Kaba Ma Kyei

English: Till the End of the World
Kaba Ma Kyei

National anthem of  Myanmar

Also known as Kaba Ma Kyay
English: Till the End of the World
Lyrics Saya Tin, 1940 and 1946
Music Saya Tin, 1940
Adopted 1947

Music sample
Kaba Ma Kyei (instrument)

"Kaba Ma Kyei" (ကမ္ဘာမကျေ [ɡəbà mə tɕè]; Till the End of the World) is the national anthem of Burma (Myanmar). The preamble of the anthem is in the traditional Burmese style, before transitioning into a Western-style orchestra.

The melody and lyrics were written by Saya Tin,[1] and adopted as the Burmese national anthem in 1947.

According to the Constitution of Myanmar (2008), the complete version of Kaba Ma Kyei includes both the anthem in traditional Burmese style and Western-style.[2] The complete version is usually used on domestic occasions.[3]

A long-standing tradition at the end of the anthem is that singers who sing this bow at the end, as a show of respect for the nation and its national anthem.

Burmese lyrics

Complete Version

Burmese lyrics[2] IPA transcription MLC transcription

တရားမျှတ လွတ်လပ်ခြင်းနဲ့မသွေ၊
တို့ပြည်၊ တို့မြေ၊
များလူခပ်သိမ်း၊ ငြိမ်းချမ်းစေဖို့၊
ခွင့်တူညီမျှ၊ ဝါဒဖြူစင်တဲ့ပြည်၊
တို့ပြည်၊ တို့မြေ၊
ပြည်ထောင်စုအမွေ၊ အမြဲတည်တံ့စေ၊
အဓိဋ္ဌာန်ပြုပေ၊ ထိန်းသိမ်းစို့လေ။
(ကမ္ဘာမကျေ၊ မြန်မာပြည်၊
တို့ဘိုးဘွား အမွေစစ်မို့ ချစ်မြတ်နိုးပေ။)2
ပြည်ထောင်စုကို အသက်ပေးလို့ တို့ကာကွယ်မလေ၊
ဒါတို့ပြည် ဒါတို့မြေ တို့ပိုင်နက်မြေ။
တို့ပြည် တို့မြေ အကျိုးကို ညီညာစွာတို့တစ်တွေ
ထမ်းဆောင်ပါစို့လေ တို့တာဝန်ပေ အဖိုးတန်မြေ။

təjá m̥ja̰ ta̰ lʊʔ laʔ tɕʰɪ́ɴ nɛ̰ mə θwè
do̰ pjè do̰ mjè
mjá lù kʰaʔ θeɪ́ɴ ɲeɪ́ɴ dʑáɴ zè bo̰
seɪʔ tù ɲì m̥ja̰ wàda̰ pʰju sɪ̀ɴ dḛ pjè
do̰ pjè do̰ mjè
pjì daʊ̀ɴ zṵ ʔəmwè ʔəmjé tì da̰ɴ zè
ʔədeɪʔtʰàɴ pjṵ bé tʰeín θeín zo̰ lè
ɡəbà mətɕè mjəmà pjè
do̰ bó bwá ʔəmwè sɪʔ mo̰ tɕʰɪʔ mjaʔ nó bè
pjì dàʊɴ zṵ ɡò ʔəθeʔ pé lo̰ do̰ kà ɡwɛ̀ məlè
dà do̰ pjè dà do̰ mjè do̰ pàɪɴ dɛ̰ mjè
do̰ pjè do̰ mjè ʔətɕó ɡò ɲì ɲà zwà do̰ dədwè
tʰáɴ sʰàʊɴ bà zo̰ lè do̰ tà wʊ̀ɴ bè ʔəpʰó tàɴ mjè
ta.ra: hmya. ta. lwat lap hkrang: nai. ma. swi
tui. prany tui. mre
mya: lu hkap sim: ngim: hkram: se hpo.
cit tu nyi hmya. wada. hpyu sang dai. prany
tui. prany tui. mre
prany htaung cu. a mwi a.mrai: tany tam. se
a.dhi.hta:n pru. pe htin: sim: sui. le
kam.bha ma.kye / mran.ma prany /
tui. bhui: bwa: a.mwe cac mui. hkyac mrat nui: pe //
prany htaung su. kui a.sak pe: lui. tui. ka kwai ma.le /
da tui. prany da tui. mre to. puing nak mre //
tui. prany tui. mre a.kyui: kui nyi nya cwa tui. ta.twe
htam: hsaung pa sui. le to. ta wan pe a. hpui: tan mre //

