McNulty | |
Family name | |
Meaning | "descended of the Ulaid Nation" |
Region of origin | Ireland |
Language(s) of origin | Gaeilge |
Related names | McAnulty, Donlevy, Dunleavy, Garvey, McKinley (surname) |
McNulty (MacNulty)[1] is an Irish surname historically associated with County Donegal[2] in northwest Ireland and, possibly, with the moniker Ultach, an agnomen (additional surname) used by some of Gaelic Ireland's MacDunleavy or MacDonlevy (dynasty) royals in its earlier Gaelic language form. The surname denotes that its bearer is of the ancient Irish Ulaid race (singl. Ultaigh). In alternate spelling, Ulaid may be encountered as Ulaidh or Uladh. It is pronounced in Gaelic language "Ully" and has been corrupted in English to "ulty".[3]
The surname is derived from an anglicized contraction of the original Irish patronymic Mac (descended)[4][5] an Ultaigh[6][7][8] or confusion of the Irish "Mac an Ultaigh" (male) and "Nic an Ultaigh" (female) surname.[9] Variant spellings include McNaulty,[10] its variations McNalty[11] and, rarely, O'Nalty,[12] Nolty,[13][14] McNult,[15][16] the more primitive Anglicizations McAnulty,[17][18] McEnulty and McKnulty[19][20] and others.
In County Clare and its adjacent County Tipperary in the southwest of the Republic of Ireland, the toponymics Connoulty and Kinoulty are encountered. Clonoulty (Irish language "Cluain Ultaigh", meaning "the meadow of the Ulsterman" or Ultaigh) is a civil parish in south County Tipperary. Some sources consider the surnames Connoulty and Kinoulty to be variant Anglicizations of the Irish language Mac and Nic an Ultaigh surname.[21][22]
The surname McNulty and any of its variations[23][24] may be encountered sans their mac or mc prefix.[25][26][27] Accordingly, some persons of this surname and their namesakes may be found alphabeted instead of at "M" at "N", "O" and even "U". Capitalization and spacing are inconsistent following either prefix.[28][29] Mac appears in anglicized contraction not only as Mc (also written Mc), but, even, M'.[30][31]
Alphabetization of variants
In researching persons of the McNulty surname or its variants, where either the Mac, Mc or M' prefix has been employed to form such Anglicization of the Irish Mac or Nic an Ultaigh surname, also note that British text sources consistently place all surnames beginning with both the prefixes "Mac" and "Mc" at the alphabetical position of "Mac", as the English language "Mc" is simply the Irish language "Mac", anglicized by contraction. Depending on the particular American text source (United States or Canadian), it may follow the British convention or it may place all surnames beginning with the prefix "Mac" separately from surnames beginning with the prefix "Mc" at the alphabetical position of "Mac" and all surnames beginning with "Mc", instead, at the subsequent alphabetical position of "Mc".[32] Surnames beginning with the even further abbreviated prefix M' are consistently placed at the alphabetical position of "Mac" in both British and American reference sources.[33]
Meaning and heritage

The Irish surname Mac (literally, son)[34] and Nic (literally, daughter)[35] an Ultaigh (Anglicized Mac or Mc Nulty), actually, means in English "descended of the Ulaid Nation" or people.[36] When an element of a Gaelic patronymic, "son" is in its usage of "Though that I unworthy sone of Eve be synful ...", that is "descended".[37][38] Mac and Nic an Ultaigh and its many Anglicizations may, also, though, be encountered without further elaboration in more ambivalently obscured and, likely, inadvertently, gender biased English translation as simply "son of an Ulsterman "[39] or "Ulidian".[2][40] The Gaelic Mac and Nic an Ultaigh and its many Anglicizations may also be encountered in even still looser English translation as "(from or) native of Eastern Ulster".[40][41]
In any of these translations, though, the surname McNulty connotes that its bearer is descended from the Ulaid, a nation of people, that is the ancient Irish Uluti tribe, which dynasties in remote times ruled the entirety of the North of Ireland.[42] The "Ulaid", "Ulaidh" or "Ultaigh" (anglcized or corrupted "Nulty") are actually equated in English translation to "Ulsterites or an Ulsterite" and their former territory of the "Ulaidh (province)" is equated in English translation to "Ulster",[43] because the Ulaid in remote times so occupied roughly the land of the 9 modern counties, which are Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Coleraine (now Londonderry), Tyrone, Cavan, Donegal and Monaghan, of historic Ulster province in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.[44][45] The English word Ulster, itself, is the Irish word Ulaid anglicized with the English possessive ending -s and Irish tír (Ulaidh's tír) to designate the "land" or "territory" of the Ulaid, in other words, the Irish Ulaidh (province).[46][47] In addition to being fierce land warriors, the Ulaid were also known for a formidable seafaring navy.[48][49][50]
From their seat at Emain Macha, the dynasties of the Ulaid or Ulaidh first ruled all of the historic province of Ulster, that is the Ulaidh (province) as a sovereign state or in Irish language their "tuath" (literally, "the commonality")[51] from sometime between the 10th and 17th century BC[52][53] and after the 5th-century AD encroachments of the adversary Uí Néill, successively, smaller portions, thereof, until the last remnants of their state, then called Ulidia, substantially dissolved in the late 12th century AD.[54]
The dynasties of the Ulaid and their territory remaining after the 5th century AD were the Dál Riata in the glens of the land area of the modern County of Antrim in eastern Ulster and later, also, Scotland, the Dál nAraidi in the area of modern Belfast in eastern Ulster and the Dál Fiatach in the land area of the modern Diocese of Down and Connor in eastern Ulster.[45]
Ancient Gael royal connection

There are variant etymologies proposed for McNulty. In large measure, however, all of these hold that the surname McNulty evolved from the Irish surnames of ancient Gael royals of southeastern Ulster or from Irish nicknames given them. Some McNulty are of the Ultonian royal house that produced kings of the Ulidia sub-kingdom of (modern) Iveagh and some McNulty may be of the Ultonian royal house that produced the last line of over-kings of the Ulaid (nation) and the Kingdom of Ulidia.[55][56]
As persons of a surname originating in southeastern Ulster's Ulidia (kingdom), by any scenario posed by scholars, the McNulty are descended of the Red Branch royal houses of the Dál Fiatach group of the Ulaid dynasties, which include also the house of MacDonlevy (Irish Mac or Ó Duinnshléibhe),[57] which produced the line of royals, who last ruled all the Ulaid as their over-kings. As persons of a surname originating either within or without southeastern Ulster, it is debated whether some McNulty are also descended of the MacDonlevy royal house, itself. As all the other Dál Fiatach dynasties, members of both the clanna MacDonlevy and McNulty claim descent from Fiatach Finn mac Dáire, a King of Ulster and High King of Ireland in the 1st century A.D., after whose reign the Dál Fiatach dominated the kingship of Ulster, and through him and the Heremon line of Irish kings, as many of the other royalty of the British Isles, to the Milesian Irish King Heremon, himself, and through Heremon to his father the legendary c.-15th-century BC Iberno-Celts king Mil Espaine or Miles Hispaniae (Latinized Milesius of Spain, "victor of a thousand battles"), King of Galicia (Spain), Andalusia, Murcia, Castile (historical region) and Portugal.[58]
There are two scholarly proposals for the origin of the McNulty surname in Ulidia (kingdom) in extreme southeastern Ulster. The McNulty are of the Kingdom's Red Branch royal houses, in their line that later includes the O'Garvey, or the McNulty are of the Cú Uladh sept of the MacDonlevy branch of the Kingdom's Red Branch royal houses.
In the context of a distinct clan[59] (I. "clanna"),[60] John O'Hart traces the McNulty to the Dál Fiatach group of Ulaid dynasties, who were the last rulers of the Ulaid nation of people and their, by then, greatly reduced Ulahd (province), called Ulidia (kingdom), and to the branching of its O'Garvey royals. In contrast to the entirety of the land area of the original Ulster province, the "lesser Ulahd province" or Ulidia (kingdom) of this time comprised a much smaller, though still large land area, concurrent with that of only one of Ulster province's 9 modern counties, that is County Down, and the southern portion of a second of its modern counties, which is County Antrim. The McNulty (parent house) and O'Garvey (descended house) ruled in this Ulidia (kingdom) the largest of its sub-kingdoms, which substantial land area in the west of County Down was concurrent with the land area of what is today Northern Ireland's district or Barony (Ireland) of Iveagh (I. "Eachach Cobha" or older "Magh Cobha"), occupying much of the southern and western part of modern County Down.[61][62] These Dál Fiatach kings were the Red Branch royal houses that ruled Ulidia (kingdom) for half a millennium until its fall in the late 12th century. Ulidia (kingdom), the last patrimony of the Ulaid nation, substantially collapsed, then, following John de Courcy's, his 800 armored English footroops' and 22 mounted armored cavalry's defeat of the Ulidians or Ultonians at Downpatrick in 1177 A .D.[63] The cultural shock of the loss of their ancient administrative center and sacred religious site at Downpatrick (I. "Dùn Phádraig", L. "Dunum") to de Courcy and the English caused, too, the already centuries diminished Ulaid race to in short order, thereafter, cease to exist as a cohesive people.
Some McNulty may, though, too, be traced directly to the MacDonlevy house of the royalty of Ulidia by virtue of a nickname there given the MacDonlevy. In one highly unusual translation of the surname McNulty, it is actually and seemingly oddly translated through its variant Naulty to mean in English "wild Ulidian dog" or hound (noted at reference to be from Gaelic "Cuallaidh").[64] This peculiar translation is, though, a reference to the battle famed Cú – Uladh MacDunnshleibhe (fl. c. 1177) (Latinized "Canis Ultoniae" or English "the Ulidian hound"), who was the nephew of Rory, the 54th Christian and last king of a viable Ulaid (province) (again, English Ulster and Latinized Ultonia and then being the reduced Ulidia (kingdom)).[65][66] The chieftain Cú-Ulahd was noted to be as swift footed in combat as the feared Irish Wolf Hound, that the MacDonlevy and/or McNulty took to battle for successful purpose including the dismounting of their opponents the English's armored cavalry. Nalty and Nulty are variants of Naulty.
Red Branch houses
Hence, according to manifold researchers,[67][68] the namesake of Ulster or it their namesake and in ancient Irish lore claimed descended of the mythological Irish heroes of the Red Branch or Ulster Cycle,[69] the McNulty as a parent house in the branch line leading to the O'Garveys or through the Donlevy house's Cú-Ulahd are also as Irish rulers last of historic record among Ulster's Red Branch royal houses (Irish, the "Craobh Ruadh") of the Kingdom of Ulidia, that is of the "rigdamnai" of that portion of Ireland of the legendary earthen mound building Red Branch Knights of Ulster[70] for whom Constance Markievicz, originally, named the Irish patriot organization "Na Fianna Éireann".[71]
MacDonlevy royals in exile
Finally, some McNulty may, otherwise, be MacDonlevy or of other septs displaced from Ulidia (kingdom). Sources besides O'Hart state that the clanna Mac an Ultaigh, its septs and its Anglicization Mac or McNulty evolved during the middle age without the area of the Kingdom of Ulidia, which was again located in the extreme southeast of Ulster province. They contend that the surname first appeared, instead, in the Kingdom of Tirconnell, which is located in the northwest of Ulster province, which is a portion of Ulster that for centuries thereto had not been the territory of the Ulaid. Ancient Tirconnell (I. Tir Chonaill or the land of the O'Donnell) had a land area roughly concurrent with that of the modern County Donegall in the Republic of Ireland.[72][73][74]
Two sources, P. McNulty and E. Neafsey, go so far as to propose that the McNulty are not by that name an actual Irish clanna at all and that the Irish surname Mac or Nic an Ultaigh and, therefore, remotely, its Anglicization Mac or McNulty, arises from an Irish language nickname given during the Middle Ages only to persons who relocated to other portions of Ireland, most notably, again, Tirconnell, from the area of the former Kingdom of Ulidia in extreme southeastern Ulster after its fall. This Irish nickname was "Ultach",[75] in variant spellings also "Ultagh", "Ultaig", "Ultaigh" and "Ultacháin" (English Ulsterman or Ulsterite), the singular of the Gaelic "Ulaid", "Ulaidh" or "Uladh" and English "Ulsterites"[3][76][77] and Latinized "Ultonian" or "Ulidian",[78][79] for a member of the Uluti tribe, that is the Ulaid Nation or people. P. McNulty, among other of his supporting arguments, states first under section "Early Ulster (Ulaid, Ulidia, Ultonia) … McNultys (Mac an Ultaigh) … the name was applied only to those who had left early Ulster.", then at section "Origin of Names" … "McNulty (Mac an Ultaigh, son of the Ulsterman), which is based on the location of their ancestors in early Ulster and their subsequent departure from that location (Appendix 1, p 17)." and, later, "McNulty name was applied only to those Gaelic families who fled Down after 1177 (Table 4, Appendix 4, p 18)".[80] E. Neafsey concurs in measure, while in citing to Woulfe, infra, noting "Woulfe describes MacNulty as a Donegal family …".[2]
Notably, the nickname "Ultach" was given by the indigenous populations of the western Ireland Kingdom of Tirconnell, the last standing Gaelic sovereignty and stronghold, to the MacDonlevy royalty[81] upon their arrival in flight there[82] after the substantial fall[83] of their eastern Ireland Kingdom of Ulidia at Downpatrick in 1177. As stated in the now out of copyright year 1893 Dictionary of National Biography, "As the family originally came from Ulidia, the lesser Uladh, or Ulster, the members of it are often called in Irish writings, instead of MacDonlevy, Ultach, that is Ulsterman, and from this the name McNulty, Mac an Ultaigh, son of the Ulsterman is derived."[84] Ultaigh and Ultagh are variant spellings of I. Ultach for an individual of the Ulaid nation or race. Ultach is anglicized to Ulsterite and from L. Ultonii to Ultonian or Ulidian.[3] To a historical certainty, the MacDonlevy royalty did adopt this nickname Ultach as an agnomen (additional surname), while in asylum in Tir after their 1177 defeat by the forces of de Courcy named to the high Gaelic status of "ollahm leighis" or the official physicians to the O'Donnells dynasty Kings of Tirconnell (variant spelling Tyrconnell and sometimes abbreviated "Tir").[85] The MacDonlevy were the last line of historical Kings of Ulster and the Dál Fiatach, which thrones were actually restricted to this family's lineage after 1137.[86][87] The MacDonlevy (again, anglicized from Gaelic language Mac or Ó Duinnshléibhe) were, also, one of the ancient hereditary medical families of Ireland.[88]

