List of MPs elected in the United Kingdom general election, 1931

34th Parliament (1924)
35th Parliament (1929)
36th Parliament (1931)
37th Parliament (1935)
38th Parliament (1945)

This is a complete list of Members of Parliament elected to the 36th Parliament of the United Kingdom at the 1931 general election, held on 27 October 1931.

Notable newcomers to the House of Commons included Lord Dunglass (better known as Sir Alec-Douglas-Home), Stafford Cripps, Alan Lennox-Boyd and Florence Horsbrugh.

Table of contents:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z By-elections Changes

Aberavon William Cove Labour
Aberdare George Hall Labour
Aberdeen North John George Burnett Conservative
Aberdeen South Sir Frederick Thomson, Bt Conservative
Aberdeenshire Central Robert Workman Smith Conservative
Aberdeenshire East Robert Boothby Conservative
Aberdeenshire West and Kincardine Malcolm Barclay-Harvey Conservative
Abertillery George Daggar Labour
Abingdon Ralph Glyn Conservative
Accrington Henry Adam Procter Conservative
Acton Hubert Duggan Conservative
Aldershot Rt Hon. Viscount Wolmer Conservative
Altrincham Cyril Atkinson Conservative
Anglesey Megan Lloyd George Independent Liberal
(Two members)
Hon. Sir Hugh O'Neill Ulster Unionist
Sir Joseph McConnell, Bt Ulster Unionist
Argyllshire Frederick Macquisten Conservative
Armagh Sir William Allen Ulster Unionist
Ashford Hon. Michael Knatchbull Conservative
Ashton-under-Lyne John Broadbent Conservative
Aylesbury Michael Beaumont Conservative
Ayr Burghs Thomas Moore Conservative
Ayrshire North and Bute Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston Conservative
Ayrshire South James Orr MacAndrew Conservative
Balham and Tooting Sir Alfred Butt, Bt Conservative
Banbury Albert Edmondson Conservative
Banffshire Sir Murdoch McKenzie Wood Liberal
Barkston Ash Leonard Ropner Conservative
Barnard Castle Cuthbert Headlam Conservative
Barnsley Richard John Soper Liberal National
Barnstaple Sir Basil Peto, Bt Conservative
Barrow-in-Furness Sir Jonah Walker-Smith Conservative
Basingstoke Viscount Lymington Conservative
Bassetlaw Malcolm MacDonald National Labour
Bath Loel Guinness Conservative
Batley and Morley Wilfrid Dewhurst Wills Conservative
Battersea North Arthur Marsden Conservative
Battersea South Harry Ralph Selley Conservative
Bedford Sydney Richard Wells Conservative
Bedfordshire Mid Alan Lennox-Boyd Conservative
Bedwellty Charles Edwards Labour
Belfast, East Herbert Dixon Ulster Unionist
Belfast, North Thomas Somerset Ulster Unionist
Belfast, South William Stewart Ulster Unionist
Belfast, West Alexander Browne Ulster Unionist
Belper Herbert Wragg Conservative
Bermondsey West Alfred Salter Labour
Berwick-on-Tweed Alfred Todd Conservative
Berwick and Haddington John McEwen Conservative
Bethnal Green North-East Harry Nathan Liberal
Bethnal Green South-West Percy Harris Liberal
Bewdley Rt Hon. Stanley Baldwin Conservative
Birkenhead East Henry Graham White Liberal
Birkenhead West John Sandeman Allen Conservative
Birmingham Aston Arthur Hope Conservative
Birmingham Deritend John Smedley Crooke Conservative
Birmingham Duddeston Oliver Edwin Simmonds Conservative
Birmingham Edgbaston Rt Hon. Neville Chamberlain Conservative
Birmingham Erdington John Frederick Eales Conservative
Birmingham Handsworth Oliver Locker-Lampson Conservative
Birmingham King's Norton Lionel Beaumont-Thomas Conservative
Birmingham Ladywood Geoffrey Lloyd Conservative
Birmingham Moseley Patrick Hannon Conservative
