bar seabream
- Southern black bream
- Western yellow-finned bream
- Pacific seabream
- Northwest black bream
- Japanese black porgy
- Spotted yellowfin seabream
- Sheepshead
- Western Atlantic seabream
- Taiwan tai
- Soldierbream
- Long spined red bream
- Bogue
- Fransmadam
- Grass porgy
- Jolthead porgy
- Pacific porgy
- Saucereye porgy
- Spotfin porgy
- Whitebone porgy
- Flathead porgy
- Knobbed porgy
- Sheepshead porgy
- Pluma porgy
- Littlehead porgy
- False red stumpnose
- Slinger seabream
- Karenteen seabream
- Crenidens indicus
- Dentex abei
- Barnard's dentex
- Canary dentex
- Congo dentex
- Pink dentex
- Dentex hypselosomus
- Large-eyed dentex
- Morocco dentex
- Saffronfin sea bream
- Annular seabream
- South-american silver porgy
- Senegal seabream
- Bermuda porgy
- Blacktail
- Zebra seabream
- Banded seabream
- Spottail pinfish
- Zebra
- Red sea seabream
- Diplodus omanensis
- Diplodus prayensis
- Sharpsnout seabream
- Sargo
- Common two-banded seabream
- Yellowback seabream
- Janbruin
- Pinfish
- Sand steenbras
- Saddled seabream
- Pachymetopon aeneum
- Hottentot seabream
- Axillary seabream
- Arabian pandora
- Red pandora
- Common pandora
- Natal pandora
- African red bream
- Australasian snapper
- Red-banded sea bream
- Goldenhead porgy
- Red seabream snapper
- Red porgy
- German seabream
- Knife-back seabream
- Frenchman seabream
- Dane seabream
- Panga
- Haffara seabream
- Cape stumpnose
- Goldlined seabream
- Bigeye stumpnose
- Salema porgy
- Sobaity seabream
- Gilt-head bream
- Black seabream
- Steentjie
- Longspine porgy
- Bulldog dentex
- White bream
- Roundspot porgy
- Diplodus sargus ascensionis
- Moroccan white seabream
- St. Helena white seabream
- One spot seabream
- Diplodus sargus lineatus
- Diplodus sargus sargus
- Wahoo
- Slender tuna
- Firgate tuna
- Leadenall
- Leaping bonito
- Kawakawa
- Little tunny
- Euthynnus lineatus
- Butterfly kingfish
- Shark mackerel
- Double-lined mackerel
- Dogtooth tuna
- Skipjack tuna
- Plain bonito
- Australian bonito
- Sarda chiliensis
- Striped bonito
- Atlantic bonito
- Blue mackerel
- Atlantic chub mackerel
- Chub mackerel
- Atlantic mackerel
- Serra Spanish mackerel
- King mackerel
- Korean mackerel
- Streaked Spanish mackerel
- Atlantic Spanish mackerel
- Papuan seerfish
- Queensland school mackerel
- Cero
- Broadbarred king mackerel
- Pacific sierra
- West African Spanish mackerel
- Blackfin tuna
- Lancer dragonet
- Banded dragonet
- Common dragonet
- Spotted dragonet
- Sailfin dragonet
- Reticulated dragonet
- Risso’s dragonet
- Arrow dragonet
- Diplogrammus pauciradiatus
- Shango dragonet
- Spotfin dragonet
- Palefin dragonet
- Antler dragonet
- Claudia's dragonet
- Dagmar's dragonet
- Werstern Australian bigeye dragonet
- Phaeton dragonet
- Tonlesapia amnica
- Apsilus dentatus
- African forktail snapper
- Mexican barred snapper
- Lutjanus aratus
- Amarillo snapper
- Lutjanus colorado
- Checkered seaperch
- Golden African snapper
- Rose snapper
- Lutjanus inermis
- Rufous snapper
- Bluestriped snapper
- Dog snapper
- Pacific red snapper
- Blue and gold snapper
- Pristipomoides aquilonaris
- Slender wenchman
- Cardinal snapper
Sand stargazers
- Giant sand stargazer
- Panamic stargazer
- Riverine stargazer
- Dactyloscopus boehlkei
- Notchtail stargazer
- Ornamented stargazer
- Bigeye stargazer
- Dactyloscopus elongatus
- Dactyloscopus fallax
- Fringed stargazer
- Reticulate stargazer
- Dactyloscopus heraldi
- Moonstruck stargazer
- Mexican stargazer
- Tiny stargazer
- Speckled stargazer
- Whitesaddle stargazer
- Dactyloscopus poeyi
- Dactyloscopus tridigitatus
- Sandy stargazer
- Gillellus greyae
- Masked stargazer
- Jackson's stargazer
- Ornate stargazer
- Searcher stargazer
- Half-banded stargazer
- Warteye stargazer
- Banded stargazer
- Smoothlip stargazer
- Myxodagnus macrognathus
- Dart stargazer
- Myxodagnus walkeri
- Brazilian sand stargazer
- Saddle stargazer
- Sindoscopus australis
- Storrsia olsoni
- Leopard bush fish
- Gray ctenopoma
- Ctenopoma maculatum
- Many spined climbing perch
- Ocellated labyrinth fish
- Twospot climbing perch
- Bullseye ctenopoma
- Ctenopoma petherici
- Marbled climbing perch
- Orange ctenopoma
- Congo climbing perch
- Microctenopoma damasi
- Banded climbing perch
- Microctenopoma intermedium
- Dwarf climbing perch
- Microctenopoma nigricans
- Microctenopoma ocellifer
- Microctenopoma uelense
- Red tilefish
- Zebra tilefish
- Bighead tilefish
- Goldface tilefish
- Blackline tilefish
- Reticulated tilefish
- Hubbs' tilefish
- Gulf bareye tilefish
- Ocean whitefish
- Yellow-spotted tilefish
- Sand tilefish
- Dusky sergeant
- Mexican night sergeant
- Canary damsel
- Sergeant major
- Dovetail
- Panama sergeant major
- Orange skunk clownfish
- Yellow-speckled chromis
- Oval chromis
- Scissortail damselfish
- Chromis bermudae
- Cadenat's chromis
- Mediterranean chromis
- Valparaiso chromis
- Blue chromis
- Yellowtail reeffish
- Sunshinefish
- Peruvian chromis
- Azores chromis
- Blue-and-yellow chromis
- Lubbock's chromis
- Brown chromis
- Pemba chromis
- Blacksmith chromis
- Bastard cavalley pilot
- Purple reeffish
- Yellowfin damselfish
- Cape damsel
- Garibaldi
- Bumphead damselfish
- Yellowtail damselfish
- Giant damselfish
- Guinea damselfish
- Chinese damsel
- Coquito damsel
- Victorian scalyfin
- Blue-green damselfish
- Miller's damselfish
- Smith's damsel
- Ward's damsel
- Acapulco damselfish
- Dusky damselfish
- Island major
- Longfin damselfish
- Beaubrummel
- Demoiselle
- Coral Sea gregory
- Cape verde gregory
- Beaugregory
- Stegastes lubbocki
- Bicolor damselfish
- Threespot damselfish
- Cortez damselfish
- Stegastes sanctaehelenae
- Saint Paul's gregory
- Cocoa damselfish
- Jordan's damsel
- Freshwater drum
- Meagre
- White seabass
- Armed croaker
- American silver perch
- Swordpsine croaker
- Bairdiella
- Ground croaker
- Blue croaker
- Striped croaker
- Barbel drum
- Acoupa weakfish
- Peruvian weakfish
- Sand seatrout
- Jamaican weakfish
- Smooth weakfish
- Smallscale weakfish
- Dwarf weakfish
- Spotted weakfish
- Silver seatrout
- Cachema weakfish
- Striped corvina
- Tonkin weakfish
- Scalyfin corvina
- Smalltooth weakfish
- Pelano weakfish
- Green weakfish
- Bluestreak drum
- Jack-knifefish
- Spotted drum
- Bigtooth corvina
- Bigeye corvina
- Big-eyed jewfish
- Paperhead croaker
- Steeplined drum
- Silver drum
- Shorthead drum
- Shining drum
- Larimus fasciatus
- Pacific drum
- Spot
- Longtail croaker
- King weakfish
- Southern kingfish
- Pacific kingcroaker
- Gulf kingfish
- Berrugato real
- Snakehead kingcroaker
- Paita kingcroaker
- Berrugato panameño
- Northern kingcroaker
- Tallfin croaker
- Slender croaker
- Whitemouth croaker
- Chano norteño
- Atlantic croaker
- Angola croaker
- Smalleye croaker
- Pacific smalleye croaker
- Reef croaker
- Yelloweye croaker
- Blinkard croaker
- Impostor drum
- Point-tuza croaker
- Snub-nosed croaker
- Squint-eyed croaker
- Point-nosed croaker
- Vermiculated croaker
- Banded croaker
- Suco croaker
- Angel croaker
- Coco croaker
- Peters' banded croaker
- Bearded banded croaker
- High-hat
- Festive drum
- Blackbar drum
- Royal highhat
- Chubbuyu
- Gungo highhat
- Black drum
- Deep-water drum
- New grenada drum
- Bobo croaker
- Guinea croaker
- Cameroon croaker
- Longneck croaker
- Boe drum
- Blotched tiger-toothed croaker
- Spotfin croaker
- Sciaena deliciosa
- Sciaena fasciata
- Red drum
- Queenfish
- Chao stardrum
- Shortnose stardrum
- Colon stardrum
- Stellifer ephelis
- Hollow stardrum
- White stardrum
- Gray stardrum
- Silver stardrum
- American stardrum
- Smooth stardrum
- Black stardrum
- Smalleye stardrum
- Stellifer minor
- Naso stardrum
- Yawning stardrum
- Pizzaro stardrum
- Rake stardrum
- Venezuelan stardrum
- Softhead stardrum
- Longspine croaker
- Beach drum
- Bussing's drum
- Canary drum
- Sand drum
- Longfin croaker
- Miller drum
- Umbrina reedi
- Yellowfin croaker
- Common yellowtail croaker
- Blue bobo
- Small-mouthed threadfin
- Australian threadfin
- Atlantic threadfin
- Littlescale threadfin
- Yellow bobo
- Persian blackspot threadfin
- Giant African threadfin
- Sevenfingered threadfin
- Polynemus aquilonaris
- Blackhand paradise fish
- Mud sunfish
- Shadow bass
- Roanoke bass
- Ozark bass
- Rock bass
- Flier
- Bluespotted sunfish
- Banded sunfish
- Redbreast sunfish
- Green sunfish
- Pumpkinseed
- Warmouth
- Orangespotted sunfish
- Bluegill
- Dollar sunfish
- Longear sunfish
- Redear sunfish
- Redspotted sunfish
- Spotted sunfish
- Bantam sunfish
- Redeye bass
- Smallmouth bass
- Alabama bass
- Spotted bass
- Largemouth bass
- White crappie
- Black crappie
- Borna snakehead
- Small snakehead
- Channa burmanica
- Dwarf snakehead
- Forest snakehead
- Blotched snakehead
- Emperor snakehead
- Channa marulius
- Black snakehead
- Giant snakehead
- Channa panaw
- Channa punctata
- Channa stewartii
- Snakehead murrel
- Parachanna africana
- Parachanna insignis
- Island kelpfish
- Auchenionchus crinitus
- Auchenionchus microcirrhis
- Auchenionchus variolosus
- Whitecheek blenny
- Spotcheek blenny
- Green blenny
- Calliclinus geniguttatus
- Calliclinus nudiventris
- Deepwater blenny
- Foureye rockskipper
- Sargassum blenny
- Puffcheek blenny
- Quillfin blenny
- Goggle eye blenny
- Gobioclinus guppyi
- Longfin blenny
- Downy blenny
- Masquerader hairy blenny
- Mock blenny
- Labrisomus fernandezianus
- Porehead blenny
- Hairy blenny
- Chalapo clinid
- Largemouth blenny
- Goldline blenny
- Diamond blenny
- Delalande blenny
- Fishgod blenny
- Malacoctenus erdmani
- Sonora blenny
- Malacoctenus gilli
- Redside blenny
- Rosy blenny
- Margarita blenny
- Malacoctenus mexicanus
- Malacoctenus polyporosus
- Malacoctenus sudensis
- Chameleon clinid
- Malacoctenus triangulatus
- Barfin blenny
- Zacabblenny
- Glossy blenny
- Threadfin blenny
- Paraclinus arcanus
- Goatee blenny
- Pink blenny
- Paraclinus cingulatus
- Paraclinus fasciatus
- Paraclinus grandicomis
- Bald blenny
- Reef finspot
- Marbled blenny
- Mexican blenny
- One-eyed blenny
- Surf blenny
- Paraclinus nigripinnis
- Paraclinus rubicundus
- Flapscale blenny
- Paraclinus spectator
- Professor blenny
- Paraclinus tanygnathus
- Smooth-eye blenny
- Starksia brasiliensis
- Fugitive blenny
- Culebra blenny
- Elongate blenny
- Blackbar blenny
- Yellow blenny
- Pinstriped blenny
- Starksia greenfieldi
- Guadalupe blenny
- Spotted blenny
- Ringed blenny
- Starksia langi
- Blackcheek blenny
- Black spot blenny
- Manyscaled blenny
- Starksia nanodes
- Occidental blenny
- Checkered blenny
- Tawny blenny
- Robertson's blenny
- Sangrey's blenny
- Chessboard blenny
- Brokenbar blenny
- Phallic blenny
- Key blenny
- Weigt's blenny
- Williams's blenny
- Redrump blenny
- Eastern wirrah
- Peruvian seabass
- Swallowtail seaperch
- Yellowfin bass
- Swallowtail bass
- Streamer bass
- Red barbier
- Pugnose bass
- Twospot sea bass
- Bank sea bass
- Centropristis philadelphica
- Black sea bass
- Choranthias salmopunctatus
- Threadnose bass
- Dwarf sand perch
- Diplectrum conceptione
- Orange-spotted sand perch
- Bighead sand perch
- Diplectrum formosum
- Highfin sand perch
- Mexican sand perch
- Greater sand perch
- Inshore sand perch
- Pond perch
- Bridled sand perch
- Gulf squirrelfish
- Longtail bass
- Rose thread-fin bass
- Damsel bass
- Yellowbelly hamlet
- Yellowtail hamlet
- Florida barred hamlet
- Blue hamlet
- Golden hamlet
- Shy hamlet
- Indigo hamlet
- Black hamlet
- Masked hamlet
- Barred hamlet
- Tan hamlet
- Butter hamlet
- Western orange perch
- Eyestripe bass
- Candy basslet
- Wrasse bass
- Rainbow basslet
- Cave bass
- Peppermint bass
- Earle's splitfin
- Luzonichthys williamsi
- Odontanthias tapui
- Kelp Bass
- Vieja parrot rock-bass
- Spotted sand bass
- Barred sand bass
- Bank bass
- Forktailed bass
- Plectranthias bauchotae
- Plectranthias bilaticlavia
- Apricot bass
- Roughtongue bass
- Threadfin bass
- Pseudanthias caudalis
- Nusa Penida basslet
- Flame anthias
- Painted anthias
- Mirror basslet
- Pseudanthias ventralis
- Reef bass
- Pseudogramma guineensis
- Pacific reef bass
- Flathead perch
- Mottled soapfish
- Freckled soapfish
- Largespotted soapfish
- Slope soapfish
- Whitespotted soapfish
- Blackfin soapfish
- Plain soapfish
- Greater soapfish
- Spotted soapfish
- School bass
- Pygmy sea bass
- Serranus accraensis
- Deepwater serrano
- Serranus africanus
- Orangeback bass
- Blackear bass
