State Anthem of the Komi Republic

The State Anthem of the Komi Republic (Russian: госуда́рственный гимн Респу́блики Ко́ми, gosudarstvenny gimn Respubliki Komi) is the official anthem of the Komi Republic, a republic of Russia. It was adopted in 1994.[1]


Komi lyrics Transliteration English
Ылын-ылын Войвылын
Джуджыд парма сулалö.
Парма шöрын варыш поз
Кыпыд горöн шыалö.
Лэбзьöй, повтöм варышъяс,
Вына бордъяс шеныштлöй,
Веськыд туйöд нуöдöй,
Коми мусö югдöдöй!
Ylyn-ylyn Vojvylyn
Dzhudzhyd parma sulalö.
Parma şöryn varyş poz
Kypyd gorön şyalö.
Lebźöj, povtöm varyşjas,
Vyna bordjas şenyştlöj,
Veśkyd tujöd nuödöy,
Komi musö jugdödöj!
Far, far away in the North
The high taiga stands.
There's a falcon's nest in the heart of the taiga,
With joyous chirp of nestlings heard from it.
Fly away, fearless falcons,
Flap with your strong wings,
And lead the Komi land to blissful life
By the shortest track!
Russian lyrics Transliteration English
Север, наш родимый край,
Глубоки твои снега,
Холодны твои ветра,
Высока твоя тайга!
Нас несут через века
Соколиные крыла.
Коми край, твоя судьба
Благодатна и светла!
Sever, nash rodimy kray,
Gluboki tvoi snega,
Kholodny tvoi vetra,
Vysoka tvoya tayga!
Nas nesut cherez veka
Sokolinye kryla.
Komi kray, tvoya sud'ba
Blagodatna i svetla!
North, our dear land,
Your snows are deep,
Your winds are cold,
Your taiga is lofty!
We are being carried through the ages
By the falcon wings.
Komi krai, your fate is
Gracious and bright!



  1. Law #XII-20/5


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