List of MPs elected in the United Kingdom general election, 1895

24th Parliament (1886)
25th Parliament (1892)
26th Parliament (1895)
27th Parliament (1900)
28th Parliament (1906)

This is a list of Members of Parliament (MPs) elected to the 26th Parliament of the United Kingdom at the 1895 general election, held over several days from 13 July to 7 August 1895.

Notable newcomers to the House of Commons included Reginald McKenna and Alfred Lyttelton.

Table of contents:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z By-elections

Aberdeen North William Alexander Hunter Liberal
Aberdeen South James Bryce Liberal
Aberdeenshire East Thomas Buchanan Liberal
Aberdeenshire West Robert Farquharson Liberal
Abingdon Archie Kirkman Loyd Conservative
Accrington Joseph Leese Liberal
Altrincham Coningsby Disraeli Conservative
Andover William Wither Bramston Beach Conservative
Anglesey Ellis Ellis-Griffith Liberal
Antrim East James McCalmont Conservative
Antrim Mid Robert Torrens O'Neill Conservative
Antrim North Hugh McCalmont Conservative
Antrim South William Ellison-Macartney Conservative
Appleby Sir Joseph Savory, Bt Conservative
Arfon William Jones Liberal
Argyllshire Donald Ninian Nicol Conservative
Armagh Mid Dunbar Barton Conservative
Armagh North Edward James Saunderson Conservative
Armagh South Edward McHugh Anti-Parnellite
Ashburton Charles Seale-Hayne Liberal
Ashford Laurence Hardy Conservative
Ashton-under-Lyne Herbert Whiteley Conservative
Aston Manor George Grice-Hutchinson Conservative
Aylesbury Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild Liberal Unionist
Ayr District of Burghs Charles Orr-Ewing Conservative
Ayrshire North Hon. Thomas Cochrane Liberal Unionist
Ayrshire South Sir William Arrol Liberal Unionist
Banbury Albert Brassey Conservative
Banffshire Sir William Wedderburn, Bt Liberal
Barkston Ash Robert Gunter Conservative
Barnard Castle Sir Joseph Pease, Bt Liberal
Barnsley Earl Compton Liberal
Barnstaple Sir Cameron Gull, Bt Liberal Unionist
Barrow-in-Furness Charles Cayzer Conservative
Basingstoke Arthur Frederick Jeffreys Conservative
Bassetlaw Sir Frederick Milner, Bt Conservative
(Two members)
Wyndham Murray Conservative
Edmond Wodehouse Liberal Unionist
Battersea John Burns Liberal
Bedford Charles Pym Conservative
Belfast East Gustav Wilhelm Wolff Conservative
Belfast North Sir Edward Harland Conservative
Belfast South William Johnston Conservative
Belfast West H. O. Arnold-Forster Liberal Unionist
Bermondsey Alfred Lafone Conservative
Berwick-upon-Tweed Sir Edward Grey, Bt Liberal
Berwickshire Harold Tennant Liberal
Bethnal Green North East Sir Mancherjee Bhownagree Conservative
Bethnal Green South West Edward Pickersgill Liberal
Bewdley Alfred Baldwin Conservative
Biggleswade Lord Alwyne Compton Liberal Unionist
Birkenhead Elliott Lees Conservative
Birmingham Bordesley Jesse Collings Liberal Unionist
Birmingham Central Ebenezer Parkes Liberal Unionist
Birmingham East Sir John Benjamin Stone Conservative
Birmingham Edgbaston George Dixon Liberal Unionist
Birmingham North William Kenrick Liberal Unionist
Birmingham South Joseph Powell-Williams Liberal Unionist
Birmingham West Joseph Chamberlain Liberal Unionist
Birr Bernard Molloy Anti-Parnellite
Bishop Auckland James Mellor Paulton Liberal
(Two members)
William Hornby Conservative
William Coddington Conservative
Blackpool Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bt Conservative
Bodmin Leonard Courtney Liberal Unionist
(Two members)
Herbert Shepherd-Cross Conservative
George Harwood Liberal
Bootle Thomas Myles Sandys Conservative
Boston William Garfit Conservative
Bosworth Charles McLaren Liberal
Bow and Bromley Lionel Holland Conservative
Bradford Central James Wanklyn Liberal Unionist
Bradford East Henry Byron Reed Conservative
Bradford West Ernest Flower Conservative
