List of birds by common name
See also: List of birds

A striated pardalote collecting nesting material in its beak on a garden fence.
In this list of birds by common name, a total of 9,721 extant and recently extinct bird species are recognised, belonging to a total 204 families.
Tinamiformes (tinamous)
Tinamidae (tinamous)
- Grey tinamou
- Solitary tinamou
- Black tinamou
- Great tinamou
- White-throated tinamou
- Tawny-breasted tinamou
- Highland tinamou
- Hooded tinamou
- Berlepsch's tinamou
- Cinereous tinamou
- Little tinamou
- Tepui tinamou
- Brown tinamou
- Undulated tinamou
- Pale-browed tinamou
- Brazilian tinamou
- Grey-legged tinamou
- Red-legged tinamou
- Yellow-legged tinamou
- Black-capped tinamou
- Thicket tinamou
- Slaty-breasted tinamou
- Choco tinamou
- Variegated tinamou
- Rusty tinamou
- Bartlett's tinamou
- Small-billed tinamou
- Barred tinamou
- Tataupa tinamou
- Red-winged tinamou
- Huayco tinamou
- Taczanowski's tinamou
- Ornate tinamou
- Chilean tinamou
- Brushland tinamou
- Andean tinamou
- Curve-billed tinamou
- White-bellied nothura
- Lesser nothura
- Darwin's nothura
- Spotted nothura
- Chaco nothura
- Dwarf tinamou
- Elegant crested tinamou
- Quebracho crested tinamou
- Puna tinamou
- Patagonian tinamou
Struthioniformes (ostriches)
Struthionidae (ostriches)
Rheiformes (rheas)
Rheidae (rheas)
Casuariiformes (cassowaries and emu)
Casuariidae (cassowaries)
Dromaiidae (emu)
Apterygiformes (kiwis)
Apterygidae (kiwis)
Anseriformes (waterfowl)
Anhimidae (screamers)

A ruddy shelduck wandering across the grass

Anseranatidae (magpie goose)
Anatidae (ducks, geese, and swans)
- White-faced whistling duck
- Black-bellied whistling duck
- Spotted whistling duck
- West Indian whistling duck
- Fulvous whistling duck
- Plumed whistling duck
- Wandering whistling duck
- Lesser whistling duck
- White-backed duck
- Cape Barren goose
- Swan goose
- Taiga bean goose
- Tundra bean goose
- Pink-footed goose
- Greater white-fronted goose
- Lesser white-fronted goose
- Greylag goose
- Bar-headed goose
- Snow goose
- Ross's goose
- Emperor goose
- Cackling goose
- Nene
- Canada goose
- Brent goose
- Barnacle goose
- Red-breasted goose
- Coscoroba swan
- Black swan
- Black-necked swan
- Mute swan
- Whooper swan
- Trumpeter swan
- Tundra swan
- Whooper swan
- Freckled duck
- Blue duck
- Flying steamer duck
- Fuegian steamer duck
- Falkland steamer duck
- Chubut steamer duck
- Torrent duck
- Spur-winged goose
- Comb duck
- Knob-billed duck
- Egyptian goose
- Mauritius sheldgoose
- Reunion sheldgoose
- Orinoco goose
- Andean goose
- Upland goose
- Kelp goose
- Ashy-headed goose
- Ruddy-headed goose
- Common shelduck
- Raja shelduck
- Ruddy shelduck
- South African shelduck
- Australian shelduck
- Paradise shelduck
- Crested shelduck
- Pink-eared duck
- Salvadori's teal
- Muscovy duck
- White-winged duck
- Hartlaub's duck
- Wood duck
- Mandarin duck
- Maned duck
- African pygmy goose
- Cotton pygmy goose
- Green pygmy goose
- Brazilian teal
- Ringed teal
- Crested duck
- Bronze-winged duck
- Cape teal
- Gadwall
- Falcated duck
- Chiloe wigeon
- Eurasian wigeon
- American wigeon
- Amsterdam wigeon
- African black duck
- American black duck
- Mallard
