List of people beatified by Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II beatified 1,327 people. The names listed below are from the Vatican website and are listed by year, then date. The locations given are the locations of the beatification ceremonies held by the Pope, not necessarily the birthplaces or homelands of the beatified.
John Paul II also beatified 108 Martyrs of World War II in a single ceremony held at Warsaw, Poland on 13 June 1999. His three-hour mass was attended by 600,000 people including President of Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski. The full list of names of the World War II Martyrs are available at the above internal link.[1]
No. | Blessed | Date of Beatification | Place of Beatification | Feast Day/Optional Memorial |
1. | Mercedes de Jesús Molina | 1 February 1985 | Guayaquil, Ecuador | June 12 |
2. | Ana de los Angeles Monteagudo | 2 February 1985 | Arequipa, Peru | January 10 |
3. | Pauline Mallinckrodt | 14 April 1985 | Rome, Italy | April 30 |
4. | Maria Caterina Troiani | 14 April 1985 | Rome, Italy | May 6 |
5. | Benedict Menni | 23 June 1985 | Rome, Italy | April 24 |
6. | Peter Friedhofen | 2 July 1985 | Rome, Italy | December 21 |
7. | Marie-Clémentine Anuarite Nengapeta | 15 August 1985 | Kinshasa, Zaire | December 1 |
8. | Virginia Centurione Bracelli | 22 September 1985 | Rome, Italy | December 15 |
9. | Diego Luis de San Vitores | 6 October 1985 | Vatican City | April 2 |
10. | Francisco Gárate Aranguren | 6 October 1985 | Vatican City | September 9 |
11. | Jose Maria Rubio | 6 October 1985 | Vatican City | May 2 |
12. | Titus Brandsma | 3 November 1985 | Rome, Italy | July 27 |
13. | Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès | 16 November 1985 | Rome, Italy | March 23 |
14. | Maria Theresia Gerhardinger | 17 November 1985 | Rome, Italy | May 9 |
15. | Pius of Saint Aloysius | 17 November 1985 | Rome, Italy | November 2 |
No. | Blessed | Date of Beatification | Place of Beatification | Feast Day/Optional Memorial |
1. | Emmanuel Domingo y Sol | 29 March 1987 | Vatican City | January 25 |
2. | María Pilar Martínez García and 2 companions | 29 March 1987 | Vatican City | September 22, November 6 |
3. | Marcelo Spinola y Maestre | 29 March 1987 | Vatican City | January 19 |
4. | Teresa of the Andes | 3 April 1987 | Santiago, Chile | July 13 |
5. | Edith Stein | 1 May 1987 | Cologne, Germany | August 9 |
6. | Rupert Mayer | 3 May 1987 | Munich, Germany | November 3 |
7. | Andrea Carlo Ferrari | 10 May 1987 | Vatican City | February 1, February 2 |
8. | Pierre-François Jamet | 10 May 1987 | Vatican City | January 12 |
9. | Louis-Zéphirin Moreau | 10 May 1987 | Vatican City | May 24 |
10. | Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello | 10 May 1987 | Vatican City | March 21 |
11. | Karolina Kózka | 10 June 1987 | Tarnów, Poland | November 18 |
12. | Michał Kozal | 14 June 1987 | Wielkopolskie, Poland | January 26 |
13. | Jurgis Matulaitis-Matulevičius | 28 June 1987 | Rome, Italy | January 27 |
14. | Marcel Callo | 4 October 1987 | Rome, Italy | March 19 |
15. | Antonia Mesina | 4 October 1987 | Rome, Italy | May 17 |
16. | Pierina Morosini | 4 October 1987 | Rome, Italy | April 6 |
17. | Blandine Merten | 1 November 1987 | Rome, Italy | May 18 |
18. | Franziska Nisch | 1 November 1987 | Rome, Italy | May 8 |
19. | Arnould Rèche | 1 November 1987 | Rome, Italy | October 23 |
20. | Eighty-five martyrs of England and Wales | 22 November 1987 | Rome, Italy | May 4 |
No. | Blessed | Date of Beatification | Place of Beatification | Feast Day/Optional Memorial |