Brecknockshire Charles Morley Liberal
Brentford James Bigwood Conservative
Bridgwater Edward Stanley Conservative
Brigg Harold Reckitt Liberal
(Two members)
Gerald Loder Conservative
Bruce Canning Vernon-Wentworth Conservative
Bristol East Sir William Wills, Bt Liberal
Bristol North Lewis Fry Liberal Unionist
Bristol South Sir Edward Stock Hill Conservative
Bristol West Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Bt Conservative
Brixton Marquess of Carmarthen Conservative
Buckingham William Carlile Conservative
Buckrose Angus Holden Liberal
Burnley Hon. Philip Stanhope Liberal
Burton Sydney Evershed Liberal
Bury James Kenyon Conservative
Bury St Edmunds Viscount Chelsea Conservative
Buteshire Andrew Murray Conservative
Caithness-shire Gavin Clark Liberal
Camberwell North Philip Hugh Dalbiac Conservative
Camborne Arthur Strauss Liberal Unionist
Cambridge Robert Uniacke-Penrose-Fitzgerald Conservative
Cambridge University
(Two members)
Richard Claverhouse Jebb Conservative
Sir John Eldon Gorst Conservative
Canterbury John Henniker Heaton Conservative
Cardiff District James Mackenzie Maclean Conservative
Cardiganshire Matthew Vaughan-Davies Liberal
Carlisle William Gully Liberal (Speaker)
County Carlow John Hammond Anti-Parnellite
Carmarthen District Sir John Jenkins Liberal Unionist
Carmarthenshire East Abel Thomas Liberal
Carmarthenshire West John Morgan Liberal
Carnarvon David Lloyd-George Liberal
Cavan East Samuel Young Anti-Parnellite
Cavan West Edmund Francis Vesey Knox Anti-Parnellite
Chatham Sir Horatio Davies Conservative
Chelmsford Thomas Usborne Conservative
Chelsea Charles Whitmore Conservative
Cheltenham Francis Shirley Russell Conservative
Chertsey Charles Harvey Combe Conservative
Chester Robert Yerburgh Conservative
Chester-le-Street Sir James Joicey, Bt Liberal
Chesterfield Thomas Bayley Liberal
Chesterton Walter Greene Conservative
Chichester Lord Edmund Talbot Conservative
Chippenham Sir John Dickson Poynder, Bt Conservative
Chorley Lord Balniel Conservative
Christchurch Abel Henry Smith Conservative
Cirencester Hon. Benjamin Bathurst Conservative
Clackmannan and Kinrossshire John Balfour Liberal
Clapham Percy Thornton Conservative
Clare East Willie Redmond Parnellite
Clare West John Eustace Jameson Anti-Parnellite
Cleveland Henry Fell Pease Liberal
Clitheroe Sir Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth, Bt Liberal
Cockermouth Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bt Liberal
Colchester Sir Weetman Pearson, Bt Liberal
Colne Valley Sir James Kitson, Bt Liberal
Cork City
(Two members)
J. F. X. O'Brien Anti-Parnellite
Maurice Healy Anti-Parnellite
County Cork East Anthony John Charles Donelan Anti-Parnellite
County Cork Mid Charles Kearns Deane Tanner Anti-Parnellite
County Cork North James Christopher Flynn Anti-Parnellite
County Cork North East William Abraham Anti-Parnellite
County Cork South Edward Barry Anti-Parnellite
County Cork South East Andrew Commins Anti-Parnellite
County Cork West James Gilhooly Anti-Parnellite
Coventry Charles James Murray Conservative
Crewe Hon. Robert Ward Conservative
Cricklade Alfred Hopkinson Liberal Unionist
Croydon Charles Thomson Ritchie Conservative
Darlington Arthur Pease Liberal Unionist
Dartford Sir William Hart Dyke, Bt Conservative
Darwen John Rutherford Conservative
Denbigh Boroughs William Tudor Howell Conservative
Denbighshire East Sir George Osborne Morgan, Bt Liberal
Denbighshire West John Roberts Liberal
Deptford Charles Darling Conservative
(Two members)
Sir Henry Howe Bemrose Conservative
Geoffrey Drage Conservative
Derbyshire Mid James Alfred Jacoby Liberal
Derbyshire North East Thomas Bolton Liberal
Derbyshire South John Gretton Conservative
Derbyshire West Victor Cavendish Liberal Unionist
Devizes Edward Alfred Goulding Conservative
(Two members)