- Lantern bass
- Comber
- Caribbean snow bass
- Twinspot bass
- Brown comber
- Serranus heterurus
- Flag serrano
- Crosshatch bass
- Pallid bass
- Saddle bass
- Tattler
- Barred serrano
- Serranus sanctaehelenae
- Painted comber
- Serranus stilbostigma
- Belted sandfish
- Tobacco basslet
- Cocos serrano
- Harlequin bass
- Chalk bass
- Roughhead blenny
- Clubhead barnacle blenny
- Speckled blenny
- Papillose blenny
- Browncheek blenny
- Bluntspine blenny
- Stalk blenny
- Hancock's blenny
- Acanthemblemaria hastingsi
- White-cheeked blenny
- Mexican barnacle blenny
- Secretary blenny
- Medusa blenny
- Spotjaw blenny
- Spinyhead blenny
- Orangethroat pikeblenny
- Yellowface pikeblenny
- Bluethroat pikeblenny
- Resh pikeblenny
- Freckled pikeblenny
- Plume blenny
- Angel blenny
- Barcheek blenny
- Twinhorn blenny
- Scarletfin blenny
- Spikefin blenny
- Springer's tube blenny
- Reefsand blenny
- Moth blenny
- Banner blenny
- Emblemaria australis
- Twospot blenny
- Caribbean blenny
- Colombian blenny
- Venezuelan blenny
- Emblemaria hudsoni
- Gulf signal blenny
- Emblemaria pandionis
- Sailfin signal blenny
- Pirate blenny
- Ribbon blenny
- Blackhead blenny
- Shorthead blenny
- Caribbean flagfin blenny
- Glass blenny
- Fine-cirrus blenny
- Emblemariopsis occidentalis
- Red banner blenny
- Ruetzler's blenny
- Emblemariopsis signifer
- Tayrona blenny
- Wrasse blenny
- Arrow blenny
- Sarcastic fringehead
- Neoclinus bryope
- Neoclinus chihiroe
- Neoclinus lacunicola
- Neoclinus nudus
- Neoclinus okazakii
- Yellowfin fringehead
- Neoclinus toshimaensis
- One-spot fringehead
- Protemblemaria bicirrus
- Protemblemaria punctata
- Panamanian worm blenny
- Naked blenny
- Blackbelly blenny
- Mexican worm blenny
- California worm blenny
- Southern eelgrass blenny
- Northern eelgrass blenny
Combtooth blennies
- Sphinx blenny
- Alloblennius anuchalis
- Jugular blenny
- Dwarf blenny
- Alloblennius pictus
- Alticus anjouanae
- Pacific leaping blenny
- Kirk's blenny
- Alticus magnusi
- Alticus monochrus
- Alticus montanoi
- Alticus orientalis
- Alticus sertatus
- Marquesan rockskipper
- Andamia amphibius
- Andamia pacifica
- Aden blenny
- Moustached rockskipper
- Horned rockskipper
- Antennablennius ceylonensis
- Arabian blenny
- Simony's blenny
- Orangedotted blenny
- Dussumier's blenny
- False cleanerfish
- Aspidontus tractus
- Atrosalarias fuscus
- Atrosalarias holomelas
- Atrosalarias hosokawai
- Lined rockskipper
- Pacific blue-spotted blenny
- Blenniella chrysospilos
- Striped rockskipper
- Picture rockskipper
- Dashed-line blenny
- Blenniella leopardus
- Blenniella paula
- Eyespot blenny
- Blennius normani
- Butterfly blenny
- Looseskin blenny
- Two-eyed blenny
- Striped blenny
- Stretchjaw blenny
- Florida blenny
- Cirripectes alboapicalis
- Kimberley blenny
- Blackflap blenny
- Chestnut blenny
- Lady Musgrave blenny
- Filamentous blenny
- Dusky spotted blenny
- Cirripectes gilberti
- Cirripectes heemstraorum
- Cirripectes hutchinsi
- Cirripectes imitator
- Cirripectes jenningsi
- Cirripectes kuwamurai
- Gargantuan blenny
- Flaming blenny
- Cirripectes polyzona
- Squiggly blenny
- Cirripectes randalli
- Spotted eye-lash blenny
- Red-streaked blenny
- Red-head blenny
- Banded fringe blenny
- Cirripectes viriosus
- Cirrisalarias bunares
- Montagu's blenny
- Triplespot blenny
- Dodekablennos fraseri
- Fourline blenny
- Ecsenius alleni
- Aron's blenny
- Australian blenny
- Axelrod's combtooth-blenny
- Banda clown blenny
- Bath's comb-tooth
- Bicolor blenny
- Twin-spot combtooth-blenny
- Bluebelly blenny
- Collete's blenny
- Ecsenius dentex
- Ecsenius dilemma
- Ecsenius fijiensis
- Ecsenius fourmanoiri
- Smooth-fin blenny
- Red sea mimic blenny
- Ecsenius isos
- Lined combtooth-blenny
- Blue-head combtooth-blenny
- Lubbock's combtooth-blenny
- Queensland blenny
- Java combtooth-blenny
- Midas blenny
- Ecsenius minutus
- Ecsenius monoculus
- Nalolo
- Black combtooth-blenny
- Ecsenius niue
- Ecsenius oculatus
- Ocular blenny
- Yellow-eye combtooth-blenny
- Comical blenny
- Ecsenius pardus
- Ecsenius paroculus
- Pictus blenny
- Andaman combtooth-blenny
- Ecsenius portenoyi
- Ecsenius prooculis
- Gulf blenny
- Schroeder's combtooth-blenny
- Saddle blenny
- Ecsenius shirleyae
- Great barrier reef blenny
- Tail-spot combtooth-blenny
- Ecsenius taeniatus
- Ecsenius tessera
- Three-lined blenny
- Pale-spotted combtooth-blenny
- Enchelyurus ater
- Enchelyurus brunneolus
- Enchelyurus flavipes
- Krauss' blenny
- Enchelyurus petersi
- West African rockhopper
- Bartail blenny
- Notchfin blenny
- Entomacrodus corneliae
- Pacific rockskipper
- Wavyline rockskipper
- Fringelip rockskipper
- Entomacrodus lemuria
- Entomacrodus lighti
- Entomacrodus longicirrus
- Entomacrodus macrospilus
- Entomacrodus marmoratus
- Pearl blenny
- Tattoo-chin rockskipper
- Entomacrodus randalli
- Entomacrodus rofeni
- Seale's blenny
- Stellar rockskipper
- Entomacrodus strasburgi
- Blackspotted rockskipper
- Textile blenny
- Reef margin blenny
- Vermiculated blenny
- Entomacrodus vomerinus
- Entomacrodus williamsi
- Leopard blenny
- Delicate blenny
- Highbrow rockskipper
- West African speckled blenny
- Hypleurochilus bananensis
- Hypleurochilus bermudensis
- Zebratail blenny
- Hypleurochilus fissicornis
- Hypleurochilus geminatus
- Hypleurochilus langi
- Featherduster blenny
- Hypleurochilus pseudoaequipinnis
- Hypleurochilus springeri
- Hypsoblennius brevipinnis
- Longhorn blenny
- Bay blenny
- Notchbrow blenny
- Feather blenny
- Tessellated blenny
- Freckled blenny
- Mussel blenny
- Peruvian blenny
- Hypsoblennius robustus
- Hypsoblennius sordidus
- Imspringer
- Istiblennius colei
- Dussumier's rockskipper
- Smoothlipped blenny
- Istiblennius flaviumbrinus
- Black-lined blenny
- Peacock rockskipper
- Istiblennius muelleri
- Scarface rockskipper
- Istiblennius rivulatus
- Spotted rockskipper
- Istiblennius steindachneri
- Pallid rockskipper
- Istiblennius zebra
- Laiphognathus longispinis
- Spotty blenny
- Shanny
- Lipophrys trigloides
- Fowler's rockskipper
- Lupinoblennius nicholsi
- Upside-down harptail blenny
- Eye-lash harptail-blenny
- Bundoon blenny
- Meiacanthus crinitus
- Meiacanthus cyanopterus
- One-striped poison-fang blenny
- Meiacanthus fraseri
- Meiacanthus geminatus
- Striped poison-fang blenny
- Meiacanthus kamoharai
- Lined fangblenny
- Yellow fangblenny
- Mozambique fangblenny
- Blackline fangblenny
- Meiacanthus oualanensis
- Meiacanthus procne
- Disco blenny
- Meiacanthus tongaensis
- Meiacanthus urostigma
- Meiacanthus vicinus
- One-striped fangblenny
- Adriatic blenny
- Microlipophrys caboverdensis
- Microlipophrys canevae
- Microlipophrys dalmatinus
- Black-headed blenny
- Microlipophrys velifer
- Mimoblennius atrocinctus
- Mimoblennius cas
- Fringed blenny
- Rusi blenny
- Christmas blenny
- Omobranchus anolius
- Bandit blenny
- Omobranchus elegans
- Chevroned blenny
- Omobranchus fasciolatoceps
- Omobranchus fasciolatus
- Gossamer blenny
- Germain's blenny
- Omobranchus lineolatus
- Omobranchus loxozonus
- Omobranchus obliquus
- Japanese blenny
- Omobranchus rotundiceps
- Omobranchus verticalis
- Kappie blenny
- Omobranchus zebra
- Omox lupus
- Ophioblennius atlanticus
- Ophioblennius macclurei
- Large-banded blenny
- Ophioblennius trinitatis
- Parablennius cornutus
- Parablennius cyclops
- Parablennius dialloi
- Tompot blenny
- Parablennius goreensis
- Mystery blenny
- Parablennius intermedius
- Crested blenny
- Seaweed blenny
- Cheekspot blenny
- Rock-pool blenny
- Ringneck blenny
- Parablennius postoculomaculatus
- Longstriped blenny
- Portuguese blenny
- Parablennius salensis
- Rusty blenny
- Parablennius sierraensis
- Tasmanian blenny
- Tentacled blenny
- Tasseled blenny
- Yatabe blenny
- Zvonimir's blenny
- Parahypsos piersoni
- Big-nose blenny
- Hepburn's blenny
- Parenchelyurus hyena
- Kosi rockskipper
- Arabian fangblenny
- Short-head sabretooth blenny
- Deceiver fangblenny
- Wolf fangblenny
- Petroscirtes marginatus
- Highfinned blenny
- Petroscirtes pylei
- Petroscirtes springeri
- Thepas' sabretooth blenny
- Variable sabretooth blenny
- Bearded sabretooth blenny
- Sabertooth blenny
- Blue-stripe blenny
- Plagiotremus flavus
- Biting blenny
- Bicolour fangblenny
- Imposter fangblenny
- Bluestriped fangblenny
- Plagiotremus spilistius
- Mimic blenny
- Townsend's fangblenny
- Praealticus bilineatus
- Praealticus caesius
- Praealticus dayi
- Crenulate-lipped rockskipper
- Praealticus margaritatus
- Praealticus multistriatus
- Praealticus oortii
- Marianas rockskipper
- Praealticus semicrenatus
- Praealticus striatus
- Praealticus tanegasimae
- Praealticus triangulus
- Rhabdoblennius nigropunctatus
- Rhabdoblennius nitidus
- Barchin blenny
- Snow blenny
- Salaria basilisca
- Freshwater blenny
- Peacock blenny
- White-spotted blenny
- Seram blenny
- Banded jewelled-blenny
- Blue-spot blenny
- Salarias luctuosus
- Salarias nigrocinctus
- Salarias obscurus
- Patzner's blenny
- Snowflake blenny
- Segmented blenny
- Salarias sexfilum
- Salarias sibogai
- Fringelip blenny
- Scartella caboverdiana
- Molly Miller
- Maned blenny
- Scartella itajobi
- Scartichthys crapulatus
- Giant blenny
- Scartichthys variolatus
- Scartichthys viridis
- Seychelles blenny
- Talbot's blenny
- Japanese snake blenny
- Hairtail blenny
Sea chubs
- Girella freminvillei
- Opaleye
- Gulf opal eye
- Zebra perch
- Kyphosus analogus
- Brown chub
- Blue sea chub
- Cortez chub
- Revillagigedo sea chub
- Bermuda sea chub
- Brassy chub
- Halfmoon
- Mexican goatfish
- Yellow goatfish
- Mullus auratus
- Striped goatfish
- Striped red mullet
- Thicklipped goatfish
- Manybar goatfish
- Parupeneus posteli
- Bigscale goatfish
- Spotted goatfish
- Short-fin goatfish
- Dwarf goatfish
- Pugjaw wormfish
- Microdesmus aethiopicus
- Reef wormfish
- Stippled wormfish
- Lancetail wormfish
- Pink wormfish
- Fire dartfish
- Parioglossus formosus
- Parioglossus palustris
- Parioglossus rainfordi
- Yellow dartfish
- Striped dartfish
- Blue dartfish
- Panamic dartfish
- Helen's dartfish
- Brazilian dartfish
- Lace klipfish
- Silverbubble klipfish
- Snaky klipfish
- Striped klipfish
- Slender platanna-klipfish
- Whiteblotched klipfish
- Cancelloxus longior
- Barbelled klipfish
- Fleet klipfish
- Cline
- Ladder klipfish
- Sad klipfish
- Agile klipfish
- Clinus arborescens
- Onrust klipfish
- Cape klipfish
- Bluntnose klipfish
- Helen's klipfish
- Westcoast klipfish
- Chinese klipfish
- Robust klipfish
- Kelp klipfish
- Super klipfish
- Bull klipfish
- Speckled klipfish
- Oldman klipfish
- Short-tassel weedfish
- Silver-sided weedfish
- Golden weedfish
- Crested weedfish
- Orange clinid
- Mousey klipfish
- Gibbonsia elegans
- Striped kelpfish
- Crevice kelpfish
- Adelaide's weedfish
- Heteroclinus antinectes
- Kelp weedfish
- Heteroclinus equiradiatus
- Seven-bar weedfish
- Johnston's weedfish
- Heteroclinus kuiteri
- Tasselled weedfish
- Large-nose weedfish
- Common weedfish
- Little weedfish
- Rosy weedfish
- Sharp-nose weedfish
- Whitelegg's weedfish
- Wilson's weedfish
- Giant kelpfish
- Nosestripe klipfish
- Sailfin clinid
- Myxodes viridis
- Earspot snakeblenny
- Variegated snake-blenny
- Dusky snakeblenny
- Shortfin snakeblenny
- Frosted snake-blenny
- Black-back snake-blenny
- Variable snake-blenny
- Whiteblotch snakeblenny
- Pavoclinus caeruleopunctatus
- Grass klipfish
- Rippled klipfish
- Slinky klipfish
- Bearded klipfish
- Mya's klipfish
- Peacock klipfish
- Deepwater klipfish
- Deep-reef klipfish
- Ribeiroclinus eigenmanni
- Leafy klipfish
- Springeratus xanthosoma
- Dusky crawler
- Sand crawler
- Platanna klipfish
- Leprous platanna-klipfish
- Scale-rayed wrasse
- Sand wrasse
- Blue-spotted wrasse
- Psychedelic wrasse
- Pearl wrasse
- Elegant wrasse
- Blue-striped orange tamarin
- Geographic wrasse
- Blue and yellow wrasse
- White-spotted wrasse
- Spotted wrasse
- Black-banded wrasse
- Yellow-breasted wrasse
- Natal wrasse
- Black-spotted parrotfish
- Bodianus albotaeniatus
- Lyre-tail hogfish
- Axilspot hogfish
- Hawaiian pigfish
- Crescent banded hogfish
- Twospot hogfish
- Bodianus busellatus
- Cylindrical hogfish
- Diana's hogfish
- Bodianus dictynna
- Mexican hogfish
- Brown hogfish
- Bodianus flavifrons
- Island hogfish
- Lined hogfish
- Blackfin hogfish
- Giant hogfish
- Black-banded hogfish
- Bodianus masudai
- Split-level hogfish
- Bay of Bengal hogfish
- Blackspot hogfish
