2011 in archosaur paleontology

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The year 2011 in Archosaur paleontology was eventful. Archosaurs include the only living dinosaur group — birds — and the reptile crocodilians, plus all extinct dinosaurs, extinct crocodilian relatives, and pterosaurs. Archosaur palaeontology is the scientific study of those animals, especially as they existed before the Holocene Epoch began about 11,700 years ago. The year 2011 in paleontology included various significant developments regarding archosaurs.

This article records new taxa of fossil archosaurs of every kind that have been described during the year 2011, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleontology of archosaurs that occurred in the year 2011.

Newly named crurotarsans

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp.


  • Hastings
  • Bloch
  • Jaramillo

Middle/Late Paleocene

Cerrejón Formation

A dyrosaurid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Salisbury
  • Naish

Early Cretaceous

Wealden Group

A goniopholidid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Puértolas
  • Canudo
  • Cruzado-Caballero


Tremp Formation

A stem crocodyloid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Iori
  • Carvalho


Adamantina Formation

A sphagesaurid.


Gen. et sp.



Adamantina Formation

A baurusuchid.


Gen. et sp.



Adamantina Formation

A sphagesaurid.


Gen. et sp.


  • França
  • Ferigolo
  • Langer


Santa Maria Formation

Skeletons indicate possible group behavior.


Gen. et sp.


  • Clark

Late Jurassic

Morrison Formation

A shartegosuchid.

Goniopholis kiplingi[9]




Purbeck Limestone Group

A goniopholidid.

Goniopholis willetti[2]



  • Salisbury
  • Naish

Early Cretaceous

Wealden Group

A goniopholidid. Originally described as a species of Goniopholis; it was subsequently made the type species of a separate genus Hulkepholis.[10]


Gen. et sp.



Marília Formation

A notosuchian.


Gen. et sp.


  • Salisbury
  • Naish

Early Cretaceous

Wealden Group

A neosuchian.


Gen. et sp.


  • Pol
  • Powell


Rio Loro Formation

A sebecid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Cau
  • Fanti

late Bajocian/early Bathonian

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation

The oldest known metriorhynchid.


Gen. et sp.



Presidente Prudente Formation

A peirosaurid.


Gen. et sp.


Early Albian

Pietraroia Plattenkalk

A hylaeochampsid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Montefeltro
  • Larsson
  • Langer


Vale do Rio do Peixe Formation

A baurusuchid. The type species is Pissarrachampsa sera.

Theriosuchus grandinaris[17]



  • Lauprasert
  • Laojumpon
  • et al.[CAL 7]


Khua Formation

A fifth species of Theriosuchus.

Newly named non-avian dinosaurs

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location width="33%" Notes Images


Gen. et sp.



Two Medicine Formation
Wahweap Formation

A brachylophosaurin hadrosaurine.


Gen. et sp.


  • Burns
  • Sullivan

Late Campanian

Kirtland Formation

An ankylosaurine ankylosaurid.


Gen. et sp.


Late Cretaceous

An alvarezsaurid theropod.


Gen. et sp.


  • Watabe
  • Tsogtbaatar
  • Sullivan


Baynshire Formation

A pachycephalosaurid.


Gen. et sp.


Late Turonian

Itombe Formation

A somphospondylian sauropod.


Gen. et sp.


  • Yates
  • Bonnan
  • Neveling

Lower Jurassic

Elliot Formation

Basal Sauropodomorph


Gen. et sp.


Late Cretaceous

Tolar Formation

A titanosaur.


Gen. et sp.


  • Taylor
  • Wedel
  • Cifelli


Cedar Mountain Formation

A camarasauromorph sauropod.


Gen. et sp.


Late Triassic

Chinle Formation

A primitive theropod.


Gen. et sp.


  • Ruiz-Omeñaca

Early Barremian

Camarillas Formation

An iguanodontoid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Fernández-Baldor
  • Canudo
  • et al.[CAL 13]

Late Barremian-early Aptian

Castrillo la Reina Formation

A rebbachisaurid sauropod.


Gen. et sp.


  • Navarrete
  • Casal
  • Martínez


Bajo Barreal Formation

A possible lognkosaurian titanosaur.


Gen. et sp.