Birmingham Sparkbrook Rt Hon. Leo Amery Conservative
Birmingham West Rt Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain Conservative
Birmingham Yardley Edward William Salt Conservative
Bishop Auckland Aaron Curry Liberal National
(Two members)
Sir Walter Dorling Smiles Conservative
George Sampson Elliston Conservative
Blackpool Clifford Erskine-Bolst Conservative
Blaydon Thomas Ballantyne Martin Conservative
Bodmin Isaac Foot Liberal
(Two members)
Cyril Entwistle Conservative
Sir John Haslam Conservative
Bootle Chichester de Windt Crookshank Conservative
Bosworth William Edge Liberal National
Bothwell Helen Brown Shaw Conservative
Bournemouth Sir Henry Page Croft Conservative
Bow and Bromley Rt Hon. George Lansbury Labour
Bradford Central George Hathaway Eady Conservative
Bradford East Joseph Hepworth Conservative
Bradford North Sir Eugene Ramsden Conservative
Bradford South Herbert Holdsworth Liberal
Brecon and Radnor Walter D'Arcy Hall Conservative
Brentford and Chiswick Harold Paton Mitchell Conservative
Bridgwater Reginald Croom-Johnson Conservative
Brigg Michael John Hunter Conservative
(Two members)
Sir Alfred Cooper Rawson Conservative
Rt Hon. Sir George Tryon Conservative
Bristol Central Lord Apsley Conservative
Bristol East Sir Stafford Cripps Labour
Bristol North Robert Bernays Liberal
Bristol South Noel Ker-Lindsay Conservative
Bristol West Cyril Tom Culverwell Conservative
Brixton Nigel Colman Conservative
Bromley Sir Edward Campbell Conservative
Broxtowe Seymour Cocks Labour
Buckingham Sir George Bowyer Conservative
Buckrose Albert Braithwaite Conservative
Burnley Gordon Campbell National
Burslem William Allen Conservative
Burton Rt Hon. John Gretton Conservative
Bury Charles Ainsworth Conservative
Bury St. Edmunds Frank Heilgers Conservative
Caerphilly Morgan Jones Labour
Caithness and Sutherland Rt Hon. Sir Archibald Sinclair, Bt Liberal
Camberwell North Arthur Leonard Bateman Conservative
Camberwell North West James Cassels Conservative
Camborne Peter Agnew Conservative
Cambridge Sir George Newton Conservative
Cambridge University
(Two members)
Sir John James Withers Conservative
Godfrey Wilson Conservative
Cambridgeshire Richard George Briscoe Conservative
Cannock Sarah Ward Conservative
Canterbury Sir William Wayland Conservative
Cardiff Central Sir Ernest Bennett National Labour
Cardiff East Owen Temple-Morris Conservative
Cardiff South Arthur Evans Conservative
Cardiganshire Rhys Hopkin Morris Liberal
Carlisle Louis Spears Conservative
Carmarthen Richard Thomas Evans Liberal
Carnarvon Boroughs Rt Hon. David Lloyd George Independent Liberal
Carnarvonshire Goronwy Owen Independent Liberal
Chatham Park Goff Conservative
Chelmsford Sir Vivian Henderson Conservative
Chelsea Rt Hon. Sir Samuel Hoare, Bt Conservative
Cheltenham Sir Walter Preston Conservative
Chertsey Sir Archibald Boyd-Carpenter Conservative
City of Chester Sir Charles Cayzer, Bt Conservative
Chesterfield Roger Conant Conservative
Chester-le-Street Jack Lawson Labour
Chichester John Sewell Courtauld Conservative
Chippenham Victor Cazalet Conservative
Chislehurst Waldron Smithers Conservative
Chorley Rt Hon. Douglas Hacking Conservative
Cirencester and Tewkesbury William Morrison Conservative
City of London
(Two members)
Sir Thomas Vansittart Bowater, Bt Conservative
Edward Grenfell Conservative
Clapham Sir John Leigh, Bt Conservative
Clay Cross Charles Duncan Labour
Cleveland Robert Tatton Bower Conservative
Clitheroe Sir William Brass Conservative
Coatbridge William Paterson Templeton Conservative
