Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016

Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016
United States
February 1 – June 7, 2016

2,472 delegates to the Republican National Convention
1,237 delegate votes needed to win
Candidate Donald Trump Ted Cruz
Home state New York Texas
Estimated delegate count 1,014[1] 546[1]
Contests won 28 11
Popular vote 10,717,357[2] 7,325,796[2]
Percentage 40.2% 27.5%

Candidate Marco Rubio John Kasich
Home state Florida Ohio
Estimated delegate count 173[2] 154[1]
Contests won 3 1
Popular vote 3,497,886[2] 3,764,238[2]
Percentage 13.1% 14.1%

First place by first-instance vote
     Donald Trump      Ted Cruz
     Marco Rubio      John Kasich

Previous Republican nominee

Mitt Romney

Presumptive Republican nominee

Donald Trump

The 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries and caucuses are a series of ongoing electoral contests taking place within all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories, occurring between February 1 and June 7. Sanctioned by the Republican Party, these elections are designed to select the 2,472 delegates to send to the Republican National Convention, which will select the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election. They also approve the party platform and vice-presidential nominee. The Republican nominee will challenge other presidential candidates in national elections to succeed President Barack Obama in January 2017 following his two terms in office.

A total of 17 major candidates entered the race starting March 23, 2015, when Senator Ted Cruz of Texas was the first to formally announce his candidacy: former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson of Maryland, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, businesswoman Carly Fiorina of California, former Governor Jim Gilmore of Virginia, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, former Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Governor John Kasich of Ohio, former Governor George Pataki of New York, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, former Governor Rick Perry of Texas, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, businessman Donald Trump of New York and Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. This was the largest presidential primary field for any political party in American history.[3]

Prior to the Iowa caucuses on February 1, Perry, Walker, Jindal, Graham and Pataki withdrew due to low polling numbers. Despite leading many polls in Iowa, Trump came in second to Cruz, after which Huckabee, Paul and Santorum withdrew due to poor performances at the ballot box. Following a sizable victory for Trump in the New Hampshire primary, Christie, Fiorina and Gilmore abandoned the race. Bush capitulated after scoring fourth place to Trump, Rubio and Cruz in South Carolina. On Super Tuesday, March 1, 2016, Rubio won his first contest in Minnesota, Cruz won Alaska, Oklahoma and his home of Texas, and Trump won seven states. Failing to gain traction, Carson suspended his campaign a few days later.[4] On March 15, 2016, nicknamed "Super Tuesday II," Kasich won his first contest in Ohio and Trump won 5 primaries: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Rubio suspended his campaign after losing his home state,[5] but he retained a large share of his delegates for the national convention.[6]

From March 15 to May 3, only three candidates remained in the race: Trump, Cruz and Kasich. Cruz won most delegates in four Western contests and in Wisconsin, keeping a credible path to denying Trump the nomination on first ballot with 1,237 delegates. However Trump scored landslide victories in New York and five North-Eastern states in April, and he grabbed all delegates in the Indiana primary of May 3. Without any further chances of forcing a contested convention, both Cruz[7] and Kasich[8] suspended their campaigns. Trump remained the only candidate and presumptive Republican nominee, as declared by Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus on the evening of May 3.[9]

Candidates and results

17 major candidates were listed in major independent nationwide polls and filed as candidates with the Federal Election Commission. (See the main article for other notable candidates) There will be a total of 2,472 delegates going to the 2016 Republican National Convention and the winning candidate will need a simple majority of 1,237 votes to be the Republican nominee.

Delegate breakdown

As of May 3, 2016, 47 primary contests have been conducted to choose 2,027 delegates. Nine more state primaries are scheduled until June 7, yielding 445 more delegates to be elected. In 50 states and territories the delegates are allocated to candidates by popular vote either statewide or on the congressional district level and then elected according to state rules. In 6 states and territories, the first-instance popular vote did not allocate any delegates; they were elected later at local conventions and either bound to a candidate or uncommitted.[10]

Most delegates are elected as bound delegates, meaning that they must vote for a specific candidate on the first ballot at the national convention. Some delegates will attend the convention as unbound or uncommitted delegates, meaning that they are free to vote for anyone at the first ballot. These 124 uncommitted delegates includes 18 unbound RNC delegates,[lower-alpha 1] and 106 delegates that have been elected or allocated as uncommitted.[lower-alpha 2] Uncommitted delegates can still express a preference for a candidate, although it is not binding. Among the 889 delegates elected for candidates who have later dropped out of the race, 155 are still bound to vote for their candidate on the first ballot[lower-alpha 3] and 34 have been released[lower-alpha 4] according to local rules of each state party. The voting obligations of those 700 delegates bound to freshly eliminated candidates (546 for Cruz and 154 for Kasich) have not yet been published.

If no candidate is elected in the first round of voting, a progressively larger number of delegates are allowed to vote for a candidate of their choice. The voting rules on subsequent ballots are determined by individual states: most states release their delegates on the second round of voting, and only four states keep them bound on the third round and beyond.[12]

Due to the convoluted election process and divergent definitions of delegate allegiance, even well-informed reporters have to make various assumptions and calculations to deliver accurate delegate tallies. Estimates that include unbound delegates are called "soft counts"; three such estimates by prominent media and analysts are in the right side of the table below. In contrast, the "hard count" includes only those delegates that are bound to vote for a specific candidate at the first ballot, irrespective of their personal preference. The left side of the table shows the current hard count, as reported by election analyst The Green Papers.[13] The middle of the table shows how many delegate votes are required in addition to already elected bound delegates for the presumptive nominee to legally secure the nomination.

Presumptive nominee Bound delegates only[13]
(hard count)
still needed
All delegates
(soft counts)
AP[14] CNN[15] TGP[13]
Donald Trump
1,014 / 1,237
223 / 448
1,068 1,064 1,057
Other candidates 889 N/A 905 906 914
Uncommitted 121 57 57 37
Available 448 457 445 464

Major candidates

This table show how many bound delegates the candidates had before they suspended their campaigns, it is does not show how many unbound delegates had pledge themselve to a candidate during the primaries neither does it show the final result of the vote at the National Convention. Though a state is considered won by a candidate if a plurality of the state's delegates are bound, RNC Rule 40(b)[16] requires that a candidate has to show support of a majority of delegates in 8 states to be eligible as the nominee. Convention rules are based on delegate votes, not the popular vote. In the context of Republican primaries, the term "states" refers collectively to the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the five inhabited territories (altogether 56 delegations) as specified in RNC Rule 1(b).[16] In the following table, states where the candidates have achieved a majority of bound delegates are marked in bold.