Some of the first McNulty immigrants to North America arrived in Philadelphia and New York City in the very early 19th century[89][90][91] and, later, more numerously, in both Philadelphia and New York City between 1840 and 1860, during which period the great Irish Potato Famine occurred.[92][93] By 1980, there were 19,469 persons surnamed McNulty in the United States Social Security Administration data base. The surname McNulty was, then, the 2332 most frequently occurring surname in that database.[15] There are an estimated 421 persons surnamed McNulty in Australia.[94] Denis McInulty, one of the first McNulty to arrive in Australia, arrived there from Scotland on 16 May 1846 on the prisoner transport the China under a 10-year sentence of the Glascow Justiciary Court.[95]
Remaining frequency in United Kingdom
In Great Britain the surname McNulty is shared by an estimated 7,888 people and is approximately the 1329th most popular surname in the country.[96]
In modern history and contemporary affairs
Whatever their true appellation, persons surnamed McNulty, who as earlier noted, number no more than a few tens of thousands of the hundreds of millions in the English speaking world, include, modernly, a significant number of noteworthy individuals. Among these persons are venerated Irish nationalists, prominent statesmen, top level national and provincial government officials, famed entertainers, combat distinguished U.S. and/or British naval and army commanders, numerous other distinguished U.S., British, Australian and Canadian war heroes, Roman Catholic Church prelates and celebrated professional and amateur sports figures. In the U.S., persons of this surname also have an illustrious tradition as academics, in U.S. naval and martial history and, throughout the world, as journalists and in literature and the theatre. Persons surnamed McNulty are, too, less, but, still notably, visual artists, musical composers, instrument makers, engineers and inventors, pioneering computer scientists and technologists, intelligence operatives, jurists, chief executives of major corporations and/or financial exchanges, beauty pageant winners and in cinema.
Some notable people
Dennis Day (1916–1988) | |
Dennis Day, the stage name of crooner, comic and radio and television personality Owen Patrick Eugene McNulty |

- Ann McNulty, a stage, radio and recording artist, who appeared with her children Eileen McNulty and Peter McNulty as "The McNulty Family's Irish Showboat Revue"
- Anthony F. McNulty, a turn-of-the-19th-century member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania
- Arthur MacNalty, the 8th Chief Medical Officer (United Kingdom)
- Arthur George McNalty, a British Army Brigadier general field commander during the First World War
- Arthur McNulty, an English football player
- Barney McNulty (1923–2000), then, the former Army Air Force pilot, brother of Penny Singleton and brother-in-law of Ray Flin, who in 1949 introduced the use of the cue card in TV broadcasts and was credited with saving Bob Hope’s life on one of Hope’s tours for soldiers in Vietnam[98][99]
- Bernard McNulty, an Irish-American literary figure and US-based Irish nationalist, who first organized the Fenians in the United States
- Bill Conoulty (1899 or 1901 – 1961), a legendary automotive engineer, automobile manufacturer and automobile racer of Australia
- Bill McNulty, a U.S. major league baseball player, who was also in Japan's Pacific League
- Billy McNulty, a Scottish Football player
- Caleb J. McNulty (1816-1846) (D), a Democratic Party politician and a scandalous early 19th-century Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives
- Carl McNulty, an NBA basketball player
- Charles McNulty, a journalist, the chief theater critic for The Los Angeles Times newspaper
- Chris McNulty, an internationally recognized Australian jazz vocalist, who is resident in New York, New York, U.S.A.
- Christina McNulty (fl. c. 1920), a Canadian silent film actress
- Ciaran McKnulty, a footballer
- Cormac Ultaigh (fl. c. 1460), an influential medieval physician and medical scholar[100]
- Daniel Naulty, a U.S. major league relief pitcher, who played on the NY Yankees' 1999 World Series winning team
- Daniel McNulty, a musician and composer of sacred music
- Danny McNulty, an actor, played Harvey “Harley” Keiner on the TV series Boy Meets World
- David Macenulty was an inner city public school teacher, who inspired his students to achievement and towards better self concepts by chess play. Macenulty is the subject of the year 2005 A&E made for TV film Knights of the South Bronx, starring Ted Danson.
- Deborah McNulty, an Emmy Award winning make-up artist
- Dennis Day, a stage name of singer and radio and television personality Owen Patrick Eugene McNulty
- Des McNulty, a 3 term Labour Party member of the Scottish Parliament
- Donough Ultaigh, medieval Irish physician, an "ollam leighis" of the O'Donnell dynasty
- Doug McEnulty (U.S. football), a NFL football player
- Edward McNulty, an Irish playwright and novelist, called a "genius" by the Nobel laureate in literature George Bernard Shaw
- Elizabeth McNulty, a Miss Louisiana (Miss USA Pageant)
- Enda McNulty, a Gaelic footballer
- Eugenius Nulty, the eminent early-19th-century U.S. theoretical mathematician and academic, who privately tutored the brothers Henry Charles Lea and Mathew Carey Lea
- F. Lynn McNulty (1939–2012), Lt. Col. (USAR), Central Intellegence Agency operative and first Director of Information Systems Security, U.S. State Department
- Faith McNulty, an American non-fiction author
- Fran McNulty, an award winning Irish journalist with RTÉ
- Francis J. McNulty, a turn-of-the-19th-century Delaware state legislator
- Frank McNulty (Colorado legislator), (R), a multi-term member of the Colorado House of Representatives and a former Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives
- Frank McEnulty, a 2008 right wing fringe party U.S. presidential candidate, who garnered fewer than 1000 votes
- Geoff McNulty, a Canadian born National Lacrosse League player
- Geoff Nulty, an English footballer
- Geraldine McNulty, a British stage and television actress
- Helen McNulty, Irish artist and producer
- Henry J. McAnulty, a USAF Lt. Col., Roman Catholic priest, military chaplain, American academic and the 9th president of Duquesne University
- Howard McNulty, American banking executive, president of Flagship Bank, Inc. (1974-1984), then Florida's 5th largest banking group (3.3 billion U.S. dollars in assets), and president of Sun Banks, Inc. (1984-1986), then, Florida's 3rd largest banking group
- James McNulty (footballer)
- James McNulty (Canadian MP), a former 4 term Liberal member of Canadian House of Commons and a former Canadian Minister of Labor
- James Barrett McNulty, (D), a flamboyant and nationally conspicuous Mayor of Scranton, Pennsylvania
- James F. McNulty (chief executive), a U.S. Army Colonel (United States) and a Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer and President of Parsons Corporation
- James F. McNulty (U.S. radio engineer), credited with creating world's first image to be digitally generated in real time and co-invention with Frederick G. Weighart of earliest crude form of Digital radiography
- James J. McNulty, a C.E.O. of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange
- James McNulty (Irish activist) Commandant of the Doe Battalion for the Irish Volunteers during the 1916 Easter Rising
- James T. Nulty, a turn-of-the-19th-century U.S. inventor and Pennsylvania state legislator
- Jennie McNulty (1866-1927) was a British stage actress and labor leader. An American expatriate living in London about the turn of the 19th century and originally one of the Gaiety Girls, McNulty later for decades played West End theatre feature roles. In 1895, she was elected head of London’s Theatrical Choristers Union.
- Jim McNulty (hockey player)
- Joe McNulty, an Irish footballer
- Joel McNulty, an American hurdler
- John McAnulty, police informant in Northern Ireland killed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army in 1989
- John McNulty (journalist), an American writer and prominent figure in the development of Literary journalism, who was acclaimed in posthumous eulogy by James Thurber
- John McNulty (football coach), a NFL football coach
- John McNulty (artist)
- John McNulty (Seanad candidate), controversial politician in Republic of Ireland
- John F. McNulty, Jr., a college athletic coach
- John J. McNulty, Jr. (1922–2009), a Sheriff of Albany County, New York and a Northern New York State political power broker during 7 decades
- John K. McNulty, a legal scholar and educator
- John L. McNulty, an American Roman Catholic prelate and the 13th president of Seton Hall University
- Justin McNulty, a Gaelic footballer
- Kathleen McNulty, a mathematician and pioneer computer scientist (original programmer of ENIAC)
- Kathleen McNulty Rooney (1904–1982) was long matriarch of the Rooney family. She was the wife of Pittsburgh Steelers founder Art Rooney and the mother of the former United States Ambassador to Ireland and current Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Dan Rooney. She is the grandmother of the actresses Rooney Mara and Kate Mara and United States Congressman Thomas J. Rooney (R, FL).
- Kevin Nalty, a comic and entrepreneur
- Kevin McNulty (actor), a film and television actor
- Kristen McNulty (b. 1983), a Canadian radio personality
- Lawrence Frederick Nulty, an American modernist architect
- Liam Mac an Ultaigh, a Chief Scout of the Fianna Éireann
- Mal McNulty, a glam and heavy rock musician and vocalist
- Marc McNulty, a Scottish footballer
- Mario J. McNulty (b. 1978), a Grammy Award winning U.S. music producer, mixing engineer and audio engineer
- Mark Nulty, an Irish cricketer
- Mark McNulty, a professional golfer
- Marguerite McNulty (fl. c. 1920), a Broadway theatre and silent film actress
- Martin McNulty Crane, (D), the Lt. Governor of Texas (1893–1895) and the Texas Attorney General (1894–1898)
- Matthew McNulty, an English film and television actor with numerous credits
- Mary McNulty, a Miss Indiana (Miss America Pageant)
- Mary McNulty (1895-1972), called to the Ontario Bar in 1918, McNulty was the first woman to practice law in Ottawa, Canada[101]
- Mike McNulty (boxing manager), an early-20th-century manager and trainer of several world boxing champions and Tommy Gibbons, who fought Gene Tunney and challenged Jack Dempsey in the 1923 World heavyweight boxing championship title bout Jack Dempsey vs. Tommy Gibbons.
- Muiris mac Donnchadh Ulltach Ó Duinnshléibhe, one of two Father Muiris Ulltach Roman Catholic priests who with the Archbishop of Tuam attended Aodh Ruadh Ó Domhnaill, anglicised as either Hugh Roe O'Donnell or Red Hugh O'Donnell, the O’Donnell, on his death bed in exile at Simancas Castle, Spain in 1602
- Muiris mac Seaán Ulltach Ó Duinnshléibhe, one of two Father Muiris Ulltach Roman Catholic priests who with the Archbishop of Tuam attended Aodh Ruadh Ó Domhnaill, anglicised as either Hugh Roe O'Donnell or Red Hugh O'Donnell, the O’Donnell, on his death bed in exile at Simancas Castle, Spain in 1602
- Neil McNulty, a BBC Scotland soap opera actor, who plays Fraser Crozier in River City
- Nick McAnulty, a Canadian motion picture director
- Nicolas McNulty, Mexican Rapper Recording artist[102]
- Nicholas McAnulty (2002-), Australian child actor
- Onara Ultach, mother of Mícheál Ó Cléirigh (c. 1590 – 1643), the principal author of the Annals of the Four Masters
- Owen Ultach, medieval Irish physician, an "ollam leighis" of the O'Donnell dynasty
- Pat McNulty, a U.S. major league baseball outfielder
- Pat McNulty (footballer), an Australian rules footballer
- Patrick J. McNulty, a United States bankruptcy court judge from 1968-1975
- Patricia McNulty, a television actress
- Paul McAnulty, a U.S. major league baseball player
- Paul McNulty, a former U.S. Deputy Attorney General
- Paul McNulty, an American piano maker, who is resident in Eastern Europe
- Patrick Nulty, a former member of the Dáil (Parliament) of Ireland[103]
- Penny Singleton, a stage name of Marianna Dorothy Agnes Letitia McNulty, a radio personality and motion picture actress
- Peter McNulty (film editor)
- Peter McNulty (Gaelic Footballer)
- Peter H. McNulty, a turn-of-the-19th century multi-term New York state legislator
- Phil McNulty, a journalist, the chief sports writer at BBC Sport
- Raymond J. McNulty, a Vermont Commissioner of Education
- Robert W. McNulty (1897-1966), a dental educator, a Dean of the Loyola University School of Dentistry, a Dean of the USC Dental School and a president of the American Dental Education Association
- Roy McNulty, a former Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority (United Kingdom)
- Shawn McNulty, an American abstract expressionist painter
- Síghle Nic an Ultaigh, the eighth president of the Camogie Association
- Steve McNulty, an English footballer
- Tim McNulty, an Irish motorsports rally driver, historic double winner of the Irish Tarmac Rally Championship and Ireland's Dunlop National Rally
- Thomas McNulty, an English footballer
- Thomas Francis McNulty, the composer of the now iconic children's song The Old Grey Mare
- Tony McNulty, a former multi-term English Labour Party M.P. and UK Minister of State
- William Charles McNulty, an American artist
- William E. McAnulty, Jr., a Justice of the Kentucky Supreme Court
- William N. McNulty, a Roman Catholic priest and the hero of the 1880 Garret Mountain May Day riot
- William Nulty is the principal or solo trumpet of the Philharmonia Zurich (Zurich Opera Orchestra), under the baton of Fabio Luisi.[104]
- William B. Nulty, a Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine
Fictional characters
Thelma Ritter (1902–1969), as Ellen McNulty | |
![]() from the trailer for The Mating Season (1951) |

- Jimmy McNulty, a character on HBO drama The Wire
- Elena McNulty (Jimmy's estranged wife), Sean James McNulty (Jimmy's and Elena's eldest son) and Michael Barnes McNulty (Jimmy's and Elena's youngest son) also appear as characters on The Wire.
- Liam McNulty, a fictional character in BBC Scotland soap opera River City
- Middenface McNulty, post apocalyptic science fiction character
- McNulty Rugrats
- There are 7 McNulty characters in the Emmy nominated animated TV series.
- 5 McNulty brother Rugrats (Timothy, Todd, Ty, Teddy and Terry)
- The brothers' grandfather Conan
- The brothers' mother Colleen
- Lt. Ray McNulty and his son Van McNulty are characters in the U.S. TV series Smallville
- Meet Mr. McNutley was a successful CBS television network series that ran 44 episodes from 1953 to 1955. The show's title and the last name of its main character were changed to "McNulty" in the second episode. The show was, later, again, retitled the Ray Milland Show. Milland played the show's main character Prof. Ray McNulty. The U.S. television actress Phyllis Avery played the professor's wife Peggy McNulty.
- The eye patched rogue and heel Red McNulty "of Dublin, Ireland" and the outright villain Ivan Koloff "The Russian Bear" were ring personas of Canadian wrestler Oreal Perras (Oreal James Perras), a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion who fought 3,962 documented career bouts.[105]
- Stephen Graham (actor) played the character Peter McNulty in 2 episodes of the TV series Jump.
- Thelma Ritter won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of Ellen McNulty in the 1951 film the Mating Season.
- Actress Gene Tierney played Maggie Carleton McNulty in the Mating Season (1951).
- There is a McNulty character in both the movie Trancers and its sequel Trancers II. In both movies the McNulty character is portrayed by actor Art LaFleur.
- Maggie Cline became famous in Vaudeville singing popular Irish songs, including How McNulty Carved His Duck.[106]
- There is a Moshi Monsters moshling character in the puppies set named McNulty.
- Patrick McNulty, the main character in the Twilight Zone episode A Kind of a Stopwatch
20th and 21st century U.S. Representatives

- Frank Joseph McNulty, the U.S. labor leader and President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (1903–1918), was in 1922 elected to the United State's Sixty-Eighth Congress as a Democrat from New Jersey.
- James F. McNulty, Jr., who was born in Brockton, Massachusetts, was in 1982 elected to a term in the United States House of Representatives as a Democrat from Tucson, Arizona.
- Michael R. McNulty served 10 terms as a Democratic Party (United States) member of the U.S. House before his retirement from the U.S. Congress in 2009. Michael "Mike" McNulty is a member of the McNulty political dynasty of northern New York. The "dynasty" was founded by Mike's father John J. McNulty, Jr., a long term local Albany County, New York politician or, arguably, his father, John J. McNulty, Sheriff of Albany County, New York in the 1930s. The "dynasty" includes manifold other McNulty family members, who hold or have held local political office in New York's Albany and Niagara counties. Other McNulty holding prominent federal offices in the northern New York and the New Jersey area are David L. McNulty, the U.S. Marshall for the Northern District of New York, and Kevin McNulty (judge), a United States District Court Judge and the brother-in-law of New York's U.S. Senator Charles Schumer.
- William McNulty Brodhead was a 4 term Democratic Party member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Michigan.
Roman Catholic Bishops
- Denis Nulty, the Irish Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin
- James A. McNulty, the American Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson from 1953 to 1963 and, later, upon transfer, American Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo from 1963 to 1972
- John Francis McNulty, the English Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham from 1932 to 1943
- Thomas Nulty, the Irish Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Meath from 1866 to 1898
In U.S. Navy and nautical history
Ship's & other commanders