- Golden-spot hogfish
- Bodianus prognathus
- Spotfin hogfish
- Spanish hogfish
- Sunrise wrasse
- Fourline hogfish
- Red pigfish
- Bodianus vulpinus
- Carolines parrotfish
- Calotomus japonicus
- Spinytooth parrotfish
- Viridescent parrotfish
- Yellowbar parrotfish
- Small-mouthed wrasse
- Red-speckled parrotfish
- Cetoscarus ocellatus
- Abudjubbe's splendor wrasse
- Floral wrasse
- Red-breasted wrasse
- Broomtail wrasse
- Pointed-head wrasse
- Cheilinus quinquecinctus
- Tripletail wrasse
- Cigar wrasse
- Bluemoon parrotfish
- Bleeker's parrotfish
- Pink-margined parrotfish
- Blue humphead parrotfish
- Captain parrotfish
- Tan-faced parrotfish
- Sinai parrotfish
- Chlorurus gibbus
- Palecheek parrotfish
- Pacific steephead parrotfish
- Knothead parrotfish
- Spectacled parrotfish
- Chlorurus rhakoura
- Daisy parrotfish
- Chlorurus spilurus
- Indian Ocean steephead parrotfish
- Troschel's parrotfish
- Orange-dotted tuskfish
- Bluespotted tuskfish
- Grass tuskfish
- Blue tuskfish
- Harlequin tuskfish
- Bridled tuskfish
- Choerodon gomoni
- Graphic tuskfish
- Jordan's tuskfish
- Choerodon margaritiferus
- Choerodon melanostigma
- Dark-spot tuskfish
- White-patch tuskfish
- Robust tuskfish
- Baldchin groper
- Wedge-tailed tuskfish
- Venus tuskfish
- Redstripe tuskfish
- Purple eyebrowed tuskfish
- Black-blotch tuskfish
- Red-fin fairy wrasse
- Orangeback fairy-wrasse
- Deepwater wrasse
- Beau's wrasse
- Purple-boned wrasse
- Cenderawasih wrasse
- Cirrhilabrus claire
- Conde's fairy wrasse
- Orange-striped fairy wrasse
- Yellowfin fairy-wrasse
- Johnson's wrasse
- Flame wrasse
- Katherine's wrasse
- Cirrhilabrus katoi
- Laboute's wrasse
- Long-tailed wrasse
- Purple-lined wrasse
- Lubbock's wrasse
- Cirrhilabrus lunatus
- Yellowband wrasse
- Marjorie's wrasse
- Cirrhilabrus melanomarginatus
- Cirrhilabrus morrisoni
- Cirrhilabrus punctatus
- Blue-margin fairy-wrasse
- Cirrhilabrus randalli
- Rose-band fairy wrasse
- Pink-margin wrasse
- Redfin wrasse
- Social wrasse
- Cirrhilabrus sanguineus
- Scotts' wrasse
- Walindi fairy-wrasse
- Cirrhilabrus walshi
- Clepticus brasiliensis
- Creole wrasse
- Coris atlantica
- Blushing wrasse
- Goldlined coris
- Clown coris
- Light colored wrasse fish
- Batu coris
- Spottail coris
- Coris centralis
- African wrasse
- Debuen's coris
- Pale-barred coris
- Yellowstripe coris
- Queen coris
- African clown wrasse
- Hewett's coris
- Mediterranean rainbow wrasse
- Marquesan coris
- Coris musume
- Combfish
- Blackstripe coris
- Red and green coris
- Sandager's wrasse
- Coris variegata
- Elegant coris
- Bluelip parrotfish
- Goldsinny wrasse
- Brown-lined wrasse
- Knife razorfish
- Collared knifefish
- Decodon melasma
- Decodon puellaris
- Yellowtail tubelip
- Dwarf wrasse
- Allen's polly
- Pretty polly
- Dwarf slingjaw wrasse
- Sling-jaw wrasse
- Snakeskin wrasse
- Birdfish
- Bird-nose wrasse
- Blue weed whiting
- Argus wrasse
- Greenband wrasse
- Pearly-spotted wrasse
- Banded rainbow fish
- Red-lined wrasse
- Slippery dick
- Brownfields wrasse
- Halichoeres caudalis
- Wounded wrasse
- Halichoeres chlorocephalus
- Pastel-green wrasse
- Canary wrasse
- Halichoeres claudia
- Adorned wrasse
- Yellowcheek wrasse
- Halichoeres dimidiatus
- Chameleon wrasse
- Yellowhead wrasse
- Hartzfeld's wrasse
- Checkerboard wrasse
- Halichoeres iridis
- Pink-snouted wrasse
- Jewelled wrasse
- Thinstripe wrasse
- Canarytop wrasse
- Chain-line wrasse
- Slippery okra
- Pearl-spotted wrasse
- Dusky wrasse
- Orange-fin wrasse
- Halichoeres melanotis
- Tail-spot wrasse
- Cheekspot wrasse
- Cheek-ring wrasse
- Nebulous wrasse
- Spinster wrasse
- Bubblefin wrasse
- Halichoeres notospilus
- Halichoeres orientalis
- Ornamented wrasse
- Babi wrasse
- Weed wrasse
- Halichoeres pardaleocephalus
- Halichoeres penrosei
- Halichoeres pictus
- Axil spot wrasse
- Halichoeres poeyi
- Half-grey wrasse
- Puddingwife wrasse
- Richmond's wrasse
- Brownbanded wrasse
- Rock wrasse
- Solor wrasse
- U-spot wrasse
- Chinese wrasse
- Timor wrasse
- Halichoeres trimaculatus
- Triplespot wrasse
- Indian Ocean pinstriped wrasse
- Ceylon wrasse
- Barred thicklip
- Blackedge thicklip wrasse
- Rainbow cale
- Candelamoa parrotfish
- Pacific longnose parrotfish
- Narrow-banded rainbowfish
- Candy cane wrasse
- Pale slender wrasse
- Redback longface wrasse
- Pale razorfish
- Iniistius auropunctatus
- Baldwin's razorfish
- Two-spot razorfish
- Bronzespot razorfish
- Blackspot razorfish
- Iniistius evides
- Griffiths' razor fish
- Keel-head
- Fin-spot razor wrasse
- Black-barred razorfish
- Fivefinger razorfish
- Iniistius twistii
- Blackside razorfish
- Iniistius verrens
- Tubelip wrasse
- Bicolor cleanerfish
- Bluestreak cleaner wrasse
- Black-spot cleaner wrasse
- Hawaiian cleaner wrasse
- Golden cleanerwrasse
- Allen's tubelip
- Southern tubelip
- Northern tubelip
- Micronesian wrasse
- Labropsis polynesica
- Blacklobe wrasse
- Ballan wrasse
- Brown wrasse
- Cuckoo wrasse
- Iris wrasse
- Ocre-band wrasse
- Blue-spot v-wrasse
- Black-spot v-wrasse
- Tail-spot v-wrasse
- Marbled parrotfish
- Divided wrasse
- Choat's wrasse
- Macropharyngodon cyanoguttatus
- Geoffroy's wrasse
- Kuiter's wrasse
- Guinea fowl wrasse
- Macropharyngodon moyeri
- Negros wrasse
- False leopard
- Madagascar wrasse
- Minute wrasse
- Tristan rainbow wrasse
- Little weed whiting
- Nicholsina collettei
- Loosetooth parrotfish
- Emerald parrotfish
- Spotty
- Girdled wrasse
- Banded parrotfish
- Crimson banded wrasse
- Inscribed wrasse
- Brown spotted wrasse
- Blue-throated parrotfish
- Green-banner wrasse
- Dragon wrasse
- Bluefinned butterfish
- Greenbone
- Herring cale
- Butcher's prick
- Arenatus wrasse
- Comettailed wrasse
- Celebes Maori wrasse
- Cheek-lined wrasse
- Oxycheilinus lineatus
- Mental wrasse
- Oriental Maori wrasse
- Ringtail Maori wrasse
- Oxyjulis californica
- Angular flasher
- Paracheilinus attenuatus
- Bell's flasher
- Blue flasher-wrasse
- Filamented flasher
- Yellow-fin flasher-wrasse
- Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus
- Spot-lined flasher
- McCosker's flasher wrasse
- Paracheilinus nursalim
- Red sea eightline flasher
- Paracheilinus piscilineatus
- Paracheilinus rubricaudalis
- Togean flasher wrasse
- Paracheilinus walton
- Multicolorfin rainbowfish
- Patrician wrasse
- Green senator wrasse
- Yellowstriped hogfish
- Pelvic-spot wrasse
- Pseudocheilinus citrinus
- Striated wrasse
- Six-line wrasse
- White-barred wrasse
- Eight-lined wrasse
- Four-lined wrasse
- Rust-banded wrasse
- Philippine wrasse
- Torpedo wrasse
- Yamashiro's wrasse
- Chiseltooth wrasse
- Ring-cheek slender wrasse
- Blue-head slender-wrasse
- Blue-nose wrasse
- Black-patch wrasse
- Fiery slender wrasse
- Black-hat slender wrasse
- Redband wrasse
- Red naped wrasse
- Pseudolabrus fuentesi
- Pseudolabrus gayi
- Günther's wrasse
- Orange wrasse
- Scarlet wrasse
- Rosy parrotfish
- Pseudolabrus semifasciatus
- Pseudolabrus sieboldi
- Pseudolabrus torotai
- Cryptic wrasse
- Cockerel wrasse
- Cocktail fish
- White-barred sneaky-wrasse
- Sideburn wrasse
- Cheekbar wrasse
- Filament-finned parrotfish
- Arabian parrotfish
- Redbarred parrotfish
- Chameleon parrotfish
- Blue parrotfish
- Red sea parrotfish
- Azure parrotfish
- Turquoise-capped parrotfish
- Regal parrotfish
- Sicklefin parrotfish
- Rusty parrotfish
- Festive parrotfish
- Yellowfin parrotfish
- Forsten's parrotfish
- Bridled parrotfish
- Darktail parrotfish
- Purple-brown parrotfish
- Blue-barred parrotfish
- Globehead parrotfish
- Guinean parrotfish
- Mottlefin parrotfish
- Marquesan parrotfish
- Highfin parrotfish
- Swarthy parrotfish
- Dark-capped parrotfish
- Scarus perrico
- Gulf parrotfish
- Singapore parrotfish
- Common parrotfish
- Blue banded parrotfish
- Quoy's parrotfish
- Rivulated parrotfish
- Ember parrotfish
- Eclipse parrotfish
- Five-saddle parrotfish
- Yellowband parrotfish
- Spiny parrotfish
- Princess parrotfish
- Tricolour parrotfish
- Queen parrotfish
- Greenlip parrotfish
- Red parrotfish
- Tubemouth
- Slender weed whiting
- Pencil weed whiting
- Sharpnose weed whiting
- Long-rayed weed whiting
- Reef parrotfish
- Greenblotch parrotfish
- Redband parrotfish
- Redtail parrotfish
- Sparisoma cretense
- Sparisoma radians
- Redfin parrotfish
- Strigate parrotfish
- Sparisoma tuiupiranga
- Stoplight parrotfish
- Stethojulis albovittata
- Belted wrasse
- Orange-axil wrasse
- Cut-ribbon wrasse
- Stethojulis maculata
- Stethojulis marquesensis
- Stethojulis notialis
- Silver-streaked rainbowfish
- Stethojulis terina
- Blue-ribbon wrasse
- Rainbow slender wrasse
- Crimson cleaner fish
- Red sea slender wrasse
- Blue-throated rainbow wrasse
- Australian slender wrasse
- Slender wrasse
- Japanese rainbow wrasse
- Soela trawl wrasse
- Baillon's wrasse
- Symphodus caeruleus
- Grey wrasse
- Symphodus doderleini
- Axillary wrasse
- Blacktailed wrasse
- Corkwing wrasse
- Ocellated wrasse
- Five-spotted wrasse
- Pointed-snout wrasse
- East Atlantic peacock wrasse
- Symphodus trutta
- Bergall
- Yellow-stripe hogfish
- Bluntheaded wrasse
- Blacktail wrasse
- Bluehead wrasse
- Cupid wrasse
- Saddle wrasse
- Red-cheek wrasse
- Sunset wrasse
- Sixbar wrasse
- Goldbar wrasse
- Pitcairn rainbow wrasse
- Jansen's wrasse
- Cortez rainbow wrasse
- Moon wrasse
- Yellow-brown wrasse
- Newton's wrasse
- Black-barred wrasse
- Noronha wrasse
- Ornate wrasse
- Surge wrasse
- Fivestripe wrasse
- Klunzinger's wrasse
- Christmas wrasse
- Diagonal-lined wrasse
- Blackspot pigmy wrasse
- Finspot wrasse
- Blue-banded wrasse
- Marmalade razorfish
- Halstead's razorfish
- Razorfish
- Rosy razorfish
- Cape razorfish
- Pearly razorfish
- Pastel razorfish
- Sand greenfish
- Green razorfish
- Wood's razorfish
Threefin blennies
- Acanthanectes hystrix
- Acanthanectes rufus
- Tasseled triplefin
- Ocellate triplefin
- Panama triplefin
- Cortez triplefin
- Carmine triplefin
- Mottled twister
- Twister
- Giant triplefin
- Southern barred triplefin
- Spotted spiny-eye triplefin
- Striped spiny-eye triplefin
- Cape triplefin
- Lizard triplefin
- Cryptic triplefin
- Lofty triplefin
- Blackedge triplefin
- Enneanectes boehlkei
- Delicate triplefin
- Two-bar triplefin
- Mimic triplefin
- Matador triplefin
- Redeye blenny
- Network triplefin
- Yellow triplefin
- Highfin triplefin
- Hawaiian blackhead triplefin
- Blackthroat triplefin
- Enneapterygius bahasa
- Enneapterygius cheni
- Barred triplefin
- Clea's triplefin
- Enneapterygius destai
- Enneapterygius elaine
- Hourglass triplefin
- Enneapterygius etheostoma
- Tiny threefin
- Yellownape tripplefin
- Blackbelly triplefin
- Enneapterygius genamaculatus
- Northern yellow-black triplefin
- Enneapterygius gruschkai
- Halfblack triplefin
- Holleman's triplefin
- Lord Howe Island triplefin
- Enneapterygius hsiojenae
- Kermadec triplefin
- Enneapterygius kosiensis
- Western Australian black-head triplefin
- Enneapterygius melanospilus
- Minute triplefin
- Miracle triplefin
- Izu Islands triplefin
- Pygmy triplefin
- Black triplefin
- Pacific blacktail triplefin
- Enneapterygius obscurus
- Henderson triplefin
- Pale white-spotted triplefin
- Enneapterygius pallidus
- New Caledonian striped triplefin
- Enneapterygius philippinus
- Highcrest triplefin
- Pyramid triplefin
- Enneapterygius qirmiz
- Rapa triplefin
- Umpire triplefin
- Surf triplefin
- Redtail triplefin
- Redcap triplefin
- Enneapterygius senoui
- Enneapterygius shaoi
- Flagtail triplefin
- Black-and-red triplefin
- White-spotted triplefin
- Enneapterygius trisignatus
- High-hat triplefin
- Onespot triplefin
- Blotched triplefin
- Blacksaddle triplefin
- William's triplefin
- Ziegler's triplefin
- Spotted robust triplefin
- Yellow-and-black triplefin
- Tasmanian robust triplefin
- Common triplefin
- Mottled triplefin
- Oblique-swimming triplefin
- Estuarine triplefin
- Variable triplefin
- Obscure triplefin
- Thripenny
- Helcogramma albimacula
- Helcogramma alkamr
- Helcogramma aquila
- Helcogramma ascensionis
- Helcogramma billi
- Hooded triplefin
- Helcogramma cerasina
- Little hooded triplefin
- Black-throated triplefin
- Helcogramma desa
- Red-eye threefin
- Helcogramma ememes
- Fourspot triplefin
- Blackfin triplefin
- Red-finned triplefin
- Hudson's triplefin
- Triangle triplefin
- Helmet triplefin
- Helcogramma lacuna
- Helcogramma microstigma
- Helcogramma nesion
- Helcogramma nigra
- New Caledonian triplefin
