List of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition monsters

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition (see editions of Dungeons & Dragons) was released in 2000. The first book containing monsters to be published was the Monster Manual, released along with the other two "core" rulebooks. Wizards of the Coast officially discontinued the 3rd Edition line upon the release of a revision, known as version 3.5, in 2003, with the Monster Manual reprinted for the revised edition.

TSR 11552 – Monster Manual (2000)

Creature Page Other appearances Variants Description
Aboleth 15 Psionic fish-like amphibian found in underwater lakes and rivers capable of enslaving other creatures.
Achaierai 15-16 Fiend Folio (1981) Large, flightless bird. Evil and intelligent, it originates from the plane of Acheron.
Allip 16 Undead spirit of someone driven to madness and suicide. Looks as it did in life, but with features distorted by madness.
Animated object 17-18 Mundane object animated by magic.
Ankheg 18 Large, burrowing creature with mandibles and a chitinous shell capable of spitting acid.
Aranea 19 Intelligent giant spider capable of changing forms and of utilising sorcerous magic.
Arrowhawk 19-20 Bird-like creature from the Elemental Plane of Air.
Assassin vine 20-21 Plant that strangles passers-by.
Athach 21 Very large and strong biped with a third arm on its chest.
Azer 22 Monster Manual II (1983) Flaming dwarf from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Barghest 22-23 Monster Manual II (1983) Lawful evil outsider that changes from the form of a large goblin to that of a wolf.
Basilisk 23-24 Reptilian monster that petrifies opponents with a gaze.
Behir 24 40-foot-long (12 m), snake-like monster with very hard scales capable of shooting lightning from its mouth.
Beholder 25 Monster Manual I (1977) Floating orb with a single eye in its center, a large mouth and ten smaller eyes on stalks capable of several magical effects.
Belker 26 Planescape Monstrous Compendium III (1998) Evil air elemental that resemble a demon in the form of smoke.
Blink dog 26 Intelligent, lawful good canine with the ability to teleport.
Bodak 27 Undead creature created when someone is destroyed by the touch of absolute evil.
Bugbear 27-28 Large, aggressive goblin.
Bulette 28 20-foot-long (6.1 m) quadrupedal predator known as a "landshark" covered in bluish plates and scales.
Carrion crawler 29 Subterranean scavenger able to paralyze opponents with its tentacles.
Celestial 29-33 Any one of a number of creatures from a plane of good. Lantern archon, hound archon, avoral (guardinal), ghaele (eladrin), trumpet archon, astral deva, planetar and solar listed.
Centaur 33-34 Reclusive creature from woodland with the body and legs of a horse attached to the torso and upper body of a humanoid.
Chaos beast 34-35 Monster from a chaotic plane with an ever-changing form and the ability to turn other creatures to formless goo.
Chimera 35 Monster with the hindquarters of a goat, forequarters of a lion, wings of a dragon and heads of all three.
Choker 36 Subterranean predatory aberration of a humanoid shape with long limbs that grabs and strangles prey.
Chuul 36-37 Amphibious aberration that appears to be a cross between a crustacean, an insect and a snake.
Cloaker 37-38 Intelligent creature of chaotic neutral alignment resembling a black cloak.
Cockatrice 38 Cross between a lizard, cockerel and bat able to turn flesh to stone.
Couatl 38-39 Lawful good, highly intelligent creature resembling a winged snake. Worshipped in regions it inhabits.
Darkmantle 39 Cave dwelling creature that resembles a stalagmite when at rest. Able to create magical darkness, it defeats enemies by engulfing and constricting them.
Delver 39-40 Aberration that lives deep underground and feeds on rock.
Demon 41-47 Any one of many types of chaotic evil outsiders from the plane of the Abyss. Includes the sub-type of tanar'ri demons.
Destrachan 47
Devil 48-53
Devourer 53-54 Very large undead creature found on the Astral and Ethereal planes. Appears to be a large skeleton with strands of flesh and a tiny figure trapped in the ribcage.
Digester 54 Fast moving creature resembling a predatory dinosaur that can spit acid.
Dinosaur 55-56 Any of several real-world dinosaurs. Listed are deinonychus, elasmosaurus, megaraptor, triceratops and tyrannosaurus.
Dire animal 56-59 Larger and more aggressive versions of an ordinary animal. Listed animals are rat, weasel, badger, bat, ape, wolverine, wolf, boar, lion, bear, tiger and shark.
Displacer beast 59-60 Savage yet stealthy predator resembling a puma with six legs and tentacles growing from its shoulders.
Doppelganger A humanoid shape-changer race infiltrating society for its own convenience
Dragon 61-76 Any of five chromatic (evil) or five metallic (good) intelligent winged lizards that grow to be very large and powerful.
Dragon turtle 76-77 A type of steam-breathing dragon with the shell of a giant turtle. Lives primarily in the open seas.
Dragonne 77 A relatively small, leonine-like dragon type. Its breath weapon (contrary to traditional dragons) is its loud roar.
Drider 78 A drow mage or cleric outcast transformed into a hideous centauroid spider-creature by the power of the goddess Lolth.
Dryad 78-79 A human-like female tree spirit.
Dwarf 79-81
Elemental 81-85
Elf 85-87
Ethereal filcher 87
Ethereal marauder 88
Ettercap 88-89 A goblinoid creature with poisonous fangs and a certain affinity with spiders, particularly giant ones.
Ettin 89-90 A double-headed giant-like creature distantly related to orcs.
Formian 90-92
Frost worm 92-93
Fungus 93-94 Described are the shrieker and violet fungus
Gargoyle 94
Genie 94-96
