List of stars in Cygnus

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation of Cygnus, sorted by decreasing apparent magnitude.

Name B F Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
Deneb α 50 197345 102098 20h 41m 25.91s +45° 16 49.2 1.25 −8.73 1550 A2Ia Deneb el Adige, Deneb Cygni, Arided, Aridif, Arrioph, Gallina; prototype of α Cyg variables
γ Cyg γ 37 194093 100453 20h 22m 13.70s +40° 15 24.1 2.23 −6.12 1523 F8Ib Sadr, Sador, Sadir, Sadr al Dedjadjet, Pectus Gallinæ;[1] variable
ε Cyg ε 53 197989 102488 20h 46m 12.43s +33° 58 10.0 2.48 0.76 72 K0III Gienah, Gienah Cygni
δ Cyg δ 18 186882 97165 19h 44m 58.44s +45° 07 50.5 2.86 −0.74 171 B9.5III triple star
Albireo A β1 6 183912 95947 19h 30m 43.29s +27° 57 34.9 3.05 −2.31 385 K3II+... Al Minhar al Dajajah, Menchir al Dedjadjet Rostrum Gallinæ;[1] prominent visual binary star with Albireo B; spectroscopic binary
ζ Cyg ζ 64 202109 104732 21h 12m 56.18s +30° 13 37.5 3.21 −0.12 151 G8II SB multiple star
ξ Cyg ξ 62 200905 104060 21h 04m 55.86s +43° 55 40.3 3.72 −4.07 1177 K5Ibv SB
τ Cyg τ 65 202444 104887 21h 14m 47.35s +38° 02 39.6 3.74 2.14 68 F1IV multiple star; δ Sct variable
ι Cyg ι 10 184006 95853 19h 29m 42.34s +51° 43 46.1 3.76 0.89 122 A5Vn
κ Cyg κ 1 181276 94779 19h 17m 06.11s +53° 22 05.4 3.80 0.91 123 K0III variable
ο1 Cyg ο1 31 V695 192577 99675 20h 13m 37.90s +46° 44 28.8 3.80 −4.29 1353 K2II+... V695 Cyg; Algol variable
η Cyg η 21 188947 98110 19h 56m 18.40s +35° 05 00.6 3.89 0.74 139 K0IIIvar multiple star
ν Cyg ν 58 199629 103413 20h 57m 10.41s +41° 10 01.9 3.94 −1.25 356 A1Vn
ο2 Cyg ο2 32 V1488 192909 99848 20h 15m 28.32s +47° 42 51.1 3.96 −3.70 1109 K3Ib-II comp V1488 Cyg; Algol variable
ρ Cyg ρ 73 205435 106481 21h 33m 58.87s +45° 35 31.4 3.98 1.07 124 G8III variable
41 Cyg 41 195295 101076 20h 29m 23.73s +30° 22 06.8 4.01 −2.82 758 F5II variable
52 Cyg 52 197912 102453 20h 45m 39.76s +30° 43 10.8 4.22 0.22 206 K0III double star
σ Cyg σ 67 202850 105102 21h 17m 24.95s +39° 23 40.9 4.22 −6.49 4528 B9Iab
π2 Cyg π2 81 207330 107533 21h 46m 47.61s +49° 18 34.5 4.23 −3.52 1156 B3III Pennae Caudalis, Sama al Azrak; spectroscopic binary
33 Cyg 33 192696 99655 20h 13m 23.80s +56° 34 03.1 4.28 0.93 152 A3IV-Vn variable
υ Cyg υ 66 202904 105138 21h 17m 55.07s +34° 53 48.8 4.41 −2.80 901 B2Vne emission-line star; γ Cas variable
39 Cyg 39 194317 100587 20h 23m 51.60s +32° 11 24.7 4.43 −0.04 255 K3III
θ Cyg θ 13 185395 96441 19h 36m 26.54s +50° 13 13.7 4.49 3.14 61 F4V triple star
λ Cyg λ 54 198183 102589 20h 47m 24.53s +36° 29 26.7 4.53 −2.62 879 B6IV Be star
63 Cyg f2 63 201251 104194 21h 06m 36.09s +47° 38 54.3 4.56 −2.83 982 K4II double star
47 Cyg A 47 V2125 196093 101474 20h 33m 54.19s +35° 15 03.1 4.61 −2.66 929 K2Ib comp V2125 Cyg; double star; pulsating variable
φ Cyg φ 12 185734 96683 19h 39m 22.60s +30° 09 11.6 4.68 0.25 251 G8III-IV... spectroscopic binary
π1 Cyg π1 80 206672 107136 21h 42m 05.66s +51° 11 22.7 4.69 −3.87 1680 B3IV Azelfafage; spectroscopic binary
μ1 Cyg μ1 78 206826 107310 21h 44m 08.59s +28° 44 33.4 4.69 2.94 73 F6V multiple star
8 Cyg 8 184171 96052 19h 31m 46.32s +34° 27 10.7 4.74 −1.68 627 B3IV
59 Cyg f1 59 V832 200120 103632 20h 59m 49.55s +47° 31 15.4 4.74 −2.95 1124 B1ne V832 Cyg; irregular variable
P Cyg P 34 193237 100044 20h 17m 47.20s +38° 01 58.6 4.77 −6.65 6269 B2pe Revenante of the Swan,[2] Nova Cygni 1600; hypergiant; prototype of P Cyg variables
