138 (number)

137 138 139
Cardinal one hundred thirty-eight
Ordinal 138th
(one hundred and thirty-eighth)
Factorization 2 × 3 × 23
Divisors 1, 2, 3, 6, 23, 46, 69, 138
Roman numeral CXXXVIII
Binary 100010102
Ternary 120103
Quaternary 20224
Quinary 10235
Senary 3506
Octal 2128
Duodecimal B612
Hexadecimal 8A16
Vigesimal 6I20
Base 36 3U36

138 (one hundred [and] thirty-eight) is the natural number following 137 and preceding 139.

In mathematics

138 is a sphenic number, the sum of four consecutive primes (29 + 31 + 37 + 41), and the smallest product of 3 primes, such that in base 10, the third prime is a concatenation of the other two: 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 23.

138 is the third 47-gonal number and an Ulam number,[1] as well as a 1 step palindrome (138 + 831 = 969.)

138 is the 72nd normal Congruent number [2] and the 49th primitive or square free congruent number.[3]

In astronomy

In the military

In transportation

In media

In other fields

138 is also:

See also


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