Hudson Kearley Liberal
Edward John Chalmers Morton Liberal
Dewsbury Mark Oldroyd Liberal
Doncaster Frederick William Fison Conservative
Donegal East Arthur O'Connor Anti-Parnellite
Donegal North Thomas Curran Anti-Parnellite
Donegal South J. G. Swift MacNeill Anti-Parnellite
Donegal West Timothy Daniel Sullivan Anti-Parnellite
Dorset East Hon. Humphrey Sturt Conservative
Dorset North John Wingfield-Digby Conservative
Dorset South William Ernest Brymer Conservative
Dorset West Robert Williams Conservative
Dover George Wyndham Conservative
Down East James Alexander Rentoul Conservative
Down North Thomas Waring Conservative
Down South Michael McCartan Anti-Parnellite
Down West Lord Arthur Hill Conservative
Droitwich Richard Biddulph Martin Liberal Unionist
County Dublin North J. J. Clancy Parnellite
County Dublin South Hon. Horace Curzon Plunkett Conservative
Dublin College Green J. E. Kenny Parnellite
Dublin Harbour Timothy Harrington Parnellite
Dublin St Patrick's William Field Parnellite
Dublin St Stephen's Green William Kenny Liberal Unionist
Dublin University
(Two members)
Edward Carson Conservative
David Plunket Conservative
Dudley Brooke Robinson Conservative
Dulwich John Blundell Maple Conservative
Dumbartonshire Alexander Wylie Conservative
Dumfries District of Burghs Robert Threshie Reid Liberal
Dumfriesshire Robinson Souttar Liberal
(Two members)
Edmund Robertson Liberal
Sir John Leng Liberal
Durham Matthew Fowler Liberal
Durham Mid John Wilson Liberal
Durham North West Llewellyn Atherley-Jones Liberal
Durham South East Sir Henry Havelock-Allan, Bt Liberal Unionist
Ealing Lord George Hamilton Conservative
East Grinstead George Goschen Conservative
Eastbourne Edward Field Conservative
Eccles Octavius Leigh-Clare Conservative
Eddisbury Henry James Tollemache Conservative
Edinburgh Central William McEwan Liberal
Edinburgh East Robert Wallace Liberal
Edinburgh South Robert Cox Liberal Unionist
Edinburgh West Lewis McIver Liberal Unionist
Edinburgh and St Andrews Universities Charles Pearson Conservative
Egremont Hon. Hubert Duncombe Conservative
Eifion John Bryn Roberts Liberal
Elgin District of Burghs Alexander Asher Liberal
Elgin and Nairnshires John Edward Gordon Conservative
Elland Thomas Wayman Liberal
Enfield Henry Bowles Conservative
Epping Mark Lockwood Conservative
Epsom Thomas Bucknill Conservative
Eskdale Robert Andrew Allison Liberal
Essex South East Carne Rasch Conservative
Evesham Charles Wigram Long Conservative
Exeter Hon. Henry Northcote Conservative
Eye Francis Seymour Stevenson Liberal
Falkirk District of Burghs John Wilson Liberal Unionist
Fareham Sir Frederick Fitzwygram Conservative
Faversham Frederic Barnes Conservative
Fermanagh North Richard Martin Dane Conservative
Fermanagh South Jeremiah Jordan Anti-Parnellite
Fife East H. H. Asquith Liberal
Fife West Augustine Birrell Liberal
Finsbury Central William Massey-Mainwaring Conservative
Finsbury East Henry Charles Richards Conservative
Flint District John Herbert Lewis Liberal
Flintshire Samuel Smith Liberal
Forest of Dean Sir Charles Dilke, Bt Liberal
Forfarshire J. Martin White Liberal
Frome Viscount Weymouth Conservative
Fulham William Hayes Fisher Conservative
Gainsborough Emerson Bainbridge Liberal
Galway Borough John Pinkerton Anti-Parnellite
Galway Connemara William O'Malley Anti-Parnellite
County Galway East John Roche Anti-Parnellite
County Galway North Denis Kilbride Anti-Parnellite
County Galway South David Sheehy Anti-Parnellite
Gateshead Sir William Allan Liberal
Glamorganshire, East Alfred Thomas Liberal
Glamorganshire, Mid Samuel Thomas Evans Liberal
Glamorganshire, South Windham Wyndham-Quin Conservative
Glasgow Blackfriars and Hutchesontown Andrew Dryburgh Provand Liberal
Glasgow Bridgeton Sir George Trevelyan, Bt Liberal
Glasgow Camlachie Alexander Cross Liberal Unionist