30 Cyg 30 192514 99639 20h 13m 18.04s +46° 48 56.4 4.80 −1.91 716 A5IIIn variable
57 Cyg 57 199081 103089 20h 53m 14.75s +44° 23 14.2 4.80 −1.13 501 B5V spectroscopic binary
55 Cyg 55 V1661 198478 102724 20h 48m 56.29s +46° 06 50.9 4.81 −4.38 2248 B3Ia V1661 Cyg; α Cyg variables; emission-line star
72 Cyg 72 205512 106551 21h 34m 46.48s +38° 32 01.8 4.87 0.40 255 K1III
15 Cyg 15 186675 97118 19h 44m 16.55s +37° 21 15.4 4.89 0.23 279 G8III
ψ Cyg ψ 24 189037 98055 19h 55m 37.82s +52° 26 20.5 4.91 0.18 288 A4Vn multiple star
28 Cyg b2 28 V1624 191610 99303 20h 09m 25.62s +36° 50 22.5 4.93 −2.18 860 B2.5V V1624 Cyg; Be star; emission-line star
29 Cyg b3 29 V1644 192640 99770 20h 14m 31.98s +36° 48 22.1 4.93 1.86 134 A2V V1644 Cyg; variable
T Cyg T 198134 102571 20h 47m 10.72s +34° 22 26.8 4.93 −0.51 399 K3IIIvar triple star; variable
ω1 Cyg ω1 45 V2021 195556 101138 20h 30m 03.53s +48° 57 05.6 4.94 −2.19 869 B2.5IV Ruchba; V2014 Cyg; β Cep variable
22 Cyg 22 188892 98068 19h 55m 51.76s +38° 29 12.1 4.95 −2.89 1203 B5IV
HD 189276 189276 98073 19h 55m 55.39s +58° 50 45.7 4.98 −2.27 918 K5II-III
2 Cyg 2 182568 95372 19h 24m 07.57s +29° 37 16.7 4.99 −1.89 774 B3IV double star
17 Cyg 17 187013 97295 19h 46m 25.58s +33° 43 43.3 5.00 3.40 68 F5
20 Cyg d 20 188056 97635 19h 50m 37.73s +52° 59 17.4 5.03 1.18 192 K3IIIvar variable
68 Cyg A 68 V1809 203064 105186 21h 18m 27.18s +43° 56 45.5 5.04 4600 O8e V1809 Cyg; rotating ellipsoidal variable
74 Cyg 74 205835 106711 21h 36m 56.98s +40° 24 48.6 5.04 1.03 206 A5V
186155 96825 19h 40m 50.11s +45° 31 28.7 5.06 1.62 159 F5II variable
26 Cyg e 26 190147 98571 20h 01m 21.55s +50° 06 16.8 5.06 −0.54 429 K1II-III multiple star
56 Cyg 56 198639 102843 20h 50m 04.83s +44° 03 32.3 5.06 1.93 138 A4me... double star
75 Cyg 75 206330 106999 21h 40m 11.06s +43° 16 25.7 5.09 −0.38 404 M1IIIvar triple star; variable
Albireo B β2 6 183914 95951 19h 30m 45.40s +27° 57 55.0 5.12 −0.19 376 B8V component of the Albireo system; emission-line star
23 Cyg 23 188665 97870 19h 53m 17.37s +57° 31 24.5 5.14 −1.32 638 B5V
35 Cyg 35 193370 100122 20h 18m 39.07s +34° 58 58.0 5.14 −3.80 2000 F5Ib spectroscopic binary
25 Cyg 25 V1746 189687 98425 19h 59m 55.20s +37° 02 34.4 5.15 −3.27 1575 B3IV V1746 Cyg; γ Cas variable & β Cep variable; emission-line star
4 Cyg 4 V1741 183056 95556 19h 26m 09.12s +36° 19 04.3 5.17 −1.34 653 B9sp... V1741 Cyg; spectroscopic binary
185351 96459 19h 36m 38.05s +44° 41 42.7 5.17 2.13 132 K0III
19 Cyg 19 V1509 187849 97630 19h 50m 33.99s +38° 43 19.8 5.18 −1.29 642 M2IIIa V1509 Cyg; variable
61 Cyg A 61 V1803 201091 104214 21h 06m 50.84s +38° 44 29.4 5.20 7.49 11 K5V V1803 Cyg; BY Draconis variable; 14th nearest star system
71 Cyg g 71 204771 106093 21h 29m 26.91s +46° 32 25.2 5.22 1.04 224 K0III
193092 99968 20h 16m 55.28s +40° 21 54.3 5.27 −2.16 1000 K5II variable
204411 105898 21h 26m 51.57s +48° 50 06.4 5.29 −0.10 389 A6pe... α2CVn variable
70 Cyg 70 204403 105942 21h 27m 21.36s +37° 07 00.5 5.30 −3.38 1772 B3V
184875 96288 19h 34m 41.26s +42° 24 45.3 5.34 −0.64 512 A2V
27 Cyg b1 27 V2008 191026 99031 20h 06m 21.93s +35° 58 24.7 5.38 3.46 79 K0IV V2008 Cyg; RS CVn variable
60 Cyg 60 V1931 200310 103732 21h 01m 10.92s +46° 09 20.8 5.38 −2.73 1364 B1V V1931 Cyg; eclipsing binary
9 Cyg 9 184759 96302 19h 34m 50.92s +29° 27 46.5 5.39 −0.70 538 A0V+... spectroscopic binary
14 Cyg 14 185872 96693 19h 39m 26.47s +42° 49 05.6 5.41 −1.20 685 B9III
