List of marine animals of Australia (temperate waters)
The list of marine animals of Australia (temperate waters) is a list of marine and shore-based species that form a part of the fauna of Australia. This list includes animals which either live entirely marine lives, or which spend critical parts of their lives at sea.
The geographical range is south of Perth, Western Australia and the border of New South Wales and Queensland, including the whole of the coasts of South Australia and Tasmania and their offshore islands. Tropical species which are also found in this range may also be listed here.
The listed organisms are generally identifiable to the naked eye. Many microscopic animals also inhabit this region.
Ranges are generally given relating to Australian waters. If listed as endemic, they have been found only in the listed range. Others may have much greater ranges.
Phylum Porifera
- Sycon sp 1, (South Australia to Victoria and round Tasmania) [1]
- Sycon sp 2, (Western Australia to Victoria and round Tasmania) [1]
- Southern golfball sponge Tethya bergquistae Hooper, 1994, (South Australia to Victoria, Northern Tasmania, also New Zealand) [1]
- Ingall's golfball sponge Tethya ingalli Bowerbank, 1859 (Shark Bay to Albany, WA, and Port Philip, Vic to Sydney, NSW. Also tropical Indian Ocean.)[1]
- Pumpkin sponge Rhizaxinella sp. (Northern Tasmania) [1]
- Purple pasta sponge Polymastia sp. (Central New South Wales) [1]
- Western staircase sponge Caulospongia biflabellata Fromont, 1998 (Northwest Cape to Albany, WA) [1]
- Orange dimpled sponge Cliona sp. (Eastern Tasmania) [1]
- Liver sponge Chondrilla australensis Carter, 1873 (Houtman Abrolhos, WA to Sydney, NSW) [1]
- Orange palm sponge Clathria cactiformis (Lamarck, 1814) (Port Hedland, WA to Byron Bay, NSW and around Tasmania. Also Madagascar, east Africa and Seychelles) [1]
- Cream honeycomb sponge Holopsamma laminaefavosa Carter, 1885 (Fremantle, WA to Noosa, Qld and around Tasmania) [1]
- Brown honeycomb sponge Holopsamma arborea (Lendenfeld, 1888) (Barrow Island, WA to Sydney, NSW and around Tasmania) [1]
- Dendy's finger sponge Echinoclathria axinelloides (Dendy, 1896) (Port Phillip, Vic and northern Tasmaia) [1]
- Orange fan sponge Echinoclathria leporina (Lamarck, 1814) (Ceduna, SA to Sydney, NSW and south to Bicheno, Tasmania) [1]
- Slimy lemon sponge Mycale mirabilis (Lendenfeld, 1887) (Around Australia and Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region) [1]
- Papillate encrusting sponge Strongylacidon sp. (Eastern Tasmania) [1]
- Orange pipe sponge Iophon sp. (Central South Australia) [1]
- Apricot bulbous sponge Tedania anhelans (Lieberkuhn, 1859) syn. T digitata (Around Australia and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas) [1]
- Green plate sponge Strepsichordaia caliciformis (Carter, 1885) (Port Lincoln, SA to Sydney, NSW and around Tasmania) [1]
- Rubber sponge Spongia sp. (New South Wales) [1]
- Cream columnar sponge Thorecta sp. (Eastern Tasmania) [1]
- Darwin's yellow sponge Darwinella sp. (Northern Tasmania) [1]
- Encrusting rose sponge Aplysilla rosea (Barrois, 1876) (Around Australia and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas) [1]
- Prickly rose sponge Dendrilla cactos (Selenka, 1867) (Adelaide, SA to Sydney, NSW and around Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region) [1]
- Lendenfeld's tube sponge Aplysina lendenfeldi Bergquist, 1980, (Victoria to central New South Wales and around Tasmania) [1]
- Apricot tube sponge Syphonochalina sp. (Eastern Tasmania) [1]
- Grey ball sponge Ancorina geodides (Carter, 1886) (Victoria and around Tasmania) [1]
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hydrozoa
Order Hydroida
- Superb feather hydroid Gymnangium superbum (Bale, 1882) (Southern WA to Victoria and around Tasmania) [1]
- Bale's feather hydroid Gymnangium ascidioides (Bale, 1862) (Victoria and eastern Tasmania) [1]
- Elongate seagrass hydroid Stereotheca elongata (Lamouroux, 1816) (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas) [1]
- Magnificent hydroid Ralpharia magnifica Watson, 1980 (South Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania) [1]
- Yellow feather hydroid Halopteris campanula (Busk, 1852) (South Australia to Queensland and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas) [1]
- Salt and pepper feather hydroid Halocordyle disticha (Goldfuss, 1820) (Perth, WA to New South Wales but absent from Victoria) [1]
- Dusky hydroid Solanderia fusca (Grey, 1868) (Western Australia to Queensland and northern Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.) [1]
- Spencer's hydroid Nemertesia procumbens (Spencer, 1891) (St Francis Island, SA to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania) [1]
- Red thimble jelly Turritopsis nutricula (McCrady, 1856) (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.) [1]
- Umbrella jelly Aequorea eurhodina Peron and Lesueur, 1809 (Eastern Tasmania to southern New South Wales) (possibly A. forskalea) [1]
- By-the-wind-sailor Velella velella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Around Australia and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.) [1]
- Porpita sailor Porpita porpita (Linnaeus, 1758) (Around Australia and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.) [1]
Order Limnomedusae
- Phosphorus jelly Olindias phosphorica (Delle Chiage, 1841) (Tropical Australia south to southern WA and to southern NSW, Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Orange saucer jelly Olindias singularis Browne, 1904 (Tropical Australia south to South Australia and to Southern New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.) [1]
Order Siphonophora
- Bluebottle, Portuguese man o' war Physalia physalis (Linnaeus, 1766) (Around Australia and Tasmania.Also widespread overseas) [1]
Order Stylasterina
- Western pink hydrocoral Stylaster sp. (South western Western Australia) [1]
- Lord Howe hydrocoral Stylaster brunnaeus Boschma, 1970 (Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island. Also New Caledonia and New Zealand)[1]
Class Anthozoa
Order Actiniaria
- Waratah anemone Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar, 1898 (Shark Bay, WA to Heron Island, Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand)[1]
- Shellgrit anemone Oulactis muscosa Drayton, 1848 (Spencer Gulf, SA to Southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand)[1]
- Western shellgrit anemone Oulactis macmurrichi Lager, 1911 (Perth WA to Coffin Bay, SA) [1]
- Green anemone Aulactinia veratra (Drayton, 1848) (Rottnest Island, WA to southern Queensland and around Tasmania) [1]
- Mudflat anemone Anthopleura aureoradiata (Stuckey, 1909) (Port Sinclair, SA to Mallacoota, Victoria and around Tasmania Also New Zealand)[1]
- White-striped anemone Anthothoe albocincta (Hutton, 1865) (Ceduna, South Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also new Zealand.)[1]
- Swimming anemone Phlyctenactis tuberculosa (Quoy and Gaimand, 1833) (Southwestern WA to Byron Bay, NSW and around Tasmania) [1]
- Southern sea anemone Phlyctenanthus australis Carlgren 1950 (Ceduna, SA to Sydney, NSW and around Tasmania)[1]
- Giant orange anemone Tealia sp? (Eastern and southern Tasmania) [1]
- Pink tipped anemone Epiactis australensis Carlgren, 1950 (Gulf St Vincent, SA to Victoria and northern Tasmania)[1]
- Thomson's anemone Epiactis thomsoni (Coughtrey,1874) (South Australia)[1]
- White anemone Actinothoe glandulosa (Carlgren, 1954) (Southwestern WA) [1]
- Pink tipped sand anemone Heteractis malu (Haddon and Shackleton, 1893) (Tropical Australia south to Perth, WA. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region) [1]
- Armed anemone Dorfleina armata Wassilieff, 1908 (Tropical Australia south to Perth, WA)[1]
- Seagrass anemone Boloceroides sp? (Southeastern Tasmania) [1]
- Bryozoan anemone Actiniid sp.1 (Victoria to central New South Wales) [1]
- Speckled seawhip anemone Actiniid sp.2 (Central New South Wales) [1]
- White striped anemone Actiniid sp.3 (Gulfs region, South Australia) [1]
Order Corallimorpharia
(Jewel anemones)
- Southern jewel anemone Corynactis australis Haddon & Duerdon, 1896 (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Hairy mushroom anemone Rhodactis indosinensis Carlgren, 1943 (Tropical Australia south to northern New South Wales.)[1]
Order Zoanthiniaria
- Robust zoanthid Zoanthus robustus Carlgren, 1950 (Ceduna, South Australia, to central Victoria.)[1]
- Finger zoanthid Zoanthus praelongus Carlgren, 1954 (Perth to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
- Clifton’s zoanthid Isaurus cliftoni Gray, 1857 (Tropical Australia south to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
- Encrusting grey zoanthid Epizoanthus sabulosus Cutress, 1971 (Esperance, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and Flinders Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Yellow zoanthid Parazoanthus sp.1 (Cape Northumberland, South Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Encrusting white zoanthid ?Parazoanthus sp. (Southern Tasmania.)[1]
- Heider’s zoanthid Palythoa heideri Carlgren, 1954 (Kalbarri to Rottnest Island, Western Australia.)[1]
Order Scleractinia
(Stony corals)
- Green coral Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck, 1816) (Around Australia and northern Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Marsh’s coral Coscinarea marshae Wells, 1962 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Pearson Island, South Australia.)[1]
- McNeill’s coral Coscinarea mcneilli Wells, 1962 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
- Kidney-shaped coral Turbinaria reniformis Bernard, 1896 (Tropical Australia south to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Little coral Culicia tenella Dana, 1846 (Perth, Western Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Green solitary coral Scolymia australis (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1846) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and Flinders Island, Tasmania. Also Qld and Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Orange solitary coral Balanophyllia bairdiana Edwards & Haime, 1848 (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to southern Qld and around Tasmania.)[1]
Order Ceriantharia
(Tube anemones)
- Purple-tipped tube anemone Pachycerianthus sp. (Southwestern Western Australia.)[1]
- Banded tube anemone Pachycerianthus delwynae Carter, 1995 (Central New South Wales.)[1]
- Striped tube anemone Pachycerianthus longistriatis Carter, 1995 (Central New South Wales.)[1]
Order Antipatheria
(Black corals)
- Lord Howe black coral Antipathes sp. (Lord Howe Island.)[1]
Order Alcyonacea
(Octocorals, soft corals, gorgonians, sea whips)
- Delicate soft coral Clavularia sp. (Tasmania.)[1]
- Encrusting soft coral Erythropodium hicksoni (Utinomi, 1971) (Victoria to central New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Erect soft coral Capnella erecta Verseveldt, 1977 (Cape Jaffa, South Australia, to Gabo Island, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Johnstone’s soft coral Capnella johnstonei Verseveldt, 1977 (Portland, Victoria, to Eden, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Gabo Island soft coral Capnella gaboensis Verseveldt, 1977 (Waldegrave Island), South Australia, to Port Stephens, New South Wales, and Erith Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Western soft coral Capnella sp.1 (Mullaloo to Rottnest Island, Western Australia.)[1]
- Granular grey soft coral Capnella sp.2 (Canal Rocks, Western Australia.)[1]
- Jetty octocoral Carijoa sp.1 (Southern Western Australia to Gulf St Vincents, South Australia, and New South Wales to Queensland.)[1]
- Smith’s octocoral Carijoa sp.2 (South Australia to New South Wales and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Red Lord Howe octocoral Dendronephthya sp. (Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Zimmer’s sea fan Mopsella zimmeri Kükenthal, 1908 (Western Australia to New South Wales and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Klunzinger’s sea fan Mopsella klunzingeri Kükenthal, 1908 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Portsea, Victoria.)[1]
- Eastern red sea fan Mopsella sp. (New South Wales)[1]
- Southern sea fan Sphaerokodisis australis (Thomson & Mackinnon 1911) (Jervis Bay to Cape Byron, New South Wales.)[1]
- Zigzag sea fan Zignisis phorinema Alderslade, 1998 (Jurien Bay to Rottnest Island, Western Australia)
- Fragile bramble coral Acabaria sp. (Tasmania.)[1]
- Bramble coral Asperaxis kareni Alderslade, 2006 (Southern Tasmania.)[1]
- Indeterminate gorgonian Pteronisis incerta Alderslade, 1998 (South Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Plumed gorgonian Pteronisis plumacea Alderslade, 1998 (Victoria. and Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern sea whip Primnoella australasiae (Gray, 1849) (Ceduna, South Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Order Pennatulacea
(Sea pens)
- Great sea pen Sarcoptilus grandis (Gray, 1870) (Albany, Western Australia, to Cape Hawke, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Fat sea pen Cavernularia obesa Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 (Central New South Wales.)[1]
- Wobbly sea pen Cavernularia sp. (Cockburn Sound, Western Australia.)[1]
Class Scyphozoa
Order Semaeostomeae
(Scallop-margined jellies)
- Lion’s mane jelly Cyanea annaskala von Ledenfeld 1882 (Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Purple-streaked jelly Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775) (Around Australia, including Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)
- Moon jelly Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus, 1746) (Western Australia to northern Qld and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Brown-flecked jelly Chrysaora sp. (Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.)[1]
Order Rhizostomeae
(Lobed jellies)
- Mosaic jelly, jelly blubber Catostylus mosaicus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Torres Strait, Queensland.)[1]
- Haeckel’s jelly Pseudorhiza haeckeli (Haacke, 1884) (Northern Territory around Western Australia to Victoria and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- White-spotted jelly Phyllorhiza punctata von Lendenfeld, 1884 (Tropical Australia south to southern Western Australia and to Sydney, New South Wales. Also in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Class Cubozoa
Order Cubomedusae
(Box jellies, cubomedusans)
- Southern jimble Carybdea rastoni Haacke, 1886 (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and south to Bicheno, Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Phylum Ctenophora
- Southern comb jelly Leucothea sp. (Victoria to central New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eastern comb jelly Bolinopsis sp. (New South Wales.)[1]
- Cardinal’s hat Beroe cucumis Fabricius, 1780 (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Phylum Platyhelminthes
- Orange-margined flatworm Callioplana marginata Stimpson, 1857 (Tropical Australia south to Merimbula, New South Wales. Also in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Warty flatworm Thysanozoon sp. (Central South Australia.)[1]
- Blue flatworm Pseudoceros lividus Prudhoe, 1981 (Gulf St Vincent and northern Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Southern flatworm Notoplana australis (Schmarda, 1859) (South Australia to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Phylum Annelida
Class Oligochaeta
- Jamieson’s worm Olavius albidus (Jamieson, 1977) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Capricorn Group, Queensland.)[1]
Class Hirudinea
- Stingray leech Branchellion sp. (New South Wales.)[1]
Class Polychaeta
Family Polynoidae – Scale worms
- Dark-marked scale worm Lepidonotus melanogrammus (Haswell, 1883) (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Syllidae – Frilled worms
- Zebra syllid ?Typosyllis sp. (Central New South Wales.)[1]
Family Nereidae – Ragworms
- Western ragworm Perinereis sp. (South Australia.)[1]
Family Onuphidae -
- Sydney parchment worm Diopatra dentata Kinberg, 1865 (New South Wales.)[1]
Family Eunicidae -
- Iridescent biting worm Eunice laticeps Ehlers, 1868 (South Australia to central New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Opheliidae -
- Fauvel’s worm Armandia intermedia Fauvel, 1902 (Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Terebellidae -
- Orange tangle worm Eupolymnia koorangia Hutchings & Glasby, 1988 (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pectenariidae -
- Tusk worm Pectinaria antipoda Schmarda, 1861 (Broome, Western Australia, to Heron Island, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Sabellariidae -
- Eastern reefworm, coral worm Idanthyrsus pennatus (Peters, 1855) (Victoria to southern Queensland.)[1]
Family Sabellidae -
- Southern fanworm Sabellastarte australiensis (Haswell, 1884) (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Giant fanworm Sabella spallanzani Vivani, 1805 (Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. Also Europe.)[1]
- Purple sausage worm ?Myxicola infundibulum (Renier 1804) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and northern and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Serpulidae -
- Orange tubeworm Serpula sp. (South Australia to New South Wales.)[1]
- Red tubeworm Protula sp. (Southern Western Australia to South Australia.)[1]
- Tangled tubeworm Filograna implexa Berkeley, 1828 (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Sydney coral worm Galeolaria caespitosa Lamarck, 1818 (Perth, Western Australia, to Hervey Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Spirorbidae -
Phylum Echiuroidea
- Haswell’s proboscis worm Metabonellia haswelli (Johnston & Tiegs, 1920) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Phylum Sipuncula
- Nodular peanut worm Phascolosoma noduliferum Stimpson, 1855 (Hopetoun, Western Australia, to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Ringed peanut worm Phascolosoma annulatum Hutton, 1879 (Ceduna, South Australia, to Kilcunda, Victoria, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Chelicerata
Class Pycnogonida
(Sea spiders, pycnogonids)
- Yellow sea spider Pseudopallene ambigua Stock, 1956 (Investigator Group, South Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Striped sea spider Stylopallene longicauda Stock 1973 (Western Port, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Evan’s sea spider Anoplodactylus evansi Clark, 1963 (South Australia to central New South Wales.)[1]
- Gippsland sea spider Pallenopsis gippslandiae Stock, 1954 (Eastern Victoria to Double Island, Queensland, and eastern and southern Tasmania.)[1]
- Apricot sea spider Nymphon aequidigitatum Haswell, 1884 (Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Cirripedia
- Shore stalk barnacle Ibla quadrivalvis (Cuvier, 1817) (Albany, Western Australia, to central New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Small goose barnacle Lepas pectinata Spengler, 1793 (Tropical Australia south to Cape Le Grande, Western Australia, and to central New South Wales. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Southern goose barnacle Lepas australis Darwin, 1851 (Cottesloe, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand and widespread in subantarctic seas.)[1]
- Peron’s stalk barnacle Smilium peronii Gray, 1825 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to southern Queensland. Also Indonesia.)[1]
- Surf barnacle Catomerus polymerus (Darwin, 1854) (Great Australian Bight, Western Australia, to Tweed Heads, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eastern shore barnacle Chthamalus antennatus Darwin, 1854 (Discovery Bay, Victoria, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Honeycomb barnacle Chamaesipho tasmanica (Foster & Anderson, 1986) (Point Sinclair, South Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Purple barnacle Tetraclitella purpurascens (Wood, 1815) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Rosy barnacle Tesseropora rosea (Krauss, 1848) (Fremantle, Western Australia, and Inverloch, Victoria, to southern Queensland. Also Kermadec Island, New Caledonia and South Africa.)[1]
- Volcano barnacle Epopella simplex (Darwin, 1854) (Green Head, Western Australia, to central New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Imperial barnacle Austrobalanus imperator (Darwin, 1854) (New South Wales to Queensland.)[1]
- Darwin’s barnacle Elminius modestus Darwin, 1854 (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand and Europe.)[1]
- Estuary barnacle Elminius covertus Foster, 1981 (Bunbury, Western Australia, to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Flinders’ barnacle Elminius flindersi Bayliss, 1994 (Ceduna to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Six-plated mangrove barnacle Hexaminius popeiana Foster, 1982 (Central New South Wales.)[1]
- Variable barnacle Balanus variegatus Darwin, 1854 (Carnarvon, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Triangle barnacle Balanus trigonus Darwin, 1854 (Tropical Australia south to Rockingham, Western Australia, and to Victoria. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Striped barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin, 1854 (Around Australia. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Giant surf barnacle Austromegabalanus nigrescens (Lamarck, 1818) (Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
Class Malacostraca
Order Stomatopoda
- Southern mantis shrimp Belosquilla laevis (Hess, 1865) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Mackay, Queensland.)[1]
- Edgar’s mantis shrimp Hadrosquilla edgari Ahyong, 2001 (Central Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
Order Mysidacea
- Rufus opossum shrimp Paramesodopsis rufa Fenton, 1985 (Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Cave opossum shrimp Mysidetes halope O’Brien, 1986 (Southern and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
Order Isopoda
- Digitate isopod Zuzara venosa (Stebbing, 1876) (South Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Rhinoceros isopod Sphaeromatid sp. (Southern Tasmania.)[1]
- Baker’s sea centipede Euidotea bakeri Collinge 1917 (Onslow, Western Australia, to Montague Island, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Sharp-tailed sea centipede Paridotea ungulata Pallas, 1772 (Spencer Gulf, South Australia, to Nadgee Reserve, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand, South Africa and South America.)[1]
- Australian shore slater Ligia australiensis (Dana, 1853) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Order Amphipoda
- Spine-bellied caprella Caprella acanthogaster Mayer, 1990 (Southeastern Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- White-lined amphipod Amaryllis philatelica Lowry and Stoddart, 2002 (Foul Bay, Western Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and south to Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania.)[1]
- Kelp amphipod Talorchestia sp. (Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Serrated amphipod Ceradocus serratus Bate, 1862 (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Orange kelphopper Ochlesis eridunda Barnard, 1972 (Eastern Western Australia to central South Australia.)[1]
- Seaweed amphipod Tethygeneia sp. (Southeastern Tasmania.)[1]
Order Euphausiacea
- Southern krill Nyctiphanes australis Sars, 1885 (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Order Decapoda
Family Penaeidae – Prawns, shrimps
- Eastern king prawn Penaeus plebejus Hess, 1885 (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to North Reef, Queensland, and south to Georges Bay, Tasmania.)[1]
- Western king prawn Penaeus latisulcatus Kishinouye, 1896 (Tropical Australia south to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, and to Ballina, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Western school prawn Metapenaeus dalli Racek, 1957 (Darwin, NT, to Mandurah, Western Australia. Also Indonesia, Philippines.)