Glasgow Central John George Alex Baird Conservative
Glasgow College Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bt Conservative
Glasgow St Rollox Ferdinand Faithfull Begg Conservative
Glasgow Tradeston Archibald Corbett Liberal Unionist
Glasgow and Aberdeen Universities James Alexander Campbell Conservative
Gloucester Charles James Monk Liberal Unionist
Gorton Ernest Hatch Conservative
Govan John Wilson Liberal
Gower District David Randell Liberal
Grantham Henry Lopes Conservative
Gravesend James Dampier Palmer Conservative
Great Grimsby George Doughty Liberal
Great Yarmouth Sir John Colomb Conservative
Greenock Sir Thomas Sutherland Liberal Unionist
Greenwich Lord Hugh Cecil Conservative
Guildford Hon. St John Brodrick Conservative
Hackney Central Sir Andrew Scoble Conservative
Hackney North William Robert Bousfield Conservative
Hackney South Thomas Herbert Robertson Conservative
Haddingtonshire Richard Haldane Liberal
Haggerston John Lowles Conservative
(Two members)
Alfred Arnold Conservative
William Rawson Shaw Liberal
Hallamshire Sir Frederick Mappin, Bt Liberal
Hammersmith Walter Tuckfield Goldsworthy Conservative
Hampstead Edward Brodie Hoare Conservative
Handsworth Sir Henry Meysey-Thompson, Bt Liberal Unionist
Hanley William Woodall Liberal
Harborough John William Logan Lineral
Harrow William Ambrose Conservative
Hartlepools, The Sir Thomas Richardson Liberal Unionist
Harwich James Round Conservative
Hastings William Lucas-Shadwell Conservative
Hawick District of Burghs Thomas Shaw Liberal
Henley Robert Hodge Conservative
Hereford Charles Wallwyn Radcliffe Cooke Conservative
Hertford Abel Smith Conservative
Hexham Wentworth Beaumont Liberal
Heywood George Kemp Liberal Unionist
High Peak William Sidebottom Conservative
Hitchin George Bickersteth Hudson Conservative
Holborn Sir Charles Hall Conservative
Holderness George Richard Bethell Conservative
Holmfirth Henry Wilson Liberal
Honiton Sir John Kennaway, Bt Conservative
Horncastle Lord Willoughby de Eresby Conservative
Hornsey Henry Charles Stephens Conservative
Horsham John Heywood Johnstone Conservative
Houghton-le-Spring Robert Cameron Liberal
Howdenshire William Henry Wilson-Todd Conservative
Hoxton James Stuart Liberal
Huddersfield Sir James Woodhouse, Bt Liberal
Hull Central Sir Henry King Conservative
Hull East Joseph Thomas Firbank Conservative
Hull West Charles Wilson Liberal
Huntingdon Arthur Smith-Barry Conservative
Hyde Joseph Watson Sidebotham Conservative
Hythe Sir James Bevan Edwards Conservative
Ilkeston Sir Balthazar Walter Foster Liberal
Ince Henry Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell Conservative
Inverness District of Burghs Robert Finlay Liberal Unionist
Inverness-shire James Evan Bruce Baillie Conservative
(Two members)
Daniel Ford Goddard Liberal
Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bt Conservative
Isle of Thanet James Lowther Conservative
Isle of Wight Sir Richard Webster Conservative
Islington East Benjamin Cohen Conservative
Islington North George Christopher Trout Bartley Conservative
Islington South Sir Albert Kaye Rollit Conservative
Islington West Thomas Lough Liberal
Jarrow Sir Charles Palmer, Bt Liberal
Keighley John Brigg Liberal
Kendal Josceline FitzRoy Bagot Conservative
Kennington Frederick Lucas Cook Conservative
Kensington North William Edward Thompson Sharpe Conservative
Kensington South Sir Algernon Borthwick Conservative
Kerry East Michael Davitt Anti-Parnellite
Kerry North Thomas Sexton Anti-Parnellite
Kerry South Thomas Joseph Farrell Anti-Parnellite
Kerry West Sir Thomas Esmonde, Bt Anti-Parnellite
Kidderminster Sir Augustus Godson Conservative
Kildare North Charles John Engledow Anti-Parnellite
Kildare South Matthew Minch Anti-Parnellite
Kilkenny City Pat O'Brien Parnellite
County Kilkenny North Patrick McDermott Anti-Parnellite