Candidate Most recent position Campaign
Withdrawal date
Contests won[lower-alpha 5]
Donald Trump Chairman of The Trump Organization

Campaign site


Ted Cruz U.S. Senator from Texas

Withdrew: May 3


Marco Rubio U.S. Senator from Florida

Withdrew: March 15
John Kasich 69th
Governor of Ohio


Withdrew: May 4
Ben Carson Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery
for Johns Hopkins Hospital


Withdrew: March 4
(endorsed Donald Trump)
Jeb Bush 43rd
Governor of Florida


Withdrew: February 20
(endorsed Ted Cruz)
Rand Paul U.S. Senator from Kentucky

Withdrew: February 3
(endorsed Donald Trump)
1 64,914
Mike Huckabee 44th
Governor of Arkansas


Withdrew: February 1
(endorsed Donald Trump)
1 49,605
Carly Fiorina CEO of Hewlett-Packard

Withdrew: February 10
(endorsed Ted Cruz)
1 38,346
Chris Christie 55th
Governor of New Jersey


Withdrew: February 10
(endorsed Donald Trump)
Rick Santorum U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania

Withdrew: February 3
(endorsed Marco Rubio)
Jim Gilmore 68th
Governor of Virginia


Withdrew: February 12
(endorsed Donald Trump)
Other candidates 35,057
Uncommitted delegates 124
2,027 / 2,472
47 / 56[lower-alpha 6]

Withdrew before the primaries

Results by delegates

Results by popular votes

Results by popular vote in counties

     Trump       Cruz       Kasich       Rubio       Carson
     Tie       Uncommitted

Timeline of the race


2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the election to incumbent president Barack Obama. The Republican National Committee, believing that the long, drawn-out 2012 primary season had politically and personally damaged Romney, drafted plans to condense the 2016 primary season. As part of these plans, the 2016 Republican National Convention was scheduled for the relatively early date of July 18–21, 2016,[17] the earliest since Republicans nominated Thomas Dewey in June 1948.[18][19] By comparison, the 2012 Republican National Convention was held August 27–30.

With Kasich's announcement to enter the race on July 21, 2015, the field reached 16 candidates,[20] officially becoming the largest presidential field in the history of the Republican Party, surpassing the 1948 primaries. With Gilmore's announcement to enter the race on July 30, 2015,[21] the field reached 17 candidates, becoming the largest presidential field in American history, surpassing the 16 candidates in the Democratic Party presidential primaries of both 1972 and 1976.[22][23]

In mid-December 2014, Bush, widely seen as a possible frontrunner for the nomination due to his relatively moderate stances, record as governor of a crucial swing state, name recognition and access to high-paying donors, was the first candidate to form a political action committee (PAC) and exploratory committee.[24] Many other candidates followed suit. The first candidate to declare his candidacy was Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who is popular among grassroots conservatives due to his association with the Tea Party movement.[25][26]

The 2016 candidates originate in several Republican Party tendencies, with the grassroots conservatives represented by Cruz and Carson, the Christian right represented by Huckabee and Santorum and the moderates or establishment represented by Bush and Christie, among others. In addition, some candidates are seen as appealing to both conservatives and moderates, such as Kasich, Jindal, Walker, Rubio and Paul. Two notable candidates from the previous primaries in 2012 returned for a second consecutive run in 2016: Santorum and Perry. Lastly, there are candidates with minimal to no political experience—Carson, Trump and Fiorina, who tout their lack of political experience as a positive while others criticize it as making them unqualified for the office.[27][28][29]

The field has been noted for its diversity and has even been called the most diverse presidential field in American history. This included two Latinos (Cruz and Rubio), a woman (Fiorina), an Indian-American (Jindal) and an African-American (Carson). Five are the sons of immigrants: Cruz (Cuban father), Jindal (Indian parents), Rubio (Cuban parents), Santorum (Italian father) and Trump (Scottish mother).[30][31][32][33]


Rick Perry presidential campaign, 2016 Scott Walker presidential campaign, 2016 Bobby Jindal presidential campaign, 2016 Lindsey Graham presidential campaign, 2016 George Pataki presidential campaign, 2016 Mike Huckabee presidential campaign, 2016 Rand Paul presidential campaign, 2016 Rick Santorum presidential campaign, 2016 Carly Fiorina presidential campaign, 2016 Chris Christie presidential campaign, 2016 Jim Gilmore presidential campaign, 2016 Jeb Bush presidential campaign, 2016 Ben Carson presidential campaign, 2016 Marco Rubio presidential campaign, 2016 Ted Cruz presidential campaign, 2016 John Kasich presidential campaign, 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016
Active campaigns
Campaigns ended during the primaries
Campaigns ended before the primaries
Primary elections begin
Super Tuesday
Super Tuesday II
Indiana primary
Primary elections end
Convention 2016

2012–14: Fluctuating polls

Governor Chris Christie polled highly until the 2014 "Bridgegate" scandal. He suspended his campaign after falling below the threshold in New Hampshire.

After Romney's unsuccessful 2012 campaign, the potential 2016 field was left without a clear future nominee, similar to that of 2008. Different speculations began rising from all sides of the right-leaning political spectrum as to who would make the best possible nominee: One faction of candidates included young freshmen senators, some with alliances to the Tea Party movement, such as Cruz, Paul and Rubio, who in particular was the focus of attention immediately following 2012. In most national polls from late-2012 to mid-2013, Rubio was leading due to being young, articulate, having a broad appeal among conservatives and moderates and also for his Latino heritage and continued efforts on immigration reform, which many viewed as possible tools to draw Hispanic voters to the GOP.[34][35][36]

However, another narrative for the nomination, similar to that which drove Romney's campaign in 2012, was that the nominee needed to be a governor in a traditionally Democratic or swing state, with a proven record that would stand as proof that such a governor could be president as well. The possible candidates that fit this criteria included Bush, Gilmore, Kasich, Pataki and Christie, who in particular had been rising in popularity due to his loud and blunt manner of speaking at public events, championed by some as challenging conventional political rhetoric.[37][38][39] With his record as governor of New Jersey, a heavily Democratic state, factored in, Christie overtook Rubio in the polls from mid-2013 up until early 2014, when the "Bridgegate" scandal was first revealed and started to damage Christie's reputation and poll standing.[40] Although Christie was later cleared of personal responsibility in the subsequent investigation, he never regained frontrunner status.[41]

After Christie's fall in the polls, the polls fluctuated from January to November 2014; candidates who often performed well included Paul, Wisconsin congressman and 2012 vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan (the eventual House Speaker) and former candidates such as former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and then-governor of Texas Rick Perry, further reflecting the uncertainty of the upcoming race for the nomination.[42][43]

2014–15: Jeb Bush leading the polls

Despite holding an unsteady lead in most of 2014 and early 2015, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was unable to garner popular support and suspended his campaign following the South Carolina primary.

In April 2014, Robert Costa and Philip Rucker of The Washington Post reported that the period of networking and relationship-building that they dubbed the "credentials caucus" had begun, with prospective candidates "quietly studying up on issues and cultivating ties to pundits and luminaries from previous administrations".[44]

Though Bush often polled in the low double digits, he was considered a prominent candidate due to his high fundraising ability, record as governor of Florida (a crucial swing state) and electability.[45][46] By November 2014, Bush had finally solidified his lead in the polls.[47][48] Around this time there were talks of the possibility of Romney making a third run for the presidency. During this period from November 2014 until late January 2015, the speculation fueled Romney's rise in many national polls as well, challenging Bush.[49] Although Romney admitted he was entertaining the idea after initially declining, he ultimately reaffirmed his decision not to run on January 30, 2015.[50]

However, by the end of February, another challenger rose to match Bush in the polls: Walker, who often touted his record as governor in a traditionally Democratic state, particularly noting his victory in a recall election in 2012 (the first governor in American history to do so), combined with his reelection in 2014. Walker and Bush balanced out in the polls from late February until about mid-June, at which point Trump entered the race.[51] Walker's challenge to Bush also allowed other candidates to briefly resurge in some polls from late April up until mid-June, including former top performers Rubio, Paul and Huckabee, in addition to several newcomers to the top tier of polling, including Cruz and Carson.[42][43]

Mid-2015: Donald Trump and the rise of the outsiders

Donald Trump's poll numbers surged as he entered the race and he held a strong lead entering the primary season. After losing Iowa to Cruz, Trump won the next three February primaries.