Ghoul 97
Giant 98-102
Giant eagle 102-103
Giant owl 103
Gibbering mouther 104
Girallon 104-105
Gnoll 105-106
Gnome 106-107
Goblin 107-108
Golem 108-111 Divided into several types: flesh, clay, stone, and iron golem
Gorgon 111
Gray render 112 The gray render appeared in the third edition Monster Manual (2000),[1] and in the 3.5 revised Monster Manual (2003).[2] The gray render appeared in the fourth edition Monster Manual 2 (2009).[3] A gray render is a big, bulky, bulbous creature which stands 9 feet tall, despite a hunched posture, and 4 feet wide and long. It has a short tail, and a bullet-shaped head with six small, yellow eyes.
Grick 112-113
Griffon 113-114
Grimlock 114 A blind, savage humanoid cave-dwelling race
Hag 115-116 Divided into several types: sea hag, annis, and green hag
Halfling 116-117
Harpy 117-118
Hell hound 118
Hippogriff 118-119
Hobgoblin 119-120
Homunculus 120-121
Howler 121
Hydra 121-123 May possess anything between five to twelve heads
Invisible stalker 123
Kobold 123-124
Kraken 124-125
Krenshar 125
Kuo-toa 125-126
Lamia 126-127
Lammasu 127
Lillend 128
Lizardfolk 128-129
Locathah 129-130
Magmin 130
Manticore 130-131
Medusa 131
Mephit 132-134 Described are the air mephit, dust mephit, earth mephit, fire mephit, ice mephit, magma mephit, ooze mephit, salt mephit, steam mephit, and water mephit
Merfolk 135
Mimic 135-136
Mind flayer 136-137
Minotaur 137
Mohrg 137-138
Mummy 138
Naga 138-140 Described are the water naga, spirit naga, dark naga, and guardian naga
Night hag 140
Nightmare 140-141
Nightshade 141-143 Described are the nightwing, nightwalker, and nightcrawler
Nymph 143
Ogre 144 Described are the ogre and ogre mage
Ooze 145-146 Described are the gray ooze, gelatinous cube, ochre jelly, and black pudding
Orc 146-147
Otyugh 147-148
Owlbear 148
Pegasus 148-149
Phantom fungus 149
Phase spider 150
Phasm 150-151
Planetouched 151-152 Described are the aasimar and tiefling
Pseudodragon 152
Purple worm 152-153
Rakshasa 153-154
Rast 154
Ravid 154-155
Remorhaz 155
Roc 156
Roper 156-157
Rust monster 157
Sahuagin 157-158
Salamander 159-160 Described are the flamebrother, average salamander, and noble salamander
Satyr 160
Sea lion 160-161
Shadow 161
Shadow mastiff 162
Shambling mound 162-163
Shield guardian 163-164
Shocker lizard 164
Skeleton 165 Described are the tiny, small, medium-size, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal skeleton
Skum 166
Slaad 166-169 Described are the red slaad, blue slaad, green slaad, gray slaad, and death slaad
Spectre 169-170
Sphinx 170-171 Described are the androsphinx, criosphinx, gynosphinx, and hieracosphinx
Spider eater 171-172
Sprite 172-173 Described are the grig, nixie, and pixie
Stirge 173-174
Tarrasque 174-175
Tendriculos 175
Thoqqua 175-176
Titan 176
Tojanida 177 Described are the juvenile, adult, and elder tojanida
Treant 178
Triton 178-179
Troglodyte 179
Troll 180
Umber hulk 180-181
Unicorn 181
Vampire spawn 182
Vargouille 182-183
Wight 183
Will-o'-wisp 183-184
Winter wolf 184
Worg 184-185
Wraith 185-186
Wyvern 186
Xill 187
Xorn 187-188 Described are the minor xorn, average xorn, and elder xorn
Yeth hound 188-189
Yrthak 189
Yuan-ti 190-191 Described are the pureblood, halfblood, and abomination yuan-ti
Zombie 191-192 Described are the tiny, small, medium-size, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal zombie
Ape 193
Baboon 193
Badger 193
Bat 193-194
Bear, black 193-194
Bear, brown 193-194
Bear, polar 194
Bison 194
Boar 194
Camel 194-195
Cat 195
Cheetah 195
Crocodile 195-196 Described are the crocodile and giant crocodile
Dog 195-196
Dog, riding 196
Donkey 196
Eagle 196
Elephant 196-197
Hawk 196-197
Horse 196-197 Described are the heavy horse, heavy warhorse, light horse, and light warhorse
Leopard 197-198
Lion 198
Lizard 198 Described are the lizard and giant lizard
Monkey 198-199
Mule 198-199
Octopus 199 Described are the octopus and giant octopus
Owl 199
Pony 199-200 Described are the pony and warpony
Porpoise 200
Rat 200-201
Raven 200-201
Rhinoceros 200-201
Shark 200-201 Described are the medium-size, large, and huge shark
Snake 200-202 Described are the constrictor, giant constrictor, tiny viper, medium-size viper, large viper, and huge viper
Squid 200-202 Described are the squid and giant squid
Tiger 203
Toad 203
Weasel 203
Whale 203-204 Described are the baleen whale, cachalot whale, and orca whale
Wolf 204
Wolverine 204
Giant ant 205 Described are the worker giant ant, soldier giant ant, and queen giant ant
Giant bee 205-206
Giant beetle 205-206 Described are the giant bombardier beetle, giant fire beetle, and giant stag beetle
Giant praying mantis 206-207
Giant wasp 206-207
Monstrous centipede 206-208 Described are the tiny, small, medium-size, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal monstrous centipede
Monstrous scorpion 207-209 Described are the tiny, small, medium-size, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal monstrous scorpion
Monstrous spider 208-210 Described are the tiny, small, medium-size, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal monstrous spider
Celestial creatures 211 Template; sample celestial creature is a celestial lion
Fiendish creatures 211-212 Template; sample fiendish creature is a dire rat
Ghost 212-213 Template; sample ghost is a 5th-level human fighter
Half-celestial 213-214 Template; sample half-celestial is a unicorn
Half-dragon 214-215 Template; sample half-dragon is an ogre
Half-fiend 215-216 Template; sample half-fiend is a medusa
Lich 216-217 Template; sample lich is an 11th-level human wizard
Lycanthrope 217-221 Described are the werebear, wereboar, wererat, weretiger, and werewolf
Vampire 221-222 Template; sample creature is a fifth-level human fighter