Colchester Oswald Lewis Conservative
Colne Valley Lance Mallalieu Liberal
Combined English Universities
(Two members)
Eleanor Rathbone Independent
Sir Reginald Craddock Conservative
Combined Scottish Universities
(Three members)
Dugald Cowan Liberal
John Buchan Conservative
Noel Skelton Conservative
Consett John Purcell Dickie Liberal National
Cornwall North Rt Hon. Sir Donald Maclean Liberal
Coventry William Frederick Strickland Conservative
Crewe Sir Donald Somervell Conservative
Croydon North Glyn Mason Conservative
Croydon South Herbert Williams Conservative
Cumberland North Fergus Graham Conservative
Darlington Charles Peat Conservative
Dartford Frank Edward Clarke Conservative
Darwen Rt Hon. Sir Herbert Samuel Liberal
Daventry Rt Hon. Edward FitzRoy Speaker (Conservative)
Denbigh Henry Morris-Jones Liberal National
Deptford Denis Augustine Hanley Conservative
(Two members)
Rt Hon. James Henry Thomas National Labour
William Allan Reid Conservative
Derbyshire North East Jardine Whyte Conservative
Derbyshire South Paul Emrys-Evans Conservative
Derbyshire West The Marquess of Hartington Conservative
Devizes Sir Percy Hurd Conservative
Dewsbury Walter Rea Liberal
Doncaster Hugh Molson Conservative
Don Valley Tom Williams Labour
Dorset East Gordon Hall Caine Conservative
Dorset North Cecil Hanbury Conservative
Dorset, South Viscount Cranborne Conservative
Dorset West Philip Colfox Conservative
Dover Hon. John Astor Conservative
(Two members)
David Reid Ulster Unionist
Viscount Castlereagh Ulster Unionist
Dudley Dudley Joel Conservative
Dulwich Sir Frederick Hall, Bt Conservative
Dumbarton Burghs David Kirkwood Labour
Dumfriesshire Joseph Hunter Liberal
Dunbartonshire John Gibb Thom Conservative
(Two members)
Dingle Foot Liberal
Florence Horsbrugh Conservative
Dunfermline Burghs John Wallace Liberal National
Durham William McKeag Liberal
Ealing Sir Frank Sanderson, Bt Conservative
Eastbourne Edward Marjoribanks Conservative
East Grinstead Sir Henry Cautley, Bt Conservative
East Ham North John Mayhew Conservative
East Ham South Malcolm Campbell-Johnston Conservative
Ebbw Vale Aneurin Bevan Labour
Eccles John Potter Conservative
Eddisbury Richard John Russell Liberal National
Edinburgh Central James Guy Conservative
Edinburgh East David Marshall Mason Liberal
Edinburgh North Sir Patrick Ford, Bt Conservative
Edinburgh South Sir Samuel Chapman Conservative
Edinburgh West Wilfid Normand Conservative
Edmonton John Rutherford Conservative
Elland Thomas Levy Conservative
Enfield Reginald Applin Conservative
Epping Rt Hon. Winston Churchill Conservative
Epsom Archibald Southby Conservative
Essex South East Victor Raikes Conservative
Evesham Rt Hon. Sir Bolton Eyres-Monsell Conservative
Exeter Arthur Conrad Reed Conservative
Eye Edgar Granville Liberal National
Fareham Sir Thomas Inskip Conservative
Farnham Sir Arthur Samuel Conservative
Farnworth James Stones Conservative
Faversham Adam Maitland Conservative
Fermanagh and Tyrone
(Two members)
Joseph Devlin Irish Nationalist
Cahir Healy Irish Nationalist
Fife East Sir James Duncan Millar Liberal National
Fife West Charles Black Milne Conservative
Finchley Hon. Edward Cadogan Conservative
Finsbury Sir George Masterman Gillett National Labour
Flintshire Frederick Llewellyn-Jones Liberal National
Forest of Dean John Vigers Worthington National Labour
Forfarshire William Thomas Shaw Conservative
Frome Viscount Weymouth Conservative
Fulham East Sir Kenyon Pascoe Vaughan-Morgan Conservative
Fulham West Sir Cyril Cobb Conservative