Shortly after Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, many pundits noted his uniquely outspoken nature, blunt language and rhetoric often directly contradicting traditional political candidates. This style was seen as resonating strongly with potential Republican primary voters and Trump began to rise in the polls.[52] After a few weeks of briefly matching Bush, Trump surged into first place in all major national polls by mid-July,[53] which he continued to lead consistently until November. Trump also polled well in the early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, often leading or coming in second in those states.

Although Carly Fiorina rose in the polls after the second debate, she failed to capitalize on her momentum and faded quickly. She ultimately suspended her campaign after New Hampshire. She briefly served as Cruz's running mate from April 27 to May 3, until Cruz suspended his campaign as well.

With the surge of Trump, a man who had never held political office, the general focus began to shift over to other non-politician candidates, commonly known as "outsiders" and the other two outsiders in the field quickly rose in the polls as well in the wake of the first two debates: Carson, who rose into second place after a well-received performance in the first debate and Fiorina, who rose into the top three after her performance in the second debate.[54][55][56] The rising popularity of non-politician outsiders shocked many political analysts, and fueled a new conversation about how those with no political experience or prior runs for office could appeal more to potential primary voters than lifelong career politicians and what it means for the future of the Republican party and American politics in general.[57][58][59] In mid-September, the first two major candidates dropped out of the race. Perry suspended his campaign on September 11, 2015, citing his failure to qualify for the primetime debates, his subsequent failure to raise a significant amount of money and his indictment as reasons.[60][61] Ten days later, on September 21, 2015, Walker suspended his campaign mainly due to his own poll numbers dropping after two lackluster debate performances.[62]

End of 2015: The field stabilizes, six candidates gain traction

Governor Scott Walker surprised many political observers when he announced the suspension of his campaign on September 21, 2015 in Wisconsin.

By the end of September, most polling averages indicated that the field was finally stabilizing in terms of public opinion and six candidates in particular were gaining traction and pulling away from the rest of the field by considerable margins. Polling averages indicated the top six as Trump, Carson, Rubio, Fiorina, Bush and Cruz.[63] Trump and Carson were consistently first and second, respectively, while Fiorina was initially in third before being surpassed by Rubio and Bush and Cruz remained in fifth and sixth, respectively.[64][65][66] The other candidates who had been in the top ten of polling—Christie, Huckabee, Paul and Kasich—all leveled out at roughly 3% or less, while the five remaining candidates outside the top ten—Santorum, Jindal, Pataki, Graham and Gilmore—were consistently polling below 1%. By the third debate in late October, Bush and Fiorina's numbers were also beginning to fade, while Cruz was on the rise and began coming in fourth by most poll averages.[63] The third debate only solidified these numbers-– Bush and Fiorina remained in low digits as both were considered lackluster, while Cruz was widely held as the winner and rose even further.[67][68] Throughout this period, Trump and Carson alone had pulled well ahead of the rest of the field and with Trump often registering in the low 30s and high 20s and Carson in the low 20s, the two of them combined often made up well over 50% of the electorate in a vast majority of national polls.[63] Later in October and in early November, Carson began to match even with Trump by most polling averages, rising into the mid 20s and often finishing either just behind or just ahead of Trump.[69][70]

An autumn surge had former neurosurgeon Ben Carson polling even with Trump at one point, but his support decreased significantly following the terrorist attacks in Paris, which highlighted Carson's perceived inexperience on foreign policy. He later suspended his campaign after four last-place finishes on Super Tuesday and endorsed Trump in response to Fiorina endorsing Cruz.[71]

By October, with the polls reflecting a field that seemed to be stabilizing, most commentators began to claim that the field had already established who the final four candidates-– those who were in the race for the long-term and had the best chance of actually becoming the nominee-– would be.[72] The four were listed as being Trump, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz: Trump and Carson for their appeal as outsiders, as well as their opposite personalities-– with Trump's blunt nature and tough foreign policy stances, against Carson's soft-spoken nature and personal favorability—Rubio for his appeal to Hispanics and his stance on such issues as immigration reform, combined with strong debate performances and significant donor backing and Cruz for his appeal to Tea Party and Christian Conservative voters, which was seen as possibly having a strong impact in the southern states.[72][73][74][75] On November 17, 2015, Jindal became the third major Republican candidate to drop out.[76] The November 2015 Paris attacks on November 13 were widely seen as having a significant impact on the 2016 presidential race, particularly on the Republican side.[77] The attacks were seen as boosting the campaigns of those with tough stances on immigration like Trump and Cruz, as well as the foreign policy hawks like Rubio.[78][79] Possibly as a result, Carson-– who had previously been perceived as uninformed and relatively inarticulate on foreign policy-– began to suffer in the polls, with Trump once again solidifying a double-digit lead over everyone else, while Rubio and Cruz began to steadily rise as Carson's numbers declined.[63][80]

Senator Ted Cruz saw a steady rise in the polls following the CNBC debate in late October. He began the election cycle with a win in Iowa and dropped out after being defeated by Trump in Indiana.

By December, Cruz had overtaken Carson by solidifying a base of support among Christian conservatives and averaged national polling of 18%, second only to Trump.[81] The non-interventionist Paul still failed to make traction at this juncture, while Carson fell down to about 10%, roughly even with Rubio.[63] On December 15, 2015, there was another presidential debate, which saw no major changes in the perceptions of the candidates. On December 21, 2015, the same day as the deadline to withdraw from the ballot in his home state of South Carolina, Graham suspended his campaign. Eight days later, on December 29, Pataki, who was struggling to poll above the margin of error, suspended his campaign as well.[82]

January 2016: The road to the early primaries

2016 dawned with the several-month-long truce between Trump and Cruz being broken.[83] Cruz accused Trump of not being a consistent conservative or an ethical businessman, while Trump questioned the Canadian-born Cruz's constitutional eligibility to be president—candidates have to be natural-born U.S. citizens to be eligible to be president—while noting Cruz's past calls for immigration reform.[84][85] This occurred as Trump and Cruz were vying for supremacy at the top of Iowa polls, in addition to both being the top two candidates in all national polls, ahead of the rest of the field by significant margins.[86][87] In the closing weeks before Iowa, Trump and Cruz ran dueling television commercials, each attacking the other's record.[88] Meanwhile, there was conflict between "establishment" candidates Rubio, Christie, Bush and Kasich, largely due to a media-reinforced belief that only a single establishment candidate could remain in the race past the early primaries. The establishment candidates staked their bids on strong showings in New Hampshire and both Christie and Kasich saw upticks in their polling in the weeks before the primary.[89][90] Both the Trump-Cruz conflict and the squabbling between establishment candidates was evident at the Republican debate on January 14. The Republican debate of January 28, devoid of Trump due to priorities and conflicts with moderator Megyn Kelly after the debate in August, was the candidates' last shot at honing their message before the Iowa caucuses. Immigration and foreign policy featured prominently in this debate and many candidates used the opportunity of a "Trump-less debate" to criticize the second-place Cruz, who was also being heavily criticized by prominent Republican leaders in the weeks before Iowa.[91][92]

February 2016: Early primaries

Early states results
Candidate Trump Cruz Rubio Kasich Carson Bush Gilmore Christie Fiorina Paul Huckabee Santorum Total
Delegates won 82 17 16 6 5 4 0 0 1 1 1 0 133
Popular vote 421,577
States won 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Feb 1 Iowa 24% 28% 23% 2% 9% 3% 0% 2% 2% 5% 2% 1% N/A
Feb 9 New Hampshire 35% 12% 11% 16% 2% 11% 0% 7% 4% 1% N/A
Feb 20 South Carolina 33% 22% 22% 8% 7% 8% N/A
Feb 23 Nevada 46% 21% 24% 4% 5% N/A
Ohio Governor John Kasich, shown here in Nashua, New Hampshire, finished second in New Hampshire after holding over 100 town hall meetings. He won his first and only state on March 15 in Ohio. He suspended his campaign on May 4.