WTC 11832 - Monster Compendium - Monsters of Faerûn (2001)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Aarakocra 11
Aballin 11-12
Abishai 12-14 Described are the white, black, green, blue and red abishai, baatezu subraces
Alaghi 14-15
Asabi 15-16 Described are the asabi and stingtail
Banedead 16-17
Baneguard 17 Described are the baneguard and direguard
Banelar 18
Bat, Deep 18-20 Described are the bonebat, night hunter and sinister
Beast of Malar 20-21 Described are the hunting panther, claw slayer and bat form
Beholder Mage 21-22 A prestige class for beholders
Beholderkin, Death Kiss 22-23
Beholderkin, Eyeball 23-24
Beholderkin, Gouger 24
Bullywug 25
Chitine 26
Choldrith 27
Chosen One 27-28
Cloaker Lord 28-29
Crawling Claw 29-30
Darkenbeast 30-31
Dark Tree 31-32
Deepspawn 32-33 Described are the deepspawn and its spawn
Demon, Ghour 33-34
Demon, Yochlol 34-35
Doppelganger, Greater 35-36
Dragon 36-38
-- Brown Dragon 38-40
-- Deep Dragon 40-41
-- Fang Dragon 41-42
-- Shadow Dragon 42-44
-- Song Dragon 44-45
Dragonkin 45-46
Dread Warrior 46-47
Dwarf, Faerûnian 47-48 Described are the shield dwarves, gold dwarves, duergar, arctic dwarves, urdunnir and wild dwarves
Firenewt 48-49
Ghaunadan 49
Giant 50-51 Described are the fog and phaerlin giant
Giant Strider 51-52
Gibberling 52
Goblin, Dekanter 53
Golem, Gemstone 53-56 Described are the ruby, emerald and diamond golem
Golem, Thayan 56
Green Warder 57
Groundling 57-58
Gulguthydra 58-59
Half-fiend, Draegloth 59
Helmed horror 60
Hybsil 61
Ibrandlin 62
Ice Serpent 62-63
Leucrotta 63-64
Malaugrym 64-65
Meazel 65-66
Myrlochar 66-67
Nishruu 67-68
Nyth 68-69
Peryton 69
Phaerimm 70
Planetouched, Genasi 71-72 Described are the air, earth, fire and water genasi
Planetouched, Tiefling 72-74 Described are the fey'ri and tanarukk
Pterafolk 74
Quaggoth 75
Shalarin 76
Sharn 76-78
Siv 78
Spectral Panther 79
Spider, Subterranean 79-80 Described are the hairy and sword spider
Stinger 80-81
Tall Mouther 81-82
Tomb Tapper 82-83
Unicorn, Black 83-84
Wemic 84
Zombie, Tyrantfog 85
Beast of Xvim 85-87 Template; sample creature is a hell hound beast of Xvim
Curst 87-88 Template; sample creature is a 5th-level human fighter curst
Ghost 88-89 Template; sample creatures are the doomsphere, ghost dragon, spectral harpist, watchghost and Zhentarim spirit
Lich 89-90 Template; sample creatures are the alhoon (illithilich) and banelich
Lich, Good 90 Lost Ships (1990) (Archlich) Template; sample creatures are the archlich and baelnorn
Lycanthrope 91-93 Template; sample creatures are the werebat, werecrocodile, wereshark, lythari and werecat
Revenant 93-94 Template; sample creature is a 7th-level elven sorcerer revenant
Yuan-ti 94-96 Template; sample creatures are a 5th-level human rogue tainted one and a 5th-level human rogue broodguard

