Adyghe language

West Circassian
Адыгабзэ (Кӏахыбзэ)
Native to Russia (incl. Circassia: Adygea, Krasnodar region), Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Macedonia
Region North Caucasus
Ethnicity Circassians, Cherkesogai
Native speakers
(490,000 cited 1986–2010)[1]
Official status
Official language in
Adygea (Russia)
Language codes
ISO 639-2 ady
ISO 639-3 ady
Glottolog adyg1241[2]

Distribution of the Adyghe language in Adygea, Russia (2002).

Adyghe (/ˈædɡ/ or /ˌɑːdˈɡ/;[3] Adyghe: Адыгабзэ, adyghabze IPA: [aːdəɣabza]), also known as West Circassian (КӀахыбзэ), is one of the two official languages of the Republic of Adygea in the Russian Federation, the other being Russian. It is spoken by various tribes of the Adyghe people: Abzekh,[4] Adamey, Bzhedug;[5] Hatuqwai, Temirgoy, Mamkhegh; Natekuay, Shapsug;[6] Zhaney, Yegerikuay, each with its own dialect. The language is referred to by its speakers as Adygebze or Adəgăbză, and alternatively spelled in English as Adygean, Adygeyan or Adygei. The literary language is based on the Temirgoy dialect.

There are apparently around 128,000 speakers of Adyghe in Russia, almost all of them native speakers. In total, some 300,000 speak it worldwide. The largest Adyghe-speaking community is in Turkey, spoken by the post Russian–Circassian War (circa 1763–1864) diaspora; in addition to that, the Adyghe language is spoken by the Cherkesogai in Krasnodar Krai.

Adyghe belongs to the family of Northwest Caucasian languages. Kabardian (also known as East Circassian) is a very close relative, treated by some as a dialect of Adyghe or of an overarching Circassian language. Ubykh, Abkhaz, and Abaza are somewhat more distantly related to Adyghe.

The language was standardized after the October Revolution in 1917. Since 1936, the Cyrillic script has been used to write Adyghe. Before that, an Arabic-based alphabet was used together with the Latin.


The West Circassian dialects family tree.


Adyghe exhibits a large number of consonants: between 50 and 60 consonants in the various Adyghe dialects. All dialects possess a contrast between plain and labialized glottal stops. A very unusual minimal contrast, and possibly unique to the Abzakh dialect of Adyghe, is a three-way contrast between plain, labialized and palatalized glottal stops (although a palatalized glottal stop is also found in Hausa). The Black Sea dialect of Adyghe contains a very uncommon sound: a bidental fricative [h̪͆], which corresponds to the voiceless velar fricative [x] found in other varieties of Adyghe. The phoneme [f] ф found in the Adyghe dialects correspond to [xʷ] ху in Kabardian, for example the Adyghe words тфы [tfə] "five", фыжьы [fəʑə] "white" and цӏыфы [t͡sʼəfə] "person" are тху [txʷə], хужь [xʷəʑ] and цӏыху [t͡sʼəxʷ] in Kabardian. Though the Adyghe dialects lost the consonant [xʷ], it exist in the Temirgoy dialect in the suffix -шхо /-ʃxʷa/ which means big or mighty, for example унэ /wəna/ "house" and тхьэ /tħa/ "God" to унэшхо /wənaʃxʷa/ "large house" and тхьэшхо /tħaʃxʷa/ "mighty God". The phoneme written Л л is pronounced as a voiced alveolar lateral fricative [ɮ] mostly by the Circassians of Adygea, but many Circassians in diaspora pronounce it as an alveolar lateral approximant [l]. In many Adyghe dialects (e.g. Bzhedug, Shapsug and Abzakh) there exist [t͡ɕʷ] чъу that corresponds to standard Temirgoy [t͡sʷ] цу, for example the Temirgoy word цуакъэ [t͡sʷaːqa] is чъуакъэ [t͡ɕʷaːqa] in the other Adyghe dialects.

