List of aircraft (D)
This is a list of aircraft in alphabetical order beginning with 'D'.
Lists of aircraft |
see also: de Knight, Parsons-Jocelyn
- D'Apuzzo D-200 Freshman
- D'Apuzzo D-200 Junior Aero Sport
- D'Apuzzo D-260 Senior Aero Sport
- D'Apuzzo D-295 Senior Aero Sport
- D'Apuzzo D-201 Sportwing
(Corradino D'Ascanio, Italy)
- D'Ascanio Helicopter (1930)
(Jean Dabos)
- Dabos Roitelet[1]
- Dabos JD.24P D'Artagnan[1]
(Jean Dabos & Jacques Cholot)
(Jean Dabos et Masclet) see Avions JDM
(Dutch Aeroplane Company, Dordrecht, Netherlands)
(Daedalus Research Group, Petersburg VA.)
- GTP-350[4]
Daiichi Kosho
(H M Daily, Chicago IL.)
- Daily Old glory[4]
(Daimler Motorengesellschaft Werke)
- Daimler Cl.I[5]
- Daimler D.I
- Daimler D.II
- Daimler G.I (Daimler R.I)
- Daimler G.II (Daimler R.II)
- Daimler L6
- Daimler L8[6]
- Daimler L9[6]
- Daimler L11
- Daimler L14
- Daimler L15
- Daimler L20
- Daimler L21
- Daimler Lutskoy No. 1 monoplane
Dakota Cub
(Wayne Dalrymple & Charles Pheiffer, Wichita KS.)
- Dal Sport[4] a.k.a. Dal Special
(Daniel Dalby)
(Glenn Dale, MA.)
- Dale Air-Dale[4]
(Harold Dale)
(WD Flugzeug Leichtbau / Wolfgang Dallach)
- Dallach D.2 Sunrise
- Dallach Sunrise IIA
- Dallach Sunrise IIB
- Dallach Sunrise IIC
- Dallach Sunrise (Verner)
- Dallach D.3 Sunwheel
- Dallach D.4 Fascination
- Dallach D.4 BK Fascination
- Dallach D.5 Evolution
Dallair Aeronautica
- Dalotel DM-165
- Dalotel DM-125 Club
- Dalotel DM-160 Club
- Dalotel DM-160 Professional
- Dalotel DM.165 Viking[3]
Damblanc – Lacoin
- Damblanc–Lacoin Alérion helicopter
(Damoure, Jean Fabre and Léon Lacroix)
Danex Engineering
(Faircraft Corp (consortium), Dansville NY. 1946: Dansair Corp.)
- Dansair Coupe[4]
- Danton-Denhaut 1910 biplane
(Danville Aircraft Co (T D Ketchpaw), Danville VA.)
- Danville Sport Plane[4]
(D'rzhavna Aeroplanata Rabotilnica in Cyrillic ДАР - Държавната аеропланна работилница)
- DAR Uzunov-1 (DAR U-1) - DFW C.Va
- DAR 1 Peperuda ('Butterfly')
- DAR 2 - Albatros C.III
- DAR 3 Garvan ('Raven' or Laz-3)[8]
- DAR 4
- DAR 5 Brambar ('Beetle')[8]
- DAR 6
- DAR 7[8]
- DAR 7 SS.1[8]
- DAR 8 Slavei (or Slavey, 'Nightingale')[8]
- DAR 8A[8]
- DAR 9 Siniger ('Titmouse' or 'Tomtit')
- DAR 10 Bekas ('Snipe')
- DAR 11 Lyastovitsa ('Swallow') - 50 planned licensed Czech Avia B.135s [unbuilt]
- DAR 13
(Аероплани ДАР ЕООД - DAR aeroplanes EOOD)
(Dayton Air Race Associates, Dayton OH; constructed by WBB Associates, Dayton.)
- DARA Special[4]
((Melvin E) Dare Aircraft Corp, 6003 14 St, Detroit MI)
- Dare Safety Airplane[4]
(Jaques Darcissac - Jean Grinvalds)
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
- Boeing X-37
- Boeing X-45
- FALCON Hypersonic Weapon System/Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle
- General Atomics MQ-1 Predator unmanned drone
- Hypersonic Research Program
- Integrated Sensor is Structure unmanned airship
- Northrop Grumman Switchblade unmanned oblique-wing aircraft
- System F6 Fractionated Spacecraft distributed satellite demonstrator
(Dart Aircraft, USA)
(Dart Aircraft Ltd)
- Dart Cambridge
- Dart Totternhoe
- Dart Flittermouse
- Dart Pup
- Dart Kitten
- Dart Grunau Baby
- Dart Zögling
- Dart replica Lilienthal glider
- Dart replica Cayley glider
- Dart replica Wright glider
- Dart Weasel[11]
(Dart Mfg Corporation)
See: Xianyi
- Daspect III[12]
Dassault Aviation
- Dassault Balzac V[1]
- Dassault Barougan
- Dassault Étendard II[1]
- Dassault Étendard IV
- Dassault Étendard VI[1]
- Dassault Falcon 5X
- Dassault Falcon 7X
- Dassault Falcon 10
- Dassault Falcon 20
- Dassault Falcon 50
- Dassault Falcon 100
- Dassault Falcon 200
- Dassault Falcon 900
- Dassault Falcon 2000
- Dassault Falcon Cargo Jet
- Dassault Falcon Guardian
- Dassault LOGIDUC
- Dassault Mercure
- Dassault Milan
- Dassault Mirage III
- Dassault Mirage IIIV
- Dassault Mirage 5
- Dassault Mirage 50
- Dassault Mirage IV
- Dassault Mirage 2000
- Dassault Mirage 4000
- Dassault Mirage F1
- Dassault Mirage F2
- Dassault Mirage F3
- Dassault Mirage G
- Dassault Mirage G-8
- Dassault Mystère 20
- Dassault nEUROn
- Dassault Rafale
- Dassault Super Étendard
- Dassault Super Mystère
- Dassault MD 80 ABC[1]
- Dassault MD 303[1][13]
- Dassault MD 311
- Dassault MD 312
- Dassault MD 315 Flamant
- Dassault MD 316T[1][14]
- Dassault MD 320 Hirondelle[15]
- Dassault MD 410 Spirale[1]
- Dassault MD 415 Communauté[1]
- Dassault MD 415M Diplomate[1]
- Dassault MD 450 Ouragan
- Dassault MD 452 Mystère II
- Dassault MD 453 Mystère IIIN
- Dassault MD 454 Mystère IV
- Dassault MD 455 Spirale III
- Dassault MD 550 Mirage[16]
- Dassault-Breguet Atlantique
- Dassault Breguet CC-117 Falcon Canadian Armed Forces
- Dassault Breguet Dornier Alpha Jet
- Dassy Da.1[17]
- Dätwyler 1038 MDC Trailer
- Dätwyler Lerche
- Dätwyler MD-3 Swiss Trainer
(Dauby Equipment Co, 2100 Hyde Park Blvd, Los Angeles CA.)