- Shortsnout triplefin
- Helcogramma randalli
- Helcogramma rharhabe
- Rhinocerus triplefin
- Helcogramma rosea
- Helcogramma serendip
- Springer's triplefin
- Red triplefin
- Tropical striped triplefin
- Helcogramma trigloides
- Helcogramma vulcana
- Helcogrammoides chilensis
- Cunningham's triplefin
- Scaly-headed triplefin
- Eastern jumping blenny
- Western jumping blenny
- Signal triplefin
- Chatham deep-water triplefin
- Deepwater triplefin
- Tropical scaly-headed triplefin
- Leeuwin triplefin
- Scalyhead triplefin
- Thomas' triplefin
- Blue dot triplefin
- Blue-eyed triplefin
- Yaldwyn's triplefin
- Brown topknot
- New Zealand topknot
- Longfinned triplefin (Ruanoho decemdigitatus)
- Spectacled triplefin
- Japanese blacktail triplefin
- Kulbicki's triplefin
- Bullhead triplefin
- Clarke's triplefin
- Crested triplefin
- Notched triplefin
- Black-faced blenny
- Tripterygion melanurum
- Tripterygion tartessicum
- Red-black triplefin
- Largemouth triplefin
- Silvergray grunt
- Xantic sargo
- Burito grunt
- Brownstriped grunt
- Anisotremus scapularis
- Panama porkfish
- Porkfish
- Lemoneye grunt
- Barred grunt
- Armed grunt
- Bonnetmouth
- Blackbarred grunt
- Carruco grunt
- Tomtate
- Haemulon boschmae
- Caesar grunt
- Smallmouth grunt
- Cortez grunt
- Spanish grunt
- Spottail grunt
- Cottonwick
- Haemulon parra
- Grey grunt
- Graybar grunt
- Latin grunt
- Striped grunt
- Boga
- Axil grunt
- Roughneck grunt
- Elongate grunt
- Raucous grunt
- Shining grunt
- Cabinza grunt
- Shortfin grunt
- Wavyline grunt
- Orthopristis chalceus
- Orthopristis chrysoptera
- Orthopristis reddingi
- Corocoro grunt
- Guinean grunt
- African striped grunt
- Brown sweetlips
- Biglip grunt
- Pomadasys argenteus
- Sand grunt
- Bastard grunt
- Sompat grunt
- Longspine grunt
- Saddle grunt
- Panama grunt
- Pomadasys perotaei
- Pigsnout grunt
- Longfin salema
- Californian salema
- Banded angelfish
- Griffis angelfish
- Tiger angelfish
- Threespot angelfish
- Goldspotted angelfish
- Yellow-ear angelfish
- Indian yellowtail angelfish
- Centropyge abei
- Orangeback angelfish
- Cherubfish
- Golden angelfish
- Flameback angelfish
- Bicolor angelfish
- Twospined angelfish
- Peppermint angelfish
- Cocos-Keeling angelfish
- Blue Mauritius angelfish
- Blacktail angelfish
- Rusty angelfish
- Fisher's angelfish
- Yellowfin angelfish
- Lemonpeel angelfish
- Herald's angelfish
- Blackear angelfish
- Japanese angelfish
- Yellowhead angelfish
- Flame angelfish
- Multicolor angelfish
- Bluefin dwarf
- Narc angelfish
- Black-spot pygmy angelfish
- Midnight angelfish
- Russet angelfish
- Resplendent pygmy angelfish
- Mango angelfish
- Black angelfish
- Purplemask angelfish
- Pearlscale angelfish
- Ballina angelfish
- Orangeface angelfish
- Conspicuous angelfish
- Velvet angelfish
- Chaetodontoplus duboulayi
- Black-velvet angelfish
- Queensland yellowtail angelfish
- Vermiculate angelfish
- Chaetodontoplus niger
- Spottedface angelfish
- Chaetodontoplus poliourus
- Bluestriped angelfish
- Ornate angelfish
- Zebra angelfish
- Blackstriped angelfish
- Spotbreast angelfish
- Masked angelfish
- Halfbanded angelfish
- Japanese swallow
- Pitcairn angelfish
- Genicanthus takeuchii
- Blackedged angelfish
- Guinean angelfish
- Bermuda blue angelfish
- Queen angelfish
- King angelfish
- Rock beauty
- Barred angelfish
- Blue ring angelfish
- Gray angelfish
- Arabian angelfish
- Goldtail angelfish
- Emperor angelfish
- Yellowbar angelfish
- Bluegirdled angelfish
- French angelfish
- Old woman angelfish
- Semicircle angelfish
- Sixbar angelfish
- Blue-faced angelfish
- Cortez angelfish
- Royal angelfish
- Blacktip cardinalfish
- Plain cardinalfish
- Bridle cardinalfish
- Apogon axillaris
- Barred cardinalfish
- Ochre-striped cardinalfish
- Tailspot cardinalfish
- Flower cardinalfish
- Deepwater cardinalfish
- Guadalupe cardinalfish
- Mangrove cardinalfish
- Mediterranean cardinalfish
- Apogon indicus
- Whitestar cardinalfish
- Slendertail cardinalfish
- Spotted cardinalfish
- Red-striped cardinalfish
- Dwarf cardinalfish
- Mini cardinalfish
- Spotnape cardinalfish
- Pink cardinalfish
- Mimic cardinalfish
- Broadsaddle cardinalfish
- Pale cardinalfish
- Twospot cardinalfish
- Apogon quadrisquamatus
- Barspot cardinalfish
- Striped cardinalfish
- Roughlip cardinalfish
- Orangespot cardinalfish
- Cheekbar cardinalfish
- Belted cardinalfish
- Kupang cardinalfish
- Ocellated cardinalfish
- Bronze cardinalfish
- Blackfin cardinalfish
- Truncate cardinalfish
- Nectamia annularis
- Ghost cardinalfish
- Nectamia zebrinus
- Humpback cardinal
- Bigtooth cardinalfish
- Freckled cardinalfish
- Dusky cardinalfish
- Sponge cardinalfish
- Buru cardinalfish
- Cave cardinalfish
- Commerson's glassy perchlet
- Malabar glassy perchlet
- Yellow-fin perchlet
- Bald glassy perchlet
- Long-spined glassfish
- Macleayi's glassfish
- Estuary perchlet
- Flag-tailed glassfish
- Scalloped perchlet
- Bleeker's glass perchlet
- Vachell's glassfish
- Elongate glassy perchlet
- Parambassis apogonoides
- Day's glassy perchlet
- Parambassis ranga
- Parambassis siamensis
- Western ghat glassy perchlet
- Parambassis vollmeri
- Parambassis wolffii
- Himalayan glassy perchlet
- Indian glass perch
- African threadfish
- African pompano
- Herring scad
- Vadigo
- Threadfin jack
- Yellow jack
- Green jack
- Pacific crevalle jack
- Blue runner
- Longfin crevalle jack
- Crevalle jack
- Horse-eye jack
- Black jack
- False scad
- Bar jack
- Senegal jack
- Bigeye trevally
- Cocinero
- Atlantic bumper
- Pacific bumper
- Mackerel scad
- Amberstripe scad
- Round scad
- Indian scad
- Roughear scad
- Rainbow runner
- Palomette
- Hemicaranx bicolor
- Little jack
- Blackfin jack
- Leerfish
- Pilot fish
- Longjaw leatherjacket
- Maracaibo leatherjacket
- Shortjaw leatherjack
- Castin leatherjacket
- Leatherjacket fish
- White trevally
- Bigeye scad
- Airfin lookdown
- Full moonfish
- Bluntnose
- Mexican moonfish
- Pacific moonfish
- Atlantic moonfish
- Lookdown
- Guinean amberjack
- Greater amberjack
- Lesser amberjack
- Seriola lalandi
- Darkfin amberjack
- Almaco jack
- Banded rudderfish
- Florida pompano
- Cayenne pompano
- Permit
- Streamers jack
- Trachinotus goreensis
- Blackblotch pompano
- Trachinotus maxillosus
- Short dorsal fin pompano
- Paloma pompano
- Gafftopsail pompano
- Steel pompano
- Trachinotus teraia
- Rough scad
- Mediterranean horse mackerel
- Blue jack mackerel
- Pacific jack mackerel
- Cunene horse mackerel
- Whitetongue jack
- Cottonmouth jack
- Leathercoat
- Atlantic leatherjacket
- Achilles tang
- Whitefin surgeonfish
- Orange-socket surgeonfish
- Ocean surgeon
- Roundspot surgeonfish
- Ringtail surgeonfish
- Doctorfish tang
- Blue doctorfish
- Eyestripe surgeonfish
- Horseshoe surgeonfish
- Acanthurus gahhm
- Finelined surgeonfish
- Whitespotted surgeonfish
- Japanese surgeonfish
- Palelipped surgeonfish
- Whitebar surgeonfish
- Powder blue surgeonfish
- Lined surgeonfish
- Spotted-face surgeonfish
- Elongate surgeonfish
- Monrovia surgeonfish
- Whitecheek surgeonfish
- Blackstreak surgeonfish
- Brown surgeonfish
- Acanthurus nigroris
- Dropoff surgeonfish
- Orange band surgeonfish
- Pacific mimic surgeon
- Marquesan surgeonfish
- Sohal surgeonfish
- Doubleband surgeonfish
- Thompson's surgeonfish
- Acanthurus tractus
- Convict surgeonfish
- Indian Ocean mimic surgeonfish
- Yellowfin surgeonfish
- Two-spot bristletooth
- Short-tail bristle-tooth
- Whitetail bristletooth
- Hawaiian bristletooth
- Blue-spotted bristletooth
- Striated surgeonfish
- Goldring bristletooth
- Orange-tipped bristletooth
- Squaretail bristletooth
- Whitemargin unicornfish
- Humpback unicornfish
- Short-nosed unicornfish
- Bluetail unicornfish
- Gray unicornfish
- Elegant unicornfish
- Horseface unicornfish
- Sleek unicornfish
- Orange spine surgeonfish
- Slender unicornfish
- Naso maculatus
- Squarenose unicornfish
- Blackspine unicornfish
- Singlespine unicornfish
- Bulbnose unicornfish
- Bluespine unicornfish
- Bignose unicornfish
- Palette surgeonfish
- Biafra sawtail
- Razor surgeonfish
- Yellowspotted sawtail
- Sixplate sawtail
- Prionurus punctatus
- Red Sea sailfin tang
- Yellow tang
- Brushtail tang
- Sailfin tang
- Purple Tang
- Lord Howe Island butterflyfish
- Philippine butterflyfish
- Asian butterflyfish
- Assarius butterflyfish
- Goldenrod butterflyfish
- Threadfin butterflyfish
- Oriental butterflyfish
- Blacktail butterflyfish
- Eastern Triangle Butterflyfish
- Blackburn's butterflyfish
- Black-barred butterflyfish
- Foureye butterflyfish
- Speckled butterflyfish
- Redtail butterflyfish
- Wrought iron butterflyfish
- Marquesan butterflyfish
- Indian vagabond butterflyfish
- Oman butterflyfish
- African butterflyfish
- Saddle butterflyfish
- Blackwedged butterflyfish
- Diagonal butterflyfish
- Black butterflyfish
- Yellow-crowned butterflyfish
- Bluestripe butterflyfish
- Gardiner's butterflyfish
- Crochet butterflyfish
- Peppered butterflyfish
- Four-banded butterflyfish
- Chaetodon humeralis
- Yellow teardrop butterflyfish
- Sunburst butterflyfish
- Blue chevron butterflyfish
- Somali butterflyfish
- Lined butterflyfish
- Easter Island butterflyfish
- Raccoon butterflyfish
- Oval butterflyfish
- Seychelles butterflyfish
- Marley's butterflyfish
- Blackback butterflyfish
- Arabian butterflyfish
- Atoll butterflyfish
- White-face butterflyfish
- Scrawled butterflyfish
- Millet butterflyfish
- Indian butterflyfish
- Pebbled butterflyfish
- Black-spotted butterflyfish
- Japanese butterflyfish (fb)
- Spotfin butterflyfish
- Eightband butterflyfish
- Ornate butterflyfish
- Spot-nape butterflyfish
- Eritrean butterflyfish
- Dot-and-dash coralfish
- Chaetodon pictus
- Blueblotch butterflyfish
- Spotband butterflyfish
- Fourspot butterflyfish
- Latticed butterflyfish
- Three-banded butterflyfish
- Cunningfish
- Reef butterflyfish
- Yellow-dotted butterflyfish
- Dotted butterflyfish
- Bluecheek butterflyfish
- Smith's butterflyfish
- Mirror butterflyfish
- Banded butterflyfish
- Hawaiian butterflyfish
- Herringbone butterflyfish
- Tahitian butterflyfish
- Three-striped butterflyfish
- Melon butterflyfish
- Pacific double-saddle butterflyfish
- Teardrop butterflyfish
- Vagabond butterflyfish
- Hongkong butterflyfish
- Yellowhead butterflyfish
- Pearlscale butterflyfish
- Zanzibar butterflyfish
- Margined coralfish
- Blackfin coralfish
- Copperband butterflyfish
- Western talma
- Coralfish
- High-fin butterflyfish
- Golden-girdled coralfish
- Twoeye coralfish
- Yellow longnose butterflyfish
- Black long-nosed butterflyfish
- Many-spined butterflyfish
- Pyramid butterflyfish
- Thompson's butterflyfish
- Black pyramid butterflyfish
- Pennant coralfish
- Horned coralfish
- Schooling bannerfish
- Red Sea bannerfish
- Masked bannerfish
- Indian Ocean bannerfish
- Singular bannerfish
- Humphead bannerfish
- Barberfish
- Eye-spot butterflyfish
- Longsnout butterflyfish
- Bank Butterflyfish
- Prognathodes brasiliensis
- Bastard cunningfish
- Scythe butterflyfish
- Guyana butterflyfish
- Prognathodes marcellae
- Roa australis
- Hawaiian gold-barred butterflyfish
- Indian golden-barred butterflyfish
- Brown-banded butterflyfish
- Intermediate scabbardfish
- Mikhailin's scabbardfish
- Benthodesmus tenuis
- Channel scabbardfish
- Lepidopus dubius
- Largehead hairtail
- Northern stargazer
- Southern stargazer
- Pacific stargazer
- Spotted stargazer
- Lancer stargazer
- Smooth stargazer
- Longspine stargazer
- West African stargazer
- Japanese stargazer
- Drab nackednape stargazer
- Whitespotted stargazer
- Atlantic stargazer
- Freckled stargazer
- Threadfin ponyfish
- Splendid ponyfish
- Smalltoothed ponyfish
- Toothed ponyfish
- Common ponyfish
- Haneda's ponyfish
- Duckbill flathead
- Bembrops cadenati
- Goby flathead
- Bembrops greyi
- Bembrops heterurus
- Scaled-eye duckbill
- Opalfish
- Atlantic pomfret
- Lesser bream
- Pacific fanfish
- Atlantic fanfish
- Black pomfret
- Big-scale pomfret
- Curled picarel
- Bigeye picarel
- Spicara australis
- Spicara axillaris
- Blotched picarel
- Blackspot picarel
- Blacktail picarel
- Deep-body pickarel
- Black ruff
- Black driftfish
- Barrelfish
- Japanese butterfish
- Mocosa ruff
- New Zealand ruffe
- Pemarco blackfish
- Schedophilus velaini
- White warehou
- Palm ruff
- Armed snook
- Swordspine snook
- Blackfin snook
- Largescale fat snook
- Black robalo
- Fat snook
- Tarpon snook
