Haplogroup T-M184

This article is about the Y-chromosome haplogroup T-M184. For the unrelated mtDNA Haplogroup, see Haplogroup T (mtDNA).
Haplogroup T-M184
Possible time of origin 39,300-45,100 years BP[1]
Possible place of origin between Western and Southwest Eurasian Plate[2][3]
Ancestor LT-L298
Descendants T1-L206
Defining mutations M184/PAGES34/USP9Y+3178, M272, PAGES129, L810, L455, L452, L445
Highest frequencies Dir (clan), Kurru, Bauris, Armenian Sasuntzis, Chians, Rural Saccensi, Aquilanis, Darod Clan, Fulbe, Eivissencs, Mirandeses, Northeastern Portuguese Jews, Cretans from Lasithi, Rajus, Mahli, Zoroastrians in Kerman, Bakhtiaris, Southern Egyptians

Haplogroup T-M184, also known as haplogroup T, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. The unique-event polymorphism (UEP) that defines this clade is the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) known as M184. Other SNPs – M272, PAGES129, L810, L455, L452, and L445 – are considered to be phylogenetically equivalent to M184.

T-M184 is an immediate descendant of haplogroup LT, whose parent clade is haplogroup K. From 2002 to 2008, T-M184 was known as haplogroup K2.[4] This clade name has since been reassigned to a different subclade of haplogroup K.

Haplogroup T is unusual in that it is both relatively rare and geographically widespread. The clade probably originated around 40,000 years ago somewhere between Germania and Himalayas,[2][3][5] despite of that some of their highest frequencies have been found in East African and East Indian populations, probably due to recent migration waves according to the available and most updated data. T2-PH110, the most basally split branch of T-M184, has been found in three very separate geographical regions: Germania, Caucasus and Bhutan.[2][3][6] None of these three regions belong to any of those regions with high frequencies of this linage. According to the Genographic Project the T-M184 frequencies in Germany goes from 3% to 24%, several studies give frequencies in Caucasus from 0% to 12% and the frequency in Bhutan is less than 5%.[2][7][8][8][9][10]

Mendez et al. point to a very ancient origin for T1a-M70 in Europe, the subclade probably arrived with the very first farmers.[4] This is supported by the recent findings of Haak et al. who discovered several T1a1-CTS880 members in a 7000 years old settlement in Karsdorf, Germany.[11][12] Autosomal analysis of these skeletal remains show an unusual relationship with modern Southwest Asian populations, reaching close to 10%. The T1a1 skeletal remains from this settlement were also found to belong to the H mtdna haplogroup, this settlement have the highest frequency of this mtDNA haplogroup 30.4% (7/23) that have been found in any early Neolithic Europe population until now.[11]


Initial research on the T1a-M70

K2-M70 is believed to have originated in Asia after the emergence of the K-M9 polymorphism (45–30 ky) (Underhill et al. 2001a). As deduced from the collective data (Underhill et al. 2000; Cruciani et al. 2002; Semino et al. 2002; present study), K2-M70 individuals, at some later point, proceeded south to Africa. While these chromosomes are seen in relatively high frequencies in Egypt, Oman, Tanzania, Ethiopia, they are especially prominent in the Fulbe 18%( [Scozzari et al. 1997, 1999])

J. R. Luis et al. 2004, [13]

The main T subclades in Europe

The occurrence in Europe of lineages belonging to both T1a1 (old T1a) and T1a2 (old T1b) subclades probably reflects multiple episodes of gene flow. T1a1* haplogroups in Europe likely reflect older gene flow

Mendez et al. 2011, [4]

Ancient DNA from Karsdorf, Germany

T1a in the ancient Europe around 7000 YBP", This map show the Y-DNA lineages in Europe on the early Neolithic
The 7000-year-old "Goseck circle", a pagan cult structure in Goseck, Burgenlandkreis, Saxony-Anhalt.
The spread of different groups without close social or biological kinship

Building on both the evidence previously available for the LBK and the evidence presented here, we suggest that the repeated occurrence of almost indiscriminate massacres, the possible abduction of selected members, and the patterns of torture, mutilation, and careless disposal all fit into the concept of prehistoric warfare as currently understood within anthropology. Particular LBK groups were singled out for as yet unknown reasons, attacked with brute force, and annihilated by others, probably close neighbors and very likely other LBK groups of the wider region. As has been shown, even within the overall quite homogenous-appearing LBK, recognizable boundaries did exist in many places. These borders most probably were a result of the spread of different groups without close social or biological kinship ties to one another who came in to close contact as a consequence of the LBK colonization pattern. In fact, because the LBK was the first complete Neolithic culture in Central Europe, today all farmers of this time and region are classified as members of the LBK by default, regardless of how these people defined themselves and how they differentiated themselves from their contemporaries.

(Meyer et al., 2015)

The location of the Karsdorf municipality in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
The individual known as KAR6 (I0795)

This individual belonged to haplogroup T1a (PF5604:7890461C→T, M70:21893881A→C). This is the first instance of this haplogroup in an ancient individual that we are aware of and strengthens the case for the early Neolithic origin of this lineage in modern Europeans, rather than a more recent introduction from the Near East where it is more abundant today.

(Haak et al., 2015)

The source of the Early European Neolithic

The fact that our samples are from northwestern Anatolia should not be taken to imply that the Neolithic must have entered Europe from that direction.

(Mathieson et al., 2015)

Haplogroup T1a (PF5604) has been found in two out of two 7500-6800ybp individuals from Karsdorf, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. Both T1a skeletal remains belong to the Linienbandkeramische Kultur. T1a from Karsdorf constitutes 22.2% of all ancient samples between 7500 and 6800 ybp in Germany. The remainder belong to other clades: 22.2% are H2 carriers from Derenburg, and the remaining 55.6% are G2a bearers from Halberstadt and Derenburg. These ancient specimens' mtDNA haplogroups have been found to be H1*/H1au1b and H46b. Their autosomal ancestral components also consist of around 70% Western European Hunter-Gatherer (WHG) and 30% Basal Eurasian.[11]

The Karsdorf site is located in the valley of Unstrut, Burgenlandkreis, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The slope on which Karsdorf sits is characterized by alluvial loess. The place itself was settled intensively since the earliest phase of the LBK in the region. The settlement area is at least 50 acres in size and nearly 30 houses have been excavated. So-called ‘settlement burials’ were regularly found in pits in the center of the settlement area, of which individual KAR6/I0795 (feature 170, 5207-5070 calBCE, MAMS 22823) was sampled for this study.[11][14]

The LBK settlement of Karsdorf (Burgenlandkreis, Saxony-Anhalt) is located approximately 100 km south of Derenburg and Halberstadt, on the river Unstrut, and was occupied between 5240 and 5000 BC (Behnke, 2007). The Neolithic buildings(n=24) of three settlement stages are dated to the early and middle LBK (after Meier-Arendt 1966). Except for four graves, all of the 30 burials are associated in groups next to houses in the centre of the settlement, similar to the site of Halberstadt. The individuals are buried in house-flanking pit graves at the western side of the houses and mostly arranged in north-east or north-west orientation. Grave goods are sparse; few graves contained more than one pot or a shell or horn pendant. Associated with every house group we can identify a person with outstanding grave inventory, who may represent a founding generation.|Oelze et al.[15]

Special features of the LBK site of Karsdorf are graves in association with particular houses, which can therefore be regarded as settlement burials. Most of the individuals were buried in a flexed position, oriented to the north-east or north-west. Six individuals were inhumed in supine and four in prone position, of which only three showed a fully stretched body.

The LBK in Karsdorf is represented by 24 longhouses oriented north-west–south-east. The assemblage is composed of 20 adults (55% males and 35% females), one juvenile (15–18 years), four as infants of 7–14 years and six infants of 0–6 years. The maximum age at death of males ranged between 40 and 59 years and of females from 40–49 years respectively. The oldest individual is a woman with 65–75 years. In association with the house S and H, women, men, and children were buried together, in some cases even in the same pit. The furnishing of the graves at Karsdorf can be regarded as rather sparse. Only 9 out of 34 burials contained grave goods, such as an axe in a man’s grave and a shell buried with a woman, imply sex-specific grave furnishings.

The large variability and the sparse indications for maternal kinship suggest a dynamic and mobile group of which several members were buried elsewhere and/or which integrated individuals who originated from other communities. These integrated individuals could be mostly females due to the high indications for paternal kinship among the analysed individuals. According to Sr isotope ratios, there are two distinct groups of individuals in Karsdorf but none of both are specially 'Exotic'. So, there is no indication of individuals who grew up in geologically distinct uplands or further north in central Germany.

The first group, composed of the majority of the males, could grew up in households that cultivated plots on calcareous soils, very probably in the Unstrut valley in the near vicinity of the settlement. The second group, composed of most of the females, could grew up in households that predominantly cultivated plots on loess, possibly beyond the landmarks of the Unstrut River or about 80m above the site on the Querfurt plateau 1–2 km away. Sex-specific tendencies, the combination of the Sr isotope data with the results of previous carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses, and the similarity of the Sr isotope data of the youngest child with the majority of the males may be evaluated as being in agreement with the predominance of patrilocal residential rules.

The Karsdorf population diet consisted of plant crops consumption quite similar to other LBK sites but ate slightly higher quantities of animal protein. Despite of this, there is one female individual that could be classified as a Vegan because her results show that she fall in the range of those of the domestic and wild fauna from Karsdorf, indicating she might has lived on the similar herbivore diet for unknown reasons.
The consumption of unfermented dairy products is unlikely as there is direct palaeogenetic evidence of lactose intolerance for the site Derenburg.
Children in these LBK cultures may have been weaned around the age of three and apparently ate the similar diet as adults after weaning. The highest isotopic value for stable isotopes of nitrogen is found in the youngest Karsdorf individual likely due to breastfeeding effects. In the Karsdorf population the highest Animal Protein consumption signal is found in a 15–18 years old individual belonging to mtDNA H. In addition, the lowest Plant Crop consumption signal is found in the youngest Karsdorf individual and secondarily in two out of three 21–24 years old individuals belonging to mtDNA U5a and H.[16]

In 2015 a published study by Mathieson et al. test several individuals from two Neolithic sites in northwest Anatolia, the results showed that Haplogroup T1a-M70, previously found in LBK sites from Germany, was not present in Barcin nor Mentese Neolithic settlements. This fact together with the absence of the mtDNA lineages carried by both of the T1a individuals from Karsdorf and the occurrence of G2a and the mtDNA lineages carried by all of these G2a individuals, could mean that the Early European Neolithic T1a-M70 had a different migration pattern and, therefore, a different geographical origin.