- Dauby Twin Navion[4]
(Earl Daugherty, Long Beach CA.)
- Daugherty 1915 Biplane[4]
(Paul Daurelle)
- Daurelle AD.01[3]
(Bradley Davenport, Colorado Aero Tech.)
(George L O Davidson, Denver CO.)
- Davidson Air-Car[4]
((Walter C) Davis Aircraft Corp, Richmond IN.)
(Arthur J Davis, E Lansing MI.)
- Davis Racer[4]
(H R Davis, Hobart IN.)
- Davis Challis B[4]
(Charles M Davis, Pauls Valley OK.)
((Leon) D Davis Aircraft Corp, Lake Village IN. 1976: Stanton TX.)
- Davis DA-1
- Davis DA-2
- Davis DA-2A
- Davis DA-3
- Davis DA-5
- Davis DA-5A
- Davis DA-6
- Davis DA-7[4]
- Davis DA-8[4]
- Davis DA-9 Super Pocket Rocket[4]
- Davis DA-10[4]
- Davis DA-11[4]
(Gilbert Davis, Nampa ID. 19??: Davis Wing Ltd, Boise ID.)
- Davis Starship Alpha[4]
Davis-Douglas Company
(see #Douglas)
(C R Dawson, Glenn W Johnson & Clay Henley, Coeur d'Alene ID.)
(Charles Healy Day, Paterson NJ.)
(Robert R Days, Wadsworth OH.)
- Days Comet Sport[4]
- Dayton-Wright XO-3[18]
- Dayton-Wright XPS-1[18]
- Dayton-Wright TA-3[18]
- Dayton-Wright TA-5[18]
- Dayton-Wright TW-3[18]
- Dayton-Wright Aerial Coupe[18]
- Dayton-Wright Bug[18]
- Dayton-Wright Bull Head[18]
- Dayton-Wright Cabin Cruiser[18]
- Dayton-Wright Chummy[18]
- Dayton-Wright DH-4[18]
- Dayton-Wright DWH-4 Blue Bird[18]
- Dayton-Wright FP.2[18]
- Dayton-Wright FS[18]
- Dayton-Wright KT[18]
- Dayton-Wright Limousine[18]
- Dayton-Wright M-1[18]
- Dayton-Wright Messenger[18]
- Dayton-Wright OW-1[18]
- Dayton-Wright Racer[18]
- Dayton-Wright RB-1[18]
- Dayton-Wright SDW[18]
- Dayton-Wright T-4[18]
- Dayton-Wright USXB[18]
- Dayton-Wright WA[18]
- Dayton-Wright WD[18]
- Dayton-Wright WS[18]
- Dayton-Wright Nine-Hour Cruiser
(Daytona Aircraft Construction Inc, Deland)
de Bernardi
(Mario de Bernardi)
de Berry
(E P de Berry, Pacific Aero Club, Los Angeles CA.)
- de Berry 1911 Biplane[4]
de Bolotoff
(de Bolotoff Aeroplane Works, Sevenoaks, Kent)
- de Bolotoff 1912 biplane
- de Bolotoff 1913 triplane
- de Bolotoff SDEB 14
de Bothezat
(George de Bothezat)
- de Bothezat 1922 helicopter
- de Bothezat GB-5 (1940)[19]
de Boysson
- de Boysson A-3
de Brageas
- de Brageas Type E[20]
de Bruyère
- de Bruyère C1[5]
de Bruyne
(Aero Research Limited)
- de Bruyne Snark
- de Bruyne Ladybird
de Busschere
(Donald de Busschere)
- de Busschere Skylark I
- de Busschere Skylark II
de Chenne
(DeChenne (or Monett) Motor & Aeroplane Co (pres: L B Durnil), Monett MO.)
- de Cheenne 1911 Biplane[4] a.k.a. 'Monett Biplane' and 'Dechene-Sowers' (sic)
de Glymes
(Raoul de Glymes de Hollebecque)
- de Glymes DG-X (DG-10)[21]
de Havens & Watkins
(Claude de Haven & A C Watkins, San Francisco CA.)
- de Havens & Watkins 1909 Monoplane[4]
de Havilland
(for Geoffrey de Havilland's "DH" designs before the DH.14, see Airco)
- de Havilland DH.14 Okapi
- de Havilland DH.16
- de Havilland DH.18
- de Havilland DH.27 Derby
- de Havilland DH.29 Doncaster
- de Havilland DH.32
- de Havilland DH.34
- de Havilland DH.37
- de Havilland DH.42 Dormouse
- de Havilland DH.50
- de Havilland DH.51
- de Havilland DH.53 Humming Bird
- de Havilland DH.54 Highclere
- de Havilland DH.56 Hyena
- de Havilland DH.60 Moth (Cirrus engine)
- de Havilland DH.60X Moth (improved Moth with X undercarriage)
- de Havilland DH.60M Moth (metalized Moth)
- de Havilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth (Gipsy engine)
- de Havilland DH.60 Genet Moth (Genet motor)
- de Havilland DH.60T Moth Trainer (militarized trainer)
- de Havilland DH.60GIII Moth/DH.60GIII Moth Major (Gypsy III /Gypsy Major engine)
- de Havilland DH.61 Giant Moth
- de Havilland DH.65 Hound
- de Havilland DH.66 Hercules
- de Havilland DH.71 Tiger Moth
- de Havilland DH.72
- de Havilland DH.75 Hawk Moth
- de Havilland DH.77
- de Havilland DH.80 Puss Moth
- de Havilland DH.81 Swallow Moth
- de Havilland DH.82 Tiger Moth
- de Havilland DH.83 Fox Moth
- de Havilland DH.84 Dragon
- de Havilland DH.85 Leopard Moth
- de Havilland DH.86 Express
- de Havilland DH.87 Hornet Moth
- de Havilland DH.88 Comet
- de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide
- de Havilland DH.90 Dragonfly
- de Havilland DH.91 Albatross
- de Havilland DH.92 Dolphin
- de Havilland DH.93 Don
- de Havilland DH.94 Moth Minor
- de Havilland DH.95 Flamingo
- de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito
- de Havilland DH.99 Mosquito
- de Havilland DH.100 Vampire
- de Havilland DH.101 Mosquito
- de Havilland DH.102 Mosquito
- de Havilland DH.103 Hornet
- de Havilland DH.104 Dove
- de Havilland DH.106 Comet
- de Havilland DH.108 Swallow
- de Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen
- de Havilland DH.113 Vampire
- de Havilland DH.112 Venom
- de Havilland DH.112 Sea Venom
- de Havilland DH.114 Heron
- de Havilland DH.115 Vampire Trainer
- de Havilland DH.121 Trident
- de Havilland DH.125 Jet Dragon
de Havilland Aeronautical Technical School
- de Havilland T.K.1
- de Havilland T.K.2
- de Havilland T.K.3
- de Havilland T.K.4
- de Havilland T.K.5
de Havilland Australia
de Havilland Canada
- de Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk
- de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver
- de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter
- de Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou
- de Havilland Canada DHC-5 Buffalo
- de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter
- de Havilland Canada Dash 7
- de Havilland Canada Dash 8
- de Havilland Canada CC-108
- de Havilland Canada CC-115
- de Havilland Canada CT-120
- de Havilland Canada C-127
- de Havilland Canada CSR-123
- de Havilland Canada CC-132
- de Havilland Canada CC-138
- de Havilland Canada CC-142
- de Havilland Canada CT-142
- de Havilland Canada AC-1
- de Havilland Canada AC-2
- de Havilland Canada C-7
- de Havilland Canada C-8
- de Havilland Canada CV-2
- de Havilland Canada CV-7
- de Havilland Canada E-9
- de Havilland Canada L-20
- de Havilland Canada O-5
- de Havilland Canada U-1
- de Havilland Canada U-6
- de Havilland Canada UV-18
de Kallis
((---) DeKallis, somewhere in CA.)