WTC 11835 - Psionics Handbook (2001)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Astral Construct (1st through 9th Level) 140-142 Construct of raw ectoplasm that can be molded to any form by the summoner (defaults to a roughly humanoid form).
Blue 142-143 A blue-skinned goblin that is somewhat smaller than an average goblin.
Brain Mole 143-144 Eldritch Wizardry (1976), Monster Manual (1977), The Complete Psionics Handbook (1991) Small rodent that is virtually identical to its common relative.
Caller in Darkness 144 A swirling mist that contains tens of horror-struck humanoid faces.
Cerebrilith 145 Humanoid in shape, roughly 8 feet (2.4 m) tall with an elongated skull that joins with its hunched back.
Crysmal 146 Monster Manual II (1983) Crystalline scorpion-like body with 6-8 legs and a sharp stinger.
Folugub 146-147 A beetle creature roughly 6 feet (1.8 m) long and 180 pounds.
Githyanki 147-148 Fiend Folio (1981) Humanoid with gaunt features, yellowed skin, and jet black hair.
Githzerai 149 Fiend Folio (1981) Humanoid with gaunt features, skin of yellow-green, and clawed fingers.
Intellect Devourer 150 Eldritch Wizardry (1976), Monster Manual (1977), The Complete Psionics Handbook (1991) A brain-shaped body supported by four legs with clawed feet.
Neothelid 150-151 The Illithiad (1998) Worm-like creature 10 feet (3.0 m) in diameter and 100 feet (30 m) long with four long tentacles protruding from the lamprey-like maw.
Phthisic 151-152 Warped resemblance of the individual from which it was spawned, standing roughly 10 feet (3.0 m) tall with spines, sharp teeth, and claws.
Psion-Killer 152-153 A crystal golem that is roughly 10 feet (3.0 m) tall and 2,500 pounds.
Puppeteer 153 Small brown-colored leech lacking limbs or sensory organs.
Temporal Filcher 154 Four armed, one legged creature with thick torso, neck, and head which has a single horn.
Thought Eater 154-155 Eldritch Wizardry (1976), Monster Manual (1977), The Complete Psionics Handbook (1991) A skeleton with scraps of flesh resembling a large feline but with claws and skull resembling a bird of prey.
Udoroot 155-156 Carnivorous plant consisting of a large bulb below the surface and six 'crowns' resembling sun flowers above the surface.

WTC 11836 - Forgotten Realms - Campaign Setting (2001)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Animal 308-309 Described are the pack lizard, riding lizard, spitting crawler, two-headed adder, winged viper and tressym
Beholder, Death Tyrant 309-310
Dracolich 310-312 Template
Gargoyle, Kir-Lanan 312-313
Rothé 313-314 Described are the deep, ghost and surface rothé
Shade 314-315 Template; sample creature is Leevoth, a 3rd-level wizard/8th-level fighter shade

WTC 11850 - Manual of the Planes (2001)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Astral Dreadnought 159-160
Bariaur 161
Celestial 162-164 Two varieties listed below.
--Firre (Eladrins) 162-164
--Leonal (Guardinal) 162-164
Demon 164-166 Three varieties listed below.
--Uridezu (Tanar'ri) 164-166
--Armanite (Tanar'ri) 164-166
--Goristro (Tanar'ri) 164-166
Devil 166-168 Two varieties listed below.
--Spinagon (Baatezu) 166-168
--Narzugon (Baatezu) 166-168
Energon 168-169 Two varieties listed below.
--Xag-Ya 168-169
--Xeg-Yi 168-169
Ephemera 169-172 Three varieties listed below.
--Dusk Beast 169-172
--Ecalypse 169-172
--Umbral Banyan 169-172
Genie 172-174 Two varieties listed below.
--Dao 172-174
--Marid 172-174
Githyanki 174-176
Githzerai 176
Inevitable 176-179 Three varieties listed below.
--Zelekhut 176-179
--Kolyarut 176-179
--Marut 176-179
Mercane 179-180
Paraelemental 180-185 Varieties include: Ice, Magma, Ooze, and Smoke. Levels include: Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Greater, and Elder.
Yugoloth 185-188
--Canoloth 185-188
--Mezzoloth 185-188
--Nycaloth 185-188
--Ultroloth 185-188
Half-Elemental 188-190 Template
Shadow Creatures 190-191 Template
Elemental Creatures 191-196 Template
Wood Element Creatures 196-197 Template
Axiomatic Creatures 197-198 Template
Anarchic Creatures 198-199 Template
Petitioner 199-200 Template