County Kilkenny South Samuel Morris Anti-Parnellite
Kilmarnock John McAusland Denny Conservative
Kincardineshire John William Crombie Liberal
King's Lynn Thomas Gibson Bowles Conservative
Kingston-upon-Thames Thomas Skewes-Cox Conservative
Kingswinford Alexander Staveley Hill Conservative
Kirkcaldy District of Burghs James Dalziel Liberal
Kirkcudbrightshire Sir Mark MacTaggart-Stewart, Bt Conservative
Knutsford Hon. Alan Egerton Conservative
Lambeth North Sir Henry Morton Stanley Liberal Unionist
Lanarkshire Mid James Caldwell Liberal
Lanarkshire North East John Colville Liberal
Lanarkshire North West John Goundry Holburn Liberal
Lanarkshire South James Hozier Conservative
Lancaster William Henry Foster Conservative
Launceston Thomas Owen Liberal
Leeds Central Gerald Balfour Conservative
Leeds East Thomas Richmond Leuty Liberal
Leeds North William Jackson Conservative
Leeds South John Lawson Walton Liberal
Leeds West Herbert Gladstone Liberal
Leek Charles Bill Conservative
(Two members)
Henry Broadhurst Liberal
Walter Hazell Liberal
Leigh C. P. Scott Liberal
Leith District of Burghs Ronald Munro-Ferguson Liberal
Leitrim North Patrick McHugh Anti-Parnellite
Leitrim South Jasper Tully Anti-Parnellite
Leix Mark Antony MacDonnell Anti-Parnellite
Leominster James Rankin Conservative
Lewes Sir Henry Fletcher, Bt Conservative
Lewisham John Penn Conservative
Lichfield Henry Charles Fulford Liberal
Limehouse Harry Simon Samuel Conservative
Limerick City John Daly Parnellite
County Limerick East John Finucane Anti-Parnellite
County Limerick West Michael Austin Anti-Parnellite
Lincoln Charles Seely Liberal Unionist
Linlithgowshire Alexander Ure Liberal
Liverpool Abercromby William Frederic Lawrence Conservative
Liverpool East Toxteth Baron Henry de Worms Conservative
Liverpool Everton John A. Willox Conservative
Liverpool Exchange John Bigham Liberal Unionist
Liverpool Kirkdale Sir George Baden-Powell Conservative
Liverpool Scotland T. P. O'Connor Anti-Parnellite
Liverpool Walton James Henry Stock Conservative
Liverpool West Derby Walter Long Conservative
Liverpool West Toxteth Robert Paterson Houston Conservative
City of London
(Two members)
Sir Reginald Hanson, Bt Conservative
Alban Gibbs Conservative
London University Sir John Lubbock, Bt Liberal Unionist
Londonderry City Edmund Francis Vesey Knox Anti-Parnellite
Londonderry North John Atkinson Conservative
Londonderry South Sir Thomas Lea, Bt Liberal Unionist
Longford North Justin McCarthy Anti-Parnellite
Longford South Edward Blake Anti-Parnellite
North Lonsdale Richard Cavendish Liberal Unionist
Loughborough Edward Johnson-Ferguson Liberal
Louth Robert Perks Liberal
Louth North Timothy Michael Healy Anti-Parnellite
Louth South Daniel Ambrose Anti-Parnellite
Lowestoft Harry Seymour Foster Conservative
Ludlow Robert Jasper More Liberal Unionist
Luton Thomas Gair Ashton Liberal
Macclesfield William Bromley-Davenport Conservative
Maidstone Sir Frederick Seager Hunt, Bt Conservative
Maldon Hon. Charles Hedley Strutt Conservative
Manchester East Arthur Balfour Conservative
Manchester North Charles Schwann Liberal
Manchester North East Sir James Fergusson, Bt Conservative
Manchester North West Sir William Houldsworth, Bt Conservative
Manchester South The Marquess of Lorne Liberal Unionist
Manchester South West William Johnson Galloway Conservative
Mansfield John Carvell Williams Liberal
Marylebone East Edmund Boulnois Conservative
Marylebone West Sir Horace Farquhar Conservative
Mayo East John Dillon Anti-Parnellite
Mayo North Daniel Crilly Anti-Parnellite
Mayo South Michael Davitt Anti-Parnellite
Mayo West Robert Ambrose Anti-Parnellite
Meath North James Gibney Anti-Parnellite
Meath South John Howard Parnell Parnellite
Medway Charles Edward Warde Conservative
Melton Lord Edward Manners Conservative
Merionethshire T. E. Ellis Liberal