"Acta Non Verba" ("Deeds Not Words"), the motto of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, founded 1943
- Richard R. McNulty of Glouster, Massachusetts (1899–1980), Vice Admiral USMS, Rear Admiral U.S. Navy, is the World War II veteran, who founded the United States Merchant Marine Academy, King's Point, NY, which is the latest of the United States Service academies.[107] The Academy's McNulty campus is named for the Vice Admiral. As have its officer graduates, the Academy's midshipman or members of its cadet corps have served and sometimes died in every major U.S. military conflict from World War II and are privileged to carry a regimental battle standard.
- James F. McNulty (Rear Admiral USMS) of Lawrence, Massachusetts (1929–2006) is the combat decorated naval surface warfare officer and naval educator, who served on destroyers during both the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He, later, commanded the guided missile destroyer USS Farragut (DDG-37). Still, later, as a Captain (USN), McNulty was Chief of Staff of the U.S. Naval War College and, even, later, as a United States Maritime Service Rear Admiral was superintendent of the Great Lakes Maritime Academy.[108]
- William K. MacNulty of Antrim, Pennsylvania (1892–1964) is the US Marine Corps Brigadier General (United States) and recipient of the Navy Cross, who commanded the U.S. Marine Corp defense of Guam against overwhelming Japanese Imperial forces during the Battle of Guam (1941), the first World War IIJapanese land action against the United States.[109] Brig. Gen. McNulty, thereafter, also, heroically suffered the atrocities of being taken a Japanese Prisoner of war for the duration of the Second World War.
- Willard J. McNulty of Spokane, Washington (fl. c. 1945–1965), Captain (USN), commanded both the storied escort destroyer, the USS Tabberer (DE-418) (4 Battle stars for service in World War II) and the hydrographic survey and oceanographic research ship, the USS Maury (AGS-16), namesake of the famed astronomer and hydrographer Matthew Fontaine Maury.[110][111]
- Dr. F.J. McNulty was a commissioned officer of the Confederate States Navy, who served as Ship's doctor on the Confederate States privateer the CSS Shenandoah.[112] He became a primary historical source for chroniclers of the ship's adventures.
- John McNulty (steamboat captain) (fl. c. 1860), U.S. pioneer steamboat captain, an "old salt" who went to sea from his native Dublin, Ireland when just a young boy, by the time McNulty captained steamboats in the U.S. Northwest, he was a seaman of such extraordinary nautical skills that he transported passengers and cargo through the U.S. Columbia River's then treacherous the Cascades and The Dalles rapids on large steamboat "palaces" for over three decades during the heyday of Northwest U.S. steamboat river transport without a single accident.[113] The Northwest U.S. community of McNulty, Oregon is named for the Captain.
Ships & their namesakes
The USS McNulty (DE-581) was a World War II escort destroyer named for Lt. (j.g.) John Thomas McNulty of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (born 23 April 1897), a 24-year naval veteran, who died in combat in World War II while serving on the USS Astoria (CA-34) during the Battle of Savo Island on 9 August 1942.[114][115] The U.S.S. McNulty was sponsored by his widow[116] Helen K. McNulty, and, thereafter, received two battle stars for World War II service.
A Rudderow class destroyer escort, the USS McNulty was laid down on 17 November 1943. When launched on 8 January 1944, the USS McNulty (DE-581) had a length from stern through keel of 306 feet and a displacement of 1450 tons. Her beam was 36 feet and 10 inches, and she had a draft of 9 feet and 8 inches. She had 16 guns, 3 torpedo tubes, 8 depth charge throwers, 2 depth charge racks and 1 Hedgehog depth bomb thrower. Her compliment was 186 men. Her speed was 24 knots.
A completion photograph of the vessel in waters outside Boston Navy Yard on 5 April 1944 appears at section right.
Navy Cross recipients
For "Extraordinary heroism in combat not justifying the Medal of Honor" - the second highest medal of valor awarded to members of the U.S. Navy and its U.S. Marine Corps
- World War I (U.S. 1917–1918) John McNulty (U.S. Marine Corps) of Revere, Massachusetts, Gunner, U.S. Marine Corps, 66th Company, 6th Machine-Gun Battalion, 6th Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, "Navy Cross is presented to John McNulty … for extraordinary heroism … in action between Blanc Mont and St. Etienne, France, October 4, 1918. Although he was severely wounded during an enemy counterattack, Gunner McNulty voluntarily remained on the firing line under heavy artillery and machine-gun fire, operating a machine-gun, the crew of which had all been killed or wounded … until the enemy was repulsed and he was ordered to the rear by his commanding officer …"[117] McNulty was also promoted from 1st Sgt. to Marine Gunner for this heroism at Blanc Mont. He was later in 1921 commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant and retired from the U.S. Marine Corps in 1940 at the rank of major, having served a total 40 years with the Corps.[118]
- 2nd Nicaraguan Campaign (1927–1933) William K. MacNulty of Willsboro, Pennsylvania (born Antrim, Pennsylvania), Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, 57th Company, 2d Battalion, 11th Regiment, "Navy Cross is presented to William K. MacNulty for distinguished service in the line of his profession as commander of a patrol operating in the vicinity of Bromoderos, Nicaragua, on 27 February 1928. Captain MacNulty, while on a mission assigned by his Battalion Commander, upon receiving word that a platoon of the 57th Company had been ambushed by a numerically superior force, immediately upon his own initiative proceeded to the scene, made a night march over unknown, most difficult terrain, in a bandit-infested area. Upon arrival at the spot, Captain MacNulty disposed his patrol with such military ability and strategy as to successfully defeat and put to rout the bandit force, thereby saving the lives of the remaining few of the beleaguered patrol, which were at that time greatly outnumbered."[119]
U.S. Navy recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross
For "Distinguishes himself by extraordinary heroism not justifying the Medal of Honor" - a second highest medal of valor that may be awarded U.S. Marines
U.S. Navy recipients of the Distinguished Flying Cross
For "Heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in an actual flight"
- Francis Joseph "Frank" McNulty (1939–2008) U.S. Marine Corps (Vietnam War), in his three tours in Vietnam also awarded Bronze Star Medal, Distinguished Service Medal and Purple Heart[122]
- John S. McNulty, Jr. U.S. Marine Corps (Korean War), for heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight in action against enemy forces, in Blakeney Heroes of the U.S. Marine Corps[123]
- Walter J. McNulty U.S. Navy (World War II)[124]
U.S. Navy Silver Star recipients
For "gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States"
- Sgt. John McNulty (U.S. Marine Corps) (World War I) was awarded two Silver Stars each for separate actions and each of these actions distinct from his 4 October 1918 valiantness between Blanc Mont and St. Etienne, France, for which as also noted in this article, this Sgt. John McNulty was awarded both the Navy Cross and the Distinguished Service Cross.[125] 1."By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D. 1918), Gunner John McNulty (MCSN: 150063), United States Marine Corps, is cited by the Commanding General, SECOND DIVISION, American Expeditionary Forces, for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Gunner McNulty distinguished himself while serving with the 66th Company, Fifth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces at Chateau-Thierry, France, 6 June to 10 July 1918." (FIRST Citation)[126][127] 2."By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (Bul. No. 43, W.D., 1918), Gunner John McNulty (MCSN: 150063), United States Marine Corps, is cited by the Commanding General, SECOND Division, American Expeditionary Forces, for gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Gunner McNulty distinguished himself while serving with the Sixth Machine-Gun Battalion, 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces at Blanc Mont, France, 1–10 October 1918." (SECOND Citation)[126]
- 1st Sgt. Thomas J. McNulty, U.S. Marine Corps (World War I) was awarded the silver star, after during the Battle of Belleau Wood being "badly wounded while leading and encouraging men of his company, displaying courage of the highest order."[128][129][130]
- Maj. William McNulty U.S. Marine Corps (World War II) Citation: "The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Major William McNulty (MCSN: 0-6303), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while attached to the Third Battalion, First Marines, FIRST Marine Division, in combat against enemy Japanese forces on Cape Gloucester, New Britain, 27 and 28 December 1943. When the left assault company lost contact with the unit on its right, Major McNulty courageously worked his way alone through enemy territory despite hostile fire and succeeded in locating the endangered troops. Guiding them to a strategic position which closed the gap in our lines, he skillfully disposed his men along the battalion's left flank to provide protection against counterattack. The next day when the objective had been reached, he again visited the front lines and, exposing himself to enemy fire, aided the commanding officer in reorganizing the troops and protecting the battalion's left flank. By his timely assistance and outstanding tactical skill, Major McNulty contributed to the success of this hazardous operation, and his heroic conduct was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service"[131][132]
- Lt. Thomas G. Nulty (USMC) (Vietnam War) Citation: "The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to First Lieutenant Thomas G. Nulty (MCSN: 0-104424), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action … he disregarded his own safety as he moved across the fire-swept terrain to the casualties and after a hasty examination, directed the corpsman to attend the most critically wounded men first. Seemingly oblivious to the enemy rounds impacting above him, First Lieutenant Nulty commenced treating the less serious casualties and while so engaged, was extensively wounded in his left arm. Although fully realizing the very real possibility of losing his arm without immediate medical attention, he nevertheless valiantly remained in his dangerously exposed position to encourage the casualties and to continue his lifesaving efforts to the best of his now limited ability. Determined to rout the enemy, he mustered the unwounded Marines near him and directed a grenade attack against the hostile positions which was so accurate and vigorous that the North Vietnamese Army soldiers were forced to retreat, thus enabling the other Marines to evacuate the casualties and providing his Company with the opportunity to trap the enemy in an encircling movement. While simultaneously directing the fire of his men and supervising the evacuation of the wounded men. First Lieutenant Nulty sustained a serious leg wound but, although unable to walk and suffering intense pain, steadfastly refused to leave his position on the battlefield until he had directed the medical evacuation of all the other casualties …"[133] A career Marine, Nulty was confirmed to rank of Lt. Col. in 1983 by a unanimous vote of U.S. Senate.[134]
U.S. Navy recipient of the U.S. Coast Guard Lifesaving Medal
U.S. Coast Guard Silver Lifesaving Medal
James McNulty (USN) received the U.S. Coast Guard Lifesaving Medal. While McNulty was serving on the USS Thatcher (DD-162), he saved the life of fireman 2nd class Frank E. Honyotski (USN). While the Thatcher was moored at Berth 9, Mare Island Straits, California on July 5, 1921, seaman Honyotski was accidentally knocked overboard from her deck and could not swim against the strong flood tides surrounding the ship. McNulty unhesitatingly and at great personal risk leaped overboard and kept Honyotski afloat until both were rescued. For this feat, McNulty received the Silver Lifesaving Medal on February 17, 1922.[135][136]
U.S. Navy pilots and field surgeons fallen in action

