Cantor distribution

Cumulative distribution function

Parameters none
Support Cantor set
pmf none
CDF Cantor function
Mean 1/2
Median anywhere in [1/3, 2/3]
Mode n/a
Variance 1/8
Skewness 0
Ex. kurtosis 8/5
MGF e^{t/2} 
                   \prod_{i= 1}^{\infty} \cosh{\left(\frac{t}{3^{i}}
CF e^{\mathrm{i}\,t/2} 
                   \prod_{i= 1}^{\infty} \cos{\left(\frac{t}{3^{i}}

The Cantor distribution is the probability distribution whose cumulative distribution function is the Cantor function.

This distribution has neither a probability density function nor a probability mass function, as it is not absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure, nor has it any point-masses. It is thus neither a discrete nor an absolutely continuous probability distribution, nor is it a mixture of these. Rather it is an example of a singular distribution.

Its cumulative distribution function is continuous everywhere but horizontal almost everywhere, so is sometimes referred to as the Devil's staircase, although that term has a more general meaning.


The support of the Cantor distribution is the Cantor set, itself the intersection of the (countably infinitely many) sets

 C_{0} = & [0,1] \\
 C_{1} = & [0,1/3]\cup[2/3,1] \\
 C_{2} = & [0,1/9]\cup[2/9,1/3]\cup[2/3,7/9]\cup[8/9,1] \\
 C_{3} = & [0,1/27]\cup[2/27,1/9]\cup[2/9,7/27]\cup[8/27,1/3]\cup \\
         & [2/3,19/27]\cup[20/27,7/9]\cup[8/9,25/27]\cup[26/27,1] \\
 C_{4} = & \cdots .

The Cantor distribution is the unique probability distribution for which for any Ct (t  { 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }), the probability of a particular interval in Ct containing the Cantor-distributed random variable is identically 2t on each one of the 2t intervals.


It is easy to see by symmetry that for a random variable X having this distribution, its expected value E(X) = 1/2, and that all odd central moments of X are 0.

The law of total variance can be used to find the variance var(X), as follows. For the above set C1, let Y = 0 if X  [0,1/3], and 1 if X  [2/3,1]. Then:

\operatorname{var}(X) & = \operatorname{E}(\operatorname{var}(X\mid Y)) + 
                          \operatorname{var}(\operatorname{E}(X\mid Y)) \\
                      & = \frac{1}{9}\operatorname{var}(X) + 
                             \begin{matrix} 1/6 & \mbox{with probability}\ 1/2 \\ 
                                            5/6 & \mbox{with probability}\ 1/2
                            \right\} \\
                      & = \frac{1}{9}\operatorname{var}(X) + \frac{1}{9}

From this we get:


A closed-form expression for any even central moment can be found by first obtaining the even cumulants

 \kappa_{2n} = \frac{2^{2n-1} (2^{2n}-1) B_{2n}}
                    {n\, (3^{2n}-1)}, \,\!

where B2n is the 2nth Bernoulli number, and then expressing the moments as functions of the cumulants.


[1]KJ Falconer, GEometry of Fractal Sets, Cambridge Univ Press, Cambridge & New York, 1985 and later eds. (This has a chapter on Self-Similar Fractals; does not have the Cantor Function , graphed in this article))

[2]E.Hewitt & K Stromberg, Real and abstract analysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1965 and later eds( This as withother standard texts has the Cantor Function and its one sided derivates)

[3])Tian-You Hu and Ka Sing Lau, Fourier Asymptotics of Cantor Type Measures atInfinity, Proc. A.M.S.,vol 130,Number9(2002) pp2711-2717( is related to the this article and is more modern than the Texts in this Reference list)

[4]O.Knill;Probability Theory&Stochastic Processes...Overseas Press (India) 2006 ( also directly related to this article)

[5]B.Mandelbrojt, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, WH Freeman &CO;San FRancisco CA (1982) ( This is where thepopular name"Fractals" was coined; According to a Reviewer for the AMS," written with daring originality".contains much valuable material. Most of it is by now rewritten in a style suitable for/ acceptable to pure mathematicians.; some of it by Falconer and in Mattillas books listed)

[6]P.Mattilla; Geometry of sets in Euclidean Spaces, CambridgeUniv Press , San FRancisco , 1995 and later edns..( This has more advanced material on Fractals)

[7]Stanislaw Saks, Theory of the Integral; PAN, Warsaw 1933 and later eds; Reprinted by Dover Publications, Mineola, NY(Classic Gem; contains a small section on Hausdorff Measures and Hausdorff dimension= Fractal Dimension)

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