- Mottled duck
- Mexican duck
- Hawaiian duck
- Laysan duck
- Philippine duck
- Pacific black duck
- Indian spot-billed duck
- Eastern spot-billed duck
- Yellow-billed duck
- Meller's duck
- Blue-winged teal
- Cinnamon teal
- Cape shoveler
- Red shoveler
- Australasian shoveler
- Northern shoveler
- Bernier's teal
- Mascarene teal
- Sunda teal
- Andaman teal
- Grey teal
- Chestnut teal
- Auckland teal
- Campbell teal
- Brown teal
- White-cheeked pintail
- Red-billed teal
- Yellow-billed teal
- Yellow-billed pintail
- Andean teal
- Northern pintail
- Eaton's pintail
- Garganey
- Baikal teal
- Eurasian teal
- Green-winged teal
- Silver teal
- Puna teal
- Hottentot teal
- Marbled duck
- Pink-headed duck
- Red-crested pochard
- Rosy-billed pochard
- Southern pochard
- Canvasback
- Redhead
- Common pochard
- Hardhead
- Madagascan pochard
- Baer's pochard
- Ferruginous duck
- New Zealand scaup
- Ring-necked duck
- Tufted duck
- Greater scaup
- Lesser scaup
- Steller's eider
- Spectacled eider
- King eider
- Common eider
- Harlequin duck
- Labrador duck
- Surf scoter
- Velvet scoter
- White-winged scoter
- Common scoter
- Black scoter
- Long-tailed duck
- Bufflehead
- Barrow's goldeneye
- Common goldeneye
- Smew
- Hooded merganser
- Auckland merganser
- Brazilian merganser
- Common merganser
- Red-breasted merganser
- Scaly-sided merganser
- Black-headed duck
- Masked duck
- Ruddy duck
- Lake duck
- Blue-billed duck
- Maccoa duck
- White-headed duck
- Musk duck
Galliformes (game birds)

The head of a male Indian peafowl

A willow ptarmigan in Alaska
Megapodiidae (megapodes)
- Australian brushturkey
- Wattled brushturkey
- Waigeo brushturkey
- Red-billed brushturkey
- Black-billed brushturkey
- Collared brushturkey
- Malleefowl
- Maleo
- Moluccan megapode
- Tongan megapode
- Micronesian megapode
- Nicobar megapode
- Philippine megapode
- Sula megapode
- Tanimbar megapode
- Dusky megapode
- Biak scrubfowl
- Melanesian megapode
- Vanuatu megapode
- New Guinea scrubfowl
- Orange-footed scrubfowl
Cracidae (chachalacas, currasows, and guans)
- Plain chachalaca
- Grey-headed chachalaca
- Chestnut-winged chachalaca
- Rufous-vented chachalaca
- Rufous-bellied chachalaca
- West Mexican chachalaca
- Chaco chachalaca
- White-bellied chachalaca
- Speckled chachalaca
- East Brazilian chachalaca
- Scaled chachalaca
- Colombian chachalaca
- Little chachalaca
- Chestnut-headed chachalaca
- Buff-browed chachalaca
- Band-tailed guan
- Bearded guan
- Baudo guan
- Andean guan
- Marail guan
- Rusty-margined guan
- Red-faced guan
- Crested guan
- Cauca guan
- White-winged guan
- Spix's guan
- Dusky-legged guan
- White-crested guan
- Chestnut-bellied guan
- White-browed guan
- Trinidad piping guan
- Blue-throated piping guan
- Red-throated piping guan
- Black-fronted piping guan
- Wattled guan
- Black guan
- Sickle-winged guan
- Highland guan
- Horned guan
- Nocturnal curassow
- Crestless curassow
- Salvin's curassow
- Razor-billed curassow
- Alagoas curassow
- Helmeted curassow
- Horned curassow
- Sira curassow
- Great curassow
- Blue-billed curassow
- Yellow-knobbed curassow
- Black curassow
- Wattled curassow
- Bare-faced curassow
- Red-billed curassow
Numididae (guineafowl)
- White-breasted guineafowl