- Ensign Frank Bacon McNulty, Jr. (USN) crashed into the South Pacific Ocean while piloting his TBM Avenger (1C) torpedo bomber on 10 August 1944, the last day of the Second Battle of Guam.[137] The Ensign (rank) crashed into the same ocean (South Pacific Ocean) in the same year (1944) of the same war (WWII) and while flying the same make of plane (TBM Avenger) as did Lt. (j.g.) George H.W. Bush. George H.W. Bush however survived to become the 41st President of the United States. Frank Bacon McNulty, Jr. was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Bacon McNulty, Sr., 223 Cathedral Mansions, Ellsworth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and a class of '43 Duke University alumnus.[138][139]
- Lt. J. J. McNulty (USN) was killed on take-off during WWII on 27 April 1944 while piloting his PV-1 Ventura antisubmarine patrol aircraft and lost in the Pacific off the Aleutian Islands with all hands. The crash was attributed to engine failure.[140][141]
- Eldon Halgene McAnulty, Pharmacists Mate (Hospital Corpsman), (USNR), died in line of duty during WWII on June 15, 1944 in the English Channel.[142]
- 1st Lt. Milton Keith McNulty (USMCR) of Palmdale, California (1937-1968) was killed in action during the Vietnam War while piloting his Douglas F3D Skynight (-2) night fighter (the only Korean War era jet fighter to fly in Vietnam). He died after a nighttime mission flying electronic countermeasures to jam radar to suppress enemy surface-to-air missiles (SAM) fire. The 1st Lieutenant crashed into the sea off Da Nang, South Vietnam. He was killed along with CWO Vernard Jay Small. Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, National Mall, Washington, D.C., Panel 02E, Row 046.[143][144]
- Corpsman William Francis McNulty (1946-1970), a U.S. Navy “Doc” transferred to Medical Field Service, U.S. Marine Corps, 5th Marine Regiment, 2nd Battalion, was killed by landmine in Quang Nam, Vietnam while treating battlefield wounded. He was the brother of U.S. Representative Michael R. McNulty. Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, National Mall, Washington, D.C., Panel 08W, Row 098.[145][146]
In U.S. Army history
World War II field commanders
- Lt. Col. William A. McNulty of Roanoke City, Virginia (1910–2005) was a battalion commander of General George S. Patton's 3rd Army command. Lt. Col. McNulty was commanding officer of the 3rd Battalion, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, which in face of withering defensive artillery, tank, antitank and machine gun fire and with McNulty heroically at its lead,[147] forded in the dead of winter on 23 February 1945 the icy and swollen Saar River in southwest Germany at the then Siegfried Line to become the first Third Army (United States) troops to enter upon German soil, seizing the east bank German city of Serrig and establishing the vital bridgehead, which the balance of the Third Army used to sweep into the German Saarland,[148][149] thereafter, taking the German cities of Trier, Coblenz, Bingen, Worms, Mainz. Kaiserslautern and Ludwigshafen, while killing or wounding 99,000 German troops and capturing another 140,112 of them, which represented virtually all of the remnants of the German First Army and the German Seventh Army.[150]
WWI field commanders
- U.S. Army First Lieutenant Herman L. McNulty, DSC, of Huntington, West Virginia at the head of his company and close upon a barrage led the advance of the company toward a point of offensive troop consolidation. Wounded in the leg by a machine-gun bullet, he refused to be evacuated. After having his wound simply bound up, he continued in advance of his company, his personal valor inspiring his men to achieve their objective of reaching the point of troop consolidation. Lieutenant McNulty continued to voluntarily remain on duty not only until the objective was achieved, but also consolidated. He subsequently died of his wound, likely, from femoral artery bleeding. For his "extraordinary heroism" in this action near Remonville, France on 1 November 1918, Lieutenant Herman L. McNulty of the 354th Infantry Regiment, 89th Division, American Expeditionary Forces was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (United States).[151][152][153]
U.S. Civil War field commanders
- James Madison McNulty, was a Union Army surgeon, who was successively appointed medical director of the Department of New Mexico, medical director of the Army of the Potomac’s II Corps (Union Army), and Surgeon General of the California National Guard and California State Surgeon. He was brevetted by 15 January 1866 Act of the U.S. Congress retroactive to 13 March 1865 to the rank of Colonel "for gallant and distinguished service as medical director of the Second Army Corps" along with fellow Union Army surgeon John McNulty, who was brevetted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.[154][155][156] Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
- Brigadier General John McNulta, as a colonel, commanded the Union Army's 94th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment at the 1863 Battle of Brownsville. On the 9th of April, 1865, he was brevetted to the rank title of brigadier general ‘for gallant and meritorious services in the field.’”[157] A Civil War era Illinois attorney, after the war, McNulta was elected to a term as a Republican U.S. Representative from Illinois. McNulta was defeated for reelection to the U.S. Congress by future U.S. Vice President Adlai Stevenson I, who was subsequently himself also defeated for reelection to Congress after a single term in office.
- Lieutenant Colonel John McNulty, Brigade Surgeon of U.S. Volunteers, medical director of the Army of the Potomac’s XII Corps (Union Army),[158] who commanded with distinction as medical director of 12th Corps at the Battle of Gettysburg, treating 1006 Union and 125 Confederate wounded from multiple divisions while removing all wounded from the field "within 6 hours after the battle ended" and performing "every capital operation … within twenty four hours after the injury was received."[159] According to Jonathan Letterman, medical director of the Army of the Potomac, "Not withstanding (equipment and supply shortages), the wounded of the three days fighting were speedily removed from the field, and well attended … Dr. McNulty devoted himself assiduously and successfully to the wounded of his corps; many of whom have cause greatly to remember him."[160] McNulty was severely injured in performance of his duties during the war but recovered.[161] Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
- Lieutenant John R. McNulty was the Maryland Line (CSA)[162] war hero, who while at the Battle of Old Town (U.S. Civil War 1864 Valley Campaign) positioned perilously close to Union Army troops and under a hail of their musket fire, directed from the guns of his Baltimore Light Artillery command a single strategic shot, which saved Brig. Gen. (CSA) John McCausland's element of the Army of Northern Virginia from entrapment behind Union (American Civil War) lines on return route from raids into Maryland and Pennsylvania and their despicable sacking and burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania in retaliation for the Union Army burning of the Virginia Military Institute and as part of the Valley Campaigns of 1864. Lt. McNulty's shot has been called "one of the most brilliant achievements of the war."[163] While always referenced in histories as "Lieutenant" or "the Lieutenant", McNulty was repeatedly promoted during the war and, actually, held the rank of major by the close of the Army of Northern Virginia's combat.[164]
- Lieutenant Owen McNulty rose through the enlisted ranks of the Union Army's Irish Brigade (U.S.) (known for their Irish language battle cry "fág an bealach" or "clear the way"). His command was known for its discipline in formation under fire. McNulty commanded his men at the Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Gettysburg and until the Union (American Civil War)'s final engagement against the Army of Northern Virginia, the Battle of Appomattox Court House.[165] He was father to also Irish Derry born U.S. labor leader, U.S. diplomat and U.S. Representative Frank Joseph McNulty.
- Rob Roy MacGregor McNulty, S.T.D., D.C.L., LL.D. was a nationally prominent Episcopal priest and U.S. academician and a military chaplain. He served heroically with the Union Army during the American Civil War. The Reverend McNulty was wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg in July, 1863 and nursed back to health at the Mower U.S.A. General Hospital at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Returned to the field for the Battle of the Wilderness, the Rev. Dr. McNulty’s entire Union Army brigade was captured by the Confederate States Army, and the Rev. McNulty was held as a prisoner of war from May to December, 1864 in the South’s notorious Andersonville prison, Andersonville, Georgia.[166][167][168]
Mexican-American War field commanders
- Lieutenant Francis J. McNulty was a graduate of the Louisville Medical Institute and a Mexican-American War hero, who served under Jefferson Davis with the 1st Regiment of Mississippi Rifles of the Mississippi Volunteers. The Lieutenant distinguished himself dying in action on 23 February 1847 leading the charge of a part of his regiment's Company C at the Battle of Buena Vista (22–23 February 1847),[169][170][171][172][173] which was Zachary Taylor’s great victory over Antonio López de Santa Anna and the last battle of the War fought in northern Mexico. Name is inscribed on a Memorial Plaque at the Texas State Capitol.[174]
- Colonel Caleb J. McNulty (1816-1846) commanded during the Mexican-American War in the U.S. Army’s 1st Ohio Infantry. He died on route to battle in Mexico on the steamship S.S. Jamestown somewhere near Helena, Arkansas where he is buried. Originally of Washington County, Pennsylvania, Caleb Jefferson McNulty was an Ohio lawyer and Democratic Party operative, as a newspaper editor, distinguished political writer and orator, multiple term state legislator, U.S. Congressional candidate and, finally, a scandalous Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1843-1845. The Colonel left a wife Caroline Abbott née Converse, whom he had married in 1843 shortly before his death, and a 1 ½ year old son Rob Roy, who grew to become a nationally prominent Episcopal priest.[166]
U.S. Army recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross
For "Distinguishes himself by extraordinary heroism not justifying the Medal of Honor" - the second highest medal for valor awarded to members of the U.S. Army

- Pvt. Clarence J. McNulty (World War I), U.S. Army, Medical Detachment, 128th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Date of Action: 7 October 1918, Citation: "The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Clarence J. McNulty, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action near Gesnes, France, October 7, 1918. When his battalion was forced to retire under heavy artillery and machine-gun fire, Private McNulty, accompanied by Private William A. Jacobson, went out in front of the battalion, administering first aid and bringing in the wounded who had been left lying in exposed positions. While they were carrying back a wounded soldier, Private Jacobson was wounded, whereupon Private McNulty alone carried the wounded man to the dressing station and then immediately returned to assist Private Jacobson."[175][176][177]
- Lt. Herman L. McNulty (World War I), American Expeditionary Forces, killed in action
- 1st Sgt. William B. McNulty (World War II),[178] McNulty was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (United States) for his extraordinary heroism, exemplary leadership and achievement in spearheading an attack against the Japanese early at the Battle of Bataan, which occurred in the Philippines from 22 December through 9 April 1941. During the U.S. forces' delaying action at the Layac Line, 1st Sgt. William McNulty led the point squad more than 100 yards in front of Capt. Thompson's L Company as it advanced against the Japanese into heavy fire. L Company succeeded in scattering and stalling the Japanese forces on the right, thereby, forcing them to continue their advance to the left into Bataan's formidable mountain spine where the 26th U.S. Calvalry awaited them on high ground, though the Japanese did eventually force this body's and the 31st Regiment's withdrawal.[179] Sgt. McNulty sadly did not survive the war. He perished in Japanese captivity in the subsequent Bataan Death March or at Camp O'Donnell, (section "History"), the final stop on the Bataan Death March, where 21,600 Filipino and American held captive by the Japanese died with many beheaded in front of open graves.[180]
U.S. Army recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross
For "Heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in an actual flight"
- Capt. John Thomas McNulty of Savannah, Georgia (USAAF) (1916-2008) was a lead pilot with the Eighth Air Force during WWII. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (United States), the Air Medal with 4 Oak leaf clusters and a Presidential Unit Citation.[181] The “Mighty Eighth” bombed Leipzig (1944), devastating the German aircraft industry, it conducted the first daylight bombing raids over the German capitol of Berlin (1944), dropping over 4800 tons of high explosive on the city in just the first week of March 1944, the 8th bombed Northern France in prelude to Operation Overlord (D-Day), and after D-Day brought about the complete destruction of the German Luftwaffe and ruled the skies over Europe thereafter, bombing German targets at will and completely destroying the German oil industry. At its peak, the Eighth Air force comprised 200,000 personnel, 40 heavy bomber groups, fifteen fighter groups and four specialized support groups. It could send 2000 heavy four engine bombers and 1000 fighters on a single mission against multiple Axis powers targets. Half of the U.S. Army Air Force's casualties in World War II were suffered by Eighth Air Force (more than 47,000 casualties, with more than 26,000 dead).
U.S. Army Silver Star recipients
For "gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States"
- Harold McAnulty (WWII)[182][183]
- Lt. Col. James M. McNulty, Jr. (U.S. Army Air Force) (World War II) Lt. Col. James Matthew McNulty, Jr. was awarded the Silver Star for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action.[184][185] The reason for this award, resulted from orders of the Army Air Force's Iceland headquarters, is not certain.[186] Luftwaffe reports, however, record that, then, First Lieutenant J. M. McNulty and his copilot Second Lieutenant Stenmgle of the U.S. 50th Fighter Squadron shot down a Luftwaffe reconnaissance aircraft in aerial combat over Keflavik, Iceland at 1406 hours on 24 April 1943.[187][188]
- PFC Lyle E. McNulty (World War II)[189] Citation: "The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Private First Class Lyle E. McNulty (ASN: 37558761), United States Army, for gallantry in action while serving with Headquarters Company, 242d Infantry Regiment, 42d Infantry Division. On 9 January 1945, near Hatten, France, when wire communications between two battalions were disrupted, Private McNulty with other members of the crew repeatedly re-established communications by laying wire under intense enemy artillery and mortar fire."[190][191]
- Capt. Peter H. McNulty (United States Army Air Service) (World War I) Pilot, 88th Aero Squadron, American Expeditionary Forces, for distinguishing himself by gallantry in flight in action near Dun-Sur-Meuse, France 28 October 1918 while on photographic mission.[192] Peter McNulty began piloting with the United States Army Air Services’ predecessor the Aviation Section, U.S. Signal Corps (1914-1918).[193] Other McNulty, serving with this inaugural U.S. air force, the Aviation Section of the United States Army Signal Corps, were Lieutenants James P. McNulty and Lloyd T. McNulty, transferred from the Medical Reserve Corps.[194][195]
- Robert W. McNulty (Korean War)[196][197]
- Warren E. McNulty (World War II)[198]
- Lt. Col. (later Colonel) William Anderson McNulty (World War II) Citation: "The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lieutenant Colonel (Infantry) William A. McNulty (ASN: 0-18871), United States Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Headquarters, 301st Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division, in action in Germany, on 23 February 1945. Colonel McNulty, after making a personal reconnaissance of the crossing site, fearlessly led the assault elements of his command across the Saar River near Serrig, Germany. Inspiring his men by his gallant leadership, he pressed forward in the face of withering enemy fire and directed the capture of the town of Serrig and the establishment of a vital bridgehead. Colonel McNulty's utter disregard for his own safety and courageous, aggressive actions reflect great credit upon himself and the military service."[199][200] The Colonel was also awarded the Legion of Merit.[201]
In United States Air Force history
This section memorializes personnel of the United States Air Force (Estab. 1947). For personnel of the predecessor Aviation Section, U.S. Signal Corps (1914-1918), United States Army Air Service (1918-1926), United States Army Air Corps (1926-1941) or the United States Army Air Force (1941-1947), see Section "In U.S. Army history" above. Pioneer military aviators, the McNulty have served as pilots and flight surgeons with U.S. air forces since their inauguration as the Aviation Section of the U.S. Army Signal Corps.
Squadron commanders

Maj. Gerald M. McNulty (USAF) commanded the 61st Airlift Squadron (the Green Hornets) of the 314th Airlift Wing during the highly successful 20 October 1950 U.N. airborne invasion of Sukchon and Sunchon, North Korea. The 61st Airlift Squadron received the Distinguished Unit Citation for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy of the United States for its actions during the Korean War while under Maj. McNulty’s command.[202] For award of the Distinguished Unit Citation, the collective degree of valor (combat heroism) against an armed enemy by the unit nominated must be the same as that which would warrant an individual award of the Air Force Cross. The 314th successfully accomplished the aerial invasion by having its pilots, including Maj. McNulty's Green Hornets, fly their unarmed Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar at extreme low altitude during the invasion for drop precision while exposing their craft to withering enemy ground fire. The 314th Airlift Wing dropped 2,800 paratroopers of the 187th Airborne Infantry Regiment and 300 tons of war materials.
During the Korean War, U.N. forces, including U.S. armed forces, were pitted against North Korean and, later, also mainland Chinese communist forces. Prior to this airborne assault, the 1950 U.N. offensive in Korea had already resulted in the U.N. capture of the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. 30 miles north of Pyongyang, however, there still sat the heavily fortified and armed enemy positions at Sukchon and Sunchon. The unexpected U.N. precision airborne assault of Sukchon and Sunchon set the cities’ North Korean defenders back on their heels and reeling toward the Chinese border, abandoning strongly fortified positions and leaving behind loaded weapons with ammunition stockpiles beside them. One day later, on 21 October 1950, UN forces out of Pyongyang were able to link with the paratroopers of the 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team to consolidate the position. The 314th Airlift Wing continued to bring in supplies thereafter to fortify the U.N. position. 4,000 more troops and 600 more tons of jeeps, trucks, howitzers and other war materials were airlifted.[203]
Maj. McNulty had earlier served as operations officer of the United States Army Air Force’s 668th Bomb Squadron, flying A-26 Invader bomber missions over the coasts of France and the Low Countries during WWII. Many of the highly experienced pilots of the 668th flew 60 or more bombing missions in the European theatre of World War II. The life expectancy of an Allied bomber crewman flying bomber missions over Europe during World War II was just 12 missions. McNulty arrived at the 668th at the rank of captain and already a seasoned aerial combatant.[204][205][206]
Missing in action

- 1st Lieutenant Richard L. McNulty (born 1929) was originally with the Rhode Island Air National Guard, but became a U.S. Air Force F-80 Pilot with the 8th Fighter-Bomber Wing, 80th Fighter-Bomber Squadron at outbreak of the Korean War. While during the Korean War flying wing for his squadron leader and major, McNulty was credited with a confirmed kill of a technically superior Russian MiG-15 and awarded the Air Medal for a single act of heroism. During the entire Korean War, fewer than 6 MiG-15s were shot down by these even then archaic and outclassed World War II era design Lockheed F-80 Shooting Stars, the first jet fighters ever used operationally by the old United States Army Air Force. McNulty later received two oak leaf clusters for two subsequent awards of the Air Medal. The primary mission of fighter-bomber squadron is to fly ground troop support against communication and supply lines at low altitude, over often difficult terrain, often, also, in midst of heavy anti-aircraft fire and while laden with high explosives and napalm. 1st Lt. McNulty failed to return from a January, 1952 mission against Yangdok, North Korea. It is believed that he was shot down by Soviet MiG-15 ace Sergei Kramarenko. The Lieutenant left a daughter Karen, and a son, Patrick, who was born while the Lieutenant was serving in Korea and who the Lieutenant had never seen.[207]