- Eastern school prawn Metapenaeus macleayi Haswell, 1870 (Western Port, Victoria, to Tin Can Bay, Queensland.)[1]
Family Palaemonidae – Palaemonid shrimps
- Red-spotted shrimp Palaemon intermedius (Stimpson, 1860) (Perth, Western Australia, to Port Molle, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Estuary shrimp Palaemon dolospina Walker & Poore, 2003 (Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Rockpool shrimp Palaemon serenus (Heller, 1862) (South Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Rhynchocinetidae - Hinge-back shrimps
- Serrated hinge-back shrimp Rhynchocinetes serratus (Milne Edwards, 1837) (Southwestern Western Australia, and New South Wales.)[1]
- Southern hinge-back shrimp Rhynchocinetes australis Hale, 1941 (Esperance, Western Australia, to central Victoria and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Kuiter’s hinge-back shrimp Rhynchocinetes kuiteri Tiefenbacher 1983 (Portsea, Victoria.)[1]
Family Hippolytidae – Hippolytid shrimps
- Australian seaweed shrimp Hippolyte australiensis (Stimpson 1860) (Perth, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Marion Island shrimp Nauticaris marionis Bate, 1888 (Southern Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand and subantarctic islands.)[1]
- Oriental reef shrimp Alope orientalis (de Maan, 1890) (St Francis Island, South Australia, to New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Kimber’s shrimp Tozeuma elongatum (Baker, 1904) (South Australia and Victoria.)[1]
Family Alpheidae – Snapping shrimps, pistol shrimps
- New Zealand pistol shrimp Alpheus novaezealandiae Miers, 1876 (Around mainland Australia and Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Richardson’s pistol shrimp Alpheus richardsoni Yaldwyn, 1971 (Western Australia to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Orange hairy pistol shrimp Alpheus villosus Miers, 1876 (Perth, Western Australia, to Eden, New South Wales, and northern Australia. Also South Africa, Philippines and Mauritius.)[1]
- Orange striped pistol shrimp Alpheus astrinx Banner & Banner, 1982 (Perth, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pandalidae – Pandalid shrimps
- Slender shrimp Chlorotocella spinicaudus (Milne Edwards, 1837) (Albany, Western Australia, to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Crangonidae – Crangonid shrimps
- Philoceras victoriensis Fulton and Grant, 1902 (Southern Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Stenopodidae – Cleaner shrimps
- Banded cleaner shrimp Stenopus hispidis (Olivier, 1811) (Tropical Australia south to Rottnest Island, Western Australia, and to southern New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Callianassidae – Ghost shrimps, marine yabbies
- Bass yabby, ghost nipper Trypaea australiensis (Dana, 1852) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Low Isles, Queensland.)[1]
- Ceramic ghost shrimp Biffarius ceramicus (Milne Edwards, 1837) (Mandurah, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Laomediidae – Mangrove yabbies
- Healy’s mangrove yabby Laomedia healyi Yaldwyn & Wear, 1970 (Western Port, Victoria, to northern Queensland.)[1]
Family Upogebiidae – Mud shrimps, upogebid shrimps
- Simson’s mud shrimp Acutigebia simsoni (Thomson, 1893) (Southern, eastern and northern Australia and Tasmania.)[1]
Family Palinuridae – Rock lobsters, spiny lobsters, crayfish, langouste
- Western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus George, 1962 (North West Cape to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia.)[1]
- Southern rock lobster, crayfish Jasus edwardsii (Hutton, 1875) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Eastern rock lobster Jasus verreauxi (Milne Edwards, 1834) (Port MacDonnell, South Australia, to Tweed Heads, New South Wales, and northeastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Scyllaridae – Shovel-nosed lobsters, slipper lobsters
- Balmain bug Ibacus peronii Leach, 1815 (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Rough Spanish lobster Arctides antipodarum Holthuis, 1960 (Central New South Wales. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Crevice slipper lobster Crenarctus crenatus (Whitelegge, 1900) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Diogenidae – Diogenid hermit crabs
- Southern hermit crab Paguristes frontalis (Milne Edwards, 1836) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and Furneaux Group, Tasmania)[1]
- Purple-antenna hermit crab Paguristes purpureantennatus Morgan, 1987 (Geraldton to Albany, Western Australia.)[1]
- Orange-eyed hermit crab Paguristes brevirostris Baker, 1905 (Port Lincoln to Adelaide, South Australia and western Tasmania.)[1]
- Rasping hermit crab Strigopagurus strigimanus (White, 1847) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Miner hermit crab Cancellus typus (Milne Edwards, 1836) (Cervantes, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Paguridae – Pagurid hermit crabs
- Hairy pink hermit crab Pagurus sinuatus (Stimpson, 1858) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales.)[1]
- Henderson’s hermit crab Lophopagurus nanus (Henderson, 1888) (Victoria to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Handreck’s hermit crab Pagurixus handrecki Gunn & Morgan, 1992 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Lakes Entrance, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Porcellanidae – Porcelain crabs
- Spiny porcelain crab Petrocheles, australiensis Miers, 1876 (Great Australian Bight, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- New Zealand porcelain crab Petrolistes, elongatus Milne Edwards, 1840 (Eastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Lomisidae – Hairy stone crabs
- Hairy stone crab Lomis hirta (Lamarck, 1810) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Mallacoota, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Galatheidae – Squat lobsters, craylets, Lobster krill
- Schooling craylet Munida gregaria (Fabricius, 1793) (Eastern Victoria to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand and southern South America.)[1]
- Australian craylet Galathea australiensis Stimpson, 1858 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Dromiidae – Sponge crabs
- Bristled sponge crab Austrodromidia octodentata (Haswell, 1882) (Great Australian Bight, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales.)[1]
- Wilson’s sponge crab Dromia wilsoni (Fulton & Grant, 1902) (Southern Western Australia to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand, Japan and South Africa.)[1]
Family Cancridae – Edible crabs
- Piecrust crab Metacarcinus novaezelandiae (Jacquinot, 1853) (Central Victoria and eastern and southern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Leucosiidae – Pebble crabs
- Smooth pebble crab Bellidilia laevis (Bell, 1855) (Albany, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Large pebble crab Bellidilia undecimspinosa Kinahan, 1856 (Murray River mouth, South Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Smooth nut crab Ebalia intermedia Miers, 1886 (Cottesloe, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Granulated pebble crab Leucosia pubescens Miers, 1877 (Tropical Western Australia south to Perth. Also widespread in the Indian Ocean.)[1]
Family Majidae – Spider crabs
- Smooth seaweed crab Naxia aurita (Latreille, 1825) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Western Port, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Hairy seaweed crab Notomithrax ursus (Herbst, 1788) (Discovery Bay, Victoria, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Giant spider crab Leptomithrax gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1834) (Albany, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Red sea toad Schizophrys aspera Milne Edwards, 1834 (Tropical Australia and South Australia gulfs. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Rhinoceros crab Hyastenus elatus Griffin & Tranter, 1986 (Tropical Australia south to Fremantle, Western Australia, and to Botany Bay, New South Wales. Also Indonesia.)[1]
Family Hymenosomatidae -
- Three-pronged spider crab Halicarcinus ovatus Stimpson, 1858 (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Portunidae – Swimming crabs
- Common shore crab, green crab Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) (Swan River, Western Australia, Coorong, South Australia, Anglesea, Victoria, to Eden, New South Wales, and eastern Tasmania. Also Europe, Brazil and North America.)[1]
- Surf crab Ovalipes australiensis Stephenson & Rees, 1968 (Perth, Western Australia, to Wide Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Mud crab Scylla serrata (Forsskål, 1775) (Tropical Australia south to Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, and to the Bega estuary, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Seagrass swimmer crab Nectocarcinus integrifrons (Latreille, 1825) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Red swimmer crab, velvet crab Nectocarcinus tuberculosus Milne Edwards, 1860 (Albany, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Blue swimmer crab, blue manna crab, sand crab Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Around the Australian mainland but rare on the south coast other than the South Australia gulfs. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region and the Mediterranean Sea.)[1]
- Pink swimmer crab Portunus tenuipes (de Haan, 1833) (Tropical Australia south to Perth, Western Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Xanthidae - Stone crabs
- Thorn-legged crab Actaea peronii (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Facetted crab Actaea calculosa (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) (Around Australian mainland.)[1]
Family Eriphidae – Pebble crabs
- Eastern reef crab Ozius deplanatus (White, 1847) (Eastern Victoria. to New South Wales, and Flinders Island. and Kent Group, Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, and New Zealand.)[1]
- Giant crab Pseudocarcinus gigas Milne Edwards, 1834 (Southern Western Australia to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pilumnidae – Hairy shore crabs
- Bearded crab Heteropilumnus fimbriatus (Milne Edwards, 1834) (Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Common hairy crab Pilumnus tomentosus Latreille, 1825 (Albany, Western Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern hairy crab Pilumnus monilifer Haswell, 1881 (South Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Goneplacidae – Goneplacid crabs
- Two-spined crab Litocheira bispinosa Kinahan, 1856 (Albany, Western Australia, to Western Port, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Grapsidae – Shore crabs
- Mottled shore crab Cyclograpsus granulosus (Milne Edwards, 1853) (Kangaroo Island, South Australia, to Mallacoota, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Speckled shore crab Cyclograpsus audouinii Milne Edwards, 1837 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Hervey Bay, Queensland. Also New Guinea.)[1]
- Spotted shore crab Paragrapsus gaimardii (Milne Edwards, 1837) (Kangaroo Island, South Australia, to Narooma, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Estuary shore crab Paragrapsus laevis (Dana, 1852) (Warrnambool, Victoria, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and south to Marion Bay, Tasmania.)[1]
- Notched shore crab Paragrapsus quadridentatus (Milne Edwards, 1837) (Cape Marino, South Australia, to Mallacoota, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Haswell’s shore crab Helograpsus haswellianus (Whitelegge, 1889) (Port River, South Australia, to Townsville, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Swift-footed crab Leptograpsus variegatus (Fabricius, 1793) (North West Cape, Western Australia, to Rockhampton, Queensland, and south to Bruny Island, Tasmania. Also New Zealand and South America.)[1]
- Burrowing shore crab Leptograpsodes octodentatus (Milne Edwards, 1857) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Cape Jervis, New South Wales, and south to Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania.)[1]
- Little shore crab Brachynotus spinosus (Milne Edwards, 1853) (South Australia to Mallacoota, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Red bait crab, red rock crab Plagusia chabrus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand, South Africa and Chile.)[1]
- Orange-clawed shore crab Parasesarma erythrodactyla (Hess, 1865) (Western Port, Victoria, to Queensland.)[1]
Family Ocypodidae – Ghost crabs, Stalk-eyed crabs
- Ghost crab Ocypode cordimanus Desmarest, 1825 (Tropical Australia south to Kimberley, Western Australia, and to Sydney, New South Wales.)[1]
- Semaphore crab Heloecius cordiformis (Milne Edwards, 1837) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Brisbane, Queensland, and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern sentinel crab Macrophthalmus latifrons (Haswell, 1882) (Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Mictyridae – Soldier crabs
- Southern soldier crab Mictyris platycheles Milne Edwards, 1852 (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Banded soldier crab Mictyris longicarpus Latreille, 1806 (Tropical Australia south to Perth, Western Australia, and to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria.)[1]
Family Pinnotheridae – pea crabs
- Hickman’s pea crab Pinnotheres hickmani (Guiler, 1950) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Phylum Mollusca
Class Aplacophora
- Strapweed aplacophoran Falcidens poias Scheltema, 1995 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia.)[1]
Class Polyplacophora
Family Ischnochitonidae
- Southern chiton Ischnochiton australis (Blainville, 1825) (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Lined chiton Ischnochiton lineolatus (Sowerby, 1840) (Normalup, Western Australia, to Burleigh Heads, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Elongate chiton Ischnochiton elongatus (Blainville, 1825) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Variable chiton Ischnochiton variegatus (H. Adams & Angas, 1864) (Esperance, Western Australia, to Mallacoota, Victoria, and northern and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Granular chiton Ischnochiton contractus (Reeve, 1847) (Dampier, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and the Furneaux Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Torr’s chiton Ischnochiton torri Iredale & May, 1916 (Southern Western Australia to Cape Patterson, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Beaded chiton Ischnochiton cariosus (Pilsbry, 1892) (Albany, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Wireweed chiton Ashby, 1918 (Dongara, Western Australia, to eastern Victoria and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Red-marked chiton Callochiton crocinus (Reeve, 1847) (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Giant southern chiton Eudoxoplax inornata (Tenison Woods, 1881) (South Australia and Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Antique chiton Callistochiton antiquus (Reeve, 1847) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Cooktown, Queensland, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Mopalidae
- Giant chiton Plaxiphora albida (Blainville, 1825) (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Schizochitonidae
- Sculptured chiton Lorica volvox (Reeve, 1847) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Chitonidae
- Serpent-skin chiton Sypharochiton pelliserpentis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1836) (Cape Conran, Victoria, to central New South Wales and eastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Hairy shore chiton Acanthopleura hirtosa (Blainville, 1825) (Shark Bay to Albany, Western Australia.)
- Gaimard’s shore chiton Acanthopleura gaimardi (Blainville, 1825) (New South Wales to southern Queensland.)[1]
- New Zealand green chiton Chiton glaucus Gray, 1828 (Southeastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Patterned chiton Rhyssoplax calliozona (Pilsbry, 1894) (Esperance, Western Australia, to Victoria and Tasmania.)[1]
- Elevated chiton Rhyssoplax jugosa (Gould, 1846) (Point Hicks, Victoria, to northern New South Wales.)[1]
- Translucent chiton Rhyssoplax translucens (Hedley & Hull, 1909) (Central New South Wales.)[1]
- Three-ribbed chiton Rhyssoplax tricostalis (Pilsbry, 1894) (Southern Western Australia to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eyed chiton Onithochiton quercinus (Gould, 1846) (Houtman Abrolhos to Esperance, Western Australia, and southern New South Wales to Mackay, Queensland.)[1]
Family Acanthochitonidae
- Mottled worm chiton Cryptoplax striata (Lamarck, 1819) (Southern Western Australia to Cape Paterson, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Wide-girdled worm chiton Cryptoplax mystica Iredale & Hull, 1825 (New South Wales.)[1]
Class Gastropoda
Subclass Prosobranchia
Family Haliotidae – Abalone, earshells
- Blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra Leach, 1814 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Angourie, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Greenlip abalone Haliotis laevigata (Donovan, 1808) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Cape Liptrap, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Grooved abalone Haliotis scalaris Leach, 1814 (Dongara, Western Australia, to Cape Liptrap, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Roe’s abalone Haliotis roei Gray, 1827 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to western Victoria.)[1]
- Circular abalone Haliotis cyclobates Peron, 1816 (Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia, to western Victoria.)[1]
- Elegant abalone Haliotis elegans Phillipi, 1874 (Jurien Bay to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
- Menke’s abalone Haliotis semiplicata Menke, 1843 (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Point Sinclair, South Australia.)[1]
- Elongate abalone Haliotis coccoradiata Reeve, 1846 (Mallacoota, Victoria, to Moreton Bay, Queensland.)[1]
Family Fissurellidae - Keyhole limpets, slit limpets
- Elephant snail, duckbill Scutus antipodes Montfort, 1810 (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Bowen, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Oblong keyhole limpet Amblychilepas oblonga (Menke, 1843) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Western Port, Victoria.)[1]
- Cream keyhole limpet Amblychilepas nigrita (Sowerby, 1834) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Caloundra, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Patterned keyhole limpet Amblychilepas javanicensis (Lamarck, 1822) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Tasmanian keyhole limpet Macroschisma tasmaniae Sowerby, 1866 (South Australia to Green Cape, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Raised keyhole limpet Diodora lineata (Sowerby, 1835) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Flat-notched limpet Tugali cicatricosa A. Adams, 1852 (Carnarvon, Western Australia, to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Rugose slit limpet Clypidina rugosa (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Patellidae - Patellids, true limpets
- Peron’s limpet Scutellastra peronii Blainville, 1825 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Star limpet Scutellastra chapmani Tenison Woods, 1876 (Dongara, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Giant western limpet Scutellastra laticostata Blainville, 1825 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Port Lincoln, South Australia, and reported from several Bass Strait islands, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Nacellidae - Nacellid limpets
- Variegated limpet Cellana tramoserica (Holten, 1802) (Great Australian Bight, Western Australia, to Burnett Heads, Queensland, and northeastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Orange-edged limpet Cellana solida (Blainville, 1825) (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Lottiidae – Owl limpets, lottiid limpets
- Ribbed limpet Patelloida alticostata (Angas, 1865) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to the Entrance, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pied limpet Patelloida latistrigata (Angas, 1865) (Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, to Coolangatta, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Victorian limpet Patelloida victoriana (Singleton, 1937) (Spencer Gulf, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Oyster limpet Patelloida mimula (Iredale, 1924) (Tropical Australia south to Shark Bay, Western Australia, and to Lakes Entrance, Victoria.)[1]
- Maltese Cross limpet Patelloida insignis (Menke, 1843) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to central Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Flamed limpet Notoacmea flammea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- May’s limpet Notoacmea mayi (May, 1923) (Eastern South Australia to Cape Liptrap, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Petterd’s limpet Notoacmea petterdi (Tenison Woods, 1876) (Eastern South Australia to Noosa, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Trochidae – Top shells
- False ear shell Granata imbricata (Lamarck, 1816) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Elongate false ear shell Stomatella impertusa (Burrow, 1815) (Southern Western Australia to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Wavy top shell Clanculus undatus (Lamarck, 1816) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Bega, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Flamed top shell Clanculus flagellatus (Phillipi, 1848) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pink top shell Calliostoma armillatum (Wood, 1828) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Seagrass top shell Strigosella lepida (Wood, 1828) (North West Cape to Esperance, Western Australia.)