51 Cyg 51 197511 102177 20h 42m 12.63s +50° 20 24.1 5.41 −1.85 924 B2V multiple star
ω2 Cyg ω2 46 195774 101243 20h 31m 18.81s +49° 13 13.3 5.44 −0.03 404 M2III Ruchba, Rukbat al Dajajah, Al Rukbah al Dajajah; double star
189178 98194 19h 57m 13.86s +40° 22 04.2 5.46 −2.90 1531 B5V double star
199101 103145 20h 53m 53.91s +33° 26 16.1 5.47 −0.89 609 K5III
199098 103094 20h 53m 18.56s +45° 10 54.1 5.48 −1.31 744 K0II
189395 98325 19h 58m 37.96s +30° 59 01.2 5.51 −0.60 544 B9Vn
49 Cyg 49 197178 102066 20h 41m 02.60s +32° 18 28.0 5.51 −1.45 805 G8IIb
206749 107235 21h 43m 06.48s +41° 09 18.0 5.51 −0.77 587 M2III
49 Cyg 49 197177 102066 20h 41m 02.54s +32° 18 26.3 5.53 −1.43 805 G8IIb
184293 96014 19h 31m 19.36s +50° 18 23.7 5.55 −0.22 465 K1III
199870 103519 20h 58m 19.38s +44° 28 17.5 5.55 1.00 265 G8III
V1942 Cyg V1942 209515 108845 22h 02m 56.68s +44° 38 59.8 5.57 −0.48 529 A0IV α2 CVn variable
36 Cyg 36 193369 100108 20h 18m 28.63s +36° 59 59.1 5.58 1.70 195 A2V
194152 100437 20h 22m 05.35s +45° 47 41.6 5.58 0.06 415 K0IIIvar
199955 103530 20h 58m 30.03s +50° 27 42.4 5.59 −2.35 1264 B5Vn
204153 105769 21h 25m 19.39s +46° 42 51.2 5.59 2.91 112 F0V
188209 97757 19h 51m 59.07s +47° 01 38.5 5.60 −7.69 14818 O9.5Ia
198345 102635 20h 47m 49.29s +47° 49 54.9 5.60 −0.49 538 K5III
V389 Cyg V389 201433 104371 21h 08m 38.87s +30° 12 20.5 5.60 −0.07 444 B9V multiple; variable
V1768 Cyg V1768 190603 98863 20h 04m 36.18s +32° 13 07.0 5.62 −7.48 13583 B1.5Ia comp α Cyg variables
40 Cyg 40 195050 100907 20h 27m 34.27s +38° 26 25.9 5.63 1.04 270 A3V
V380 Cyg V380 187879 97634 19h 50m 37.33s +40° 35 59.2 5.68 −3.80 2567 B1III Algol variable
196852 101899 20h 38m 59.54s +30° 20 03.9 5.68 0.31 386 K2III
197392 102155 20h 41m 56.50s +41° 43 00.7 5.68 −1.84 1042 B8II-III
V2140 Cyg V2140 199478 103312 20h 55m 49.81s +47° 25 03.6 5.68 −6.60 9314 B8Ia α Cyg variables
203644 105497 21h 22m 00.38s +49° 23 19.3 5.68 0.66 328 K0III
79 Cyg 79 206774 107253 21h 43m 25.63s +38° 17 01.0 5.69 1.08 272 A0V
192787 99841 20h 15m 23.79s +33° 43 45.7 5.70 0.88 300 K0III
184960 96258 19h 34m 19.76s +51° 14 13.5 5.71 3.67 83 F7V
7 Cyg 7 183534 95656 19h 27m 25.97s +52° 19 13.8 5.73 0.51 361 A1V
Gl 777 190360 98767 20h 03m 36.95s +29° 53 53.1 5.73 4.72 52 G6IV+... binary star; has two planets (b & c)
43 Cyg 43 V2121 195068 100859 20h 27m 02.21s +49° 22 59.6 5.73 2.85 123 F0V: V2121 Cyg; γ Dor variable
77 Cyg 77 206644 107162 21h 42m 22.94s +41° 04 37.3 5.73 0.44 372 A0V
201834 104516 21h 10m 15.55s +53° 33 47.2 5.75 0.15 431 B9III
203245 105282 21h 19m 28.74s +49° 30 37.0 5.75 −0.33 536 B6V
204485 106003 21h 28m 08.16s +32° 13 30.5 5.75 2.50 145 F0V
193592 100097 20h 18m 24.76s +55° 23 49.8 5.76 1.01 291 A2Vs
DT Cyg DT 201078 104185 21h 06m 30.24s +31° 11 04.8 5.77 −3.05 1895 F7.5Ib-IIv Cepheid variable
205314 106393 21h 32m 56.58s +49° 58 39.4 5.77 −0.05 475 A0V
V2015 Cyg V2015 196178 101475 20h 33m 54.84s +46° 41 37.9 5.78 −0.06 481 B9sp... α2 CVn variable
188650 97985 19h 54m 48.24s +36° 59 44.4 5.79 −2.58 1538 Fp
209419 108758 22h 01m 50.58s +52° 52 56.1 5.79 −1.77 1058 B5III
191195 99026 20h 06m 13.64s +53° 09 54.2 5.81 3.00 119 F5V
187235 97376 19h 47m 27.78s +38° 24 27.4 5.83 −0.05 489 B8Vn
193322 100069 20h 18m 06.99s +40° 43 55.6 5.83 −2.56 1552 O9V
199611 103359 20h 56m 25.44s +50° 43 43.1 5.83 2.20 174 F0III
179957 94336 19h 12m 05.22s +49° 51 15.3 5.85 3.87 81 G4V+...