Short Version

Burmese lyrics IPA transcription MLC transcription

(ကမ္ဘာမကျေ၊ မြန်မာပြည်၊
တို့ဘိုးဘွား အမွေစစ်မို့ ချစ်မြတ်နိုးပေ။)
ပြည်ထောင်စုကို အသက်ပေးလို့ တို့ကာကွယ်မလေ၊
ဒါတို့ပြည် ဒါတို့မြေ တို့ပိုင်နက်မြေ။
တို့ပြည် တို့မြေ အကျိုးကို ညီညာစွာတို့တစ်တွေ
ထမ်းဆောင်ပါစို့လေ တို့တာဝန်ပေ အဖိုးတန်မြေ။

ɡəbà mətɕè mjəmà pjè
do̰ bó bwá ʔəmwè sɪʔ mo̰ tɕʰɪʔ mjaʔ nó bè
pjì dàʊɴ zṵ ɡò ʔəθeʔ pé lo̰ do̰ kà ɡwɛ̀ məlè
dà do̰ pjè dà do̰ mjè do̰ pàɪɴ dɛ̰ mjè
do̰ pjè do̰ mjè ʔətɕó ɡò ɲì ɲà zwà do̰ dədwè
tʰáɴ sʰàʊɴ bà zo̰ lè do̰ tà wʊ̀ɴ bè ʔəpʰó tàɴ mjè
kam.bha ma.kye / mran.ma prany /
tui. bhui: bwa: a.mwe cac mui. hkyac mrat nui: pe //
prany htaung su. kui a.sak pe: lui. tui. ka kwai ma.le /
da tui. prany da tui. mre to. puing nak mre //
tui. prany tui. mre a.kyui: kui nyi nya cwa tui. ta.twe
htam: hsaung pa sui. le to. ta wan pe a. hpui: tan mre //

Easy Transliteration

tararrmyahat lwatlauthkyinn nae m sway ,
thoetpyi , thoet myay ,
myarr luu hkaut saim , ngyaaimhkyamhcayhphoet ,
hkwng tuunyemyaha , ward hpyauuhcaintae pyi ,
thoetpyi , thoet myay , pyihtaunghcu a mway , aamyaell taitan hcay ,
aadhithtaran pyu pay , hteinsaimhchoet lay .
( kambhar m kyaay , myanmarpyi , thoetbhoebhwarr a mway hcaitmhoet hkyitmyatnoe pay .) pyihtaunghcuko aasaatpayylhoet thoet karkwal m lay ,
darthoetpyi dar thoetmyay thoet pinenaat myay .
thoetpyi thoetmyay aakyoeko nye nyar hcwar thoet taittway htamsaung par hchoetlay thoet tarwaanpay aahpoetaan myay .

English translation

First Part

Where prevail justice and independence,
It's our country ... our land.
Where prevail equal rights and correct policies,
For people to lead a peaceful life,
It's our country ... our land.
We solemnly pledge to preserve,
The Union, and the heritage, for perpetuity.[1]

  1. ^ http://myanmargeneva.org/NLM2008/eng/12Dec/n081230.pdf

Second Part

LiteralSyllables matched with notes

Until the world ends up shattering, long live Burma!
We love our land because this is our real inheritance.
Until the world ends up shattering, long live Burma!
We love our land because this is our real inheritance.
We will sacrifice our lives to protect our country,
This is our nation, this is our land and it belongs to us.
Being our nation and our land, let us do good causes to our nation in unity!
And this is our very duty to our invaluable land.

We shall love, forevermore
Burma (Myanmar) the land of our fathers of yore!
We shall love, forevermore
Burma (Myanmar) the land of our fathers of yore!
Giving our lives for our union we fight,
This is our country, our land, ours by right.
We, for her the tasks responsibly shoulder,
As we'll stand in duty to this, our precious land.


  1. "Kaba Ma Kyei" at nationalanthems.info
  2. 1 2 Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2008) Chapter 13 State Flag, State Seal, National Anthem and the Capital. Article 439 (a). Page 176. (Burmese)
  3. Close down on Myanmar National Radio

External links

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