- Spotted strawberry top shell Calthalotia fragum (Phillipi, 1848) (Eastern Victoria to central Queensland.)[1]
- Conical top shell Thalotia conica (Gray, 1827) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and south to Triabunna, Tasmania.)[1]
- Lehman’s top shell Prothalotia lehmani (Menke, 1843) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Victoria.)[1]
- Giant kelp shell Phasianotrochus eximius (Perry, 1811) (Dongara, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Kelp shell, maireener Phasianotrochus irisodontes (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Cape Liptrap, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Wavy kelp shell Phasianotrochus rutilus (Adams, 1851) (Southern Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Ribbed winkle Austrocochlea constricta (Lamarck, 1822) (Albany, Western Australia, to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Zebra winkle Austrocochlea porcata (Adams, 1851) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Townsville, Queensland, and northern and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Tasmanian winkle Austrocochlea brevis Parsons & Ward, 1994 (Around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pied winkle Austrocochlea concamerata (Wood, 1828) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Chequered winkle Chlorodiloma odontis (Wood, 1828) (South Australia to Cape Liptrap, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Necklace shell Bankivia fasciata (Menke, 1830) (South Australia to Tweed Heads, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pheasant shell, painted lady Phasianella australis (Gmelin, 1788) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Turban shell Lunella torquata (Gmelin, 1791)[2] syn. Turbo torquatus ((as T. torquatus)Port Gregory, Western Australia, to eastern South Australia, and from Green Cape to Brunswick Heads, New South Wales.)[1]
- Swollen pheasant shell Phasianella ventricosa (Swainson, 1822) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Noosa, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Warrener, periwinkle Turbo undulatus (Lightfoot, 1786) (Hopetoun, Western Australia, to Coolangatta, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Jourdan’s turban shell Turbo jourdani Kiener, 1839 (Geraldton, Western Australia, to central South Australia.)[1]
- Western turban Turbo pulcher Reeve, 1842 (Point Quobba to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
- Golden star shell Astralium aureum (Jonas, 1844) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Seagrass star Astralium squamiferum (Koch, 1844) (Port Gregory, Western Australia, to Angourie, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Tent shell Astralium tentoriiformis (Jonas, 1845) (Eastern Victoria to Mackay, Queensland.)[1]
Family Neritidae - Nerites
- Western black crow Nerita atramentosa Reeve, 1855 (North West Cape, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eastern black crow Nerita melanotragus Smith, 1884 (Central Victoria to Yeppoon, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
Family Littorinidae - Periwinkles
- Striped conniwink Bembicium nanum (Lamarck, 1822) (Port Lincoln, South Australia, to Yeppoon, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Dark-mouth conniwink Bembicium auratum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Port Lincoln, South Australia, to Yeppoon, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Gold-mouth conniwink Bembicium melanostoma (Gmelin 1791) (Port Phillip and Western Port, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Blue periwinkle Austrolittorina unifasciata (Gray, 1826) (North West Cape, Western Australia, to Yeppoon, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Grey periwinkle Afrolittorina praetermissa (May, 1908) (Cowaramup, Western Australia, to Lake Burrill, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern periwinkle Echinolittorina australis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1826) (Kimberley to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
- Nodular periwinkle Nodilittorina pyramidalis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (Mallacoota, Victoria, to Yeppoon, Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island.)[1]
- Mangrove periwinkle Littoraria luteola (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (Merimbula, New South Wales, to Torres Strait, Queensland.)[1]
Family Turritellidae – Screw shells
- New Zealand screw shell Maoricolpus roseus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Eastern Tasmania to southern New South Wales. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Siliquariidae – Slit worm shells
- Southern slit worm shell Tenagodus australis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Hercules club whelk Pyrazus ebeninus (Brugiere, 1792) (Lakes Entrance, Victoria, to Port Curtis, Queensland.)[1]
Family Batillaridae - Mudwhelks
- Southern mudwhelk Batillaria australis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Perth, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Cerithidae – Ceriths, creepers
- Western creeper Rhinoclavis bituberculata (Sowerby, 1865) (Tropical Australia south to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia, and southern Queensland.)[1]
Family Campanilidae – Lighthouse shells
- Giant creeper Campanile symbolicum Iredale, 1917 (Geraldton to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Vermetidae – Worm shells
- Worm shell Serpulorbis sipho (Lamarck, 1818) (Around Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Hipponicidae – Bonnet limpets
- Bonnet limpet Hipponix conicus (Schumacher, 1817) (Around Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Janthinidae – Violet snails
- Violet snail Janthina janthina (Linnaeus, 1758) (Western Australia to Queensland and eastern Tasmania. Widespread overseas.)[1]
Family Naticidae – Moon snails
- Moon shell, sand snail Polinices conicus (Lamarck, 1822) (Around Australia and Tasmania.)[1]
Family Velutinidae – Velvet snails
- Southern lamellaria Lamellaria australis (Basedow, 1905) (Southern Western Australia to Victoria.)[1]
Family Cypraeidae - Cowries
- Wonder cowry Umbilia hesitata (Iredale, 1916) (Cape Jaffa, South Australia, to Fraser Island, Queensland, and Tasmania.)[1]
- Armenian cowry Umbilia armeniaca (Verco, 1912) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Investigator Strait, South Australia.)[1]
- Reeve’s cowry Austrocypraea reevei (Sowerby, 1832) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Victor Harbor, South Australia.)[1]
- Southern cowry Notocypraea angustata (Gmelin, 1791) (Streaky Bay, South Australia, to Eden, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Speckled cowry Notocypraea declivis (Sowerby, 1870) (Cape Jaffa, South Australia, to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Compton’s cowry Notocypraea comptoni (Gray, 1847) (Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Western spotted cowry Cypraea fallax (Smith, 1881) (Denmark to Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia.)[1]
- Black cowry Zoila friendii (Gray, 1831) (Port Maud, Western Australia, to Apollo Bay, Victoria, and northwestern Tasmania.)[1]
- Much desired cowry Zoila venusta (Smith, 1880) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Cape Adieu, Great Australian Bight, South Australia.)[1]
- Margin cowry Zoila marginata (Gaskoin, 1848) (Gnaraloo, Western Australia, to Victor Harbor, South Australia.)[1]
- Rossell’s cowry Zoila rosselli (Cotton, 1948) (Gnaraloo, Western Australia, to Cape Adieu, South Australia.)[1]
Family Ovulidae – Spindle cowries, egg cowries
- Giant spindle cowry Phenacovolva philippinarum (Sowerby, 1848) (Tropical Australia south to Esperance, Western Australia, and to central Queensland. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Semper’s spindle cowry Prosimnia semperi (Weinkauff, 1881) (Tropical Australia south to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia, and to Merimbula, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Cassidae – Helmet shells
- Pear helmet Semicassis pyrum (Lamarck, 1822) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand and South Africa.)[1]
- Half-grained helmet Semicassis semigranosum (Lamarck, 1822) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Portsea, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Blotched helmet Semicassis sinuosum (Verco, 1904) (Bunbury, Western Australia, to Backstairs Passage, South Australia.)[1]
- Fimbriate helmet Cassis fimbriata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (Abrolhos, Western Australia, to western Victoria.)[1]
Family Ranellidae Tritons, trumpet shells
- Red triton Charonia lampas (Linnaeus, 1758) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Swain Reefs, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand, South Africa, Japan and Europe.)[1]
- Spengler’s triton Cabestana spengleri (Perry, 1811) (Western South Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Fringed triton Cabestana tabulata (Menke, 1843) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Giant hairy triton, oyster drill Cymatium parthenopeum (von Salis, 1793) (Lancelin, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Swollen triton Argobuccinum pustulosum (Lightfoot, 1786) (Eastern South Australia to central Victoria and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand, South Africa and South America.)[1]
- Australian hairy triton, southern rock whelk Ranella australasia (Perry, 1811) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Tin Can Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Creamy rock whelk Sassia verrucosa (Reeve, 1844) (Southern Western Australia to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Muricidae – Murex shells
- Cartrut shell Dicathais orbita (Gmelin, 1791) (Barrow Island, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Triton rock shell Agnewia tritoniformis (Blainville, 1832) (Port Fairy, Victoria, to central New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Veined rock shell Lepsiella vinosa (Lamarck, 1822) (Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Fluted murex Pterynotus triformis (Reeve, 1845) (Busselton, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Undulating murex Pterynotus undosus Vokes, 1993 (Perth to Eucla, Western Australia.)[1]
- Southern murex Chicoreus denudatus (Perry, 1811) (South Australia to New South Wales and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Mulberry whelk Morula marginalba (Blainville, 1832) (Merimbula, New South Wales, to Queensland.)[1]
Family Turbinellidae – Vase and Pagoda shells
- Flinders vase shell Vasum flindersi (Verco, 1914) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Backstairs Passage, South Australia.)[1]
Family Fasciolariidae – Tulip shells, spindle shells
- Tulip shell Australaria australasia (Perry, 1811) syn. Pleuroploca australasia (Perry, 1811) ((as P. australasia)Esperance, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern spindle Fusinus australis (Perry, 1811) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Lakes Entrance, Victoria.)[1]
- New Holland spindle Fusinus novaehollandiae (Reeve, 1848) (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to Cape Moreton, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Buccinidae - Whelks
- Mandarin whelk Penion mandarinus (Duclos, 1831) (Esperance, Western Australia, to Trial Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Giant whelk Penion maximus (Tryon, 1881) (Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, to Caloundra, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Lined cominella Cominella lineolata (Lamarck, 1809) (Hopetoun, Western Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Ribbed cominella Cominella eburnea (Reeve, 1846) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Torr’s whelk Cominella torri (Verco, 1909) (Albany, Western Australia, to St Francis Island, South Australia.)[1]
Family Columbellidae – Dove shells
- Seagrass dove shell Euplica bidentata (Menke, KT, 1843) (North West Cape, Western Australia, to South Australia.)[1]
- Cryptic dove shell Mitrella austrini (Gaskoin, 1851) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Nassaridae – Dog whelks
- Impoverished dog whelk Nassarius pauperatus (Lamarck, 1822) (Geraldton, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Reticulate dog whelk Nassarius particeps (Hedley, 1915) (Port Hedland, Western Australia, to Proserpine, Queensland.)[1]
Family Conidae – Cone shells
- Anemone cone Conus anemone (Lamarck, 1810) (Port Gregory, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pontificial cone Conus dorreensis Peron, 1807 (Monte Bello Islands to Albany, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Mitridae - Mitres
- Black mitre Mitra glabra Swainson, 1821 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Port Macquarie, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Lined mitre Mitra chalybeia Reeve, 1844 (Shark Bay to Alexander Bay, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Volutomitridae
- Obscure mitre Waimatea obscura (Hutton, 1873) (Cape Liptrap, Western Australia, to South Australia and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Volutidae - Volutes
- Wavy volute Amoria undulata (Lamarck, 1804) (Dampier, Western Australia, to Cape Moreton, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Damon’s volute Amoria damoni Gray, 1864 (Cooktown, Queensland, to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia.)[1]
- Much desired volute Amoria exoptanda (Reeve, 1849) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Victor Harbor, South Australia.)[1]
- Clarke’s volute Nannamoria johnclarkei (Bail & Limpus, 1997) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Backstairs Passage, South Australia.)[1]
- Magnificent volute Cymbiola magnifica (Shaw & Nodder, 1808) (Mallacoota, Victoria, to Capricorn Group, Queensland.)[1]
- Lightning volute Ericusa fulgetra (Sowerby, 1825) (Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia, to eastern South Australia.)[1]
- Kreusler’s volute Notovoluta kreuslerae (Angas, 1865) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Cape Otway, Victoria.)[1]
- Snowy volute Cymbiola nivosa (Lamarck, 1804) (Kimberley to Fremantle, Western Australia.)[1]
- Mitre-shaped volute Lyria mitraeformis (Lamarck, 1811) (Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia, to eastern Bass Strait, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern bailer Melo miltonis (Gray, 1834) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Streaky Bay, South Australia.)[1]
Family Olividae – Olive shells
- Southern olive Oliva australis (Duclos, 1835) (Broome, Western Australia, to Port Fairy, Victoria.)
- Margined ancilla Alocospira marginata (Lamarck, 1810) (Esperance, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Harpidae – Harp shells
- Spotted southern harp Austroharpa punctata (Verco, 1896) (Albany, Western Australia, to eastern Bass Strait, Victoria, and King Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Lois’ southern harp Austroharpa loisae Rehder, 1973 (Kalbarri to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
Subclass Pulmonata
Family Amphibolidae
- Fragile air-breather Salinator fragilis (Lamarck, 1822) (Western Australia to Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Siphonariidae – Pulmonate limpets, siphons
- Van Diemen’s siphon shell Siphonaria diemenensis Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 (Southern Western Australia to central New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Lined siphon shell Siphonaria zelandica Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 (Broome, Western Australia, to Keppel Bay, Queensland.)[1]
- Denticulate siphon shell Siphonaria denticulata Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 (Central New South Wales to Queensland.)[1]
- Banded siphon shell Siphonaria tasmanica Tenison Woods, 1876 (Eastern South Australia to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Corded siphon shell Siphonaria funiculata Reeve, 1856 (Eastern South Australia to Burnett Heads, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Jean’s siphon shell Siphonaria jeanae Jenkins, 1984 (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Ceduna, South Australia.)[1]
Family Onchidiidae – Air-breathing sea slugs
- Intertidal slug Onchidella patelloides (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) (South Australia to New South Wales and northern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Subclass Opisthobranchia
Family Bullidae
- Botany Bay bubble shell Bulla quoyii Gray, 1843 (Carnarvon, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Bullinidae
- Lined bubble shell Bullina lineata (Gray, 1825) (Tropical Australia south to Cowaramup, Western Australia, and to Bermagui, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Philinidae
- Angas’ sea slug Philine angasi (Crosse & Fischer, 1865) (Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Gasropteridae
- Ornate sea slug Sagaminopteron ornatum Tokioka & Baba, 1964 (Around Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Aglajidae
- Striped sea dragon Chelidonura hirundinina (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Tropical Australia south to Rottnest Island, Western Australia, and to Merimbula, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Aplysidae
- Black-lined sea hare Aplysia parvula Mörch, 1863 (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Reticulated sea hare Aplysia dactylomela Rang, 1828 (Tropical Australia south to Albany, Western Australia, and to Western Port, Victoria. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Sydney sea hare Aplysia sydneyensis Sowerby, 1869 (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Giant sea hare Aplysia gigantea Sowerby, 1869 (Esperance to Shark Bay, Western Australia.)[1]
- Hairy sea hare Bursatella sp. (Perth to Albany, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Oxynoidae
- Long-tailed bubble slug Oxynoe viridis (Pease, 1861) (Around Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Plakobranchidae
- Black-margined sea slug Elysia expansa (O’Donoghue, 1924) (Houtman Abrolhos to Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Also New Caledonia.)[1]
- Blue-lined sea slug Elysia sp. (Central New South Wales.)[1]
Family Limapontidae
- Cactus sea slug Stiliger smaragdinus Baba, 1949 (Perth, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales. Also New Zealand and Japan.)[1]
Family Tylodinidae
- Yellow umbrella shell Tylodina corticalis (Tate, 1889) (Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family umbraculidae
- Umbrella shell Umbraculum sinicum (Gmelin, 1793) (Tropical Australia south to Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, and to southern New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Pleurobranchidae – Side-gilled slugs
- Orange side-gilled slug Berthellina citrina (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Grey side-gilled slug Pleurobranchaea maculata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Polyceridae
- Verco’s nudibranch Tambja verconis (Basedow & Hedley, 1905) (Southern Western Australia to central New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Doridae - Dorids
- Variable dorid Aphelodoris varia (Abraham, 1877) (Jervis Bay to Cape Byron, New South Wales.)[1]
- Marigold dorid Neodoris chrysoderma (Angas, 1864) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Hastings Point, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Chromodorididae - Chromodorids
- Wellington’s dorid Archidoris wellingtonensis (Abraham, 1877) (Victoria. and Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Sweet ceratosoma Ceratosoma amoenum (Cheeseman, 1886) (Southern New South Wales to North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, and east coast Tasmania south to Bicheno. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Shorttail ceratosoma Ceratosoma brevicaudatum Abraham, 1876 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Cape Byron, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Epicure chromodorid Chromodoris epicuria (Basedow & Hedley, 1905) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Western Port, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Red lace chromodorid Chromodoris tinctoria (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828) (Tropical Australia southwest to St Vincent Gulf, South Australia. Also in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Tasmanian chromodorid Chromodoris tasmaniensis (Bergh, 1905) (Portland, Victoria, to Port Hacking, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Splendid chromodorid Chromodoris splendida (Angas, 1864) (Southern New South Wales to Mooloolaba, Queensland.)[1]
- Western Australian chromodorid Chromodoris westraliensis (O’Donoghue, 1924) (Rockingham to Point Quobba, Western Australia.)[1]
- Kuiter’s chromodorid Chromodoris kuiteri (Rudman, 1982) (Tropical Australia south to central New South Wales.)[1]
- Strawberry chromodorid Digidentis arbuta (Burn, 1961) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Verco’s chromodorid Verconia verconis (Basedow & Hedley, 1905) (Busselton, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and Tasmania.)[1]
- Bennett’s chromodorid Hypselodoris bennetti (Angas, 1864) (Southern New South Wales to Cape Moreton, Queensland.)[1]
- Flame-tipped chromodorid Hypselodoris infucata (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828) (Tropical Australia southwest to St Vincent Gulf, South Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Black-margined chromodorid Glossodoris atromarginata (Cuvier, 1804) (Tropical Australia south to southern New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Bass Strait cadlina Cadlina sp. (Kent Group, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Dendrodorididae - Dendrodorids
- Flattened dendrodorid Dendrodoris peculiaris (Abraham, 1877) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Black dendrodorid Dendrodoris nigra (Stimpson, 1855) (Around Australia and Tasmania.)[1]
Family Phyllidiidae - Phyllidid nudibranchs
- Magpie phyllidid Phyllidiella pustulosa (Cuvier, 1804) (Tropical Australia south to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, and to Ulladulla, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Aeolidiidae
- Ornate facelinid Austraeolis ornata (Angas, 1864) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Macleay’s facelinid Spurilla macleayi (Angas, 1864) (Albany, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Glaucidae Glaucids
- Little sea lizard Glaucus marginatus Bergh, 1860 (Around Australia and Tasmania.)[1]
Family Facellinidae
- Blue dragon Pteraeolidia ianthina (Angas, 1864) (Tropical Australia south to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, and to Jervis Bay, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Serrated phyllodesmium Phyllodesmium serratum (Baba, 1949) (Around Australia and Tasmania. Also Japan.)[1]
Family Flabellinidae
- Red-lined flabellina Flabellina rubrolineata (O’Donoghue, 1929) (Tropical Australia south to eastern Victoria. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Multicoloured flabellina Flabellina poenicia (Burn, 1957) (South Australia to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Arminidae
- Southern seapen slug Armina sp. (Southern Tasmania.)[1]
Class Bivalvia
Family Solemyidae – Date shells
- Southern date shell Solemya australis Lamarck, 1818 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Andersons Inlet, Victoria, and south to Bicheno, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Arcidae – Ark shells
- Sydney cockle Anadara trapezia (Deshayes, 1840) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to southern Queensland, with an isolated population at Albany, Western Australia.)[1]
- Hairy ark Barbatia pistachia (Lamarck, 1819) (Kimberley, Western Australia, to Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Nuculanidae – Beaked nut shells
- Small-beaked nutshell Nuculana crassa (Hinds, 1843) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Glycimeridae – Dog cockles
- Dark dog cockle Glycymeris radians (Lamarck, 1819) (Albany, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Striated dog cockle Glycymeris striatularis (Lamarck, 1819) (Port Gregory, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Flamed dog cockle Glycymeris grayana (Lamarck, 1819) (Victoria to central New South Wales and south to Little Swanport, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Mytilidae - Mussels
- Blue mussel, edible mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck 1819 (Perth, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Flea mussel Limnoperna pulex (Lamarck, 1819) (Yanchep, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Cotton’s horse mussel Modiolus cottoni Laseron, 1956 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- White mussel Modiolus albicostus Lamarck, 1819 (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Beaked mussel Austromytilus rostratus (Dunker, 1857) (Southern Western Australia to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eroded mussel Brachidontes erosus (Lamarck, 1819) (Albany, Western Australia, to San Remo, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Beddome’s mussel Amygdalum beddomei Iredale, 1924 (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Hairy mussel Trichomya hirsuta (Lamarck, 1819) (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to southern Queensland, and Flinders Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- East Asian bag mussel Musculista senhousia (Benson, 1842) (Swan River estuary, Western Australia, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and Tamar estuary, Tasmania. Also East Asia, California, New Zealand.)[1]
Family Pinnidae – Razor clams
- Razor clam, razorfish Pinna bicolor Gmelin, 1791 (Tropical Australia around the southwest to Gulf St Vincents, South Australia, and down the east coast to New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Tasmanian razor clam Atrina tasmanica (Tenison Woods, 1876) (Port Lincoln, South Australia, to southern New South Wales and northern and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pteridae – Pearl oysters
- Delicate wing shell Electroma georgiana (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835) (Southern Western Australia to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Malleidae – Hammer oysters, finger oysters
- Southern hammer oyster Malleus meridianus Cotton, 1930 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincents, South Australia.)[1]
- Sponge finger oyster Vulsella spongiarum Lamarck, 1819 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Mallacoota, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pectenidae –Scallops, fan shells
- Commercial scallop, king scallop Pecten fumatus Reeve, 1852 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to central Queensland.)[1]
- Tasmanian scallop Notochlamys hexactes (Peron, 1819) (Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, to Twofold Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Queen scallop Equichlamys bifrons (Lamarck 1819) (Ceduna, South Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Spiny scallop Scaeochlamys livida (Lamarck, 1819) (Jervis Bay, New South Wales, to Queensland.)[1]
- Doughboy scallop Mimachlamys asperrima (Lamarck, 1819) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Spondylidae – Thorny oysters
- Thorny oyster Spondylus tenellus Reeve, 1856 (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and south to Maria Island, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Anomiidae – Jingle shells, windowpane shells
- Orange jingle Anomia trigonopsis Hutton, 1877 (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and northern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Limidae – File shells
- File shell Lima nimbifer (Iredale, 1924) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania.)[1]
- Ridged file shell Limatula strangei (Sowerby, 1872) (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Ostreidae Oysters
- Native oyster, mud oyster, flat oyster Ostrea, angasi Sowerby 1871 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata (Gould, 1850) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to southern Queensland. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) (Central South Australia to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and northern and eastern Tasmania. Also Japan and widespread overseas.)[1]
Family Trigoniidae – Brooch shells
- Brooch shell Neotrigonia margaritacea (Lamarck, 1804) (Victoria. to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Lucinidae - Lucinids
- Fragile lucinid Anodontia perplexa (Cotton & Godfrey, 1938) (Southern Western Australia to central Queensland.)[1]
- Cuming’s lucinid Divalucina cumingi (Adams & Angas, 1863) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania.)[1]
Family Galeommatidae – Luna shells
- Fragile luna shell Scintilla sp. (Southern Western Australia.)[1]
- White luna shell Ephippodonta lunata Tate, 1886 (Southern Western Australia to central South Australia.)[1]
- Southern kellia Lasaea australis (Lamarck, 1819) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Carditidae - Carditas
- Grooved cardita Cardita incrassata Sowerby, 1825 (Tropical Australia south to Albany, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Crassatellidae - Crassatellas
- King Island crassatella Eucrassatella kingicola (Lamarck, 1805) (South Australia to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Cardiidae - Cockles
- Thin-ribbed cockle Fulvia tenuicostata (Lamarck, 1819) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Mactridae – Trough shells
- White trough shell Mactra pura Reeve, 1854 (Point Samson, Western Australia, to Victoria and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Rufous trough shell Mactra rufescens Reeve, 1854 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Three-cornered trough shell Spisula trigonella (Lamarck, 1819) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania.)[1]
- Gaping otter shell Lutraria rhynchaena Jonas, 1844 (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Mesodesmatidae - Wedge shells
- Estuarine wedge shell Anapella cycladea (Lamarck, 1819) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania.)[1]
- Elongate surf clam Paphies elongata (Reeve, 1854) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Brown surf clam Paphies erycinaea (Lamarck, 1818) (Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Solenidae – Razor shells
- Eastern razor shell Solen correctus Iredale 1924 (Southern New South Wales to Queensland.)[1]
- Southern razor shell Solen vaginoides (Lamarck, 1818) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Tellinidae - Tellins
- Triangular tellin Tellina deltoidalis Lamarck, 1818 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Rounded tellin Tellina margaritina Lamarck, 1818 (Southern Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pink tellin Tellina albinella Lamarck, 1818 (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Donacidae - Pipis
- Pipi, Goolwa cockle Donax deltoides Lamarck, 1818 (Around Australia.)[1]
Family Psammobiidae – Sunset shells
- Sunset shell Soletellina biradiata (Wood, 1815) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- White sunset shell Gari livida (Lamarck, 1818) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Veneridae – Venus shells
- Rusty venus Circe scripta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Tropical Australia south to central New South Wales.)[1]
- Reeve’s dosinia Dosinia incisa (Reeve, 1850) (Tropical Australia south to Cockburn Sound, Western Australia.)[1]
- Blue-tinged dosinia Dosinia coerulea Reeve, 1850 (Queenscliff, Victoria, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Ridged cockle Katelysia scalarina (Lamarck, 1818) (Augusta, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Common cockle Katelysia rhytiphora Lamy, 1937 (Albany, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Ridged tawera Tawera gallinula (Lamarck, 1818) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Fine tawera Tawera lagopus (Lamarck, 1818) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Grooved venus Placamen placidum (Philippi, 1844) (Southern Western Australia to central Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Smoky venus Eumarcia fumigata (Sowerby, 1853) (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Scribbled venus Tapes dorsatus (Lamarck, 1818) (Tropical Australia south to southern New South Wales.)[1]
