290 (number)

289 290 291
Cardinal two hundred ninety
Ordinal 290th
(two hundred and ninetieth)
Factorization 2 × 5 × 29
Roman numeral CCXC
Binary 1001000102
Ternary 1012023
Quaternary 102024
Quinary 21305
Senary 12026
Octal 4428
Duodecimal 20212
Hexadecimal 12216
Vigesimal EA20
Base 36 8236

290 (two hundred [and] ninety) is the natural number after 289 and before 291.

In mathematics

The product of three primes, 290 is a sphenic number, and the sum of four consecutive primes (67 + 71 + 73 + 79). The sum of the squares of the divisors of 17 is 290. If you multiply 5, 2, and 29, you get 290.

Not only is it a nontotient and a noncototient, it is also an untouchable number.

290 is the 16th member of the Mian–Chowla sequence; it can't be obtained as the sum of any two previous terms in the sequence.

See also the Bhargava–Hanke 290 theorem.

In other fields

See also the year 290.

291 to 299


Two hundred [and] ninety-one 291 = 3·97, a semiprime.


Two hundred [and] ninety-two 292 = 22·73, noncototient, untouchable number. The continued fraction representation of pi is [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, 1, 2...]; the convergent obtained by truncating before the surprisingly large term 292 yields the excellent rational approximation 355/113 to pi, repdigit in base 8 (444).


Two hundred [and] ninety-three 293 prime, Sophie Germain prime, Chen prime, Irregular prime, Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part, strictly non-palindromic number. For 293 cells in cell biology, see HEK cell.



Two hundred [and] ninety-five 295 = 5·59, also, the numerical designation of seven circumfrental or half-circumfrental routes of Interstate 95 in the United States.


Two hundred [and] ninety-six 296 = 23·37, unique period in base 2


Two hundred [and] ninety-seven 297 = 33·11, number of integer partitions of 17, decagonal number, Kaprekar number


Two hundred [and] ninety-eight 298 = 2·149, nontotient, noncototient


Two hundred [and] ninety-nine 299 = 13·23, highly cototient number, self number, the twelfth cake number

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