- Black guineafowl
- Helmeted guineafowl
- Plumed guineafowl
- Crested guineafowl
- Vulturine guineafowl
Odontophoridae (New World quail)
- Stone partridge
- Nahan's partridge
- Bearded wood partridge
- Long-tailed wood partridge
- Buffy-crowned wood partridge
- Mountain quail
- Scaled quail
- Elegant quail
- California quail
- Gambel's quail
- Northern bobwhite
- Yucatan bobwhite
- Spot-bellied bobwhite
- Crested bobwhite
- Marbled wood quail
- Spot-winged wood quail
- Black-eared wood quail
- Rufous-fronted wood quail
- Black-fronted wood quail
- Chestnut wood quail
- Dark-backed wood quail
- Rufous-breasted wood quail
- Tacarcuna wood quail
- Gorgeted wood quail
- Venezuelan wood quail
- Black-breasted wood quail
- Stripe-faced wood quail
- Starred wood quail
- Spotted wood quail
- Singing quail
- Montezuma quail
- Ocellated quail
- Tawny-faced quail
Phasianidae (Pheasants, turkeys, francolin, and allies)
- Wild turkey
- Ocellated turkey
- Ruffed grouse
- Hazel grouse
- Chinese grouse
- Siberian grouse
- Spruce grouse
- Western capercaillie
- Black-billed capercaillie
- Black grouse
- Caucasian grouse
- Greater sage-grouse
- Gunnison sage-grouse
- Dusky grouse
- Sooty grouse
- Sharp-tailed grouse
- Lesser prairie chicken
- Greater prairie chicken
- White-tailed ptarmigan
- Rock ptarmigan
- Willow ptarmigan
- Snow partridge
- Verreaux's monal-partridge
- Szechenyi's monal-partridge
- Caucasian snowcock
- Caspian snowcock
- Himalayan snowcock
- Tibetan snowcock
- Altai snowcock
- Rock partridge
- Chukar partridge
- Przevalski's partridge
- Philby's partridge
- Barbary partridge
- Red-legged partridge
- Arabian partridge
- See-see partridge
- Sand partridge
- Black francolin
- Painted francolin
- Chinese francolin
- Grey francolin
- Swamp francolin
- Latham's francolin
- Coqui francolin
- White-throated francolin
- Schlegel's francolin
- Ring-necked francolin
- Grey-winged francolin
- Red-winged francolin
- Finsch's francolin
- Shelley's francolin
- Moorland francolin
- Orange River francolin
- Crested francolin
- Scaly francolin
- Ahanta francolin
- Grey-striped francolin
- Hildebrandt's francolin
- Double-spurred francolin
- Heuglin's francolin
- Clapperton's francolin
- Harwood's francolin
- Swierstra's francolin
- Mount Cameroon francolin
- Handsome francolin
- Jackson's francolin
- Chestnut-naped francolin
- Djibouti francolin
- Erckel's francolin
- Hartlaub's spurfowl
- Red-billed spurfowl
- Cape spurfowl
- Natal spurfowl
- Yellow-necked spurfowl
- Grey-breasted spurfowl
- Red-necked spurfowl
- Swainson's spurfowl
- Grey partridge
- Daurian partridge
- Tibetan partridge
- Long-billed partridge
- Hose's partridge
- Madagascan partridge
- Black partridge
- Common quail
- Japanese quail
- Rain quail
- Harlequin quail
- Stubble quail
- New Zealand quail
- Brown quail
- King quail
- Blue quail
- Snow Mountains quail
- Jungle bush quail
- Rock bush quail
- Painted bush quail
- Manipur bush quail
- Himalayan quail
- Udzungwa forest partridge
- Rubeho forest partridge
- Hill partridge
- Rufous-throated partridge
- White-cheeked partridge
- Taiwan partridge
- Chestnut-breasted partridge
- Bar-backed partridge
- Sichuan partridge
- White-necklaced partridge