- de Kallis Air Truck[4]
de Knight
(William "Bart" de Knight, Levittown PA.)
- de Knight Special[4]
de Lackner
((Donald) de Lackner Helicopters Inc., Mt Vernon NY.)
- de Lackner DH-4 Heli-Vector[4]
- de Lackner HO-2[4]
- de Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle[4]
- de Lackner Model 125 Cloud Buster[22]
de Laurier
(Dr James de Laurier, Canada.)
- de Laurier 2001 Ornithopter[4]
de Lesseps
(Paul de Lesseps)
- Monoplan de Lesseps
de Lloyd Thompson
- de Lloyd Thompson Looper
de Lotty
((Henri) DeLotty Flying School: de Lotty Aircraftsmen Co, San Francisco CA.)
- de Lotty 1929 Monoplane[4]
de Marçay
(Société Anonyme d'Etudes et de Construction Aéronautique Edmond de Marçay - SAECA Edmond de Marçay)
de Marçay-Kluijtmans
(Edmond de Marçay & J. Kluijtmans)
- de Marçay-Kluijtmans 1907 Dirigeable
- de Marçay-Kluijtmans 1908 Dirigeable
de Marçay-Moonen
(Edmond de Marçay & Emile Moonen)
- de Marçay-Moonen 1911 monoplane
- de Marçay-Moonen 1912 monoplane [23]
- de Marçay-Moonen L'Abeille
- de Marçay-Moonen 1912 2-seat monoplane
- de Marçay-Moonen 1913 floatplane racer
- de Marçay-Moonen 1914 double-biplane canard
Société Anonyme d'Etudes et de Construction Aéronautique Edmond de Marçay
(SAECA Edmond de Marçay or Anonyme d'Etudes et de Construction Aéronautique Edmond de Marçay)
- de Marçay 1
- de Marçay 2
- de Marçay 3
- de Marçay 4
- de Marçay 5
- de Marçay T-2
- de Marçay Limousine
- de Marçay Passe-Partout
- de Marçay single-seat tourer
de Monge
(Louis de Monge)
- Lumière de Monge
- de Monge 7/3
- de Monge 7/5
- de Monge M-101
- de Monge 120
- de Monge Live Wing monoplane
de Pischof
(Alfred de Pischof)
- De Pischoff 1907 biplane
- de Pischof 1911 Autoplan[24]
- de Pischof Avionnette 1920[25]
- de Pischof Estafette 1922[26]
de Schelde
(NV Koninklijke Maatschappij de Schelde)
- de Schelde Scheldemusch
- de Schelde Scheldemeeuw
- de Schelde S.12[27][28]
- de Schelde S.20[28]
- de Schelde S.21[28][29]
de Vastey
(Georges de Vastey)
- Georges de Vastey G-1 Papillon
- Georges de Vastey G-2
de Viscaya
(Pierre de Viscaya)
- de Viscaya PV-102[30]
de Witt
(Albert H de Witt, Gary IN.)
- de Witt T-1[4]
(Herbert F Dean, Flint MI.)
(Carlyle W Dean, VA.)
- Dean Parasol[4]
(Jean-Claude Debreyer)
- Debreyer JCD-02 Pélican
- Debreyer JCD-03 Pélican
(Viscount Decazes and G. Besancon)
- Decazes Helicoplane
- Dechaux Helicop-jet[3]
(Deekay Aircraft Corporation Ltd.)
(Arthur Deicke)
- Deicke ADM 1[31]
- Deicke ADM 2[31]
- Deicke ADM 3[31]
- Deicke ADM 4[31]
- Deicke ADM 5[31]
- Deicke ADM 6[31]
- Deicke ADM 8[31]
- Deicke ADM 9[31]
- Deicke ADM 10[31]
- Deicke ADM-11[32][33]
- Deicke 1931 biplane (tricycle and tail-skid u/c)
(Jacques Dejouy)
- Dejouy 4 BA[34]
Del Mar
(Orlando Helicopter Airways, Deland, Florids)
(Maurice Delanne, France)
- Delanne DL-10[35]
- Delanne 11[35]
- Delanne DL-20T[36]
- Delanne 30 P2[37]
- Delanne 60 E1[38]
- Delanne DL-70
- Delanne DL-150
- Delanne DL-160
(Guy Delannoy)
- Delannoy helicopter[1]
(Gérard Feugray and Christian Lesage)
(Jacques Delattre)
- Delattre Potez 6[3]
(Jean Délémontez et Alain Cauchy)
(Jean Délémontez et Jacques Desjardins)
(Jean Délémontez &t Lucien Miettaux)
- Délémontez-Miettaux DM.01 Bébé Spécial[3]
(Deleray Aircraft Works, Freeport NY.)
- Deleray D-5 Sport Plane[4]
(Delgado Trades School, New Orleans LA (now Delgado Community College).)