Fylde Lord Stanley Conservative
Gainsborough Harry Crookshank Conservative
Galloway John Mackie Conservative
Gateshead Thomas Magnay Liberal National
Gillingham Sir Robert Gower Conservative
Glasgow Bridgeton James Maxton Independent Labour Party
Glasgow Camlachie James Stevenson Conservative
Glasgow Cathcart John Train Conservative
Glasgow Central Sir William Alexander Conservative
Glasgow Gorbals George Buchanan Independent Labour Party
Glasgow Govan Neil Maclean Labour
Glasgow Hillhead Rt Hon. Sir Robert Horne Conservative
Glasgow Kelvingrove Walter Elliott Conservative
Glasgow Maryhill Douglas Jamieson Conservative
Glasgow Partick Charles Glen MacAndrew Conservative
Glasgow Pollok Rt Hon. Sir John Gilmour, Bt Conservative
Glasgow St. Rollox William Leonard Labour Co-op
Glasgow Shettleston John McGovern Independent Labour Party
Glasgow Springburn Charles Emmott Conservative
Glasgow Tradeston William Hannah McLean Conservative
Gloucester Leslie Boyce Conservative
Gower David Grenfell Labour
Grantham Sir Victor Warrender, Bt Conservative
Gravesend Irving Albery Conservative
Great Yarmouth Arthur Harbord Liberal National
Greenock Sir Godfrey Collins Liberal National
Greenwich Sir George Hume Conservative
Grimsby Walter Womersley Conservative
Guildford Hon. Charles Rhys Conservative
Hackney Central John Cutts Lockwood Conservative
Hackney North Austin Hudson Conservative
Hackney South Frances Marjorie Graves Conservative
Halifax Gilbert Gledhill Conservative
Hamilton Duncan Macgregor Graham Labour
Hammersmith North Mary Pickford Conservative
Hammersmith South James Douglas Cooke Conservative
Hampstead George Balfour Conservative
Hanley Harold Hales Conservative
Harborough The Earl Castle Stewart Conservative
Harrow Sir Isidore Salmon Conservative
The Hartlepools William Gritten Conservative
Harwich Percy Pybus Liberal National
Hastings Rt Hon. Lord Eustace Percy Conservative
Hemel Hempstead Rt Hon. J. C. C. Davidson Conservative
Hemsworth Gabriel Price Labour
Hendon Rt Hon. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister Conservative
Henley Robert Henderson Conservative
Hereford James Thomas Conservative
Hertford Murray Sueter Conservative
Hexham Douglas Clifton Brown Conservative
Heywood and Radcliffe Joseph Cooksey Jackson Conservative
High Peak Sir Alfred Law Conservative
Hitchin Viscount Knebworth Conservative
Holborn Stuart Bevan Conservative
Holderness Samuel Servington Savery Conservative
Holland-with-Boston James Blindell Liberal National
Honiton Cedric Drewe Conservative
Horncastle Henry Haslam Conservative
Hornsey Euan Wallace Conservative
Horsham and Worthing The Earl Winterton PC Conservative
Houghton-le-Spring Robert Chapman Conservative
Howdenshire William Carver Conservative
Huddersfield William Mabane Liberal National
Hull Central Basil Kelsey Barton Conservative
Hull East John Nation Conservative
Hull North West Sir Lambert Ward, Bt Conservative
Hull South West Richard Law Conservative
Huntingdonshire Sidney Peters Liberal National
Hythe Rt Hon. Sir Philip Sassoon, Bt Conservative
Ilford Sir George Hamilton Conservative
Ilkeston Abraham Flint National Labour
Ince Gordon Macdonald Labour
Inverness-shire Sir Murdo Macdonald Liberal National
Ipswich Sir Francis Ganzoni, Bt Conservative
Isle of Ely James Armand de Rothschild Liberal
Isle of Thanet Harold Balfour Conservative
Isle of Wight Peter Macdonald Conservative
Islington East Thelma Cazalet Conservative
Islington North Albert Goodman Conservative
Islington South Tom Forrest Howard Conservative