Middle Carnian

Ischigualasto Formation

A basal theropod.


Gen. et sp.


  • Sullivan
  • Jasinski
  • Van Tomme

Late Campanian

Horseshoe Canyon Formation

A caenagnathid.


Gen. et sp.


Late Cretaceous

Javkhlant Formation

Basal ornithopod with many gastroliths.


Gen. et. sp.


Late Norian-earliest Rhaetian

Upper Maleri Formation
Lower Dharmaram Formation

A plateosaurid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Lee
  • Ryan
  • Kobayashi


"Tando beds"

A basal ceratopsian.


Gen. et sp.



Seonso Conglomerate

A hypsilophodontid ornithopod.


Gen. et sp.


  • Pol
  • Garrido
  • Cerda


Las Leoneras Formation

An anchisaurian sauropodomorph.


Gen. et sp.


Lower Jurassic

Quebrada del Barro Formation

A massospondylid sauropodomorph.


Gen. et sp.



Wulansuhai Formation

An alvarezsaurid.


Gen. et sp.



Bayan Mandahu Formation

An short-armed troodontid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Pol
  • Rauhut
  • Becerra

Aalenian/Early Bathonian

Cañadón Asfalto Formation

A heterodontosaurid.


Gen. et. sp.


Late Norian-earliest Rhaetian

Upper Maleri Formation

A basal sauropodomorph.


Gen. et sp.


  • Filippi
  • García
  • Garrido

lower-middle Campanian

Anacleto Formation

A lithostrotian titanosaur.


Gen. et sp.


  • Sullivan
  • Jasinski
  • Van Tomme

Lower Maastrichtian

Ojo Alamo Formation

A caenagnathid.

Omeisaurus jiaoi[42]



Middle Jurassic

Xiashaximiao Formation

A species of Omeisaurus.


Gen. et comb.


  • McDonald


Lakota Formation

A new genus for "Camptosaurus" depressus (Gilmore, 1909).


Gen. et sp.



Alcântara Formation

Huge spinosaur 12–14 m long.


Gen. et sp.



Santa Maria Formation

A very basal sauropodomorph.


Gen. et sp.


  • Porfiri
  • Calvo
  • Santos


Portezuelo Formation

A deinonychosaur.


Gen. et sp.



Plottier Formation

A titanosaur.


Gen. et sp.


  • Stanford
  • Weishampel
  • Deleon

Early Aptian

Patuxent Formation

A nodosaurid.


Gen. et sp.


Late Cretaceous

Qiupa Formation

An ornithomimid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Shibata
  • Jintasakul
  • Azuma


Khok Kruat Formation

A non-hadrosaurid iguanodontian.


Gen. et sp.



Kayenta Formation

A basal sauropodomorph


Gen. et sp.


  • Buffetaut
  • Suteethorn


Khok Kruat Formation

An advanced iguanodontian.


Gen. et sp.



Oldman or Dinosaur Park Formation

A centrosaurine ceratopsian.

Stegoceras novomexicanum[54]



  • Jasinski
  • Sullivan

Late Campanian

Fruitland Formation
Kirtland Formation

Second known species of Stegoceras.


Gen. et sp.


Late Campanian

Kaiparowits Formation

A troodontid theropod.


Gen. et sp.



Quiricó Formation

A titanosaur.


Gen. et sp.


Late Campanian

Kaiparowits Formation

A tyrannosaurine tyrannosaurid.

Thescelosaurus assiniboiensis[58]



  • Brown
  • Boyd
  • Russell

Late Maastrichtian

Frenchman Formation

Third known species of Thescelosaurus.


Gen. et sp.


  • Longrich

Late Campanian

Fruitland or Kirtland Formation

A giant chasmosaurine ceratopsian from New Mexico.


Gen. et sp.


  • Juárez Valieri
  • Calvo


Bajo de la Carpa Formation

A possible lognkosaurian titanosaur.


Gen. et comb.


  • McDonald

Late Jurassic

Morrison Formation

A new genus for "Camptosaurus" aphanoecetes (Carpenter & Wilson, 2008).


Gen. et sp.


  • Rauhut

Late Kimmeridgian/earliest Tithonian

Tendaguru Formation

A carcharodontosaurid.