Delta Helicopters
(Delta Helicopters, Tanah Merah, Queensland, Australia)
Delta Sailplane Corporation
Delta System Air
(Jean DELmontez - Jacques VION)
- Dementyev Mercury 6
(Gurnie A Deming, Lake Worth FL.)
- Deming Mid-wing[4]
- Demonty-Poncelet D.P.I[42]
- Demonty-Poncelet Cambgul II
(Tom Dempsey, Odessa TX.)
- Dempsey TD-2[4]
- Dempsey TD-3 Beta Lightning[4]
(Robert Denize)
(Denney Aerocraft)
(Élie Denoix)
- Denoix ED.5 Demoiselle[1]
(Société Pour les Appareils Deperdussin) (Note: there is much confusion over Deperdussin's aircraft so the listed aircraft here may refer to the same item, hopefully all will be revealed later)
- Deperdussin Type A[43]
- Deperdussin Type B Sports
- Deperdussin Type C
- Deperdussin Type D Monocoque
- Deperdussin T[44]
- Deperdussin TT
- Deperdussin Coupe Schneider[45]
- Deperdussin Type B concours militaire 1911[46]
- Deperdussin 1912 Racing Monoplane
- Deperdussin Monocoque
(Elisée Alfred Descamps)
- Descamps 16 (same aircraft as Descamps-Brunet DB-16)
- Descamps 17
- Descamps 27[47]
(Christian Descatoire)
- Descatoire CD.01 Astuss[3]
(Detemple Helicopter Inc, Venice CA.)
- Detemple DH-28[4]
Detroit Cleveland
- Detroit Cleveland Airship
Dewald Leichtflugzeugbau Gmbh
(Bad Schönborn, Germany)
(Jim Dewey, Santa Paula CA.)
- Dewey 1966 Monoplane[4]
- Dewey Bird
(Emile Dewoitine - Société Aéronautique Française, formerly Constructions Aéronautiques E. Dewoitine, nationalized in 1936 as Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Midi (SNCAM))
- Dewoitine AXD
- Dewoitine P-1
- Dewoitine P-2[48]
- Dewoitine P-3[49]
- Dewoitine P-4[50]
- Dewoitine D.1
- Dewoitine D.2
- Dewoitine D.3
- Dewoitine D.4
- Dewoitine D.5
- Dewoitine D.6
- Dewoitine D.7
- Dewoitine D.8
- Dewoitine D.9
- Dewoitine D.10
- Dewoitine D.12
- Dewoitine D.13
- Dewoitine D.14[51]
- Dewoitine D.15
- Dewoitine D.17
- Dewoitine D.18
- Dewoitine D.19
- Dewoitine D.21
- Dewoitine D.22
- Dewoitine D.23
- Dewoitine D.24
- Dewoitine D.25
- Dewoitine D.26
- Dewoitine D.27
- Dewoitine D.28[52]
- Dewoitine D.30
- Dewoitine D.31
- Dewoitine D.33 Trait d'Union
- Dewoitine D.332 Emeraude
- Dewoitine D.333
- Dewoitine D.337
- Dewoitine D.338
- Dewoitine D.342
- Dewoitine D.35
- Dewoitine D.37
- Dewoitine D.371
- Dewoitine D.373
- Dewoitine D.40
- Dewoitine HD-412[53]
- Dewoitine D.420
- Dewoitine D.430[54]
- Dewoitine D.440
- Dewoitine D.450
- Dewoitine HD.460
- Dewoitine D.470
- Dewoitine D.480[55]
- Dewoitine D.481[56]
- Dewoitine D.490
- Dewoitine D.500
- Dewoitine D.501
- Dewoitine D.503
- Dewoitine D.510
- Dewoitine D.511
- Dewoitine D.513
- Dewoitine D.520
- Dewoitine D.521
- Dewoitine D.530
- Dewoitine D.531
- Dewoitine D.532
- Dewoitine D.535
- Dewoitine D.550
- Dewoitine D.551
- Dewoitine D.560
- Dewoitine D.570
- Dewoitine D.580
- Dewoitine D.590
- Dewoitine D.600[57]
- Dewoitine D.620
- Dewoitine D.640
- Dewoitine D.650
- Dewoitine D.660
- Dewoitine D.680
- Dewoitine D.700
- Dewoitine D.710
- Dewoitine D.720[58]
- Dewoitine HD.730
- Dewoitine HD.731
- Dewoitine D.750
- Dewoitine D.760
- Dewoitine D.770[59]
- Dewoitine HD.780[60]
- Dewoitine D.790
- Dewoitine D.800
- Dewoitine D.810
- Dewoitine D.820
- Dewoitine D.860
- Dewoitine D.900
- Dewoitine Navy Type D Carrier Fighter
DF Helicopters
- DF Helicopters DF333
- DF Helicopters DF334
(Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Segelflug) see also: RRG
- DFS 39
- DFS 40
- DFS 54
- DFS 193
- DFS 194
- DFS 228[33]
- DFS 203
- DFS 230
- DFS 230F (despite designation it was a totally new aircraft)
- DFS 331
- DFS 332
- DFS 346
- DFS B6
- DFS Condor
- DFS E 32
- DFS Einheitsschulflugzeug
- DFS Fliege IIa
- DFS Habicht
- DFS Hangwind
- DFS Hol's der Teufel
- DFS Jacht 71
- DFS Kranich
- DFS Maikäfer
- DFS Mo 6
- DFS Mo 12
- DFS Moazag'otl
- DFS Olympia Meise
- DFS Präsident
- DFS Professor
- DFS Reiher
- DFS Rhönbussard
- DFS Rhönadler
- DFS Rhönsperber
- DFS São Paulo
- DFS Seeadler
- DFS SG 38
- DFS Stanavo
- DFS Weihe
(Deutsche Flugzeug-Werke G.m.b.H)
- DFW C-type
- DFW Dr.I
- DFW T.28 Floh
- DFW T.34-I
- DFW T.34-II
- DFW Mars
- DFW P.1
- DFW Pfiel
- DFW Stahl-Taube
- DFW F 34
- DFW F 37
- D.F.W. Pusher Biplane
- DFW MD 14[61]
DG Flugzeugbau
(Diablo Aircraft Co, Stockton CA.)
- Diablo 1929 Biplane[4]
Diamond Aircraft
- Diamond DA20
- Diamond DV20
- Diamond DA40 Star
- Diamond DA42 TwinStar
- Diamond DA50
- Diamond HK36 Super Dimona
- Diamond D-Jet
(Amalio Díaz)
- Díaz type C
(Shirl Dickey Enterprises, Phoenix, Arizona, United States)
- Dickey E-Racer Mark 1
- Dickey E-Racer Mark 2
- Dickey King Racer
Didier ULM
(Francheval, France)
(Diehl Aero-Nautical, Jenks OK.)