Islington West Patrick Donner Conservative
Jarrow William George Pearson Conservative
Keighley George Harvie-Watt Conservative
Kennington George Harvey Conservative
Kensington North James Duncan Conservative
Kensington South Sir William Davison Conservative
Kettering John Eastwood Conservative
Kidderminster Sir John Wardlaw-Milne Conservative
Kilmarnock Rt Hon. Craigie Aitchison National Labour
King's Lynn The Lord Fermoy Conservative
Kingston-upon-Thames Sir Frederick Penny Conservative
Kingswinford Alan Todd Conservative
Kinross & West Perthshire The Duchess of Atholl Conservative
Kirkcaldy District of Burghs Albert Russell Conservative
Knutsford Ernest Makins Conservative
Lambeth North Frank Briant Liberal
Lanark Lord Dunglass Conservative
Lanarkshire North William Anstruther-Gray Conservative
Lancaster Herwald Ramsbotham Conservative
Leeds Central Richard Denman National Labour
Leeds North Osbert Peake Conservative
Leeds North East Sir John Dearman Birchall Conservative
Leeds South Noel Whiteside Conservative
Leeds South East James Milner Labour
Leeds West Samuel Vyvyan Trerice Adams Conservative
Leek Arthur Ratcliffe Conservative
Leicester East Abraham Montagu Lyons Conservative
Leicester South Charles Waterhouse Conservative
Leicester West Ernest Harold Pickering Liberal
Leigh John Joseph Tinker Labour
Leith Ernest Brown Liberal National
Leominster Ernest Shepperson Conservative
Lewes John Loder Conservative
Lewisham East Sir Assheton Pownall Conservative
Lewisham West Sir Philip Dawson Conservative
Leyton East Sir Frederick Mills, Bt Conservative
Leyton West Sir Wilfrid Sugden Conservative
Lichfield James Alexander Lovat-Fraser National Labour
Lincoln Walter Liddall Conservative
Linlithgowshire Sir Adrian Baillie, Bt Conservative
Liverpool East Toxteth Patrick Buchan-Hepburn Conservative
Liverpool Edge Hill Sir Hugo Rutherford, Bt Conservative
Liverpool Everton Frank Hornby Conservative
Liverpool Exchange Sir James Reynolds, Bt Conservative
Liverpool Fairfield Edmund Brocklebank Conservative
Liverpool Kirkdale Robert Rankin Conservative
Liverpool Scotland David Logan Labour
Liverpool Walton Reginald Purbrick Conservative
Liverpool Wavertree Ronald Nall-Cain Conservative
Liverpool West Derby Sir John Sandeman Allen Conservative
Liverpool West Toxteth Clyde Tabor Wilson Conservative
Llandaff and Barry Patrick Munro Conservative
Llanelli John Henry Williams Labour
London University Sir Ernest Graham-Little National Independent
Londonderry Ronald Ross Ulster Unionist
Lonsdale Lord Balniel Conservative
Loughborough Lawrence Kimball Conservative
Louth Arthur Heneage Conservative
Lowestoft Sir Gervais Rentoul Conservative
Ludlow George Windsor-Clive Conservative
Luton Leslie Burgin Liberal National
Macclesfield John Remer Conservative
Maidstone Alfred Bossom Conservative
Maldon Edward Ruggles-Brise Conservative
Manchester Ardwick Albert George Fuller Conservative
Manchester Blackley John Lees-Jones Conservative
Manchester Clayton William Henry Flanagan Conservative
Manchester Exchange Edward Brocklehurst Fielden Conservative
Manchester Gorton Eric Bailey Conservative
Manchester Hulme Joseph Nall Conservative
Manchester Moss Side Sir Gerald Berkeley Hurst Conservative
Manchester Platting Alan Ernest Leofric Chorlton Conservative
Manchester Rusholme Sir Frank Merriman Conservative
Manchester Withington Edward Fleming Conservative
Mansfield Charles Brown Labour
Melton William Lindsay Everard Conservative
Merioneth Henry Haydn Jones Liberal