WTC 12015 - Oriental Adventures (2001)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Bajang 145-146 Evil nature spirit that resembles a short, fat humanoid with claw-like hands and feet.
Bakemono 146
Bisan 147
Bog Hag 147-148
Buso, Tigbanua 148-149
Centipede, Spirit 149-150
Doc Cu'o'c 151
Dokufu 151-152
Dragon, Lung 152-163 Any of eight powerful and intelligent spirit creatures of various forms based on their 'elemental' types (listed below).
-- Yu Lung (Carp Dragon) 152-155 Body of a large carp with reptilian head and forearms and a beard. Juvenile form of all lung dragons.
-- Chiang Lung (River Dragon) 152-154, 155-156 Long, eel-like body with four short limbs ending in webbed feet and has multicolored beard and long horns.
-- Li Lung (Earth Dragon) 152-154, 156-157 Body of a lion with a humanoid face and wings with long, peacock-like feathers.
-- Lung Wang (Sea Dragon) 152-154, 157-158 Body of a turtle with fin-like appendages and a reptilian head, whiskers, and horns.
-- Pan Lung (Coiled Dragon) 152-154, 158-159 Long, thin, multicolored reptilian body with a vibrant mane and dark whiskers.
-- Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon) 152-154, 159-161 Reptilian body with clawed feet, spike-covered tail, spined back, and with two horns on the top of the head.
-- T'ien Lung (Celestial Dragon) 152-154, 161-162 Long, serpentine body that wraps about itself, brightly colored mane and whiskers and golden beard.
-- Tun Mi Lung (Typhoon Dragon) 152-154, 162-163 Resembles a multicolored salamander with a large mouth and sharp clawed feet.
Gaki 163-165 Undead spirits of mortals who must serve punishment for their actions. Types: Jiki-niku-gaki (commoners), Shikki-gaki (healers), Shinen-gaki (soldiers), Jiki-ketsu-gaki (shamans, monks).
Ghost 165-166 Adaptation of standard ghosts to an oriental campaign. Also, brief descriptions of Akikage (ninja assassin), Chu-u (legless ghost), Con-tinh (maiden), Hanging Ghost (ghost of a suicide), Kuei (unavenged spirit), and Ubume (death during childbirth).
Hannya 166-167 Upper body of an old woman with forked tongue, lower body of a serpent.
Hebi-No-Onna 167-168 Attractive human female clad with many gemstones and with snakes hidden within their sleeves.
Hengeyokai 168 Shapeshifter that can be in animal, half-animal half-human, or human forms.
Hopping Vampire 169 Body of a poorly buried individual that returns to semi-life. Remains partially rigid and must 'hop' to move.
Kappa 169-170 Short, stooped humanoid with a turtle shell for a back, webbed and clawed feet and hands, green skin, and an indentation on the top of the head that holds a small amount of lake water.
Ki-Rin 170-171 Resembles a unicorn with gold scales and a thick mane.
Korobokuru 171-172 Wild and unkempt oriental dwarves that resemble their common counterparts.
Mamono 172 Shapeshifter that appear skinless with a single eye in their forehead, long razor-like blades for arms and a large mouth in their abdomen in their natural form.
Naga, Shinomen 172-175 Human head and body with a serpentine tail in place of legs. Includes five bloodlines: Greensnake, Chameleon, Asp, Cobra, and Constrictor.
Nat 175-177 Lesser spirit that appears like a short humanoid with bright skin, long claws, dark hair, and fangs. Includes Einsaung Nat, Hkum Yeng Nat, and Lu Nat subtypes.
Nature Spirit 177-178 In natural form appears like a piece of nature (rock, tree, etc.). Commonly seen in humanoid form.
Nezumi 178-179 Appear like giant rats that walk on their hind legs.
Oni 179-180 Any of three varieties of giant humanoids with animal features (listed below).
-- Common Oni 179-180 8 feet (2.4 m) tall and extremely muscular, covered with coarse hair and with long fangs and horns.
-- Go-Zu Oni 179-180 Slightly larger than Common Oni but with the head of a bull.
-- Me-Zu Oni 179-180 10 feet (3.0 m) tall and 1000 pounds with the head of a horse.
Oni, Shadowlands 181-188 Any of twelve varieties of evil outsiders (listed below).
-- Haino no Oni 181-182
-- Ashi no Oni 181-182
-- Sanru no Oni 181-182
-- Kamu no Oni 181-184
-- Shikibu no Oni 181, 183-184
-- Ugulu no Oni 181, 183-184
-- Akuma no Oni 181, 184-185
-- Kyoso no Oni 181, 185-186
-- Yattoko no Oni 181, 185-186
-- Byoko no Oni 181, 186-187
-- Gekido no Oni 181, 187-188
-- Tsuburu no Oni 181, 187-188
Onikage 188-189
Pennagogolan 189-190
Rokuro-Kubi 190-191
Shirokinu-Katsukami 191-192
Spirit Folk 192-193
Tako 193
Tasloi 193-194
Tengu 194-195
Toad, Giant 195-197
Tsuno 197-198
Wang-Liang 198-199
Yeti 199-200
Yuki-On-Na 200

WTC 88158 - Savage Species (2003)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Feral Creature 115-116 Template to be added to any corporeal humanoid or monstrous humanoid. A sample Feral Minotaur is described.
Gelatinous Creature 116-118 Template to be added to any living creature except an ooze. A sample Gelatinous Brown Bear is described.
Ghost Brute 118-120 Template to be added to any animal, magical beast, or plant with a Charisma score below 8. A sample Ghost Hound is described.
Incarnate Construct 120-121 Template to be added to any construct creature with a humanoid form. A sample Incarnate Stone Golem is described.
Insectile Creature 121-122 Template to be added to any giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid. A sample Insectile Ogre is described.
Monstrous Beast 122-124 Template to be added to any animal or vermin. A sample Monstrous Stag Beetle is described.
Multiheaded Creature 124-126 Template to be added to any corporeal creature that has a discernible head. A sample Multiheaded Hell Hound is described.
Mummified Creature 126-128 Template to be added to any corporeal animal, giant, or humanoid. A sample Mummified Ogre is described.
Reptilian Creature 128-129 Template to be added to any humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or giant. A sample Reptilian Bugbear is described.
Spectral Creature 129- Template to be added to any aberration, animal, dragon, giant, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid. A sample Spectral Cloaker is described.
Symbiotic Creature 131-132 Template to be added to any two living creatures of the following types: animal, humanoid, plant, or vermin. One of the two must be two size categories smaller than the other. A sample Symbiosis of a Bugbear and a Stirge is described.
Tauric Creature 132-133 Template combining one small or medium corporeal humanoid or monstrous humanoid and one medium or large corporeal animal, magical beast, or vermin with four or more legs. A sample Tauric of a Griffon and Hobgoblin is described.
Umbral Creature 134-135 Template to be added to any aberration, animal, dragon, giant, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous humanoid. A sample Umbral Ettin is described.
Wight 136-137 Template to be added to any humanoid. A sample Troglodyte Wight is described.
Winged Creature 137-138 Template to be added to any animal, giant, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or vermin. A sample Winged Dog is described.
Wraith 138-140 Template to be added to any humanoid. A sample Kobold Wraith is described.
Yuan-Ti 140-142 The "Tainted One" and "Broodguard" templates may be added to any human. A sample Yuan-Ti Tainted One is described.
Anthropomorphic Animal 214-215 Template to be added to any non-dire animal. A sample Anthropomorphic Donkey is described.
Desmodu 218-220
Loxo 221
Thri-Kreen 222

WTC 88159 - Arms and Equipment Guide (2003)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Beetle Buckler 15
Climbdog 76-77
Thudhunter 77-78
Axebeak 83-84
Hippocampus 84
Equine Golem 87-88
Zaratan 88-89
Soarwhale 89
Giant Dragonfly 90-91
Giant Firefly 91
Jade Locust 133