In the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, Cruz won a narrow victory over Trump and Rubio.[93] Following poor performances in Iowa, three candidates suspended their campaigns: Huckabee—the winner of the caucuses in 2008—Santorum—the winner of the caucuses in 2012—and Paul, narrowing the field of candidates to nine.[94][95][96] After coming third in the Iowa caucuses, the media quickly painted Rubio as the candidate most likely to pick up the establishment mantle and ride it to the nomination following a strong performance in New Hampshire, much as McCain and Romney had done in 2008 and 2012, respectively, before both ultimately lost the general election to Obama. Rubio used this narrative to pick up a number of endorsements in the days following the Iowa caucuses. However, in the New Hampshire debate of February 6, 2016, Rubio repeated a talking point four times almost verbatim during an exchange with Christie, which led to sharp criticism of his performance in the aftermath and the beginning of the end of Rubio's campaign.[97]

In the New Hampshire primary, Trump scored a decisive victory over the rest of the field, winning the primary with 35% of the vote. Kasich, who had held over 100 town halls in the state, finished second in a surprise to many in the media. Cruz coming in third in the contest was also a shock to many, while Rubio slipped to fifth, behind Trump, Kasich, Cruz and Bush, whose campaign appeared to be revitalized following several months of apparent stagnation. After coming in seventh place in both Iowa and New Hampshire, Fiorina suspended her campaign on February 10, 2016.[98] Later that same day, Christie, whose campaign was staked almost entirely on getting a strong showing in New Hampshire, suspended his campaign after coming in sixth in New Hampshire, failing to reach the minimum 10% vote threshold required to be allocated delegates from the state and qualifying for the next debate on CBS.[99][100] Later that week, Jim Gilmore, who had failed to gain traction, win delegates or be invited to most of the debates, suspended his campaign, narrowing the field to six.[101]

The third contest was in South Carolina. Trump again won by double digits, garnering 33% of the vote with a 10% margin over Rubio, who edged Cruz for second-place by 0.2%. Since Trump carried the vote both statewide and in each congressional district, his result netted him all 50 delegates available in the state.[102][103] Following disappointing finishes in the first three contests despite outspending his competitors, Bush suspended his campaign on February 20.[104]

Three days following the South Carolina primary, Trump won the Nevada caucuses in what was his biggest victory to date, winning with 46% of the vote with Rubio in a distant second with 24% and Cruz slightly further behind with 21%.[105]

March 1, 2016: Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday voting, after the early voting in February, decided nearly half of the delegate votes needed to achieve the 1,237 votes to win the nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention—595 delegates at stake, to be exact. North Dakota held the last caucus on Super Tuesday, but there is no presidential straw poll and all the delegates elected later at its convention will be unbound. Wyoming takes a straw poll, but it is non-binding and no delegates are allocated on Super Tuesday. Leading up to Super Tuesday, a debate between the remaining five candidates took place in Houston on February 25, 2016. Political rhetoric and charges heated up with Cruz and Rubio teaming up to attack Trump.[106]

States holding primaries or caucuses on Super Tuesday, 2016:
  Primary or caucus; delegates bound and allocated
  Non-binding poll or caucus; delegates allocated later
  Primary or caucus already held
Super Tuesday results
Candidate Trump Cruz Rubio Kasich Carson Uncom. Total
Delegates won 254 218 96 21 3 3 595
Popular vote 2,955,080
States won 7 3 1 0 0 0 11
Alabama 43% 21% 19% 4% 10% N/A
Alaska 34% 36% 15% 4% 11%
Arkansas 33% 31% 25% 4% 6%
Georgia 39% 24% 25% 6% 6%
Massachusetts 49% 10% 18% 18% 3%
Minnesota 21% 29% 36% 6% 7%
Oklahoma 28% 34% 26% 4% 6%
Tennessee 39% 25% 21% 5% 8%
Texas 27% 44% 18% 4% 4%
Vermont 33% 10% 19% 30% 4%
Virginia 35% 17% 32% 10% 6%
Marco Rubio was considered a leading candidate for both establishment and tea party constituencies, polling in the top three in late 2015 and early 2016. He won his first state on Super Tuesday, capturing Minnesota. After a loss in his home state of Florida, he suspended his campaign on March 15, 2016.

Trump won the contests in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia, while Cruz netted a strong victory in his home state of Texas and added victories in Oklahoma and Alaska. Rubio won his first contest in the Minnesota Republican Caucus and finished a strong second in Virginia. Kasich won no contests, but he almost won in Vermont and finished second in Massachusetts. Carson did not win or place in any contest, netted only three delegates and though he initially expressed an intent to stay in the race, began showing signs of withdrawing in the days following Super Tuesday; he ultimately suspended his campaign on March 4, 2016.[107][108][109]

Early March 2016: Between Super Tuesdays

After Super Tuesday voting, but before winner-take-all voting was to begin, nine states, two territories and Washington D.C. held their primaries and caucuses. During this period, 377 delegates were at stake. On March 3, 2016, the day before Carson dropped out of the race, Romney criticized Trump in a heavily publicized speech. Later that day, there was another GOP debate, which again featured Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich. Carson did not participate in the debate, as he announced the suspension of his campaign the next day, narrowing the field to four; he subsequently endorsed Trump on March 10, 2016, the day after Fiorina endorsed Cruz.[110] Meanwhile, as the prospect of a Trump nomination became more imminent, establishment Republicans pressured Romney or House Speaker Paul Ryan to enter the race; Romney had already decided not to enter the race on January 30, 2015, while Ryan announced he would not enter on April 13, 2016.[111][112]

On March 5, Cruz won the Kansas and Maine caucuses by comfortable margins. Trump won the Kentucky caucus and the Louisiana primary. Rubio and Kasich did not finish first or second on any primaries on "Super Saturday". The following day, the first of the 2016 primaries to be held in a U.S. territory went to Rubio, who won all of Puerto Rico's 23 delegates.[113]

On March 8, Trump won in Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii, while Cruz took the Idaho Republican Caucus, while Rubio missed delegate thresholds in Michigan, Mississippi and Idaho, finishing the night with only a single delegate. Despite some favorable polling in Michigan,[114] Kasich did not win any primaries, but he still picked up 17 delegates. Neither Rubio nor Kasich finished first or second in any primaries held that day.

In the Virgin Islands caucuses on March 10, a slate composed wholly of uncommitted delegates was initially elected. However, the entire slate was later disqualified by the territorial party and was replaced by the elected alternates-– two uncommitted, two for Rubio and one each for Cruz and Trump.[115] The dispute is now in court.[116] Also on March 10, there was a debate in Florida between the four surviving candidates, which was conducted in a more civil tone than prior debates.[117]

On March 12, the Guam caucuses endorsed eight uncommitted delegates and one unbound Cruz-supporting delegate.[118] Rubio won his final contest in D.C. and a majority of the pledged delegates at the Wyoming convention went to Cruz.