Karsdorf T1a Tribe Karsdorf-SI Karsdorf-HI
ID I0795 KAR6 Feature 170 Musm.no. 2006:14423aI0797 KAR16a Feature 611 Musm.no. 2004:26374a
Y DNAT1a1-CTS880 (xT1a1a1b1a-Y13381, T1a1a1a2a-Y18474, T1a1a1a1b2-Y15724, T1a1a1a1b1a2a-Y10911, T1a1a1a1a2a-Y18145, T1a1a1a1a1-CTS8512, T1a1a1a1a1a1-P77)T1a-M70 (xT1a1-Y3789, T1a2a1a-Z19909, T1a2a2-Y7391, T1a3a-Y9217)
PopulationEarly EN Early EN
Date (YBP)7222 - 70857515 - 6790
House / LocationS / KarsdorfH / Karsdorf
Members / Sample Size1/21/2
mtDNAH1* or H1au1bH46b
Isotope SrNative to UnstruttalNative to Unstruttal
Eye ColorLikely Gray or Blue eyesLikely Gray or Blue eyes
Hair ColorLikely non-Dark hairLikely non-Red hair
Skin PigmentationRs1042602 (C;C)
ABO Blood GroupLikely O or BRs8176719 (T;T)
Diet (d13C%0 / d15N%0)-20.0 / 9.0 (higher Animal Protein)-20.2 / 9.1 (higher Animal Protein)
FADS activityrs174554 (A;A)rs174574 (A;A)
Lactase PersistenceLikely Lactose Intolerant
Ancestral Component (AC)93% Anatolia Neolithic (HG-like + B.EurAs.) + 7.1% West European Hunter-Gatherer84% Anatolia Neolithic (WHG-like + B.EurAs.) + 10.1% swAsian like + 5.4% WHG + 0.8% Afro-Eurasian + 0.3% East European Hunter Gatherer
Dodecad [dv3]69.1% Mediterranean + 21% West European + 10% Southwest Asian64.2% Mediterranean + 17.4% West European + 10.5% Southwest Asian + 4.2% West Asian + 3.7% Northwest African
Eurogenes [K=36]56.9% Italian + 31.9% West Mediterranean + 6.3% Iberian + 2.1% Basque + 1.3% North African + 0.9 East Balkan + 0.3% East Mediterranean + 0.3% Arabian37.1% Italian + 21% West Mediterranean + 16.9% Iberian + 11.8 East Balkan + 7.7% Armenian + 5.5% East Mediterranean + 0.05% North African
Dodecad [Globe13]67.4% Mediterranean + 16.5% Southwest Asian + 16% North European61% Mediterranean + 19.7% Southwest Asian + 19.2% North European
Age at Death45-6024-26
Death PositionFlexed LeftStretched Dorsal
Read Pairs5.279.6577.128.606
SampleTooth / Rib Tooth / Rib
NotesGoseck circleGoseck circle

The autosomal data of I0797 show the lowest frequency of Anatolian Neolithic component and the highest frequency of an unknown ancient human population for any studied LBK individual. This reinforce the hipothesis of a possible different geographical origin for this T1a tribe instead of the Greco-Anatolian origin of other human groups found in the LBK like G2a. By his side, I0795 could be some generations younger than I0797 because he show higher autosomal admixture frequencies of surrounding populations like Hunter Gatherer Europeans I2a (West Hunter Gatherers) and Aegean-Anatolian Neolithics G2a and H2.

Why this Early Neolithic settlement was once abandoned, is still unclear.


Haplogroup T-M184 (M193, M272, L206, PAGES129) is a fairly rare almost everywhere, In Europe it makes up to 4% of the population on Central Italy, Western Sicily, Northwest Corsica, Northwestern Iberian Peninsula, Western Andalucia, Western Alps, Eastern Crete, and Macedonia, frequencies up to 10% in Ibiza, Miranda l Douro, Eastern Oviedo, Cádiz, Badajoz, Balagna, Norma and Ragusa, peaking up to 20% in Sciacca, L'Aquila and some German regions. In Caucasus and Anatolia it makes up to 4% of the population on Southeast and Northwest Caucasus as well as in Southeastern and Western Anatolia, peaking up to 20% in Armenians from Sasun. In Middle East it makes up to 4% of the population around the Zagros Mountains and the Persian Gulf as well as around the Taurus Mountains and the Levant basin, peaking up to 10% in Zoroastrians from Kerman, Bakhtiaris, Assyrians from Azerbaijan, Abudhabians, Armenians from Historical Southwestern Armenia and Druzes from Galilee. In Eastern Africa it makes up to 4% of the population on Upper Egypt and Somalia, peaking up to 10% in Luxor, Jijiga and Dire Dawa. The maximal worldwide frequency for haplogroup T is observed in the Dir Clan of Somaliland, Djibouti and Somali Region, where it accounts for approximately 70 to 90% of the male lineages.[18] Besides these regions, T is found in isolated pockets as far as Central Asia, Northeast and Eastern India, Northern Asia, Central Africa, and South Africa. Haplogroup T is found in a majority of Dirs in East Africa, Kurru, Bauris & Lodha in South Asia; and in a significant minority of Rajus and Mahli in South Asia; Somalis, southern Egyptians and Fulbe in north Cameroon; Chian Greeks, Aquilanis, Saccensis, Eivissencs / Ibizans and Mirandeses in Europe and Zoroastrians, Bakhtiaris in the Middle East.

Luis et al. (2004) suggest that the presence of T on the African continent may, like R1* representatives, point to an older introduction from Asia. The Levant rather than the Arabian Peninsula appears to have been the main route of entry, as the Egyptian and Turkish haplotypes are considerably older in age (13,700 ybp and 9,000 ybp, respectively) than those found in Oman (only 1,600 ybp). According to the authors, the spotty modern distribution pattern of haplogroup T-M184 within Africa may therefore represent the traces of a more widespread early local presence of the clade. Later expansions of populations carrying the E1b1b, E1b1a, G and J NRY lineages may have overwhelmed the T-M184 clade-bearers in certain localities.[13]

The distribution of haplogroup T-M184 in most parts of Europe is patchy or regionalized; for example, haplogroup T-M184 was found in 1.7% (10/591) of a pool of six samples of males from southwestern Russia, but it was completely absent from a pool of eight samples totalling 637 individuals from the northern half of European Russia.[19] The Russians from the southwest were from the following cities: Roslavl, Livny, Pristen, Repyevka, and Belgorod; and Kuban Cossacks from the Republic of Adygea.


The paternal haplogroup T-M70 varies between 3% and 24% of male lineages in Germany.

The Genographic Project 2.0, 2012

Armenians from Sasun

Interestingly, haplogroup T-M184, which is relatively rare in other Near Eastern populations, as well as in three of the Armenian collections tested here, represents the most prominent descent in Sasun, comprising 20.1% of the samples. The presence of this haplogroup in Ararat Valley, Gardman and Lake Van, by contrast, is more limited, composing only 3.6%, 6.3% and 3.9%, respectively, of the individuals from those collections.[...]Sasun, however, exhibits statistically significant divergence from the remaining Armenian populations, most likely as the result of the prominence in Sasun of lineages (T-M184 and R2a-M124) found at substantially lower frequencies in Ararat Valley, Gardman and Lake Van.

Kristian J Herrera, 2012

T-M184 (xM70)

Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
LeonesesAstur-Leonese (Romance) Leon 1/137.7%[6][20]
Ossetian Irons Iron (Scythian) South Ossetia 1/214.8%[6][21]
BhutanesesUnknown (Tibeto-Burman language) Bhutan 1/214.8%[2]T2-PH110
CordobesesAndalusian (Romance)Córdoba1/273.7%[6][22]
LeonesesAstur-Leonese (Romance) Leon 2/603.3%[6][22]
CherkessiansBesleney (Northwest Caucasian) Circassia 2/1261.6%[6][21]
Bizkaians Bizkaiera (Isolate language) Bizkaia 1/721.4%[6][22]
EuropeansEnglish (Germanic)Australia1/10780.9%[23]

T1-L206 (xM70)

Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Syrians UnspecifiedSyria 1/951.1%[4]
Macedonians Macedonian (Balto-Slavic)Macedonia 1/2010.5%[24]

T1a1-L162 (xL208)

This is an extreme rare T1a1 branch that only have been found in Eivissan islanders and Pontic Greeks from Giresun. Pontic Greeks from Giresun descend from Sinope colonists and Sinope was colonised by Ionians from Miletus. Is interesting to note that there exist an Ionian colony known as Pityussa just like the known Greek name for Eivissa Pityuses. In Eivissa, where is found the famous bust of Demeter that have been confused with the punic Tanit for decades, is known the cult to Demeter. The bust belonging to Demeter have been analysed and is found to contains black particles of volcanic sand origin from the Etna, is thought to be made in Sicily with red clays typical of the eastern Trinacria, which was colonized by the Ionians. The Ionians could be arrived to Eivissa c.2700 YBP. This lineage could be an Ionian marker.

Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Pityusics Eivissenc (Romance) Eivissa 9/54 16.7%[25][26]L454+. All individuals were interviewed in order to assess the birthplace of their paternal grandfathers. All of them carrying typical Eivissan surnames
PityusicsEivissenc (Romance) Eivissa 7/967.3%[27]L454+
PityusicsEivissenc (Romance) Eivissa3/456.7%[28]L454+
The Pityusic Islanders. One out of the three genetically different populations in the Balearic Islands

The population of the Pityusic Islands does present a clear genetic divergence in relation to the Mallorcan and Menorcan populations. Neither shows a confluence with the Catalan and Valencian populations like do the Mallorcan and Menorcan. With the comparison of the data provided by the Pityusic population with other circumediterranean populations surprises that practically there is no convergence with any of these populations, not even with the North African populations. The Pityusic case is paradigmatic: for some markers shows affinities with Oriental populations (some mtDNA variables), but diverges from these populations when considering other markers. Is a separate case, a island, not in the geographical sense but genetical.