WTC 88161 - Book of Vile Darkness (2002)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Demon 169-174 Described are the Mane (Tanar'ri), Rutterkin (Tanar'ri), Bar-Igura (Tanar'ri), Babau (Tanar'ri), Shadow Demon, and Chasme (Tanar'ri).
Devil 175-177 Described are the Kocrachon (Baatezu) and Ghargatula (Baatezu).
Eye of Fear and Flame 177
Kython 178-181 Described are the Broodling, Juvenile Kython, Adult Kython, Impaler, Slaymaster, and Slaughterking.
Vaath 182
Vilewight 183
Bone Creature 184-185 Template to be added to any nonundead, corporeal creature with a skeletal system. A sample Bone Bugbear Rogue is described.
Corpse Creature 185 Template to be added to any nonundead, nonconstruct, nonplant corporeal creature. A sample Corpse Human Barbarian is described.
Corrupted Creature 186 Template to be added to any corporeal creature that is not an outsider. A sample Corrupted Wolf is described.

WTC 88165 - Deities And Demigods (2002)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Cyclops 132-133 Giant humanoid notable for a single eye in the forehead; from the Olympian pantheon.
Faun 133-134 Woodland humanoid of the Olympian pantheon.
Minion of Set 158-159 Warrior servant of the evil god Set from the Pharaonic pantheon.
Mummy, Greater 159-161 Template added to a humanoid character. Also includes a sample Greater Mummy.
Einherjar 199-200 Fallen warrior chosen to fight at the time of Ragnarok.
Valkyries 200-201 Quasi-deity female warrior of the Asgardian pantheon.

WTC 88169 - Epic Level Handbook (2002)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Abomination 157-169 The unwanted offspring of a deity and another being. Immortal, spiteful, destructive creatures of immense power.
Behemoth 169 Described are the behemoth eagle and behemoth gorilla
Brachyurus 170
Colossus 170-174 Described are the stone colossus, flesh colossus, and iron colossus
Demilich 174-177
Devastation vermin 177-179 Described are the devastation centipede, devastation spider, devastation scorpion, and devastation beetle
Dragon, advanced 179-181
Dragon, epic 181-186 Described are the force dragon and prismatic dragon
Elemental, primal 186-189 Described are the air, earth, fire, and water primal elementals
Genius loci 190-191
Gibbering orb 191-192
Gloom 192-193
Golem 193-195 Described are the mithral golem and adamantine golem
Ha-naga 195
Hagunemnon (protean) 196-197
Hoary hunter 197-198 Described are the hoary hunter and hoary steed
Hunefer 198-200
Lavawight 200
Legendary animal 201-202 Described are the legendary bear and legendary tiger
LeShay 202-203
Living vault 203-204
Mercane 204-205
Mu spore 205-206
Neh-thalggu (brain collector) 206-208
Paragon mind flayer 208-210 Template; the paragon mind flayer is the sample creature for the paragon creature template
Prismasaurus 210-211
Pseudonatural troll 211-213 Template; the pseudonatural troll is the sample creature for the pseudonatural creature template
Ruin swarm 213-214
Shadow of the void 214-215
Shape of fire 215
Sirrush 216-217
Slaad 217-219 Described are the white slaad and black slaad
Tayellah 220
Thorciasid 220-221
Titan, elder 221-222
Treant, elder 223
Umbral blot (blackball) 223-224
Uvuudaum 224-226
Vermiurge 226-227
Winterwight 227-228
Worm that walks 228-230