186619 97081 19h 43m 45.08s +41° 46 23.1 5.86 −0.57 631 M0III
192985 99889 20h 16m 00.61s +45° 34 46.8 5.87 3.18 113 F5V:
V2119 Cyg V2119 194335 100574 20h 23m 44.37s +37° 28 35.2 5.87 −1.32 893 B2Vne Be star
V1762 Cyg V1762 179094 94013 19h 08m 25.88s +52° 25 33.1 5.88 1.65 229 K1IV RS CVn variable
V1143 Cyg V1143 185912 96620 19h 38m 41.15s +54° 58 24.2 5.89 2.89 130 F6Vasv Algol variable
195554 101084 20h 29m 27.11s +56° 04 05.4 5.89 −1.30 896 B9Vn
V1334 Cyg V1334 203156 105269 21h 19m 22.18s +38° 14 14.9 5.89 −4.27 3505 F2Ib δ Cep variable
42 Cyg 42 195324 101067 20h 29m 20.39s +36° 27 17.0 5.90 −2.67 1689 A1Ib
188252 97774 19h 52m 07.17s +47° 55 54.5 5.91 −3.49 2470 B2III
189684 98383 19h 59m 20.42s +45° 46 21.3 5.92 0.12 472 A5III
199612 103360 20h 56m 25.89s +49° 11 45.0 5.92 −2.04 1273 G8II-III
186377 96977 19h 42m 44.60s +32° 25 36.3 5.93 −3.26 2248 A5III
200817 103956 21h 03m 47.58s +53° 17 09.0 5.93 0.46 405 K0III
69 Cyg 69 204172 105811 21h 25m 47.02s +36° 40 02.7 5.93 −3.71 2763 B0Ib
194193 100501 20h 22m 45.29s +41° 01 34.1 5.95 −1.15 856 M0III
199579 103371 20h 56m 34.78s +44° 55 29.0 5.96 −4.44 3928 O6...
W Cyg W 205730 106642 21h 36m 02.44s +45° 22 28.5 5.96 −0.43 617 M4IIIe-M6e semiregular variable
197139 101986 20h 40m 03.22s +43° 27 32.5 5.97 0.17 470 K2III
V460 Cyg V460 206570 107129 21h 42m 01.08s +35° 30 36.7 5.98 −2.96 2000 C6.3 DS Peg, carbon star; variable
16 Cyg A c 16 186408 96895 19h 41m 49.09s +50° 31 31.6 5.99 4.32 70 G2V triple star system
V1743 Cyg V1743 184786 96198 19h 33m 41.60s +49° 15 44.4 6.00 −2.26 1462 M4.5III
192439 99579 20h 12m 31.73s +51° 27 49.0 6.01 0.50 412 K1III:
200253 103734 21h 01m 12.87s +36° 01 33.7 6.01 −0.51 657 G5III
204428 105891 21h 26m 44.95s +52° 53 54.7 6.01 0.35 442 B6V
181096 94755 19h 16m 51.39s +46° 59 54.2 6.02 2.88 138 F6IV:
197120 102033 20h 40m 36.26s +29° 48 19.6 6.02 1.45 267 A2V
204965 106171 21h 30m 20.31s +52° 57 28.6 6.02 0.18 479 A3V
11 Cyg 11 185037 96387 19h 35m 48.30s +36° 56 40.4 6.03 −0.74 738 B8Vn
189066 98143 19h 56m 44.14s +36° 15 02.2 6.03 −1.64 1113 B5IV
186568 97087 19h 43m 51.45s +34° 09 45.8 6.04 −1.17 901 B8III
61 Cyg B 61 201092 104217 21h 06m 52.19s +38° 44 03.9 6.05 8.33 11 K7V component of the 61 Cyg system