Merthyr R. C. Wallhead Independent Labour Party
Middlesbrough East Ernest Young Liberal
Middlesbrough West Frank Kingsley Griffith Liberal
Middleton and Prestwich Sir Nairne Stewart Sandeman, Bt Conservative
Midlothian North John Colville Conservative
Midlothian South and Peebles Archibald Maule Ramsay Conservative
Mitcham Sir Richard James Meller Conservative
Monmouth Sir Leolin Forestier-Walker, Bt Conservative
Montgomery Clement Davies Liberal National
Montrose Burghs Sir Robert Hutchison Liberal National
Moray & Nairn Hon. James Stuart Conservative
Morpeth Godfrey Nicholson Conservative
Mossley Austin Hopkinson Independent
Motherwell Thomas Ormiston Conservative
Neath Sir William Jenkins Labour
Nelson and Colne Linton Thorp Conservative
Newark The Marquess of Titchfield Conservative
Newbury Howard Clifton Brown Conservative
Newcastle-under-Lyme Rt Hon. Josiah Wedgwood Labour
Newcastle-upon-Tyne Central Alfred Denville Conservative
Newcastle-upon-Tyne East Sir Robert Aske, Bt Liberal National
Newcastle-upon-Tyne North Sir Nicholas Grattan-Doyle Conservative
Newcastle-upon-Tyne West Joseph William Leech Conservative
New Forest and Christchurch Rt Hon. Wilfrid Ashley Conservative
Newport Reginald Clarry Conservative
Newton Reginald Essenhigh Conservative
Norfolk East Viscount Elmley Liberal National
Norfolk North Thomas Cook Conservative
Norfolk South James Christie Conservative
Norfolk South West Sir Alan McLean Conservative
Normanton Frederick Hall Labour
Northampton Sir Mervyn Manningham-Buller, Bt Conservative
Northwich Lord Colum Crichton-Stuart Conservative
(Two members)
Geoffrey Shakespeare Liberal National
George Hartland Conservative
Norwood Sir Walter Greaves-Lord Conservative
Nottingham Central Terence O'Connor Conservative
Nottingham East Louis Gluckstein Conservative
Nottingham South George Wilfrid Holford Knight National Labour
Nottingham West Arthur Cecil Caporn Conservative
Nuneaton Edward North Conservative
Ogmore Edward Williams Labour
(Two members)
Anthony Crossley Conservative
Hamilton Kerr Conservative
Orkney and Shetland Sir Robert William Hamilton Liberal
Ormskirk Sir Samuel Thomas Rosbotham National Labour
Oswestry Bertie Leighton Conservative
Oxford Robert Croft Bourne Conservative
Oxford University
(Two members)
Rt Hon. Lord Hugh Cecil Conservative
Sir Charles Oman Conservative
Paddington North Brendan Bracken Conservative
Paddington South Ernest Augustus Taylor Conservative
Paisley Hon. Joseph Maclay Liberal
Peckham Viscount Borodale Conservative
Pembrokeshire Gwilym Lloyd George Independent Liberal
Penistone Clifford Glossop Conservative
Penrith and Cockermouth Arthur Dixey Conservative
Penryn and Falmouth Maurice Petherick Conservative
Perth Lord Scone Conservative
Peterborough Lord Burghley Conservative
Petersfield Rt Hon. William Graham Nicholson Conservative
Plymouth Devonport Leslie Hore-Belisha Liberal National
Plymouth Drake Rt Hon. Frederick Edward Guest Conservative
Plymouth Sutton The Viscountess Astor Conservative
Pontefract Thomas Sotheron-Estcourt Conservative
Pontypool Thomas Griffiths Labour
Pontypridd David Lewis Davies Labour
Poplar South David Morgan Adams Labour
Portsmouth Central Hon. Ralph Beaumont Conservative
Portsmouth North Sir Bertram Falle, Bt Conservative
Portsmouth South Sir Herbert Cayzer, Bt Conservative
(Two members)
William Kirkpatrick Conservative
Adrian Moreing Conservative
Pudsey and Otley Charles Granville Gibson Conservative
Putney Samuel Samuel Conservative
Queen's University of Belfast Thomas Sinclair Ulster Unionist