WTC 88268 - Monster Manual II (2002)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Abeil 22-24 Described are the Vassal, Soldier, and Queen.
Ash Rat 24-25
Asperi 25-26
Automaton 27-28 Described are the Pulverizer and Hammerer.
Avolakia 28-29
Banshee 30-31
Bladeling 31
Blood Ape 32-33
Boggle 33-34
Bogun 34-35
Bone Naga 35-36
Bone Ooze 36-37
Braxat 37-38
Breathdrinker 39
Bronze Serpent 40-41
Captured One 204-206 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Catoblepas 41
Celestial 42-44 Described are the Cervidal and Lupinal.
Chain Golem 44-45
Chaos Roc 45-46
Chimeric Creature 206-207 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Cloaked Ape 45
Clockwork Horror 47-49 Described are the Electrum, Gold, Platinum, and Adamantine Horrors.
Cloud Ray 49-50
Corollax 50-51
Corpse Gatherer 51-52
Crimson Death 53
Darktentacles 54-55
Death Knight 207-209 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Deathbringer 55-56
Demon 56-62 Described are the Abyssal Maw, Abyssal Skulker, Abyssal Ravager, Jovoc (Tanar'ri), Palrethee (Tanar'ri), Zovvut, Jarilith (Tanar'ri), and Kelvezu (Tanar'ri).
Desmodu 62-65
Desmodu Bat 65-66 Described are the Hunting Bat, Guard Bat, and War Bat.
Devil 67-69 Described are the Advespa (Baatezu), Amnizu (Baatezu), and Malebranche (Baatezu).
Dinosaur 70-74 Described are the Cryptoclidus, Allosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Seismosaurus, and Spinosaurus.
Dire Animal 74-76 Described are the Dire Horse, Elk, Elephant, Toad, Hawk, and Snake.
Dragon, Gem 77-87 Described are the Amethyst, Crystal, Emerald, Sapphire, and Topaz Dragons.
Dread Guard 87-88
Dune Stalker 88-89
Effigy 89-90
Elemental Weird 90-93 Described are the Air, Earth, Fire, and Water Weirds.
Ether Scarab 94
Ethereal Doppelganger 94-95
Ethereal Slayer 96
Famine Spirit 96-97
Felldrake 97-99 Described are the Crested Felldrake, Spitting Felldrake, and Horned Felldrake.
Fiendwurm 99-100
Fihyr 100-101 Described are the common and Great Fihyr.
Firbolg 101-102
Fire Bat 102-103
Flesh Jelly 104
Fomorian 105
Forest Sloth 106
Frost Salamander 107
Galeb Duhr 107-108
Gambol 108-109
Giant 109-114 Described are the Forest, Sun, Ocean, and Mountain Giants.
Glimmerskin 114-115
Golem 115-118 Described are the Stained Glass, Brass, and Dragonflesh Golems.
Gravecrawler 118-119
Gravorg 119-120
Greenvise 120-121
Grell 121-122
Grimalkin 122-123
Grizzly Mastodon 123
Half-Fiend (Durzagon) 124
Half-Golem 209-212
Hellfire Wyrm 125-126
Hook Horror 126-127
Immoth 127-128
Ixitxachitl 128-130 Described are the Average and Vampiric Ixitxachitl.
Jahi 130-131
Jermlaine 131
Juggernaut 132-133
Julajimus 133-134
Kopru 134-135
Leechwalker 135
Legendary Animal 136-139 Described are the Legendary Eagle, Ape, Wolf, Snake, Horse, Bear, Tiger, and Shark.
Leviathan 139-140
Linnorm 140-144 Described are the Gray Linnorm, Dread Linnorm, and Corpse Tearer.
Loxo 144-145
Marrash 145-146
Meenlock 146-147
Megalodon 147-148
Megapede 148
Monster Of Legend 213-214 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Moonbeast 149-150
Mooncalf 150-151
Moonrat 151-152
Morkoth 152-153
Mudmaw 153-154
Myconid 154-157 Described are the Junior Worker, Average Worker, Elder Worker, Guard, Circle Leader, and Sovereign.
Needlefolk 158
Neogi 158-160 Described are the Neogi Spawn, Adult Neogi, and Great Old Master Neogi.
Nethersight Mastiff 160-161
Nightmare Beast 161-162
Nimblewright 162-163
Ocean Strider 163-164
Orcwort 165-166 Described are the Wortling and adult Orcwort.
Ormyrr 167
Phase Wasp 168
Phoenix 168-169
Planetouched 169-171 Described are the Chaond and Zenythri.
Psurlon 171-173 Described are the Average, Elder, and Giant Psurlons.
Ragewind 173-174
Raggamoffyn 174-176 Described are the Tatterdemanimal, Common Raggamoffyn, Guttersnipe, and Shrapnyl.
Rampager 177
Razor Boar 220-221 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Reason Stealer 178-179
Red Sundew 179
Rogue Eidolon 180
Rukarazyll 181-182
Runic Guardian 182-183
Scorpionfolk 221 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Shadow Spider 184
Sirine 185
Spawn Of Kyuss 186-187
Spell Weaver 187-188
Spellgaunt 188-189
Spellstitched 215-216 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Spirit of the Land 189-191
Stone Spike 191
Swamplight Lynx 191-192
Sylph 192-193
Tauric 216-217 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Tempest 193-194
Teratomorph 194-195
Thri-Kreen 195-196
Titanic 217-218 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Twig blight 197 Small plant creature that hides among healthy foliage.
Vaporighu 197-198
Warbeast 219 Template to be added to a preexisting monster.
Windghost 198-199
Wyste 200
Yak Folk 200-201
Yugoloth 202-204 Described are the Marraenoloth, Arcanaloth, and Yagnoloth.