- Orange-necked partridge
- Chestnut-headed partridge
- Siamese partridge
- Malaysian partridge
- Roll's partridge
- Sumatran partridge
- Grey-breasted partridge
- Chestnut-bellied partridge
- Red-billed partridge
- Red-breasted partridge
- Hainan partridge
- Chestnut-necklaced partridge
- Green-legged partridge
- Ferruginous partridge
- Crimson-headed partridge
- Crested partridge
- Mountain bamboo partridge
- Chinese bamboo partridge
- Taiwan bamboo partridge
- Red spurfowl
- Painted spurfowl
- Sri Lanka spurfowl
- Blood pheasant
- Western tragopan
- Satyr tragopan
- Blyth's tragopan
- Temminck's tragopan
- Cabot's tragopan
- Koklass pheasant
- Himalayan monal
- Sclater's monal
- Chinese monal
- Red junglefowl
- Grey junglefowl
- Sri Lanka junglefowl
- Green junglefowl
- Kalij pheasant
- Silver pheasant
- Edwards's pheasant
- Swinhoe's pheasant
- Hoogerwerf's pheasant
- Salvadori's pheasant
- Crestless fireback
- Crested fireback
- Siamese fireback
- Bulwer's pheasant
- White eared pheasant
- Tibetan eared pheasant
- Brown eared pheasant
- Blue eared pheasant
- Elliot's pheasant
- Mrs. Hume's pheasant
- Mikado pheasant
- Copper pheasant
- Reeves's pheasant
- Common pheasant
- Green pheasant
- Golden pheasant
- Lady Amherst's pheasant
- Bronze-tailed peacock-pheasant
- Mountain peacock-pheasant
- Germain's peacock-pheasant
- Grey peacock-pheasant
- Hainan peacock-pheasant
- Malayan peacock-pheasant
- Bornean peacock-pheasant
- Palawan peacock-pheasant
- Crested argus
- Great argus
- Indian peafowl
- Green peafowl
- Congo peafowl
Gaviiformes (loons)
Gaviidae (loons)
Sphenisciformes (penguins)
Spheniscidae (penguins)
- Emperor penguin
- King penguin
- Gentoo penguin
- Adelie penguin
- Northern rockhopper penguin
- Southern rockhopper penguin
- Macaroni penguin
- Yellow-eyed penguin
- Fairy penguin
- African penguin
- Magellanic penguin
- Galápagos penguin
- Chinstrap penguin
- Erect-crested penguin
- Humboldt penguin
- Royal penguin
- Fiordland penguin
- Snares penguin
- Little penguin
Procellariformes (typical seabirds)
Oceanitidae (Austral storm petrels)
- Wilson's storm petrel
- Elliot's storm petrel
- Pincoya storm petrel
- Grey-backed storm petrel
- White-faced storm petrel
- White-bellied storm petrel
- Black-bellied storm petrel
- New Zealand storm petrel
- Polynesian storm petrel
Diomedeidae (albatrosses)
- Black-footed albatross
- Waved albatross
- Short-tailed albatross
- Antipodean albatross
- Amsterdam albatross
- Tristan albatross
- Southern royal albatross
- Northern royal albatross
- Sooty albatross
- Light-mantled albatross
- Black-browed albatross
- Campbell albatross
- Shy albatross
- Chatham albatross
- Salvin's albatross
- Grey-headed albatross
- Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross
- Indian yellow-nosed albatross
- Buller's albatross
- Laysan albatross
- Wandering albatross
Hydrobatidae (Northern storm petrels)
- Band-rumped storm petrel
- Monteiro's storm petrel
- Cape Verde storm petrel
- Swinhoe's storm petrel
- Leach's storm petrel
- Markham's storm petrel
- Tristram's storm petrel
- Black storm petrel
- Guadalupe storm petrel
- Matsudaira's storm petrel
- Ashy storm petrel
- Hornby's storm petrel
