146 (number)

145 146 147
Cardinal one hundred forty-six
Ordinal 146th
(one hundred and forty-sixth)
Factorization 2 × 73
Divisors 1, 2, 73, 146
Roman numeral CXLVI
Binary 100100102
Ternary 121023
Quaternary 21024
Quinary 10415
Senary 4026
Octal 2228
Duodecimal 10212
Hexadecimal 9216
Vigesimal 7620
Base 36 4236

146 (one hundred [and] forty-six) is the natural number following 145 and preceding 147.

In mathematics

146 is an octahedral number as well as a composite number.

It is a nontotient since there is no integer with 146 coprimes below it, noncototient since there is no integer with 146 natural numbers below it which are not coprime to it, and an untouchable number since there is no integer whose proper divisors add up to 146.

146 is a repdigit in base 8 (222).

In the military

In other fields

146 is also:

See also

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