Misericòrdia Ramon Juanpere et al., 1998-2004


Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Panamanians Panamanian Spanish (Romance languages)Los Santos Province 1/303.3%[29]
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance languages)Caldas2/752.7%YHRDMestizo individuals
Panamanians Panamanian Spanish (Romance languages)Panama Province 1/432.3%[29]
Northwest Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance languages)Mountainous region of Jujuy1/502%[30] YHRDAdmixed population
Puerto Ricans Puerto Rican Spanish (Romance languages)Southeast Puerto Rico2/1101.8%[31]
Native Mirandese speakers Astur-Leonese (Romance) Miranda de l Douro 1/581.7%[32][33]
Panamanians Panamanian Spanish (Romance languages)Chiriquí Province1/921.1%[29]
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance languages)Bogotá2/1951%YHRDMestizo individuals
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance languages)Valle del Cauca1/1031%YHRDMestizo individuals
Europeans Brazilian Portuguese (Romance languages)São Paulo1/1200.8YHRDEuropean descents
Ecuatorians Castilian (Romance languages) Quito 1/1200.8%[34]
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance languages)Antioquia6/7770.7%[35]
Mexicans Mexican Spanish (Romance languages)Tuxtla Gutiérrez1/1540.7YHRDMestizo individuals
Mexicans Mexican Spanish (Romance languages)Mérida1/1590.6%YHRDMestizo individuals
Eastern Andalusians Andalusian (Romance)Granada1/1800.6%[36]
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance languages)Santander1/1930.5%YHRDMestizo individuals
Chileans Chilean Spanish (Romance languages)Concepción1/1980.5%YHRD
Mexicans Mexican Spanish (Romance languages)Guadalajara 1/2460.4%YHRDMestizo individuals
Europeans Brazilian Portuguese (Romance languages)Rio Grande do Sul1/2550.4%[37]

Northern Asia

Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
NentsiNenets Nenetsia and Western Siberia 27/5450%[38]K(xL, NOP). In Karafet et al. 2008, Forest Nentsi and Tundra Nentsi were found to be 0% K(xL, NOP).
KazakhsKazakh Kosh-Agachski Raion 19/4938.8%[39]K(xL, NOP). According to Dulik 2011 only T fit.
TuviniansTuvan Kyzyl and Ubsunur Hollow10/1029.8%[39]In Kharkov et al. 2013 were sampled 296 Tuvinians from Kyzyl and were found to be 0% T.
KazakhsKazakh Southwestern Altai 1/30 3.3%[40]
KhakassKhakas Abakan3/1761.7%.[39]


Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Marchigianos Marchigiano (Romance) Arquata del Tronto and Apiro 2/2100%[41]
Cretans and southern Aegeans Southeastern Greek Crete and southern Aegean 2/6 33.3%[42]
Rural Saccensi Sicilian (Romance) Sciacca6/2030%[43]
Chians Southeastern Greek Khíos 4/16 25%[44]
German Stilfser/Tyrolese Southern Austro-Bavarian (Upper German) Stilfs4/17 23.5%[45]
Sephardic Levites Not SpecifiedNot Specified7/3122.6%[46]Among Ashkenazi Levites found at 3.3% but different haplotype.
Venetians Venetian (Romance) Vigasio and Povegliano Veronese 2/9 22.2%[47]
Abruzzesi Neapolitan language (Romance) L'Aquila6/30 20%[48]macro-haplogroup LT is 30% in L'Aquila population. This was the land of Samnium inhabited by the Caraceni
Cretans Cretan Greek Lasithi9/5018%[49]According to Martinez2007 only can belong to T1a-M70
Sicilians Sicilian (Romance) Sciacca5/2817.9%[50]
Urban Ragusani Sicilian (Romance) Ragusa3/1915.8%[43]
Northeastern Portuguese Jews Judaeo-Portuguese (Romance) Bragança 9/5715.7%[51]T have been found to be the second largest lineage in the Mirandês speaking population of Miranda do Douro too. Haplogroup T was not found in a sample of Belmonte Jews.
Albanians AlbanianBrescia (Lombardia) 12/8314.5%[52]The haplogroup tested is K*(xNOP), is assumed as LT and most probably are members of T
Rural Normensi Italian (Romance) Norma1/714.3%[43]
Corsicans Corsican (Romance) Balagne (region of Corsica suprana) 3/2412.5%[53]
Rural Piazzesi Sicilian (Romance) Piazza Armerina3/2412.5%[43]
Cantabrians Astur-Leonese (Romance) Cantabria 2/1811.1%[54]All individuals were interviewed in order to assess the geographical origin of their grandparents and their speaking dialect.
Marchigianos Marchigiano (Romance) Matelica1/911.1%[41]
Gaditanos Andalusian (Romance) Cádiz 3/2810.7%[55]
Native Mirandese speakers Astur-Leonese (Romance) Miranda de l Douro 6/5810.4%[32][33]
Pacenses Astur-Leonese (Romance) Badajoz3/2910.3%[20]
Asturianos Astur-Leonese (Romance) Eastern Uviéu 1/1010%[56]
Murcianos Murcian (Romance) Murcia1/1010%[57]
Rural Alcamesi Sicilian (Romance) Alcamo2/229.1%[43]
Cretans Cretan Greek Lasithi 2/238.7%[58]
Ligurians and Tuscans Ligurian (Romance)La Spezia / Massa2/248.3%[48]
Lugueses Galician language (Romance) Lugo1/128.3%[20]
Campanians Neapolitan language (Romance) West Campania7/84 8.3%[59]
Campanians Neapolitan language (Romance) Cilento4/48 8.3%[49]
Sicilians Sicilian (Romance) Alcamo 2/248.3%[50]
LebaniegosAstur-Leonese (Romance) Liébana3/378.1%[60]
Corsicans Corsican (Romance) Corte (region of Corsica suprana) 5/628.1%[53]
Segovianos Castilian language (Romance) Segovia2/258%[20]
Marchigianos Marchigiano (Romance)Offida3/387.9%[61]
SiciliansSicilian (Romance) East Sicily 9/1147.9%[50]
Northern Portugueses Portuguese (Romance) Vila Real 3/397.7%[62]
Materanis Neapolitan language (Romance) Matera4/527.7%[63]
Campanians Neapolitan language (Romance) Campania8/108 7.4%[64]
CretansCretan Greek Oropedio Lasithiou 3/417.3%[58]
Latinensis Neapolitan language (Romance) (Romance) Latina3/427.3%[63]
Sicilians Sicilian (Romance)Ragusa 2/287.1%[50]
SiciliansSicilian (Romance)Piazza Armerina 2/287.1%[50]
Sicilians Sicilian (Romance)Trapani3/437%[53]
Ligurians Ligurian (Romance)La Spezia3/437%[63]
Leccesis Salentino language (Romance) Lecce3/466.5%[63]
Walloons Walloon (Romance) Wallonia3/476.4%[65]
Ascolanis Marchigiano (Romance) Ascoli Piceno3/476.4%[63]
Asturianos Eonavian (Romance) Navia-Eo 2/316.5%[56]
Gagauzes Gagauz (Turkic) Kongaz3/486.3%
Solàndris Solànder (Rhaeto-Romance) Val de Sól 4/656.2%[66]
Northern Portuguese Portuguese (Romance)Aveiro4/66 6.1%
Western Andalusians Andalusian (Romance)Huelva10/167 6%[36]
Aragonese Aragonese and Castilian (Romance) Aragón 2/345.9%
Corsicans Corsican Corsica2/345.9%
Panteschis Sicilian with Siculo-Arabic influences (Romance)Pantelleria1/175.9%[67]
Extremadurans Astur-Leonese and Castilian (Romance) Extremadura 3/52 5.8%
Bulgarians Bulgarian language (South Slavic languages) Unspecified Bulgarian region4/69 5.8%[68]
Tuscans Tuscan (Romance) Tuscany3/535.7%[69]
Dutch Hollandic (West Germanic) North Holland 1/185.6%
Lombardians Lombard and Italian (Romance) Lombardia 1/185.6%[53]
Sicilians Sicilian (Romance) Mazara del Vallo1/185.6%
Southern Italians Italian (Romance) South Apulia 4/715.6%
AsturiansAstur-Leonese (Romance) Asturies4/745.4%[70]
SiciliansSicilian (Romance) South Sicily 3/555.4%
Lombardians Lombard and Italian (Romance) Lombardia 7/1315.3%
HutteritesAustro-Bavarian (Upper German) Tyrol 4/755.3%
Peloponnesians Southern Greek Peloponnese 1/19 5.3%[42]
Estonians Estonian (Uralic) Estonia 11/2075.3%
GutesGutnish (North Germanic) Gotland 2/405%
AlsatiansAlsatian (Upper German) Strossburi 4/805%
AsturiansAstur-Leonese (Romance) Asturies 1/205%
Italian speakersItalian (Romance) Bozen 3/595%
Ladin Stilfser/TyroleseLadin (Romance) Stelvio 1/205%
Gaditanos Andalusian language (Romance) Cadiz1/205%[20]
Malacitanos Andalusian language (Romance) Malaga1/205%[20]
Macedonians and Thracians Northern Greek East Macedonia and Thrace 1/21 4.8%[42]
Bulgarians Bulgarian language (South Slavic languages) Razgrad1/21 4.8%[68]
Northeastern PortuguesePortuguese (Romance) Trás os Montes 3/644.7%
Sardinians Sassarese (Romance) Sassari 2/434.7%[53]
Aretuseis Sicilian (Romance) Buccheri1/224.6%[63]
Casteddammaresis Sicilian (Romance) Casteddammari1/224.6%[63]
Sicilians Sicilian (Romance) East Sicily 4/874.6%
Western Andalusians Andalusian (Romance) Huelva 1/224.5%[55]
West Andalusians Andalusian (Romance) Sevilla 7/1554.5%[55]
GaliciansGalician (Romance) Santiago2/46 4.4%
Palentinos Castilian language (Romance) Palencia1/234.4%[20]
Catalonians Catalan (Romance)Aragó1/234.4%[71]
Ligurians Ligurian (Romance)Central Liguria 2/454.4%[61]
Catalonians Catalan (Romance)Penedès7/1644.3%[71]
Greeks Greek Athens4/924.3%
Northern Portuguese Portuguese Beira Litoral 5/1164.3%
Ligurians Ligurian (Romance)La Spezia2/464.3%[72]
South Italians Salentino (Romance) North Apulia 2/46 4.3%
Cantabrians Astur-Leonese (Romance) Cantabria 3/704.3%[55]
Cimbrians Cimbrian (West Germanic languages) Lessinia 1/244.2%[66]
Pincianos Castilian language (Romance) Valladolid1/244.2%[20]
Macedonians Northern Greek Central Macedonia 1/25 4%[42]
Madrileños Castilian language (Romance) Madrid2/504%[20]
Germans German (West Germanic) Berlin 4/1033.9%
Northern Portuguese Portuguese (Romance) Braga2/513.9%
Beneventanis Neapolitan language (Romance) Benevento1/263.9%[63]
Tuscans Tuscan (Romance) South Tuscany 3/793.8%
Riojans Riojan and Castilian (Romance) La Rioja 2/543.7%[54]
Marchigianos Marchigiano (Romance) Apennines Marche 1/273.7%
Calabrians Southern Italian (Romance)West Calabria1/273.7%[61]
Urban Biellesi Piedmontese (Romance) Bièla3/813.7%[43]
Ukrainians Ukrainian (East Slavic) Kharkiv Oblast2/553.6%[73]
Native Sayaguese speakers Astur-Leonese (Romance) Sayago1/283.6%[32]
GaliciansGalician (Romance) Montes Baixo Miño 1/283.6%
Corsicans Corsican (Romance) Ajaccio (region of Corsica sutana)1/283.6%[53]
EstoniansEstonian (Uralic) Estonia -3.5%
Southern Portugueses Portuguese (Romance) Évora 1/293.5%
Cretans Cretan Greek Khania1/293.5%[49]
CanariansCanarian Spanish (Romance) La Palma3/853.5%
Scanians Scanian dialects (South Scandinavian) Malmö1/293.4%
OccitansAuvergnat (Romance) Clermont-Ferrand3/893.4%
Azoreans Portuguese (Romance)Eastern Azores3/87 3.4%[74]
AsturiansAstur-Leonese (Romance) Uviéu6/1823.3%[70]
Galicians Galician (Romance) Lugo 2/613.3%
Albanians Albanian dialectsAlbania 1/303.3%
Northeastern Portuguese Portuguese (Romance) Bragança1/303.3%[51]
Northern Portuguese Portuguese (Romance) Viseu1/303.3%
Northern Portuguese Portuguese (Romance) Guarda1/303.3%
Catanzaresis southern Calabrese (Romance) Catanzaro1/303.3%[63]
Sicilians Sicilian (Romance) West Sicily 4/1223.3%
Leoneses Astur-leonese language (Romance) Leon7/2213.2%[20]
LithuaniansAukštaitian (Baltic) West Aukstaiciai 1/313.2%
Euboeans Thessalian (Hellenic)Euboea3/933.2%[63]
Greeks Northern Greek Western Greece 1/31 3.2%[42]
Campanians Neapolitan language (Romance)San Giorgio La Molara1/313.2%[61]
Valencians Catalan and Castilian (Romance) Valencia 1/313.2%[55]
Southern Tyroleans Southern Austro-Bavarian (Upper German) Lower Vinschgau 1/323.1%
Rhinelanders Ripuarian (Central Franconian) Köln3/963.1%
Swedes Swedish dialects (East Scandinavian) Örebro 1/323.1%
Cantabrians Astur-Leonese (Romance) Cantabria 3/983.1%[75]
Albaceteño Castilian language (Romance) Albacete1/323.1%[20]
Portuguese Portuguese (Romance) Madeira4/129 3.1%
Asturianos Astur-Leonese language (Romance) Asturias1/333%[20]
Lentinesi Sicilian (Romance) Lentini1/333%[63]
Shetlanders with Aboriginal surnames Scots language and Norn Language (Germanic) Shetland 1/352.9%Shetland Project
Aretuseis Sicilian (Romance) Siracusa4/1382.9%[63]
Baslers Basel German (West Germanic) Basel-Stadt18/6432.8%[70]
Russians Russian (East Slavic) Smolensk Oblast3/1072.8%[73]
Gienenses Castilian language (Romance) Jaen1/362.8%[20]
Native Alistano speakers Astur-Leonese (Romance) Aliste 1/362.8%[32]
Germans German (Germanic) Germany1/372.7%Karafet15
Russians Russian (East Slavic) Oryol Oblast3/1102.7%[73]
Macedonians Macedonian (Balto-Slavic) Macedonia4/1502.7%[76]
Azoreans Portuguese (Romance)Central Azores2/76 2.6%[74]
Augustanis Sicilian (Romance) Augusta1/382.6%[63]
Czechs Czech (West Slavic) Vysocina1/40 2.5%[77]
Fiemmeses Fiamazzo (Romance) Val de Fiem 1/412.4%[66]
Flemish Dutch (West Germanic) Turnhout1/42 2.4%[78]‘1675’ data set
Russians Russian (East Slavic) Oryol Oblast1/422.4%
Bulgarians Bulgarian language (South Slavic languages) Haskovo1/41 2.4%[68]
Flemish Dutch (West Germanic) Tongeren 1/432.3%[79]T1a1a-L208
Sardinians Sardinian, Corsican (Romance) Sardinia 28/12042.3%[80]
Russians Russian (East Slavic) Kursk Oblast1/452.2%[73]
Sardinians Gallurese (Romance) Gaddùra 1/462.2%[53]
Sardinians Sardinian (Romance) Sardinia 27/12042.2%[81]
Belvederesi Neapolitan language (Romance) Belvedere Marittimo1/452.2%[63]
Fascians Fascian (Rhaeto-Romance) Fascia 1/472.1%[66]
Russians Russian (East Slavic) Lipetsk Oblast1/472.1%
Ukrainians Ukrainian (East Slavic) Chernihiv Raion2/962.1%[73]
Sardinians Sardinian (Romance) Trexenta 1/472.1%[53]
Lithuanians Aukštaitian (Baltic) western Aukštaitija1/502%[73]
Ukrainians Ukrainian (East Slavic) Sumy Oblast2/1012%[73]
Zamoranos Castilian (Romance) Campos - Pan 1/502%[32]
Southwestern Almerians Andalusian (Romance) Alpujarra Almeriense and Poniente Almeriense1/502%[82]
Alpujarreños Andalusian (Romance)Alpujarra de la Sierra1/50 2%
Corinthians Ionian-Peloponesian and Albanian (Hellenic)Corinthia2/1041.9%[63]
Macedonians Macedonian (Balto-Slavic) Macedonia4/2111.9%[83]
CataloniansCatalan language (Romance language) Camp de Tarragona4/2141.9%[71]
Ukrainians Ukrainian (East Slavic) Cherkasy Raion2/1011.8%[73]
Adigeses Italian (Romance) Val d'Adige 1/561.8%[66]
Bosch surname members Catalan language (Romance language) Països Catalans1/56 1.8%[84]
Basques Gipuzkoan (Isolate language) Southwestern Gipuzkoa1/571.8%[54]
Basques Gipuzkoan (Isolate language) Gipuzkoa1/581.7%[85]
Flemish Dutch (West Germanic) Noord-Brabant2/119 1.7%[78]‘1775’ data set
Bulgarians Bulgarian language (South Slavic languages) Sofia1/591.7%[68]
Bulgarians Bulgarian language (South Slavic languages) Lovech1/62 1.6%[68]
Balearics Majorcan (Romance) Majorca2/1291.6%[71]
Czechs Czech (West Slavic) Plzen1/621.6%[77]
Mecklenburgers East Low Saxon (West Germanic) Rostock3/2001.5%[86]
Russians Russian (East Slavic) Oryol Oblast2/1431.4%[73]
Catalonians Catalan (Romance) Castelló2/1461.4%[71]
Bulgarians Bulgarian language (South Slavic languages) Plovdiv2/159 1.3%[68]
Bulgarians Bulgarian language (South Slavic languages) Montana, Bulgaria1/80 1.3%[68]
Catalonians Catalan (Romance) Central Catalonia3/2301.3%[71]
Catalonians Catalan (Romance) Barcelona3/2311.3%[71]
Catalonians Catalan (Romance) Barcelona Periphery3/2351.3%[71]
Czechs Czech (West Slavic) Usti nad Labem1/861.2%[77]
Russians Russian (East Slavic) Penza Oblast1/811.2%
Faroese Faroese (Germanic) Faroe Islands1/891.1%[87]Grandfathers originated from various Faroese islands.
Southwestern Almerians Andalusian (Romance) Laujar de Andarax, Ohanes, Berja and Adra1/901.1%[88]
Eastern Andalusians Andalusian (Romance)Granada2/180 1.1%[36]
Austrian Germans Southern Bavarian (Germanic) Salzburg (state)2/2001%[89]
Ukrainians Ukrainian (East Slavic) Lviv Oblast1/1011%[73]
Aragonese Aragonese and Castilian (Romance) Aragón 2/2001%[70]
Castellonenses Catalan language (Romance) Castelló5/5151%[20]
Austrian Germans Southern Bavarian (Germanic) Upper Austria2/2250.9%[89]
Czechs Czech (West Slavic) South Moravia2/2160.9%[77]
Croatians Croatian (West Slavic)Zagreb 1/1140.9%
Catalonians Catalan (Romance) Girona2/2190.9%[71]
Bulgarians Bulgarian language (South Slavic languages) Sofia Province2/257 0.8%[68]
Catalonians Catalan (Romance) València1/1730.6%[71]
Czechs Czech (West Slavic) Prague3/5950.5%[77]
Germans German (West Germanic) area of Halle 1/2340.4%[90]
Individuals living in Catalonia Catalan language (Romance) Barcelona metropolitan area1/2470.4%[91]
Slovaks Slovak (West Slavic) Slovakia1/473 0.2%[92]