- Solid cockle Paphia crassisulca (Lamarck, 1818) (Tropical Australia south to Albany, Western Australia, and to New South Wales.)[1]
- Large bean cockle Venerupis galactites (Lamarck, 1818) (Perth, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Small bean cockle Venerupis anomala (Lamarck, 1818) (South Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Faint-frill venus Bassina pachyphylla (Jonas, 1839) (Central South Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Frilled venus Circomphalus disjecta (Perry, 1811) (Bluff Point, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Cleidothaeridae
- Rock cupshell Cleidothaerus albidus Lamarck, 1819 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Hiatellidae
- Mud borer Panopea australis Sowerby, 1833 (South Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pholadidae – Angel wings, piddocks
- Australasian angel wing Barnea australasiae (Sowerby, 1849) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Beaked angel wing Barnea obturamentum (Hedley, 1893) (South Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Teredinidae – Shipworms, teredos
- Southern shipworm Bankia australis (Calman, 1920) (Western Australia to Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Class Cephalopoda
Family Octopodidae - Octopuses
- Blue-ringed octopus Hapalochlaena maculosa (Hoyle, 1883) (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Speckled octopus Octopus berrima Stranks & Norman, 1992 (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to Eden, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Gloomy octopus Octopus tetricus Gould, 1852 (Cape Conran, Victoria, to Moreton Bay, Queensland.)[1]
- Pale octopus Octopus pallidus Hoyle, 1885 (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Maori octopus Octopus maorum Hutton, 1880 (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to Lakes Entrance, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Sand octopus Octopus kaurna Stranks, 1990 (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern white spot octopus Octopus bunurong Stranks, 1990 (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pygmy octopus Octopus warringa Stranks, 1990 (South Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Argonautidae – Argonauts, paper nautiluses
- Paper nautilus Argonauta nodosus Solander, 1786 (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Sepiidae - Cuttlefish
- Giant cuttle Sepia apama Gray, 1849 (Point Cloates, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and south to Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania.)[1]
- Mourning cuttle Sepia plangon Gray, 1849 (Sydney New South Wales, to Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland.)[1]
- Red cuttle Sepia mestus Gray, 1849 (Jervis Bay, New South Wales, to Cooktown, Queensland.)[1]
Family Lologinidae - Squid
- Southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 (Dampier, Western Australia, to Brisbane, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Ideosepiidae – Pygmy squid
- Southern pygmy squid Idiosepius notoides Berry, 1821 (Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Sepiolidae – Bobtail squids, dumpling squids
- Southern bobtail squid, southern dumpling squid Euprymna tasmanica (Pfeffer, 1884) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Brisbane, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Sepiadariidae – Bottletail squids
- Striped pyjama squid, lined dumpling squid Sepioloidea lineolata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland.)[1]
Family Serpulidae – Ram’s horn squid
- Ram’s horn squid Spirula spirula Linnaeus, 1758 (Around Australia and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Phylum Brachiopoda
- Southern lampshell Magellania flavescens (Lamarck, 1819) (Southern Western Australia to New South Wales and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Phylum Phoronida
- Southern phoronid Phoronis australis Haswell, 1883 (Perth, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland.)[1]
Phylum Bryozoa
- Prickly bryozoan Lichenopora echinata (MacGillivray, 1884) (Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Cream sea lace Hornera robusta (MacGillivray, 1883) (Victoria and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Kelp bryozoan Membranipora membranacea (Linnaeus, 1758) (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Folded-plate bryozoan Steginoporella chartacea (Lamarck, 1816) (Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, to southern New South Wales and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Green soft bryozoan Bugula dentata (Lamouroux, 1816) (Western Australia to Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Spiralled soft bryozoan Bugula serrata (Lamarck, 1816) (Lacepede Bay, South Australia, to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Flat-branched bryozoan Bugularia dissimilis (Busk, 1852) (Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Grey tangle bryozoan Cornucopina grandis (Busk, 1852) (Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Little fan bryozoan Parmularia smeatoni (MacGillivray, 1890) (South Australia Gulfs.)[1]
- Orange encrusting bryozoan Schizoporella errata (Waters, 1878) (South Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Black sieve bryozoan Adeona grisea (Lamouroux, 1816) (Western Australia to Victoria and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Orange plate bryozoan Celleporaria sp.1 (South Australia to Victoria and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Nippled bryozoan Celleporaria sp.2 (Southern Western Australia to South Australia.)[1]
- Lace bryozoan, lace coral Triphyllozoon moniliferum (MacGillivray, 1860) (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Open lace bryozoan Triphyllozoon umbonatum (MacGillivray, 1884) (Kangaroo Island, South Australia, to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Purple bryozoan Iodictyum phoeniceum (Busk, 1854) (South Australia to Queensland and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Orange filamentous bryozoan Orthoscuticella ventricosa (Busk, 1852) (Encounter Bay, South Australia, to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
Phylum Entoprocta
- Pear-shaped entoproct Pedicellina pyriformis Ryland, 1965 (Eastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Phylum Chaetognatha
- Seaweed arrow worm Spadella sp. (Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Crinoidea
(Feather stars, crinoids)
Family Comasteridae
- Orange feather star Comanthus trichoptera (Müller, 1846) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Tasmanian feather star Comanthus tasmaniae (A.H. Clark, 1911) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Purple feather star Comatula purpurea Müller, 1841 (Tropical Australia south to Fremantle, Western Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Antedonidae
- Variable feather star Antedon incommoda Bell, 1888 (Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Loven’s feather star Antedon loveni Bell, 1882 (Victor Harbor, South Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Aporometridae
- Western feather star Aporometra occidentalis H.L. Clark, 1938 (Yanchep, Western Australia, to Bass Strait, Victoria.)[1]
Family Ptilometridae
- Southern passion star Ptilometra australis (Wilton, 1843) (Eden to the Clarence River, New South Wales. Also the Kent Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Western passion star Ptilometra macronema (Müller, 1846) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.)[1]
Class Asteroidea
(Sea stars, starfish)
Family Luididae
- Southern sand star Luidia australiae Döderlein, 1920 (Yanchep, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and south to Bicheno, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Astropectinidae
- Many-spined sand star Astropecten polyacanthus Müller & Troschel, 1842 (Tropical Australia south to Sydney, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Preiss’ sand star Astropecten preissi Müller & Troschel, 1843 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Three-spined sand star Astropecten triseriatus Müller & Troschel, 1843 (North West Cape to King George Sound, Western Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Comb sand star Astropecten vappa Müller & Troschel, 1843 (Around the Australian mainland.)[1]
- Pink sand star Astropecten pectinatus Sladen, 1883 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Archasteridae
- Angular seastar Archaster angulatus (Müller & Troschel, 1842) (Tropical Australia south to Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, and to the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Goniasteridae
- Magnificent biscuit star Tosia magnifica (Müller & Troschel, 1842) (Southern Western Australia to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern biscuit star Tosia australis Gray, 1840 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Vermilion biscuit star Pentagonaster dubeni Gray, 1847 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Apricot biscuit star Stellaster inspinosus H.L. Clark, 1916 (Barrow Island to Mandurah, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Oreasteridae
- Western biscuit star Goniodiscaster seriatus (Müller & Troschel, 1843) (Point Maude to Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia.)[1]
- Mottled seastar Anthaster valvulatus (Müller & Troschel, 1843) (Yanchep, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Australian cushion star Anthenea australiae Döderlein, 1915 (Broome to Fremantle, Western Australia.)[1]
- Sydney cushion star Anthenea edmondi Clark & Rowe, 1971 (Eden, New South Wales, to Fraser Island, Queensland.)[1]
- Spotted seastar Nectria ocellata Perrier, 1875 (Eucla, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Large-plated seastar Nectria macrobrachia H.L. Clark, 1923 (Port Gregory, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and King Island and Kent Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Multi-spined seastar Nectria multispina H.L. Clark, 1928 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria.)[1]
- Saori’s seastar Nectria saoria Shepherd, 1967 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.)[1]
- Wilson’s seastar Nectria wilsoni Shepherd & Hodgkin, 1965 (Beagle Island, Western Australia, to Lakes Entrance, Victoria.)[1]
Family Asterodiscididae
- Firebrick seastar Asterodiscides truncatus (Coleman, 1911) (Eucla, Western Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and northeastern Tasmania. Also Kermadec Islands.)[1]
Family Pterasteridae
- Striking seastar Euretaster insignis (Sladen, 1882) (Tropical Australia south to Dunsborough, Western Australia, and to Moreton Bay, Queensland. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Asteropseidae
- Cushion star Petricia vernicina (Lamarck, 1816) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Caloundra, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and Kermadec Islands.)[1]
Family Ophidiasteridae
- Many-spotted seastar Fromia polypora (H.L. Clark, 1916) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Orange long-armed seastar Ophidiaster confertus H.L. Clark 1916 (Jervis Bay, New South Wales, to central Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island.)[1]
- Mosaic seastar Plectaster decanus (Müller & Troschel, 1843) (Two Rocks, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Echinasteridae
- Pale mosaic seastar Echinaster arcystatus H.L. Clark, 1914 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Montague Island, New South Wales, and the Furneaux Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Multi-coloured seastar Echinaster varicolor H.L. Clark, 1938 (Broome to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Coleman’s seastar Echinaster colemani Rowe & Albertson, 1987 (Ulladulla, New South Wales, to Moreton Bay, Queensland. Also Norfolk Island.)[1]
- Orange reef star Echinaster glomeratus H.L. Clark, 1916 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Cape Jervis, South Australia.)[1]
Family Asterinidae
- Troughton’s seastar Pseudonepanthia troughtoni (Livingstone, 1934) (Green Head, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and King Island and the Kent Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Dusky seastar Pseudonepanthia nigrobrunnea (Rowe & Marsh, 1982) (Northern New South Wales to Double Island Point, Queensland.)[1]
- Western seastar Nepanthia crassa (Gray, 1847) (Point Cloates to Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia.)[1]
- Grand seastar Paranepanthia grandis (H.L. Clark, 1928) (Point Peron, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Regular seastar Patiriella regularis (Verrill, 1867) (Derwent estuary, Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)
- Stellate button star Meridiastra scobinata (Livingstone, 1933) (Port Lincoln, South Australia, to Cape Liptrap, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Dark-tipped button star Meridiastra atyphoida (H.L. Clarke, 1916) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to East Gippsland, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eight-armed seastar Meridiastra calcar (Lamarck, 1816) (Albany, Western Australia, to Currumbin, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eastern six-armed star Meridiastra oriens O’Loughlin, Waters & Roy, 2003 (Perth, Western Australia, and Nuyts Archipelago, South Australia, to Rockhampton, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Southern six-armed star Meridiastra medius O’Loughlin, Waters & Roy, 2003 (Perth, Western Australia, to Walkerville, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Western six-armed star Meridiastra occidens O’Loughlin, Waters & Roy, 2003 (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Port Fairy, Victoria.)[1]
- Gunn’s six-armed star Meridiastra gunnii (Gray, 1840) (Abrolhos Island, Western Australia, to eastern Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Orange live-bearing star Parvulastra vivipara (Dartnall, 1969) (Eaglehawk Neck to Margate, Tasmania.)[1]
- Little patti, pigmy live-bearing star Parvulastra parvivipara (Keough & Dartnall, 1978) (Ceduna to D’Anville Bay, South Australia.)[1]
- Rockpool star Parvulastra exigua (Lamarck, 1816) (Port Lincoln, South Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Asteriidae
- Eleven-armed seastar Coscinasterias muricata Verrill, 1867 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Southern five-armed seastar Australiaster dubia (H.L. Clark, 1909) (Spencer Gulf, South Australia, to Crowdy Head, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Seven-armed seastar Astrostole scaber Hutton, 1872 (Port Davey to Eddystone Point, Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- North Pacific seastar Asterias amurensis Lutkin, 1871 (Port Phillip Bay to Inverloch, Victoria, and eastern Tasmania. Also Japan, China, Russia.)[1]
- Granular seastar Uniophora granifera (Lamarck, 1816) (Spencer Gulf, South Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Western granular seastar Uniophora dyscrita (Clark, 1923) (Lancelin to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
- Bare seastar Uniophora nuda (Perrier, 1875) (Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Many-armed seastar Allostichaster polyplax (Muller & Troschel, 1844) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Irregular seastar Smilasterias irregularis H.L. Clark, 1928 (Nuyts Archipelago, South Australia, to Shellharbour, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Victorian seastar Smilasterias multipara O’Loughlin & O’Hara, 1990 (Cape Bridgewater to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and northern and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
Class Ophiuroidea
(Brittle stars)
Family Ophiomyxidae
- Southern serpent star Ophiomyxa australis Lütken, 1869 (Around Australia, including Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Gorgonocephalidae – Basket stars
- Southern basket star Conocladus australis (Verrill, 1876) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pink basket star Astroboa ernae Döderlein, 1911 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to central South Australia.)[1]
- Granular basket star Astrosierra amblyconus (H.L. Clark, 1909) (Babel Island, Tasmania, to Sandon, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Asteroschematidae – Snake stars
- Eastern snake star Astrobrachion constrictum (Farquhar, 1900) (Eden to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and Cape Barren Island, Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
Family Amphiuridae
- Snake arm brittle star Amphiura elandiformis A.M. Clark, 1966 (Spencer Gulf, South Australia, to Lakes Entrance, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Ophiactidae
- Chequered brittle star Ophiactis resiliens Lyman, 1879 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
Family Ophiotrichidae
- Large spiny-armed brittle star Ophiothrix spongicola Stimpson, 1855 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Spiny-armed brittle star Ophiothrix caespitosa Lyman, 1879 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Ophiocomidae
- Variable brittle star Clarkcoma canaliculata (Lütken, 1869) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- White-flecked brittle star Clarkcoma pulchra (H.L. Clark, 1928) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Ophionereidae
- Schayer’s brittle star Ophionereis schayeri (Muller & Troschel, 1849) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Collaroy, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Ophiodermatidae
- Ramsay’s serpent star Ophiarachnella ramsayi (Bell, 1888) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Mottled brittle star Ophiopsammus assimilis (Bell, 1888) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
- Live-bearing brittle star Ophiopeza cylindrica (Hutton, 1872) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Ophiuridae
- Two-spined brittle star Ophioceres bispinosus (H.L. Clark, 1918) (West Island, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Kinberg’s brittle star Ophiura kinbergi (H.L. Clark, 1918) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Class Echinoidea
(Sea urchins, heart urchins and sand dollars)
Family Ciaridae
- Stumpy pencil urchin Goniocidaris tubaria (Lamarck, 1816) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Ballina, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Beautiful pencil urchin Prionocidaris callista Rowe & Hoggett, 1986 (Montague Island, New South Wales, to Bushy Island, Queensland.)[1]
- Eastern slate-pencil urchin Phyllacanthus parvispinus Tenison Woods,1879 (Cape Howe, New South Wales, to Moreton Bay, Queensland.)[1]
- Western slate-pencil urchin Phyllacanthus irregularis Mortensen, 1928 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
Family Diadematidae
- Hollow-spined urchin, black urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii (Agassiz, 1863) (Cape Everard, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Western hollow-spined urchin Centrostephanus tenuispinus (H.L. Clark, 1914) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Spencer Gulf, South Australia.)[1]
- Palmer’s urchin Diadema palmeri Baker, 1967 (Montague Island to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Temnopleuridae
- Egg urchin Amblypneustes ovum (Lamarck, 1816) (Spencer Gulf, South Australia, to Cape Liptrap, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pepper egg urchin Amblypneustes leucoglobus Döderlein, 1914 (Geraldton to Eucla, Western Australia.)
- Yellow-spined egg urchin Amblypneustes pallidus (Lamarck, 1816) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Port Willunga, South Australia.)[1]
- Seagrass egg urchin Amblypneustes sp. 1 (Furneaux Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Purple egg urchin Amblypneustes sp. 2 (Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.)[1]
- White egg urchin Amblypneustes sp. 3 (Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.)[1]
- Carmine-spined egg urchin Holopneustes porosissimus Agassiz & Desor, 1846 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Waratah Bay, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Red egg urchin Holopneustes sp. (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Victor Harbor, South Australia.)[1]
- Inflated egg urchin Holopneustes inflatus Lütken, 1872 (Victoria to Evans Head, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eastern egg urchin Holopneustes purpurascens Agassiz, 1872 (Ulladulla to Richmond River, New South Wales.)[1]
- Bell’s urchin Salmacis belli Döderlein, 1902 (Tropical Australia south to Port Walcott, Western Australia, and to Sydney, New South Wales. Also Indonesia.)[1]
Family Toxopneustidae
- Sea lamington Tripneustes gratilla (Linnaeus, 1758) (Tropical Australia south to Margaret River, Western Australia, and to Montague Island, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Indian sea urchin Pseudoboletia indiana (Michelin, 1862) (Tropical Australia south to Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, and to Montague Island, New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island and widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Echinometridae
- Purple urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma (Valenciennes, 1846) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Caloundra, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Tuberculate urchin Heliocidaris tuberculata (Lamarck, 1816) (Ulladulla, New South Wales, to Caloundra, Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Islands and New Zealand.)[1]
- Pacific urchin Echinometra mathaei (de Blainville, 1825) (Tropical Australia south to Esperance, Western Australia, and to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island and widespread in the Indo-west Pacific region.)[1]
Family Clypeasteridae
- Australasian sand dollar Clypeaster australasiae (Gray, 1851) (Port Phillip Heads, Victoria, to Bowen, Queensland, and northeastern Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island.)[1]
Family Laganidae
- Lesueur’s sand dollar Peronella leseuri (Agassiz, 1841) (Tropical Australia south to Esperance, Western Australia, and to Hervey Bay, Queensland. Also Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines.)[1]
Family Loveniidae
- Heart urchin Echinocardium cordatum (Pennant, 1777) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also in temperate seas worldwide.)[1]
- Australasian heart urchin Breynia australasiae (Leach, 1815) (Northern Australia south to Sydney, New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
Family Schizasteridae
- Devil’s heart urchin Moira lethe Mortenson, 1930 (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Brissidae
- Agassiz’ heart urchin Brissus agassizii Döderlein, 1885 (Around mainland Australia but rare on the southern coast. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Class Holothuroidea
(Sea cucumbers, holothurians, beche-de-mer)
Family Cucumariidae
- Shellgrit sea cucumber Lipotrapeza vestiens (Joshua, 1914) (Perth, Western Australia, to Waratah Bay, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Sand sea cucumber Neothyonidium dearmatum (Dendy & Hindle, 1907) (Victoria and Tasmania.)[1]
- Red box sea cucumber Cercodemas anceps (Selenka, 1867) (Tropical Australia south to Eucla, Western Australia, and to Sydney, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Orange-flecked sea cucumber Plesiocolochirus ignava (Ludwig, 1875) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Stichopodidae
- Southern sea cucumber Australostichopus mollis (Hutton, 1872) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to central New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Ludwig’s sea cucumber Stichopus ludwigi Erwe, 1913 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to South Australia and southeastern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Holothuriidae
- Hartmeyer’s sea cucumber Holothuria hartmeyeri Erwe, 1913 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
Family Caudinidae
- Podgy sea cucumber Paracaudina australis (Semper, 1868) (Southern Western Australia to Bowen, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Synaptidae
- Sticky sea cucumber Leptosynaptura dolabrifera (Stimpson, 1855) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
Family Chiridotidae
- Strawberry sea cucumber Chiridota gigas Dendy & Hindle, 1907 (Cape Bridgewater, Victoria, to Shellharbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Phylum Hemichordata
- Yellow acorn worm Ptychodera flava Eschscholtz, 1825 (Tropical Australia south to Rottnest Island, Western Australia, Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Phylum Chordata
Class Ascidiacea
(Ascidians, seasquirts) Family Ascidiidae
- Challenger ascidian Ascidia challengeri Herdman, 1882 (Southern Tasmania. Also Heard Island, Kerguelen Island and Antarctica.)[1]
- Sydney ascidian Ascidia sydneiensis Stimpson, 1855 (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widely distributed overseas.)[1]
- Obese ascidian Phallusia obesa (Herdman, 1880) (Port Hedland, Western Australia, to Cape Melville, Queensland.)[1]
- European ascidian Ascidiella aspersa (Mueller, 1776) (Perth to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and southeastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand and widespread overseas.)[1]
Family Styelidae
- Basal ascidian Cnemidocarpa pedata (Herdman, 1882) (Investigator Group, South Australia, to Townsville, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also Japan and Philippines.)[1]
- Club ascidian Polycarpa clavata Hartmeyer, 1919 (Tropical Australia south to central South Australia and to Cairns, Queensland. Also New Caledonia.)[1]
- Mauve-mouth ascidian Polycarpa viridis Herdman, 1880 (Perth, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales.)[1]
- Little orange ascidian Stolonica australis Michaelsen, 1927 (Albany, Western Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Crowded orange ascidian Polyandrocarpa lapidosa (Herdman, 1891) (Pearson Island, South Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Sandy orange ascidian Oculinaria australis Gray, 1868 (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Magnificent ascidian Botrylloides magnicoecum Hartmeyer, 1912 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Gladstone, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Leach’s compound ascidian Botrylloides leachi (Savigny, 1816) (Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia, to Cape Flattery, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Deadman’s fingers Botrylloides perspicuus Herdman, 1886 (Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia, to Cape Flattery, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Pyuridae
- Red-mouthed ascidian Herdmania grandis (Heller, 1878) (Broome, Western Australia, to Lizard Island, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Small red-mouthed ascidian Herdmania fimbriae Kott, 2002 (Investigator Group, South Australia, to Bowen, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Southern sea tulip Pyura australis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Shellharbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Lumpy sea tulip Pyura gibbosa (Heller, 1878) (Perth, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Giant sea tulip Pyura spinifera (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Carnarvon, Western Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and Deal Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Cunjevoi Pyura stolonifera (Heller, 1878) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Noosa, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also widespread in the southern hemisphere.)[1]
Family Diazonidae
- Key-shaped ascidian Pseudodiazona claviformis (Kott, 1963) (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Clavellinidae
- Purple-stalked ascidian Clavelina meridionalis (Herdman, 1891) (Tropical Australia south to Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, and to Sydney, New South Wales. Also Indonesia.)[1]
- Blue vase ascidian Clavelina ostrearum (Michaelson, 1930) (Albany, Western Australia, to Pearson Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Grape ascidian Clavelina cylindrica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Bowen, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Blue-flecked ascidian Clavelina pseudobaudinensis (Kott, 1976) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Molluccan stalked ascidian Clavelina molluccensis (Sluiter, 1904) (Around Aust. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Pycnoclavellinidae
- Golden ascidian Pycnoclavella aurantia Kott, 1990 (Busselton, Western Australia, to Port Lincoln, South Australia.)[1]
- Diminutive ascidian Pycnoclavella diminuta (Kott, 1957) (Tropical Australia south to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, and to southern Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island, Philippines and New Caledonia.)[1]
Family Holozoidae
- Southern ascidian Sigillina australis Savigny, 1816 (Montebello Island, Western Australia, to Port Stephens (New South Wales), but absent from Victoria. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Cyan ascidian Sigillina cyanea (Herdman, 1899) (Tropical Australia south to Albany, Western Australia, and to Sydney, New South Wales. Also Indonesia.)[1]
- Brain ascidian Sycozoa cerebriformis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Mooloolaba, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Tulip ascidian Sycozoa pulchra (Herdman, 1886) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Torres Strait, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also Indonesia.)[1]
- Noddy ascidian Sycozoa pedunculata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Perth, Western Australia, to Western Port, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Murray’s ascidian Sycozoa murrayi (Herdman, 1886) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Yellow cushion ascidian Neodistoma mammillatum Kott, 1990 (Investigator Group to Seacliff, South Australia, and Deal Island, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Polycitoridae
- Giant jelly ascidian Polycitor giganteus (Herdman, 1899) (Port Hedland, Western Australia, to Mooloolaba, Queensland, and Flinders Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Gelatinous ascidian Cystodytes dellachiajei (Della Valle, 1877) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Family Polyclinidae
- Lemon ascidian Synoicum citrum Kott, 1992 (Port MacDonnell, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Red compound ascidian Synoicum sacculum Kott, 1992 (Elliston, South Australia, to Flinders, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Puffball ascidian Aplidium brevilarvacium Kott, 1963 (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Investigator Group, South Australia.)[1]
- Red crater ascidian Aplidium clivosum Kott, 1992 (Port Hedland, Western Australia, to Heron Island, Queensland, but not recorded from Victoria.)[1]
- Sluiter’s compound ascidian Aplidium multiplicatum Sluiter, 1909 (Tropical Australia south to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, and to Jervis Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Ritterellidae
- Encrusted moss ascidian Ritterella pedunculata (Herdman, 1899) (Great Australian Bight, South Australia, to Arrawarra, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Didemnidae
- Pink encrusting ascidian Didemnum incanum (Herdman, 1899) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Spongy compound ascidian Didemnum lissoclinum Kott, 2001 (Dunsborough, Western Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
Class Thaliacea
(Salps, thaliaceans)
- Atlantic salp Pyrosoma atlanticum Peron, 1804 (Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Finger trap salp Pegea confoederata Forsskål, 1775 (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Torpedo salp Salpa fusiformis Chamisso, 1819 (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Class Larvacea
(Appendicularians, larvaceans)
- Tasmanian appendicularian Oikopleura sp, (Tasmania.)[1]
Class Cephalaspidomorphi
Family Petromyzontidae - Lampreys
- Pouch lamprey Geotria australis Gray, 1851 (Moore river, Western Australia toLakes entrance, Victoria, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand and South America.)[1]
Class Chondrichthyes
Family Heterodontidae – Hornsharks, Port Jackson sharks, bullhead sharks.
- Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni (Meyer, 1793) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania)[1]
- Crested hornshark, crested Port Jackson shark Heterodontus galeatus (Günther, 1870) (Batemans Bay, New South Wales to Cape Moreton, Queensland)[1]
Family Parascyllidae – Collar carpetsharks, collared catsharks
- Rusty catshark, rusty carpetshark Parascyllium ferrugineum McCulloch, 1917 (Albany, Western Australia toGabo Island, Victoria, and around Tasmania)[1]
- Varied catshark, varied carpetshark Parascyllium variolatum (Dumeril, 1853) (Dongara, Western Australia to Lakes Entrance, Victoria, and King Island, Tasmania)[1]
Family Scylliorhinidae – Catsharks
- Draughtboard shark, swell shark Cephaloscyllium laticeps (Dumeril, 1853) (Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Orectolobidae – Wobbegongs
- Banded wobbegong, ornate wobbegong Orectolobus halei (Whitley, 1940) (Ningaloo, Western Australia to Southport, Queensland and Flinders Island, Tasmania)[1]
- Spotted wobbegong Orectolobus maculatus (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Fremantle, Western Australia to Moreton Island, Queensland)[1]
Family Odontaspididae
- Grey nurse shark Carcharias taurus Rafinesque, 1810 (Around the Australian mainland, also widespread overseas)[1]
Family Squalidae – Dogfishes
- Whitespotted dogfish Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758 (Southwestern Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Family Lamnidae – Makos, Mackerel sharks
- White shark, great white shark, white pointer Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus 1758) (North West Cape, Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Family Triakidae – Houndsharks
- Gummy shark Mustelus antarcticus (Günther, 1870) (Shark Bay, Western Australia to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Carcharhinidae – Whaler sharks
- Bronze whaler Carcharhinus brachyurus (Günther,1870) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania)[1]
Family Squatinidae – Angelsharks
- Australian angelshark Squatina australis (Regan, 1906) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia to Port Stephens (New South Wales) and northern Tasmania)[1]
Family Rhinobatidae – Guitarfishes
- Eastern shovelnose ray Aptychotrema rostrata (Shaw and Nodder, 1794) (Jervis Bay, New South Wales to Moreton Bay, Queensland)[1]
- Western shovelnose ray Aptychotrema vincentiana (Haake, 1885) (Port Hedland, Western Australia to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and Kent group, Tasmania)[1]
- Fiddler ray, banjo ray Trygonorrhina fasciata Mueller and Henle, 1841 (Eden, New South Wales to southern Queensland)[1]
Family Hypnidae – Coffin rays, electric rays
- Coffin ray Hypnos Monopterygium (Shaw and Nodder, 1795) (Broome, Western Australia to Caloundra, Queensland)[1]
Family Narcinidae – Numbfishes
- Tasmanian numbfish Narcine tasmaniensis Richardson, 1840 (Beachport, South Australia to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Rajidae – Skates
- Thornback skate Dentiraja lemprieri Richardson, 1845 (Beachport, South Australia to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Melbourne skate, Whitley’s skate Dipturus whitleyi (Iredale, 1938) (Albany, Western Australia to Wollagong, New South Wales and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Dasyatidae – Stingrays
- Smooth stingray Dasyatis brevicaudata (Hutton, 1875) (Shark Bay, Western Australia to Maroochydore, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand and Southern Africa.)[1]
Family Myliobatidae – Eagle rays
- Southern eagle ray Myliobatis australis Macleay, 1881 (Jurien Bay, Western Australia to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Urolophidae – Stingarees
- Banded stingaree Urolophus cruciatus (Lacepede, 1804) (Beachport, South Australia to Tathra, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Sparsely-spotted stingaree Urolophus paucimaculatus Dixon, 1969 (Lancelin, Western Australia to Crowdy Head, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Kapala stingaree Urolophus kapalensis Yearsley and Last, 2006 (Disaster Bay, New South Wales to Cape Moreston, Queensland.)[1]
- Spotted stingaree Urolophus gigas Scott, 1954 (Albany, Western Australia to Lakes entrance, Victoria and northern Tasmania)[1]
- Striped stingaree Trygonoptera ovalis Last and Gomon, 1987 (Houtman Abrolhos to Eucla, Western Australia)[1]
- Eastern shovelnose stingaree Trygonoptera imitata Yearsley, Last and Gomon, 2008 (Beachport, South Australia to Jervis Bay, New South Wales)[1]
- Western stingaree Trygonoptera mucosa (Whitley, 1939) (Dongara, Western Australia to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria)[1]
Class Osteichthyes
Family Muraenidae – Moray eels
- Green moray Gymnothorax prasinus (Richardson, 1848) (Shark Bay, Western Australia to southern Queensland and south to Maria Island, Tasmania. Also New Zealand)[1]
- Speckled moray Gymnothorax obesus (New South Wales coast)[1]
Family Congridae – Conger eels
- Eastern conger, short-finned conger eel Conger wilsoni Bloch and Schneider, 1801 (Geraldton, Western Australia to Kangaroo Island, South Australia, and Bermagui New South Wales to southern Queensland. Also New Zealand and southern Africa.)[1]
- Southern conger eel Conger verrauxi Kaup, 1856 (Beachport, South Australia to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Ophichthidae – Snake eels, worm eels
- Serpent eel Ophisurus serpens (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lancelin, Western Australia to Noosa river Queensland, and northeastern Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Shorthead worm eel Scolecenchelys breviceps (Günther, 1876) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand)[1]
Family Anguillidae – Freshwater eels
- Southern shortfin eel Anguilla australis Richardson, 1841 (Bremer River, South Australia to Brisbane River, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Longfin eel Anguilla reinhardtii Steindachner, 1867 (Melbourne, Victoria to Cape York, Queensland, and northern and eastern Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island and New Caledonia.)[1]
Family Clupeidae – Herrings, pilchards, sardines
- Australian sardine Sardinops sagax (Steindachner, 1879) syn. Sardinops neopilchardus (Cape Cuvier, Western Australia to Rockhampton, Queensland, and northern and eastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand)[1]
- Sandy sprat Hyperlophus vittatus (Castelnau, 1875) (Kalbarri, Western Australia to Moreton Bay, Queensland)[1]
Family Engraulidae – Anchovies
- Australian anchovy Engraulis australis (Shaw, 1790) (Kalbarri Western Australia to Heron Island, Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
Family Salmonidae – Salmons, trouts
- Brown trout Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758 (Southwestern Western Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also widely distributed overseas)[1]
Family Galaxiidae – Galaxias, mountain trout, native trout
- Trout galaxias, spotted galaxias, mountain trout Galaxias truttaceous Valenciennes, 1846 (Albany, Western Australia and Otway Ranges to Lakes Entrance, Victoria, and around Tasmania)[1]
- Common galaxias, jollytail, native trout Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) (Albany, Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island. New Zealand and South America.)[1]
Family Aplochitonidae – Whitebait
- Tasmanian whitebait Lovettia sealii Johnston, 1883 (Around Tasmania)[1]
Family Prototroctidae – Southern graylings
- Australian grayling, cucumber fish Prototroctes maraena Günther, 1864 (Port MacDonnell, South Australia to Nowra, New South Wales and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Aulopodidae – Threadsails
- Sergeant baker Aulopus purpurissatus Richardson, 1843 (Coral Bay Western Australia to Laguna Bay, Queensland and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Synodontidae – Lizardfishes
- Variegated lizardfish Synodus variegatus (Lacepede, 1803) (Tropical Australia south to Jutten Bay, Western Australia and Merimbula, New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island and widespread in the Indo-Pacific region)[1]
Family Gonorhynchidae Beaked salmon
- Beaked salmon Gonorhynchus greyi (Richardson,1845) (Shark Bay, Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Plotosidae Eeltail catfishes
- Estuary cobbler, cobbler, estuary catfish Cnidoglanis macrocephalus (Valenciennes, 1840) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania)[1]
- Striped catfish Plotosus lineatus (Thunberg, 1791) (Tropical Australia south to Esperance, Western Australia, and to Sydney New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region)[1]
Family Batrachoididae – Frogfishes
- Pinkhead frogfish Batrachomoeus rubricephalus Hutchins, 1976 (Houtman Abrolhos to Eucla, Western Australia)[1]
- Eastern frogfish Batrachomoeus dubius (Shaw, 1790) (Central New South Wales to Hervey Bay, Queensland)[1]
Family Antennaridae – Anglerfishes
- Striate anglerfish, striped anglerfish Antennarius striatus (Shaw and Nodder 1794) (Tropical Australia south to Wollagong, New South Wales and Geraldton Western Australia)[1]
- Prickly anglerfish Echinophryne crassispina McCulloch and White, 1910 (Albany, WEA to Jervis Bay, New South Wales and northern Tasmania)[1]
- Tasselled anglerfish Rhycherus filamentosus (Castelnau, 1872) (Gulf St Vincent, South Australia to Lakes Entrance, Victoria and northern Tasmania)[1]
Family Brachionichthyidae – Handfishes
- Spotted handfish Brachionichthys hirsutus (Lacepede, 1804) (Derwent estuary and D’Entrecasteaux Channel, Tasmania)[1]
- Warty handfish Sympterichthys verrucosus McCulloch and White, 1918 (Gulf St Vincent, South Australia to Mallacoota, Victoria)[1]
- Ziebell’s handfish, Loney’s handfish Sympterichthys sp. (Cox’s Bight to Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania)[1]
Family Gobisocidae – Clingfishes, shore eels
- Common shore eel Alabes dorsalis Richardson, 1845 (Southern Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Tasmanian clingfish Aspasmogaster tasmaniensis Günther, 1861 (Southern Western Australia to Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Western cleaner clingfish Cochleoceps bicolor Hutchins, 1991 (Southern Western Australia to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria)[1]
Family Moridae – Morid cods
- Largetooth beardie, beardie Lotella rhacinus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) (Lancelin, Western Australia to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand)[1]
- Red cod Pseudophycis bachus (Forster, 1801) (Coffin bay, SE to Wilson’s Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Bearded rock cod Pseudophycis barbata Geunther, 1863 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia to Sydney, New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Ophidiidae – Cusk eels, lings
- Rock ling Genypterus tigerinus Klunzinger, 1872 (Garden Island, Western Australia to Newcastle, New South Wales and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Hemiramphidae - Garfishes, halfbeaks
- Southern garfish Hyporhamphus melanochir (Valenciennes, 1846) (Lancelin, Western Australia to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Atherinidae – Hardyheads, silversides
- Silverfish, prettyfish, Tamar hardyhead Leptatherina presbyteroides (Richardson, 1843) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Pikehead hardyhead Kestatherina esox (Klunzinger, 1872) (Kangaroo island, South Australia to Western Port, Victoria, and around Tasmania)[1]
- Smallscale hardyhead, deepwater hardyhead Atherinason hepsetoides (Richardson, 1843) (Kangaroo Island, South Australia to Sydney, New South Wales and around Tasmania)[1]
- Common hardyhead, Ogilvy’s hardyhead Atherinomorus vaigensis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825) (Exmouth, Western Australia to Southern Western Australia and Merimbula, New South Wales to Queensland.)[1]
Family Monocentridae – Pineapplefishes
- Australian pineapplefish, knightfish Cleidopus gloriamaris De Vis, 1882 (Shark Bay, Western Australia to Great Australian Bight, Western Australia and Eden, New South Wales to Capricorn Group, Queensland.)[1]
Family Trachichthyidae – Roughies, sawbellies
- Southern roughy Trachichthys australis Shaw and Nodder, 1799 (Kalbarri, Western Australia to southern Queensland)[1]
- Violet roughy Optivus agastos Gomon, 2004 (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria to Noosa, Queensland and eastern Tasmania south to Freycinet Peninsula.)[1]
- Sandpaper fish Paratrachichthys sp. (Perth, Western Australia to Port Stephens (New South Wales) and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Berycidae – Alfonsinos, Red snapper
- Redfish, nannygai Centroberyx affinis (Günther, 1859) (Eastern Victoria to Newcastle, New South Wales and northeastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Swallowtail Centroberyx lineatus (Cuvier, 1829) (Lancelin, Western Australia to Bermagui, New South Wales)[1]
- Bight redfish, red snapper Centroberyx gerrardi (Günther, 1887) (Lancelin, Western Australia to Wilson’s Promontory, Victoria and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Zeidae – Dories
- John dory Zeus faber Linnaeus, 1758 (Port Hedland, Western Australia to Queensland and around Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Family Syngnathidae – Pipefishes, pipehorses, seahorses, seadragons
- Spotted pipefish Stigmatopora argus (Richardson, 1840) (Shark Bay, Western Australia to Sydney, New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Widebody pipefish Stigmatopora nigra Kaup, 1856 (Rottnest Island Western Australia to Tangalooma, Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Port Philip pipefish Vanacampus phillipi (Lucas, 1891) (Perth, Western Australia to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Tiger pipefish Filicampus tigris (Castelnau, 1879) (Broome, Western Australia to Spencer Gulf, South Australia, and Sydney, New South Wales to Moreton Bay, Queensland)[1]
- Upside down pipefish Heraldia nocturnia Paxton, 1975 (Geographe Bay, Western Australia to Seal Rocks, New South Wales, and around Tasmania)[1]
- Girdled pipefish Festucalex cinctus (Ramsay, 1882) (Tropical Australia south to Sydney, New South Wales.)[1]
- Potbelly seahorse Hippocampus bleekeri Fowler, 1907 (Great Australian Bight, South Australia to Lakes Entrance, Victoria, and around Tasmania)[1]
- Bigbelly seahorse Hippocampus abdominalus Lesson, 1827 (Eden to Newcastle, New South Wales)[1]
- Shorthead seahorse Hippocampus breviceps Peters, 1870 (Spencer Gulf, South Australia to Wilson’s Promontory, Victoria, and northern and eastern Tasmania)[1]
- White’s seahorse Hippocampus whitei Bleeker, 1855 (Narooma to Newcastle, New South Wales)
- West Australian seahorse Hippocampus subelongatus Castelnau, 1873 (Kalbarri to Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia)[1]
- Common seadragon, weedy seadragon Phyllopteryx taeniolatus (Lacepede, 1804) (Geraldton, Western Australia to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania)[1]
- Leafy seadragon Phycodurus eques (Günther,1865) (Lancelin, Western Australia to Wilson’s Promontory, Victoria)[1]
- Spiny pipehorse Solegnathus spinosissimus (Günther, 1870) (Victoria, southern New South Wales and around Tasmania)[1]
Family Pegasidae – Seamoths, dragonfishes
- Sculptured seamoth Pegasus lancifer Kaup, 1861 (Great Australian Bight, Western Australia to Lakes Entrance, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Slender seamoth Pegasus volitans Linnaeus, 1758 (Tropical Australia south to Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, and to Bermagui, New South Wales)[1]
Family Ambassidae – Glassfishes
- Port Jackson glassfish Ambassis jacksoniensis Macleay, 1881 (Southern New South Wales to southern Queensland)[1]
Family Scorpaenidae – Scorpionfishes
- Eastern red scorpionfish, red rock cod Scorpaena cardinalis Richardson, 1842 (Eastern Victoria to Noosa, Queensland. Also New Zealand)[1]
- Western red scorpionfish Scorpaena sumptuosa Castelnau, 1875 (Point Quobba to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
- Bluespotted flathead Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus McCulloch, 1922 (Lakes Entrance, Victoria, to Moreton Bay, Queensland.)[1]
Family Pteroididae – Lionfishes
- Dwarf lionfish Dendrochirus brachypterus (Cuvier, 1829) (Tropical Australia south to Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, and to Montague Island, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Common lionfish Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) (Tropical Australia south to Fremantle, Western Australia, and to Montague Island, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region, and introduced into the North Atlantic.)[1]
Family Tetrarogidae – Fortescues, waspfishes
- Eastern fortescue Centropogon australis (White, 1790) (Lakes Entrance, Victoria, to Hervey Bay, Queensland.)[1]
- Soldierfish, cobbler Gymnapistes marmoratus (Cuvier, 1829) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Goblinfish Glyptauchen panduratus (Richardson, 1850) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Neosebastidae – Gurnard perches, gurnard scorpionfishes
- Little gurnard perch Maxillicosta scabriceps Whitley, 1935 (Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, to Western Port, Victoria, and south to Tinderbox, Tasmania.)[1]
- Common gurnard perch Neosebastes scorpaenoides Guichenot, 1842 (Ceduna, South Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Bighead gurnard perch Neosebastes pandus (Richardson, 1842) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
Family Sebastidae – Rockfishes
- Reef ocean perch, red gurnard perch, sea perch Helicolenus percoides (Richardson, 1842) (Albany, Western Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Triglidae – Sea robins, gurnards
- Spiny gurnard Lepidotrigla papilio (Cuvier, 1829) (Perth, Western Australia, to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eastern spiny gurnard Lepidotrigla pleuracanthica (Richardson, 1845) (Eastern Victoria to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Butterfly gurnard, cocky gurnard Lepidotrigla vanessa (Richardson, 1839) (Great Australian Bight, Western Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Latchet, sharp-beaked gurnard Pterygotrigla polyommata (Richardson, 1839) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pataecidae – Prowfishes
- Warty prowfish Aetapcus maculatus (Günther, 1861) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and south to Maria Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Red Indian fish Pataecus fronto Richardson, 1844 (Exmouth, Western Australia, to southern Queensland.)[1]
Family Gnathanacanthidae – Red velvetfishes
- Red velvetfish Gnathanacanthus goetzeei Bleeker, 1855 (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Aploactinidae – Velvetfishes
- Southern velvetfish Aploactisoma milesii (Richardson, 1850) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Platycephalidae – Flatheads
- Southern sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis Cuvier, 1829 (Bremer Bay, Western Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Longspine flathead Platycephalus longispinis Macleay, 1884 (Carnarvon, Western Australia, to western South Australia, and Lakes Entrance, Victoria, to Moreton Bay, Queensland.)[1]
- Southern bluespotted flathead, yank flathead, Castelnau’s flathead Platycephalus speculator Klunzinger, 1872 (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to eastern Victoria and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Dusky flathead Platycephalus fuscus Cuvier, 1829 (Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, to Mackay, Queensland.)[1]
- Yellowtail flathead, bar-tailed flathead Platycephalus endrachtensis Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 (Tropical Australia south to Fremantle, Western Australia, and to Port Hacking, New South Wales.)[1]
- Rock flathead, grass flathead Platycephalus laevigatus (Cuvier, 1829) (Geographe Bay, Western Australia, to Nowra, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Longhead flathead Laeviprora inops (Jenyns, 1840) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Tiger flathead Neoplatycephalus richardsoni (Castelnau, 1872) (Victoria to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Tasselsnout flathead, rock flathead Thysanophrys cirronasus (Richardson, 1848) (Lancelin, Western Australia, to eastern South Australia and Montague Island, New South Wales, to Caloundra, Queensland.)[1]
- Rusty Flathead Inegocia japonica (Tilesius, 1812) (Tropical Australia south to Fremantle, Western Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Midget flathead, spiny flathead Onigocia spinosa (Temminck & Schlegel, 1842) (Tropical Australia south to Cockburn Sound, Western Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Congiopodidae – Pigfishes
- Southern pigfish, whitenose pigfish Congiopodus leucopaecilus (Richardson, 1846) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to St Vincent Gulf, South Australia.)[1]
Family Serranidae – Rockcods, seaperches
- Butterfly perch Caesioperca lepidoptera (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Albany, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Barber perch Caesioperca rasor (Richardson, 1839) (Albany, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Red-lined perch Caesioperca sp. (Rottnest Island to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia.)[1]
- Blackbanded seaperch, yellow-banded seaperch Hypoplectrodes annulatus (Günther, 1859) (Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Halfbanded seaperch Hypoplectrodes maccullochi (Whitley, 1929) (Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and south to Bicheno, Tasmania.)[1]
- Banded seaperch Hypoplectrodes nigroruber (Cuvier, 1828) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to The Entrance, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Breaksea cod, black-arse cod, tiger cod Epinephelides armatus (Castelnau, 1875) (Shark Bay to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)
- Harlequin fish Othos dentex (Cuvier, 1828) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Victor Harbor, South Australia.)[1]
- Chinaman rockcod Epinephelus rivulatus (Valenciennes, 1830) (Kimberleys to Rottnest Island, Western Australia.)[1]
- Black rockcod Epinephelus daemelii (Günther, 1876) (Cape Conran, Victoria, to Townsville, Queensland)[1]