- John William McNulty, Airman First Class, was a tail gunner on B-26 Invader bomber with the 729th Bombardment Squadron of the 452nd Bombardment Group during the Korean War. Airman McNulty was awarded the Air Medal and the Purple Heart. On night mission on 19 July 1951 contact was lost with his aircraft between Kunu-ri and Kangye, North Korea. McNulty was listed as missing in action and presumed dead on December 31, 1953. His remains have never been recovered. John William McNulty’s name is inscribed on the Courts of the Missing at the Honolulu, Hawaii Memorial.[208]
US Armed Forces recipients of the Legion of Merit
For "Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements"
- 1st Lt. Fred McNulty (U.S. Army Air Force). From January, 1944 to July, 1944 while an ordnance officer with B-24 heavy Bombardment Squadron, Italy of the Fifteenth Air Force and under combat conditions, 1st Lt. McNulty invented and built a new type of bomb loading truck which was “[s]o efficient … that it was subsequently adopted by the entire Fifteenth Air Force … (and) materially contributed to the (WWII) combat efficiency of the U.S. Air Force”.[209][210]
- James F. McNulty (Rear Admiral USMS)
- Col. Sir John Aloysius McNulty (United States Army Military Police Corps) OESSH.[211][212] Colonel John A. McNulty (1899-1983) was the Provost Marshall of Metropolitan New York and the 6 most populace Northern New Jersey counties from 1942 to 1946 during WWII. New York City was then the raucous last embarkation point for American troops leaving for the European War Theater. The area of Col. McNulty's command was also a porous area with multiple military targets at risk from Axis powers sabotage. In the areas under McNulty's command, no acts of Axis sabotage succeeded during his tenure.[212]
- Rear Adm. Richard R. McNulty (USN)
- Col. William A. McNulty (U.S. Army)
- Lt. Col. William B. McNulty (U.S. Army), Vietnam War[213]
- Willard McNulty (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group), Vietnam War[214]
Buried at Arlington National Cemetery
- U.S. Navy Captain James F. McNulty (Rear Admiral USMS), Legion of Merit;
- U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel John F. McNulty, Jr., Bronze Star Medal;
- U.S. Army Special Forces (Ranger badge) Master Sergeant Michael L. McNulty (1968–2005), who was awarded more than 20 U.S. Army medals including 3 Bronze Star Medals (1 with Valor device)[215] and a Purple Heart Medal and who died in combat felled by small arms fire during Operation Iraqi Freedom;[216]
- U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Richard R. McNulty, Legion of Merit.
- U.S. Army Lt. Col. William B. McNulty (1935-2007), Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, and Air Medal[213]
In U.S. military intelligence service & U.S. intelligence and classified operations

- Lt. Col. David “Dave” McNulty (USANG) commanded both the 101st Intelligence Squadron[217] formerly the 101st Fighter Squadron and the 102nd Intelligence Squadron[218] of the 102nd Intelligence Wing USANG out of Otis Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts, before being promoted to the rank of Colonel and Vice Commander of the 102nd Intelligence Group [219] and then Commander of the 102nd Intelligence Group.[220] Until recently, the 101st squadron flew intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance mission off the East Coast of the United States. From its inception as the 101st Observation Squadron in 1921 and through 2008, the squadron was the mainstay of U.S. aerospace defense on its East Coast. The F-15 fighters of the 101st regularly intercepted Soviet TU-95 Bear bombers over Eastern Atlantic waters. The squadron was also deployed overseas during WWI, WWII and the Berlin Crisis. Under McNulty’s command, the 101st was the first U.S. air squadron to scramble fighter jets toward New York City during the attacks on 9-11. The 101st is today a dedicated intelligence squadron of the U.S. Armed Forces.
- Lt. Col. F. Lynn McNulty (USAR), a Central Intellegence Agency operative, U.C. Berkeley graduate and computer information technologist, was the first Director of U.S. State Department Information Systems Security.
- Col. John J. McNulty, III, was the Chief of the U.S. Army's U.S. House Liaison Division, The Pentagon, during the Gulf War and the Somali Civil War.[221]
- Special Agent Joseph McNulty with the Diplomatic Security Service (then the Chief Special Agent’s Office, also known as, the Bureau of Secret Intelligence, U-1, and the Office of Security, SY) on July 31, 1969 in Tokyo, Japan subdued a knife wielding would be assassin within just 5 foot of his target, U.S. Secretary of State William P. Rogers, saving the Secretary’s life.[222] McNulty regularly served with the Secretary’s personal security detail.[223][224]
- Kathleen McNulty, was a mathematician, pioneer computer scientist and one of the first team of programmers of ENIAC. The vacuum tube Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer or ENIAC, the first electronic computer, was developed during World War II at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Engineering as a classified project code named "Project PX" for purpose of calculating artillery firing tables for the United States Army Ballistics Research Laboratory, but, was instead first put to use for also classified calculations for the hydrogen bomb.[225]
- 1st Lt. Peter H. McNulty, Aviation Section, U.S. Signal Corps, reported for active duty in 1917 to the chief, military intelligence section, War College Division, U.S. Army General Staff. McNulty later flew high speed Scout (aircraft) on aerial reconnaissance missions over France to gather imagery intelligence for the Allies of WWI. As a Captain, he was awarded a silver star for actions over Dun-sur-Meuse.[226]

- Capt. Willard J. McNulty (U.S. Navy) commanded the hydrographic survey ship the USS Maury (AGS-16) in Southeast Asian waters from July, 1961 – August, 1962. Under McNulty's command, the Maury gathered environmental intelligence on the Gulf of Siam, Strait of Malacca, and Andaman Sea in prelude to U.S. troop and war ship involvement in Vietnam.[227][228] The USS Maury saw significant action in the Vietnamese War from 1966 to 1969, particularly in the Mekong Delta, receiving six battle stars for her service.[229] The Maury's sound boats were deployed, and she served U.S. Vietnam combat operations urgent needs for environmental intelligence for riverine warfare and amphibious operations.[230] The Office of Naval Intelligence or ONI (est. 1882) is the oldest member of the United States Intelligence Community, the U.S. Navy early realizing that environmental intelligence could be vital to the success of naval combat operations.[231]
- Willard McNulty (United States Army Special Forces) served with the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG), a highly classified, multi-service United States special operations unit which conducted covert unconventional warfare operations prior to and during the Vietnam War.[232] At right, North Vietnamese troops photographed on the Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos by a hidden SOG recon team.
On CIA Memorial Wall

"In Honor of those Members of the Central Intellegence Agency Who Gave Their Lives in the Service of Their Country"
103 stars representing Central Intellegence Agency (CIA) agents who died in service of their country are carved into the Memorial's white Vermont marble on the north wall of the original CIA headquarters building. One of these stars honors CIA case officer or senior operative Wayne J. McNulty of the CIA's paramilitary Special Activities Division, National Clandestine Service (responsible for covert operations). In 1968, during the "Secret War" in Laos, Hmong forces discovered a cache of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) weapons during cleanup operations. W.J. McNulty was killed by NVA ground fire while flying with Air America (airline) helicopters to seize and retrieve the weapons. McNulty was the first C.I.A. operative to be killed in Laos.[233][234]
A WWII veteran Wayne J. McNulty (1921-1968) was recruited to the CIA in early 1968 from U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets Airborne), where he had served for much of his 28 years in the U.S. Army. He retired from the service at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before commencing work with the CIA and dying in the Agency's service less than a year later. For years the non-official cover for McNulty’s death was that he accidentally died while a private citizen working as a contract adviser to the Thailand National Police.[235][236]
World War II and post World War II Heroes of British and Commonwealth forces
- SGT. Alan Barry McNulty, DCM Australian Army, Vietnam War, Distinguished Conduct Medal, 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, "for outstanding conduct and personal courage"
- "On the 11th May, 1969 a platoon of A Company was pinned down in a heavy contact against an enemy battalion headquarters position. The platoon commander was seriously wounded ten yards in front of the enemy position and could not be extracted despite several frontal attacks. Sergeant McNulty, leading eleven men, made repeated attempts over a period of five hours to outflank the enemy and assault from the rear. Each attempt was met by heavy and accurate rocket, claymore, and machine gun fire. Despite the risk of almost certain death or wounding, Sergeant McNulty could not be deterred in his efforts to rescue the platoon commander. He finally succeeded in getting himself and a soldier with a flame thrower into a position from which effective fire could be delivered into the enemy long enough to achieve the recovery of the officer.
- "In July, 1969, Sergeant McNulty was an adviser with a company of the Army of The Republic of Vietnam. The company came under sudden and heavy attack from an enemy company. The violence of the initial enemy rocket and machine gun fire caused seven casualties and created confusion amongst the friendly troops. Without regard for his own safety Sergeant McNulty advised and assisted the company commander in the organisation of his defences and the collection and evacuation of the wounded. As the enemy attack intensified Sergeant McNulty called for and calmly directed for several hours helicopter gunships and artillery, forcing the enemy to withdraw. His personal courage and professional advice was responsible for saving the South Vietnamese troops from further severe casualties and the possibility of being overrun by the enemy assault.
- "In August, 1969, Sergeant McNulty's platoon was engaged in two separate major contacts with superior size enemy forces entrenched in bunkers. On both occasions Sergeant McNulty inspired all ranks with his aggressiveness and courage which by now had become expected of him in all contacts with the enemy. On 21 August 1969 while attacking an enemy battalion position, over fifteen members of his platoon including Sergeant McNulty were wounded. Sergeant McNulty covered the withdrawal of other members of his platoon, assisted in their evacuation and was finally wounded a second time during his own evacuation.
- "Sergeant McNulty's outstanding conduct and personal courage has been inspirational to all members of his battalion and to South Vietnamese allies. His exemplary actions reflect great credit on himself, The Royal Australian Regiment and the Australian Army."[237]
- Then brevet SGT., CPL. Edward John McNulty, MM Australian Army, Korean War, Military Medal, 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, "for act of gallantry and devotion to duty under fire"
- Citation: "On the night of 10/11 December 1952, Sergeant McNulty commanded the reserve section and the assault pioneer group of the force which assaulted enemy positions on 'Flora' (CT 161208). As the force approached the objective it came under heavy enemy small arms and grenade fire. It quickly became apparent that the enemy holding the position was in far greater strength than anticipated. Sergeant McNulty's force was immediately committed in a mopping-up role. With his small party he searched for and located many enemy shelters and bunkers, inflicting casualties and serious material damage on the enemy. It was due to his energetic and courageous action during this period that many enemy posts, which had been bypassed in the initial assault, were destroyed, thus keeping friendly casualties to a minimum. As his force cleared the objective, an enemy machine-gun opened up, wounding one man. Sergeant McNulty helped to move the wounded man to safety but, in doing so, was struck by a bullet, which was fortunately deflected by his armored jacket. With complete disregard for his own safety and despite being shaken by his near miss, he personally assaulted the position with grenades and killed the crew. He then began the collection of wounded in the area, moving freely through the enemy defensive fire that was now beginning to fall. When the order for the withdrawal was given, Sergeant McNulty checked his troops through and waited until all had cleared the position before he himself withdrew from the area. Through his personal courage and disregard for his own safety he significantly contributed to maintaining the momentum of the assault. He set a splendid example to his men and infused them with a determination which contributed largely to the success of the operation."[238][239]
- Air Crew Wireless Officer Gordon Patrick McNulty, DFC (1920–2011) Royal Canadian Air Force, World War II, Distinguished Flying Cross (United Kingdom), "for an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy"[240][241]
Died valorously in action
- In Volume III of Ab Jansen Wespennest Leeuwarden at page 167, SGT. Peter McNulty (then aged 21 years) Royal Air Force, World War II, bomber tail gunner who died on board a British Allied Forces Short Stirling MK1 heavy bomber in air over the Dutch coast on 4 May 1943 during his 6th aerial mission. He is buried on the Continent in a marked grave at Midwolda, Groningen (province).[242]
- Fg Off (Flight Officer = Lieutenant) Thomas Norman McNulty (WWII), Royal Canadian Air Force, killed in action on 10 October 1944[243]
These airmen repeatedly went to the sky in defense of their country, family and other loved ones knowing that the life expectancy of an Allied bomber crewman flying in the European Theater during World War II was 12 missions and for a tail gunner like Peter McNulty much, much shorter.[244]
Places & their namesakes