- Yellowfin snook
- Common snook
- Humpback snook
- White snook
- Chiasmodon braueri
- Black swallower
- Chiasmodon subniger
- Dysalotus alcocki
- Dysalotus oligoscolus
- Kali indica
- Kali kerberti
- Kali macrodon
- Kali macrura
- Kali parri
- Pseudoscopelus altipinnis
- Pseudoscopelus scriptus
- Pseudoscopelus scutatus
- Blue fathead
- Cape fathead
- Longfin cigarfish
- Bigeye cigarfish
- Man-of-war fish
- Banded driftfish
- Freckled driftfish
- Bluefin driftfish
- Twospine driftfish
- Irish mojarra
- Golden mojarra
- Peruvian mojarra
- Rhombic mojarra
- Spotfin mojarra
- Eucinostomus currani
- Dow's mojarra
- Darkspot mojarra
- Graceful mojarra
- Silver jenny
- Tidewater mojarra
- Bigeye mojarra
- Slender mojarra
- Mottled mojarra
- Eucinostomus melanopterus
- Maracaibo mojarra
- Black axillary mojarra
- Brazilian mojarra
- Short fin mojarra
- Eugerres lineatus
- Mexican mojarra
- Striped mojarra
- Yellow fin mojarra
- Whipfin mojarra
- Gerres limbatus
- Guinean striped mojarra
- Gerres simillimus
Deepwater cardinalfishes
- Epigonus affinis
- Constance deepwater cardinalfish
- Pencil cardinal
- Bigeye deepwater cardinalfish
- Deepsea cardinalfish
- Microichthys coccoi
- Yellowcheek basslet
- Royal gramma
- Blackcap basslet
- Dusky basslet
- Banded basslet
- Bicolor basslet
- Royal basslet
- Rosy basslet
- Threeline basslet
Eelpout species
- Hadropareia middendorffii
- Hadropogonichthys lindbergi
- Iluocoetes elongatus
- Lycenchelys hippopotamus
- Lycenchelys monstrosa
- Ebony eelpout
- Shulupaoluk
- Paamiut eelpout
- Atlantic soft pout
- Pachycara bulbiceps
- Pachycara crassiceps
- Pachycara crossacanthum
- Phucocoetes latitans
- Higman's jawfish
- Palemouth jawfish
- Swordtail jawfish
- Longtailed jawfish
- Yellowhead jawfish
- Opistognathus fossoris
- Galapagos jawfish
- Yellow jawfish
- Scalecheek jawfish
- Moustache jawfish
- Banded jawfish
- Mottled jawfish
- Largescale jawfish
- Megamouth jawfish
- Yellowmouth jawfish
- Panamanian jawfish
- Finespotted jawfish
- Giant jawfish
- Opistognathus robinsi
- Blue-spotted jawfish
- Bullseye jawfish
- Dark-spotted jawfish
- Dusky jawfish
- Blue cod
- Blackflag sandperch
- Somali sandperch
- Parapercis striolata
- Peppered grubfish
- Namorado sandperch
- Gulf butterfish
- Pacific harvestfish
- American harvestfish
- Pacific butterfish
- Salema butterfish
- Blue butterfish
- Stromateus stellatus
- Guinean barracuda
- Pacific barracuda
- Great barracuda
- Northern sennet
- Mexican barracuda
- Guachanche barracuda
- Pelican barracuda
- European barracuda
- Yellowmouth barracuda
- Blackmouth bass
- Synagrops japonicus
- Smallscale splitfin
- Keelcheek bass
- Threespine bass
- Black verilus
Other Perciformes species
- Akarotaxis nudiceps
- Redspotted hawkfish
- Gill's sand lance
- Calico surfperch
- Deepbody boarfish
- Shortspine boarfish
- Silver-rag driftfish
- Brown driftfish
- Spotted driftfish
- Artedidraco glareobarbatus
- Bathydraco joannae
- Blennodesmus scapularis
- Bovichtus chilensis
- Blue and gold fusilier
- Parrot seaperch
- Boar Fish
- Barred seabass
- Red bandfish
- Atlantic spadefish
- West African spadefish
- Pacific spadefish
- Saddled sandburrower
- Champsodon capensis
- Natal fingerfin
- West African hawkfish
- Giant hawkfish
- Congrogadus hierichthys
- Coreoperca whiteheadi
- Pompano dolphinfish
- Mahi-mahi
- Shiner perch
- Silver tiger fish
- African sicklefish
- Everglades pygmy sunfish
- Gulf Coast pygmy sunfish
- Okefenokee pygmy sunfish
- Banded pygmy sunfish
- Red rover
- African spadefish
- Atlantic rubyfish
- Two-spined blackfish
- Cape sandlance
- Mediterranean sand eel
- Gymnammodytes semisquamatus
- Kissing gourami
- Glasseye snapper
- Atlantic pricklefish
- Great sand eel
- Tule perch
- Indo-Pacific sailfish
- Kraemeria tongaensis
- Spotted flagtail
- Kuhlia mugil
- Jungle perch
- Incubator fish
- Nile perch
- Sleek lates
- Atlantic emperor
- Red axil emperor
- Blackeye emperor
- Lancer
- Pacific tripletail
- Atlantic tripletail
- Louvar
- Micropercops swinhonis
- Nandus nandus
- Nandus nebulosus
- Nandus oxyrhynchus
- Redspine threadfin bream
- Neodontobutis aurarmus
- Paracaristius aquilus
- Paracaristius nemorosus
- Panama spadefish
- Patagonotothen cornucola
- Shortfin sweeper
- Glassy sweeper
- Bigspine boarfish
- Japanese armorhead
- Blue whiptail
- Tidepool gunnel
- Saddleback gunnel
- Platyberyx opalescens
- Whitespotted longfin
- Antarctic silverfish
- Pogonophryne barsukovi
- African leaffish
- Alalaua
- Atlantic bigeye
- Short bigeye
- Popeye catalufa
- Malayan leaffish
- Malabar leaffish
- Forktail dottyback
- Striped dottyback
- Cobia
- Racovitzia glacialis
- Pile perch
- Spotted scat
- Stout infantfish
- Premature floater
- Longfin escolar
- Magnificent rabbitfish
- Marbled spinefoot
- Vermiculated spinefoot
- Shortnose whiting
- Slender whiting
- Japanese whiting
- Sineleotris chalmersi
- Siniperca obscura
- Slope bass
- Fat slope bass
- Bigeye squaretail
- Smalleye squaretail
- Mediterranean spearfish
- Longbill spearfish
- Banded archerfish
- Lorent'z archerfish
- Smallscale archerfish
- Big scale archerfish
- Freckled wriggler
- Swordfish
- Pink seaperch
There are 74 species and seven subspecies in the order Beloniformes assessed as least concern.
- Spotted ricefish
- Indian ricefish
- Mekong ricefish
- Oryzias melastigma
- Dwarf medaka
- Miniature Indian ricefish
- Chinese rice fish
- Hardhead halfbeak
- Dermogenys burmanica
- Dermogenys siamensis
- Flying halfbeak
- Balao halfbeak
- Bermuda halfbeak
- Ballyhoo
- Jumping halfbeak
- Forest halfbeak
- Collette's halfbeak
- Choelo halfbeak
- Congaturi halfbeak
- American halfbeak
- Pacific silverstripe halfbeak
- African halfbeak
- Central American halfbeak
- Skipper halfbeak
- Atlantic silverstripe halfbeak
- False halfbeak
- Feathered river-garfish
- Zenarchopterus gilli
- Robert's river garfish
- Flat needlefish
- Garfish
- Keeltail needlefish
- Californian needlefish
- Silver gar
- Redfin needlefish
- Shoulderspot needlefish
- Strongylura senegalensis
- Timucu
- Agujon needlefish
- Houndfish
- Pacific agujon
- Xenentodon cancila
- Indochinese needlefish
- Baja California keeltail needlefish
- Tylosurus acus acus
- Tylosurus acus imperialis
- Tylosurus acus rafale
- Tylosurus crocodilus crocodilus
- Mexican needlefish
Flying fish
- Margined flyingfish
- Backspot flying fish
- Bandwing flyingfish
- Spotfin flyingfish
- Blotchwing flyingfish
- Atlantic flyingfish
- Guinean flyingfish
- Blacksail flyingfish
- Butterfly flyingfish
- Bennett's flyingfish
- Easter Island flyingfish
- Whitetip flyingfish
- Ornamented flying fish
- Clearwing flyingfish
- Oceanic two-wing flyingfish
- Tropical two-wing flyingfish
- Fodiator acutus
- Fodiator rostratus
- Hirundichthys affinis
- Banded flyingfish
- Subtropical flyingfish
- Mirrorwing flyingfish
- Hirundichthys volador
- Atlantc sailfin flyingfish
- Bluntnosed flyingfish
- Gyre flyingfish
- Western bluntnose flyingfish
- Sailor flyingfish
- Panamic flyingfish
- Atlantic saury
- Dwarf Atlantic saury
There are 52 species in the order Synbranchiformes assessed as least concern.
Swamp eels
- Asian swamp eel
- Gangetic mudeel
- Bengal mudeel
- Macrognathus aral
- Macrognathus circumcinctus
- Macrognathus dorsiocellatus
- Macrognathus guentheri
- Macrognathus maculatus
- Macrognathus morehensis
- Macrognathus pancalus
- Macrognathus semiocellatus
- Spotfin spiny eel
- Tapir spiny eel
- Macrognathus zebrinus
- Mastacembelus alboguttatus
- Mastacembelus albomaculatus
- Tire track eel
- Mastacembelus brachyrhinus
- Blind spiny eel
- Mastacembelus congicus
- Mastacembelus cryptacanthus
- Mastacembelus cunningtoni
- Mastacembelus dayi
- Mastacembelus ellipsifer
- Fire eel
- Flower spiny eel
- Mastacembelus flavidus
- East African spiny eel
- Mastacembelus greshoffi
- Mastacembelus liberiensis
- Mesopotamian spiny eel
- Mastacembelus micropectus
- Mastacembelus moeruensis
- Mastacembelus moorii
- Mastacembelus niger
- Mastacembelus nigromarginatus
- Mastacembelus ophidium
- Mastacembelus paucispinis
- Mastacembelus plagiostomus
- Mastacembelus platysoma
- Mastacembelus praensis
- Mastacembelus robertsi
- Mastacembelus sanagali
- Mastacembelus seiteri
- Malawi spinyeel
- Mastacembelus stappersii
- Mastacembelus tanganicae
- Mastacembelus tinwini
- Mastacembelus traversi
- Ocellated spiny eel
- Zebra spinyeel
- Sinobdella sinensis
There are 127 species in the order Osteoglossiformes assessed as least concern.
- Boulengeromyrus knoepffleri
- Brevimyrus niger
- Brienomyrus brachyistius
- Brienomyrus longianalis
- Campylomormyrus alces
- Campylomormyrus christyi
- Campylomormyrus curvirostris
- Campylomormyrus elephas
- Campylomormyrus mirus
- Campylomormyrus numenius
- Campylomormyrus phantasticus
- Campylomormyrus rhynchophorus
- Wormjawed mormyrid
- Campylomormyrus tshokwe
- Zambezi parrotfish
- Cyphomyrus macrops
- Cyphomyrus psittacus
- Cyphomyrus wilverthi
- Genyomyrus donnyi
- Gnathonemus echidnorhynchus
- Longnose stonebasher
- Peters' elephantnose fish
- Slender stonebasher
- Hippopotamyrus castor
- Graham's stonebasher
- Hippopotamyrus pappenheimi
- Hippopotamyrus paugyi
- Hippopotamyrus pictus
- Hippopotamyrus szaboi
- Hyperopisus bebe
- Isichthys henryi
- Ivindomyrus marchei
- Marcusenius altisambesi
- Marcusenius angolensis
- Thisk-lipped fish
- Marcusenius friteli
- Marcusenius fuscus
- Marcusenius ghesquierei
- Marcusenius greshoffii
- Marcusenius kutuensis
- Marcusenius leopoldianus
- Livingstone's bulldog
- Bulldog-fish
- Marcusenius mento
- Monteiri's bulldog
- Marcusenius moorii
- Marcusenius schilthuisiae
- Marcusenius senegalensis
- Marcusenius stanleyanus
- Marcusenius thomasi
- Marcusenius ussheri
- Cornish jack
- Mormyrops attenuatus
- Mormyrops boulengeri
- Mormyrops breviceps
- Mormyrops curtus
- Mormyrops engystoma
- Mormyrops furcidens
- Mormyrops lineolatus
- Mormyrops mariae
- Mormyrops masuianus
- Mormyrops nigricans
- Mormyrops sirenoides
- Mormyrops zanclirostris
- Mormyrus caschive
- Mormyrus hasselquistii
- Bottlenose
- Western bottlenose
- Eastern bottlenose mormyrid
- Mormyrus macrocephalus
- Mormyrus macrophthalmus
- Mormyrus ovis
- Mormyrus tapirus
- Athi elephant-snout fish
- Myomyrus macrodon
- Myomyrus macrops
- Paramormyrops curvifrons
- Paramormyrops sphekodes
- Paramormyrops tavernei
- Petrocephalus ansorgii
- Petrocephalus balayi
- Petrocephalus binotatus
- Petrocephalus christyi
- Petrocephalus grandoculis
- Petrocephalus microphthalmus
- Petrocephalus pallidomaculatus
- Petrocephalus pellegrini
- Petrocephalus sauvagii
- Petrocephalus schoutedeni
- Petrocephalus simus
- Petrocephalus soudanensis
- Petrocephalus sullivani
- Petrocephalus tenuicauda
- Southern churchill
- Pollimyrus adspersus
- Pollimyrus brevis
- Dwarf stonebasher
- Pollimyrus marianne
- Dark stonebasher
- Pollimyrus nigripinnis
- Pollimyrus petherici
- Pollimyrus petricolus
- Pollimyrus plagiostoma
- Pollimyrus pulverulentus
- Pollimyrus schreyeni
- Pollimyrus tumifrons
- Stomatorhinus corneti
- Stomatorhinus fuliginosus
- Stomatorhinus humilior
- Stomatorhinus kununguensis
- Stomatorhinus patrizii
- Stomatorhinus polli
- Stomatorhinus polylepis
- Stomatorhinus puncticulatus
- Stomatorhinus walkeri
Other Osteoglossiformes species
- Flarenostril clingfish
- Emerald clingfish
- Papillate clingfish
- Orange-spotted clingfish
- Red clingfish
- Apletodon bacescui
- Apletodon incognitus
- Chubby clingfish
- Apletodon wirtzi
- Elegant clingfish
- Rockwall clingfish
- Padded clingfish
- Rock clingfish
- High-forehead clingfish
- Two-spotted clingfish
- Diplecogaster ctenocrypta
- Panamic clingfish
- Lappetlip clingfish
- Dotted clingfish
- Bahama skilletfish
- Blackfinned clingfish
- Bearded clingfish
- Gobiesox pinniger
- Stippled clingfish
- Smoothlip clingfish
- Skilletfish
- Blunt-snouted clingfish
- Lecanogaster chrysea
- Shore clingfish
- Lepadogaster purpurea
- Opeatogenys gracilis
- Northern fraildisc clingfish
- Guadalupe clingfish
- Sicyases hildebrandi
- Tomicodon australis
- Cortez clingfish
- Broadhead clingfish
- Smallsucker clingfish
- Cryptic clingfish
- Rosy clingfish
- Barred clingfish
- Sonora clingfish
- Smooth-suckered clingfish
- Blackstripe clingfish
- Peter's clingfish
- Reitz's clingfish
- Antillean clingfish
- Surge clingfish
- Zebra clingfish
There are 215 species in the order Characiformes assessed as least concern.