(Bob Diemert)
- Diemert Defender
(Dietrich-Gobiet Flugzeugwerke AG - 1922, Richard-Dietrich-Flugzeugbau-GmbH, Dietrich Flugzeugwerke AG , Mannheim)
- Dietrich DP I Sperber - 1922 2-seat sports biplane, 70 hp/51 kW Gnome rotary[62]
- Dietrich DP II Bussard - sports biplane prototype, 63 hp/47 kW 5-cyl Siemens Sh 4, (x 1), no interplane struts
- Dietrich DP IIa - production sports biplane, 83 hp/62 kW 7-cyl Siemens Sh 5, (x 53). DP IIa had N-type struts[63]
- Dietrich DP III - 2+6 high-wing monoplane airliner, 1 x Benz Bz.IV or Rolls-Royce Falcon, abandoned[64]
- Dietrich DP IV - [Project] 2-seat trainer (4-seat tourer?), 63 hp/47 kW 5-cyl Siemens Sh 4[65]
- Dietrich DP V - [Project] 1+2 touring aircraft, Mercedes engine[66]
- Dietrich DP VI - 1924 low-wing sports monoplane prototype, 49 hp/37 kW 3-cyl Haacke radial[67]
- Dietrich-Gobiet DP.VII
- Dietrich-Gobiet DP.VIIA
- Dietrich DP IX - 2-seat, parasol-wing monoplane trainer, 62 kW (83 hp) 7-cyl Siemens Sh 5 - based on DP VIIa but with more powerful engine (x 8) D-806, D-807
- Dietrich DP XI - 2-seat biplane, 71 kW (95 hp) 7-cyl Siemens Sh 11 - based on the DP IIa, with V-type interplane struts, rebuilt as RaKa RK 1 in 1926
- Dietrich DS I
((Conrad G) Dietz Laboratories, Cincinnati OH. 1925: Dietz Aeroplane Co, 815 Herman Ave/33 Hess St, Dayton OH.)
- Dietz C-4
- Dietz 1927 Biplane[4]
- Dietz 1928 Biplane[4]
- Dietz Nighthawk[4]
- Dietz Paraplane[4]
- Dietz Special[4] a.k.a. 'The Comet'
- Dietz-Schreiber Skylark[4]
(Frits Diepens Ford Garage)
(Dirección Nacional de Fabricación e Investigación Aeronáutica - Spanish language for "National Directorate of Aeronautical Manufacturing and Research").
- DINFIA IA 25 Mañque : assault glider
- DINFIA IA 28 :twin-engined fighter based on IA-24 with Rolls-Royce Merlin engines.
- DINFIA IA 32 Chingolo :two-seat trainer aircraft
- DINFIA IA 35 Huanquero
- DINFIA IA 38 Naranjero
- DINFIA IA 45 Querandi
- FMA IA 50 Guaraní II
(DirectFly sro, Hluk, Czech Republic)
Discovery Aviation
(Distar Air)
(Charles W Lay, Cincinnati OH.)
- Dixie 1924 Monoplane[4]
(Jess Dixon, Andalusia AL.)
- Dixon 1936 Helicopter[4]
(Tom Dixon, Burlington NC.)
- Dixon Special[4]
(previously Gläser-Dirks)
(DJB Aeroplane Co (Harry Deuther, Junkin & Brukner), the basis for Weaver Aircraft Co. )
(Dupperon, Niepce & Fetterer)
- D.N.F. 1916 bomber
(Doak Aircraft Co Inc, Torrance CA. )
Doak & Deeds
((Edward) Doak & (Woody) Deeds Aircraft Co, Culver City CA.)
- Doak & Deeds Sportsman[4]
(Jurgis Dobkevičius - Lithuania)
(Friedrich Baron von Doblhoff)
(Leland Dockery and Ralph Barnecko, Valparaiso IN.)
- Dockery-Barneko S-1[4]
(Howard Doerflein, Milwaukee WI.)
- Doerflein Sportsman[4]
(Aleksnadr Yakovlevich Dokuchayev)
- Dokuchayev 1910 biplane[70]
- Dokuchayev No.2 biplane[70]
- Dokuchayev No.3 biplane[70]
- Dokuchayev No.4 biplane[70]
- Dokuchayev No.5 monoplane[70]
- Dokuchayev No.6 biplane[70]
- Dokuchayev 1910 biplane (Aleksnadr Yakovlevich Dokuchayev)[70]
- Dokuchayev 1912 sesquiplane[70]
- Dokuchayev 1914 biplane[70]
- Dokuchayev 1915 sesquiplane trainer[70]
- Dokuchayev 1916 monoplane[70]
- Dokuchayev 1916 biplane[70]
(Dornier-Werke AG)
- Doflug D-3800
- Doflug D-3801
- Doflug D-3802
- Doflug D-3802A
- Doflug D-3803
(1945: (Glidden S) Doman-(Clinton W) Frasier Helicopters Inc, New York NY & Stamford CT. 1949: Doman Helicopters Inc, Danbury CT. 195?: Berlin Doman Helicopters Inc (Europe).)
- Doman D-10B[4]
- Doman D-11[4]
- Doman LZ-1[4]
- Doman LZ-1A[4]
- Doman LZ-2[4]
- Doman LZ-2A Pelican[4]
- Doman LZ-4[4]
- Doman LZ-5[4]
- Doman H-31[4]
- Doman HC-1[4]
(Dominion Aircraft Corporation Ltd, Renton WA.)
- Donnet-Denhaut flying boat
- Donnet-Denhaut Hispano-Suiza 140/150 hp[71]
- Donnet-Denhaut Lorraine 160 hp[72]
- Donnet-Denhaut Canton-Unné 160 hp[73]
- Donnet-Denhaut Hispano-Suiza 200 hp RR[74]
- Donnet-Denhaut Hispano-Suiza 275 hp[75]
- Donnet-Denhaut Bimoteur[76]
- Donnet-Denhaut DD-2
- Donnet-Denhaut DD-3
- Donnet-Denhaut DD-9
- Donnet-Denhaut DD-10
- Donnet H.B.3
- Donnet-Leveque Type A[77]
- Donnet-Leveque Type B
- Donnet-Leveque Type C
(Georges Dopourdois)
- Dopourdois DV.219[3]
(Colonel Dorand, director of the Section Technique de l'Aéronautique (STAé) at Chalais-Meudon / Société d`Études des Giravions Dorand)
- Dorand AR.1
- Dorand AR.2
- Dorand DO.1[78]
- Dorand DH-11[79]
(Réne Dorand)
- Dorand DH.011[1]
(L S Dorland, San Francisco CA.)