203439 105432 21h 21m 21.93s +32° 36 46.0 6.05 −0.29 605 A1V
188793 97892 19h 53m 35.38s +59° 42 30.7 6.06 0.97 339 A3V
V2130 Cyg V2130 197018 101949 20h 39m 33.31s +40° 34 46.8 6.07 −1.13 898 B6IIIp Mn SX Ari variable
202240 104765 21h 13m 26.43s +36° 37 59.7 6.07 −2.62 1781 F0III
203630 105558 21h 22m 42.03s +30° 18 35.5 6.07 0.77 374 K1III
76 Cyg 76 206538 107097 21h 41m 34.27s +40° 48 19.2 6.07 0.34 455 A2V
186440 97028 19h 43m 09.60s +30° 40 40.4 6.08 1.01 337 A1V
194097 100486 20h 22m 37.31s +31° 15 54.1 6.09 −0.26 607 K2
185837 96724 19h 39m 44.92s +33° 58 44.1 6.10 0.29 474 A3IV
189127 98044 19h 55m 22.04s +58° 15 01.4 6.10 0.34 462 G9III
200577 103894 21h 03m 04.83s +38° 39 26.7 6.10 −0.41 655 G8III
206731 107186 21h 42m 38.81s +49° 36 01.0 6.10 −1.03 869 G8II
207516 107664 21h 48m 29.34s +38° 38 54.9 6.10 0.20 493 B8V
V1339 Cyg V1339 206632 107140 21h 42m 08.35s +45° 45 56.7 6.11 −0.47 676 M4.5
187638 97538 19h 49m 27.50s +38° 42 36.6 6.12 −0.53 697 G6III
191243 99145 20h 07m 41.44s +34° 25 22.5 6.12 −2.83 2012 B5Ib
202923 105064 21h 17m 02.02s +53° 59 51.4 6.12 0.67 401 A1V
μ2 Cyg μ2 78 206827 21h 44m 08.46s +28° 44 34.5 6.12 G2V
V2093 Cyg V2093 187880 97651 19h 50m 46.87s +37° 49 34.7 6.13 −3.96 3396 M3III
188149 97789 19h 52m 16.40s +36° 25 56.2 6.13 −0.65 739 K4III
192535 99685 20h 13m 42.82s +43° 22 44.4 6.13 −0.64 738 K4III
186927 97242 19h 45m 51.35s +35° 00 46.0 6.14 0.57 424 A2V+...
187372 97372 19h 47m 26.85s +47° 54 27.6 6.14 −1.74 1230 M2III
V2100 Cyg V2100 189775 98379 19h 59m 15.34s +52° 03 20.5 6.14 −0.72 769 B5III α2CVn variable
190964 98915 20h 05m 06.72s +51° 50 21.6 6.14 −0.64 741 M1IIIa
195964 101285 20h 31m 46.52s +56° 46 47.5 6.14 −0.87 821 K5III
203096 105229 21h 18m 55.33s +41° 02 25.9 6.15 −2.43 1698 A5IV
189296 98111 19h 56m 19.02s +56° 41 13.1 6.16 1.50 279 A4Vn
190781 98858 20h 04m 28.79s +48° 13 46.8 6.16 −0.09 579 A2IV
206040 106771 21h 37m 38.81s +54° 02 31.9 6.16 −0.33 647 K1III
206509 107041 21h 40m 43.30s +54° 52 19.7 6.16 −0.51 703 K0III
186121 96805 19h 40m 41.15s +43° 04 40.2 6.17 −1.99 1399 M2III
199892 103532 20h 58m 30.94s +41° 56 23.7 6.17 0.40 465 B7III
202862 105101 21h 17m 23.18s +42° 41 00.8 6.17 −1.57 1152 B7Vn
205114 106267 21h 31m 27.46s +52° 37 11.5 6.17 −1.56 1148 G2Ib+...