With K-M9+, unconfirmed but probable T-M70+ : 14% (3/23) of Russians in Yaroslavl,[93] 12.5% (3/24) of Italians in Matera,[49] 10.3% (3/29) of Italians in Avezzano,[49] 10% (3/30) of Tyroleans in Nonstal,[49] 10% (2/20) of Italians in Pescara,[49] 8.7% (4/46) of Italians in Benavento,[49] 7.8% (4/51) of Italians in South Latium,[59] 7.4% (2/27) of Italians in Paola,[49] 7.3% (11/150) of Italians in Central-South Italy,[94] 7.1% (8/113) of Serbs in Serbia,[95] 7% (6/86) of Sardinians in Tempio,[96] 4.7% (2/42) of Aromanians in Romania,[97] 3.7% (3/82) of Italians in Biella,[98] 3.7% (1/27) of Andalusians in Córdoba,[55] 3.3% (2/60) of Leoneses in León|,[55] 3.2% (1/31) of Italians in Postua,[98] 3.2% (1/31) of Italians in Cavaglià,[98] 3.1% (3/97) of Calabrians in Reggio Calabria,[99] 2.8% (1/36) of Russians in Ryazan Oblast,[100] 2.8% (2/72) of Italians in South Apulia,[101] 2.7% (1/37) of Calabrians in Cosenza,[99] 2.6% (3/114) of Serbs in Belgrade,[102] 2.5% (1/40) of Russians in Pskov,[93] 2.4% (1/42) of Russians in Kaluga,[93] 2.2% (2/89) of Transylvanians in Miercurea Ciuc,[103] 2.2% (2/92) of Italians in Trino Vercellese,[98] 1.9% (2/104) of Italians in Brescia,[104] 1.9% (2/104) of Romanians in Romania,[105] 1.7% (4/237) of Serbs and Montenegrins in Serbia and Montenegro,[106] 1.7% (1/59) of Italians in Marche,[101] 1.7% (1/59) of Calabrians in Catanzaro,[99] 1.6% (3/183) of Greeks in Northern Greece,[107] 1.3% (2/150) of Swiss Germans in Zürich Area,[108] 1.3% (1/79) of Italians in South Tuscany and North Latium,[101] 1.1% (1/92) of Dutch in Leiden,[109] 0.8% (1/132) of "Andalusians" in Northwest Tunisia,[110] 0.5% (1/185) of Serbs in Novi Sad (Vojvodina),[111] 0.5% (1/186) of Polish in Podlasie[112]

Other parts that have been found to contain a significant proportion of haplogroup T-M184 individuals include Trentino (2/67 or 3%), Mariña Lucense (1/34 or 2.9%), Heraklion (3/104 or 2.9%), Roslavl (3/107 or 2.8%), Ourense (1/37 or 2.7%), Livny (3/110 or 2.7%), Biella (3/114 or 2.6%), Entre Douro (6/228 or 2.6%), Porto (3/118 or 2.5%), Urbino (1/40 or 2.5%), Iberian Peninsula (16/629 or 2.5%), Blekinge/Kristianstad (1/41 or 2.4%), Belarus (1/41 or 2.4%), Modena (3/130 or 2.3%), Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (1/45 or 2.2%), Pristen (1/45 or 2.2%), Cáceres (2/91 or 2.2%), Brac (1/47 or 2.1%), Satakunta (1/48 or 2.1%), Western Croatia (2/101 or 2%), Ukrainia (1/50 or 2%), Greifswald (2/104 or 1.9%), Moldavians in Sofia (1/54 or 1.9%), Uppsala (1/55 or 1.8%), Lublin (2/112 or 1.8%), Pias in Beja (1/54 or 1.8%), Macedonian Greeks (1/57 or 1.8%), Nea Nikomedeia (1/57 or 1.8%), Sesklo/Dimini (1/57 or 1.8%), Lerna/Franchthi (1/57 or 1.8%), Açores (2/121 or 1.7%), Viana do Castelo (1/59 or 1.7%), Toulouse (1/67 or 1.5%), Belgorod (2/143 or 1.4%), Sardinia (1/77 or 1.3%).[113][114][115][116][117][118][59][119][62][120][87][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][119][133][134][135][41][82][136][137][138][139] According to data from commercial testing, 3.9% of Italian males belonging to this haplogroup.[140] Approximately 3% of Sephardi Jews and 2% of Ashkenazi Jews belong to haplogroup T.[141]

Middle East and Caucasus

Haplogroup T has some significant frequencies in Southeast and Eastern Anatolia, the Zagors Mountains and some parts around the Persian Gulf on both sides. Out of 867 reported in FTDNA haplogroup T-(former K2)project - 284 (32%) are from this area, almost 50% of those from eastern Saudi Arabia .

Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Tajiks Darî (Southwestern Iranian)Logar Province2/450%[142]
Iraqi Jews Judeo-Iraqi Arabic (Central Semitic)Iraq 7/3221.9%[4]12.5% T1a1a1a1a1a1-P77 and 9.4% T1a3-Y11151
Armenian Sasuntzis Western Armenian dialect, Kurmanji and Dimli (Northwestern Iranian) languages Sasun 21/10420.2%[7]T1a1 and T1a2 subclades
Kurdish Jews Judeo-Aramaic (Central Semitic)Kurdistan19/9919.2%[143]
Kurdish Jews Judeo-Aramaic (Central Semitic)Kurdistan 9/5018%[4]10% T1a1a1a1a1a1-P77 and 8% T1a1-L162
Druzes Palestinian Arabic (Central Semitic)Galilee 7/4017.5%[144]
Assyrians Aramaic (Central Semitic)refugees in Armenia16/10615.1%[145]Their homeland in the areas around Urmia.
Assyrians Aramaic (Central Semitic)Unknown4/2814.3%[8]
Iranian Jews Judeo-Iranian (Southwestern Iranian)Iran3/2213.6%[4]4.5% T1a1a1a1a1a1-P77 and 9.1% T1a3-Y11151
Zoroastrians Persian Kerman 5/3713.5%[146]
Iraqi Jews Judeo-Iraqi Arabic (Central Semitic)Iraq 13/9913.1%[147]
BakhtiarisBakhtiari (Southwestern Iranian (Perside)) Izeh 13/103 12.6%[9][148]
Mountain JewsJudeo-Tat (Southwestern Iranian)Derbentsky District2/1711.8%[8]All belong to T1a1a1a1a1a1-P77
ArmeniansWestern Armenian dialectHistorical Southwestern Armenia 11/9611.5%[149]
Abudhabians Gulf Arabic (Semitic) Abu Dhabi21/19111%[Research 1]
Assyrians Assyrian (Central Semitic)West Azerbaijan Province4/3910.3%[10]
Iranian Jews Judeo-Iranian (Southwestern Iranian)Iran5/4910.2%[147]
Persian Muslims Persian Shiraz 5/51 9.8%[146]
Persian Muslims Persian Kerman 6/66 9.1%[146]
Iraqis Iraqi Arabic (Semitic) Al-Qadisiyah 6/69 8.7%[150]
Kurds Sorani (Northwestern Iranian)Kurdestan5/598.5%[10]
Omani Arabs Omani Arabic (Semitic) Oman 10/121 8.3%[13]
Kurds Sorani (Northwestern Iranian)Kurdestan2/258%[151]
Azeris Azeri (Oghuz)West Azerbaijan Province5/637.9%[10]
Mazanderanis Mazanderan (Western Iranian)Mazandaran1/137.7%[151]
Cypriots Cypriot Greek Cyprus 3/417.3%[92]
Iraqis Iraqi Arabic (Semitic) Iraq 10/1397.2%[152]
Kuwaitis Gulf Arabic (Semitic) Kuwait3/427.1%[120]
IraqisIraqi Arabic (Semitic)Iraq3/437%[153]
Arabs Levantine Arabic Israel and Palestine10/1437%[154]
Persians Farsi (Southwestern Iranian)Fars3/446.8%[10]
Christian Arabs Levantine Arabic Israel and Palestine3/446.8%[155]
Western Armenians Armenian Eastern Turkey6/906.7%[156]
Persians Farsi (Southwestern Iranian)Yazd3/466.5%[10]
Armenians Armenian Gardman 6/966.3%[7]
Tajiks Tajik (Southwestern Iranian)Samangan Province1/166.3%[151]
Yezidis Kurmanji (Northwestern Iranian)refugees in Armenia12/1966.1%[145]Their homeland in the areas around Laliş.
Muslim Arabs Levantine Arabic Israel and Palestine7/1195.9%[155]
Not specified not specified Zahedan 6/1035.8%[157]
Northern Armenians Armenian Northern Armenia, southern Georgia (Bolnisi, Akhalkalaki and Akhaltsikhe) and northwestern Azerbaijan (around Gyanja)10/1895.3%[156]
Armenians Armenian Tehran 2/385.3%[146]
Eastern Armenians Armenian Karabakh11/2155.1%[156]
Persians Farsi (Southwestern Iranian)Khorasan3/595.1%[10]
Saudi Arabians Arabic dialects (Semitic) Saudi Arabia 8/1575.1%[158]
Armenians Armenian Syunik7/1405%[156]
Emiratis Gulf Arabic (Semitic) United Arab Emirates 8/1644.9%
Lebanese Muslims Lebanese Arabic (Semitic)Lebanon28/5684.9%[159]
Cypriots Cypriot Greek Lemesos6/1264.8%[160]
KumyksKumyk (Turkic)Khasavyurtovsky District1/214.8%[8]
Avars Avar (Northeast Caucasian) southeastern Dagestan2/424.8%[21]
Kurds Kurmanji (Northwestern Iranian) Anatolia 12/2514.8%[161]
Kurds Kurdish dialects (Northwestern Iranian) Kurdistan 6/1264.8%[Research 2]
Anizes Gulf Arabic (Semitic) Kuwait 1/214.7%[162]
Lebaneses Levantine Arabic (Semitic) Lebanon 43/9144.7%
Cypriots Cypriot Greek Cyprus 3/654.6%
Maronites Lebanese Arabic and Syriac (Semitic)Lebanon24/5184.6%[159]
Armenians ArmenianArarat2/444.6%[156]
Muslim Kurds Kurdish dialects (Northwestern Iranian)Kurdistan 4/954.2%[143]
Qeshmis Qishmi (southwestern Iranian)Qeshm2/494.1%[10]
Lurs Luri (Southwestern Iranian)Lorestan2/504%[10]
Sadats Languages of Iran Different cities of Iran2/504%[163]
PersiansPersian Eastern Iran3/773.9%[164]
Armenians Armenian Lake Van 4/1033.9%[7]
Saudi Arabians Arabic dialects (Semitic) Saudi Arabia4/1063.8%[92]
Not Specified Not Specified Birjand 1/273.7%[157]All T1a3-Y12871
Armenians Armenian Ararat Valley 4/1103.6%[7]
Tajiks Tajik (Southwestern Iranian)Afghanistan2/563.6%[142]
Armenians ArmenianArmenia2/573.5%[21]
Iranians Languages of Iran South Iran 4/1173.4%[114]
Ionians Greek Phokaia 1/313.2%[165]
Bandaris Bandari (Southwestern Iranian)Bandar Abbas4/1313.1%[10]
Cypriots Cypriot Greek Larnaka2/673%[160]
Alans Karachay-Baksan-Chegem (Turkic)Kabardino-Balkaria1/692.9%[21]
Tajiks Darî (Southwestern Iranian)Ferghana 1/352.9%[166]
Tajiks Tajik (Southwestern Iranian)Takhar Province1/352.9%[151]
Jordanians Arabic dialects (Semitic) Jordania 8/2732.9%
Cypriots Cypriot Greek Ammochostos3/1222.5%[160]
Lezghins Lezgian (Northeast Caucasian) Southern Dagestan 2/812.5%[167]
Turks Turkish Turkey 13/5232.5%
Persians Persian (Southwestern Iranian)Esfahan1/132.4%[151]
Iranians Languages of IranIran7/3242.2%[159]
Azerbaijani Muslims Azerbaijani (Turkic) Uromia 2/912.2%[146]
Yemenite Jews Hebrew and ArabicYemen2/942.1%[147]
Andis Andi (Northeast Caucasian) western Dagestan1/492%[21]
Cypriots Cypriot Greek Paphos2/1051.9%[160]
Cypriots Cypriot Greek Nicosia3/1611.9%[160]
Pashtuns Pashto (Eastern Iranian)Kunduz Province1/531.9%[151]
Assyrians Assyrian Neo-Aramaic (Semitic) Uromia and Tehran 1/551.8%[146]
Abkhazians Abkhaz (Northwest Caucasian) Abkhazia 1/581.7%[167]
Kuwaitis Gulf Arabic (Semitic) Kuwait2/1171.7%[168]
Greek Orthodox Koine GreekLebanon2/1161.7%[159]
Not specified not specified Mashhad 2/1291.6%[157]0.8% T1a3-Y11151 (xY8614)
Aeolians Greek Smyrna 1/681.5%[165]
Turkmens Turkmen (Oghuz)the people of Golestan1/681.5%[10]
Kumyks Kumyk (Turkic) Northern Dagestan1/731.4%[21]
Kuban Nogays Nogai (Turkic) north of Sea of Azov around Prymorsk1/871.2%[21]
Ossetian Digors Digorian (Scythian) North Ossetia1/1270.8%[167]
Yemeni Arabs Sanaani Arabic (Semitic)Sana'a1/1290.8%[Research 3]
Syrians Syrian Arabic (Semitic)Syria4/5180.8%[159]
Kabardins Kabardian (Northwest Caucasian) Kabardino-Balkaria1/1400.7%[21]
Circassians Adyghe (Northwest Caucasian) Republic of Adygea1/1420.7%[167]
Pashtuns Pashto (Eastern Iranian)mainly living in the Southern Afghanistan province of Kandahar1/1410.7%[169]
Abkhazians Abkhaz (Northwest Caucasian)Abkhazia1/1620.6%[21]

