206 (number)

205 206 207
Cardinal two hundred six
Ordinal 206th
(two hundred and sixth)
Factorization 2 × 103
Divisors 1, 2, 103, 206
Roman numeral CCVI
Binary 110011102
Ternary 211223
Quaternary 30324
Quinary 13115
Senary 5426
Octal 3168
Duodecimal 15212
Hexadecimal CE16
Vigesimal A620
Base 36 5Q36

206 (two hundred [and] six) is the natural number following 205 and preceding 207.

In mathematics

206 is both a nontotient and a noncototient.[1] 206 is an untouchable number.[2] It is the lowest positive integer (when written in English) to employ all of the vowels once only. The other numbers sharing this property are 230, 250, 260, 602, 640, 5000, 8000, 9000, 80,000 and 90,000.[3] 206 and 207 form the second pair of consecutive numbers (after 14 and 15) whose sums of divisors are equal.[4] There are exactly 206 different linear forests on five labeled nodes,[5] and exactly 206 regular semigroups of order four up to isomorphism and anti-isomorphism.[6]

In science

There are 206 bones in the typical adult human body.[7]

See also


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