- Alestes ansorgii
- Alestes baremoze
- Nile robber
- Alestes liebrechtsii
- Torpedo robber
- Alestes stuhlmannii
- Alestopetersius bifasciatus
- Alestopetersius brichardi
- Yellow-tailed African tetra
- Alestopetersius compressus
- Alestopetersius hilgendorfi
- Alestopetersius leopoldianus
- Alestopetersius tumbensis
- Bathyaethiops breuseghemi
- African moon tetra
- Bathyaethiops greeni
- Brachypetersius cadwaladeri
- Brachypetersius gabonensis
- Brachypetersius huloti
- Brachypetersius pseudonummifer
- Redfin robber
- Brycinus bimaculatus
- Large-toothed Lake Turkana robber
- Brycinus fwaensis
- Pinkfin alestes
- Spot-tail
- Brycinus intermedius
- Brycinus kingsleyae
- Striped robber
- Brycinus leuciscus
- African longfin
- Large scaled robber
- Dwarf Lake Turkana robber
- Nurse tetra
- Brycinus opisthotaenia
- Brycinus peringueyi
- Brycinus poptae
- Brycinus rhodopleura
- Sadler's robber
- Brycinus taeniurus
- Brycinus tholloni
- Bryconaethiops boulengeri
- Bryconaethiops macrops
- Bryconaethiops microstoma
- Bryconaethiops quinquesquamae
- Barnard's robber
- Hydrocynus brevis
- Elongate tigerfish
- Giant tigerfish
- Hydrocynus tanzaniae
- Ndweshi
- Elongated robber
- Micralestes argyrotaenia
- Micralestes congicus
- Micralestes fodori
- Micralestes humilis
- Micralestes lualabae
- Micralestes occidentalis
- Micralestes pabrensis
- Micralestes sardina
- Micralestes stormsi
- Nannopetersius lamberti
- Petersius conserialis
- Phenacogrammus altus
- Phenacogrammus ansorgii
- Phenacogrammus aurantiacus
- Phenacogrammus deheyni
- Congo tetra
- Phenacogrammus major
- Phenacogrammus polli
- Phenacogrammus urotaenia
- Rhabdalestes brevidorsalis
- Okavango robber
- Slender robber (fb)
- Rhabdalestes septentrionalis
- Pangani robber
- Tricuspidalestes caeruleus
- Belonophago hutsebouti
- Belonophago tinanti
- Congocharax olbrechtsi
- Silver distichodus
- Distichodus altus
- Distichodus antonii
- Distichodus atroventralis
- Distichodus brevipinnis
- Dwarf distichodus
- Grass-eaters
- Many barred distichodus
- Distichodus hypostomatus
- Distichodus kolleri
- Longsnout distichodus
- Spotted citharinid
- Nkupe
- Nile distichodus
- Distichodus noboli
- Distichodus notospilus
- Grass-eater (fb)
- Distichodus rufigiensis
- Distichodus schenga
- Six-banded distichodus
- Eugnathichthys eetveldii
- Eugnathichthys macroterolepis
- Hemigrammocharax angolensis
- Dwarf citharine
- Hemigrammocharax minutus
- Hemigrammocharax monardi
- Multibar citharine
- Hemigrammocharax ocellicauda
- Hemigrammocharax uniocellatus
- Hemigrammocharax wittei
- Hemistichodus lootensi
- Hemistichodus mesmaekersi
- Hemistichodus vaillanti
- Ichthyborus monodi
- Ichthyborus ornatus
- Mesoborus crocodilus
- Microstomatichthyoborus bashforddeani
- Microstomatichthyoborus katangae
- Oneline tetra
- Nannocharax ansorgii
- Nannocharax brevis
- Nannocharax elongatus
- Nannocharax fasciatus
- Nannocharax gracilis
- Nannocharax intermedius
- Nannocharax lineomaculatus
- Nannocharax luapulae
- Broad-barred citharine
- Nannocharax maculicauda
- Nannocharax niloticus
- Nannocharax occidentalis
- Nannocharax parvus
- Nannocharax procatopus
- Nannocharax schoutedeni
- Nannocharax taenia
- Neolebias ansorgii
- Neolebias gossei
- Neolebias trewavasae
- Three-lined African tetra
- Neolebias unifasciatus
- Paradistichodus dimidiatus
- Phago boulengeri
- Phago intermedius
- African pike characin
- Xenocharax crassus
- Astyanax guaporensis
- Mexican tetra
- Bryconamericus alfredae
- Bryconamericus deuterodonoides
- Bryconamericus emperador
- Bryconamericus huilae
- Bryconamericus ichoensis
- Bryconamericus pachacuti
- Ceratobranchia binghami
- Charax macrolepis
- Creagrutus britskii
- Creagrutus maracaiboensis
- Creagrutus paralacus
- Deuterodon singularis
- Tetra
- Gephyrocharax chaparae
- Hemibrycon carrilloi
- Jumping anchovy
- Costello tetra
- Black wedge tetra
- Ornate tetra
- Black phantom tetra
- Lemon tetra
- Tortuguero tetra
- Jupiaba poranga
- Lobodeuterodon euspilurus
- Microschemobrycon elongatus
- Moenkhausia georgiae
- Odontostilbe microcephala
- Oligosarcus bolivianus
- Oligosarcus longirostris
- Othonocheirodus eigenmanni
- Phenacogaster beni
- Roeboides affinis
- Roeboides bonariensis
- Roeboides occidentalis
- Leporinus crassilabris
- Leporinus granti
- Leporinus nijsseni
- Leporinus obtusidens
- Striped leporinus
- Schizodon rostratus
Other Characiformes species
- Acestrorhynchus maculipinna
- Bivibranchia simulata
- Boulengerella xyrekes
- Brycon amazonicus
- Brycon polylepis
- Bryconops gracilis
- Bryconops imitator
- Characidium brevirostre
- Characidium lanei
- Characidium pteroides
- Characidium purpuratum
- Characidium schubarti
- Citharidium ansorgii
- Citharinus congicus
- Citharinus gibbosus
- Citharinus latus
- Citharinus macrolepis
- Blackband copella
- Curimata incompta
- Curimata vittata
- Cyphocharax voga
- Gilbertolus atratoensis
- Hemiodus amazonum
- African pike
- Parodon caliensis
- Silver prochilodus
- Steindachnerina amazonica
- Triportheus rotundatus
There are 143 species and one subspecies in the order Clupeiformes assessed as least concern.
- Alosa agone
- Allis shad
- Alosa caspia
- Skipjack shad
- Twait shad
- Alosa kessleri
- Alosa maeotica
- Hickory shad
- Alewife
- American shad
- Alosa tanaica
- Thai gizzard shad
- Finescale menhaden
- Gulf menhaden
- Yellowfin menhaden
- Atlantic menhaden
- Atlantic herring
- Thai river sprat
- Sumatran river sprat
- Perak river sprat
- Borneo river sprat
- Caspian tyulka
- Black Sea sprat
- Freshwater tyulka
- Corica soborna
- Day's round herring
- American gizzard shad
- Threadfin shad
- Bonga
- Etrumeus sadina
- Whitehead's round herring
- Estuarine round herring
- Gonialosa manmina
- Burmese river gizzard shad
- Gudusia chapra
- Gudusia variegata
- False herring
- Redear herring
- Scaled sardine
- Pacific flatiron herring
- Dwarf round herring
- Little-eye round herring
- Florida round herring
- Roundbelly pellonuline
- Graceful piquitinga
- Blackstripe herring
- Atlantic piquitinga
- Pacific piquitinga
- Lake Tanganyika sardine
- Royal sprat
- Microthrissa whiteheadi
- Minyclupeoides dentibranchialus
- Lake tumba dwarf sprat
- Galathea gizzard shad
- Bloch's gizzard shad
- Ansorge fangtooth pellonuline
- Losera fangtooth pellonuline
- Nigerian fangtooth pellonuline
- Slender thread herring
- Deep-bodied Pacific thread herring
- Middling thread herring
- Atlantic thread herring
- Smalltoothed pellonula
- Bigtoothed pellonula
- Yellowfin herring
- Central Zaire pellonuline
- Bigscale pellonuline
- Sharpnosed sawtooth pellonuline
- Bluntnosed sawtooth pellonuline
- Uruguay river sprat
- European pilchard
- White sardinella
- Round sardinella
- Fiji sardinella
- Indian oil sardine
- Sauvagella madagascariensis
- West African pygmy herring
- Silver-stripe round herring
- Lake Tanganyika sprat
- Ilish
- Dogtooth herring
- Ilisha africana
- Amazon ilisha
- Ilisha compressa
- Hatchet herring
- Ilisha novacula
- Tropical longfin herring
- Caribbean longfin herring
- Guiana longfin herring
- Panama longfin herring
- Dove's longfin herring
- Equatorial longfin herring
- Bigeyed longfin herring
- American coastal pellona
- Raconda
- Regan's anchovy
- Key anchovy
- Narrow-striped anchovy
- Cuban anchovy
- Short anchovy
- Slough anchovy
- Eigenmann's anchovy
- Thin anchovy
- Longfinger anchovy
- Gulf anchovy
- Broad-striped anchovy
- Gulf of California slender anchovy
- Big-eye anchovy
- Bright anchovy
- Shortfinger anchovy
- Common anchovy
- False Panama anchovy
- Northern gulf anchovy
- Longnose anchovy
- Panama anchovy
- Little anchovy
- Scofield's anchovy
- Spicule anchovy
- Starks's anchovy
- Walker's anchovy
- Zabaleta anchovy
- Bigscale anchovy
- Snubnose anchovy
- Cayenne anchovy
- Elongate anchovy
- Broadband anchovy
- Flat anchovy
- Atlantic anchoveta
- Pacific anchoveta
- Grey's granadier anchovy
- Lindman's grenadier anchovy
- Neglected grenadier anchovy
- European anchovy
- Silver anchovy
- Californian anchovy
- Peruvian anchoveta
- Atlantic sabertooth anchovy
- Pacific sabretooth anchovy
- Sabretoothed thryssa
- Setipinna phasa
- Moustached thryssa
- Mekong noodlefish
- Dwarf noodlefish
There are 175 species in the order Scorpaeniformes assessed as least concern.
- Alcichthys elongatus
- Galathea sculpin
- Blackfin hookear sculpin
- Mosshead sculpin
- Coastrange sculpin
- Prickly sculpin
- Cottus aturi
- Black sculpin
- Mottled sculpin
- Paiute sculpin
- Malheur sculpin
- Blue Ridge sculpin
- Banded sculpin
- Chattahoochee sculpin
- Slimy sculpin
- Shorthead sculpin
- Potomac sculpin
- European bullhead
- Riffle sculpin
- Cottus hispaniolensis
- Columbia sculpin
- Ozark sculpin
- Knobfin sculpin
- Kanawha sculpin
- Marbled sculpin
- Cottus koshewnikowi
- Cottus metae
- Baltic sculpin
- Cottus perifretum
- Reticulate sculpin
- Pit sculpin
- Alpine bullhead
- Cottus rhenanus
- Torrent sculpin
- Spoonhead sculpin
- Tallapoosa sculpin
- Bull sculpin
- Threadfin sculpin
- Pacific staghorn sculpin
- Butterfly sculpin
- Norway bullhead
- Deepwater sculpin
- Ricuzenius nudithorax
- Longspined bullhead
- Scissortail sculpin
- Fourhorn sculpin
- Sharpcheek scorpionfish
- Spotwing scorpionfish
- Spinycheek scorpionfish
- Round scorpionfish
- Ghanean scorpionfish
- Longsnout scorpionfish
- Mottled scorpionfish
- Red scorpionfish (fb)
- Speckled deepwater scorpionfish
- Longspine scorpionfish
- Large-headed scorpionfish
- Spinythroat scorpionfish
- Deepwater jack
- Highfin scorpionfish
- Speckled scorpionfish
- Stalkeye scorpionfish
- Spotback scorpionfish
- Luna lion fish
- Peruvian scorpionfish
- Longfin scorpionfish
- Coral scorpionfish
- Angola scorpionfish
- Goosehead scorpionfish
- Shortfin scorpionfish
- Barbfish
- Smooth-head scorpionfish
- Hunchback scorpionfish
- Dwarf scorpionfish
- Slender rockfish
- Plumed scorpionfish
- Scorpaena hatizyoensis
- Player scorpionfish
- Mushroom scorpionfish
- Smooth-cheek scorpionfish
- Senegalese rockfish
- Cadenat's rockfish
- Madeira rockfish
- Pacific spotted scorpionfish
- Norman's scorpionfish
- Small red scorpionfish
- Spotted scorpionfish
- Black scorpionfish
- Reddish scorpionfish
- Large-scaled scorpion fish
- Sonora scorpionfish
- Spotted fin scorpionfish
- Reef scorpionfish
- Hairy scorpionfish
- Insular scorpionfish
- Scorpaenodes quadrispinosus
- Deepreef scorpionfish
- Rainbow scorpionfish
- Scorpaenopsis altirostris
- Scorpaenopsis ramaraoi
- Shortfin searobin
- Streamer searobin
- Bellator farrago
- Nakedbelly searobin
- Chevron searobin
- Horned searobin
- Caribbean searobin
- Splitnose searobin
- Red gurnard
- Gabon gurnard
- Bluefin gurnard
- African gurnard
- Tub gurnard
- Longfin gurnard
- Scalebreast gurnard
- Carol's gurnard
- Spiny gurnard
- Devil searobin
- Oman gurnard
- Spiny searobin
- Whitesnout searobin
- Bean's searobin
- Twobeak searobin
- Northern searobin
- Striped searobin
- Bristly searobin
- Bigeye searobin
- Gulf of Mexico barred searobin
- Bandtail searobin
- Mexican searobin
- Bluewing searobin
- Bluespotted searobin
- Blackwing searobin
- Common searobin
- Leopard searobin
- Shortwing searobin
- Lumptail searobin
- Bighead searobin
- Blackspotted gurnard
- Piper gurnard
- Streaked gurnard
Other Scorpaeniformes species
- Hooknose
- Careproctus albescens
- Spotted flathead
- Velvetfish
- Smooth horsefish
- Pallid sculpin
- Flathead helmet gurnard
- Flying gurnard
- Ebinania costaecanariae
- Midwater scorpionfish
- Spotted velvetfish
- Blackbelly rosefish
- Chinese ghoul
- Longhead flatfish
- Common seasnail
- Montagu's seasnail
- Obliquebanded stingfish
- Whitetail goblinfish
- Ocosia possi
- Paracentropogon vespa
- Percis matsuii
- African armoured searobin
- Slender searobin
- Armored searobin
- Dwarf thornyhead
- Psychrolutes inermis
- Cortez rockfish
- Deepwater redfish
- Deepwater scorpionfish
- Guinea flathead
- Bearded roguefish
- Tetraroge niger
- Atlantic thornyhead
- Spiny horsefish
There are 123 species in the order Ophidiiformes assessed as least concern.
- Shore brotula
- Longarm brotula
- Calamopteryx jeb
- Teacher brotula
- Cataetyx alleni
- Cataetyx bruuni
- Cataetyx laticeps
- Lesser orange brotula
- Diancistrus novaeguineae
- Grammonus ater
- Dusky brotula
- Purple brotula
- Grammonus longhursti
- Humpback brotula
- Gold brotula
- Boehlke's coralbrotula
- Walker's brotula
- Key brotula
- Large-pored brotula
- Deroy's cuskeel
- Ghost brotula
- Jewett's brotula
- Black-edged brotula
- Naked brotula
- Brown brotula
- Sabaj's coralbrotula
- Sedora's brotula
- Shy brotula
- Tyler's coralbrotula
- Gulf brotula
- Kakuk's coralbrotula
- Longfinned coralbrotula
- Small-eyed coralbrotula
- Shaggy cusk
- Black brotula
- Abyssobrotula galatheae
- Bony-eared assfish
- Apagesoma delosommatus
- Barathrites iris
- Abyssal assfish
- Bassozetus levistomatus
- Bassozetus normalis
- Bassozetus robustus
- Bassozetus taenia
- Benthocometes robustus
- Bearded brotula
- Fore-spotted brotula
- Spotted cusk-eel
- Dicrolene hubrechti
- Dicrolene introniger
- Slender brotula
- Dicrolene nigra
- Holcomycteronus profundissimus
- Holcomycteronus squamosus
- Lamprogrammus brunswigi
- Lamprogrammus exutus
- Lamprogrammus niger
- Lepophidium aporrhox
- Shortbeard cusk-eel
- Brazilian cusk-eel
- Whitespot cusk-eel
- Blackear cusk-eel
- Blackthroat cusk-eel
- Pepperfin cusk-eel
- Mottled cusk-eel
- Marbled cusk-eel
- Finescale cusk-eel
- Specklefin cusk eel
- Leopard cusk eel
- Upsilon cusk-eel
- Fawn cusk-eel
- Prowspine cusk eel
- Lepophidium robustum
- Barred cusk-eel
- Blotchfin cusk eel
- Fringed cusk-eel
- Sooty cusk-eel
- Luciobrotula corethromycter
- Luciobrotula nolfi
- Monomitopus agassizii
- Monomitopus metriostoma
- Neobythites bimaculatus
- Twospot brotula
- Stripefin brotula
- Neobythites monocellatus
- Ocellated brotula
- Thread brotula
- Ophidion antipholus
- Shorthead cusk-eel
- Spotfin cusk-eel
- Blotched cusk-eel
- Guianan cusk-eel
- Band cusk-eel
- Mimic cusk-eel
- Rainbow cusk eel
- Crested cusk-eel
- Harelip cusk-eel
- Striped cusk-eel
- Letter opener
- Basketweave cusk-eel
- Mooneye cusk-eel
- Ghost cusk-eel
- Sleeper cusk-eel
- Bighead cusk eel
- Polka-dot cusk-eel
- Dusky cusk
- Penopus microphthalmus
- Velvetnose brotula
- Redfin brotula
- Slender cuskeel
- Pycnocraspedum squamipinne
- Selachophidium guentheri
- Pudgy cuskeel
- Thalassobathia pelagica
- Carapus acus
- Carapus bermudensis
- Echiodon dawsoni
- Echiodon dentatus
- Nocturnal pearlfish
- Pyramodon lindas
- Snyderidia canina
- Parabrotula plagiophthalma
There are 182 species and two subspecies in the order Tetraodontiformes assessed as least concern.