Unconfirmed but probable T-M70+ : 28% (7/25) of Lezginians in Dagestan,[9] 21.7% (5/23) of Ossetians in Zamankul,[170] 14% (7/50) of Iranians in Isfahan,[9] 13% (3/23) of Ossetians in Zil'ga,[170] 12.6% (11/87) of Kurmanji Kurds in Eastern Turkey,[171] 11.8% (2/17) of Palestinian Arabs in Palestine,[172] 8.3% (1/12) of Iranians in Shiraz,[173] 8.3% (2/24) of Ossetians in Alagir,[170] 8% (2/25) of Kurmanji Kurds in Georgia,[171] 7.5% (6/80) of Iranians in Tehran,[9][174] 7.4% (10/135) of Palestinian Arabs in Israeli Village,[172] 7% (10/143) of Palestinian Arabs in Israel and Palestine,[172] 5% (1/19) of Chechens in Chechenia,[9][174] 4.2% (3/72) of Azerbaijanians in Azerbaijan,[9][174] 4.1% (2/48) of Iranians in Isfahan,[174] 4% (4/100) of Armenians in Armenia,[9][174] 4% (1/24) of Bedouins in Israel[172] and 2.6% (1/39) of Turks in Ankara.[174]


Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Northern Dir tribes Northern Somali (East Cushitic) Dire Dawa14/1782.4%[18] Dir sub-clans of Dire Dawa are Issa, Gurgura and Gadabuursi.
Issas and/or Gadabuursi Northern Somali (East Cushitic) Djibouti30/4075%[175] This sample is only 25% E-M215. According to Plaster et al. only have been found two very different lineages, T-M184 and E-M215, among northern Dirs.
AnteonyAntemoro (Plateau Malagasy)old Antemoro Kingdom 22/3759.5%[176]The Anteony are the descendants of aristocrats, from whom the Antemoro king is chosen. Can be grouped into the Silamo, because they have the right to undertake the ritual slaughter of animals (Sombily)
AushiAushi Zambia 1/250%[177]
Akie Akie people (Nilotic) Tanzania3/1323.1%[Hirbo et al.]Akie people have remnants of a Cushitic language
Somalis Darood Somali (East Cushitic)Jijiga (Ogaden)19/8322.9%[18] Jijiga is mostly inhabited by Darod subclans like Bartire, Geeri Koombe and Ogaden.
Arabs from Somalia Benaadir (Cushitic) immigrants in Yemen 7/33 21.2%[178]
Lemba Venda and Shona (Bantu) South Africa 6/34 17.6%[4] Exclusively belong to T1a2* (old T1b*). Possible recent founder effect. Low frequency of T1a2 has been observed in Bulgarian Jews and Turks but is not found in other Jewish communities. Y-str Haplotypes close to some T1a2 Armenians.
Fulbe Fula northern Cameroon 3/17 17.6%[179]
Rangi Rangi Language (Bantu) Tanzania5/3215.6%[Hirbo et al.]
Multiple ethnicity-Somalia15/10514.3%[180][181]
Iraqw Iraqw language (Cushitic) Tanzania6/4712.8%[Hirbo et al.]
Wachagga Kichagga (Niger-Congo) Dār as-Salām 3/24 12.5%[144] Mixed with Rift Southern Cushites.
Somali Somali (Cushitic) immigrants to Norway 12/104 11.5%[182]
Bench Bench(northern Omotic) Bench Maji Zone14/12611.4%[18]
Oromo Afaan Oromo language (Cushitic) Oromiyaa1/911.1%[183]
Gorowa Gorowa language (Cushitic) Tanzania2/1910.5%[Hirbo et al.]
Somali Somali (Cushitic) immigrants to Denmark 21/201 10.4%[184]
Upper Egyptians Egyptian Arabic Luxor Governorate 3/29 10.3%[25][185]
KontasKonta language (Omotic)Konta special woreda11/10710.3%[18]
Rendille Rendille language (Cushitic) Kenya3/319.7%[Hirbo et al.]
GewadasGewada language (east Cushitic)SNNP11/1169.5%[18]
AntalaotraAntemoro (Plateau Malagasy)old Antemoro Kingdom4/439.3%[176]The Antalaotra are in charge of the magical and religious domains; they have the ability to read and write Sorabe. Can be grouped into the Silamo, because they have the right to undertake the ritual slaughter of animals (Sombily)
Upper EgyptiansEgyptian ArabicAswan Governorate1/119.1%[186]
Subiya Subiya/Kuhane (Bantu) Zambia1/119%[177]
Upper EgyptiansEgyptian ArabicAssiut Governorate6/708.6%[186]
Konsos(Semitic)Konso special woreda2/248.3%[18]
Somali Somali (Cushitic) immigrants to Sweden12/1478.2%[187]
Arabs and Berbers Egyptian Arabic and Siwi Lower Egypt 12/1478.2%[13]
Upper Egyptians Egyptian Arabic Sohag Governorate 4/52 7.7%[186]
Egyptians Erythraic (Cushitic)Egypt7/927.6%[181][183]If the K* sample is M184+ then 8.7%
Oromo (Semitic) SNNP2/287.1%[177]
Tigray-Tigrinyas Tigrinya (South Semitic) SNNP2/306.7%[18]
Dirashas Dirasha (east Cushitic) Dirashe special woreda5/796.3%[18]
Canarians Canarian Spanish Tenerife11/1786.2%
Omo Valley Omotic languages Ethiopia6/986.1%[177]
Upper Egyptians Egyptian Arabic Qena Governorate 3/52 5.8%[186]
Afars Afar (East Cushitic) Afar Region6/1115.4%[18]
Ethiopians Ethiopian languagesEthiopia4/745.4%[153]
MashilesMashile language (Cushitic)SNNP7/1305.4%[18]
GuragesGurage languages (South Semitic)SNNP6/1185.1%[18]
Canarians Canarian Spanish Gran Canaria4/785.1%[177]
Oromo Afaan Oromo language (Cushitic) Oromiyaa4/785.1%[177]
Oromo Afaan Oromo language (Cushitic) Adis Abeba2/405%[177]
Turu Nyaturu (Bantu) Tanzania1/205%[188]
Moroccan Jews Haketia (Romance) Israel1/205%[189]
GedeosGedeo (east Cushitic)SNNP6/1224.9%[18]
Wairak Iraqw (Cushitic)Tanzania2/414.9%[13]
Western Libyans Libyan Arabic (Semitic)Tripoli region7/1424.9%[190]
Kanuri Kanuri Cameroon1/214.8%[Hirbo et al.]
Iraqw[191] Iraqw (Cushitic) Tanzania2/434.7%
Yems Yemsa (Omotic) SNNP5/1074.7%[18]
Upper EgyptiansEgyptian ArabicMinya Governorate1/234.3%[186]
KonsosKonso language (East Cushitic)Konso special woreda4/944.3%[18]
Amhara Amharic (Semitic) Ethiopia2/484.2%[177]
KembaatasEast CushiticKembata Tembaro Zone4/1023.9%[18]
Maasai Maasai (Eastern Nilotic) Kenya3/793.8%[177]
Bantus Bantu (Niger-Congo)Botswana1/402.5%[192]
Lower Egyptians Egyptian Arabic (Semitic) Mansoura1/442.2%[25][185]
Berbers Siwi (Berber) Siwa Oasis2/932.2%[193][194]
Meru Meru (Northeast Bantu) Tanzania2/992%[195]
Itam Ibibio Obong Itam (Southeast Nigeria)1/502%[196][197]
Berbers Shilha (Berber) Asni1/541.9%[193][194]
Eastern Libyans Libyan Arabic (Semitic)Benghazi4/2141.9%[198]
Algerians Algerian Arabic (Semitic) Algeria3/1641.8%[172]
Baribas Baatonum (Niger–Congo)Benin1/571.8%[199]T1a-M70(xT1a2-L131)
Bokoras Karamojong (Eastern Nilotic) Karamoja region1/591.7%[200]
Lower Egyptians Egyptian Arabic (Semitic) Cairo1/631.6%[201]
Tumbuka Tumbuka (Niger-Congo) northern Malawi1/611.6%[197]
Soussians Tunisian Arabic (Semitic) Sousse3/2201.4%[202]
Chewa Chewa (Niger-Congo) Malawi1/921.1%[197]
Bantu Narrow Bantu (Niger-Congo) Pretoria1/981%[197]
Nilotes Ateker (Eastern Nilotic) Karamoja region1/1180.8%[200]
Bantus BantuBotswana, Namibia and Zambia1/1400.7%[203]Father and paternal grandfather belonged to the same ethnolinguistic group
Basothos Sesotho (Niger-Congo) Lesotho1/1810.6%[204]
Khoisans KhoisanBotswana, Namibia and Zambia1/3710.3%[203]Father and paternal grandfather belonged to the same ethnolinguistic group