Gen. et sp.


early Late Jurassic

Tiaojishan Formation

An Archaeopteryx-like paravian.


Gen. et sp.


  • You
  • Li
  • Liu

Early Cretaceous

Xinminpu Group

A hadrosauriform.


Gen. et sp.


Late Cretaceous

Wangshi Group

A tyrannosaurine tyrannosaurid.

Newly named birds

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Alca carolinensis [65]

Sp. nov


N. Adam Smith

Julia A. Clarke

Early Pliocene

Yorktown Formation


 North Carolina

An Alcidae related to the razorbill.

Alca minor [65]

Sp. nov


N. Adam Smith

Julia A. Clarke

Early Pliocene

Yorktown Formation


 North Carolina

An Alcidae related to the razorbill.

Alca olsoni [65]

Sp. nov


N. Adam Smith

Julia A. Clarke

Early Pliocene

Yorktown Formation


 North Carolina

An Alcidae related to the razorbill.

Alectroenas payandeei [66]

Sp. nov


Julian Pender Hume



A pigeon, Columbidae from Rodrigues Island.

?Aptornis proasciarostratus [67]

Sp. nov.


Trevor H. Worthy

Alan J. D. Tennyson

R. Paul Scofield

Early Miocene,


Manuherikia Group,

St Bathans Fauna

 New Zealand

The earliest known Aptornithidae Bonaparte, 1856.

Ardea sytchevskayae [68]

Sp. nov.


Nikita V. Zelenkov

Middle Miocene


An Ardeidae, earliest member of Ardea

Aurorornis taurica[69]

Gen. et sp. nov



Eocene (Lutetian)

Crimean Peninsula

An owl belonging to the family Protostrigidae. The type species of the new genus.

Australlus gagensis [70]

Sp. nov.


Trevor H. Worthy

Walter E. Boles





A Rallidae. The type species is Gallinula disneyi Boles, 2005.

Bohaiornis guoi [71]

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.


Hu Dongyu

Li Li

Hou Liannaim

Xu Xing


Yixian Formation


An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981, Bohaiornithidae Wang, Zhou, O’Connor et Zelenkov, 2014.

Buteo praebuteo [72]

Sp. nov


Denis Sobolev in Sobolev & Marisova



An Accipitridae, a species of Buteo.

Buteo sarmathicus [72]

Sp. nov


Denis Sobolev in Sobolev & Marisova



An Accipitridae, a species of Buteo.

Columba thiriouxi [66]

Sp. nov


Julian Pender Hume



A pigeon, Columbidae from Mauritius.

Colymbiculus udovinchenkoi [73]

Gen. et sp. nov


Gerald Mayr

Evgenij Zvonok

Middle Eocene

Early Lutetian


A Gaviidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Cyrilavis colburnorum [74]



Daniel T. Ksepka

Julia A. Clarke

Lance Grande


Green River Formation



A Halcyornithidae Harrison et Walker, 1972, a stem Psittaciformes.

Eostrix tsaganica [75]

Sp. nov


Evgeney N. Kurochkin

Gareth J. Dyke

Early Eocene


A Protostrigidae Wetmore, 1933.

Falco bulgaricus [76]

Sp. nov


Zlatozar N. Boev

Late Miocene


A Falconidae.

Feducciavis loftini [77]

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.


Storrs L. Olson

Middle Miocene

Calvert Formation



A Sternidae close to Anous and Procelsterna.

Gallirallus steadmani [78]

Sp. nov.


Trevor H. Worthy

Robert Bollt



 French Polynesia

A Rallidae as big as Gallirallus philippensis from Tubuai, Austral Islands.

Gracilornis jiufotangensis [79]

Gen. et sp.


Li Li

Hou Shi-Lin


Jiufotang Formation


An Enatiornithes Walker, 1981.

Heterostrix tatsinensis [75]

Gen. et sp. nov


Evgeney N. Kurochkin

Gareth J. Dyke

Early Oligocene

Hsanda Gol Formation


A Heterostrigidae Fam. nov. Kurochkin & Dyke, 2011, this is the type species of the new genus and the type genus of the new family.

Hoazinavis lacustris [80]

Gen. et sp.


Gerald Mayr

Herculano M. F. de Alvarenga

Cécile Mourer-Chauviré

Late Oligocene/Early Miocene

Tremembé Formation


An early Opisthocomidae.