Labial Alveolar Post-alveolar Alveolo-
Retroflex Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
plain lab. plain lab. lat. plain lab. plain lab. pal. plain lab. plain lab.
Nasal m n
Plosive voiceless p t k1 ()2 q ʔ ʔʷ
voiced b d ɡ1 ɡʷ (ɡʲ)2
ejective pʷʼ tʷʼ kʷʼ (kʲʼ)2
Affricate voiceless t͡s t͡sʷ t͡ʃ t͡ʂ
voiced d͡z d͡zʷ d͡ʒ
ejective t͡sʼ t͡ʃʼ t͡ʂʼ
Fricative voiceless f s ɬ ʃ ʃʷ ɕ ʂ x χ χʷ ħ
voiced v1 z n ʒ ʒʷ ʑ ʐ ɣ ʁ ʁʷ
ejective ɬʼ ʃʼ ʃʷʼ
Approximant j w
Trill r
  1. Consonants that exist only in borrowed words.
  2. In the Black Sea coast Adyghe dialects (e.g. Shapsug dialect and Natukhai dialect) there exist a palatalized voiced velar stop [ɡʲ], a palatalized voiceless velar stop [] and a palatalized velar ejective [kʲʼ] that were merged with [d͡ʒ], [t͡ʃ] and [t͡ʃʼ] in most Adyghe dialects.<ref name""=>Палатализация (смягчение) и аффрикатизация согласных (Russian)</ref>[7]<ref name""=>Консонантная система уляпского говора в сопоставлении с аналогами других диалектов адыгских языков (Russian)</ref><ref name""=>Studia Caucasologica I page 11 (English)</ref> For example, the Shapsug words "гьанэ" [ɡʲaːna] "shirt", "кьэт" [kʲat] "chicken" and "кӏьапсэ" [kʲʼaːpsa] "rope" are pronounced in other dialects as "джанэ" [d͡ʒaːna], "чэт" [t͡ʃat] and кӏапсэ [t͡ʃʼaːpsa].

In contrast to its large consonant inventory, Adyghe has only three phonemic vowels in a classic vertical vowel system.

Close-mid ə
Open-mid ɜ
Open ɡ


Main article: Adyghe grammar

Adyghe, like all Northwest Caucasian languages, has a basic agent–object–verb typology, and is characterized by an ergative construction of the sentence.