1. | Giuseppe Nascimbeni | 17 April 1988 | Vatican City | January 21 |
2. | Giovanni Calabria | 17 April 1988 | Vatican City | December 4 |
3. | Pietro Bonilli | 24 April 1988 | Vatican City | January 5 |
4. | Francisco Palau | 24 April 1988 | Vatican City | November 7 |
5. | Savina Petrilli | 24 April 1988 | Vatican City | April 18 |
6. | Kaspar Stanggassinger | 24 April 1988 | Vatican City | September 26 |
7. | Laura Vicuña | 3 September 1988 | Vatican City | January 22 |
8. | Joseph Gérard | 15 September 1988 | Maseru, Lesotho | May 29 |
9. | Frédéric Janssoone | 25 September 1988 | Rome, Italy | August 4 |
10. | Josefa Naval Girbés | 25 September 1988 | Rome, Italy | February 24 |
11. | Giuseppe Benedetto Dusmet | 25 September 1988 | Rome, Italy | April 4 |
12. | Francesco Faà di Bruno | 25 September 1988 | Rome, Italy | March 27 |
13. | Miguel Agustín Pro | 25 September 1988 | Rome, Italy | November 23 |
14. | Junipero Serra | 25 September 1988 | Rome, Italy | July 1 |
15. | Honorat Koźmiński | 16 October 1988 | Rome, Italy | October 13, December 16 |
16. | Bernard Mary of Jesus | 16 October 1988 | Rome, Italy | December 9 |
17. | Charles of Mount Argus | 16 October 1988 | Rome, Italy | January 5 |
18. | Nicolas Steno | 23 October 1988 | Rome, Italy | December 5 |
19. | Johannes Laurentius Weiss and 2 companions | 20 November 1988 | Rome, Italy | March 3 |
20. | Katharine Drexel | 20 November 1988 | Rome, Italy | March 3 |
No. | Blessed | Date of Beatification | Place of Beatification | Feast Day/Optional Memorial |
1. | Petrus Torot | 17 January 1995 | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | July 7 |
2. | Mary MacKillop | 19 January 1995 | Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | August 8 |
3. | Joseph Vaz | 21 January 1995 | Colombo, Sri Lanka | January 16 |
4. | Modestino Mazzarella | 29 January 1995 | Rome, Italy | July 24 |
5. | Grimoaldo Santamaria | 29 January 1995 | Rome, Italy | November 18 |
6. | Rafael Guízar Valencia | 29 January 1995 | Rome, Italy | June 6 |
7. | Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu Gleifheim | 30 April 1995 | Trento, Italy | December 3 |
8. | Agostino Roscelli | 7 May 1995 | Rome, Italy | May 7 |
9. | Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini | 7 May 1995 | Rome, Italy | May 22 |
10. | Maria Helena Stollenwerk | 7 May 1995 | Rome, Italy | February 3 |
11. | Giuseppina Gabriela Bonino | 7 May 1995 | Rome, Italy | February 8 |
12. | Laura Alvarado Cardozo | 7 May 1995 | Rome, Italy | April 2, May 7 |
13. | Father Damien | 4 June 1995 | Brussels, Belgium | May 10 |
14. | Pietro Casani | 1 October 1995 | Vatican City | October 17 |
15. | Jean-Baptiste Souzy and 63 Companions | 1 October 1995 | Vatican City | May 7 |
16. | Carlos Eraña Guruceta and 2 companions | 1 October 1995 | Vatican City | September 22, November 6 |
17. | Dionisio Pamplona Polo and 12 companions | 1 October 1995 | Vatican City | September 22, November 6 |
18. | Pedro Ruiz de los Paños Ángel and 8 companions | 1 October 1995 | Vatican City | September 22, November 6 |
19. | Ángeles Lloret Martí and 16 companions | 1 October 1995 | Vatican City | September 22, November 6 |
20. | Vicente Vilar David | 1 October 1995 | Vatican City | February 14 |
21. | Anselmo Polanco Fontecha and Felipe Ripoll Morata | 1 October 1995 | Vatican City | February 7 |
22. | Marguerite Bays | 29 October 1995 | Vatican City | June 27 |
23. | Maria Theresia Scherer | 29 October 1995 | Vatican City | June 16 |