- Finescale triggerfish
- Balistes rotundatus
- Rough triggerfish
- Ocean tally
- Black triggerfish
- Stone triggerfish
- Masked triggerfish
- Orangeside triggerfish
- Redtail triggerfish
- Sargassum triggerfish
- Evileye blaasop
- Blue-spotted puffer
- Masked puffer
- Starry toado
- White-spotted puffer
- Immaculate puffer
- Narrow-lined puffer
- Map puffer
- Guineafowl puffer
- Blackspotted puffer
- Reticulated pufferfish
- Stellate puffer
- Bronze puffer
- Greenbottle pufferfish
- Spider-eye puffer
- Canthigaster axiologus
- Bennett's sharpnose puffer
- Clown toado
- Macaronesian sharpnose-puffer
- Compressed toby
- Crowned puffer
- Canthigaster cyanospilota
- Lantern toby
- Southern Atlantic sharpnose-puffer
- Canthigaster inframacula
- Hawaiian whitespotted toby
- Goldface toby
- Honeycomb toby
- Leopard sharpnose puffer
- Canthigaster margaritata
- Natal toby
- Shy toby
- Papuan toby
- Canthigaster petersii
- Spotted sharpnosed puffer
- Pygmy toby
- Brown-lined puffer
- Caribbean sharpnose-puffer
- Bicolored toby
- Spotted sharpnose
- West African sharpnose-puffer
- Tyler's toby
- Valentinni's sharpnose puffer
- Carinotetraodon lorteti
- Bluespotted blaasop
- Milkspotted puffer
- Banded puffer
- Contusus brevicaudus
- Prickly toadfish
- Prickly puffer
- Manystriped blowfish
- Spotted puffer (fb)
- Javichthys kailolae
- Diamondback puffer
- Smooth blaasop
- Smooth puffer
- Oceanic puffer
- Lunartail puffer
- Silver-cheeked toadfish
- Half-smooth golden pufferfish
- Lagocephalus suezensis
- Marilyna darwinii
- Marilyna pleurosticta
- Hairy puffer
- Monotrete brevirostris
- Cambodian puffer
- Monotrete cochinchinensis
- Monotrete leiurus
- Monotrete ocellaris
- Monotrete suvattii
- Chamaeleon puffer
- Ringed toadfish
- Bluespotted toadfish
- Rippled blaasop
- Orange-barred pufferfish
- Halstead's toadfish
- Narrow-headed puffer
- Bullseye puffer
- Marbled puffer
- Green puffer
- Slick puffer
- Naked puffer
- Longnose puffer
- Northern puffer
- Guinean puffer
- Southern puffer
- Blunthead puffer
- Least puffer
- Sphoeroides rosenblatti
- Peruvian puffer
- Bandtail puffer
- Checkered puffer
- Pygmy puffer
- Bearded puffer
- Speckled puffer
- Takifugu alboplumbeus
- Takifugu bimaculatus
- Takifugu chrysops
- Takifugu coronoidus
- Brown puffer
- Grass puffer
- Lattice blaasop
- Takifugu obscurus
- Takifugu orbimaculatus
- Panther puffer
- Finepatterned puffer
- Takifugu porphyreus
- Takifugu reticularis
- Takifugu snyderi
- Takifugu stictonotus
- Yellowfin puffer
- Smooth toadfish
- Common toadfish
- Tetraodon abei
- Tetraodon biocellatus
- Tetraodon cutcutia
- Green pufferfish
- Fahaka pufferfish
- Mbu pufferfish
- Congo pufferfish
- Torquigener altipinnis
- Anderson's toadfish
- Yellow-stripe toadfish
- Yellowspotted puffer
- Floral puffer
- Torquigener gloerfelti
- Dwarf blowfish
- Multi-spotted toadfish
- Yellow-eyed toadfish
- Torquigener paxtoni
- Spineless toadfish
- Weeping toado
- Brush-tail toadfish
- Torquigener tuberculiferus
- Torquigener vicinus
- Whitley's toadfish
- Spiny blaasop
- Acanthostracion guineensis
- Honeycomb cowfish
- Scrawled cowfish
- Spotted trunkfish
- Buffalo trunkfish
- Smooth trunkfish
- Humpback turretfish
Filefish species
- Dotterel filefish
- Unicorn leatherjacket
- Orange filefish
- Scribbled leatherjacket filefish
- Bearded leatherjacket
- Whitespotted filefish
- Orangespotted filefish
- Cantheschenia longipinnis
- Horse-shoe leatherjacket
- Fringed filefish
- Slender filefish
- Gulf filefish
- Planehead filefish
- Pygmy filefish
- Guinean burrfish
- Brown burrfish
Other Tetraodontiformes species
- Chubby basketfish
- Sharptail mola
- Slender sunfish
There are 28 species in the order Beryciformes assessed as least concern.
- Spinycheek soldierfish
- Cook
- Longspine squirrelfish
- Blackbar soldierfish
- Panamic soldierfish
- Scarlet soldier
- Seychelles soldier
- Little soldierfish
- Neoniphon marianus
- Bigeye soldierfish
- Goggle-eyed squirrelfish
- Deepwater squirrelfish
- Reef squirrelfish
- Red soldierfish
- Saddle squirrelfish
- Tinsel squirrelfish
- Blackbarred squirrelfish
Other Beryciformes species
There are 90 species in the order Gadiformes assessed as least concern.
Grenadiers species
- Bathygadus favosus
- Bathygadus macrops
- Vaillant grenedier
- Cetonurus globiceps
- Hollowsnout grenadier
- Coelorinchus geronimo
- Coelorinchus labiatus
- Coelorinchus mediterraneus
- Upturned snout rattail
- Swordsnout grenadier
- Coelorinchus polli
- Coelorinchus quincunciatus
- Coelorinchus thompsoni
- Humboldt grenadier
- Abyssal grenadier
- Günther's grenadier
- Ghostly grenadier
- Coryphaenoides marshalli
- Mediterranean grenadier
- Largenose grenadier
- Coryphaenoides paramarshalli
- Deepwater grenadier
- Rudis rattail
- Longrayed whiptail
- Thickbeard grenadier
- Doublethread grenadier
- Threadfin grenadier
- Glasshead grenadier
- Bulbous rattail
- Macrouroides inflaticeps
- Softhead grenadier
- American straptail grenadier
- Slendertail grenadier
- Mesobius berryi
- Common Atlantic grenadier
- Nezumia africana
- Nezumia duodecim
- Nezumia micronychodon
- Nezumia milleri
- Roughtip grenadier
- Roundhead grenadier
- Sphagemacrurus hirundo
- Tadpole whiptail
- Trachonurus robinsi
- Roughsnout grenadier
- Blue antimora
- Eretmophorus kleinenbergi
- Beardless codling
- Gadella
- Laemonema laureysi
- Laemonema rhodochir
- Laemonema yarrellii
- Guenther's codling
- Mediterranean codling
- Common mora
- Physiculus cyanostrophus
- Black codling
- Metallic codling
- Physiculus huloti
- Charcoal codling
- Physiculus roseus
- Peruvian mora
- Fivebeard rockling
- Northern rockling
- Fourbeard rockling
- Bigeye rockling
- Three-bearded rockling
- Burbot
- Spanish ling
Other Gadiformes species
- Antenna codlet
- Codlet
- Striped codlet
- Stellate codlet
- Bregmaceros nectabanus
- Arrowtail
- Offshore hake
- Panama hake
- Shallow-water cape hake
- Merluccius polli
- North Pacific hake
- Forkbeard
- Carolina hake
- Southern codling
- Spotted codling
- Mountain mullet
- Fairy mullet
- Yellow-eye mullet
- Snouted mullet
- Cape verde mullet
- Thicklip grey mullet
- Largescale mullet
- Otomebora mullet
- Fringelip mullet
- Half fringelip mullet
- Squaretail mullet
- Abu mullet
- Golden grey mullet
- Thinlip mullet
- Leaping mullet
- Banana mullet
- Leaping African mullet
- Flathead grey mullet
- White mullet
- Hospe mullet
- Parassi mullet
- Mugil rubrioculus
- Liseta mullet
- Mugil trichodon
- Freshwater mullet
- Corsula
- Yellowtail mullet
- Orange-eye mullet
- Guinean bichir
- Polypterus congicus
- Barred bichir
- Polypterus mokelembembe
- Ornate bichir
- Short-finned bichir
- Polypterus polli
- West African birchir
- Mottled bichir
There are 229 eel species assessed as least concern.
- Key worm eel
- Fangtooth snake-eel
- Stripe eel
- Slender finless eel
- Academy eel
- European finless eel
- Finless eel
- Western Atlantic finless eel
- Apterichtus monodi
- Sooty eel
- Sooty sand-eel
- Bascanichthys ceciliae
- Round sand-eel
- Panama sand-eel
- Bascanichthys paulensis
- Whip eel
- Brachysomophis atlanticus
- Twostripe snake eel
- Callechelys bitaeniata
- Spotted ridgefin eel
- Shorttail snake eel
- Callechelys leucoptera
- Blotched snake eel
- Slantlip eel
- Dalophis boulengeri
- Dalophis cephalopeltis
- Painted eel
- Echelus pachyrhynchus
- Pacific spoon-nose eel
- Spotted spoon-nose eel
- Stippled spoon-nose eel
- Indifferent eel
- Horsehair eel
- String eel
- Rope eel
- Mustachioed snake eel
- Surf eel
- Smiling snake-eel
- Oriental worm-eel
- Ocellated sand-eel
- Sailfin snake-eel
- American sailfin eel
- Longfin spotted snake-eel
- Sharptail eel
- Goldspotted eel
- Clarion snake eel
- Leopard eel
- Spotted snake-eel
- Longfin worm eel
- Broadnose worm eel
- Leaden worm eel
- Speckled worm eel
- Pacific worm eel
- Mystriophis crosnieri
- African spoon-nose eel
- Highfin snake eel
- Dusky snake eel
- Death-banded snake-eel
- Shrimp eel
- Faintsaddled snake eel
- Slender snake eel
- Longarmed snake eel
- Blackpored eel
- Black-pored snake-eel
- Hollandse slangaal
- Ophichthus pullus
- Palespotted eel
- Punctuated snake-eel
- King snake eel
- Rufus snake-eel
- Wrinkled snake-eel
- Antillian snake eel
- Pacific snake-eel
- Yellow snake-eel
- Serpent eel
- Sailfin eel
- Short-maned sand eel
- Elastic eel
- Rice-paddy eel
- Saddled snake eel
- Atlantic worm eel
- Pseudomyrophis frio
- Diminutive worm eel
- Smallfin worm-eel
- Pseudomyrophis nimius
- Blackspotted snake eel
- Smallfish snake-eel
- Short-tailed viper-eel
- Angry worm eel
- Xestochilus nebulosus
- Acromycter perturbator
- Longtrunk conger
- Bandtooth conger
- Gilbert's garden eel
- Slope conger
- Ariosoma selenops
- Bathycongrus bertini
- Neighbor conger
- Large-toothed conger
- Shortsnout conger
- European conger
- Grey conger
- American conger
- Manytooth conger
- Southern conger
- Longeye conger
- Hardtail conger
- Whitespotted garden eel
- Dotted garden eel
- Giraffe-spotted garden eel
- Pale green eel
- Galapagos garden eel
- Brown garden eel
- Yellow garden eel
- Mimic garden eel
- Japonoconger africanus
- Californian conger
- Margintail conger
- Guinean conger
- Shorttail conger
- Purplemouthed conger
- Yellow conger
- Whiptail conger
- Guppy's conger eel
- Bignose conger
- Threadtail conger
- Bristletooth conger
Moray eels
- Hardtail moray
- Anarchias longicauda
- Pygmy moray
- Broadbanded moray
- Chain moray
- Freckled moray
- Pebbletooth moray
- Fangtooth moray
- Caribbean chestnut moray
- Mottled Conger Moray
- Slenderjaw moray
- White-margined moray
- Dark moray eel
- Wrinkled moray
- Panamic green moray eel
- Speckled moray eel
- Spotted-tail moray eel
- Green moray
- Lichen moray eel
- Blacktail moray eel
- Sharktooth moray eel
- Spotjaw moray eel
- Goldentail moray eel
- Spotted moray
- Blackedge moray eel
- Caribbean ocellated moray eel
- Panamic moray eel
- Small-spotted moray
- Polygon moray
- Freshwater moray
- Low fin moray
- Ocellated moray
- Brown moray eel
- White-edged moray eel
- Purplemouth moray eel
- Redface eel
- Argus moray
- Muraena augusti
- Hourglass moray
- Mediterranean moray
- Jewel moray
- Muraena melanotis
- Whitespot moray
- Reticulate moray
- Muraena robusta
- Ribbon eel
- Brown snake moray eel
- Uropterygius macularius
- Crafty moray
- Uropterygius wheeleri
Cutthroat eels
Other eel species
- Giant mottled eel
- African longfin eel
- Avocet snipe eel
- Coloconger cadenati
- Guinean pike conger
- Guayana pike-conger
- Narrownecked oceanic eel
- Spaghetti eel
- Orange eel
- Boxer snipe eel
- Slender snipe eel
- Ridged eel
- Smalleye spaghetti-eel
- Dana duckbill eel
- Duckbill oceanic eel
- Slender mud eel
- Slender shortfaced eel
- Mauritanian shortface eel
- Pacific mud eel
- Caribbean mud eel
- Bean's sawtooth eel
- Short-tooth sawpalate
- Black serrivomerid eel
There are 167 flatfish species assessed as least concern.
- Achiroides melanorhijnchus
- Bathysolea polli
- Deepwater sole
- Mekong blind sole
- Harmand's sole
- Pan sole
- Brachirus panoides
- Brachirus siamensis
- Solenette
- Dagetichthys lakdoensis
- Wedge sole
- Dicologlossa hexophthalma
- Thickback sole
- Banded sole
- Whiskered sole
- Sand sole
- Egyptian sole
- River tonguesole
- Smallscale tonguesole
- Cynoglossus trigrammus
- Coral reef tonguefish
- Inkspot tonguefish
- California tonguefish
- Chocolate tonguefish
- Caribbean tonguefish
- Chabanaud's tonguefish
- Offshore tonguefish
- Spottedfin tonguefish
- Elongate tonguefish
- Banded tongue-fish
- Dwarf tonguefish
- Symphurus insularis
- Lee's tonguefish
- Elongate tonguesole
- Symphurus melanurus
- Blackstripe tonguefish
- Largescale tonguefish
- Tonguesole
- Norman's tonguesole
- Caribbean smalleyed tonguefish
- Spotfin tonguefish
- Ocellated tonguefish
- Pygmy tonguefish
- Longtail tonguefish
- Deepwater tonguefish
- Blackcheek tonguefish
- Duskycheek tonguefish
- Halfstriped tonguefish
- Northern tonguefish
- Patchtail tonguefish
- Tessellated tonguefish
- Dark cheek tongue
- Spottail tonguefish
- Vanmelle's tonguefish
- Mottled tonguefish
- William's tonguefish
- Cyclope flounder
- Three-spot flounder
- Three-eye flounder
- Ocellated flounder
- Veracruz whiff
- Gulf stream flounder
- Sand whiff
- Horned whiff
- Doublespot whiff
- Gulf sanddab
- Bigmouth sanddab
- Anglefin whiff
- Spotted whiff
- Five-rayed sanddab
- Citharichthys minutus
- Small sanddab
- Bay whiff
- Smooth flounder
- Citharichthys valdezi
- Mexican flounder
- Spotfin flounder
- God's flounder
- Toothed flounder
- Cortez flounder
- Fringed flounder
- Shelf flounder
- Sole flounder
- Peruvian flounder
- Gray flounder
- Shrimp flounder
- Hippoglossina bollmani
- Bigeye flounder
- Bigmouth sole
- Foureye flounder
- Fine flounder
- Gulf flounder
- California halibut
- Summer flounder
- Paralichthys oblongus
- Broad flounder
- Papillose flounder
- Shoal flounder
- Beach flounder
- Longfin flounder
- Channel flounder
- Oval flounder
- Dusky flounder
- Fantail flounder
American soles
- Drab sole
- Plainfin sole
- Brown sole
- Lined sole
- Mazatlan sole
- Network sole
- Longtail sole
- Apionichthys nattereri
- North American naked sole
- Naked sole
- Gulf of Mexico fringed sole
- Fringed sole
- Trinectes fluviatilis
- Spottedfin sole
- Scrawled sole
- Hogchoker
- Smalleye sole
- Slipper sole
- Yellow-tail sole
- Cape scaldfish
- Imperial scaldfish
- Mediterranean scaldfish
- Rüppell's scaldback
- Pacific leopard flounder
- Plate fish
- Bothus maculiferus
- Peacock flounder
- Bothus mellissi
- Eyed flounder
- Wide-eyed flounder
- Twospot flounder
- Pelican flounder
- Speckled-tail flounder
- American spiny flounder
- Günther's flounder
- Acapulco flounder
- Pacific deepwater flounder
- Slim flounder
- Martens' moonflounder
- Smallmouth moonflounder
- Deepwater flounder
- Flag flounder
- Caribbean flounder
- Spot-fin sash flounder
- Furrowed sash flounder
- Sash flounder
There are 87 anglerfish species assessed as least concern.