March 5–12 results[13]
Candidate Trump Cruz Rubio Kasich Uncom. Total
Delegates won 128 138 55 36 19[lower-alpha 7] 376
Popular vote 986,079
States won 5 3 0+PR+DC 0 0+VI+GU 8+4
Kansas 23% 47% 17% 11% 0.4% N/A
Kentucky 36% 32% 16% 14% 0.2%
Louisiana 41% 38% 11% 6%
Maine 33% 46% 8% 12%
Puerto Rico 13% 9% 71% 1%
Hawaii 42% 33% 13% 11%
Idaho 28% 45% 16% 7%
Michigan 37% 25% 9% 24% 2%
Mississippi 47% 36% 5% 9%
Virgin Islands* 6% 12% 10% 65%
Guam 0 1 0 0 8
Washington D.C. 14% 12% 37% 36%

* Virgin Islands results do not take account of the later disqualification of delegates. Accounting for the disqualified delegates, the results were as follows: Uncommitted 36%, Cruz 22%, Rubio 18%, Carson 12%, Trump 12%.
Delegate totals are given in Guam as no tally of the popular vote has been released and one delegate was elected by acclamation.

March 15, 2016: Super Tuesday II

March 15 featured winner-take-all primaries in the delegate-rich states of Florida—Rubio's home state—and Ohio—Kasich's home state. There also were contests in Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and the Northern Mariana Islands, totaling 367 delegates. It was widely seen as a very important day in the presidential race because of the large number of winner-take-all delegates at stake. In the days leading up to Florida, the remaining candidates announced prominent endorsements and Trump and Rubio in particular spent millions on television advertisements assailing the other in Florida. The level of protest and violence at Trump rallies meanwhile became an object of criticism by other candidates; one such incident led to the cancellation of a Trump event in Chicago on March 13, 2016.[119] On March 11, 2016, in an effort to stop Trump, Rubio told his supporters in Ohio to vote for Kasich, while Kasich refused to tell his Florida supporters to help Rubio, with a campaign spokesperson later quoted as saying, "We were going to win Ohio anyway even without his help, just as he's going to lose Florida to Trump without ours."[120] The Northern Mariana Islands caucuses were the first contest to close on March 15, with Trump taking 73% of the vote and collecting all nine delegates.[121] In Florida, Trump netted the biggest prize of the night, handily defeating Rubio in his home state.[122] Trump added to that wins in North Carolina, Illinois and Missouri. Soon after the announcement of his loss in Florida, Rubio suspended his campaign. Kasich got on the board for the first time, winning his home state of Ohio to stave off elimination. Kasich's victory in Ohio meant that the election became the first Republican primary since 1968 in which more than three candidates won at least one state. The election in Missouri was very close, with Trump beating Cruz by fewer than 2,000 votes (0.21%);[123][124] Cruz could have contested the outcome because the difference was less than 0.5%, but chose not to, thereby giving the 12 statewide delegates to Trump and 37 overall out of the 52.[125]

March 15 results
Candidate Trump Cruz Kasich Rubio Total
Delegates won 228 51 81 6 366
Popular vote 3,202,177
States won 4+NMP 0 1 0 5+NMP
Florida 46% 17% 7% 27% N/A
Illinois 39% 30% 20% 9%
Missouri 41% 41% 10% 6%
North Carolina 40% 36% 12% 8%
N. Mariana Islands 73% 24% 2% 1%
Ohio 36% 13% 47% 2%

Late March–April 2016: A three-candidate race

Trump speaks at Fountain Park in Fountain Hills, Arizona.

Seven states and one territory voted between March 22 and April 19, 2016, totaling 315 delegates with New York the largest (winner-take-most, 95), followed by Arizona (winner-take-all, 58).

The final debate between the candidates, which had been scheduled to take place on March 21, 2016 in Salt Lake City, was cancelled after Trump and Kasich withdrew from the event. Trump had initially announced that he would be absent as there had been enough debates; Kasich subsequently stated that he would not attend a debate without Trump.[126]

On March 22, with concerns about the border, immigration and national security at the fore, Trump won all 58 delegates in Arizona. However, in Utah, Cruz garnered 69% of the vote, triggering the 50% rule to take all 40 delegates, buoyed by anti-Trump sentiment among many Mormons. Both Trump and Cruz received some of American Samoa's nine delegates; the remainder were uncommitted.[127] American Samoa and Utah were the last caucuses of the 2016 Republican primary season.

As a Trump nomination became even more likely, the Club for Growth and other backers of the Stop Trump movement began adopting increasingly drastic strategies to derail his nomination, including all-out opposition to him in Wisconsin, seen as one opportunity to deny him the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the nomination.[128] Trump stated that he foresaw the outbreak of riots if he were denied the nomination at the convention.[129] Despite often being viewed as anathema to the establishment, Cruz began picking up endorsements of establishment figures dismayed by the prospect of a Trump nomination, including that of Romney just before the Utah primary, Bush on March 23, 2016, and Walker on March 29, 2016.[130]

Toward the end of March, the competition between the three remaining candidates grew even fiercer.[131] The increasingly acrimonious back-and-forth between Cruz and Trump took a new turn after the National Enquirer accused Cruz of being involved in five extramarital affairs-– claims Cruz denied, accusing Trump of planting the claim, but other sources linked it to Rubio's suspended campaign.[132][133] On March 29, the same day Walker endorsed Cruz, at a GOP town hall event hosted by CNN, all three remaining Republican candidates distanced themselves from the vow they had taken in September to support their party's eventual nominee. Referring to the pledge, Kasich stated, "all of us shouldn't even have answered that question."[134]

On April 5, buoyed by support from Walker and the state's talk and national radio hosts, Cruz won the statewide contests by a 48% to 35% margin and six congressional districts at the Wisconsin primary for 36 delegates. Trump won two congressional districts for six delegates.[135]

Following the Wisconsin primary, the three candidates moved on to Trump's home state of New York for its April 19 primary. Trump and Kasich teamed up to assail Cruz for his earlier criticism of Trump's "New York values", while Cruz reiterated his claim that Trump has an inconsistent conservative record and stated that "the only reason Kasich is attacking me was because Kasich is afraid of Trump." Trump also received the support of former New York mayor and 2008 presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani during the lead-up to the New York primary. On April 9, 2016, Cruz won the Colorado delegates after taking a solid majority, the state's four uncommitted delegates declaring support for Cruz, bringing his total delegate count in Colorado to 34. On April 16, 2016, Cruz won all 14 at-large delegates in the Wyoming state convention.[136]

On April 19, Trump won New York with 60% of the vote, taking 90 of its 95 delegates. Kasich was a distant second with 25% of the vote taking the other five delegates. Cruz was completely shut-out from receiving any New York delegates, coming in third place with only 15% of the vote. The cut-off for New York was 20%. Following the New York primary, Cruz was mathematically eliminated from reaching the 1,237 majority of delegates needed to win with only 674 available and another 28 uncommitted—18 previous to this cycle of primaries and caucuses (had he contested the outcome of the Missouri primary and demanded a recount, he would have still been mathematically able to clinch the nomination).[137]

March 22 – April 19 results
Candidate Trump Cruz Kasich Uncom. Total
Delegates won 154 124 5 32 315
Popular vote 1,227,691
States won 2 4 0 1+AS
American Samoa* 0 0 0 9 N/A
Arizona 46% 28% 11%
Utah 14% 69% 17%
North Dakota* 1 10 0 17
Wisconsin 35% 48% 14% 0.2%
Colorado# 0 30+4[lower-alpha 8] 0 3
Wyoming[lower-alpha 9]# 0 14 0 3
New York 60% 15% 25%

* The delegate count is given for American Samoa and North Dakota as no tally of the vote has been released. All delegates from American Samoa are unpledged. All delegates from North Dakota are unbound but some have declared support (committed to) for a candidate (they can still change their minds).
# The delegate count from Colorado and Wyoming is given because there is no tally for popular vote. These delegates, however, can choose to be bound to a candidate or to be left uncommitted. They indicated this when they filed to run for a delegate spot.