24. | Maria Bernarda Bütler | 29 October 1995 | Vatican City | May 19 |
No. | Blessed | Date of Beatification | Place of Beatification | Feast Day/Optional Memorial |
1. | Frei Galvão | 8 April 1997 | Rome, Italy | May 11 |
2. | María Encarnación Rosal Vásquez | 4 May 1997 | Rome, Italy | August 24 |
3. | Ceferino Giménez Malla | 4 May 1997 | Rome, Italy | May 4 |
4. | Florentino Asensio Barroso | 4 May 1997 | Rome, Italy | August 9 |
5. | Enrico Rebuschini | 4 May 1997 | Rome, Italy | May 10 |
6. | Gaetano Catanoso | 4 May 1997 | Rome, Italy | April 4 |
7. | Maria Karłowska | 6 June 1997 | Zakopane, Poland | March 24 |
8. | Bernardyna Maria Jabłońska | 6 June 1997 | Zakopane, Poland | September 23 |
9. | Frédéric Ozanam | 22 August 1997 | Paris, France | September 9 |
10. | Bartolomeo Maria Dal Monte | 27 September 1997 | Rome, Italy | December 24 |
11. | Domenico Lentini | 12 October 1997 | Vatican City | February 25 |
12. | Émilie d’Oultremont | 12 October 1997 | Vatican City | December 17 |
13. | Giovanni Battista Piamarta | 12 October 1997 | Vatican City | April 25 |
14. | Mateo Elías Nieves Castillo | 12 October 1997 | Vatican City | March 10 |
15. | Maria Teresa Fasce | 12 October 1997 | Vatican City | January 18 |
16. | Giovanni Battista Scalabrini | 9 November 1997 | Vatican City | June 1 |
17. | Vilmos Apor | 9 November 1997 | Vatican City | April 2 |
18. | María Vicenta Chávez Orozco | 9 November 1997 | Vatican City | July 30 |
No. | Blessed | Date of Beatification | Place of Beatification | Feast Day/Optional Memorial |
1. | Brigida Morello | 15 March 1998 | Rome, Italy | September 3 |
2. | María del Monte Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras | 15 March 1998 | Rome, Italy | December 6 |
3. | Eugene Bossilkov | 15 March 1998 | Rome, Italy | November 13 |
4. | Cyprian Iwene Tansi | 22 March 1998 | Oba, Nigeria | January 20 |
5. | Rita Josefa Pujalte Sánchez and Francisca Aldea Araujo | 10 May 1998 | Rome, Italy | July 20 |
6. | María Sagrario Moragas Cantarero | 10 May 1998 | Rome, Italy | August 15, August 16 |
7. | María Gabriela Hinojosa Naveros and 6 companions | 10 May 1998 | Rome, Italy | September 22, November 6 |
8. | Maravillas de Jesús | 10 May 1998 | Rome, Italy | December 11 |
9. | Nimattullah Kassab | 10 May 1998 | Rome, Italy | December 14 |
10. | Secondo Pollo | 23 May 1998 | Vercelli, Italy | January 4 |
11. | Giovanni Maria Boccardo | 24 May 1998 | Turin, Italy | December 30 |
12. | Maria Antonia Grillo Michel | 24 May 1998 | Turin, Italy | January 25 |
13. | Teresa Bracco | 24 May 1998 | Turin, Italy | August 28 |
14. | Jakob Kern | 21 June 1998 | Vienna, Austria | October 20 |
15. | Anton Maria Schwartz | 21 June 1998 | Vienna, Austria | September 15 |
16. | Maria Restituta | 21 June 1998 | Vienna, Austria | October 29 |
17. | Giuseppe Tovini | 20 September 1998 | Vatican City | January 16 |
18. | Aloysius Stepinac | 3 October 1998 | Marija Bistrica, Croatia | February 10 |
19. | Zefirino Agostini | 25 October 1998 | Vatican City | October 25 |
20. | Manuel Míguez González | 25 October 1998 | Vatican City | March 8 |
21. | Théodore Guérin | 25 October 1998 | Vatican City | October 3 |
See also
| Born Karol Józef Wojtyła, 18 May 1920 – 2 April 2005
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| High schools (United States) |
- East Boca Raton, FL
- Tallahassee, FL
- Jasper, IN
- Slidell, LA
- Hyannis, MA
- Royersford, PA
- Hendersonville, TN
- Corpus Christi, TX
- Plano, TX
- Schertz, TX
- Dumfries, VA
- Lacey, WA
| Other high schools | |
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