Reading Alfred Bakewell Howitt Conservative
Reigate Gordon Touche Conservative
Renfrewshire, East The Marquess of Douglas and Clydesdale Conservative
Renfrewshire, West Henry Scrymgeour-Wedderburn Conservative
Rhondda East David Watts-Morgan Labour
Rhondda West William John Labour
Richmond (Yorks) Thomas Dugdale Conservative
Richmond upon Thames Sir Newton Moore Conservative
Ripon Rt Hon. John Waller Hills Conservative
Rochdale Thomas Jesson Conservative
Romford William Gordon Douglas Hutchison Conservative
Ross and Cromarty Rt Hon. Ian Macpherson Liberal National
Rossendale Ronald Cross Conservative
Rotherham George Herbert Conservative
Rotherhithe Norah Cecil Runge Conservative
Rother Valley Thomas Walter Grundy Labour
Rothwell William Lunn Labour
Roxburgh and Selkirk The Earl of Dalkeith Conservative
Royton Harold Sutcliffe Conservative
Rugby David Margesson Conservative
Rushcliffe Sir Henry Betterton, Bt Conservative
Rutherglen Herbert Moss Conservative
Rutland and Stamford Lord Willoughby de Eresby Conservative
Rye Sir George Courthope, Bt Conservative
Saffron Walden R. A. Butler Conservative
St Albans Sir Francis Edward Fremantle Conservative
St Helens Richard Austin Spencer Conservative
St Ives Rt Hon. Walter Runciman Liberal National
St Marylebone Sir Rennell Rodd Conservative
St Pancras North Ian Fraser Conservative
St Pancras South East Sir Alfred Beit, Bt Conservative
St Pancras South West George Mitcheson Conservative
Salford North John Patrick Morris Conservative
Salford South Hon. John Stourton Conservative
Salford West Frederick Wolfe Astbury Conservative
Salisbury James Despencer-Robertson Conservative
Scarborough and Whitby Sir Paul Latham, Bt Conservative
Seaham Rt Hon. Ramsay MacDonald National Labour
Sedgefield Roland Jennings Conservative
Sevenoaks Rt Hon. Sir Hilton Young Conservative
Sheffield, Attercliffe Cecil Pike Conservative
Sheffield, Brightside Hamer Russell Conservative
Sheffield, Central William Boulton Conservative
Sheffield, Ecclesall Sir Samuel Roberts, Bt Conservative
Sheffield, Hallam Louis Smith Conservative
Sheffield, Hillsborough Gurney Braithwaite Conservative
Sheffield, Park Sir Arthur Shirley Benn Conservative
Shipley James Horace Lockwood Conservative
Shoreditch Charles Summersby Liberal National
Shrewsbury George Arthur Victor Duckworth Conservative
Skipton Ernest Roy Bird Conservative
Smethwick Roy Wise Conservative
(Two members)
William Craven-Ellis Conservative
Sir Charles Barrie Liberal National
Southend-on-Sea The Countess of Iveagh Conservative
South Molton Rt Hon. George Lambert Liberal National
Southport Robert Hudson Conservative
South Shields Harcourt Johnstone Liberal
Southwark Central Ian Macdonald Horobin National
Southwark North Edward Anthony Strauss Liberal National
Southwark South East Evelyn Powell Conservative
Sowerby Malcolm McCorquodale Conservative
Spelthorne Sir Reginald Blaker, Bt Conservative
Spennymoor Joseph Batey Labour
Spen Valley Rt Hon. Sir John Simon Liberal National
Stafford Rt Hon. William Ormsby-Gore Conservative
Stalybridge and Hyde Sydney Hope Conservative
Stepney Limehouse Clement Attlee Labour
Stepney Mile End William O'Donovan Conservative
Stirling and Falkirk James Reid Conservative
Stirlingshire East and Clackmannan James Wellwood Johnston Conservative
Stirlingshire West James Campbell Ker Conservative
(Two members)
Samuel Schofield Hammersley Conservative
Alan Gandar Dower Conservative
Stockton on Tees Harold Macmillan Conservative