Merthyr Tydfil
(Two members)
David Alfred Thomas Liberal
William Pritchard Morgan Liberal
Middlesbrough Joseph Havelock Wilson Liberal (Lib-Lab)
Middleton Thomas Fielden Conservative
Midlothian Sir Thomas Gibson-Carmichael, Bt Liberal
Mile End Spencer Charrington Conservative
Monaghan North Daniel MacAleese Anti-Parnellite
Monaghan South James Daly Anti-Parnellite
Monmouth Albert Spicer Liberal
Monmouthshire North Reginald McKenna Liberal
Monmouthshire South Frederick Courtenay Morgan Conservative
Monmouthshire West Sir William Vernon Harcourt Liberal
Montgomery District Edward Pryce-Jones Conservative
Montgomeryshire Arthur Humphreys-Owen Liberal
Montrose District of Burghs John Shiress Will Liberal
Morley Alfred Eddison Hutton Liberal
Morpeth Thomas Burt Liberal (Lib-Lab)
New Forest Hon. John Douglas-Scott-Montagu Conservative
Newark Harold Finch-Hatton Conservative
Newbury William George Mount Conservative
(Two members)
Sir Charles Frederic Hamond Conservative
William Donaldson Cruddas Conservative
Newcastle-under-Lyme William Allen Liberal
Newington West Cecil Norton Liberal
Newmarket Harry McCalmont Conservative
Newport William Kenyon-Slaney Conservative
Newry Patrick George Hamilton Carvill Anti-Parnellite
Newton Hon. Thomas Legh Conservative
Norfolk East Robert John Price Liberal
Norfolk Mid Frederick William Wilson Liberal
Norfolk North Herbert Cozens-Hardy Liberal
Norfolk North West Joseph Arch Liberal
Norfolk South Francis Taylor Liberal Unionist
Norfolk South West Thomas Leigh Hare Conservative
Normanton Benjamin Pickard Liberal (Lib-Lab)
(Two members)
Henry Labouchère Liberal
Adolphus Drucker Conservative
Northamptonshire East Francis Channing Liberal
Northamptonshire Mid James Pender Conservative
Northamptonshire North Edward Philip Monckton Conservative
Northamptonshire South Hon. Edward Douglas-Pennant Conservative
Northwich Sir John Brunner, Bt Liberal
(Two members)
Sir Samuel Hoare, Bt Conservative
Sir Harry Bullard Conservative
Norwood Ernest Tritton Conservative
Nottingham East Edward Bond Conservative
Nottingham South Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck Conservative
Nottingham West James Henry Yoxall Liberal
Nuneaton Francis Newdegate Conservative
(Two members)
Robert Ascroft Conservative
James Francis Oswald Conservative
Orkney and Shetland Sir Leonard Lyell, Bt Liberal
Ormskirk Sir Arthur Forwood, Bt Conservative
Osgoldcross Sir John Austin Liberal
Ossory Eugene Crean Anti-Parnellite
Oswestry Stanley Leighton Conservative
Otley Marmaduke D'Arcy Wyvill Conservative
Oxford The Viscount Valentia Conservative
Oxford University
(Two members)
John Gilbert Talbot Conservative
Sir John Mowbray, Bt Conservative
Paddington North John Aird Conservative
Paddington South Sir George Fardell Conservative
Paisley Sir William Dunn, Bt Liberal
Partick James Parker Smith Liberal Unionist
Peckham Frederick Banbury Conservative
Peebles and Selkirk Walter Thorburn Liberal Unionist
Pembroke and Haverfordwest District John Wimburn Laurie Conservative
Pembrokeshire William Rees Morgan Davies Liberal
Penrith James Lowther Conservative
Penryn and Falmouth Frederick John Horniman Liberal
Perth Robert Wallace Liberal
Perthshire Eastern Sir John Kinloch, Bt Liberal
Perthshire Western Sir Donald Currie Liberal Unionist
Peterborough Robert Purvis Liberal Unionist
Petersfield William Wickham Conservative
(Two members)
Edward Clarke Conservative
Charles Harrison Liberal
Pontefract Thomas Willans Nussey Liberal
Poplar Sydney Buxton Liberal
(Two members)
Sir John Baker Liberal
Walter Owen Clough Liberal
(Two members)
Robert William Hanbury Conservative
William Edward Murray Tomlinson Conservative
Prestwich Frederick Cawley Liberal
Pudsey Briggs Priestley Liberal
Radcliffe-cum-Farnworth John James Mellor Conservative
Radnorshire Powlett Milbank Conservative