- There exists a McNulty Building, which was built in 1898 and which originally housed the McNulty Grocery and Dry Goods Company, in the Gay Street (Knoxville) Commercial Historic District.
- McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts at Duquesne University is named for the Reverend Lieutenant Colonel Henry J. McAnulty, the University's 9th President.
- McNulty Gulch is a feature of granite porphyry[245] near Leadville, Colorado in the U.S. Ten Mile Mining District.[246] McNulty Gulch is an integral part of the western United States' and Colorado's gold rush history, being the 1861 site of one of the earliest of the gold finds in Colorado[247] that precipitated the Colorado Gold Rush.[248] The McNulty surname also figures prominently elsewhere in the U.S. West during its gold rush era. Pioneer William McNulty was an 1849 California Gold Rush immigrant from Mansfield, Ohio. In 1852, McNulty was elected a member of the first Sacramento County, California Board of Supervisors. A merchant by trade and alternately fluctuating between boom wealth and affluence and bust poverty, McNulty died by his own hand.[249][250]
- McNulty Campus at the United States Merchant Marine Academy lies on that United States Service academies academy grounds at King's Point, NY near the grounds' Northern border. It is named for Vice Admiral Richard R. McNulty, the Academy's "father" and its third superintendent.
- McNulty Hall, a residence hall at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island is named for Lieutenant Colonel John F. McNulty, Jr., who was the University's Dean of Students for near 3 decades and its Athletic Director.
- McNulty Hall, which is Seton Hall University's Technology and Research Center is named for Monsignor John L. McNulty, the University's 13th President.
- McNulty Lake is a lake in Lee County, Arkansas, US.
- The community of McNulty, Oregon is named for Oregon pioneer John McNulty (steamboat captain), as are the Warren, Oregon headquartered McNulty Water Association, which serves some 700 families in Columbia County, Oregon west of St. Helens, Oregon and McNulty Way in St. Helens, Oregon.
- McNulty Reservoir Dam in Eagle County, Colorado, named for Colorado's McNulty family cattle ranchers, who settled in Eagle County, Colorado, in the 1880s, eventually, operating a 2500-acre cattle ranch there near Leadville, Colorado
- McNulty Reservoir (Malheur County, Oregon), named for the Northwest US pioneer John McNulty (steamboat captain)
- Downtown McNulty Station in St. Petersburg, Florida is named for John T. McNulty, who became Chief of the St. Petersburg Fire Department in the year 1913. During McNulty's 23-year tenure as St. Petersburg Fire Chief, the then Evening Independent newspaper called him "The most dedicated ‘smoke eater' of them all." and "One of the ablest firefighters in the South." Born in Mineral Point, Missouri in 1881, McNulty began his firefighting career at 13 years old in Meridian, Mississippi by holding City firemen's horses at blazes. By age 16, he was the Chief of the Meridian, Mississippi Fire Department and commanding men decades his elders.[251]
- Upper McNulty Reservoir in Oregon, US, namesake of Columbia River pioneer John McNulty (steamboat captain)
McNulty rhyolite
Found in a single location on the earth's surface, that is McNulty Gulch near Leadville Colorado, McNulty rhyolite is a comparatively rare gem rock quality variety of rhyolite rock. McNulty rhyolite appears in the official U.S. Department of Interior, United States Geological Survey Lexicon of Geological Names of the United States.[252]
See also
- List of Celtic tribes
- Irish medical families
- Irish royal families
- List of Irish kingdoms
- Fiatach Finn
- Dál Fiatach
- Haughey
- Hoey
- Clan MacLea
- Livingstone
- O'Donnell dynasty
- Ó Duinnshléibhe
- MacDunleavy/MacNulty physicians of Tirconnell
- ↑ Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 128, 319
- 1 2 3 Neafsey, Edward (2002). The Surnames of Ireland: Origins and Numbers of Selected Irish Surnames. Irish Roots. p. 168. ISBN 9780940134973.
- 1 2 3 G.H. Hack Genealogical History of the Donlevy Family Columbus, Ohio: printed for private distribution by Chaucer Press, Evans Printing Co. (1901), p 38 (Wisconsin Historical Society Copy)
- ↑ See,Adolph, Anthony (2010). Collins Tracing Your Irish Family History. HarperCollins. p. 232. ISBN 9780007360956., noting that the Mac prefix element of a Gaelic patronymic surname or clan name (see Anthony, ibid, p. 230) is not actually the Gaelic word Mac, meaning son, but, is a shortened form of the original pre-11th-century Gaelic prefix "mac meic" meaning "the son of the son of … etc."
- ↑ 11th Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Springfield, Merriam Webster's, Inc., © 2003, 2004, p. 1189, this less common English usage of son to which "Mac" properly translates when used as the element of a Gaelic patronymic is "son … 3 : a person closely associated with or deriving from a formative agent (as a nation, school or race)
- ↑ Dictionary of American Family Names, Vol. 2 G-N, Oxford, Oxford University Press, © 2003, ISBN 0-19-516558-6 (Vol. 2), p 560
- ↑ Origin of the Surname, McNulty, and its Association with the McDonlevys/Dunleavys of County Down, Appendix 1, by Paul B. McNulty, Emeritus Professor, University College Dublin, a genealogical researcher and Irish language speaker.
- ↑ The World Book Dictionary, in 2 volumes, Volume 2 (L-Z), Chicago, World Book, Inc., © 2005, ISBN 978-0-7166-0201-9 (set), ISBN 0-7166-0201-6 (set), p. 1528 (pertaining to Mac element only) "patronymic … a name derived from name of paternal ancestor, especially by addition of a prefix … (usage example) MacDonald meaning ‘descendant of Donald' …"
- ↑ Origin of the Surname, McNulty, and its Association with the McDonlevys/Dunleavys of County Down by Paul B. McNulty, Emeritus Professor, University College Dublin, a genealogical researcher and Irish language speaker. Prof. McNulty, under subtitle "Migration of the Dunleavys From County Down" states "This (m'Nich Ultagh) presumably was further transformed to Mac an Ultaigh because the British had confused the female prefix, Nic/Nich., with the male prefix, Mac (Appendix 3, p 19)." Appendix 3 noting the confusion of the Irish Mac and Nic prefixes for Mac an Ultaigh and Nic an Ultaigh on the 1601 Elizabethan pardon of one Morris m'Nich Ultagh, which is Fiant number 6494, is sourced at footnote 69.
- ↑ P. Hanks and F. Hodges, A Dictionary of Surnames, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ©1988, ISBN 0-19-211592-8, p 367
- ↑ P. Hanks and F. Hodges, A Dictionary of Surnames, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ©1988, ISBN 0-19-211592-8, p 366
- ↑ Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 356 (anglicized from Irish "Ónultaċáin", at Mac Duinnshléibhe) See example record for a Patrick O'Nalty (1820–1890) of Mayo, Ireland (d. Louisville, Kentucky U.S.A.), the son of Thomas Nalty (1849–1884) and the father of John and Michael Nalty As additional example, see July 28, 2005 Hartford (Connecticut) Courant obituary for one Anna O'Nalty of Atlanta, Georgia and family members listed therein
- ↑ Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 141
- ↑ Elsdon C. Smith New Dictionary of American Family Names New York: Harper & Row (1956, 1973) p 373, not to be confused with the German originated Nolte meaning descended of Arnold, eagle, ruler
- 1 2 Encyclopedia of American Family Names, H. Robb and A. Chesler, © 1995, New England Publishing Associates, Inc. (Harper Collins) ISBN 978-0-06-270075-9, p. 488
- ↑ Elsdon C. Smith New Dictionary of American Family Names New York: Harper & Row (1956, 1973) p 375 (as to Null & McNutt); Dictionary of American Family Names, P. Hanks, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2003) Vol. 2, p 560 (as to McNutt only), not to be confused with "Null", a surname of Irish origin meaning dweller on or near a hill or "McNutt", an anglicized form of a rare Gaelic language surname, Mac Naudhat, meaning son of Naudha, an ancient Celtic sea deity, also may be a reduction of MacNaughton, a surname of Scottish origin
- ↑ Dictionary of American Family Names, Vol 2 G-N, Oxford, Oxford University Press © 2003 ISBN 0-19-516558-6 (Vol. 2), p 543
- ↑ Neafsey, Edward (2002), The Surnames of Ireland: Origins and Numbers of Selected Irish Surnames, Irish Roots, p. 168, a surname population study by an urban planner with 1 of its pages relevant to the surname McNulty and, thereat, containing some surname history, which is all derivative from the Irish scholar Patrick Woulfe's earlier work, noting McAnulty variant is today rare "The early anglicized form of MacAnulty accounts for 6%."
- ↑ Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 125, 319
- ↑ P. Hanks and F. Hodges, A Dictionary of Surnames, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ©1988, ISBN 0-19-211592-8, p 361
- ↑ (Mac) Connoulty
- ↑ Kinoulty
- ↑ See Dictionary of American Family Names, P. Hanks editor, Vol. 2, Oxford, Oxford University Press, © Patrick Hanks, ISBN 0-19-516558-6 (Vol. 2) p. 652 at "Naulty", which is there noted to be reduced from McNaulty and p. 683 at "Nulty", which is there noted to have been reduced from McNulty
- ↑ See also Elsdon C. Smith New Dictionary of American Surnames © 1956, 1973 New York: Harper and Row Publishers, p 366 at Nalty, which is there noted to be a variation of Naulty
- ↑ Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 319 "… MacNulty … It is now common in Mayo and Meath. In the latter county, it is always angl. Nulty." See also "Nolty" and "Nulty" at pp. 141-142.
- ↑ Edward MacLysaght, Irish Families – Their Names, Arms and Origins, © 1972 Allen Figgis and Co. Ltd., in U.S.A., New York, Crown Publishers, Inc. p. 244 "MacNULTY … The name is also found in Co. Meath but usually it is shorn of its prefix Mac there."
- ↑ Neafsey, Edward (2002), The Surnames of Ireland: Origins and Numbers of Selected Irish Surnames, Irish Roots, p. 168, states that families who have dropped the Mac or Mc prefix account for 13% of all families in Ireland otherwise surnamed Mac or Mc Nulty.
- ↑ See John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 2, where "Mac Nulty" at page 908 of the volume's "Index of Sirnames" appears with a space between its Mac prefix and Nulty but referencing to the unspaced "MacNulty, Donegal", "MacNulty, Cavan", "MacNulty, Mayo" at p. 9 of the volume under subtitle "Families of Ireland".
- ↑ See, The Famine Immigrants - Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846–1851, in multiple volumes, Ira A. Glazier, editor, © 1983 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., ISBN 0-8063-1024-3, Vol. 1 (January 1846 – June 1847), where at p. 49 "Mcnulty" appears alternately without its N capitalized after the prefix Mac.
- ↑ The New Century Dictionary of the English Language, H. G. Emery and K. G. Brewster, ed., New York, The Century Co., © 1927, 1929, P.F. Collier & Son Co., New York sole distributor, Vol. 2 leaver – stone, p. 994
- ↑ See, also, John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, where M'Nulty appears at p. 912 in the volumes "Index of Sirnames" but referencing to at p. 814 of its "List of officers in Meagher's Irish Brigade", which is there noted to have fought in the U.S. Civil War at least at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, "Officers: … McNulty, Owen … (full) Lieutenant … 69th New York Volunteers" (father of U.S. Representative and labor leader Frank Joseph McNulty).
- ↑ Fowler's Modern English Usage, 3rd edition by R.W. Burchfield, Oxford, Oxford University Press, © 1968, 1996, revised 3rd edition 1998, reissued with title change 2004, p. 474
- ↑ The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia, 3rd edition, © 1968 New York, New York, Viking Press, Inc., in 2 volumes, Vol. 2, "M'" at p. 640, also, at p. 640, "Mac" … "Mac, Mc, or M' [Irish=son], element in names derived from Irish or Scottish Gaelic patronymics. … It is untrue that some forms of the prefix are typically Scottish or Irish. In this book all names beginning with any of the three forms are alphabeted as Mac-."
- ↑ 4th MacEachen's Gaelic-English Dictionary, Inverness, The Northern Counties Newspaper and Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, 1922, p. 280
- ↑ 4th MacEachen's Gaelic-English Dictionary, Inverness, The Northern Counties Newspaper and Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, 1922, p. 309
- ↑ The World Book Dictionary, in 2 volumes, Volume 2 (L-Z), Chicago, World Book, Inc., © 2005, ISBN 978-0-7166-0201-9 (set), ISBN 0-7166-0201-6 (set), p. 1528 "patronymic … a name derived from name of paternal ancestor, especially by addition of a prefix … (usage example) MacDonald meaning ‘descendant of Donald' …"
- ↑ The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, in 2 volumes, Oxford, Oxford University Press, © 1971, 26th printing July, 1987, Vol. 1 (A-O), p. 1960, in context of a Gaelic patronymic surname and, normally, also clan name, which by prefixing claims descent from a thereafter named common founding ancestor of an Irish or Scottish clan or clanna, that is, archaically, claims a national or clan membership, "O, O' … The Irish word ō, ua, OIr. au, ‘descendant', used as a prefix of Irish patronymic surnames … a member of an ancient Irish family. … P. Gillmore Hunter's Arcadia, An Irishman who claims his direct descent from Finn McCoul or some king whose name begins with an ‘O' or ‘Mc'. "
- ↑ Oxford English Dictionary, in 2 volumes, Oxford, Oxford University Press, © 1971, 26th printing July, 1987, Volume 2 (P-Z), p. 2918, also provides the less common World Book usage of son with which the Gaelic language "Mac" translates to English when used as the element of a patronymic "6. A male descendant of some person or representative of some race … CHAUCER Sec. Nun's T. 62 Though that I unworthy sone of Eve, Be synful … SCOTT Monast. Introd., They have no share in the promise made to the sons of Adam"
- ↑ Adolph, Anthony (2010). Collins Tracing Your Irish Family History. HarperCollins. p. 232. ISBN 9780007360956.
- 1 2 "Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 319
- ↑ Elsdon C. Smith, New Dictionary of American Surnames, New York, Harper and Row, © 1956, 1973, pp. 330, 367
- ↑ The Encyclopedia of Ireland, B. Lalor and F. McCourt editors, © 2003 New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 1089 ISBN 0-300-09442-6, noting that Ulaidh was the original tribal designation of the Uluti, identifiable as the Voluntii of the Ptolomey map (See 2nd century AD Geographia of Ptolemy), who occupied, at start, all of the historic province of Ulster.
- ↑ Neafsey, Edward (2002), The Surnames of Ireland: Origins and Numbers of Selected Irish Surnames, Irish Roots, p. 168 "Ultach was a territory in the northeast of Ireland after which the much larger province of Ulster was named."
- ↑ The Encyclopedia of Ireland, B. Lalor and F. McCourt editors, © 2003 New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 1089 ISBN 0-300-09442-6, equating the original territorial extent of the Ulaidh (province) with Ulster province
- 1 2 The Oxford Companion to Irish History, 2nd ed., S.J. Connolly editor, © 1998, 2002 Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 350-351, ISBN 0-19-866270-X
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, (Principal Families of Ulster) p. 819 (footnote), also, The Oxford Companion of Irish History and the 11th Encyclopedia Britannica, concurring too in equating the province of Ulster and the original Ulaidh (province)
- ↑ See also (for general info)
- ↑ Angelo Forte, Richard D. Oram, Frederik Pedersen Viking Empires Cambridge University Press (2005) ISBN 0521829925, 9780521829922, p. 121
- ↑ S. Plantagenet & S. Fiona A History of Ireland (1991) Psychology Press ISBN 0415048885, 9780415048880 pp 25-26 "But if no Roman army ever attacked from Britain, Irish raiders in groups or in larger contingents certainly attacked Britain in Roman times. As one authority put it ‘The Irish were a threat in Wales by the late third century, and a positive menace by the forth.' … The activities of the Irish against Britain during those times began as a series of sea raids up and down the western side … he may have captured a young Romano-British boy, aged about 16, named Patricius, son of Calpurnius, a decurian (local magistrate) … This was the future St. Patrick."