205551 106518 21h 34m 27.46s +51° 41 54.5 6.17 −2.32 1630 B9III
187038 97307 19h 46m 35.04s +32° 53 19.0 6.18 0.92 367 K2
190771 98921 20h 05m 09.59s +38° 28 41.5 6.18 4.80 62 G5IV
200527 103828 21h 02m 24.20s +44° 47 27.6 6.18 −1.71 1235 M3Ib-II:
202314 104822 21h 14m 10.28s +29° 54 03.5 6.18 −3.18 2433 G2Ib
191096 98946 20h 05m 21.50s +56° 20 28.4 6.19 2.60 170 F4V
196379 101556 20h 34m 50.41s +51° 51 15.2 6.19 −5.54 7244 A9II
CP Cyg CP 205939 106752 21h 37m 27.88s +44° 41 47.8 6.19 −0.35 661 A7III variable
194220 100515 20h 22m 55.49s +42° 59 00.4 6.20 1.17 331 K0IIIvar
195820 101245 20h 31m 21.11s +52° 18 33.7 6.20 1.06 348 K0III
V1619 Cyg V1619 207857 107856 21h 51m 04.97s +39° 32 11.9 6.20 −1.39 1072 B9p HgMn α2CVn variable
44 Cyg 44 195593 101214 20h 30m 59.23s +36° 56 09.1 6.21 −2.22 1583 F5Iab
196642 101756 20h 37m 23.57s +38° 19 43.6 6.21 1.19 328 K0III
186307 96907 19h 41m 57.63s +40° 15 14.6 6.22 1.62 272 A6V
188074 97700 19h 51m 19.37s +47° 22 37.9 6.22 2.12 215 F2V
193702 100268 20h 20m 15.22s +39° 24 11.8 6.22 1.03 355 A1V
181960 94974 19h 19m 36.42s +54° 22 33.8 6.23 0.53 450 A1V
189942 98563 20h 01m 15.28s +37° 05 55.9 6.23 −1.21 1003 K0III
193944 100295 20h 20m 30.64s +53° 35 44.5 6.23 −2.26 1630 K5
202720 105034 21h 16m 29.62s +42° 15 06.6 6.23 −0.89 865 K2
185955 96706 19h 39m 34.53s +45° 57 26.6 6.25 0.79 402 K0III
16 Cyg c 16 186427 96901 19h 41m 52.10s +50° 31 04.5 6.25 4.60 70 G5V component of the 16 Cyg system; has a planet (b)
207446 107637 21h 48m 08.41s +36° 34 49.5 6.25 −0.41 701 K5
183986 95953 19h 30m 46.83s +36° 13 42.7 6.26 −0.57 758 B9.5III
198513 102712 20h 48m 42.74s +51° 54 37.2 6.26 −0.67 791 B8np
180756 94623 19h 15m 19.18s +50° 04 16.0 6.27 1.16 342 G8III
205349 106420 21h 33m 17.89s +45° 51 14.5 6.27 −2.05 1502 K1Ibvar
186815 97070 19h 43m 39.49s +57° 02 33.6 6.28 1.83 253 K2III
192934 99893 20h 16m 03.43s +38° 53 53.1 6.28 0.78 410 A1V
186760 97033 19h 43m 14.28s +58° 01 00.3 6.29 3.02 147 G0V
198387 102642 20h 47m 52.89s +52° 24 27.3 6.29 3.18 137 K0V:
V819 Cyg V819 188439 97845 19h 53m 01.25s +47° 48 27.9 6.30 −3.53 3019 B0.5IIIn β Cep variable
198151 102530 20h 46m 38.61s +46° 31 54.2 6.30 0.79 413 A3V
181597 94890 19h 18m 37.85s +49° 34 09.6 6.32 0.81 413 K1III
193217 100016 20h 17m 29.05s +42° 43 19.4 6.32 −2.49 1884 K4II:
48 Cyg 48 196606 101765 20h 37m 31.77s +31° 34 21.1 6.32 −0.58 784 B8IIIn
200753 103949 21h 03m 43.50s +46° 51 47.8 6.32 1.79 263 F0IVn
189432 98320 19h 58m 34.35s +38° 06 20.5 6.33 −2.33 1762 B5IV
V2136 Cyg V2136 198625 102827 20h 49m 54.64s +46° 39 40.8 6.33 −0.92 918 B4V
198181 102499 20h 46m 21.28s +52° 59 44.0 6.34 0.72 434 K0
200723 103963 21h 03m 52.14s +41° 37 41.9 6.34 1.31 330 F3IV
193469 100155 20h 18m 57.54s +39° 00 15.1 6.35 −2.98 2397 K5Ib
186776 97151 19h 44m 49.09s +40° 43 00.7 6.36 −0.86 906 M3III
192983 99870 20h 15m 43.24s +50° 13 58.3 6.36 1.18 355 A2Vn
198976 103079 20h 53m 07.37s +29° 38 57.3 6.36 0.78 427 K2
202710 105017 21h 16m 17.12s +44° 14 17.5 6.36 −2.00 1531 K0III+...
205688 106661 21h 36m 14.02s +30° 03 19.0 6.36 1.16 357 G8III-IV
V1817 Cyg V1817 184398 96003 19h 31m 13.56s +55° 43 54.8 6.37 −1.17 1052 K2II-IIIcomp RS CVn variable
186506 97029 19h 43m 10.76s +38° 40 18.2 6.37 −1.86 1442 K0
200740 103929 21h 03m 26.03s +50° 21 06.5 6.37 0.99 388 K0
186901 97228 19h 45m 39.65s +36° 05 27.6 6.38 −2.43 1884 B9.5V
194069 100434 20h 22m 03.06s +41° 07 55.7 6.38 −2.01 1552 G5II+...