Ramsey Hon. Ailwyn Fellowes Conservative
Reading Charles Townshend Murdoch Conservative
Reigate Hon. Henry Cubitt Conservative
Renfrewshire East Hugh Shaw-Stewart Conservative
Renfrewshire West Charles Bine Renshaw Conservative
Rhondda District William Abraham Liberal
Richmond John Hutton Conservative
Ripon John Lloyd Wharton Conservative
Rochdale Clement Molyneux Royds Conservative
Rochester Viscount Cranborne Conservative
Romford Alfred Money Wigram Conservative
Roscommon North James Joseph O'Kelly Parnellite
Roscommon South Luke Hayden Parnellite
Ross Michael Biddulph Liberal Unionist
Ross and Cromarty James Galloway Weir Liberal
Rossendale John Henry Maden Liberal
Rotherham Sir Arthur Dyke Acland, Bt Liberal
Rotherhithe John Cumming Macdona Conservative
Roxburghshire The Earl of Dalkeith Conservative
Rugby Hon. Richard Verney Conservative
Rushcliffe John Ellis Liberal
Rutland George Henry Finch Conservative
Rye Arthur Montagu Brookfield Conservative
Saffron Walden Charles Gold Liberal
St Albans Hon. Vicary Gibbs Conservative
St Andrews District of Burghs Henry Torrens Anstruther Liberal Unionist
St Augustine's Aretas Akers-Douglas Conservative
St Austell William Alexander McArthur Liberal
St George, Hanover Square George Goschen Conservative
St George, Tower Hamlets Henry Hananel Marks Conservative
St Helens Henry Seton-Karr Conservative
St Ives Thomas Bedford Bolitho Liberal Unionist
St Pancras East Robert Grant Webster Conservative
St Pancras North Edward Robert Pacy Moon Conservative
St Pancras South Julian Goldsmid Liberal Unionist
St Pancras West Harry Robert Graham Conservative
Salford North Frederick Platt-Higgins Conservative
Salford South Sir Henry Hoyle Howorth Conservative
Salford West Lees Knowles Conservative
Salisbury Edward Hulse Conservative
Scarborough Joseph Compton-Rickett Liberal
Sevenoaks Henry Forster Conservative
Sheffield Attercliffe J. Batty Langley Liberal
Sheffield Brightside Anthony John Mundella Liberal
Sheffield Central Sir C. E. Howard Vincent Conservative
Sheffield Ecclesall Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett Conservative
Sheffield Hallam Charles Stuart-Wortley Conservative
Shipley Sir Fortescue Flannery Liberal Unionist
Shrewsbury Henry David Greene Conservative
Skipton Walter Morrison Liberal Unionist
Sleaford Henry Chaplin Conservative
Sligo North Bernard Collery Anti-Parnellite
Sligo South Thomas Curran Anti-Parnellite
Somerset Eastern Henry Hobhouse Liberal Unionist
Somerset Northern Evan Henry Llewellyn Conservative
Somerset Southern Edward Strachey Liberal
South Molton George Lambert Liberal
South Shields William Robson Liberal
(Two members)
Sir John Simeon, Bt Liberal Unionist
Tankerville Chamberlayne Conservative
Southport Hon. George Curzon Conservative
Southwark West Richard Causton Liberal
Sowerby John William Mellor Liberal
Spalding Harry Frederick Pollock Liberal Unionist
Spen Valley Thomas Palmer Whittaker Liberal
Stafford Charles Shaw Liberal
Staffordshire North West James Heath Conservative
Staffordshire West Hamar Alfred Bass Liberal Unionist
Stalybridge Tom Harrop Sidebottom Conservative
Stamford William Younger Conservative
Stepney Frederick Wootton Isaacson Conservative
Stirling District of Burghs Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman Liberal
Stirlingshire James McKillop Conservative
(Two members)
George Whiteley Conservative
Beresford Melville Conservative
Stockton-on-Tees Jonathan Samuel Liberal
Stoke-on-Trent Douglas Harry Coghill Liberal Unionist
Stowmarket Ian Malcolm Conservative
Strand Hon. William Danvers Smith Conservative
Stratford-on Avon Victor Milward Conservative
Stretford John William Maclure Conservative
Stroud Charles Cripps Conservative
Sudbury William Quilter Liberal Unionist
(Two members)
William Theodore Doxford Conservative