WTC 88661 - Fiend Folio (2003)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Abrian 12
Abyssal Ghoul 12-13
Ahuizotl 14
Aoa 14-15 Described are the Droplet and Sphere.
Aquatic Ooze 16-18 Described are the Bloodbloater, Flotsam Ooze, and Reekmurk.
Bacchae 18-20
Bhut 20-21
Blackstone Gigant 21-22
Blood Hawk 22-23
Bloodthorn 23-24
Bonespear 24-25
Canomorph 25-29 Described are the Haraknin, Shadurakul, and Vultivor.
Caryatid Column 30-31
Century Worm 31-32
Chronotyryn 33-34
Chwidencha 34-35
Crawling Head 35-36
Crypt thing 36-37
Dark Ones 37-39 Described are the Dark Creeper and Dark Stalker.
Darkweaver 39-41
Death Dog 41-42
Demodand 42-45 Described are the Farastu, Kelubar, and Shator.
Demon 46-55 Described are the Alkilith (Tanar'ri), Blood Fiend, Klurichir (Tanar'ri), Maurezhi (Tanar'ri), Myrmyxicus (Tanar'ri), Skulvyn, and Wastrilith.
Deva 55-57 Described are the Monadic and Movanic Devas.
Devil 57-61 Described are the Paeliryon (Baatezu) and Xerfilstyx (Baatezu).
Dire Rhinoceros 61
Disenchanter 62-63
Ethereal Ooze 63-64
Ethergaunt 64-68 Described are the Black, Red, and White Ethergaunts.
Fensir 68-71 Described are the Fensir and Rakka.
Feytouched 71
Fhorge 72
Flame Snake 73-76 Described are the Minor, Lesser, and Greater Flame Snakes.
Formian 76 Described are the Armadon, Observer, and Winged Warrior.
Fossergrim 79-80
Gathra 80-81
Giant 81-83 Described are the Bog and Shadow Giants.
Golem 83-89 Described are the Blood Golem of Hextor, Brain Golem, Demonflesh Golem, and Hellfire Golem.
Half-Fey 89-90 Described are the Half-Fey Centaur and general Half-Fey template.
Half-Illithid 90-92 Described are the Half-Illithid Lizardfolk and general Half-Illithid template.
Half-Troll 92-94 Described are the Half-Troll Barbazu and general Half-Troll template.
Huecuva 94-95 Described are a sample Huecuva and the general Huecuva template.
Hullathoin 96-97
Imp 97-100 Described are the Bloodbag, Euphoric, and Filth Imps.
Indricothere 100-101
Inevitable 101-103 Described are the Quarut and Varakhut.
Iron Cobra 103-104
Ironmaw 104-105
Jackal Lord 105-107
Jackalwere 107
Kaorti 108-110
Keeper 111-112
Kelp Angler 112-113
Kelpie 114-115
Khaasta 115-116
Kuldurath 116
Living Holocaust 117-118
Lucent Worm 118-119
Maelephant 120-121
Maug 121-123
Maulgoth 123-124
Megatherium 124-125
Mongrelfolk 125-126
Necrophidius 126-127
Nerra 127-130 Described are the Kalareem, Sillit, and Varoot.
Octopus Tree 130-132
Ocularon 132-133
Ophidian 133-134
Oread 134-135
Phiuhl 135-136
Planetouched 136-139 Described are the Maeluth, Mechanatrix, Shyft, and Wispling.
Quth-Maren 139-140
Rilmani 140-143 Described are the Aurumach, Cuprilach, and Ferrumach.
Rukanyr 144-145
Sarkrith 145-146 Described are the Spelleater and Thane.
Sea Drake 147-148
Selkie 148-149
Senmurv 149-150
Shadar-Kai 150-152
Shadow Asp 152-153
Shedu 153-154
Skulk 154-155
Skybleeder 155-156
Slaad, Mud 157-158
Slasrath 158
Spectral Lurker 158-160
Spirit of the Air 160-161
Sporebat 161-162
Spriggan 162-163 Described are the Natural and Enlarged Forms.
Steel Predator 163-164
Sunwyrm 164-165
Swarm 166-173 Described are the Abyssal Ant Swarm, Plague Ant Swarm, Cranium Rat Swarm (Lesser Pack, Average Pack, and Greater Pack), Locust Swarm (Bloodfiend and Rapture), Scarab Beetle Swarm, Viper Swarm, and Wasp Swarm.
Swordwraith 173-174
Terlen 174-175
Terror Bird 175-176
Thunder Worm 176-177
Ti-Khana 177-178 Described are the Ti-Khana Deinonychus and general Ti-Khana template.
Tunnel Terror 179
Ulgurstasta 180-181
Varrangoin 181-185 Described are the Arcanist, Lesser, and Rager Varragoins.
Vine Horror 185
Vorr 186
Wendigo 186-188 Described are a sample Wendigo and the general Wendigo template.
Wicker Man 188-190
Yellow Musk Creeper 190-191
Yellow Musk Zombie 191-193 Described are the Yellow Musk Zombie Orc and general Yellow Musk Zombie template.
Yuan-Ti Anathema 193-195
Yugoloth 196-198 Described are the Piscoloth and Skeroloth.
Yurian 198-199
Zodar 199

WTC 96582 - Miniatures Handbook (2003)

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Abyssal eviscerator 45-46 D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #44 (2004)
Aspect 46-55 Fiendish Codex II (2006) (Asmodeus, Mephistopheles), Dragon Magic (2006) (Bahamut, Tiamat) Described are the aspect of Asmodeus, Bahamut, Demogorgon, Hextor, Kord, Lolth, Mephistopheles, Nerull, Orcus, Tiamat, and Vecna
Bright naga 55-56 D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #45 (2004)
Catfolk 56-57 D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #11 (2004), Races of the Wild (2005)
Cave dinosaurs 57-59 Described are the cave ankylosaurus, cave triceratops, and cave tyrannosaurus
Crucian 59 D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #24 (2004), Sandstorm (2005)
Cursed spirit 60 D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #49 (2004)
Displacer serpent 60-61 D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #43 (2004)
Equiceph 61-62
Gravehound 62 D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #41 (2004)
Kruthik 62-64 D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #37 (2005), Monster Manual (2008) Described are the hatchling kruthik, adult kruthik, and greater kruthik
Mad slasher 64 D&D Miniatures: Aberrations set #54 (2004)
Magma hurler 65 D&D Miniatures: War of the Dragon Queen set #49 (2006)
Nothic 65 D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #36 (2004)
Phargion 66
Protectar 66-67 D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #11 (2004)
Ramadeen 67-68
Scaled stalker 68
Shadow beast 68-70 D&D Miniatures: War Drums set #35 (2006) (khumat), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #44 (2005) (thaskor) Described are the ghirrash, khumat, and thaskor
Spark lasher 70-71
Stonechild 71-72 D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #9 (2004), Races of Stone (2004)
Walking wall 72 D&D Miniatures: War Drums set #6 (2006) (as "Elemental Wall")


  1. ↑ Williams, Skip, Jonathan Tweet, and Monte Cook. Monster Manual. Wizards of the Coast, 2000
  2. ↑ Cook, Monte, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams. Monster Manual (Wizards of the Coast, 2003)
  3. ↑ Heinsoo, Rob, Stephen Shubert. Monster Manual 2 (Wizards of the Coast, 2009)

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