- Dorland Helicopter
(Etienne Dormoy, Detroit MI and Dayton OH.)
- Dormoy 1919 Biplane
- Dormoy 1920 Biplane
- Dormoy Bathtub
(H F Dorna Company)
(Dornier Werke GmbH) (During World War 1, Dornier designed for Zeppelin-Lindau)
- Dornier Cs.I
- Dornier Gs I[80]
- Dornier Gs II[6][80][81]
- Dornier Do A Libelle and Libelle II
- Dornier Do B Merkur[80]
- Dornier Do B Bal Merkur II[80]
- Dornier Do C
- Dornier C III Komet I[80]
- Dornier Do C2[80]
- Dornier Do C3
- Dornier Do C4
- Dornier Do D
- Dornier Do E
- Dornier Do F
- Dornier G I Greif[80]
- Dornier Do H Falke
- Dornier Do H Seefalke
- Dornier Do J Wal
- Dornier Do J B
- Dornier Do J G
- Dornier Do J K
- Dornier Do J II
- Dornier Do K1
- Dornier Do K2
- Dornier Do K3
- Dornier L1 Delphin I[80]
- Dornier L2 Delphin II[80]
- Dornier L3 Delphin III[80]
- Dornier Do N
- Dornier Do O
- Dornier Do P
- Dornier Do Q
- Dornier Do R2 Superwal
- Dornier Do R4 Superwal
- Dornier Do S[80]
- Dornier Do T
- Dornier Do U
- Dornier Do V
- Dornier Do X
- Dornier Do Y
- Dornier Do 10
- Dornier Do 11
- Dornier Do 12 Libelle III
- Dornier Do 13
- Dornier Do 14
- Dornier Do 15
- Dornier Do 16 Wal
- Dornier Do 17
- Dornier Do 18
- Dornier Do 19
- Dornier Do 20[80]
- Dornier Do 22
- Dornier Do 23
- Dornier Do 24
- Dornier Do 25
- Dornier Do 26
- Dornier Do 27
- Dornier Do 28
- Dornier Do 29
- Dornier Do 31
- Dornier Do 32
- Dornier Do 34
- Dornier Do 128
- Dornier Do 200
- Dornier Do 212
- Dornier Do 214
- Dornier Do 215
- Dornier Do 216[80]
- Dornier Do 217
- Dornier Do 228
- Dornier Do 317
- Dornier Do 318[33]
- Dornier Do 328
- Dornier Do 335 Pfeil
- Dornier Do 435
- Dornier Do 535
- Dornier Do 635
- Dornier Do 417[33]
- Dornier Do 728
- Dornier Alpha Jet
- Dornier Spatz
- Dornier Libelle (1921) 3-seater flying boat[82]
- Dornier Libelle II
- Dornier Libelle III
- Dornier Delphin I
- Dornier Delphin II
- Dornier Delphin III
- Dornier Falke
- Dornier Greif[80]
- Dornier Merkur[80]
- Dornier Merkur II[80]
- Dornier Komet I[80]
- Dornier Komet II
- Dornier Komet III
- Dornier Seefalke
- Dornier Superwal
- Dornier Wal
- Dornier Pfeil
- Dornier Schneider trophy projects[80]
- Dornier LTA
Dornier Seawings
Dornier (Altenrhein)
see FFA
(Charles M Ford, Al M Williams, and members of the Douglas Flying Club, Douglas AZ.)
- Douglas 1909 Biplane[4]
see also: Davis-Douglas, McDonnell-Douglas
- Douglas A-1 Skyraider
- Douglas A-2
- Douglas A-3 Skywarrior
- Douglas A-4 (target drone)
- Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
- Douglas A-6
- Douglas A-20 Havoc
- Douglas A-24 Banshee
- Douglas A-26 Invader
- Douglas A-33
- Douglas A-42
- Douglas AC-47 Spooky
- Douglas AD Skyraider
- Douglas A2D Skyshark
- Douglas A3D Skywarrior
- Douglas A4D Skyhawk
- Douglas B-7
- Douglas B-11
- Douglas B-18 Bolo
- Douglas B-19
- Douglas B-22
- Douglas B-23 Dragon
- Douglas B-26 Invader
- Douglas B-31
- Douglas B-42 Mixmaster
- Douglas B-43 Jetmaster
- Douglas B-66 Destroyer
- Douglas BD
- Douglas BLR-2
- Douglas BT-1
- Douglas BT-2
- Douglas BT-30[83]
- Douglas BTD Destroyer
- Douglas BT2D
- Douglas C-1 Milirole
- Douglas C-9 Skytrain II
- Douglas C-21 Dolphin
- Douglas C-24
- Douglas C-26 Dolphin
- Douglas C-29 Dolphin
- Douglas C-32
- Douglas C-33
- Douglas C-34
- Douglas C-38
- Douglas C-39
- Douglas C-41 (modified Douglas C-33)
- Douglas C-41A (modified Douglas DC-3A)
- Douglas C-42
- Douglas C-47 Skytrain
- Douglas C-48
- Douglas C-49
- Douglas C-50
- Douglas C-51
- Douglas C-52
- Douglas C-53 Skytrooper
- Douglas C-54 Skymaster
- Douglas C-58
- Douglas C-67 Dragon
- Douglas C-68
- Douglas C-74 Globemaster
- Douglas C-84
- Douglas C-110
- Douglas C-112 Liftmaster
- Douglas C-114 Skymaster
- Douglas C-115 Skymaster
- Douglas C-116 Skymaster
- Douglas C-117 Super Dakota
- Douglas C-118 Liftmaster
- Douglas C-124 Globemaster II
- Douglas C-129 Super Dakota
- Douglas C-132
- Douglas C-133 Cargomaster
- Douglas CG-17
- Douglas F-3
- Douglas F-6 Skyray
- Douglas F-10 Skyknight
- Douglas F-24
- Douglas F3D Skyknight
- Douglas F4D Skyray
- Douglas F5D Skylancer
- Douglas F6D Missileer
- Douglas FD
- Douglas JD
- Douglas O-2
- Douglas O-5
- Douglas O-7
- Douglas O-8
- Douglas O-9
- Douglas O-14
- Douglas O-22
- Douglas O-25
- Douglas O-29
- Douglas O-31
- Douglas O-32
- Douglas O-34
- Douglas O-35
- Douglas O-36
- Douglas O-38
- Douglas O-43
- Douglas O-44