Sir Edward Gourley Liberal
Sutherlandshire John MacLeod Liberal
Swansea District David Brynmor Jones Liberal
Swansea Town Sir John Dillwyn Llewelyn, Bt Conservative
Tamworth Philip Muntz Conservative
Taunton Alfred Cholmeley Earle Welby Conservative
Tavistock Hugh Courtenay Fownes Luttrell Liberal
Tewkesbury Sir John Dorington, Bt Conservative
Thirsk and Malton John Grant Lawson Conservative
Thornbury Charles Colston Conservative
Tipperary East Thomas Joseph Condon Anti-Parnellite
Tipperary Mid James Francis Hogan Anti-Parnellite
Tipperary North Patrick Joseph O'Brien Anti-Parnellite
Tipperary South Francis Mandeville Anti-Parnellite
Tiverton Sir William Walrond, Bt Conservative
Torquay Arthur Stephens Philpotts Conservative
Totnes Francis Bingham Mildmay Liberal Unionist
Tottenham Joseph Howard Conservative
Truro Edwin Durning-Lawrence Liberal Unionist
Tullamore Joseph Francis Fox Anti-Parnellite
Tunbridge Arthur Griffith-Boscawen Conservative
Tynemouth Richard Sims Donkin Conservative
Tyneside Joseph Pease Liberal
Tyrone East Patrick Charles Doogan Anti-Parnellite
Tyrone Mid George Murnaghan Anti-Parnellite
Tyrone North Charles Hemphill Liberal
Tyrone South Thomas Wallace Russell Liberal Unionist
Uxbridge Sir Frederick Dixon-Hartland, Bt Conservative
Wakefield Viscount Milton Liberal Unionist
Walsall Sydney Gedge Conservative
Walthamstow Edmund Widdrington Byrne Conservative
Walworth James Bailey Conservative
Wandsworth Henry Kimber Conservative
Wansbeck Charles Fenwick Liberal (Lib-Lab)
Warrington Robert Pierpoint Conservative
Warwick and Leamington Hon. Alfred Lyttelton Liberal Unionist
Waterford City John Redmond Parnellite
County Waterford East Patrick Joseph Power Anti-Parnellite
County Waterford West James John O'Shee Anti-Parnellite
Watford Frederick Halsey Conservative
Wednesbury Walford Davis Green Conservative
Wellington (Salop) Alexander Brown Liberal Unionist
Wellington (Somerset) Sir Alexander Fuller-Acland-Hood, Bt Conservative
Wells Hon. Hylton Jolliffe Conservative
West Bromwich James Ernest Spencer Conservative
West Ham North Ernest Gray Conservative
West Ham South George Edward Banes Conservative
Westbury Richard Chaloner Conservative
Westhoughton Lord Stanley Conservative
Westmeath North James Tuite Anti-Parnellite
Westmeath South Donal Sullivan Anti-Parnellite
Westminster William Burdett-Coutts Conservative
Wexford North Thomas Joseph Healy Anti-Parnellite
Wexford South Peter Ffrench Anti-Parnellite
Whitby Ernest Beckett Conservative
Whitechapel Sir Samuel Montagu, Bt Liberal
Whitehaven Augustus Helder Conservative
Wick District of Burghs Sir John Pender Liberal Unionist
Wicklow East William Joseph Corbet Parnellite
Wicklow West James O'Connor Anti-Parnellite
Widnes John Saunders Gilliat Conservative
Wigan Sir Francis Powell, Bt Conservative
Wigtownshire Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bt Conservative
Wilton Viscount Folkestone Conservative
Wimbledon Cosmo Bonsor Conservative
Winchester William Henry Myers Conservative
Windsor Francis Barry Conservative
Wirral Edward Cotton-Jodrell Conservative
Wisbech Charles Tyrrell Giles Conservative
Wokingham Sir George Russell, Bt Conservative
Wolverhampton East Sir Henry Fowler Liberal
Wolverhampton South Charles Pelham Villiers Liberal Unionist
Wolverhampton West Alfred Hickman Conservative
Woodbridge Ernest George Pretyman Conservative
Woodstock George Herbert Morrell Conservative
Woolwich Edwin Hughes Conservative
Worcester George Allsopp Conservative
Worcestershire East Austen Chamberlain Liberal Unionist
Worcestershire North John William Wilson Liberal Unionist
Wycombe Viscount Curzon Conservative
(Two members)
John Butcher Conservative
Frank Lockwood Liberal







incomplete for 1899 and 1900


Whitaker's Almanac 1900

See also

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