April 26, 2016: Acela primary

On April 26, 2016, five Northeastern primaries were contested—Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island—and were collectively termed the "Amtrak" or "Acela primary" in reference to the Acela Express, which runs through the area.[138] All five primaries were won by Trump by overwhelming margins between 29% and 41%; Trump received over 54% of the vote in all five. He claimed all the delegates available in Connecticut, Delaware and Maryland, as well as all 17 pledged delegates in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania also elected 54 unpledged delegates and both the Trump campaign and The Washington Post estimated that Trump would win the support of at least 39 of the Keystone State's 54 unpledged delegates.[139] Only in Rhode Island, where delegates were allocated proportionally, did Kasich (5) or Cruz (2) win any pledged delegates. Trump attained 12 of the 19 there and 111 of the 118 by the end of the night. The night was also notable as Trump cleared 10 million votes, surpassing the vote total attained by McCain[140] and Romney[141] in 2008 and 2012 respectively. The two aforementioned contests were won with the candidate receiving a majority of the popular vote nationwide in both 2008 and 2012. The next day, Trump received the support of 31 of Pennsylvania's unbound delegates. Cruz got the support of four of them and Kasich got the support of three of them.[142] On April 27, 2016, nine more delegates came out for Trump and Kasich got the support from another delegate from Pennsylvania. On April 28, 2016, a Trump rally in Costa Mesa, California, attracted protests that turned violent, with approximately twenty people arrested and a police car vandalized.[143] On May 1, 2016, Trump picked up another two unpledged delegates from Pennsylvania for a total of 42 of the 54 possible, with one of them taken from Kasich who now has three, with Cruz still at four. Five unpledged delegates remain uncommitted from Pennsylvania. According to unofficial estimates from The Green Papers, Trump now has 1,000 delegates, only 237 from the 1,237 necessary for the nomination.[144]

April 26 results
Candidate Trump Cruz Kasich Uncom. Total
Delegates won 111 2 5 6 124
Popular vote 1,334,401
3,077 2,352,723
States won 5 0 0 0 5
Connecticut 58% 12% 29% 1% N/A
Delaware 61% 16% 20% -
Maryland 54% 19% 23% -
Pennsylvania 57% 22% 19% -
Rhode Island 64% 10% 24% 1%

May 2016: Trump becomes presumptive nominee

Five primaries will be contested in May: Indiana, Nebraska, West Virginia, Oregon and Washington. By late April, Cruz and Kasich had both been eliminated from getting 1,237 delegates, but they still had a chance to accumulate enough delegates to force a contested convention in Cleveland. Realizing this, Cruz and Kasich attempted to focus their efforts in different states, with Cruz challenging Trump head-to-head in Indiana and Kasich challenging Trump head-to-head in Oregon and New Mexico. However, the alliance was tenuous at best, with Kasich telling voters in Indiana the next day to still vote for him and Cruz downplaying the alliance later in the week; it also met with disapproval from 58% of Indiana voters.[145][146][147] Indiana, whose delegates were awarded winner-take all statewide and by congressional district, was seen as essential to denying Trump the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination.[148] Following the Acela primaries, Cruz attempted to bolster his chances by announcing that, if nominated, he would name Fiorina as his running mate.[149] Fiorina had served as a Cruz campaign surrogate since March after suspending her own presidential campaign in February and Cruz hoped that Fiorina could help his campaign in Indiana and her home state of California.[150] On April 29, 2016, Governor Mike Pence of Indiana announced that he would vote for Cruz in the primary election.[151] However, Cruz's posturing and endorsements proved to be insufficient, as Trump handily won Indiana with 53% of the vote, despite being outspent by a margin of more than 4-1.[152] Cruz lost Indiana by a wide margin to Trump (53% to 37% with Kasich at 8%) and subsequently dropped out of the race. As a result, Reince Priebus, Republican National Committee chairman, tweeted that Trump was the presumptive nominee in the GOP. The next day, Kasich also suspended his campaign, leaving Trump as the only candidate in the race. Huckabee officially endorsed Trump.[153]

May 3–24 results
Candidate Trump Cruz Kasich Total
Delegates won 57 0 0 57[11]
Popular vote 590,464 406,285 83,910 1,108,768
States won 1 0 0 1
Indiana 53% 37% 8% N/A
Nebraska N/A N/A
West Virginia

June 2016: Final primaries

The final five primary contests will be held on June 7, 2016 in California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota, with the Golden State awarding the most with 172 delegates. Though initially seen as being an important primary, the suspension of the Cruz and Kasich campaigns make the California primary merely a formality at this point.

June 7 results
Candidate Trump Total
Delegates won
Popular vote
States won
California N/A
New Jersey
New Mexico
South Dakota

July 18–21, 2016: National Convention

The 2016 Republican National Convention will be held from July 18–21 in Cleveland, Ohio. The delegates will select the Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees and will write the party platform. A simple majority of 1,237 delegates is needed to win the presidential nomination.[154] While most of the delegates will be bound on the first ballot depending on the results of the primaries, a progressively larger number of pledged delegates will become unbound if the nomination requires more than one ballot.[155]

Following Trump's decisive win in Indiana and the subsequent suspension of the Cruz and Kasich campaigns, it became clear that there would not be a contested convention in Cleveland.

Campaign finance

This is an overview of the money used in the campaign as it was reported to Federal Election Committee and released on April 21, 2016. Outside groups are independent expenditure-only committees, also called PACs and SuperPACs. Several such groups normally support each candidate but the numbers in the table are a total of all of them, meaning that a group of committees can be shown as technically insolvent even though it is not the case for all of them. The source of all the numbers is the Center for Responsive Politics.[156]

Candidate Campaign committee (as of March 31) Outside groups (as of April 21) Total spent Suspended
Money raised Money spent Cash on hand Debt Money raised Money spent Cash on hand
Donald Trump $48,393,537 $46,282,467 $2,111,070 $35,926,174* $2,767,575 $3,202,109 $-434,534 $49,484,576 [157] Active
John Kasich $16,456,113 $15,296,011 $1,160,028 $0 $12,771,308 $18,158,174 $-5,386,866 $33,454,185 May 4
Ted Cruz $78,513,417 $69,707,328 $8,806,089 $0 $63,355,067 $42,357,098 $20,997,969 $112,064,426 May 3
Marco Rubio $54,803,843 $51,609,158 $3,736,205 $1,960,385 $61,966,485 $59,663,265 $2,303,220 $111,272,423 March 15
Ben Carson $63,571,704 $60,205,333 $3,366,371 $360,079 $16,217,786 $16,814,658 $-596,873 $77,019,991 March 4
Jeb Bush $33,999,149 $33,967,964 $31,185 $261,703 $121,143,468 $103,835,928 $17,307,540 $137,803,892 February 20
Jim Gilmore $383,500 $383,300 $200 $0 $342,200 $368,600 $-125,050 $751,900 February 12
Chris Christie $8,294,252 $8,139,947 $154,305 $400,690 $23,639,457 $23,121,752 $517,705 $31,261,699 February 10
Carly Fiorina $11,932,514 $10,566,373 $1,366,141 $0 $14,404,780 $13,632,799 $771,981 $24,199,172 February 10
Rick Santorum $1,365,073 $1,361,497 $3,576 $556,860 $711,061 $1,136,506 $-425,446 $2,498,003 February 3
Rand Paul $12,127,475 $11,934,798 $192,677 $386,987 $10,856,091 $8,761,840 $2,094,251 $20,696,638 February 3
Mike Huckabee $4,283,114 $4,226,765 $56,349 $52,282 $5,874,723 $6,105,136 $-230,413 $10,331,901 February 1
George Pataki $544,183 $524,850 $5,301 $0 $1,547,674 $1,547,674 $0 $2,072,524 December 29
Lindsey Graham $5,399,263 $5,325,090 $74,173 $48,041 $4,529,305 $4,362,230 $167,074 $9,687,320 December 21
Bobby Jindal $1,442,464 $1,442,464 $0 $0 $4,517,207 $4,517,911 $-703 $5,960,374 November 17
Scott Walker $7,825,308 $7,799,794 $25,515 $952,256 $24,554,588 $24,489,961 $64,627 $32,289,755 September 21
Rick Perry $1,427,133 $1,767,404 $1,818 $0 $15,231,068 $15,356,117 $-125,050 $17,123,521 September 11
Active campaigns highlighted