- Douglas O-46
- Douglas O-48
- Douglas O-53
- Douglas OA-3
- Douglas OA-4
- Douglas OA-5
- Douglas OD
- Douglas O2D
- Douglas P-48
- Douglas P-70 Nighthawk
- Douglas PD
- Douglas P2D
- Douglas P3D
- Douglas RD
- Douglas R2D
- Douglas R3D
- Douglas R4D
- Douglas R5D
- Douglas R6D
- Douglas SBD Dauntless
- Douglas SB2D
- Douglas T2D
- Douglas T3D[84]
- Douglas TBD Devastator
- Douglas TB2D Skypirate
- Douglas X-3 Stiletto
- Douglas XP-472
- Douglas XS-3
- Douglas 1-X
- Douglas 1 Special[84]
- Douglas 7
- Douglas 8
- Douglas 640
- Douglas Boston
- Douglas Cloudster II
- Douglas Commuter[84]
- Douglas D558-I Skystreak
- Douglas D558-II Skyrocket
- Douglas DA-1 Ambassador
- Douglas Dakota
- Douglas DAM-1
- Douglas DB.1
- Douglas DB.7
- Douglas DB.19
- Douglas DC-1
- Douglas DC-2
- Douglas DC-3
- Douglas DC-4
- Douglas DC-4E no relation to DC-4/C-54
- Douglas DC-5
- Douglas DC-6
- Douglas DC-7
- Douglas DC-8
- Douglas DC-9
- Douglas DF
- Douglas DF-151
- Douglas DF-195
- Douglas Digby
- Douglas Dolphin
- Douglas DOS
- Douglas DST
- Douglas DT
- Douglas DT-202
- Douglas DWC
- Douglas DXD
- Douglas FP-1
- Douglas FP-2
- Douglas Havoc
- Douglas HXD
- Douglas L2D
- Douglas LXD1
- Douglas M-1
- Douglas M-2
- Douglas M-3
- Douglas M-4
- Douglas Navy Experimental Type D Flying Boat
- Douglas Navy Experimental Type D Transport
- Douglas Navy Type D Transport
- Douglas Navy Type 0 Transport
- Douglas SDW[84]
- Douglas Sinbad
- Douglas Weilandcraft[84]
- Douglas CC-129 Dakota Canadian Armed Forces
(see #Douglas)
Dova Aircraft
(Paskov, Czech Republic)
(Robert W Dow, Flint MI.)
- Dow A-1[4]
(C L Downer, Salt Lake City UT.)
- Downer 1910 Quintuplane[4]
(Downer Aircraft Industries Inc, Alexandria.)
(Doyle Aero Corp, 3104 Elm Ave, Baltimore MD)
- Doyle O-2 Oriole[4]
- Doyle O-3 Oriole[4] a.k.a. O-2 Special
(Richard H Doyle, Franklin Park IL.)
( (Herbert Charles) Doyle, Rochester NY)
- Doyle 1911 Biplane[4]
(Doyle-(R M) Brown Motorplane Co, New York NY.)
- Doyle-Brown Motorplane[4]
(Doyn Aircraft, Wichita KS.)
Drachen Studio Kecur
(Drachen Studio Kecur GmbH, Mettmann, Germany)
- Dragon 150
- Dragon 200
(Ramon Dreifke, St Louis MO.)
- Dreifke D-2[4]
(Maurice Drezet)
(Willard A Driggers, 1530 Olive St, Washington DC, and Willow Grove PA)
- Driggers D1-A[4]
- Driggers D2-A[4]
(Driggs Aircraft Corp/Michigan Screw Co, Lansing MI)
- Driggs Dart 1[4] a.k.a. DJ-1
- Driggs Dart 2[4]
- Driggs Skylark 3[4]
( (Ivan) Driggs-(E A) Johnson Airplane & Supply Co, Dayton OH.)
- Driggs-Johnson DJ-1 Bumblebee[4]
- Driggs-Johnson Canary[4] a.k.a. DJ-1
DRS Technologies
- Druiff-Neate Cycloplane
- Druine RD.1[1][88]
- Druine RD.30
- Druine Aigle 777[1][89]
- Druine D.3 Turbulent
- Druine D.31 Turbulent
- Druine D.4 Turbulent
- Druine D.5 Turbi
- Druine D.60 Condor
- Druine D.61 Condor
- Druine D.62 Condor
- DS-1 Papillon
(Delft Student Aeroclub (DSA))
- D.S. No.1 Papillon[90]
(Duster Sailplane Kits)
DSK Airmotive
(DSK Airmotive, Ft Walton BEach FL.)
DTA sarl
(Montélimar, France)
Duane's Hangar
(Patrick Duane, Liberty, South Carolina, United States)
du Temple
- Duben helicopter[91]
(Jean-Marc Ducournau)
- Ducournau HLM.01[3]
(Vittorio Ducrot)
(Stan Dudek, Somerville NJ.)
(Albert Dudek, Cleveland OH.)
- Dudek-Beachey Pusher[4] (replica Beachey-Eaton 1914 Biplane)
Dudek Paragliders
(Bydgoszcz, Poland)
- Dudek Action
- Dudek Air-Light
- Dudek Alt
- Dudek Atak
- Dudek Bi-Light
- Dudek Coden
- Dudek Colt
- Dudek Condor
- Dudek Elf
- Dudek Freeway
- Dudek Guliwer
- Dudek Hadron
- Dudek Jumbo
- Dudek Lux
- Dudek Mach 1.1
- Dudek Manta
- Dudek Marlin
- Dudek Max
- Dudek Nemo
- Dudek Nucleon
- Dudek Optic
- Dudek Orca
- Dudek Patrol
- Dudek Plasma
- Dudek Plus
- Dudek Reaction
- Dudek Rex
- Dudek Shark
- Dudek Snake
- Dudek Synthesis
- Dudek Top
- Dudek Traper
- Dudek Twix
- Dudek Universal
- Dudek Vip
- Dudek Vox
- Dudek Wezyr
- Dudek Zagzig
- Dudek Zak Speed
Dudley Watt
(Dufaux, Armand and Henri, Switzerland)
- Dufaux helicopter
- Dufaux triplane
- Dufaux 4
- Dufaux 5
- Dufaux fighter
- Dufaux Avion-Canon[5]
- Dufaux C.2 Fighter
- Dufour No.1[92]
- Duigan glider
- Duigan pusher biplane
- Duigan tractor biplane
Dudley Watt
- Dooks Meller I (a.k.a. Duks)[70]
- Dooks Meller II[70]
- Dooks Meller III[70]
- Dooks No.2 pusher monoplane[70]
- Dooks 1917 twin pusher[70]
(Ioan Dumbravă)
- Dumbravă Iaşi-1
(Dumod Corp, Opa-Locka FL.)