- Tail-jet frogfish
- Longlure frogfish
- Antennarius pardalis
- Antennarius pauciradiatus
- Striated frogfish
- Island frogfish
- Spotfin frogfish
- Bloody frogfish
- Bandtail frogfish
- Roughbar frogfish
- Ocellated frogfish
- Singlespot frogfish
- Senegalese frogfish
- Sargassum fish
- Chaenophryne draco
- Can-opener smoothdream
- Chaenophryne ramifera
- Dolopichthys allector
- Dolopichthys danae
- Dolopichthys dinema
- Dolopichthys longicornis
- Whalehead dreamer
- Lophodolos indicus
- Microlophichthys microlophus
- Pacific dreamer
- Oneirodes carlsbergi
- Bulbous dreamer
- Oneirodes macrosteus
- Oneirodes schmidti
- Oneirodes theodoritissieri
- Pentherichthys atratus
- Phyllorhinichthys balushkini
- Phyllorhinichthys micractis
- Prickly dreamer
- Atlantic batfish
- Dibranchus tremendus
- Pancake batfish
- Two-spine batfish
- Louisiana pancake batfish
- Longnose batfish
- Polka-dot batfish
- Red-lipped batfish
- Slantbrown batfish
- Shortnose batfish
- Marked batfish
- Ogcocephalus pantostictus
- Roughback batfish
- Cocos batfish
- Dwarf batfish
- Palefin batfish
- Rounded batfish
- Tricorn batfish
Whipnose anglers
- Elsman's whipnose
- Gigantactis gibbsi
- Gigantactis golovani
- Gigantactis herwigi
- Gigantactis ios
- Gigantactis longicirra
Other anglerfish species
- Bufoceratias wedli
- Fanfin angler
- Hairy angler
- Horned lantern fish
- Krøyer's deep sea angler fish
- Stargazing seadevil
- Chaunax flammeus
- Pink frogmouth
- Chaunax suttkusi
- Triplewart seadevil
- Diceratias pileatus
- Haplophryne mollis
- Himantolophus cornifer
- Himantolophus crinitus
- Atlantic footballfish
- Himantolophus paucifilosus
- Lasiognathus saccostoma
- Deepsea anglerfish
- Linophryne lucifer
- Linophryne pennibarbata
- Pacific goosefish
- Reticulated goosefish
- Threadfin angler
- Blackfin goosefish
- Angler
- Humpback anglerfish
- Melanocetus murrayi
- Toothed seadevil
- Photocorynus spiniceps
- Pricklefish
- Melamphaes eulepis
- Melamphaes leprus
- Melamphaes simus
- Melamphaes spinifer
- Crested bigscale
- Scopeloberyx opisthopterus
- Ragged bigscale
There are 81 species in the order Aulopiformes assessed as least concern.
- Ahliesaurus berryi
- Paperbones
- Scopelosaurus argenteus
- Scopelosaurus gibbsi
- Scopelosaurus herwigi
- Blackfin waryfish
- Scopelosaurus meadi
- Scopelosaurus smithii
- Spotted barracudina
- Dolichosudis fuliginosa
- Lestidiops affinis
- Lestidiops cadenati
- Lestidiops distans
- Pacific barracudina
- Slender barracudina
- Lestidiops similis
- Lestidiops sphyrenoides
- Atlantic barracudina
- Lestrolepis intermedia
- Macroparalepis affinis
- Macroparalepis brevis
- Duckbill barracudina
- Paralepis elongata
- Paralepis speciosa
- Stemonosudis gracilis
- Stemonosudis intermedia
- Stemonosudis siliquiventer
- Fierce pike smelt
- Uncisudis quadrimaculata
- Bathymicrops regis
- Attenuated spider fish
- Bathypterois dubius
- Tripodfish
- Abyssal spiderfish
- Bathypterois mediterraneus
- Blackfin spiderfish
- Bathypterois quadrifilis
- Bathypterois viridensis
- Marion's spiderfish
- Bathytyphlops sewelli
- Grideye fish
- Zugmayer's pearleye
- Hubb's pearleye
- Scopelarchoides danae
- Blackbelly pearleye
- Staring pearleye
- Bigfin pearleye
- Brazilian lizardfish
- Smallscale lizardfish
- Shortjaw lizardfish
- Suspicious lizardfish
- Sharpnose lizardfish
- Inotted lizardfish
- Inshore lizardfish
- Sand diver
- Sauro lizardfish
- California lizardfish
- Largespot lizardfish
- Offshore lizardfish
- Atlantic lizardfish
- Shorthead lizardfish
- Sechura lizardfish
- Diamond lizardfish
- Trachinocephalus myops
Other Aulopiformes species
- Alepisaurus brevirostris
- Long-snouted lancetfish
- Daggertooth
- Guinean flagfin
- Mediterranean flagfin
- Deepsea lizardfish
- Highfin lizardfish
- Agassiz's thread-sail fish
- Coccorella atlantica
- Balbo sabretooth
- Indian sabertooth
- Gigantura chuni
- Indian telescopefish
- Odontostomops normalops
- Hammerjaw
- Parasudis fraserbrunneri
- Longnose greeneye
- Allied halosaur
- Aldrovandia gracilis
- Aldrovandia oleosa
- Hawaiian halosaurid fish
- Aldrovandia rostrata
- Abyssal halosaur
- Halosaurus attenuatus
- Halosaurus guentheri
- Halosaurus johnsonianus
- Oven's halosaur
- Snub-nosed spiny eel
- Longnose tapirfish
- Polyacanthonotus merretti
- Allocyttus guineensis
- Warty oreo
- Rosy dory
- New Zealand dory
- Thorny tinselfish
- Spotted tinselfish
- Zenion hololepis
- Silvery John dory
- Cape dory
- Distocyclus conirostris
- Electric eel
- Gymnotus jonasi
- Platyurosternarchus macrostomus
- Barred knifefish
- Sternarchorhynchus mormyrus
- Blue-green knifefish
There are 141 species in the order Stomiiformes assessed as least concern.
- Argyripnus atlanticus
- Lovely hatchetfish
- Deepsea hatchetfish
- Giant hatchetfish
- Half-naked hatchetfish
- Argyropelecus sladeni
- Maurolicus amethystinopunctatus
- Maurolicus breviculus
- Maurolicus walvisensis
- Atlantic pearlside
- Slope hatchetfish
- Polyipnus elongatus
- Polyipnus polli
- Diaphanous hatchet fish
- Sternoptyx obscura
- Highlight hatchetfish
- False oblique hatchetfish
- Constellationfish
- Aristostomias lunifer
- Aristostomias polydactylus
- Aristostomias tittmanni
- Aristostomias xenostoma
- Astronesthes atlanticus
- Astronesthes caulophorus
- Astronesthes decoratus
- Astronesthes haplophos
- Astronesthes indicus
- Astronesthes indopacificus
- Astronesthes karsteni
- Astronesthes leucopogon
- Astronesthes macropogon
- Astronesthes micropogon
- Astronesthes niger
- Astronesthes nigroides
- Richardson's snaggletooth
- Bathophilus brevis
- Bathophilus digitatus
- Bathophilus longipinnis
- Bathophilus metallicus
- Bathophilus nigerrimus
- Bathophilus pawneei
- Bathophilus schizochirus
- Bathophilus vaillanti
- Borostomias antarcticus
- Borostomias elucens
- Sickle snaggletooth
- Dana viperfish
- Chauliodus minimus
- Chauliodus schmidti
- Sloane's viperfish
- Threadfin dragonfish
- Eustomias aequatorialis
- Eustomias albibulbus
- Eustomias arborifer
- Eustomias bibulbosus
- Eustomias bigelowi
- Eustomias enbarbatus
- Eustomias fissibarbis
- Eustomias furcifer
- Eustomias intermedius
- Eustomias kreffti
- Eustomias lanceolatus
- Eustomias longibarba
- Yellowstem dragonfish
- Eustomias melanonema
- Eustomias melanostigma
- Eustomias monodactylus
- Eustomias obscurus
- Eustomias posti
- Eustomias satterleei
- Eustomias simplex
- Eustomias spherulifer
- Eustomias triramis
- Eustomias vulgaris
- Longbarb dragonfish
- Grammatostomias dentatus
- Grammatostomias flagellibarba
- Heterophotus ophistoma
- Idiacanthus atlanticus
- Ribbon sawtail fish
- Leptostomias bermudensis
- Leptostomias gladiator
- Leptostomias gracilis
- Leptostomias longibarba
- Stoplight loosejaw
- Melanostomias bartonbeani
- Melanostomias biseriatus
- Melanostomias melanops
- Melanostomias paucilaternatus
- Melanostomias spilorhynchus
- Melanostomias tentaculatus
- Valdivia black dragon fish
- Cape snaggletooth
- Neonesthes microcephalus
- Odontostomias masticopogon
- Odontostomias micropogon
- Pachystomias microdon
- Photonectes braueri
- Photonectes caerulescens
- Photonectes margarita
- Photonectes mirabilis
- Photonectes parvimanus
- Photonectes phyllopogon
- Photostomias atrox
- Photostomias goodyeari
- Photostomias guernei
- Slender snaggletooth
- Stomias affinis
- Boa dragonfish
- Stomias brevibarbatus
- Stomias lampropeltis
- Longbarb scaly dragonfish
- Thysanactis dentex
- Threelights dragonfish
- Longray fangjaw
- Bent-tooth bristlemouth
- Pale bristlemouth
- Bent-tooth lightfish
- Cyclothone livida
- Veiled anglemouth
- Cyclothone obscura
- Bicolored bristlemouth
- Shadow bristlemouth
- Slender bristlemouth
- Cyclothone pygmaea
- Pacific portholefish
- Gonostoma atlanticum
- Gonostoma denudatum
- Elongated bristlemouth fish
- Deepsea lightfish
- Triplophos hemingi
- Bulldog lightfish
- Ovate lightfish
- Ichthyococcus polli
- Silver lightfish
- Stareye lightfish
- Polymetme thaeocoryla
- Slender lightfish
- Oceanic lightfish
- Power's deep-water bristle-mouth fish
- Yarrella blackfordi
There are 98 species in the order Myctophiformes assessed as least concern.
- Glacier lantern fish
- Skinnycheek lanternfish
- Benthosema suborbitale
- Bolinichthys distofax
- Smoothcheek lanternfish
- Spurcheek lanternfish
- Stubby lanternfish
- Centrobranchus nigroocellatus
- Madeira lantern fish
- Warming's lantern fish
- Andersen's lanternfish
- Bertelsen's lanternfish
- Diaphus brachycephalus
- Crown lanternfish
- Diaphus effulgens
- Diaphus fragilis
- Garman's lanternfish
- Small lantern fish
- Diaphus hudsoni
- Diaphus lucidus
- Lutkens lanternfish
- Diaphus meadi
- Spothead lantern fish
- Soft lanternfish
- Diaphus ostenfeldi
- Diaphus perspicillatus
- Problematic lanternfish
- White-spotted lantern fish
- Diaphus splendidus
- Diaphus termophilus
- Vanhoffen's lanternfish
- Longfin lanternfish
- Electric lantern fish
- Gonichthys cocco
- Benoit's lanternfish
- Bermuda lantern fish
- Hygophum macrochir
- Firefly lanternfish
- Hygophum reinhardtii
- Hygophum taaningi
- Krefftichthys anderssoni
- Lampadena chavesi
- Lampadena luminosa
- Jordans lanterfish
- Mirror lanternfish
- Hector's lanternfish
- Lampanyctus alatus
- Southern lanternfish
- Jewel lanternfish
- Lampanyctus festivus
- Diamondcheek lanternfish
- Brokenline lanternfish
- Rakery beaconlamp
- Noble lanternfish
- Dotback lanternfish
- Pygmy lanternfish
- Lampanyctus tenuiformis
- Nacreous lanternfish
- Lampichthys procerus
- Lepidophanes gaussi
- Lepidophanes guentheri
- Dofleini's lantern fish
- Gemellar's lanternfish
- Barebelly lanternfish
- Rare lanternfish
- Myctophum affine
- Myctophum asperum
- Nightlight lanternfish
- Myctophum nitidulum
- Myctophum obtusirostre
- Myctophum phengodes
- Myctophum punctatum
- Myctophum selenops
- Spinose lanternfish
- Dusky lanternfish
- Nannobrachium cuprarium
- Gibbs lanternfish
- Nannobrachium isaacsi
- Nannobrachium lineatum
- Wisner's lanternfish
- Topside lampfish
- Notoscopelus bolini
- Notoscopelus caudispinosus
- Notoscopelus elongatus
- Patchwork lampfish
- Protomyctophum luciferum
- Scopelopsis multipunctatus
- Symbolophorus barnardi
- Symbolophorus boops
- Krefft's lanternfish
- Rufous lanternfish
- Large-scale lantern fish
- Deepwater lanternfish
- Taaningichthys minimus
- Taaningichthys paurolychnus
- Largescaled neoscopelid
- Sombre blackchin
- Solivomer arenidens
- Polka-dot ribbonfish
- Unicorn crestfish
- Opah
- Crested oarfish
- Tapertail
- Giant oarfish
- Regalecus russelii
- Tube-eye
- Mediterranean dealfish
- Scalloped ribbonfish
- Scalloped dealfish
Other ray-finned fish species
- Lake sturgeon
- White sturgeon
- Eastern Pacific bonefish
- Bowfin
- Pirate perch
- Pacific jellynose fish
- Velvet whalefish
- Cetomimus teevani
- Swampfish
- Bobtail eel
- West African ladyfish
- Elops machnata
- Northern ladyfish
- Pelican eel
- Spring cavefish
- Jellynose
- Loppe's tadpole fish
- Longnose gar
- Shortnose gar
- Florida gar
- Trout-perch
- Sand roller
- Stout beardfish
- Savage's birdsnouted whalefish
- Rondeletia bicolor
- Redmouth whalefish
- Taillight gulper
- Saccopharynx ramosus
- Eptatretus alastairi
- Eptatretus caribbeaus
- Eptatretus carlhubbsi
- New Zealand hagfish
- Guadalupe hagfish
- Eptatretus gomoni
- Eptatretus grouseri
- Sixgill hagfish
- Eptatretus indrambaryai
- Eptatretus laurahubbsae
- Eptatretus mccoskeri
- Eptatretus mendozai
- Eptatretus menezesi
- Eptatretus multidens
- Eptatretus okinoseanus
- Fivegill hagfish
- Cortez hagfish
- Strickrott's hagfish
- Eptatretus wisneri
- Patagonian hagfish
- Southern hagfish
- Cape hagfish
- Whiteface hagfish
- Myxine fernholmi
- Atlantic hagfish
- Myxine hubbsi
- White-headed hagfish
- Jespersen's hagfish
- Myxine mccoskeri
- Caribbean hagfish
- Myxine robinsorum
- Paramyxine sheni
- Gulf hagfish
- Paramyxine wisneri
- Paramyxine yangi
See also
- List of near threatened fishes
- List of vulnerable fishes
- List of endangered fishes
- List of critically endangered fishes
- List of recently extinct fishes
- List of data deficient fishes
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.