Cyrillic Latin IPA Pronunciation Words
А а ā [] ачъэ (goat), апчъы (they count)
Б б b [b] баджэ (wolf), бэ (a lot)
В в v [v] кэнау
Г г ɣ [ɣ] гыны (powder), чъыгы (tree)
Гу гу [ɡʷ] гу (heart), гущыӏ (word)
Гъ гъ ġ / ǧ [ʁ] гъатхэ (spring), гъэмаф (summer)
Гъу гъу ġ° / ǧ° [ʁʷ] гъунэгъу (neighbor), гъунджэ (mirror)
Д д d [d] дыджы (bitter), дахэ (pretty)
Дж дж ǯʹ [d͡ʒ] джан (shirt), лъэмыдж (bridge)
Дз дз ʒ [d͡z] дзыо (bag), дзын (to throw)
Дзу дзу ʒ° [d͡zʷ] хьандзу (rick), хьандзуачӏ (lower rick)
Е е e [aj] [ja] ешэн (to catch), еплъын (to look at)
(Ё ё) ë [jo] ёлк
Ж ж ž [ʒ] жэ (mouth), жакӏэ (beard)
Жъ жъ [ʐ] жъы (old), жъажъэ (slow)
Жъу жъу ẑ° [ʒʷ] жъун (to melt), жъуагъо (star)
Жь жь žʹ [ʑ] жьыбгъэ (wind), жьао (shadow)
З з z [z] занкӏэ (straight), зандэ (steep)
И и i [əj] [] ихьан (to enter), икӏыпӏ
Й й j [j] йод, бай (rich)
К к k [k] кнопк, ручк
Ку ку [] кушъэ (cradle), ку (cart)
Къ къ q [q] къалэ (city), къэкӏон (to come)
Къу къу [] къухьэ (ship), къушъхьэ (mountain)
Кӏ кӏ č̣ʹ [] [tʃʼ] кӏымаф (winter), кӏыхьэ (long), кӏэ (tail), шкӏэ (calf)
Кӏу кӏу ḳ° [kʷʼ] кӏон (to walk), кӏуакӏэ (strong)
Л л l [l] лагъэ (painted), лы (meat)
ɮ ([ɮ])
Лъ лъ ł [l] лъэбэкъу (step), лъащэ (lame)
Лӏ лӏ [ɬʼ] лӏы (man), лӏыгъэ (bravery)
М м m [m] мазэ (moon), мэлы (sheep)
Н н n [ɮ] нэ (eye), ны (mother)
О о o [aw] [wa] мощ (that), коны (bin), о (you), осы (snow), ощхы (rain)
П п p [p] пэ (nose), сапэ (dust)
Пӏ пӏ [] пӏэ (bed), пӏэшъхьагъ (pillow)
Пӏу пӏу ṗ° [pʷʼ] пӏун (to rise, to adopt), пӏур (pupil, apprentice)
Р р r [r] рикӏэн (to pour into), риӏон (to tell him)
С с s [s] сэ (i, me), сэшхо (sabre)
Т т t [t] тэтэжъ (grandfather), тэ (we)
Тӏ тӏ [] тӏы (ram), ятӏэ (dirt)
Тӏу тӏу ṭ° [tʷʼ] тӏурыс (old), тӏурытӏу (pair)
У у w [əw] [] ушхун (straighten), убэн (tamp, to make smooth)
Ф ф f [f] фыжьы (white), фэен (to want)
Х х x [x] хы (sea, six), хасэ (council)
Хъ хъ χ [χ] хъыен (to move), пхъэн (to sow)
Хъу хъу χ° [χʷ] хъун (to happen), хъурай (circle)
Хь хь [ħ] хьэ (dog), хьаку (oven)
Ц ц c [t͡s] цагэ (rib), цы (hair on body)
Цу цу [t͡sʷ] цуакъэ (shoe), цу (ox)
Цӏ цӏ [t͡sʼ] цӏынэ (wet), цӏыфы (person)
Ч ч č̍ [t͡ʃ] чэфы (cheerful), чэты (chicken)
Чӏ чӏ č̣ [t͡ʂʼ] чӏыпӏэ (area), чӏыфэ (debt)
Чъ чъ č [t͡ʂ] чъыгай (oak), чъыӏэ (cold)
Ш ш š [ʃ] шы (brother), шыблэ (thunder)
Шъ шъ ŝ [ʂ] шъэ (hundred), шъабэ (soft)
Шъу шъу ŝ° [ʃʷ] шъугъуалэ (envious), шъукъакӏу (come – to plural)
Шӏ шӏ ṣ̂ [ʃʼ] шӏын (to do), шӏэныгъ (knowledge)
Шӏу шӏу ṣ̂° [ʃʷʼ] шӏуцӏэ (black), шӏуфэс (greetings)
Щ щ šʹ [ɕ] щагу (yard), щатэ (sour cream)
(Ъ ъ)
Ы ы ə [ə] ыкӏи (and also), зы (one)
(Ь ь)
Э э ă [a] ӏэтаж (floor), нэнэжъ (grandmother)
(Ю ю) ju [ju] Юсыф (Joseph), Юныс (Jonah)
Я я [jaː] яй (theirs), ябгэ (evil)
ӏ ʾ [ʔ] ӏэ (hand), кӏасэ (like)
ӏу ՚° [ʔʷ] ӏукӏэн (to meet), ӏусын (to be near sitting), ӏудан (thread)