Itaboravis elaphrocnemoides [81]

Gen. et sp.


Gerald Mayr

Herculano M. F. de Alvarenga

Julia A. Clarke

Early late Paleocene



A possible member of Cariamae. This is the type species of the new genus.

Jamna szybiaki [82]

Gen. et sp.


Zbigniew M. Bochenski

Teresa Tomek

Malgorzata Bujoczek

Krzysztof Wertz


Carpathian flysch


An early Passeriformes.

Kaiika maxwelli [83]

Gen. et sp.


R. Ewan Fordyce

Daniel Thomas

Early Eocene

Kauru Formation

 New Zealand

A basal Spheniscidae.

Laricola intermedia [84]

Sp. nov.


Vanessa L. De Pietri

Lodc Costeur

Marcel Güntert

Gerald Mayr

Early Miocene

MN 2a


A Charadriiformes, Laricolidae De Pietri, Costeur, Güntert et G. Mayr, 2011.

Laricola robusta [84]

Sp. nov.


Vanessa L. De Pietri

Lodc Costeur

Marcel Güntert

Gerald Mayr

Early Miocene

MN 2a


A Charadriiformes, Laricolidae De Pietri, Costeur, Güntert et G. Mayr, 2011.

Lavocatavis africana [85]

Gen. et sp.


Cécile Mourer-Chauviré

Rodolphe Tabuce

M’hammed Mahboubi

Mohammed Adaci

Mustapha Bensalah


Glib Zegdou Formation


A Phorusrhacoidea.

Mancalla lucasi [86]

Sp. nov


N. Adam Smith

Pliocene or Early Pleistocene

Niguel Formation

San Diego Formation



A Charadriiformes, Alcidae, Mancallinae L. H. Miller, 1946.

Mancalla vegrandis [86]

Sp. nov


N. Adam Smith

Pliocene or Early Pleistocene

San Diego Formation
San Mateo Formation



A Charadriiformes, Alcidae, Mancallinae L. H. Miller, 1946.

Miomancalla howardae [86]

Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


N. Adam Smith

Late Miocene to Early Pliocene

Capistrano Formation
San Mateo Formation



A Charadriiformes, Alcidae, Mancallinae L. H. Miller, 1946, this is the type species of the new genus, that also contains "Praemancalla" wetmorei Howard (1966).

Mystiornis cyrili [87]

Gen. et sp.


Evgeny N. Kurochkin

Nikita V. Zelenkov

Alexandr O. Averianov

Sergei V. Leshchinskiy


Shestakovo-1 locality

 Russian Federation

Namaortyx sperrgebietensis [88]

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.


Cécile Mourer-Chauviré

Martin Pickford

Brigitte Senut

Middle Eocene

Probably Early Lutetian


A Galliformes Incertae Sedis. This is the type species of the new genus.

Nambashag billerooensis [89]

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.


Trevor H. Worthy

Late Oligocene/Early Miocene

Etadunna Formation


 South Australia

A Phalacrocoracidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Nambashag microglaucus [89]

Sp. nov.


Trevor H. Worthy

Late Oligocene/Early Miocene

Namba Formation


 South Australia

A Phalacrocoracidae.

Nelepsittacus minimus [90]

Gen. nov. et sp. nov.


Trevor H. Worthy

Alan J. D. Tennyson

R. Paul Scofield

Early Miocene

St. Bathans Fauna,

Manuherikia Section

 New Zealand

A Psittaciformes, Nestoridae, smallest species of the genus and the type species of the new genus.

Nelepsittacus donmertoni [90]

Sp. nov.


Trevor H. Worthy

Alan J. D. Tennyson

R. Paul Scofield

Early Miocene

St. Bathans Fauna,

Manuherikia Section

 New Zealand

A Psittaciformes, Nestoridae.

Nelepsittacus daphneleeae [90]

Sp. nov.


Trevor H. Worthy

Alan J. D. Tennyson

R. Paul Scofield

Early Miocene

St. Bathans Fauna,

Manuherikia Section

 New Zealand

A Psittaciformes, Nestoridae.

Nesoenas cicur [66]

Sp. nov


Julian P. Hume



An pigeon, Columbidae from Mauritius.