- Eastern wirrah, old boot Acanthistius ocellatus (Günther, 1859) (Eastern Victoria to southern Queensland and northeastern Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Western wirrah Acanthistius serratus (Cuvier, 1828) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Ceduna, South Australia.)[1]
- Yellowbanded wirrah Acanthistius cinctus (Günther, 1859) (Merimbula to Solitary Islands, New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Zealand.)[1]
Family Callanthiidae – Rosy perches
- Splendid perch, rosy perch Callanthius australis Ogilby, 1899 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Port Macquarie, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Plesiopidae – Prettyfins, blue devilfishes, hulafishes
- Southern blue devil, western blue devil Paraplesiops meleagris (Peters, 1869) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.)[1]
- Eastern blue devil Paraplesiops bleekeri (Günther, 1861) (Montague Island, New South Wales, to Gold Coast, Queensland.)[1]
- Southern hulafish, blotched-tailed trachinops Trachinops caudimaculatus McCoy, 1890 (Investigator Group, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Yellowhead hulafish, Noarlunga hulafish Trachinops noarlungae Glover, 1974 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Bluelined hulafish, Brauns hulafish Trachinops brauni Allen, 1977 (Houtman Abrolhos to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Eastern hulafish Trachinops taeniatus Günther, 1861 (Cape Conran, Victoria, to Noosa, Queensland.)[1]
Family Pseudochromidae – Dottybacks
- Lined dottyback Labracinus lineata (Castelnau, 1875) (Tropical Australia south to Jurien Bay, Western Australia. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Glaucosomatidae – Pearl perches
- West Australian dhufish, Westralian jewfish, jewie Glaucosoma hebraicum Richardson, 1845 (Beagle Island to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Pearl perch Glaucosoma scapulare Ramsay, 1881 (Sydney, New South Wales, to Yeppoon, Queensland.)[1]
Family Terapontidae – Striped grunters
- Eastern striped grunter, eastern striped trumpeter Pelates sexlineatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Narooma, New South Wales, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Western striped trumpeter, striped perch, shitty Pelates octolineatus (Jenyns, 1842) (Broome, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Sea trumpeter Pelsartia humeralis (Ogilby, 1899) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
Family Apogonidae – Cardinalfishes, gobbleguts
- Western striped cardinalfish, red-striped cardinalfish Apogon victoriae Günther, 1859 (Shark Bay to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia.)[1]
- Sydney cardinalfish Apogon limenus Randall & Hoese, 1988 (Merimbula, New South Wales, to Yeppoon, Queensland.)[1]
- Western gobbleguts Apogon rueppellii Günther, 1859 (Arnhem Land, NT, to Albany, Western Australia.)[1]
- Southern cardinalfish Vincentia conspersa (Klunzinger, 1872) (Ceduna, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Orange cardinalfish Vincentia punctata (Klunzinger, 1879) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Wood’s siphonfish Siphamia cephalotes (Castelnau, 1875) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to southern Queensland.)[1]
Family Dinolestidae – Longfin pike
- Longfin pike Dinolestes lewini (Griffith, 1834) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Port Macquarie, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Sillaginidae – Whitings
- Eastern school whiting Sillago flindersi McKay, 1985 (Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Trumpeter whiting, winter whiting Sillago maculata Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 (Tropical Australia south to Geographe Bay, Western Australia, and to Narooma, New South Wales.)[1]
- King George whiting, spotted whiting, South Australian whiting Sillaginodes punctata (Cuvier, 1829) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pomatomidae – Tailor, bluefishes
- Tailor, chopper Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766) (Onslow, Western Australia, to Fraser Island, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also widely distributed overseas.)[1]
Family Carangidae – Trevallies
- Silver trevally, white trevally, skipjack trevally, skippy Pseudocaranx georgianus (Cuvier, 1833) (Lancelin, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Skipjack trevally, sand trevally Pseudocaranx wrighti (Whitley, 1931) (Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, to eastern Bass Strait, Victoria, and Flinders Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Yellowtail scad, yellowtail mackerel, yellowtail, yellowtail horse mackerel Trachurus novaezelandiae Richardson, 1843 (North West Cape, Western Australia, to Wide Bay, Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Common jack mackerel, horse mackerel, scad, cowanyoung Trachurus declivis (Jenyns, 1841) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi Valenciennes, 1833 (Perth, Western Australia, to Capricorn Group, Queensland, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Arrapidae – Australian salmons
- Western Australian salmon, cocky salmon, blackback salmon, bay trout, salmon trout Arripis truttaceus (Cuvier, 1829) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Eden, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Eastern Australian salmon, cocky salmon, blackback salmon, bay trout, salmon trout Arripis trutta (Forster, 1801) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Brisbane, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Australian herring, tommy ruff, sea herring Arripis georgianus (Valenciennes, 1831) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Lakes Entrance, Victoria.)[1]
Family Gerreidae – Silverbiddies, silverbellies
- Silverbelly, lowfin Parequula melbournensis (Castelnau, 1872) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Merimbula, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Common silverbiddy, roach, common silverbelly Gerres subfasciatus Cuvier, 1830 (Tropical Australia south to Albany, Western Australia, and to Wollongong, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Sparidae – Breams
- Yellowfin bream, bream, silver bream Acanthopagrus australis (Owen, 1853) (Lakes Entrance, Victoria, to Townsville, Queensland.)[1]
- Black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri (Munro, 1949) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Mallacoota, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Tarwhine Rhabdosargus sarba (Forsskål, 1775) (Coral Bay to Albany, Western Australia, and Lakes Entrance, Victoria, to Queensland. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Snapper, cockney bream, red bream, squire, old man Pagrus auratus (Schneider, 1801) (Barrow Island, Western Australia, to Hinchinbrook Island, Queensland, and northern Tasmania. Also New Zealand, Japan and the Indo-Malayan region.)[1]
Family Sciaenidae – Jewfishes, croakers, drum
- Mulloway, jewfish, river kingfish, soapy, butterfish Argyrosomus japonicus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) (Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, to Burnett River, Queensland. Also southern Africa, east Asia.)[1]
Family Haemulidae – Sweetlips, grunter breams
- Goldspotted sweetlips, netted morwong Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus (Ehrenberg, 1830) (Tropical Australia south to Geographe Bay, Western Australia, and to Moruya, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Nemipteridae – Threadfin bream, spinecheeks
- Western butterfish Pentapodus vitta Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 (Dampier Archipelago to Geographe Bay, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Mullidae – Goatfishes, red mullet
- Bluestriped goatfish, bluelined goatfish, red mullet Upeneichthys lineatus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Mallacoota, Victoria, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Bluespotted goatfish, southern goatfish, red mullet Upeneichthys vlamingii (Cuvier, 1829) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Blacksaddle goatfish Parupeneus spilurus (Bleeker, 1854) (Tropical Australia south to Geographe Bay, Western Australia, and to Mallacoota, Victoria. Also Lord Howe Island, New Zealand and New Guinea.)[1]
- Bartail goatfish Upeneus tragula Richardson, 1846 (Tropical Australia south to Perth, Western Australia, and to Merimbula, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Monodactylidae – Silver batfishes, pomfrets
- Western pomfret, Woodward’s pomfret Schuettea woodwardi (Waite, 1905) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Ceduna, South Australia.)[1]
- Eastern pomfret Schuettea scalaripinnis Steindachner, 1866 (Montague Island, New South Wales, to Noosa, Queensland.)[1]
Family Pempheridae – Bullseyes, sweepers
- Bigscale bullseye, common bullseye, large-scaled bullseye Pempheris multiradiata Klunzinger, 1879 (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Terrigal, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Rough bullseye, Klunzinger’s bullseye Pempheris klunzingeri McCulloch, 1911 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Smallscale bullseye Pempheris compressa (Shaw, 1790) (Cape Howe, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and Kent Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Blacktip bullseye Pempheris affinis McCulloch, 1911 (Montague Island, New South Wales, to Hervey Bay, Queensland.)[1]
- Orangelined bullseye Pempheris ornata Mooi & Jubb, 1996 (Dongara, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Elongate bullseye, slender bullseye Parapriacanthus elongatus (McCulloch, 1911) (Perth, Western Australia, to Disaster Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Kyphosidae – Drummers, rudderfishes
- Silver drummer, buffalo bream, buff bream, Sydney drummer Kyphosus sydneyanus (Günther, 1886) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and northern Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Western buffalo bream Kyphosus cornelii (Whitley, 1944) (Coral Bay to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Girellidae – Blackfishes
- Rock blackfish Girella tephraeops(J. Richardson, 1846) (Eastern Indian Ocean: Western Australia.)[3]
- Luderick, blackfish Girella tricuspidata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Adelaide, South Australia, to Hervey Bay, Queensland, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Rock blackfish, eastern rock blackfish, black drummer Girella elevata Macleay, 1881 (Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, to Noosa, Queensland, and eastern Tasmania south to St Helens. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Zebrafish Girella zebra (Richardson, 1846) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Blue drummer, bluefish Girella cyanea Macleay, 1881 (Eden to Byron Bay, New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Zealand.)[1]
Family Scorpididae – Sweeps
- Sea sweep, snapjack Scorpis aequipinnis Richardson, 1848 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Banded sweep Scorpis georgiana Valenciennes, 1832 (Coral Bay, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Silver sweep, sweep Scorpis lineolata Kner, 1865 (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Noosa, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Footballer sweep, western footballer Neatypus obliquus Waite, 1905 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Port Lincoln, South Australia.)[1]
- Mado Atypichthys strigatus (Günther 1860) (Apollo Bay, Victoria, to Noosa, Queensland, and south to Fortescue Bay, Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Stripey, footballer Microcanthus strigatus (Cuvier, 1831) (Exmouth Gulf to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia, and Merimbula, New South Wales, to Capricorn Group, Queensland. Also Japan, China and Hawaii.)[1]
- Moonlighter, six-banded coral fish, butterfish Tilodon sexfasciatus (Richardson, 1842) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and Wynyard, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Chaetodontidae – Butterflyfishes
- Lord Howe butterflyfish Amphichaetodon howensis (Waite, 1903) (Merimbula, New South Wales, to southern Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Western talma, truncate coralfish, squareback butterflyfish Chelmonops curiosus Kuiter, 1986 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Robe, South Australia.)[1]
- Eastern talma, truncate coralfish Chelmonops truncatus (Kner, 1859) (Merimbula, New South Wales, to Noosa, Queensland.)[1]
- Gunther’s butterflyfish Chaetodon guentheri Ahl, 1913 (Merimbula, New South Wales, to Capricorn Group, Queensland.)[1]
Family Enoplosidae – Old wife
- Old wife Enoplosus armatus (Shaw, 1790) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Noosa, Queensland, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pentacerotidae – Boarfishes
- Longsnout boarfish Pentaceropsis recurvirostris (Richardson, 1845) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Short boarfish, Hutchins’ boarfish Parazanclistius hutchinsi Hardy, 1983 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.)[1]
Family Pomacentridae – Damselfishes
- Scalyfin, Victorian scalyfin, rock perch Parma victoriae (Günther, 1863) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- White-ear Parma microlepis Günther, 1862 (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and south to Maria Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- McCulloch’s scalyfin, common scalyfin Parma mccullochi Whitley, 1929 (Houtman Abrolhos to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Western scalyfin Parma occidentalis Allen & Hoese, 1975 (Coral Bay to Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia.)[1]
- Girdled scalyfin, girdled parma Parma unifasciata (Steindachner, 1867) (Montague Island, New South Wales, to Noosa, Queensland.)[1]
- Bigscale scalyfin Parma oligolepis Whitley, 1929 (Sydney, New South Wales, to Cairns, Queensland.)[1]
- Banded scalyfin Parma polylepis Günther, 1862 (Bass Point, New South Wales, to Capricorn Group, Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Caledonia.)[1]
- Immaculate damsel, false parma, blue puller Mecaenichthys immaculatus (Ogilby, 1885) (Merimbula, New South Wales, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Onespot puller Chromis hypsilepis (Günther, 1867) (Mallacoota, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and south to Bicheno, Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Blackhead puller Chromis klunzingeri Whitley, 1929 (Houtman Abrolhos to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Cirrhitidae – Hawkfishes
- Blotched hawkfish Cirrhitichthys aprinus (Cuvier, 1829) (Tropical Australia south to Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, and to Merimbula, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Splendid hawkfish Notocirrhitus splendens (Ogilby, 1889) (Northern New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, and Kermadec Islands.)[1]
Family Chironemidae – Kelpfishes
- Eastern kelpfish Chironemus marmoratus Günther, 1860 (Mallacoota, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and northeastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Silver spot Chironemus maculosus (Richardson, 1850) syn. Threpterius maculosus ((as T. maculosus) Lancelin, Western Australia, to Port Phillip, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Aplodactylidae – Marblefishes, sea carps
- Marblefish, southern seacarp, stinky groper Aplodactylus arctidens Richardson, 1839 (Investigator Group, South Australia, to Cape Conran, Victoria, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Western seacarp, cockatoo morwong Aplodactylus westralis Russell, 1987 (Rottnest Island to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Rock cale, cockatoo fish, rock cocky, joey Aplodactylus lophodon (Günther, 1859) (Mallacoota, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Cheilodactylidae – Morwongs
- Red morwong Cheilodactylus fuscus Castelnau, 1879 (Eastern Bass Strait, Victoria, to Hervey Bay, Queensland. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Magpie perch Cheilodactylus nigripes Richardson, 1850 (Albany, Western Australia, to Kiama, New South Wales, and south to Bruny Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Redlip morwong Cheilodactylus rubrolabiatus Allen & Heemstra, 1976 (Coral Bay, Western Australia, to Ceduna, South Australia.)[1]
- Banded morwong, carp Cheilodactylus spectabilis Hutton, 1872 (Victor Harbor, South Australia, to Seal Rocks, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Painted morwong Cheilodactylus ephippium McCulloch & Waite, 1916 (Central and northern New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, and New Zealand.)[1]
- Magpie morwong, western crested morwong Cheilodactylus gibbosus Richardson, 1841 (Shark Bay to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Crested morwong, eastern magpie morwong Cheilodactylus vestitus (Castelnau, 1879) (Port Hacking, New South Wales, to Capricorn Group, Queensland.)[1]
- Jackass morwong, sea bream, silver perch Nemadactylus macropterus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand, southern Africa and South America.)[1]
- Grey morwong, blue morwong, rubberlip perch Nemadactylus douglasii (Hector, 1875) (Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and south to Storm Bay, Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Blue morwong, queen snapper Nemadactylus valenciennesi (Whitley, 1937) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and King Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Dusky morwong, strongfish Dactylophora nigricans (Richardson, 1850) (Lancelin, Western Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and south to Maria Island, Tasmania.)[1]
Family Latridae – Trumpeters
- Bastard trumpeter Latridopsis forsteri (Castelnau, 1872) (Robe, South Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Real bastard trumpeter, telescope fish Mendosoma lineatum (Guichenot, 1848) (Bruny Island to Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Striped trumpeter, Tasmanian trumpeter, stripey Latris lineata (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Albany, Western Australia, to Montague Island, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand and Amsterdam Island.)[1]
Family Mugilidae – Mullets
- Yellow-eye mullet, Coorong mullet Aldrichetta forsteri (Valenciennes, 1836) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Sea mullet Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 (Around Australia. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Family Sphyraenidae – Pikes, barracudas
- Snook, shortfin pike, sea pike, pickhandle Sphyraena novaehollandiae Günther, 1860 (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Labridae - Wrasses
- Western blue groper Achoerodus gouldii (Richardson, 1843) (Houtman Abrolhos to Port Phillip, Victoria.)[1]
- Eastern blue groper Achoerodus viridis (Steindachner, 1866) (Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, to Hervey Bay, Queensland, and Kent Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Blackspotted wrasse Austrolabrus maculatus (Macleay, 1881) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Victor Harbor, South Australia, and Montague Island to Byron Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
- Foxfish, western foxfish Bodianus frenchii (Klunzinger, 1880) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Yorke Peninsula, South Australia; eastern Victoria to Mooloolaba, Queensland; and northeastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Diana’s pigfish Bodianus diana (Lacépède, 1801) (Tropical Australia south to Montague Island, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-Pacific region.)[1]
- Baldchin groper Choerodon rubescens (Günther, 1862) (Coral Bay to Geographe Bay, Western Australia.)[1]
- Western king wrasse Coris auricularis (Valenciennes, 1839) (Coral Bay to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Eastern king wrasse, Sandager’s wrasse Coris sandageri (Hector, 1884) (Eastern Victoria to Solitary Islands, New South Wales. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Comb wrasse, combfish Coris picta (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Eastern Victoria to Moreton Bay, Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Doubleheader Coris bulbifrons Randall & Kuiter, 1982 (Central New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island.)[1]
- Elegant wrasse Anampses elegans Ogilby, 1889 (Southern to central New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Southern maori wrasse, maori wrasse Ophthalmolepis lineolata (Valenciennes, 1839) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to southern Queensland, and Kent Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Brownfield’s wrasse Halichoeres brownfieldi (Whitley, 1945) (Coral Bay to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Castelnau’s wrasse, pretty polly Dotalabrus aurantiacus (Castelnau, 1872) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Montague Island, New South Wales, and northern and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Little rainbow wrasse Dotalabrus alleni Russell, 1988 (Jurien Bay to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Snakeskin wrasse Eupetrichthys angustipes Ramsay & Ogilby, 1888 (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Solitary Islands, New South Wales, and Kent Group, Tasmania.)[1]
- Crimsonband wrasse Notolabrus gymnogenis (Günther, 1862) (Mallacoota, Victoria, to southern Queensland, and Kent Group, Tasmania. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Bluethroat wrasse, bluenose, parrot fish, kelpie, winter bream, bluehead Notolabrus tetricus (Richardson, 1840) (Ceduna, South Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Brownspotted wrasse, orange-spotted wrasse Notolabrus parilus (Richardson, 1850) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Queenscliff, Victoria.)[1]
- Purple wrasse, kelpie, parrot fish, winter bream, saddled wrasse Notolabrus fucicola (Richardson, 1840) (Kangaroo Island, South Australia, to Montague Island, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Inscribed wrasse Notolabrus inscriptus (Richardson, 1848) (Eden to Sydney, New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Zealand.)[1]
- Rosy wrasse Pseudolabrus rubicundus (Macleay, 1881) (Albany, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Luculent wrasse Pseudolabrus luculentus (Richardson, 1848) (Cape Conran, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales. Also Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and New Zealand.)