195066 100808 20h 26m 23.46s +56° 38 19.2 6.38 0.26 547 B9V
185114 96316 19h 35m 01.23s +52° 30 07.6 6.39 1.14 365 K0
V2090 Cyg V2090 186702 97142 19h 44m 38.17s +34° 24 51.0 6.39 −0.64 830 M1III
190227 98701 20h 02m 48.81s +31° 57 31.7 6.39 −1.31 1128 K1III
194951 100866 20h 27m 07.77s +34° 19 44.7 6.39 −3.01 2470 F1II
203454 105406 21h 21m 01.44s +40° 20 44.1 6.39 4.27 87 F8V
207119 107398 21h 45m 12.40s +52° 16 03.3 6.40 −3.20 2717 K5Ib
198237 102585 20h 47m 20.77s +45° 34 48.0 6.41 −1.61 1309 K3III
V2173 Cyg V2173 208727 108348 21h 57m 02.20s +48° 40 07.0 6.42 985 B8V
V1351 Cyg V1351 186532 96919 19h 42m 04.13s +55° 27 47.9 6.42 −0.44 767 M5IIIa
V1765 Cyg V1765 187459 97485 19h 48m 50.60s +33° 26 14.3 6.42 −2.74 2218 B0.5Ibvar β Lyr variable
198820 102993 20h 52m 00.39s +32° 50 56.1 6.42 −2.47 1952 B3III
185268 96503 19h 37m 09.62s +29° 20 01.4 6.43 −0.71 874 B5V
195506 101133 20h 29m 59.87s +45° 55 41.5 6.43 0.91 415 K2+...
185435 96546 19h 37m 40.82s +35° 01 21.2 6.44 −2.11 1672 K5
189377 98253 19h 57m 56.12s +42° 15 38.9 6.44 −1.51 1268 A3V
194882 100714 20h 25m 05.00s +59° 36 00.4 6.44 −0.88 948 A3III
207088 107445 21h 45m 44.45s +35° 51 26.2 6.44 0.51 499 G8III
197101 101900 20h 39m 00.19s +56° 00 17.8 6.45 0.88 424 F2Vn
202654 104962 21h 15m 37.18s +47° 58 26.4 6.45 −1.94 1552 B4IV
203358 105390 21h 20m 50.01s +32° 27 08.4 6.45 2.13 239 G8IV
189253 98146 19h 56m 45.16s +50° 54 09.0 6.46 1.30 350 A1V
V1773 Cyg V1773 193536 100142 20h 18m 49.67s +46° 19 20.0 6.46 −3.09 2650 B2V
201836 104537 21h 10m 30.96s +47° 41 32.0 6.46 −1.86 1502 B6IV
HD 203857 203857 105637 21h 23m 48.39s +37° 21 05.4 6.46 −0.79 921 K5 has a possible planet
185264 96396 19h 35m 55.95s +50° 14 18.7 6.47 0.11 609 G9III
185657 96572 19h 37m 56.68s +49° 17 02.6 6.47 0.53 503 G6V
192538 99719 20h 14m 04.87s +36° 36 17.6 6.47 −0.98 1009 A0V
192987 99929 20h 16m 28.15s +37° 03 23.0 6.47 −1.25 1140 B6III
195690 101268 20h 31m 36.27s +34° 19 49.8 6.47 3.20 147 F2
200030 103596 20h 59m 24.61s +42° 19 28.0 6.47 −0.39 767 B9
X Cyg X 197572 102276 20h 43m 24.20s +35° 35 16.1 6.48 −2.68 2218 G8Ib Cepheid variable
207673 107749 21h 49m 40.10s +41° 08 55.7 6.48 −5.62 8579 A2Ib
V1276 Cyg V1276 186357 96988 19h 42m 49.10s +29° 19 54.0 6.49 266 F1III δ Sct variable
191892 99294 20h 09m 22.37s +56° 01 36.7 6.49 −1.41 1240 K0
V1584 Cyg V1584 193722 100250 20h 19m 56.04s +46° 50 14.3 6.49 −1.38 1221 B9p Si α2CVn variable
194668 100651 20h 24m 32.36s +53° 33 06.9 6.49 −1.77 1462 B9.5III
196134 101467 20h 33m 48.56s +41° 46 22.2 6.50 1.56 317 K0III-IV
198624 102804 20h 49m 37.69s +50° 07 37.5 6.50 −1.32 1194 F7V: comp
200465 103822 21h 02m 20.96s +39° 30 32.5 6.50 −1.68 1411 A1V comp
200595 103871 21h 02m 48.62s +45° 50 56.0 6.50 −1.59 1353 B3Vn
HD 185269 185269 96507 19h 37m 11.74s +28° 29 59.5 6.67 3.29 155 G0IV has a planet (b)
HD 197037 197037 101948 20h 39m 33s +42° 14 55 6.81 108 F7V has a planet (b)
WR 136 192163 99546 20h 12m 06.54s +38° 21 17.8 7.48 −3.57 5279 WN6 Wolf–Rayet Star
HD 187123 187123 97336 19h 46m 58.11s +34° 25 10.3 7.86 4.46 163 G5 has two planets (b & c)
χ Cyg χ 187796 97629 19h 50m 33.94s +32° 54 50.9 7.91 2.78 346 S7,1e: Mira variable; Vmax = 3.62m, Vmin = 15.00m
R Cyg 185456 19h 36m 49.38s +50° 11 59.5 8.15 S... Mira variable
RT Cyg 186686 97068 19h 43m 37.90s +48° 46 39.0 8.45 −1.85 3749 M3e Mira variable
U Cyg U 193680 100219 20h 19m 36.40s +47° 53 38.0 8.77 −1.00 2938 R.... Mira variable
Cygnus X-1 226868 98298 19h 58m 21.68s +35° 12 05.8 8.95 −2.23 >6000 O9.7Iab V1357 Cyg; X-ray binary one component being a black hole
47 Cyg B 47 196094 20h 33m 52.50s +35° 13 07.0 9.40 K2Ib+... component of 47 Cyg system
HAT-P-11 19h 50m 50.25s +48° 04 51.1 9.59 6.69 123 K4 has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-68 19h 24m 08.0s +49° 02 25 10.1 440 has three transiting planets (b, c and d)