- Fork-tailed storm petrel
Procellariidae (petrels and shearwaters)
- Southern giant petrel
- Northern giant petrel
- Northern fulmar
- Southern fulmar
- Antarctic petrel
- Cape petrel
- Snow petrel
- Blue petrel
- Broad-billed prion
- Salvin's prion
- Antarctic prion
- Slender-billed prion
- Fairy prion
- Fulmar prion
- Kerguelen petrel
- Great-winged petrel
- White-headed petrel
- Atlantic petrel
- Providence petrel
- Magenta petrel
- Murphy's petrel
- Soft-plumaged petrel
- Zino's petrel
- Fea's petrel
- Desertas petrel
- Bermuda petrel
- Black-capped petrel
- Jamaican petrel
- Juan Fernandez petrel
- Vanuatu petrel
- Kermadec petrel
- Herald petrel
- Trindade petrel
- Henderson petrel
- Phoenix petrel
- Barau's petrel
- Hawaiian petrel
- Galapagos petrel
- Mottled petrel
- White-necked petrel
- Black-winged petrel
- Chatham petrel
- Bonin petrel
- Gould's petrel
- Collared petrel
- Cook's petrel
- De Filippi's petrel
- Stejneger's petrel
- Pycroft's petrel
- Mascarene petrel
- St. Helena petrel
- Tahiti petrel
- Beck's petrel
- Fiji petrel
- Grey petrel
- White-chinned petrel
- Spectacled petrel
- Black petrel
- Westland petrel
- Streaked shearwater
- Scopoli's shearwater
- Cory's shearwater
- Cape Verde shearwater
- Wedge-tailed shearwater
- Buller's shearwater
- Sooty shearwater
- Short-tailed shearwater
- Pink-footed shearwater
- Flesh-footed shearwater
- Great shearwater
- Christmas shearwater
- Manx shearwater
- Yelkouan shearwater
- Balearic shearwater
- Bryan's shearwater
- Black-vented shearwater
- Townsend's shearwater
- Newell's shearwater
- Rapa shearwater
- Fluttering shearwater
- Hutton's shearwater
- Audubon's shearwater
- Persian shearwater
- Tropical shearwater
- Galapagos shearwater
- Bannerman's shearwater
- Heinroth's shearwater
- Little shearwater
- Subantarctic shearwater
- Barolo shearwater
- Boyd's shearwater
- Bulwer's petrel
- Olson's petrel
- Jouanin's petrel
Pelecanoididae (diving petrels)
Podicipediformes (grebes)
Podicipedidae (grebes)
- Alaotra grebe
- Little grebe
- Tricolored grebe
- Australasian grebe
- Madagascan grebe
- Least grebe
- Pied-billed grebe
- Atitlan grebe
- White-tufted grebe
- Titicaca grebe
- Hoary-headed grebe
- New Zealand grebe
- Great grebe
- Red-necked grebe
- Great crested grebe
- Horned grebe
- Black-necked grebe
- Colombian grebe
- Silvery grebe
- Junin grebe
- Hooded grebe
- Western grebe
- Clark's grebe
Phoenicopteriformes (flamingos)
Phoenicopteridae (flamingos)
- Greater flamingo
- American flamingo
- Lesser flamingo
- Andean flamingo
- Chilean flamingo
- James's flamingo
Phaethontiformes (tropicbirds)
Phaethontidae (tropicbirds)
Ciconiiformes (storks)
Ciconiidae (storks)

Wood storks on the Smith Canal near the St. Johns River in Florida
- Wood stork
- Milky stork
- Yellow-billed stork
- Painted stork
- Asian openbill
- African openbill
- Black stork
- Abdim's stork
- Woolly-necked stork
- Storm's stork
- Maguari stork
- White stork
- Oriental stork
- Black-necked stork
- Saddle-billed stork
- Jabiru
- Lesser adjutant
- Greater adjutant
- Marabou stork
Pelecaniformes (ibises, herons, pelicans, and allies)
Threskiornithidae (ibises and spoonbills)
- African sacred ibis
- Malagasy sacred ibis