- Gunther’s wrasse Pseudolabrus guentheri Bleeker, 1862 (Montague Island, New South Wales, to Whitsunday Group, Queensland.)[1]
- Redband wrasse Pseudolabrus biserialis (Klunzinger, 1880) (Houtman Abrolhos to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Senator wrasse Pictilabrus laticlavius (Richardson, 1840) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- False senator wrasse Pictilabrus viridis Russell, 1988 (Jurien Bay to Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.)[1]
- Crimson cleaner wrasse, crimson wrasse, butcher’s dick Suezichthys aylingi Russell, 1985 (Eastern Victoria to Seal Rocks, New South Wales, and eastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Bluethroat rainbow wrasse Suezichthys cyanolaemus Russell, 1985 (Point Quobba to Albany, Western Australia.)[1]
Family Odacidae – Rock whitings, weed whitings
- Rainbow cale, rainbow fish Heteroscarus acroptilus (Richardson, 1846) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Newcastle, New South Wales, and south to Maria Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Herring cale Odax cyanomelas (Richardson, 1850) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Coffs harbour, New South Wales, and south to Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania.)[1]
- Slender weed whiting Siphonognathus attenuatus (Ogilby, 1897) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and south to Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania.)[1]
- Pencil weed whiting, pencil rock whiting, pygmy rock whiting Siphonognathus beddomei (Johnston, 1885) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Long-rayed weed whiting, Siphonognathus radiatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834)
- Little weed whiting, ground mullet, little rock whiting Neoodax balteatus (Valenciennes, 1840) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Blue weed whiting, grass whiting, blue rock whiting, stranger, blue-arsed whiting Haletta semifasciata (Valenciennes, 1840) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Pinguipedidae – Grubfishes, weevers
- Wavy grubfish Parapercis haackei (Steindachner, 1884) (Point Quobba, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Spotted grubfish Parapercis ramsayi Steindachner, 1884 (Perth, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia, and Montague Island to Byron Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Bovichthidae – Thornfishes
- Dragonet, thornfish, marblefish Bovichtus angustifrons (Regan, 1913) (Ceduna, South Australia, to Eden, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Congolli, freshwater flathead, sandy, tupong Pseudophritis urvillii (Valenciennes, 1831) (Streaky Bay, South Australia, to Bega, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Blennidae – Blennies
- Oyster blenny Omobranchus anolius (Valenciennes, 1836) (Spencer gulf, South Australia to the Queensland coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria)[4]
- Tasmanian blenny Parablennius tasmanianus (Richardson, 1849) (Ceduna, South Australia, to Eden, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Horned blenny Parablennius intermedius (Ogilby, 1915) (Merimbula, New South Wales, to Queensland.)[1]
- Brown sabretooth blenny Petroscirtes lupus (De Vis, 1885) (Merimbula, New South Wales, to southern Queensland. Also New Caledonia.)[1]
- Bluestriped fangblenny, blue-lined sabretooth blenny Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos (Bleeker, 1852) (Tropical Australia south to Walpole, Western Australia, and to Merimbula, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Piano fangblenny, hit and run blenny, yellow sabretooth blenny Plagiotremus tapeinosoma (Bleeker, 1857) (Tropical Australia south to Rottnest Island, Western Australia, and to Merimbula, New South Wales. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Tripterygidae – Triplefins, threefins
- Blackthroat triplefin, yellowback threefin Helcogramma decurrens McCulloch & Waite, 1918 (Point Quobba, Western Australia, to Victor Harbor, South Australia.)[1]
- Clark’s threefin, common threefin, Macleay’s threefin Trinorfolkia clarkei (Morton, 1888) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Variable threefin, many-rayed threefin Forsterygion varium (Schneider, 1801) (Southeastern Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Western jumping blenny Lepidoblennius marmoratus (Macleay, 1878) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Cape Jervis, South Australia.)[1]
- Eastern jumping blenny, jumping joey Lepidoblennius haplodactylus Steindachner, 1867 (Western Port, Victoria, to Byron Bay, New South Wales.)[1]
Family Clinidae – Weedfishes
- Southern crested weedfish Cristiceps australis Valenciennes, 1836 (Geraldton, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Common weedfish Heteroclinus perspicillatus (Valenciennes, 1836) (Port Lincoln, South Australia, to Merimbula, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Largenose weedfish Heteroclinus nasutus (Günther, 1861) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to Minniewater, New South Wales.)[1]
- Longnose weedfish, Forster’s weedfish Heteroclinus tristis (Klunzinger, 1872) (Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Johnston’s weedfish Heteroclinus johnstoni (Saville-Kent, 1886) (Kangaroo Island, South Australia, to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Ophiclinidae – Snake blennies
- Blackback snake blenny Ophiclinus gracilis Waite, 1906 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Frosted snake blenny, Gabriel’s snakeblenny Ophiclinus gabrieli Waite, 1906 (Kangaroo Island, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Slender snake blenny, sand crawler Sticharium dorsale Günther, 1867 (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Callionymidae – Dragonets, stinkfishes
- Longspine stinkfish, Goodlad’s stinkfish Pseudocalliurichthys goodladi (Whitley, 1944) (Exmouth Gulf to Esperance, Western Australia.)[1]
- Painted stinkfish Eocallionymus papilio (Günther, 1864) (Kalbarri, Western Australia, to Port Stephens (New South Wales), and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Common stinkfish Foetorepus calauropomus (Richardson, 1844) (Perth, Western Australia, to southern Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Spotted dragonet Repomucenus calcaratus (Macleay, 1881) (Southwest Western Australia to Kangaroo Island, South Australia, and southern New South Wales to Queensland.)[1]
Family Gobiidae – Gobies
- Bridled goby Arenigobius bifrenatus (Kner, 1865) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Krefft’s goby, frayed-fin goby Bathygobius kreffti (Steindachner 1866) (Spencer Gulf, South Australia, and southern New South Wales to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Flathead goby Callogobius depressus (Ramsay & Ogilby, 1886) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Byron Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern longfin goby Favonigobius lateralis (Macleay, 1881) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to central Queensland and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Hinsby’s goby, orange-spotted goby Nesogobius hinsbyi (McCulloch & Ogilby, 1919) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, and eastern, southern and western Tasmania.)[1]
- Sailfin goby, Castelnau’s goby Nesogobius pulchellus (Castelnau, 1872) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Girdled goby Nesogobius maccullochi Hoese & Larson, 2006 (Eastern South Australia to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Groove-cheek goby Nesogobius sp. (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales.)
- Glover’s tasmangoby Tasmanogobius gloveri Hoese, 1991 (Kangaroo Island, South Australia, to Western Port, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Uranoscopidae – Stargazers
- Common stargazer Kathetostoma laeve (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Esperance, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Leptoscopidae – Sandfishes, sand stargazers
- Pink sandfish, Munro’s pygmy-stargazer Crapatalus munroi Last & Edgar, 1987 (Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
Family Gempylidae – Gemfishes
- Barracouta, snoek, couta Thyrsites atun (Euphrasen, 1791) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also occurs widely around the southern hemisphere in temperate latitudes.)[1]
Family Centrolophidae – Trevallas
- Blue warehou, warehou, snotgall trevalla, snotty-nose trevalla, Portland hake Seriolella brama (Günther, 1860) (South Australia to New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Antarctic butterfish, Bluenose warehou, deepsea trevally, blue eye trevalla, bluenose sea bass, or deep sea trevalla Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Carmichael, 1819) (Southwest Atlantic: Argentina. Southeast Atlantic and Western Indian Ocean: South Africa. Southwest Pacific: New Zealand and Australia (including Western Australia)).[5]
Family Scombridae – Mackerels, tunas
- Blue mackerel, slimy mackerel Scomber australasicus Cuvier, 1832 (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread in southwest Pacific waters.)[1]
- Australian bonito Sarda australis (Macleay, 1881) (Eastern Victoria to southern Queensland and eastern Tasmania.)[1]
- Southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyi Castelnau, 1872 (Western Australia to southern Queensland and around Tasmania. Also widespread in the southern hemisphere.)[1]
Family Siganidae – Rabbitfishes, spinefeet
- Black rabbitfish, black spinefoot, happy moments Siganus nebulosus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) (Shark Bay to Fremantle, Western Australia, and Eden, New South Wales, to Yeppoon, Queensland.)[1]
Family Paralichthyidae – Sand flounders
- Smalltooth flounder Pseudorhombus jenynsii (Bleeker, 1855) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to southern Queensland.)[1]
Family Pleuronectidae – Righteye flounders
- Longsnout flounder, sole Ammotretis rostratus Günther, 1862 (Augusta, Western Australia, to New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Spotted flounder, sole Ammotretis lituratus (Richardson, 1844) (Spencer Gulf, South Australia, to eastern Victoria and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Elongate flounder Ammotretis elongatus McCulloch, 1914 (Geraldton, Western Australia, to eastern Victoria and Goose Island, Tasmania.)[1]
- Greenback flounder Rhombosolea tapirina (Günther, 1862) (Southern Western Australia to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
Family Soleidae – Soles
- Black sole Brachirus nigra (Macleay, 1880) (Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Southern sole Aseraggodes haackeanus (Steindachner, 1883) (Perth, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Peppered sole Aseraggodes lenisquamis Randall, 2005 (New South Wales.)[1]
- Narrowbanded sole Synclidopus macleayana (Ramsay, 1881) (Sydney, New South Wales, to Mooloolaba, Queensland.)[1]
Family Cynoglossidae – Tongue soles
- Southern tongue sole Cynoglossus broadhursti Waite, 1905 (Carnarvon, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Lemon tongue sole Paraplagusia bilineata (Bloch, 1787) (Tropical Australia south to Mandurah, Western Australia, and to southern New South Wales.)[1]
Family Monacanthidae – Leatherjackets, filefishes
- Bridled leatherjacket Acanthaluteres spilomelanurus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Toothbrush leatherjacket Acanthaluteres vittiger (Castelnau, 1873) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Spinytail leatherjacket, Brown’s leatherjacket Acanthaluteres brownii (Richardson, 1846) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Southern pygmy leatherjacket Brachaluteres jacksonianus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Lancelin, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Bluefin leatherjacket, Degen’s leatherjacket Thamnaconus degeni (Regan, 1903) (Great Australian Bight, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Fanbelly leatherjacket Monacanthus chinensis (Osbeck, 1765) (Tropical Australia south to Geographe Bay, Western Australia, and to Western Port, Victoria. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
- Rough leatherjacket Scobinichthys granulatus (White, 1790) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Maroochydore, Queensland, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Brownstriped leatherjacket Meuschenia australis (Donovan, 1824) (Robe, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Yellowstriped leatherjacket Meuschenia flavolineata Hutchins, 1977 (Dongara, Western Australia, to Broughton Island, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Sixspine leatherjacket Meuschenia freycineti (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Jurien Bay, Western Australia, to Broughton Island, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Bluelined leatherjacket Meuschenia galii (Waite, 1905) (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria.)[1]
- Yellowfin leatherjacket Meuschenia trachylepis (Günther, 1870) (Eastern Victoria to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Horseshoe leatherjacket Meuschenia hippocrepis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and south to Bicheno, Tasmania.)[1]
- Stars-and-stripes leatherjacket Meuschenia venusta Hutchins, 1977 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
- Velvet leatherjacket, cosmopolitan leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber (Forster, 1801) (Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, to Sydney, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Ocean jacket, chinaman leatherjacket Nelusetta ayraudi (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (North West Cape, Western Australia, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Black reef leatherjacket, Whitley’s leatherjacket Eubalichthys bucephalus (Whitley, 1931) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Broughton Island, New South Wales.)[1]
- Gunn’s leatherjacket, velvet leatherjacket Eubalichthys gunnii (Günther, 1870) (Port Lincoln, South Australia, to Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Bluetail leatherjacket Eubalichthys cyanoura Hutchins, 1987 (Dongara, Western Australia, to Adelaide, South Australia.)[1]
- Mosaic leatherjacket Eubalichthys mosaicus (Ramsay & Ogilby, 1886) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Noosa, Queensland, and northern Tasmania.)[1]
Family Aracanidae – Temperate boxfishes
- Shaw’s cowfish Aracana aurita (Shaw, 1798) (Dongara, Western Australia, to southern New South Wales and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Ornate cowfish Aracana ornata (Gray, 1838) (Esperance, Western Australia, to Mallacoota, Victoria, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Western smooth boxfish Anoplocapros amygdaloides Fraser-Brunner, 1941 (Shark Bay, Western Australia, to Great Australian Bight, South Australia.)[1]
- Eastern smooth boxfish, blue boxfish, robust boxfish Anoplocapros inermis (Fraser-Brunner, 1935) (Western Port, Victoria, to southern Queensland.)[1]
- Whitebarred boxfish, humpback boxfish Anoplocapros lenticularis (Richardson, 1841) (Dongara, Western Australia, to Lorne, Victoria.)[1]
Family Ostraciidae – Boxfishes, cowfishes, trunkfishes
- Humpback turretfish Tetrasomus gibbosus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Tropical Australia south to Albany, Western Australia, and to Cape Conran, Victoria. Also widespread in the Indo-West Pacific region.)[1]
Family Tetraodontidae – Toadfishes, pufferfishes
- Ringed toadfish Omegophora armilla (Waite & McCulloch, 1915) (Lancelin, Western Australia, to Botany Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Bluespotted toadfish Omegophora cyanopunctata Hardy & Hutchins, 1981 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.)[1]
- Prickly toadfish Contusus brevicaudus Hardy, 1981 (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Jervis Bay, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Orangebarred puffer Polyspina piosae (Whitley, 1955) (Rottnest Island, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Smooth toadfish Tetractenos glaber (Freminville, 1813) (Port Lincoln, South Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Weeping toadfish, banded toado Torquigener pleurogramma (Regan, 1903) (Coral Bay, Western Australia, to Adelaide, South Australia, and Narooma, New South Wales, to Hervey Bay, Queensland. Also Lord Howe Island.)[1]
- Scalytail toadfish, brushtail toadfish Torquigener squamicaudata (Ogilby, 1911) (Wollongong, New South Wales, to Yeppoon, Queensland.)[1]
Family Diodontidae – Porcupine fishes
- Globefish, porcupine fish Diodon nicthemerus Cuvier, 1818 (Dongara, Western Australia, to Seal Rocks, New South Wales, and around Tasmania.)[1]
- Threebar porcupine fish Dicotylichthys punctulatus Kaup, 1855 (Southern New South Wales to southern Queensland and Flinders Island, Tasmania.)[1]
Class Reptilia
- Leathery turtle, luth Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1761) (Around the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Class Aves
- Little penguin, blue penguin, fairy penguin Eudyptula minor (Forster, 1781) (Fremantle, Western Australia, to Mooloolaba, Queensland, and around Tasmania. Also New Zealand.)[1]
- Short-tailed shearwater, muttonbird, moonbird, squab Puffinus tenuirostris (Temminck, 1835) (St Francis Island, South Australia, to Broughton Island, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Migrates to North Pacific.)[1]
Class Mammalia
Order Pinnipedia
- Australian sea lion Neophoca cinerea (Péron, 1816) (Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia, to Kangaroo Island, South Australia.)[1]
- Australian fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus (Schreber, 1976) (Lady Julia Percy Island, Victoria, to Seal Rocks, New South Wales, and around Tasmania. Also southern Africa.)[1]
- New Zealand fur seal Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson, 1828) (Albany, Western Australia, to eastern South Australia and Tasmania. Also New Zealand and associated subantarctic islands.)[1]
Order Cetacea
- Humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae Borowski, 1781 (Around Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Southern right whale Eubalaena australis Desmoulins, 1822 (Southern and eastern mainland of Australia and Tasmania. Also widespread in the southern hemisphere.)[1]
- Killer whale, orca Orcinus orca (Linnaeus, 1758) (Western, southern and eastern mainland of Australia and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus Gray, 1846 (Western, northern and eastern Australian mainland and northern Tasmania. Also widespread in tropical and warm-temperate waters overseas.)[1]
- Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus (Ehrenberg, 1832) (Around Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
- Common dolphin Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758 (Around Australian mainland and Tasmania. Also widespread overseas.)[1]
Geographical position of places mentioned in species ranges
- Abrolhos Island
- Adelaide South Australia. 34°55′44″S 138°36′3″E / 34.92889°S 138.60083°E
- Albany, Western Australia 35°01′22″S 117°52′53″E / 35.0228°S 117.8814°E
- Alexander Bay, Western Australia 33°53′15″S 122°46′32″E / 33.88749°S 122.77560°E
- Amsterdam Island37°49′33″S 77°33′17″E / 37.82583°S 77.55472°E
- Anderson Inlet, Victoria 38°38′S 145°47′E / 38.633°S 145.783°E
- Anglesea, Victoria 38°24′23″S 144°11′13″E / 38.40639°S 144.18694°E
- Angourie, New South Wales 29°28′45″S 153°21′34″E / 29.47917°S 153.35944°E
- Apollo Bay, Victoria 38°45′S 143°39′E / 38.750°S 143.650°E
- Arnhem Land, Northern Territory 12°43′51.02″S 134°35′34.13″E / 12.7308389°S 134.5928139°E
- Arrawarra, New South Wales 30°03′29″S 153°12′24″E / 30.05812°S 153.20680°E
- Augusta, Western Australia 34°18′43″S 115°09′32″E / 34.312°S 115.159°E
- Babel Island, Tasmania 39°56′S 148°19′E / 39.933°S 148.317°E
