284 (number)

283 284 285
Cardinal two hundred eighty-four
Ordinal 284th
(two hundred and eighty-fourth)
Factorization 22× 71
Roman numeral CCLXXXIV
Binary 1000111002
Ternary 1011123
Quaternary 101304
Quinary 21145
Senary 11526
Octal 4348
Duodecimal 1B812
Hexadecimal 11C16
Vigesimal E420
Base 36 7W36

Two hundred eighty-four (284, CCLXXXIV) is the natural number following 283 and preceding 285.

Its divisors are 1, 2, 4, 71, and 142, adding up to 220, in turn, the divisors of 220 add up to 284, making the two a pair of amicable numbers.[1]

284 equals the sum of the squares of the digits of its own square in base 15. This property is shared with 1, 159, 264, 306 and 387.

There is no answer to the equation φ(x) = 284, making 284 a nontotient.

In other fields

See also the year 284 and List of highways numbered 284.


  1. Higgins, Peter (2008). Number Story: From Counting to Cryptography. New York: Copernicus. p. 61. ISBN 978-1-84800-000-1.
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