*Donald Trump has so far self-financed his campaign with $36,243,646, most of this as loans.
Technically insolvent


U.S. states by the total number of delegates (Republican Party).
U.S. states (and territories) by election methods, 2016.
Schedule of primary elections, by month and/or date

The Republican National Committee imposed strict new rules for states wishing to hold early contests in 2016.[158] Under these rules, no state was permitted to hold a primary or caucus in January; only Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada were entitled to February contests. States with primaries or caucuses in early March were to award their delegates proportionally. Any state that might have violated these rules was to have their delegation to the 2016 convention severely cut: states with more than 30 delegates would have been deprived of all but nine, plus RNC members from that state; states with fewer than 30 will would have been reduced to six, plus RNC members.[158] In contrast to the 2012 cycle no states violated these rules.

The Republican Party presidential primaries and caucuses are indirect elections in which voters allocated or elect delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention. These delegates can be bound or unbound to vote for a particular candidate. The election of the state delegation can happen directly or indirectly as the primary election table below shows.

According to Rule 40(b) of the RNC Rules of the Republican Party,[16] enacted prior to the 2012 convention and amended most recently in 2014, nominations at the National Convention may be made only of candidates who demonstrate the support of a majority of delegates of at least eight state delegations. Previously, this had been a lower threshold of a plurality in five states. Further, Rule 40(a) states that if only one candidate achieves this goal, then there should be no vote, and only a motion to nominate by acclamation.[16] However, per Rule 42, Rules 26–42 are "Standing Rules for this convention (2012) and the temporary rules for the next convention (2016)". While the current candidates operate under these temporary rules, it is unclear whether they will remain in place for the 2016 convention.[160][161][162][163] As of March 16, 2016, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has not taken a position on the potential rule change, while others in the party advocate for it.[164][165]


Date State State delegation (only voting delegates) Allocation Election (CD) Election (AL)Thres-
Feb 1Iowa3151230030[lower-alpha 10]Caucus (closed)ProportionalProportional [lower-alpha 11]Apr 9ConventionMay 21ConventionN/A
Feb 9New Hampshire3200233[lower-alpha 4]18Primary (semi-closed)ProportionalN/AN/AN/AFeb 9Slate10%
Feb 20South Carolina3262150050Primary (open)Winner-take-allWinner-take-allAprilConventionMay 7ConventionN/A
Feb 23Nevada3270302[lower-alpha 4]28Caucus (closed) ProportionalN/AN/AN/AMay 7Convention3.33%[lower-alpha 12]
Mar 1Alabama3262150050Primary (open)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-mostMar 1SlateMar 1Slate20%
Alaska325028028Caucus (closed)ProportionalN/AN/AN/AApr 28Convention13%
Arkansas32512409[lower-alpha 4]31Primary (open)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-mostApr 30ConventionMay 14Committee15%
Colorado3[lower-alpha 1]132137730Caucus (closed)(No allocation)(No allocation)Apr 8Convention [lower-alpha 13]Apr 9Convention [lower-alpha 13]N/A
Georgia3314276076Primary (semi-closed)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-mostApr 16ConventionJune 3Convention20%
Massachusetts3122742042Primary (semi-closed)ProportionalProportional [lower-alpha 11]Apr 23ConventionJune 3Committee5%
Minnesota311243817[lower-alpha 4]21Caucus (open)ProportionalProportionalMay 7ConventionMay 21Convention10%
North Dakota[lower-alpha 14]3[lower-alpha 1]25028280Caucus (closed)(No allocation)N/AN/AN/AApr 3ConventionN/A
Oklahoma3251543340Primary (closed)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-mostApr 16ConventionMay 14Convention15%
Tennessee3282758058Primary (open)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-mostMar 1Direct Elec.Apr 2Direct Elec.[lower-alpha 15]20%
Texas3441081550155Primary (open)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-mostMay 14ConventionMay 14Convention20%
Vermont313016016Primary (open)Winner-take-mostN/AN/AN/AMay 21Convention20%
Virginia3133349049Primary (open)ProportionalProportional [lower-alpha 11]May 21ConventionApr 30ConventionN/A
Wyoming3[lower-alpha 1]1412295[lower-alpha 4]24Caucus (closed)(No allocation)(No allocation)Mar 12Convention [lower-alpha 13][lower-alpha 16]Apr 16Convention [lower-alpha 13]N/A
Mar 5Kansas3251240040Caucus (closed)ProportionalProportionalApr 23ConventionMay 21Committee10%
Kentucky3251846046Caucus (closed)ProportionalProportional [lower-alpha 11]May 17ConventionMay 18Convention5%
Louisiana3251846541Primary (closed)ProportionalProportionalMar 12ConventionMar 12Convention20%
Maine314623023Caucus (closed)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-most [lower-alpha 11]Apr 22ConventionApr 22Convention10%
Mar 6Puerto Rico320023023Primary (open)Winner-take-mostN/AN/AN/AMar 6Direct Elec.20%
Mar 8Hawaii310619019Caucus (closed)ProportionalProportionalMar 8SlateMar 8SlateN/A
Idaho329032032Primary (closed)Winner-take-mostN/AN/AN/AJun 4Convention20%
Michigan3144259059Primary (open)Winner-take-mostN/AApr 8ConventionApr 9Convention15%
Mississippi3251240040Primary (open)ProportionalWinner-take-mostMay 14ConventionMay 14Convention15%
Mar 10U.S. Virgin Islands[lower-alpha 17]3[lower-alpha 1]60954Caucus (closed)Direct Elec.[lower-alpha 13]N/AN/AN/AMar 10ConventionN/A
Mar 12Washington, D.C.316019019Caucus (closed)Winner-take-mostN/AN/AN/AMar 12Convention15%
Guam3[lower-alpha 1]60990Caucus (closed)(No allocation)N/AN/AN/AMar 12ConventionN/A
Mar 15Florida0188199099Primary (closed)Winner-take-allWinner-take-all[lower-alpha 11]Jun 3ConventionJun 3CommitteeN/A
Illinois3125469069Primary (open)Winner-take-allDirect Elec.[lower-alpha 13]Mar 15Direct Elec.May 22ConventionN/A
Missouri325[lower-alpha 18]2452052Primary (open) Winner-take-allProportionalApr 30ConventionJun 2ConventionN/A
Northern Mariana Is.360909Caucus (closed)Winner-take-allN/AN/AN/AMar 15Direct Elect.N/A
North Carolina369072072Primary (semi-closed)ProportionalProportional [lower-alpha 11]Apr 27ConventionMay 8ConventionN/A
Ohio363066066Primary (semi-closed)Winner-take-allN/AN/AN/AMar 15SlateN/A
Mar 22American Samoa3[lower-alpha 1]60990Caucus (open)(No allocation)N/AN/AN/AMar 22ConventionN/A
Arizona3282758058Primary (closed)Winner-take-allWinner-take-all[lower-alpha 11]Apr 30ConventionApr 30ConventionN/A
Utah337040040Caucus (semi-closed)Winner-take-mostN/AN/AN/AApr 23Convention15%[lower-alpha 19]
Apr 5Wisconsin3152442042Primary (open)Winner-take-allWinner-take-allApr 17ConventionMay 14SlateN/A
Apr 19New York3118195095Primary (closed)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-mostApr 19SlateMay 26Committee20%[lower-alpha 20]
Apr 26Connecticut3101528028Primary (closed)Winner-take-mostWinner-take-allMay 20SlateMay 20Slate20%
Delaware313016016Primary (closed)Winner-take-allN/AN/AN/AApr 29ConventionN/A
Maryland3112438038Primary (closed)Winner-take-allWinner-take-allApr 26Direct Elec.May 14ConventionN/A
Pennsylvania31454715417Primary (closed)Winner-take-all(No allocation)Apr 26Direct Elec.May 21CommitteeN/A
Rhode Island310619019Primary (semi-closed)ProportionalProportionalApr 26Direct Elec.Apr 26Direct Elec.10%
May 3Indiana3272757057Primary (open)Winner-take-allWinner-take-allApr 9SlateApr 13SlateN/A
May 10Nebraska324936036Primary (closed)Winner-take-allWinner-take-all[lower-alpha 11]May 14ConventionMay 14ConventionN/A
West Virginia322934034Primary (semi-closed)Direct Elec.[lower-alpha 13]Direct Elec.[lower-alpha 13]May 10Direct Elec.May 10Direct Elec.N/A
May 17Oregon3101528028Primary (closed)ProportionalProportionalJun 4ConventionJun 4Convention3.57%[lower-alpha 21]
May 24Washington3113044044Primary (closed)ProportionalWinner-take-mostMay 24SlateMay 24Slate20%
June 7California3101591720172Primary (closed)Winner-take-allWinner-take-allJun 7SlateJun 7SlateN/A
Montana324027027Primary (closed)Winner-take-allN/AN/AN/AMay 14SlateN/A
New Jersey348051051Primary (semi-closed)Winner-take-allN/AN/AN/AJun 5SlateN/A
New Mexico312924024Primary (closed)ProportionalProportional[lower-alpha 11]May 21ConventionMay 21Convention15%
South Dakota326029029Primary (closed)Winner-take-allN/AN/AN/AMar 19ConventionN/A
Upcoming races shaded light grey

