132 (number)

131 132 133
Cardinal one hundred thirty-two
Ordinal 132nd
(one hundred and thirty-second)
Factorization 22× 3 × 11
Divisors 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 22, 33, 44, 66, 132
Roman numeral CXXXII
Binary 100001002
Ternary 112203
Quaternary 20104
Quinary 10125
Senary 3406
Octal 2048
Duodecimal B012
Hexadecimal 8416
Vigesimal 6C20
Base 36 3O36

132 (one hundred [and] thirty-two) is the natural number following 131 and preceding 133.

In mathematics

132 is the sixth Catalan number. It is a pronic number, the product of 11 and 12. As it has 12 divisors total, 132 is a refactorable number.

If you take the sum of all 2-digit numbers you can make from 132, you get 132: 12 + 13 + 21 + 23 + 31 + 32 = 132. 132 is the smallest number with this property,[1] which is shared by 264, 396 and 35964 (see digit-reassembly number).[2]

But there is no number that, when added to the sum of its own digits, sums to 132, therefore 132 is a self number. 132 is also a Harshad number, divisible by the sum of its base-ten digits.

In the military

In transportation

In other fields

132 is also:

See also


  1. Wells, D. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers London: Penguin Group. (1987): 138
  2. "Sloane's A241754 : Numbers n equal to the sum of all numbers created from permutations of d digits sampled from n", The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation.
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