Stoke Newington Sir George Jones Conservative
Stoke-on-Trent Ida Copeland Conservative
Stone Sir Joseph Lamb Conservative
Stourbridge Robert Harry Morgan Conservative
Streatham Sir William Lane-Mitchell Conservative
Stretford Gustav Renwick Conservative
Stroud Walter Perkins Conservative
Sudbury Rt Hon. Henry Burton Conservative
(Two members)
Luke Thompson Conservative
Samuel Storey Conservative
Surrey East James Francis Wallace Galbraith Conservative
Swansea East David Williams Labour
Swansea West Lewis Jones Liberal National
Swindon Sir Reginald Mitchell Banks Conservative
Tamworth Rt Hon. Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, Bt Conservative
Taunton Andrew Gault Conservative
Tavistock Colin Patrick Conservative
Thirsk and Malton Robin Turton Conservative
Thornbury Derrick Gunston Conservative
Tiverton Gilbert Acland-Troyte Conservative
Tonbridge Herbert Spender-Clay Conservative
Torquay Charles Williams Conservative
Totnes Samuel Emile Harvey Conservative
Tottenham North Edward Doran Conservative
Tottenham South Francis Noel Palmer National Labour
Twickenham Sir John Ferguson Conservative
Tynemouth Alexander West Russell Conservative
University of Wales Ernest Evans Liberal
Uxbridge John Llewellin Conservative
Wakefield George Brown Hillman Conservative
Wallasey John Moore-Brabazon Conservative
Wallsend Irene Ward Conservative
Walsall Joseph Leckie Liberal
Walthamstow East Sir Brograve Beauchamp, Bt Conservative
Walthamstow West Valentine McEntee Labour
Wandsworth Central Henry Jackson Conservative
Wansbeck Bernard Cruddas Conservative
Warrington Noel Goldie Conservative
Warwick and Leamington Anthony Eden Conservative
Waterloo Malcolm Bullock Conservative
Watford Sir Dennis Herbert Conservative
Wednesbury Viscount Ednam Conservative
Wellingborough Archibald James Conservative
Wells Anthony Muirhead Conservative
Wentworth George Henry Hirst Labour
West Bromwich Alexander Ramsay Conservative
Westbury Robert Grimston Conservative
Western Isles Thomas Ramsay Liberal National
West Ham Plaistow Will Thorne Labour
West Ham Silvertown John Joseph Jones Labour
West Ham Stratford Thomas Groves Labour
West Ham Upton Alfred James Chotzner Conservative
Westhoughton Rhys Davies Labour
Westminster Abbey Otho Nicholson Conservative
Westminster St George's Duff Cooper Conservative
Westmorland Hon. Oliver Stanley Conservative
Weston-super-Mare Lord Erskine Conservative
Whitechapel & St Georges Barnett Janner Liberal
Whitehaven William Nunn Conservative
Widnes Roland Robinson Conservative
Wigan John Parkinson Labour
Willesden East Daniel Gerald Somerville Conservative
Willesden West Mavis Tate Conservative
Wimbledon Sir John Power, Bt Conservative
Winchester Robert Ellis Conservative
Windsor Annesley Somerville Conservative
Wirral Sir Christopher Clayton Conservative
Wolverhampton Bilston Geoffrey Peto Conservative
Wolverhampton East Geoffrey Mander Liberal
Wolverhampton West Robert Bird Conservative
Woodbridge Walter Ross-Taylor Conservative
Wood Green Rt Hon. Godfrey Locker-Lampson Conservative
Woolwich East George Hicks Labour
Woolwich West Rt Hon. Sir Kingsley Wood Conservative
Worcester William Pomeroy Crawford Greene Conservative
Workington Tom Cape Labour
The Wrekin James Baldwin-Webb Conservative
Wrexham Aled Owen Roberts Liberal
Wycombe Sir Alfred Knox Conservative
Yeovil George Davies Conservative
York Roger Lumley Conservative


See the list of United Kingdom by-elections.

See also


Whitaker's Almanack for 1934

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