Duncan (aircraft constructor)
- Duncan Special a.k.a. DX-1 Sport
(Erwin J Dunham, Hamburg NY.)
- Dunham 1927 Monoplane[4]
((William G) Dunn Mfg Co, Clarinda IA.)
- Dunn K-5 Cruzaire[4]
(Harry & Frank Dunn, Anderson IN.)
- Dunn-Tate 1910 Biplane[4]
(John William Dunne) see also: Burgess-Dunne
- Dunne-Capper glider
- Dunne-Capper 1911 monoplane
- Dunne D.1
- Dunne D.2
- Dunne D.3
- Dunne D.4
- Dunne D.5
- Dunne D.6
- Dunne D.8
- Dunne D.10
(Marcel Dupau)
- Dupau 12 Papy-on[3]
(Roger Dupuy)
- Dupuy 40[95]
(William H Durand, 84 St & McKinley Ave)
- Durand A-45[4]
- Durand Mk V[4]
- Durand XD-85[4]
- Duranton DE.01 Junior[3]
Durand et Delaville
(Claude Durand and Delaville)
- Durandeaux D.510[1]
( (Rex C "Cliff") Durant Aircraft Corp, Durant Field, 82 Ave at E 14 St, Oakland CA.)
- Durant Tour Plane[4] (Standard J-1 Conversions)
(Durban Aircraft, South Africa)
- Durban Aeriel II - formerly "Genair Aeriel 2", a Piel Emeraude built under licence[97]
(René Durenleau, Franklin VT.)
- Durenleau A-1 Biddy Buddy[4]
(Bill Durley)
- Durl-E-Aire[98]- parasol wing amateur built aircraft, one built
(Roland Duruble)
(Duverne & Saran)
(George J. Dvorak, Redding CA)
- Dvorak MiniOne[4]
- Dwight-Lund 1911 Aeroplane
((Charles F & Edward A) Dycer Airport Corp, 136 St & Western Ave, Los Angeles CA)
- Dycer Sportplane[4]
(Elmer F Dye, Encanto CA)
- Dye Dart Sport[4]
(Elmer F Dye & Ed Morrow, Encanto and San Diego CA.)
- Dye-Morrow LW[4]
(Stephen E Dyer, Aurora CO.)
- Dycer Dycercraft[4]
((John W) Dyke Aircraft, Fairborn OH.)
Dyle et Bacalan
(Société Dyle et Bacalan à Bordeaux / Société Anonyme de Travaux Dyle et Bacalan)
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-10
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-20[101]
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-30[102]
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-40[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-50[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-60[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-70[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-80[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-81[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan DB-90[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan AB-20[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan AB-21[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan AB-22[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan AB-80[103]
- Dyle et Bacalan LH-70[103]
- Dyn'Aéro CR.100
- Dyn'Aéro CR.120
- Dyn'Aéro MCR01 VLA Sportster
- Dyn'Aéro MCR01 Club
- Dyn'Aéro MCR01 ULC
- Dyn'Aéro MCR4S
- Dyn'Aéro Twin-R
- Dyn'Aéro ELA-1
- Dyn'Aéro MCR2S Ibis
- Dyn'Aéro Pickup
- Dyn'Aéro Three seat
- Dyn'Aéro Four seat
- Dyn'Aéro Four seat Performance
- Dyn'Aéro CITEC
- Dyn'Aéro MCR R180
- Dyn'Aéro MCR R180 Limousine
(Dynali Helicopter Company)
- Dynali H2
- Dynali H2S
- Dynali H3 Easyflyer
- Dynalifter DL-100[104]
Dynamic Sport
(Kielce, Poland)
- Dynamic Sport Climber
- Dynamic Sport Enigma
- Dynamic Sport Gravis
- Dynamic Sport Magnum
- Dynamic Sport Raven
- Dynamic Sport Rocket
- Dynamic Sport Viper
(G.M. Dyott)
Lists of aircraft |
D'Yves Air Pub
(La Chapelle-en-Vexin, France)
- D'Yves Yvasion 2000
- D'Yves Mikalight
- D'Yves Titanox
- D'Yves Single-Seater Trike
- D'Yves Airmax Double-Seater Trike
- D'Yves Double-Seater Trike
(Stanislav Działowskich)
- Działowskich D.K.D.1[105]
- Działowskich D.K.D.2[105]
- Działowskich D.K.D.3[105]
- Działowskich D.K.D.4[105]
- Działowskich D.K.D.5[105]
- Działowskich D.K.D.6[105]
- Działowskich D.K.D.7[105]
- Działowskich D.K.D.8[105]
- Działowskich D.K.D.10 Aeromobil[105]
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Gaillard, Pierre (1990). Les Avions Francaisde 1944 a 1964. Paris: Editions EPA. ISBN 2 85120 350 9.
- ↑ "DC.01 Rapace". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Gaillard, Pierre (1991). Les Avions Francaisde 1965 a 1990. Paris: Editions EPA. ISBN 2 85120 392 4.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 "American airplanes: Da - DY". 2008-08-15. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- 1 2 3 4 Green, William; Swanborough, Gordon (1994). The Complete Book of fighters. London: Salamander Books Limited. ISBN 1-85833-777-1.
- 1 2 3 Gray, Peter; Thetford, Owen (1970). German Aircraft of the First World War (2nd ed.). London,: Putnam. ISBN 0-370-00103-6.
- ↑ "Damoure-Fabre DFL-6". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hayles, John (2002). "Bulgarian Air Force". Retrieved 15 January 2012.
- 1 2 Bayerl, Robby; Martin Berkemeier; et al. (2011). World Directory of Leisure Aviation 2011-12. Lancaster: WDLA UK. ISSN 1368-485X.
- ↑ Bernard, Mary; Suzanne B. Bopp (December 2012). "Aeroplanes DAR-23". Kitplanes (Belvoir Publications) 29 (12). ISSN 0891-1851.
- ↑ "British Sport and Training Types". Flight. 27 October 1938. Retrieved 14 July 2014.
- ↑ "Daspect III". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- ↑ "Dassault MD 303". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- ↑ "Dassault MD 316T". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- ↑ "Dassault MD 320 Hirondelle". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- ↑ "Dassault MD 550 Mirage". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- ↑ "Dassy DA.1". Retrieved 16 May 2014.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "American airplanes: Dayton". 2008-08-15. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- ↑ "De Bothezat GB-5". Retrieved 18 May 2014.
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Further reading
External links