- ↑ See also The Viking In Ireland
- ↑ 4th MacEachen's Gaelic-English Dictionary, Inverness, The Northern Counties Newspaper and Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, 1922, p. 452
- ↑ Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., © 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica Company, Cambridge, England, p. 569 "Ulster (U'ladh) was one of the early provincial kingdoms of Ireland, formed, according to the legendary chronicles at the Milesian conquest of the island ten centuries before Christ, and given to the descendants of Ir …"
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, (The Line of Ir) p. 299 and (The Line of Heremon), pp. 351 and 355 (O'Hart's chronology differs from the Britannica in that at its page 351 at "37." it sets the date of establishment of the Ulaid state at 1699 BC, which has greater coincidence to the date of archeological evidence of an overwhelming 15th-century BC migration of Iberian Celts to Ireland, but at its page 355 at "72.", O'Hart's chronology concurs with the Britannica that Ulster province was granted as a kingdom to the descendants of Ir, which prince O'Hart notes at page 299 at "37." to have been a son of Milesius of Spain, who did not survive the Milesian or Iberians' conquest of Ireland but died in a ship sinking before that war vessel reached Ireland.)
- ↑ The Encyclopedia of Ireland, B. Lalor and F. McCourt editors, © 2003 New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 1089 ISBN 0-300-09442-6, discussing the rapid diminution of the original territory of Ulahd province, so that for most of the historic existence of the Ulaidh, it consisted only of the extreme Eastern portion of Ulster
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, p. 351 (The Line of Heremon), p. 466 (Heremon Genealogies) at "Garvey. (No. 2) of Tirowen. … 92. Ultach … his son; a quo MacAnUltaigh, anglicized MacNulty, Nulty, and Nalty. … 101. … his son O'Gairbidh (of Tirowen) anglicized Garvey.", p. 819 (Principal Families of Ulster), See in conjunction article Garvey
- ↑ Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 35 MacCarwell - Maltby (Sidney Lee Ed.). (1893). New York: MacMillan & Co., p. 52, "As the family originally came from Ulidia, the lesser Uladh, or Ulster, the members of the family are often called in Irish writings, instead of MacDonlevy, Ultach, that is, Ulsterman, and from this the name of MacNulty, Mac an Ultaigh, son of the Ulsterman, is derived." See in conjunction article MacDonlevy (dynasty).
- ↑ Edward MacLysaght, Irish Families – Their Names, Arms and Origins, © 1972 Allen Figgis and Co. Ltd., in U.S.A., New York, Crown Publishers, Inc. p. 118, "Mac Duinnshléibhe in Irish-though in some early manuscripts, e.g., the ‘Topographical Poems' of O'Dugan and O'Heerin, the prefix O' is used."
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, pp. 351-355 (The Line of Heremon) , "Heremon was the seventh son of Milesius of Spain … but the third of the three sons who left any issue. From him were descended the Kings, Nobility, and Gentry of the Kingdoms of Connaught,* Dalraida, Leinster, Meath, Orgiall, Ossory; of Scotland, since the fifth century; and of England, from the reign of Henry II., down to the present time.", also, pp. 426, 427, 428 and 466 (Heremon Genealogies), p. 819 (Principal Families of Ulster) (O'Hart, a historian, but also in some significant measure a recounter of tradition, elsewhere in volume 1 of Irish Pedigrees, continues to trace this royal line from Milesius of Spain through the Pharos of Egypt and, finally, to the Patriarchs of the Bible and Adam)
- ↑ 11th Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Springfield, Merriam Webster's, Inc., © 2003, 2004, p. 227 "a Celtic group esp. within the Scottish Highlands comprising a number of households whose heads claim descent from a common ancestor"
- ↑ 4th MacEachen's Gaelic-English Dictionary, Inverness, The Northern Counties Newspaper and Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, 1922, p. 90, pl., literally, "offspring"
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, p. 351 (The Line of Heremon), p. 466 (Heremon Genealogies) at "Garvey. (No. 2) of Tirowen. … 92. Ultach … his son; a quo MacAnUltaigh, anglicized MacNulty, Nulty, and Nalty. … 101. … his son O'Gairbidh (of Tirowen) anglicized Garvey.", p. 819 (Principal Families of Ulster)
- ↑ Origin of the Surname, McNulty, and its Association with the McDonlevys/Dunleavys of County Down by Paul B. McNulty, Emeritus Professor, University College Dublin, a genealogical researcher and Irish language speaker, also notes under section "Migration of the Dunleavys from County Down" the McNulty to be ancestors of the O'Garvey of Tyrone and, also, that this "pedigree is distinct from that of the Dunleavys."
- ↑ G.H. Hack Genealogical History of the Donlevy Family Columbus, Ohio: printed for private distribution by Chaucer Press, Evans Printing Co. (1901), pp 16-17 (Wisconsin Historical Society Copy)
- ↑ Elsdon C. Smith New Dictionary of American Surnames, New York: Harper and Row, © 1956, 1973, p. 367
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, (Heremon Genealogies), p. 428, including notes, "… The dominant family in Ulidia, when, A.D. 1177, it was invaded by John de Courcey, was that of Cu-Ulahd … Latinized Canis Ultoniae … meaning that this chief of Ulidia (which in the 12th century constituted also the ‘Kingdom of Ulster') was swift footed as a hound. …"
- ↑ Origin of the Surname, McNulty, and its Association with the McDonlevys/Dunleavys of County Down by Paul B. McNulty, Emeritus Professor, University College Dublin, a genealogical researcher and Irish language speaker, Origin of Surnames, "Donn Sléibhe and Cú Uladh were found to carry through three (1020–1169) and two (1070–1169) periods respectively."
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, pp. 428, 466 and 819
- ↑ Origin of the Surname, McNulty, and its Association with the McDonlevys/Dunleavys of County Down by Paul B. McNulty, Emeritus Professor, University College Dublin, a genealogical researcher and Irish language speaker, sections "McDonlevys/Dunleavys of County Down" and "Migration of the Dunleavys from County Down"
- ↑ Eoin MacNeill, "Early Irish Population Groups: their nomenclature, classification and chronology", in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (C) 29. (1911): 59–114
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, p. 819 (Principal Families of Ulster), p. 466 (Heremon Genealogies)
- ↑ War of Independence online archive, © 2011, Article about the foundation of Na Fianna Eireann – The Irish National Boy Scouts by the late Donnchadh Ó Shea.
- ↑ Robert Bell The Book of Ulster surnames, p. 180, Belfast: Blackstaff © 1988, "The MacNultys were a sept of south Donegal …"
- ↑ Brian Mitchell The Surnames of Derry, p. 105, Derry: Geaneology Centre © 1992, "… sept originated in South Donegal."
- ↑ Edward MacLysaght, Irish Families – Their Names, Arms and Origins, © 1972 Allen Figgis and Co. Ltd., in U.S.A., New York, Crown Publishers, Inc. p. 244, " … belong to-day, as they have done since the inception of surnames, to north-west Ulster—to Donegal … "
- ↑ Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 319, "MacAnulty, MacKNulty, MacNulty, Nulty; ‘son of the Ulidian', (or native of eastern Ulster, Ir. ‘Ultac.')"
- ↑ Edward MacLysaght, The Surnames of Ireland, 5th Edition, Irish Academic Press, Dublin, 1980, p 238, 292
- ↑ Seán De Bhulbh, Sloinnte uile Éireann Comhar-Chumann Íde Naofa, Faing, Co. Luimnigh, 2002, p 138
- ↑ Again, Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 355
- ↑ again, G.H. Hack Genealogical History of the Donlevy Family Columbus, Ohio: printed for private distribution by Chaucer Press, Evans Printing Co. (1901), p 38 (Wisconsin Historical Society Copy)
- ↑ Origin of the Surname, McNulty, and its Association with the McDonlevys/Dunleavys of County Down by Paul B. McNulty, Emeritus Professor, University College Dublin, a genealogical researcher and Irish language speaker.
- ↑ Rev. Patrick Woulfe, Priest of the Diocese of Limerick, Member of the Council, National Academy of Ireland, Irish Names and Surnames, © 1967 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, in Irish and English, p. 518, "O'Duįnnsléibe … also known by surname MacDuįnnsléibe … and by there place of origin Ultaċ and Utaċán.", and, also, at p. 356 "… also Ultaċ and Utaċán, …" and "Cf. Ultaċ and Utaċán."
- ↑ John O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, 5th edition, in two volumes, originally published in Dublin in 1892, reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1976, Vol. 1, pp.426-428, (Dunlevy pedigree)
- ↑ Edward MacLysaght, Irish Families – Their Names, Arms and Origins, © 1972 Allen Figgis and Co. Ltd., in U.S.A., New York, Crown Publishers, Inc. p. 119
- ↑ Dictionary of National Biography Sidney Lee, ed., New York: MacMillan & Co.; London: Smith, Elder & Co. (1893), Vol. 35 Mac Carwell – Maltby, p 52
- ↑ Edward MacLysaght, The Surnames of Ireland, 5th Edition, Irish Academic Press, Dublin, 1980, p 238, 292, who cites to 2 entries in The Annals of the Four Masters, which is a historical chronicle that records, among other matter, the births and deaths of Gaelic nobility. The first entry cited is an entry recording the 1395 A.D. death of a Maurice, the son of one "Paul Utach", who is, himself, recorded there to be "Chief Physician of Tyrconnell" and also as "Paul the Ulidian". It is there in the Annals further stated by its authors of the father Paul Ultach that "This is the present usual Irish name of the Mac Donlevy, who were originally chiefs of Ulidia. The branch of the family who became physicians to O'Donnell are still extant (at time of compilation of the Annals in the 17th century just after the fall of the last Gaelic sovereignty of Tyrconnell in 1607), near Kilmacrenan, in the county of Donegal." The second citation is to an entry recording the 1586 A.D. death of "Owen Utach", who is therein noted to be a particularly distinguished and skilled physician. The Annals compilers further elaborate of Owen Ultach at this entry that "His real name was Donlevy or, Mac Donlevy. He was physician to O'Donnell."
- ↑ Francis J. Byrne, Irish Kings and High Kings, Four Courts Press, 2001, p. 128, "So for instance when after 1137 the Dal Fiatach kingship was confined to the descendants of Donn Sleibe Mac Eochada (slain in 1091), the rigdamnai set themselves apart from the rest of the family by using the name Mac Duinnshleibhe (Donleavy)."
- ↑ Again, The Oxford Companion to Irish History, 2nd ed., S.J. Connolly editor, © 1998, 2002 Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 350-351, ISBN 0-19-866270-X
- ↑ See A. Nic Donnchadha, "Medical Writing in Irish", in 2000 Years of Irish Medicine, J.B. Lyons, ed., Dublin, Eirinn Health Care Publications © 2000, p. 217 (Nic Donchadha contribution reprinted from Irish Journal of Medicine, Vol. 169, No. 3, pp 217-220, again, at 217). See, also, generally, Susan Wilkinson, "Early Medical Education in Ireland", Irish Migration Studies in Latin America, Vol. 6, No. 3 (November 2008). Both of the preceding articles also discuss the high status that physicians were accorded in Gaelic society. Wilkinson at page 158 specifically discusses the particularly high status of "ollahm leighis".
- ↑ Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, P. William Filby and Mary K. Meyer, editors, in 3 volumes with subsequent annual bound supplements, © 1981 Detroit: Gale Research Company, Vol. 2 (H-N), p. 1412 McNulty, Dan'l (Philadelphia 1802), McNulty, James (Philadelphia 1813), McNulty, Sarah (New York 1823 with 3 children), p. 1539 Naulty, James (Philadelphia 1832), p. 1568 Nulty, Eugenius (Philadelphia 1834)
- ↑ New World Immigrants, Michael Tepper ed., (c) 1979 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., in 2 volumes, Volume II, Passenger Lists Published in the Shamrock or Irish Chronicle, for arrivals in New York, New York (before time of first official government compilations of arrival lists for port of New York), (1811) p. 339, Mac annulty, James, noted arriving in New York, New York and (1815–1816) p. 359 , MacAnalty, Patrick of Sligo, noted arriving in New York, New York, p. 362, MacNulty, Wm. of Tauley, noted arriving in New York, New York and from British Museum Transcripts, p. 313, McNalty, Hugh of Bangor, County Down, noted in 1806 departing Ulster for U.S. port unspecified
- ↑ Ship Passenger Lists, National and New England (1600–1825), ed. Carl Boyer, Newhall, California, (c) 1977, ISBN 0-936124-00-8, p. 121, again, McNalty, Hugh, of Bangor, County Down, noted in 1806 departing Ulster for U.S. port
- ↑ The Famine Immigrants - Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846–1851, in multiple volumes, Ira A. Glazier, editor, © 1983 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., ISBN 0-8063-1024-3, Vol. 1 (January 1846 – June 1847), Mcanulty pp. 27, 372, 424, 559, Mcnalty pp. 259, 410, 461, 501, Mcnulty pp. 49, 63, 67, 68, 74, 93, 94, 110, 139, 148, 151, 187, 211, 230, 250, 255, 292, 308, 332, 343, 363, 388, 403, 411, 423, 461, 468, 489, 516, 537, 544, 554, 576, 604, 617, Nulty pp. 14, 67, 101, 146, 150, 173, 185, 188, 200, 231, 455, 498, 533, 605, Vol. 2 (July 1847-June 1848) Mcanulty pp 252, 382, Mcnalty p. 256, Mcnaulty pp. 16, 138, Mcnultay p. 521, Mcnulty pp. 12, 18, 21, 94, 114, 120, 172, 201, 278, 282, 292, 451, 468, 507, 508, Nulty pp. 10, 45, 53, 89, 137, 293, 373, 375, 414, 450, 459
- ↑ Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, P. William Filby and Mary K. Meyer, editors, in 3 volumes with subsequent annual bound supplements, © 1981 Detroit: Gale Research Company, Vol. 2 (H-N), pp. 1412 , 1539 , and 1568
- ↑
- ↑ , Australia Joint Copying Project, microfilm roll 92, class piece number HO 11/15, page number 11 (7) from British convict transport registers 1787-1867 data base compiled by State Library of Queensland from British Home Office, China departed Scotland 3 January 1846
- ↑ surnames
- ↑ "A note on the simultaneous occurrence of sinus and ventricular rhythm in man", Lewis T, Macnalty AS, J Physiol. 1908 Dec 15;37(5-6):445-58
- ↑ Douglas Martin "Barney McNulty Dies at 77, First to Use TV Cue Cards", NY Times, Arts, 26 December 2000
- ↑ Myrna Oliver "Barney McNulty; ‘Hollywood’s Honored King of the Cue Cards’" Los Angeles Times 22 December 2000
- ↑ Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 35 MacCarwell - Maltby (Sidney Lee Ed.). (1893). New York: MacMillan & Co., p. 52, "As the family originally came from Ulidia, the lesser Uladh, or Ulster, the members of the family are often called in Irish writings, instead of MacDonlevy, Ultach, that is, Ulsterman, and from this the name of MacNulty, Mac an Ultaigh, son of the Ulsterman, is derived."
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ "Nulty resigns over 'inappropriate' Facebook messages". RTÉ News. 23 March 2014.
- ↑ Interlochen Center for the Arts high performing alumni
- ↑
- ↑ James, E.T., James, J.W., and Boyer, P.S. (Eds). Notable American Woman 1607-1950 A Biographical Dictionary (Vol. 1 A-F). © 1971 Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, p. 352
- ↑ Clark G. Reynolds, Famous American Admirals, © 2002, Naval Institute Press, 1st Naval Edition, ISBN 9781557500069, pp. 215-216
- ↑ , Naval History & Heritage Command catalogue of the U.S. Naval War College Library's naval military history source materials collection, Capt. James F. McNulty
- ↑ Marquis Who's Who in America, Vol. 26 (1950–1952), Chicago, A.N. Marquis Co., © 1950, p. 1709
- ↑ Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, James L. Mooney, U.S. Naval Historical Center, ed., (1976) Navy Dept., Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Naval History Division, Vol. 6, p. 6, "Willard J. McNulty"
- ↑ , chronology of commanding officers of the U.S.S. Maury (AGS-16)