Campbell's star 184738 96295 19h 34m 45.24s +30° 30 58.9 10.45 WC...V1966 Cyg
HAT-P-7 19h 28m 59s +47° 58 10 10.5 1044 F8 has a transiting planet (b)
HAT-P-17 21h 38m 09s +30° 29 19 10.54 293.5 G0 has two planets (b & c)
Kepler-50 19h 12m 24.0s +50° 02 01 11 has two transiting planets (b and c)
WASP-48 19h 24m 39s +55° 28 23 11.06 has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-22 19h 16m 52.2s +47° 53 4.2 11.66 590 G5 has a transiting planet (b) in its habitable zone
Kepler-145 19h 25m 33.0s +44° 31 45 11.9 has a transiting planet (b & c)
Kepler-36 19h 25m 00.0s +49° 13 55 12 has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-56 19h 35m 02.0s +41° 52 19 13 has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-452 19h 44m 0.9s +44° 16 39.2 13.426 1400 G2V has at least one transiting planet (Kepler-452b)
Kepler-48 19h 56m 33.0s +40° 56 56 13.5 has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-6 19h 47m 20.94s +48° 14 23.9 13.8 4.4 2522 G4 has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-5 19h 57m 37.68s +50° 02 06.2 13.9 3.3 4167 F8 has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-23 19h 36m 52s +49° 28 45 14 has two transiting planets (b and c) and one unconfirmed planet (d)
Kepler-76 19h 36m 46.0s +39° 37 08 14 has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-33 19h 16m 19.0s +46° 00 19 14 has five planets (b, c, d, e and f)
Kepler-307 19h 51m 11.0s +40° 25 04 14.1 has two transiting planets (b & c)
Kepler-11 19h 48m 28s +41° 54 33 14.2 1999 G has six transiting planets (b, c, d, e, f & g)
Kepler-51 19h 45m 55.0s +49° 56 16 15.0 has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-58 19h 45m 26.0s +39° 06 55 15.3 has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-66 19h 35m 56.0s +46° 41 16 15.3 3611 GOV has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-49 19h 29m 11.0s +40° 35 30 15.5 has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-57 19h 34m 34.0s +44° 39 25 15.5 has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-186 19h 54m 36.651s +43° 57 18.06 ~15.65 492+/-59 M1V has five transiting planets (b, c, d, e and f)
Kepler-305 19h 56m 54.0s +40° 20 35 15.8 has two transiting planets (b & c)
Kepler-32 19h 51m 22s +46° 34 27 16 has five transiting planets (b, c, d, e and f)
Kepler-42 19h 28m 53.0s +44° 37 10 16.12 126 has three transiting planets (b, c and d)
Kepler-54 19h 39m 06.0s +43° 03 23 16.3 has two transiting planets (b and c)
Kepler-67 19h 36m 37.0s +46° 09 59 16.4 3611 G9V has a transiting planet (b)
V1500 Cyg V1500 21h 11m 36.61s +48° 09 01.9 17.1 Nova Cygni 1975; Vmax = 2.0m
V476 Cyg V476 19h 58m 24.57s +53° 37 07.1 200 Nova Cygni 1920; Vmax = 2.0m
V1668 Cyg V1668 21h 42m 35.22s +44° 01 54.9 Nova Cygni 1978; Vmax = 6.0m
AFGL 2591 20h 29m 24.9s +40° 11 21 3261.6 associated Rfn Nebula
PSR B2016+28 20h 18m 03.92s +29° 39 55.2 pulsar
V1974 Cyg V1974 20h 30m 31.61s +52° 37 51.3 Nova Cygni 1992; Vmax = 4.5m
Kepler-47 19h 41m 11.5s +46° 55 12 The star A has two transiting planets (b and c).
Table Legend:

  Name = Proper name.
  B = Bayer designation.
  F or/and G. = Flamsteed designation or Gould designation.
  Var = Variable star designation
  HD = Henry Draper Catalogue designation number.
  HIP = Hipparcos Catalogue designation number.
  RA = Right Ascension for the Epoch/Equinox J2000.0.
  Dec = Declination for the Epoch/Equinox J2000.0.

  vis. mag. = visual magnitude (m or mv), also known as apparent magnitude.
  abs. mag. = absolute magnitude (Mv).
  Dist. (ly) = Distance in light years from Earth.
  Sp. class = Spectral class of the star in the stellar classification system.
  Notes = Common name(s) or alternate name(s); comments; notable properties [for example: multiple star status, range of variability if it is a variable star, exoplanets, etc.].

See also


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