Unconfirmed but probable T-M70+ : 9.7% (3/31) of Datogs in Tanzania,[188] 5.8% (4/69) of Kordofanians in Kurdufan,[172] 5.6% (1/18) of Tuaregs in Gorom-Gorom,[205] 4.8% (5/105) of Tunisians in Sfax,[206] 4.8% (3/63) of Libyans in Tripoli Area,[207] 2.6% (1/39) of Hutus in Rwanda[208] 2.1% (1/47) of Berbers in Sejenane,[209] 1.9% (1/53) of Ovimbundo in Angola,[210] and 1.5% (1/68) of Mozabites in Ghardaia,[211]

South Asia

Haplogroup T1a-M70 in India has been considered to be of West Eurasian origin.[212]

Haplogroup T-M184 has been detected in:

Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Kurru Yerukala (Dravidian) Andhra Pradesh 10/18 55.6% [119]
Bauris Bengali (Indo-Aryan) West Bengal 10/19 52.6% [119]K* is found at 6/19, if M70- but M184+, then could be 84.2%. Bauris are thought to be descendants of a native tribe of the Central Highlands before the Aryan invasion, then as Bauris have not been well assimilated and have not participated satisfactorily in the new Aryan society, the Bauris ended up being seen as "low caste". They are at "halfway" between the old Bauri tribal and the new Aryan society lifestyle.
Lodha Lodhi (Sora–Juray–Gorum Munda) West Bengal 2/4 50% [119]
Rajus Telugu (Dravidian) Andhra Pradesh 3/1915.9%[119]
Maheli Mahali (Kherwari Munda)West Bengal2/13 15.3%[119]
Chenchus Chenchu (Dravidian) Andhra Pradesh3/2015%[119]K* is found at 7/20, if M70- but M184+, then could be 50%
Kare VokkalKannada (Dravidian)Uttara Kannada4/3013.3%[213]K* is found at 3/30, if M70- but M184+, then could be 23.3%
Banjaras Lambadi (Indo-Aryan) Andhra Pradesh 2/1811.1%[119]
Gonds Gondi (Dravidian) South Uttar Pradesh 4/38 10.6%[214]
Gonds Gondi (Dravidian) Madhya Pradesh 10/1397.2%[214]
Indians languages of India South India18/3055.9%[119]
Maheli Mahali (Kherwari Munda)Jamshedpur from Jharkhand; Purulia, Midnapore & other location from West Bengal2/385.3%[119][215]Two samples from different studies grouped together
Chenchus Chenchu (Dravidian) Andhra Pradesh3/614.9%[119][216]Samples from Trivedi et al. and Kivisild et al.
Banjaras Lambadi (Indo-Aryan) Andhra Pradesh 2/533.8%[119][216]Two samples from different studies grouped together
Indians languages of India East India 14/3673.8%[119]
Gujaratis Gujarati (Indo-Aryan) Gujarat 1/293.4%[216]
LodhaLodhi (Sora–Juray–Gorum Munda)Midnapore & other location from West Bengal2/712.8%[119][215][217]Three samples from different studies grouped together
Sahariyas Saharia (Munda)Madhya Pradesh2/732.7%[218]
Tamtas (Indo-Aryan)Bageshwar1/342.9%[212]
Kshatriyas (Indo-Aryan)Pithoragarh2/792.5%[212]
Aryas Arya (Indo-Aryan)Nainital1/462.2%[212]
Laotians Lao (Tai-Kadai) Laos 1/53 1.9%[144]

With K-M9+, unconfirmed but probable T-M70+ : 56.6% (30/53) of Kunabhis in Uttar Kannada,[219] 32.5% (13/40) of Kammas in Andhra Pradesh,[220] 26.8% (11/41) of Brahmins in Visakhapatnam,[220] 25% (1/4) of Kattunaiken in South India,[221] 22.4% (11/49) of Telugus in Andhra Pradesh,[222] 20% (1/5) of Ansari in South Asia, (2/20) of Poroja in Andhra Pradesh,[220] 9.8% (5/51) of Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir,[214] 8.2% (4/49) of Gujars in Kashmir,[214] 7.7% (1/13) of Siddis (migrants from Ethiopia) in Andhra Pradesh,[220] 5.5% (3/55) of Adi in Northeast India,[223] 5.5% (7/128) of Pardhans in Adilabad,[222] 5.3% (2/38) of Brahmins in Bihar,[214] 4.3% (1/23) of Bagata in Andhra Pradesh,[220] 4.2% (1/24) of Valmiki in Andhra Pradesh,[220] (1/32) of Brahmins in Maharashtra,[214] 3.1% (2/64) of Brahmins in Gujarat,[214] 2.9% (1/35) of Rajput in Uttar Pradesh,[224] 2.3% (1/44) of Brahmins in Peruru,[220] and 1.7% (1/59) of Manghi in Maharashtra.[222]

Also in Desasth-Brahmins in Maharashtra (1/19 or 5.3%) and Chitpavan-Brahmins in Konkan (1/21 or 4.8%), Chitpavan-Brahmins in Konkan (2/66 or 3%).

Central Asia and East Asia

Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Xibes Xibe (Tungusic) Xinjiang 1/812.5%[225][226]
Xibes Xibe (Tungusic) Xinjiang 3/329.4%[227]
Bajo sea Nomads Bajaw (Malayo-Polynesian) Sulawesi 2/277.4%[228]T1a-M70
Khampas Khams Tibetan (Sino-Tibetan) Markham 1/185.6%[229] T-M272
Adis Adi (Sino-Tibetan) Arunachal Pradesh 3/555.5%[230]
Uzbeks Uzbek (Turkic)Sar-e Pol Province1/283.6%[151]
Tibetans Dbus (Sino-Tibetan) Dromo 1/392.6%[229] T-M272
Uyghur Uyghur (Turkic) Xinjiang 1/48 (1/4 samples) 2.1%[231]
Uyghur Uyghur (Turkic) Xinjiang 3/2841.1%[232]
Uzbeks Uzbek (Turkic)Jawzjan Province1/941.1%[151]
Mongolians Mongolian (Mongolic) Inner Mongolia 1/1001%[232]
Tibetans Dbus (Sino-Tibetan) Qüxü 1/2030.5%[229] T-M272

Unconfirmed but probable T-M70+ : 4.9% (2/41) of Xibe in Xinjiang,[233] 2% (4/204) of Hui in Liaoning province,[234] and 0.9% (1/113) of Bidayuh in Sarawak.[235]