See also

Related Republican Party Articles

National Conventions

Presidential Primaries


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RNC members from Colorado, Guam, North Dakota, Samoa, Virgin Islands and Wyoming will attend the National Convention as unbound
  2. Uncommitted delegates have been allocated or elected in Colorado (4), Guam (6), Louisiana (5), North Dakota (25), Oklahoma (3), Pennsylvania (54), Samoa (6), Virgin Islands (2) and Wyoming (1)[11]
  3. Some delegates are still bound to Bush (1), Carson (7), Fiorina (1), Huckabee (1), Paul (1) and Rubio (144)[6][11]
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Delegates bound to a candidate who later suspends his campaign become unbound in some states. This applies to 3 delegates from New Hampshire elected on the Bush slate and 29 delegates allocated to Rubio from Minnesota (17), Arkansas (9), New Hampshire (2) and Wyoming (1).[6] Additionally, Ben Carson released in writing 2 delegates allocated to him from Nevada.[166]
  5. In bolded states and territories, the leading candidate won the support of an absolute majority of that state's delegation for the first ballot; according to Rule 40(b), 8 such states are needed to be eligible.[16] In states and territories that are not bolded, the leading candidate won the support of a simple plurality of delegates.
  6. 43 contests have a winner as listed above; four contests have no defined winner because they did not assign any pledged delegates (AS, GU, ND) or had a majority pledged uncommitted (VI).
  7. 5 uncommitted delegates were allocated from Louisiana, 5 from the Virgin Islands, 8 from Guam, 1 from Wyoming
  8. Four Colorado delegates, while elected as unbound, have decided to vote for Cruz at the GOP's National Convention
  9. The Wyoming GOP elected the remaining 14 of 26 delegates at its State Convention from April 14–16.
  10. Iowa's delegates are bound for the first ballot to the candidates of their allocation even if the candidates have suspended their campaigns. This applies to fourteen delegates allocated to Bush, Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee, Paul and Rubio. If only one candidate is put forward for nomination at the National Convention Iowa's delegates are bound to vote for that candidate providing he received votes in caucuses
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Delegates are allocated in each Congregational District based on the statewide result - Not based on the result in the District - but they are elected at the District Conventions.
  12. 3.33% refers to one delegate out of 30, or 130.
  13. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Delegates indicate on the ballot what candidate they wish to be bound to or if they wish to be elected as unbound.
  14. North Dakota does not have any sort of presidential caucus or straw poll. Its legislative district caucuses are conducted from January 1 to March 1.
  15. Tennessee: half of its at-large delegates will be elected by the State Executive Committee in accordance with the binding primary result
  16. Wyoming has only one congressional district, so the 12 CD delegates are elected in the 23 counties that are paired together.
  17. The six uncommitted candidates originally elected at the caucus were ruled ineligible and replaced.[167]
  18. 16 delegates allocated in CD will be elected as at-large delegates at the state convention
  19. With 69% of all votes Cruz triggered the 50% threshold giving him all the delegates
  20. With more than half the votes in both the state contest and 23 out of 27 district contests Trump triggered the 50% threshold giving him all the delegates awarded in these contests
  21. 3.57% refers to one delegate out of 28, or 128.


  1. 1 2 3 "RNC's 2016 Presidential Primary Estimated Delegate Count". Republican Party. April 22, 2016. Retrieved April 22, 2016. (Source for delegates pledged to active candidates: GOP official estimate + delegates won on May 3, pending source update)
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Berg-Andersson, Richard E. "Republican Convention". The Green Papers. Retrieved May 6, 2016. (Source for popular vote and delegates pledged to withdrawn candidates: The Green Papers tally)
  3. Linshi, Jack. "More People Are Running for Presidential Nomination Than Ever". Time. Retrieved February 14, 2016.
  4. "Ben Carson Suspends 2016 Campaign at CPAC". NBC News. Retrieved March 9, 2016.
  5. Peters, Jeremy; Barbaro, Michael (March 16, 2016). "Marco Rubio Suspends His Presidential Campaign". The New York Times. Retrieved March 16, 2016.
  6. 1 2 3 Johnson, Eliana (March 18, 2016). "What Happens to Rubio’s Delegates?". National Review. Retrieved March 30, 2016.
  7. Rosenfeld, Everett. "Ted Cruz suspends presidential campaign". CNBC. Retrieved May 4, 2016.
  8. Kaplan, Thomas (May 4, 2016). "John Kasich Drops Out of Presidential Race". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved May 4, 2016.
  9. Reince (May 3, 2016). ".@realDonaldTrump will be presumptive @GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton" (Tweet).
  10. See detailed schedule below
  11. 1 2 3 Berg-Andersson, Richard E. "Presidential Primaries 2016 / Republican Pledged and Unpledged Delegate Summary". The Green Papers. Retrieved May 4, 2016.
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External links

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