- Reunion ibis
- Black-headed ibis
- Australian white ibis
- Straw-necked ibis
- Red-naped ibis
- White-shouldered ibis
- Giant ibis
- Northern bald ibis
- Southern bald ibis
- Crested ibis
- Olive ibis
- Sao Tome ibis
- Hadada ibis
- Wattled ibis
- Plumbeous ibis
- Buff-necked ibis
- Black-faced ibis
- Andean ibis
- Sharp-tailed ibis
- Green ibis
- Bare-faced ibis
- American white ibis
- Scarlet ibis
- White-faced ibis
- Glossy ibis
- Puna ibis
- Madagascan ibis
- Eurasian spoonbill
- Black-faced spoonbill
- African spoonbill
- Royal spoonbill
- Yellow-billed spoonbill
- Roseate spoonbill
Ardeidae (herons)
- Forest bittern
- White-crested tiger heron
- Rufescent tiger heron
- Fasciated tiger heron
- Bare-throated tiger heron
- Agami heron
- Boat-billed heron
- Zigzag heron
- Eurasian bittern
- Australasian bittern
- American bittern
- Pinnated bittern
- Stripe-backed bittern
- Least bittern
- Little bittern
- Black-backed bittern
- New Zealand bittern
- Yellow bittern
- Von Schrenck's bittern
- Cinnamon bittern
- Dwarf bittern
- Black bittern
- White-eared night heron
- Japanese night heron
- Malayan night heron
- White-backed night heron
- Black-crowned night heron
- Ascension night heron
- Reunion night heron
- Mauritius night heron
- Rodrigues night heron
- Nankeen night heron
- Yellow-crowned night heron
- Bermuda night heron
- Green heron
- Lava heron
- Striated heron
- Squacco heron
- Indian pond heron
- Chinese pond heron
- Javan pond heron
- Malagasy pond heron
- Rufous-bellied heron
- Western cattle egret
- Eastern cattle egret
- Grey heron
- Great blue heron
- Cocoi heron
- White-necked heron
- Black-headed heron
- Humblot's heron
- White-bellied heron
- Great-billed heron
- Goliath heron
- Purple heron
- Great egret
- Capped heron
- Whistling heron
- Intermediate egret
- Pied heron
- White-faced heron
- Reddish egret
- Black heron
- Slaty egret
- Tricolored heron
- Little blue heron
- Snowy egret
- Little egret
- Western reef heron
- Dimorphic egret
- Pacific reef heron
- Chinese egret
Scopidae (Hamerkop)
Balaenicipitidae (Shoebill)
A pelican somewhere in France
Pelecanidae (Pelicans)
- Pink-backed pelican
- Great white pelican
- Spot-billed pelican
- Dalmatian pelican
- Australian pelican
- Brown pelican
- American white pelican
- Peruvian pelican
Suliformes (frigatebirds, sulids, cormorants, and allies)
Fregatidae (frigatebirds)
- Ascension frigatebird
- Christmas frigatebird
- Magnificent frigatebird
- Great frigatebird
- Lesser frigatebird
Sulidae (gannets and boobies)
- Northern gannet
- Cape gannet
- Australasian gannet
- Abbott's booby
- Masked booby
- Blue-footed booby
- Peruvian booby
- Nazca booby
- Red-footed booby
- Brown booby
Phalacrocoracidae (cormorants and shags)
- Little pied cormorant
- Reed cormorant
- Crowned cormorant
- Little cormorant
- Pygmy cormorant
- Red-legged cormorant
- Flightless cormorant
- Bank cormorant
- Spotted shag
- Pitt shag
- Pallas's cormorant
- Brandt's cormorant
- Pelagic cormorant
- Red-faced cormorant
- Neotropic cormorant
- Double-crested cormorant
- European shag
- Black-faced cormorant
- Indian cormorant
- Little black cormorant
- Australian pied cormorant
- Great cormorant
- White-breasted cormorant