- ↑ Joseph McKenna. (2010). British Ships in the Confederate Navy. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., p. 189 ISBN 978-0-7864-4530-1
- ↑ Lewis and Dryden's Marine History of the Pacific Northwest, E.W. Wright, ed., © 1895 Lewis and Dryden Printing Co., p. 93 (including importantly footnotes thereof), available on demand historically replicated in reprint as ISBN 9785884013193
- ↑ Naval History and Heritage Command history and detail for U.S.S. McNulty
- ↑ Naval History and Heritage Command , Ship Naming Conventions, adding that United States Navy destroyers are only named for U.S. Naval leaders and war heroes
- ↑ , "MCNULTY, John Thomas, Lieutenant (jg), USN. Wife, Mrs. Helen K. McNulty, 1116 S. Paxon St., Philadelphia."
- ↑ Authority, citation, Official Records, U.S. Department of Defense (also awarded Distinguished Service Cross (United States) in same action, source War Department: General Order No. 20)
- ↑ Clark, George B. Decorated marines of the Forth Brigade in WWI © 2007: Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Co., p. 228 ISBN 978-0-7864-2826-7
- ↑ Authority - USMC Communiqué: 0587-1-3 ACE-fjb (18 July 1930)
- ↑ , Home of Heroes, also, notes award of Navy Cross for same action
- ↑ , synopsis of Navy Cross citation noting rank of Sergeant instead of more specific Gunner or Gunnery
- ↑
- ↑ Gannet Military Times, citing to Jane Blakeney Heroes of the U.S. Marine Corps 1861–1955 (1957) Washington, D.C. Blakeney Publishing
- ↑ , citing Akron Beacon Journal for 11 February 2010
- ↑ Gannet Military Times Hall of Valor here providing full citations and general orders for award of all of U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery McNulty's Navy Cross, Distinguished Service Cross and both of his Silver Stars
- 1 2 General Orders: Citation Orders, 2d Division, American Expeditionary Forces
- ↑ Clark, George B. Decorated marines of the Forth Brigade in WWI © 2007: Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Co., p.76 ISBN 978-0-7864-2826-7
- ↑ Clark, George B. Decorated marines of the Forth Brigade in WWI © 2007: Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Co., p. 167 ISBN 978-0-7864-2826-7
- ↑ Home of Heroes
- ↑ Casualties List provided at genealogical site
- ↑ General Orders: Commander 7th Fleet: Serial 0746
- ↑ Gannet Military Times Hall of Valor
- ↑ Gannet Military Times Hall of Valor
- ↑
- ↑ Our Navy (Standard Publication of the United States Navy), Vol. 15, No. 15, April Issue, Washington, D.C.: March 16, 1922, p. 16
- ↑ Annual Report of the United States Coast Guard for fiscal year ended June 30, 1922, Treasury Department Document No. 2917 (Coast Guard), p. 35, 1922, Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office
- ↑ Aviation Archeological Investigation and Research
- ↑ , naval service and family info
- ↑ , War Memorial
- ↑ Aviation Archeological Investigation & Research
- ↑!pv-1-losses-alaska-and-aleutian-islands/c20jf NORPAC
- ↑ Oklahoma War Memorial - World War II (monograph) – Part X, p. 75
- ↑ Mooseroots
- ↑ Douglas F3D Skynight Losses and Bailouts
- ↑ The Military Honor Wall
- ↑ Congressional Record, May 20, 2004, p. 10739
- ↑ citation text of General Orders: Headquarters, 3d Army, General Order No. 158 (2 July 1945), awarding Lt. Col. William A. McNulty the Silver Star
- ↑ Tony Le Tissier Patton's Pawns The 94th U.S. Infantry Division at the Siegfried Line (2007) University of Alabama Press, Chapter 8 "Crossing the Saar" (commencing at p. 147) p. 158
- ↑ again, citation text of General Orders: Headquarters, 3d Army, General Order No. 158 (2 July 1945), awarding Lt. Col. William A. McNulty the Silver Star
- ↑ See, generally, D'Este, Carlo (1995), Patton: A Genius for War, New York City, New York: Harper Collins, ISBN 0-06-016455-7
- ↑ General Orders 87, United States Department of War, 1919
- ↑ Home of Heroes
- ↑ genealogy site detail
- ↑ Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. (1902). Part 1 Register of the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, April 15, 1865 – September 1, 1902. (J.P. Nicholson, Compiler). Philadelphia: Press of J.T. Palmer, p. 99 (Google digitized 23 Oct. 2008), "James Madison McNulty Major and Surgeon 1st California Infantry Aug. 15, 1861; discharged to accept appointment in U.S. Volunteers April 16, 1863, Major and surgeon U.S. Volunteers; resigned and honorably discharged Feb. 5 1865. Brevetted Lieut.-Colonel U.S. Volunteers March 13, 1865, ‘for faithful and meritorious services as Medical Director of the department of New Mexico;’ Colonel March 13, 1865, ‘for gallant and distinguished services as Medical Director of the 2nd Army Corps.’"
- ↑ United States Congress, Senate. (1887). Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States, Vol. 14, Part 1. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, pp. 321, 344 and 372 (Google digitized 15 October 2008)
- ↑ Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. (1906). Register of the Military Order of the Loyal Legions of the United States. (J.H. Aubin, Compiler) published under auspices of Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, p.155 (Google digitized 16 October 2009)
- ↑ Duis, E. The Good Old Times In McLean County Illinois © 1992 Bowie, Maryland: Heritage Books, Inc., p. 858 (facsimile reprint of work originally published in 1874 at Bloomington, Illinois by Leader Publishing and Printing House)
- ↑ (1908) New York University, General Alumni Catalogue of New York University 1833-1907, Vol. 3, Medical Alumni, New York: General Alumni Society, p. 41 (Google digitized 25 March 2008), "1853 University Medical College John McNulty, brig. surgeon ‘Iron Brigade;’ med. dir. 12th Army Corps, Army of Potomac",
- ↑ Louis C. Duncan, The Greatest Battle of the War – Gettysburg The Military Surgeon Vol. 33, No. 5, November 1913, p. 411-413, p. 429
- ↑ Jonathan Letterman, M.D. (1866). Medical Recollections of the Army of the Potomac. New York: D. Appleton & Co., p. 134
- ↑ Edward B. Stevens, M.D. and John A. Murphy, M.D., Eds. Cincinnati Lancet and Observer. Vol. 7, No. 4, April 1864. "Editors Table", "Army Medical Intelligence", p. 250 (Google digitized 20 Jan. 2006).
- ↑ John Thomas Scharf 1819–1880 Volume 3 of History of Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day J.B. Piet (1879) p. 609
- ↑ Scott C. Patchan Shenandoah Summer: The 1864 Valley Campaign (2009) University of Nebraska Press pp. 287-289
- ↑ J. Thomas Scharf History of Western Maryland (2003) Genealogical Publishing Co. p 337 ISBN 0806345659, 9780806345659, noting also that "This company (Baltimore Light Artillery) served with distinguished gallantry during the entire war in the Army of Northern Virginia."
- ↑ David Power Conyngham The Irish Brigade and Its Campaigns Fordham University Press 1867 pp. 511 and 557 ISBN 0823215784, 9780823215782
- 1 2 Some of the Ancestors and Descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. (Vol. II) (Ed. Charles Evans Converse) (1905) Boston: Eben Putnam, p. 443 (digitized by Google 24 September 2007)
- ↑ Builders of Our Nation, published annually, "Men of 1913". (1914) Chicago: American Publishers Association, p. 122 (digitized by Google 6 June 2013)
- ↑ Thomas William Herringshaw, The American Blue Book of Biography (1913) Chicago: American Publishers Association, p. 183 (digitized by Google 11 April 2011)
- ↑ Charles Kitchell Gardner. A Dictionary of All Officers Who Have Been Commissioned or Appointed and Served in the Army of the United States Since the Inauguration of Their First President … Volunteers and Militias of the States Who Have Served in Any Campaign or Conflict With An Enemy Since That Date … (2nd Ed.). (1860). New York: D. Van Nostrand, p. 303 (Google digitized 30 April 2014)
- ↑ Jefferson Davis. The Papers of Jefferson Davis: 1846-1848 (Vol. 3). (1981). Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press (reprint with introductory commentary) ISBN 0-8071-0786-7, p. 137, 139
- ↑ Henry Clay Lewis. Louisiana Swamp Doctor.(1962). Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press (reprint), p. 47 (Google digitized 10 March 2008)
- ↑ Sister Blanche Marie McEniry. American Catholics in the War with Mexico. (1937). Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press, p. 163
- ↑ Mexican War Veterans (Wm. Hugh Robarts, Compiler) (1887), p. 59 (Google Digitized 3 August 2006)
- ↑
- ↑ General Order No. 46, W.D., 1919
- ↑ Amedd Army
- ↑ Home of Heroes
- ↑ 31st Infantry Veterans
- ↑ 31st U.S. Infantry Regiment, History, Col. (ret.) Karl H. Lowe American's Foreign Legion, The 31st Infantry Regiment at War and Peace, A book in progress Chapter 6 "Bataan and Corregidor 1941–1942" pp. 16-18
- ↑ 31st U.S. Infantry Regiment, History, Col. (ret.) Karl H. Lowe American's Foreign Legion, The 31st Infantry Regiment at War and Peace, A book in progress Chapter 7 "Captivity 1942–1945", "Cabanatuan Roster" … "Company L"
- ↑ from the 20 December 2008 Savannah Morning News
- ↑ General Orders: General Orders No. 15 (1944), Headquarters Fifth Armored Division
- ↑ Home of Heroes
- ↑ General Orders: Headquarters, U.S. Army Air Forces, Iceland, General Orders No. 12 (1943)
- ↑ Gannet Military Times Hall of Valor
- ↑ "Hats Off to Mystery Serviceman" Dalton Daily Citizen 22 September 2011
- ↑ Luftwaffe Archives and Records
- ↑ Luftwaffe Archives and Records
- ↑ , Home of Heroes
- ↑ General Orders: Headquarters, 42d Infantry Division, General Orders No. 13 (1945)
- ↑ Gannet Military Times, Hall of Valor, photograph of PFC McNulty here also available for view
- ↑ Gannett Military Times Hall of Valor
- ↑ Aerial Age Weekly, Vol. 6 No. 12, December 3, 1917, New York, New York, The Aerial Age Company, p. 510
- ↑ The Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 69 No. 24, December 15, 1917, p. 2053
- ↑ The Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 70 No. 12, March 23, 1918, p. 859
- ↑ General Orders: General Orders No. 38 (1951), Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division (1951)
- ↑ Gannet Military Times Hall of Valor
- ↑ Home of Heroes
- ↑ General Orders: Headquarters, 3d Army, General Orders No. 158 (2 July 1945)
- ↑ Gannet Military Times Hall of Valor
- ↑
- ↑ official web site Air Force Historical Research Agency fact sheet for 61st Airlift Squadron
- ↑ Global Security
- ↑ Jim Roeder A-26 Invader Units of World War 2 © 2010 Oxford: Osprey Publishing Ltd., p. 36 ISBN 978 1 84603 431 2
- ↑ , from USAF archives
- ↑ , from USAF archives
- ↑
- ↑ American Battle Monuments Commission
- ↑ Staff, Princeton Alumni Weekly, Vol. XLV, No. 15, January 26, 1945, p. 8
- ↑ Staff, Princeton Alumni Weekly, Vol. XLV, No. 16, February 2, 1945, p. 22
- ↑ Assembly, Vol. 5, No. 1, April, 1946, p 4 "We Salute", "Legion of Merit", magazine of "Association of Graduates, U.S.M.A.", noting award of Legion of Merit to West Point graduate John A. McNulty
- 1 2 Staff, "deaths Col. John McNulty, active in civic organizations"St. Petersburg Independent, Tuesday 8 Nov. 1983, p 9
- 1 2 Billion Graves, Lt. Col. William B. McNulty (U.S. Army) (1935-2007) Vietnam War Veteran, Buried Arlington National Cemetery, Section 54, Legion of Merit, also Bronze Star, Air Medal
- ↑ Vietnam War Honors for Willard McNulty
- ↑ Iraq War Heroes
- ↑ Arlington National Cemetery official biography
- ↑ See Matt Benedetti, Massachusetts Minuteman Magazine, Spring, 2009, p.21.
- ↑ Lt. Col. McNulty relinquishes command of 102nd Squadron 2012
- ↑ 102nd Intelligence Wing Seagull Vol. 28 No. 6 August 2013 p. 3, Announcements, Lt. Col. David McNulty assumes command of 102nd Intelligence Group August 25, 2013
- ↑ See 102nd Intelligence Wing Seagull Vol. 29 No. 4 May 2014, p. 4.
- ↑ Congressional Record Volume 141, Number 116 (Tuesday, 18 July 1995) Page E1460
- ↑ United States State Department, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, History of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security of the United States State Department, 1st edition, (2011), printed Global Publishing Solutions, p. 208
- ↑ See Nixon Library, President Richard Nixon’s Diary, 27 February 1969, Air Force One manifest Bonn to Berlin.
- ↑ See Nixon Library, President Richard Nixon’s Diary, 2 March 1969, Air Force One manifest Paris to Rome.
- ↑ ENIAC's first use was in calculations for the hydrogen bomb. Moye, William T (January 1996). "ENIAC: The Army-Sponsored Revolution". US Army Research Laboratory. Retrieved 2009-07-09.
- ↑ Aerial Age Weekly, Vol. 6 No. 12, December 3, 1917, New York, New York, The Aerial Age Company, p. 510
- ↑ Naval History and Heritage Command
- ↑ chronology of commanding officers of the U.S.S. Maury (AGS-16)
- ↑ chronological photo archive of USS Renate AKA-36 and/or USS Maury AGS-16
- ↑ USS Maury AGS-16 tribute site noting ship's extensive surveys along eastern coast of Vietnam in 1966, 1967 and 1968 during the height of the Vietnam War.
- ↑
- ↑ Vietnam War Honors
- ↑ Billy G. Web ‘’The Secret War’’ © 2010 Bloomington, Indiana: Xlibris, p. 297
- ↑ corresponding goatskin Morocco leather bound, CIA Book of Honor at Memorial Wall in steel frame under 1" thick glass (26 of the 103 stars remain unnamed for national security reasons even in death. The identities of these "unnamed stars" are not included in the Book of Honor and remain secret.)
- ↑ Lt. Col. Wayne J. McNulty
- ↑
- ↑ 5th Regiment Website
- ↑ Korean War Online
- ↑ Brisbane Courier-Mail Thursday 11 March 1954, p. 6, "Queen's Interest in Korea Men (Twenty veterans at investiture) … Military Medal … Sergeant Edward John McNulty …"
- ↑ , citing to London Gazette dated 10 October 1944 and AFRO 2534/44 dated 24 November 1944
- ↑
- ↑ , referencing Ab Jansen Wespennest Leeuwarden, Vol. III, page 167, a copyrighted photograph therefrom of the Sergeant with the other of the four-engined Short Stirling bomber's crew is also here available for view
- ↑
- ↑ Orleans Online Vol. 1, Week 51, Fred Sherwin's regular "View Point" column
- ↑ Henry Stevens Washington Chemical Analysis of Igneous Rocks (USGS Professional Paper No. 14) Washington, D.C.: Govt. Printing Office (1903) p 163
- ↑ A.H. Koschmann and M.H. Bergendahl Principal Gold Producing Districts of the United States (Geological Survey Professional Paper 610) Washington: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (1968) (Library of Congress catalog-card no. GS 68-341) p 117
- ↑ O.J. Hollister The mines of Colorado Springfield, Massachusetts: S. Bowles & Co. (1867) p 326
- ↑ A.H. Koschmann and M.H. Bergendahl Principal Gold Producing Districts of the United States (Geological Survey Professional Paper 610) Washington: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (1968) (Library of Congress catalog-card no. GS 68-341) p 86
- ↑ The Mansfield Herald 6 March 1884, Vol. 34, No. 16
- ↑ W.J. Davis An Illustrated History of Sacramento County Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co. (1890) Chapter 7 "County Government" pp 39-45
- ↑ St. Petersburg Times
- ↑ Lexicon of Geological Names of the United States (Including Alaska) Part 2 M-Z (Geological Survey Bulletin 896) Mary Grace Wilmarth, compiler, p. 1260, United States Dept. of Interior, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office (1938) (Univ. of Mich., Digitized 18 February 2010)
External links
- Genealogy of the kings of the Ulaid
- Emmy TV Legends, Television Academy Foundation, Archive of American Television interview with Barney McNulty with video and audio
- Bio of Barney McNulty, the "Cue Card King", with photo from official web page of Lets Make A Deal television program
- Here courtesy of Motor Marques is a 1938 photograph of Australian automotive manufacturer, racer, engineer and designer William "Bill" Conoulty racing his "Conoulty Special Austin Comet".
- Here for view courtesy of BBC is Clare Collas' oil on canvas portrait of Dr. Sir Arthur Salusbury MacNalty in elder life, hanging in the collection of the Royal College of Physicians, London
- Here is the UK National Health Service official site's photograph portrait of Dr. Sir Arthur Salusbury MacNalty (there listed as Arthur McNalty #8) along with portraits of all of the other of the UK's Chief Medical Officers since Victorian times.
- Here are several photographs of the USS McNulty (DE 581) and a photograph in naval uniform of that ship's namesake Lt. (j.g.) John Thomas McNulty, from