Adyghe dialect letters

Cyrillic Latin IPA Pronunciation Words Dialects
Гь гь ɡ’ ([ɡʲ]) гьанэ (shirt), гьэгун (to play) Shapsug dialect. Correspond to Дж дж.
Кь кь k ([]) кьэт (chicken), кьэтыу (cat), кьэфы (cheerful) Shapsug dialect, Correspond to Ч ч.
Кӏь кӏь ([kʲʼ]) кӏьэ (tail), кӏьакӏьэ (egg), кӏьапсэ (rope) Shapsug dialect, Correspond to Кӏ кӏ.
Сӏ сӏ ṣ̣ ([]) сӏэ (name), псӏы (lie) Shapsug dialect, Correspond to Цӏ цӏ
Чъу чъу č̍° ([t͡ɕʷ]) чъуакъо (shoe), чъу (ox) Shapsug dialect, Abzakh dialect. Correspond to Цу цу
ӏь ʾ’ ([ʔʲ]) ӏьалэ (boy), ӏьэс (sits under) Abzakh dialect

Labialized consonants

Гу [ɡʷ], Гъу [ʁʷ], Дзу [d͡zʷ], Ку [kʷ], Къу [qʷ], КIу [kʷʼ], ПIу [pʷʼ], ТIу [tʷʼ], Хъу [χʷ], Цу [t͡sʷ], Шъу [ʃʷ], ШIу [ʃʷʼ], Iу [ʔʷ].

In some dialects : Кхъу [q͡χʷ], Ху [xʷ], Чъу [t͡ɕʷ].

Writing system rules


The vowels are written ы [ə], э [a] and а [aː].

Other letters represent diphthongs: я represents [jaː], и [jə] or [əj], о [wa] or [o], у represent [u] or [w] or [wə] and е represents [aj] or [ja].

Writing systems

Modern Adyghe uses a Cyrillic alphabet with the addition of the letter Ӏ (palochka). Previously Arabic (before 1927) and Latin (1927–38) alphabets had been used.

Adyghe outside Circassia

Adyghe is taught outside Circassia in a Jordanian School for the Jordanian Adyghes, Prince Hamza Ibn Al-Hussein Secondary School in Amman. This school, which was established by the Adyghe Jordanians with support from the late king Hussein of Jordan, is one of the first schools for the Adyghe communities outside Circassia. It has around 750 Jordanian Adyghe students, and one of its major goals is to preserve Adyghe among newer Adyghe generations, while also emphasizing the traditions of the Adyghes.[8]

Adyghe is spoken by Circassians in Iraq and by Circassians in Israel, where it is taught in schools in their villages. It is also spoken by many Circassians in Syria, although the majority of Syrian Circassians speak Kabardian.

UNESCO 2009 map of endangered languages

According to the UNESCO 2009 map entitled "UNESCO Map of the World's Languages in Danger", the status of the Adyghe language in 2009, along with all its dialects (Adyghe, Western Circassian tribes) and (Kabard-Cherkess, Eastern Circassian tribes), is classified as vulnerable.[9]

Sample text

Ублапӏэм ыдэжь Гущыӏэр щыӏагъ. Ар Тхьэм ыдэжь щыӏагъ, а Гущыӏэри Тхьэу арыгъэ. Ублапӏэм щегъэжьагъэу а Гущыӏэр Тхьэм ыдэжь щыӏагъ. Тхьэм а Гущыӏэм зэкӏэри къыригъэгъэхъугъ. Тхьэм къыгъэхъугъэ пстэуми ащыщэу а Гущыӏэм къыримыгъгъэхъугъэ зи щыӏэп. Мыкӏодыжьын щыӏэныгъэ а Гущыӏэм хэлъыгъ, а щыӏэныгъэри цӏыфхэм нэфынэ афэхъугъ. Нэфынэр шӏункӏыгъэм щэнэфы, шӏункӏыгъэри нэфынэм текӏуагъэп.

Translation: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.

See also


  1. Adyghe at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
  2. Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Adyghe". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
  3. "Adyghe". Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. September 2005. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  4. Abzakh dialect (French)
  5. Bzhedug dialect (French)
  6. Shapsoug dialect (French)
  7. Переднеязычные мягкие шипящие аффрикаты дж, ч, к1 (Russian)
  8. Circassians bid to save ancient language. Al Jazeera. 14 May 2010. Retrieved 29 December 2011.
  9. "UNESCO Map of World's language in Danger" (PDF). Retrieved 24 June 2009.

External links

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