Nogusunna conflictoides [91]

Gen. nov et sp. nov


Nikita V. Zelenkov

Middle Miocene

Oshin Formation


A diving duck, Anatidae.

Parahongshanornis chaoyangensis [92]

Gen. et sp.


Li Li

Wang Jing-Qi

Hou Shi-Lin

Early Cretaceous

Jiufotang Formation


A Hongshanornithidae O’Connor, Gao et Chiappe, 2010.

Pellornis mikkelseni [93]

Gen. et sp. nov


Sara Bertelli

Luis M. Chiappe

Gerald Mayr

Earliest Eocene

Fur Formation


A Messelornithidae Hesse, 1988, this is the type species of the new genus.

Piculoides saulcetensis [94]

Gem. nov. et sp. nov.


Vanessa L. De Pietri

Albrecht Manegold

Lodc Costeur

Gerald Mayr

Early Miocene

MN 2


A Picidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Protomelanitta gracilis [91]

Gen. nov et sp. nov


Nikita V. Zelenkov

Middle Miocene

Oshin Formation


A diving duck, Anatidae, this is the type species of the new genus, a second species of the genus is Protomelanitta shihuibas (Hou, 1985), formally known as Aythya shihuibas Hou, 1985.

Qiliania graffini [95]

Gen. et sp.


Ji Shu-An

Jessie Atterholt

Jingmai K. O’Connor

Matthew C. Lamanna

Jerald D. Harris

Li Da-Qing

You Hai-Lu

Peter Dodson


Xiagou Formation


An Enantiornithes Walker, 1981.

Sharganetta mongolica [91]

Gen. nov et sp. nov


Nikita V. Zelenkov

Middle Miocene

Oshin Formation


A diving duck, Anatidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Sternalara milneedwardsi [84]

Sp. nov.


Vanessa L. De Pietri

Lodc Costeur

Marcel Güntert

Gerald Mayr

Early Miocene

MN 2a


A Charadriiformes, family Incertae Sedis.

Sternalara minuta [84]

Gen. nov. et sp. nov.


Vanessa L. De Pietri

Lodc Costeur

Marcel Güntert

Gerald Mayr

Early Miocene

MN 2a


A Charadriiformes, family Incertae Sedis this is the typespecies of the genus.

Tonsala buchanani [96]

Sp. nov


Gareth J. Dyke

Xia Wang

Michael B. Habib

Early Oligocene, probably also late Eocene

Makah Formation

Pysht Formation



A Plotopteridae Howard, 1969, a species of Tonsala.

Newly named pterosaurs

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp.


  • Frey
  • Meyer
  • Tischlinger


Solnhofen limestone

An azhdarchoid[97] or a ctenochasmatid.[98] The type species, Aurorazhdarcho primordius, was subsequently found to be synonymous with "Pterodactylus" micronyx von Meyer (1856); however, Aurorazhdarcho was retained as a distinct genus, creating a new combination Aurorazhdarcho micronyx.[98]


Gen. et sp.


  • Kellner
  • Rodrigues
  • Costa


Toolebuc Formation

An ornithocheiroid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Elgin
  • Frey


Santana Formation

An ornithocheirid.

Darwinopterus robustodens[101]



Middle Jurassic

Tiaojishan Formation

A darwinopterid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Bo

Middle Jurassic

Tiaojishan Formation

A rhamphorhynchid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Sullivan
  • Fowler

Late Campanian

Kirtland Formation
Dinosaur Park Formation

A possible azhdarchid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Jiang
  • Wang

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation

A ctenochasmatid.


Gen. et sp.


  • Martill


Santana Formation

A basal ctenochasmatoid.


