87 (number)

86 87 88
Cardinal eighty-seven
Ordinal 87th
Factorization 3 × 29
Divisors 1, 3, 29, 87
Roman numeral LXXXVII
Binary 10101112
Ternary 100203
Quaternary 11134
Quinary 3225
Senary 2236
Octal 1278
Duodecimal 7312
Hexadecimal 5716
Vigesimal 4720
Base 36 2F36

87 (eighty-seven) is the natural number following 86 and preceding 88.

In mathematics

87 is:

The aliquot sum of 87 is 33 within the aliquot sequence (87,33,15,9,4,3,1,0) 86 being the eighteenth composite number in the 3-aliquot tree.

In sports

In other fields

Eighty-seven is also:

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