Colonial America

Population Language Location Members/Sample size Percentage Source Notes
Quechuas Quechua Lima Region 3/1127.3%[144]
Movimas Movima language (Language isolate) Beni 1/520%[236]
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance) Antioquia 9/5117.6%[237]
ColombiansColombian Spanish (Romance) Aranzazu, Caldas 23/190 12.1%[237]
Panamians Castilian (Romance languages) Los Santos Province 3/30 10%[29]
Centralwest Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance)San Luis3/3010%[30]
Napu runas Kichwa Ecuadorian Amazon 2/219.5%[238]
Bahamians Bahamian English (West Germanic) Long Island 3/437%[239]
Panamians Castilian (Romance languages) Panama Province 3/43 7%[29]
Northwest Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance) Mountainous region of San Salvador de Jujuy 6/86 7%[240]
Kolla Quechua, Aymara and Argentinian SpanishMountainous region of Tucumán 2/29 6.9%[241][242]
Centralwest Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance)Tucumán2/306.7%[30]
Tule Kuna (Chibchan languages) Kuna Yala 1/16 6.3%[29]
Basques Basque (Isolate language) Nevada 1/16 6.3%[Research 4]
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance) Marinilla and its zone of influence15/2416.2%[243]
Centralwest Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance) Mountainous region of La Rioja (Capital) 5/87 5.7%[240]
Kolla Quechua, Aymara and Argentinian SpanishMountainous region of Jujuy 1/18 5.6%[244]
Northeast Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance)Corrientes1/214.8%[245]
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance) Cundinamarca 1/22 4.5%[237]
Northwest Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance)Jujuy2/504%[30]
Chileans Chilean Spanish (Romance languages)Concepción8/1984%[246]
Centralwest Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance) Mountainous region of Mendoza (Capital) 3/75 4%[240]
Brazilians Brazilian Portuguese (Romance) Serra, Espírito Santo1/293.5%[247]
Ecuatorians Castilian (Romance languages) Quito 4/1203.3%[34]
Central Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance)La Pampa1/303.3%[30]
Central Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance)Córdoba1/313.2%[30]
Chileans Chilean Spanish (Romance languages)Temuco6/1943.1%[246]
Panamians Castilian (Romance languages) Herrera Province 1/36 2.8%[29]
Europeans Brazilian Portuguese (Romance languages)Rio Grande do Sul5/2552%[37]
Chileans Chilean Spanish (Romance languages)Santiago de Chile4/1962%[246]
Centralwest Argentinians Argentinian Spanish (Romance)Buenos Aires3/1502%[245]
Quechuas Quechua Bolivia 1/551.8%[248]
Bahamians Bahamian English (West Germanic) Eleuthera 1/601.7%[239]
Colombians Colombian Spanish (Romance) Peque (Antioquia) 1/62 1.6%[237]
Chileans Chilean Spanish (Romance languages)Punta Arenas3/1941.6%[246]
Salvadorans Castilian (Romance) El Salvador 2/150 1.3%[249]
Jamaicans Jamaican Patois (English creole) Jamaica 2/1591.3%[250]
Panamians Castilian (Romance languages) Chiriquí Province 1/921.1%[29]
Brazilians Brazilian Portuguese (Romance) Santa Catarina 1/109 0.9%[251]
Virgin islanders Virgin Islands Creole English (Germanic) Saint Thomas (Virgin Islands) 1/1340.8%[252]
Palenques Palenquero (Castilian-Bantu) Palenque de San Basilio1/1500.7%[197]
Chileans Chilean Spanish (Romance languages)Iquique1/2070.5%[246]
Brazilians Brazilian Portuguese (Romance) Espírito Santo 1/253 0.4%[253]

Elite endurance runners

Possible patterns between Y-chromosome and elite endurance runners were studied in an attempt to find a genetic explanation to the Ethiopian endurance running success. Given the superiority of East African athletes in international distance running over the past four decades, it has been speculated that they are genetically advantaged. Elite marathon runners from Ethiopia were analysed for K*(xP) which according to the previously published Ethiopian studies is attributable to the haplogroup T[254] and specifically to the T1a1a* (old T1a*) subclade, according to further studies.[4] T1a1a* was found to be proportionately more frequent in the elite marathon runners sample than in the control samples than any other haplogroup, therefore this y-chromosome could play a significant role in determining Ethiopian endurance running success. Haplogroup T1a1a* was found in 14% of the elite marathon runners sample of whom 43% of this sample are from Arsi province. In addition, haplogroup T1a1a* was found in only 4% of the Ethiopian control sample and only 1% of the Arsi province control sample. T1a1a* is positively associated with aspects of endurance running, whereas E1b1b1 (old E3b1) is negatively associated.[255]

Notable haplogroup members

A notable member of the T-M184 haplogroup is American President Thomas Jefferson. The Y-chromosomal complement of the Jefferson male line was studied in 1998 in an attempt to resolve the controversy over whether he had fathered the mixed-race children of his slave Sally Hemings. A 1998 DNA study of the Y chromosome in the Jefferson male line found that it matched that of a descendant of Eston Hemings, Sally Hemings' youngest son. This confirmed the body of historical evidence, and most historians believe that Jefferson had a long-term intimate liaison with Hemings for 38 years, and fathered her six children of record, four of whom lived to adulthood. In addition, the testing conclusively disproved any connection between the Hemings descendant and the Carr male line. Jefferson grandchildren had asserted in the 19th century that a Carr nephew had been the father of Hemings' children, and this had been the basis of historians' denial for 180 years. Jefferson's paternal family traced back Wales, where T is incredibly rare, as it is throughout Britain. A couple of British males with the Jefferson surname have been found with the third president's type of T, reinforcing the idea that his immediate paternal ancestry was British. But Jefferson's T type is also closely related to Egyptian and Iberian T branches of the haplogroup.

Thomas Jefferson

Phylogenetic network analysis of its Y-STR (short tandem repeat) haplotype shows that it is most closely related to an Egyptian K2 haplotype, but the presence of scattered and diverse European haplotypes within the network is nonetheless consistent with Jefferson’s patrilineage belonging to an ancient and rare indigenous European type. This is supported by the observation that two of 85 unrelated British men sharing the surname Jefferson also share the President’s Y-STR haplotype within haplogroup K2.

Turi E. King et al., [256]

Thomas Jefferson

The affiliation of the Jefferson haplotype to T1a* and the absence of closely related haplotypes (zero to two step mutations away) in the network supports the hypothesis that this haplotype belongs to an ancient rare European Y-chromosome lineage rather than to lineages that recently migrated to Europe from the Near East.

Mendez, 2011



Phylogenetic Tree of the Eurasian Haplogroup T-M184 and their closest macro-lineages
Latest 2015 tree (ISOGG 2015)
Branching of T-M184
 (xM184, M20) 

 All cases without M184 or M20


 All cases without L206 or PH110




 All cases without L162, L131 or Y11151


 Pityusic Islanders, Pontic Greeks from Giresun, Germany and Balkars.

 (xCTS11451, Y16897) 

 All cases without CTS11451 or Y16897

 (xY4119, Y6671) 

 All cases without Y4119 or Y6671


 All cases without CTS2214














 Ossetian Irons, Leoneses, Germans and Bhutaneses


 West Asia, Europe, Central and South Asia.


 Widely widespread in Europe, where is found the highest diversity of this lineage.

Macro-Haplogroup LT

This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup subclades is based on the 2012 ISOGG Tree.

Phylogenetic history

Prior to 2002, there were in academic literature at least seven naming systems for the Y-Chromosome Phylogenetic tree. This led to considerable confusion. In 2002, the major research groups came together and formed the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC). They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use. Later, a group of citizen scientists with an interest in population genetics and genetic genealogy formed a working group to create an amateur tree aiming at being above all timely. The table below brings together all of these works at the point of the landmark 2002 YCC Tree. This allows a researcher reviewing older published literature to quickly move between nomenclatures.

YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand) (α) (β) (γ) (δ) (ε) (ζ) (η) YCC 2002 (Longhand) YCC 2005 (Longhand) YCC 2008 (Longhand) YCC 2010r (Longhand) ISOGG 2006 ISOGG 2007 ISOGG 2008 ISOGG 2009 ISOGG 2010 ISOGG 2011 ISOGG 2012 ISOGG 2013

Original research publications

The following research teams per their publications were represented in the creation of the YCC Tree.

α Jobling and Tyler-Smith 2000 and Kaladjieva 2001

β Underhill 2000

γ Hammer 2001

δ Karafet 2001

ε Semino 2000

ζ Su 1999

η Capelli 2001

Y-DNA backbone tree

Evolutionary tree of human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups [χ 1][χ 2]
"Y-chromosomal Adam"
A00 A0-T [χ 3]
A0 A1[χ 4]
A1a A1b
A1b1 BT
I J LT [χ 5]  K2
L T NO [χ 6] K2b [χ 7]   K2c K2d K2e [χ 8]
N O K2b1 [χ 9]    P
M S [χ 10] Q R
  1. Van Oven M, Van Geystelen A, Kayser M, Decorte R, Larmuseau HD (2014). "Seeing the wood for the trees: a minimal reference phylogeny for the human Y chromosome". Human Mutation 35 (2): 187–91. doi:10.1002/humu.22468. PMID 24166809.
  2. International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG; 2015), Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2015. (Access date: 1 February 2015.)
  3. Haplogroup A0-T is also known as A0'1'2'3'4.
  4. Haplogroup A1 is also known as A1'2'3'4.
  5. Haplogroup LT (L298/P326) is also known as Haplogroup K1.
  6. Haplogroup NO (M214) is also known as Haplogroup K2a (although the present Haplogroup K2e was also previously known as "K2a").
  7. Haplogroup K2b (M1221/P331/PF5911) is also known as Haplogroup MPS.
  8. Haplogroup K2e (K-M147) was previously known as "Haplogroup X" and "K2a" (but is a sibling subclade of the present K2a, also known as Haplogroup NO).
  9. Haplogroup K2b1 (P397/P399) is similar to the former Haplogroup MS, but has a broader and more complex internal structure.
  10. Haplogroup S (S-M230) was previously known as Haplogroup K5.


Original research

  1. W. Goodwin et al., " Department of Forensic and Investigative Science ," "www.yhrd.org/" (2012),
  2. Carsten Hohoff and Bernd Brinkmann "Institut für Rechtsmedizin"," 'Universität Münster <http://www.yhrd.org>
  3. Uta D. Immel et al., "Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Martin-Luther Universität Haale/Saale," "www.yhrd.org/" (1999),
  4. Laura Valverde Potes et al., "Grupo BIOMICs / BIOMICs Research Group," "www.yhrd.org/" (2011),

Other works cited

  1. YFull YTree v4.02
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Hallast (Nov 2014). The Y-chromosome tree bursts into leaf: 13,000 high-confidence SNPs covering the majority of known clades (Thesis).
  3. 1 2 3 "The Y-DNA Haplogroup T (former K2) Project".
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mendez, Fernando L.; Karafet, Tatiana M.; Krahn, Thomas; Ostrer, Harry; Soodyall, Himla; Hammer, Michael F. (2011). "Increased Resolution of Y Chromosome Haplogroup T Defines Relationships among Populations of the Near East, Europe, and Africa". Human Biology 83 (1): 39–53. doi:10.3378/027.083.0103. PMID 21453003. Estimates of the timing of the branching events within haplogroup T, along with a comprehensive geographic survey of the major T subclades, suggest that this haplogroup began to diversify in the Near East ∼25 kya. Our survey also points to a complex history of dispersal of this rare and informative haplogroup within the Near East and from the Near East to Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.
  5. PH = Pille Hallast, Ph.D., University of Leicester, Department of Genetics, United Kingdom
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