  1. Carvalho, Teixeira, Ferraz, Ribeiro, Martinelli, Neto, Sertich, Cunha, Cunha, Ferraz.
  2. Kellner, Campos, Riff, de Andrade.
  3. de Andrade, Edmonds, Benton, Schouten.
  4. Kellner, Figueiredo, Azevedo, Campos.
  5. Campos, Oliveira, Figueiredo, Riff, Azevedo, Carvalho, Kellner
  6. Buscalioni, Piras, Vullo, Signore, Barbera
  7. Lauprasert, Laojumpon, Saenphala, Cuny, Thirakhupt, Suteethorn
  8. Gates, Horner, Hanna, Nelson.
  9. Nesbitt, Clarke, Turner, Norell.
  10. Mateus, Jacobs, Schulp, Polcyn, Tavares, Neto, Morais, Antunes.
  11. Kellner, Rubilar-Rogers, Vargas, Suárez
  12. Sues, Nesbitt, Berman, Henrici
  13. Fernández-Baldor, Canudo, Huerta, Montero, Pereda Suberbiola, Salgado.
  14. Martinez, Sereno, Alcober, Colombi, Renne, Montañez, Currie.
  15. Makovicky, Kilbourne, Sadleir, Norell.
  16. 1 2 Novas, Ezcurra, Chatterjee, Kutty.
  17. Huh, Lee, Kim, Lim, Godefroit.
  18. Apaldetti, Martinez, Alcober, Pol.
  19. Xu, Sullivan, Pittman, Choiniere, Hone, Upchurch, Tan, Xiao, Tan, Han.
  20. Xu, Tan, Sullivan, Han, Xiao.
  21. Jiang, Li, Peng, Ye
  22. Kellner, Azvedo, Machado, Carvalho, Henriques.
  23. Schultz, Bittencourt, Soares, Fortier, Silva, Langer.
  24. Filippi, Canudo, Salgado, Garrido, Garcia, Cerda, Otero.
  25. Xu, Kobayashi, Lü, Lee, Liu, Tanaka, Zhang, Jia, Zhang.
  26. Farke, Ryan, Barrett, Tanke, Braman, Loewen, Graham.
  27. Zanno, Varricchio, O'Connor, Titus, Knell.
  28. Zaher, Pol, Carvalho, Nascimento, Riccomini, Larson, Juarez-Valieri, Pires-Domingues, da Silva Jr., Campos.
  29. Carr, Williamson, Britt, Stadtman.
  30. Xu, You, Du, Han.
  31. Hone, Wang, Sullivan, Zhao, Chen, Li, Ji, Ji, Xu.
  32. Lü, Xu, Chang, Zhang.


  1. Alexander K. Hastings, Jonathan Bloch and Carlos A. Jaramillo (2011). "A new longirostrine dyrosaurid (Crocodylomorpha, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Paleocene of north-eastern Colombia: biogeographic and behavioural implications for new-world dyrosauridae". Paleontology 54 (5): 1095–1116. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2011.01092.x.
  2. 1 2 3 Steven W. Salisbury and Darren Naish (2011). "Crocodilians". In Batten, D. J. (eds). English Wealden Fossils. The Palaeontological Association (London). pp. 305–369.
  3. Eduardo Puértolas, José I. Canudo and Penélope Cruzado-Caballero (2011). "A New Crocodylian from the Late Maastrichtian of Spain: Implications for the Initial Radiation of Crocodyloids". PLoS ONE 6 (6): e20011. Bibcode:2011PLoSO...620011P. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020011.
  4. Fabiano V. Iori and Ismar S. Carvalho (2011). "Caipirasuchus paulistanus, a new sphagesaurid (Crocodylomorpha, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Adamantina Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Turonian–Santonian), Bauru Basin, Brazil". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31 (6): 1255–1264. doi:10.1080/02724634.2011.602777.
  5. Ismar De Souza Carvalho, Vicente De Paula Antunes Teixeira, Mara Lúcia Da Fonseca Ferraz, Luiz Carlos Borges Ribeiro, Agustín Guillermo Martinelli, Francisco Macedo Neto, Joseph J. W. Sertich, Gabriel Cardoso Cunha, Isabella Cardoso Cunha and Partícia Fonseca Ferraz (2011). "Campinasuchus dinizi gen. et sp. nov., a new Late Cretaceous baurusuchid (Crocodyliformes) from the Bauru Basin, Brazil" (PDF). Zootaxa 2871: 19–42.
  6. Alexander W. A. Kellner, Diogenes A. Campos, Douglas Riff and Marco Brandalise de Andrade (2011). "A new crocodylomorph (Sphagesauridae, Notosuchia) with horn-like tubercles from Brazil". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 163 (s1): S57–S65. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00712.x.
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