Mysore pak
Mysore pak is a rich sweet dish prepared in Ghee, from Southern India, usually served as dessert. It originated in Mysore. It is made of generous amounts of ghee, sugar, gram flour, and often cardamom.[1] The texture of this sweet is similar to fudge.
Mysore pak was first prepared in the kitchens of the Mysore Palace during the regime of Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, by a palace cook named Kakasura Madappa.[1][2] Madappa made a concoction of gram flour, ghee and sugar. When asked its name, Madappa having had nothing in mind, simply called it the 'Mysore pak'. Pak (or paka, more precisely), in Sanskrit and other Indian vernaculars, means sweet. It is traditionally served in weddings and other festivals of southern India, and is very popular in baby showers as well.
Paaka shastra (short paka) in Kannada means cooking procedure or cooking techniques. Also paka in Kannada refers to sticky sugary syrup obtained by simmering sugar with equal amount of water; specifically for Mysore Pak, the simple syrup is heated to the Soft Ball stage. The syrup is used as primary sweetening agent in various Indian sweet dishes like Jalebi, Badam puri, Mysore pak and others. The syrup is flavored with various spice essences like cardamom, rose, honey etc. Paka syrup preparation is a skilled art and is mastered by few cooks, some keep it as secret.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mysore pak. |
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