- Backstairs Passage, South Australia 35°41′27″S 138°04′07″E / 35.6908°S 138.0686°E
- Ballina, New South Wales 28°50′0″S 153°32′0″E / 28.83333°S 153.53333°E
- Barrow Island (Western Australia) 20°47′53″S 115°24′22″E / 20.798°S 115.406°E[6]
- Bass Point, New South Wales34°35′50″S 150°54′0″E / 34.59722°S 150.90000°E
- Bass Strait Islands, Tasmania
- Bass Strait, Victoria 40°S 146°E / 40°S 146°E
- Batemans Bay, New South Wales35°42′29″S 150°10′28″E / 35.70806°S 150.17444°E
- Beachport, South Australia37°30′S 140°01′E / 37.500°S 140.017°E
- Beagle Island40°20′S 147°55′E / 40.333°S 147.917°E
- Bega, New South Wales36°40′S 149°50′E / 36.667°S 149.833°E
- Bermagui, New South Wales36°25′00″S 150°04′00″E / 36.41667°S 150.06667°E
- Bicheno, Tasmania 41°52′S 148°17′E / 41.867°S 148.283°E
- Bluff Point, Western Australia28°44′06″S 114°37′23″E / 28.735°S 114.623°E
- Botany Bay, New South Wales 33°59′52″S 151°13′58″E / 33.99778°S 151.23278°E
- Bowen, Queensland20°01′S 148°14′E / 20.017°S 148.233°E
- Bremer Bay, Western Australia34°23′38″S 119°22′34″E / 34.394°S 119.376°E
- Brisbane River, Queensland27°24′00″S 153°9′00″E / 27.40000°S 153.15000°E
- Brisbane, Queensland27°28′22″S 153°01′40″E / 27.47278°S 153.02778°E
- Broome, Western Australia17°57′43″S 122°14′10″E / 17.96194°S 122.23611°E
- Broughton Island, New South Wales 32°36′57″S 152°19′02″E / 32.61583°S 152.31722°E
- Brunswick Heads, New South Wales28°32′S 153°33′E / 28.533°S 153.550°E
- Bruny Island, Tasmania43°22′S 147°17′E / 43.367°S 147.283°E
- Bunbury, Western Australia33°20′24″S 115°38′21″E / 33.34000°S 115.63917°E
- Burleigh Heads, Queensland28°06′14″S 153°26′10″E / 28.104°S 153.436°E
- Burnett Heads, Queensland24°46′S 152°24′E / 24.767°S 152.400°E
- Burnett River, Queensland24°46′S 152°24′E / 24.767°S 152.400°E
- Bushy Island, Queensland20°57′S 150°05′E / 20.950°S 150.083°E
- Busselton, Western Australia33°38′52″S 115°20′45″E / 33.64778°S 115.34583°E
- Byron Bay, New South Wales 28°38′35″S 153°36′54″E / 28.64306°S 153.61500°E
- Cairns, Queensland16°55′32″S 145°46′31″E / 16.92556°S 145.77528°E
- Caloundra, Queensland 26°48′S 153°08′E / 26.800°S 153.133°E
- Canal Rocks, Western Australia33°40′05″S 114°59′38″E / 33.66803°S 114.99387°E[7]
- Cape Adieu, South Australia32°00′00″S 132°09′06″E / 32.00000°S 132.15179°E[7]
- Cape Barren Island, Tasmania40°24′07″S 147°59′28″E / 40.402°S 147.991°E[8]
- Cape Bridgewater, Victoria38°22′0″S 141°24′0″E / 38.36667°S 141.40000°E
- Cape Conran, Victoria 37°48′46″S 148°43′49″E / 37.81288°S 148.73016°E[7]
- Cape Cuvier, Western Australia 24°13′24″S 113°23′29″E / 24.22325°S 113.39141°E[7]
- Cape Everard, Victoria37°48′11″S 149°16′32″E / 37.80306°S 149.27556°E
- Cape Flattery, Queensland14°56′43″S 145°20′47″E / 14.94529°S 145.34627°E[7]
- Cape Hawke, New South Wales 32°12′S 152°34′E / 32.200°S 152.567°E
- Cape Howe, on the border of Victoria and New South Wales 37°30′S 149°58′E / 37.500°S 149.967°E
- Cape Jaffa, South Australia36°57′28″S 139°40′12″E / 36.95784°S 139.67009°E[7]
- Cape Le Grande, Western Australia34°01′04″S 122°06′50″E / 34.01767°S 122.11386°E[7]
- Cape Leeuwin, West Australia 34°22′27″S 115°08′09″E / 34.37417°S 115.13583°E
- Cape Liptrap, Victoria 38°54′00″S 145°55′19″E / 38.900°S 145.922°E
- Cape Liptrap, Western Australia
- Cape Marino, South Australia35°25′49″S 138°30′35″E / 35.4304°S 138.50961°E
- Cape Melville, Queensland 14°20′57″S 144°38′37″E / 14.34917°S 144.64361°E
- Cape Moreton, Queensland 27°1′45″S 153°27′59″E / 27.02917°S 153.46639°E
- Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia 33°31′53″S 115°0′16″E / 33.53139°S 115.00444°E
- Cape Northumberland, South Australia 38°3′39″S 140°39′45″E / 38.06083°S 140.66250°E
- Cape Otway, Victoria 38°51′S 143°31′E / 38.850°S 143.517°E
- Cape Paterson, Victoria 38°40′18″S 145°37′11″E / 38.6717°S 145.6198°E
- Cape York, Queensland10°41′S 142°32′E / 10.683°S 142.533°E
- Capricorn Group, Queensland23°14′54″S 151°46′41″E / 23.24833°S 151.77806°E
- Carnarvon, Western Australia24°53′02″S 113°39′40″E / 24.884°S 113.661°E
- Ceduna, South Australia 32°07′S 133°40′E / 32.117°S 133.667°E
- Cervantes, Western Australia30°30′00″S 115°03′58″E / 30.5°S 115.066°E
- Clarence River, New South Wales 29°43′00″S 153°37′00″E / 29.71667°S 153.61667°E
- Cockburn Sound, Western Australia 32°10′14″S 115°43′26″E / 32.17056°S 115.72389°E
- Coffin Bay, South Australia. 34°37′S 135°28′E / 34.617°S 135.467°E,[9]
- Coffs Harbour, New South Wales30°18′08″S 153°07′08″E / 30.30228°S 153.118896°E
- Collaroy, New South Wales33°43′48″S 151°18′00″E / 33.730°S 151.300°E
- Cooktown, Queensland15°28′0″S 145°17′0″E / 15.46667°S 145.28333°E
- Coolangatta, Queensland28°10′0″S 153°32′0″E / 28.16667°S 153.53333°E
- Coorong, South Australia36°02′57″S 139°33′13″E / 36.04917°S 139.55361°E
- Coral Bay, Western Australia23°8′41″S 113°46′35″E / 23.14472°S 113.77639°E
- Cottesloe, Western Australia31°59′35″S 115°45′25″E / 31.993°S 115.757°E
- Cowaramup, Western Australia33°51′S 115°07′E / 33.85°S 115.11°E
- Cox's Bight, Tasmania 43°31′23″S 146°14′21″E / 43.52306°S 146.23917°E
- Crowdy Head, New South Wales 31°50.7′S 152°45.3′E / 31.8450°S 152.7550°E
- Currumbin, Queensland28°08′10″S 153°28′59″E / 28.136°S 153.483°E
- Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia 20°32′S 116°36′E / 20.533°S 116.600°E
- Dampier, Western Australia 20°40′S 116°43′E / 20.66°S 116.71°E
- D'Anville Bay, South Australia
- Darwin, Northern Territory12°27′0″S 130°50′0″E / 12.45000°S 130.83333°E
- Deal Island, Tasmania39°28′39″S 147°20′20″E / 39.47750°S 147.33889°E
- Denmark, Western Australia34°57′36″S 117°21′11″E / 34.96000°S 117.35306°E
- D'Entrecasteaux Channel, Tasmania43°13′S 147°17′E / 43.217°S 147.283°E
- Derwent estuary, Tasmania 43°3′3″S 147°22′38″E / 43.05083°S 147.37722°E
- Disaster Bay, New South Wales37°15′29″S 150°02′46″E / 37.258°S 150.046°E
- Discovery Bay, Victoria 38°03′S 140°52′E / 38.050°S 140.867°E
- Dongara, Western Australia29°15′S 114°56′E / 29.25°S 114.93°E
- Double Island Point, Queensland 25°56′S 153°11′E / 25.933°S 153.183°E
- Double Island, Queensland16°43′34″S 145°41′02″E / 16.726°S 145.684°E
- Dunsborough, Western Australia33°37′0″S 115°6′0″E / 33.61667°S 115.10000°E
- Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania43°01′00″S 147°55′33″E / 43.01667°S 147.92583°E
- East Gippsland, Victoria
- Eastern Bass Strait, Victoria
- Eddystone Point, Tasmania
- Eden, New South Wales37°04′0″S 149°54′0″E / 37.06667°S 149.90000°E
- Elliston, South Australia33°39′0″S 134°53′0″E / 33.65000°S 134.88333°E
- Encounter Bay, South Australia 35°35′S 138°44′E / 35.583°S 138.733°E
- Erith Island, Tasmania 39°27′S 147°17′E / 39.450°S 147.283°E
- Esperance, Western Australia33°51′40″S 121°53′31″E / 33.861°S 121.892°E
- Eucla, Western Australia31°40′30″S 128°52′59″E / 31.675°S 128.883°E[10]
- Evans Head, New South Wales29°07′00″S 153°26′00″E / 29.11667°S 153.43333°E
- Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia 22°10′S 114°18′E / 22.167°S 114.300°E
- Eyre Peninsula, South Australia 34°20′S 135°45′E / 34.333°S 135.750°E
- Flinders Island, Tasmania40°00′S 148°07′E / 40.000°S 148.117°E
- Flinders, Victoria38°28′26″S 145°01′19″E / 38.474°S 145.022°E
- Fortescue Bay, Tasmania 43°8′11″S 147°57′46″E / 43.13639°S 147.96278°E
- Foul Bay, Western Australia
- Fraser Island, Queensland25°13′S 153°08′E / 25.217°S 153.133°E
- Fremantle Western Australia. 32°03′25″S 115°44′38″E / 32.05694°S 115.74389°E
- Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania 42°12′36″S 148°18′19″E / 42.21°S 148.305278°E
- Furneaux Group, Tasmania40°10′S 148°05′E / 40.167°S 148.083°E
- Gabo Island, Victoria 37°33′33″S 149°54′41″E / 37.559067°S 149.911375°E
- Geographe Bay, Western Australia33°35′S 115°15′E / 33.583°S 115.250°E
- Georges Bay, Tasmania 41°18′59″S 148°17′26″E / 41.31639°S 148.29056°E
- Geraldton, Western Australia28°46′45″S 114°36′52″E / 28.77917°S 114.61444°E
- Gnaraloo, Western Australia23°49′16″S 113°31′33″E / 23.82111°S 113.52583°E
- Gold Coast, Queensland 28°1′0″S 153°24′0″E / 28.01667°S 153.40000°E
- Goose Island, Tasmania 40°18′5″S 147°47′42″E / 40.30139°S 147.79500°E
- Great Australian Bight, South Australia 33°S 130°E / 33°S 130°E
- Green Cape, New South Wales 37°15′29″S 150°02′46″E / 37.258°S 150.046°E
- Green Head, Western Australia 30°03′S 114°58′E / 30.050°S 114.967°E
- Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland 14°S 139°E / 14°S 139°E
- Gulf St Vincent South Australia 35°S 138°E / 35°S 138°E
- Gulfs region, South Australia
- Hastings Point, New South Wales 28°21′45″S 153°34′49″E / 28.36250°S 153.58028°E
- Heard Island 53°06′00″S 73°31′00″E / 53.10000°S 73.51667°E
- Heron Island, Queensland 23°26′31.20″S 151°54′50.40″E / 23.4420000°S 151.9140000°E
- Hervey Bay, Queensland 25°17′7″S 152°52′22″E / 25.28528°S 152.87278°E
- Hinchinbrook Island, Queensland 18°13′46″S 146°13′58″E / 18.22944°S 146.23278°E
- Hopetoun, Western Australia 33°56′56″S 120°07′26″E / 33.949°S 120.124°E
- Houtman Abrolhos 28°43′S 113°47′E / 28.717°S 113.783°E
- Inverloch, Victoria 38°38′00″S 145°47′14″E / 38.6334°S 145.7872°E
- Investigator Group, South Australia 33°45′00″S 134°30′00″E / 33.75000°S 134.50000°E
- Investigator Strait, South Australia 35°23′S 137°17′E / 35.39°S 137.28°E
- Jervis Bay, New South Wales 35°7′11″S 150°43′57″E / 35.11972°S 150.73250°E
- Jurien Bay, Western Australia 30°17′49″S 115°02′31″E / 30.297°S 115.042°E
- Kalbarri, Western Australia 27°43′S 114°10′E / 27.71°S 114.16°E
- Kangaroo Island, South Australia 35°50′S 137°15′E / 35.833°S 137.250°E
- Kent Group, Tasmania 39°28′0″S 147°18′30″E / 39.46667°S 147.30833°E
- Keppel Bay, Queensland 39°28′0″S 147°18′30″E / 39.46667°S 147.30833°E
- Kerguelen Island 49°15′S 69°10′E / 49.250°S 69.167°E
- Kermadec Islands 29°16′37″S 177°55′24″W / 29.27694°S 177.92333°W
- Kiama, New South Wales 34°40′15″S 150°51′15″E / 34.67083°S 150.85417°E
- Kilcunda, Victoria38°54′S 145°47′E / 38.900°S 145.783°E
- King George Sound, Western Australia 35°02′S 117°56′E / 35.033°S 117.933°E
- King Island, Tasmania 39°52′S 143°59′E / 39.867°S 143.983°E
- Kimberley, Western Australia16°S 126°E / 16°S 126°E
- Lacepede Bay, South Australia 36°46′51″S 139°44′34″E / 36.78083°S 139.74278°E
- Lady Julia Percy Island, Victoria 38°25′30″S 142°00′00″E / 38.42500°S 142.00000°E
- Laguna Bay, Queensland
- Lake Burrill, New South Wales35°23′00″S 150°27′0″E / 35.38333°S 150.45000°E
- Lakes Entrance, Victoria 37°52′S 147°59′E / 37.867°S 147.983°E
- Lancelin, Western Australia 31°00′50″S 115°19′48″E / 31.014°S 115.33°E
- Little Swanport, Tasmania 42°18′43″S 147°59′54″E / 42.31194°S 147.99833°E
- Lizard Island, Queensland 14°40′08″S 145°27′34″E / 14.66889°S 145.45944°E
- Lord Howe Island 31°33′S 159°05′E / 31.550°S 159.083°E
- Lorne, Victoria 38°32′00″S 143°58′00″E / 38.53333°S 143.96667°E
- Low Isles, Queensland 16°23′10″S 145°33′32″E / 16.386°S 145.559°E
- Mackay, Queensland 21°08′28″S 149°11′10″E / 21.14111°S 149.18611°E
- Mallacoota, Victoria 37°33′S 149°45′E / 37.550°S 149.750°E
- Mandurah, Western Australia 32°31′44″S 115°43′23″E / 32.52889°S 115.72306°E
- Margaret River, Western Australia 33°57′18″S 115°04′30″E / 33.95500°S 115.07500°E
- Margate, Tasmania 43°01′46″S 147°15′42″E / 43.02944°S 147.26167°E
- Maria Island, Tasmania42°38′S 148°05′E / 42.633°S 148.083°E
- Marion Bay, Tasmania42°47′49″S 147°55′23″E / 42.797°S 147.923°E
- Maroochydore, Queensland26°39′S 153°06′E / 26.650°S 153.100°E
- Merimbula, New South Wales 36°53′53″S 149°54′4″E / 36.89806°S 149.90111°E
- Minniewater, New South Wales
- Montague Island, New South Wales 36°15′S 150°13′E / 36.250°S 150.217°E
- Monte Bello Islands, Western Australia 20°25′S 115°32′E / 20.417°S 115.533°E
- Mooloolaba, Queensland 26°40′55″S 153°07′05″E / 26.682°S 153.118°E
- Moore River, Western Australia31°22′S 115°29′E / 31.367°S 115.483°E
- Moreton Bay, Queensland27°15′S 153°15′E / 27.250°S 153.250°E
- Moreton Island, Queensland27°10′S 153°24′E / 27.167°S 153.400°E
- Moruya, New South Wales 35°54′40″S 150°04′50″E / 35.91111°S 150.08056°E
- Mullaloo, Western Australia 31°46′59″S 115°44′17″E / 31.783°S 115.738°E
- Murray River, Western Australia32°35′0″S 115°46′17″E / 32.58333°S 115.77139°E
- Nadgee Reserve, New South Wales 37°18′S 149°56′E / 37.300°S 149.933°E
- Narooma, New South Wales 36°12′00″S 150°08′00″E / 36.20000°S 150.13333°E
- New Caledonia21°15′S 165°18′E / 21.25°S 165.30°E
- Newcastle, New South Wales 32°55′S 151°45′E / 32.917°S 151.750°E
- Ningaloo, Western Australia 22°40′S 113°39′E / 22.667°S 113.650°E
- Noosa, Queensland 26°23′19″S 153°02′05.3″E / 26.38861°S 153.034806°E
- Norfolk Island 29°02′S 167°57′E / 29.03°S 167.95°E
- North Reef, Queensland 23°11′07″S 151°54′13″E / 23.18528°S 151.90361°E
- North Stradbroke Island, Queensland 27°35′S 153°28′E / 27.583°S 153.467°E
- North West Cape Western Australia. 22°14′S 113°58′E / 22.23°S 113.96°E
- Nowra, New South Wales 34°53′00″S 150°36′00″E / 34.88333°S 150.60000°E
- Nuyts Archipelago, South Australia 32°19′44″S 133°37′31″E / 32.32889°S 133.62528°E
- Onslow, Western Australia 21°38′00″S 115°07′00″E / 21.63333°S 115.11667°E
- Otway Ranges, Victoria38°46′24″S 143°33′27″E / 38.77333°S 143.55750°E
- Pearson Island, South Australia33°45′00″S 134°30′00″E / 33.75000°S 134.50000°E
- Perth, Western Australia31°57′8″S 115°51′32″E / 31.95222°S 115.85889°E
- Point Cloates, Western Australia 22°43′S 113°40′E / 22.717°S 113.667°E
- Point Hicks, Victoria 37°48′11″S 149°16′32″E / 37.80306°S 149.27556°E
- Point Maude, Western Australia
- Point Peron, Western Australia 32°15′55″S 115°41′10″E / 32.26528°S 115.68611°E
- Point Quobba, Western Australia 24°29′24″S 113°24′29″E / 24.49010°S 113.40809°E[7]
- Point Samson, Western Australia
- Point Sinclair, South Australia 32°06′16″S 132°58′47″E / 32.10456°S 132.97978°E[7]
- Port Curtis, Queensland 23°50′56″S 151°15′45″E / 23.84889°S 151.26250°E
- Port Davey, Tasmania 43°20′S 145°56′E / 43.33°S 145.94°E
- Port Fairy, Victoria 38°22′S 142°14′E / 38.367°S 142.233°E
- Port Gregory, Western Australia 28°11′00″S 114°15′00″E / 28.18333°S 114.25000°E
- Port Hacking, New South Wales 34°03′40″S 151°06′00″E / 34.06111°S 151.10000°E
- Port Hedland Western Australia. 20°18′36″S 118°36′04″E / 20.310°S 118.601°E
- Port Lincoln, South Australia. 34°43′56″S 135°51′31″E / 34.73222°S 135.85861°E
- Port MacDonnell, South Australia 38°03′0″S 140°41′0″E / 38.05000°S 140.68333°E
- Port Macquarie, New South Wales 31°26′0″S 152°54′0″E / 31.43333°S 152.90000°E
- Port Maud, Western Australia
- Port Molle, Queensland
- Port Phillip Bay, Victoria 38°09′S 144°52′E / 38.150°S 144.867°E
- Port Phillip Heads, Victoria 38°16′45″S 144°42′55″E / 38.27917°S 144.71528°E
- Port Phillip, Victoria. 38°09′S 144°52′E / 38.150°S 144.867°E
- Port River, South Australia 34°45′S 138°30′E / 34.750°S 138.500°E
- Port Sinclair, South Australia
- Port Stephens (New South Wales) 32°41′57″S 152°7′26″E / 32.69917°S 152.12389°E
- Port Willunga, South Australia 35°15′58″S 138°27′54″E / 35.266°S 138.465°E
- Portland, Victoria 38°20′S 141°36′E / 38.333°S 141.600°E
- Portsea, Victoria| 38°19′12″S 144°42′47″E / 38.320°S 144.713°E
- Proserpine, Queensland 20°24′6″S 148°34′53″E / 20.40167°S 148.58139°E
- Queenscliff, Victoria 38°16′S 144°39′E / 38.267°S 144.650°E
- Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia 33°55′S 121°53′E / 33.917°S 121.883°E
- Richmond River, New South Wales
- Robe, South Australia37°09′S 139°45′E / 37.150°S 139.750°E
- Rockhampton, Queensland23°22.5′S 150°30.7′E / 23.3750°S 150.5117°E
- Rockingham, Western Australia32°16′52″S 115°43′37″E / 32.281°S 115.727°E
- Rottnest Island, Western Australia32°00′07″S 115°31′01″E / 32.002°S 115.517°E
- San Remo, Victoria 38°31′0″S 145°22′0″E / 38.51667°S 145.36667°E
- Sandon, New South Wales
- Seacliff, South Australia35°2′S 138°31′E / 35.033°S 138.517°E
- Seal Rocks, New South Wales32°25′13″S 152°30′27″E / 32.42028°S 152.50750°E
- Shark Bay, Western Australia. 25°30′S 113°30′E / 25.500°S 113.500°E
- Shellharbour, New South Wales34°35′S 150°52′E / 34.583°S 150.867°E
- Solitary Islands, New South Wales
- Southport, Queensland 27°58′S 153°24′E / 27.967°S 153.400°E
- Spencer Gulf, South Australia 34°25′S 136°45′E / 34.417°S 136.750°E
- St Francis Island, South Australia
- St Helens, Tasmania 41°19′S 148°14′E / 41.317°S 148.233°E
- Storm Bay, Tasmania 43°08′S 147°32′E / 43.14°S 147.53°E
- Streaky Bay, South Australia32°47′50″S 134°12′40″E / 32.79722°S 134.21111°E
- Swain Reefs, Queensland 21°14′22″S 151°50′48″E / 21.23944°S 151.84667°E
- Swan River estuary, Western Australia31°56′50″S 115°54′58″E / 31.94722°S 115.91611°E
- Swan River, Western Australia 31°56′50″S 115°54′58″E / 31.94722°S 115.91611°E
- Sydney, New South Wales 33°51′35.9″S 151°12′40″E / 33.859972°S 151.21111°E
- Tamar estuary, Tasmania 41°04′S 146°47′E / 41.067°S 146.783°E
- Tangalooma, Queensland27°10′36″S 153°22′33″E / 27.17667°S 153.37583°E
- Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania 43°05′S 147°52′E / 43.08°S 147.86°E
- Tathra, New South Wales36°44′00″S 149°58′00″E / 36.73333°S 149.96667°E
- Terrigal, New South Wales33°26′53″S 151°26′40″E / 33.448011°S 151.444461°E
- The Entrance, New South Wales33°20′50″S 151°29′46″E / 33.34722°S 151.49611°E
- Tin Can Bay, Queensland25°55′0″S 153°00′0″E / 25.91667°S 153.00000°E
- Tinderbox, Tasmania
- Torres Strait, Queensland 9°50′S 142°30′E / 9.833°S 142.500°E
- Townsville, Queensland 19°15′23″S 146°49′6″E / 19.25639°S 146.81833°E
- Trial Bay, New South Wales 30°52′S 153°03′E / 30.867°S 153.050°E
- Tweed Heads, New South Wales 28°11′0″S 153°33′0″E / 28.18333°S 153.55000°E
- Two Rocks, Western Australia 31°29′42″S 115°35′17″E / 31.495°S 115.588°E
- Twofold Bay, New South Wales 37°04′S 149°54′E / 37.067°S 149.900°E
- Ulladulla, New South Wales 35°20′55″S 150°28′4″E / 35.34861°S 150.46778°E
- Victor Harbor, South Australia 35°33′0″S 138°37′0″E / 35.55000°S 138.61667°E
- Waldegrave Island, South Australia
- Walkerville, Victoria 38°51′00″S 145°59′00″E / 38.85000°S 145.98333°E
- Walpole, Western Australia 34°59′S 116°42′E / 34.98°S 116.7°E
- Waratah Bay, Victoria 38°52′0″S 146°00′00″E / 38.86667°S 146.00000°E
- Warrnambool, Victoria 38°23′S 142°29′E / 38.38°S 142.48°E
- West Island, South Australia 35°36′30″S 138°35′30″E / 35.60833°S 138.59167°E
- Western Port, Victoria 38°22′S 145°20′E / 38.367°S 145.333°E
- Whitsunday Group, Queensland 20°18′S 148°56′E / 20.300°S 148.933°E
- Wide Bay, Queensland
- Wilsons Promontory, Victoria 39°02′S 146°23′E / 39.033°S 146.383°E
- Wollongong, New South Wales34°25′59″S 150°52′59″E / 34.43306°S 150.88306°E
- Wynyard, Tasmania41°00′00″S 145°43′00″E / 41.00000°S 145.71667°E
- Yanchep, Western Australia31°33′00″S 115°38′02″E / 31.55°S 115.634°E
- Yeppoon, Queensland23°08′S 150°44′E / 23.133°S 150.733°E
- Yorke Peninsula, South Australia
See also
- List of seaweeds and marine flowering plants of Australia (temperate waters)
- List of marine animals of the Cape Peninsula and False Bay
- List of marine fishes of South Africa
- List of marine molluscs of South Africa
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- ↑ Bouchet, P. (2013). Lunella torquata (Gmelin, 1791). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2014-03-21
- ↑ Gomon, M.F., C.J.M. Glover and R.H. Kuiter (eds.), 1994. The fishes of Australia's south coast. State Print, Adelaide.
- ↑ Randall, John E.; Allen, Gerald R.; Steene, Roger C. (1997). Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea (second ed.). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. ISBN 0 8248 1895 4.
- ↑
- ↑ "Barrow Island, Western Australia (Towns & Localities)". Gazetteer of Australia online. Geoscience Australia, Australian Government. Retrieved 28 December 2009.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Garmin Bluechart Australia
- ↑ "Cape Barren Island, Tasmania (Islands & Reefs)". Gazetteer of Australia online. Geoscience Australia, Australian Government. Retrieved 29 December 2009.
- ↑ "Coffin Bay". Gazetteer of Australia online. Geoscience Australia, Australian Government.
- ↑ "Eucla". Gazetteer of Australia online. Geoscience Australia, Australian Government.
Further reading
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