- Japanese cormorant
- Cape cormorant
- Socotra cormorant
- Rock shag
- Guanay cormorant
- Imperial shag
- South Georgia shag
- Antarctic shag
- Heard Island shag
- Crozet shag
- Macquarie shag
- Kerguelen shag
- New Zealand king shag
- Stewart shag
- Chatham shag
- Campbell shag
- Auckland shag
- Bounty shag
Anhingidae (darters)
Accipitriformes (vultures, hawks, eagles, and allies)

A brown falcon in flight display somewhere in South-east Australia

A male harpy eagle at Parque das Aves, Brazil

Cathartidae (New World vultures)
- Turkey vulture
- Lesser yellow-headed vulture
- Greater yellow-headed vulture
- King vulture
- Black vulture
- California condor
- Andean condor
Sagittariidae (secretarybird)
Pandionidae (ospreys)
Accipitridae (kites, hawks, eagles, and allies)
- Black-winged kite
- Black-shouldered kite
- White-tailed kite
- Letter-winged kite
- Pearl kite
- Scissor-tailed kite
- African harrier-hawk
- Madagascan harrier-hawk
- Palm-nut vulture
- Bearded vulture
- Egyptian vulture
- Madagascan serpent eagle
- Grey-headed kite
- White-collared kite
- Hook-billed kite
- Cuban kite
- European honey buzzard
- Crested honey buzzard
- Barred honey buzzard
- Philippine honey buzzard
- Swallow-tailed kite
- Black-breasted buzzard
- African cuckoo-hawk
- Madagascan cuckoo-hawk
- Jerdon's baza
- Pacific baza
- Black baza
- Long-tailed honey buzzard
- Black honey buzzard
- Hooded vulture
- White-backed vulture
- White-rumped vulture
- Indian vulture
- Slender-billed vulture
- Ruppell's vulture
- Himalayan vulture
- Griffon vulture
- Cape vulture
- Red-headed vulture
- White-headed vulture
- Cinereous vulture
- Lappet-faced vulture
- Crested serpent eagle
- Great Nicobar serpent eagle
- Mountain serpent eagle
- Sulawesi serpent eagle
- Philippine serpent eagle
- Andaman serpent eagle
- Philippine eagle
- Short-toed snake eagle
- Beaudouin's snake eagle
- Black-chested snake eagle
- Brown snake eagle
- Southern banded snake eagle
- Western banded snake eagle
- Congo serpent eagle
- Bateleur
- Bat hawk
- Papuan eagle
- Crested eagle
- Harpy eagle
- Changeable hawk-eagle
- Flores hawk-eagle
- Mountain hawk-eagle
- Legge's hawk-eagle
- Blyth's hawk-eagle
- Javan hawk-eagle
- Sulawesi hawk-eagle
- Philippine hawk-eagle
- Pinsker's hawk-eagle
- Wallace's hawk-eagle
- Black hawk-eagle
- Black-and-white hawk-eagle
- Ornate hawk-eagle
- Black-and-chestnut eagle
- Crowned eagle
- Rufous-bellied hawk-eagle
- Martial eagle
- Long-crested eagle
- Black eagle
- Lesser spotted eagle
- Indian spotted eagle
- Greater spotted eagle
- Wahlberg's eagle
- Booted eagle
- Little eagle
- Pygmy eagle
- Ayres's hawk-eagle
- Tawny eagle
- Steppe eagle
- Spanish imperial eagle
- Eastern imperial eagle
- Gurney's eagle
- Golden eagle
- Wedge-tailed eagle
- Verreaux's eagle
- Cassin's hawk-eagle
- Bonelli's eagle
- African hawk-eagle
- Double-toothed kite
- Rufous-thighed kite
- Lizard buzzard
- Gabar goshawk
- Dark chanting goshawk
- Eastern chanting goshawk
- Pale chanting goshawk
- Long-tailed hawk
- Chestnut-shouldered goshawk
- Red goshawk
- Doria's goshawk
- Tiny hawk
- Semicollared hawk
- Crested goshawk
- Sulawesi goshawk
- Grey-bellied hawk
- Red-chested goshawk
- African goshawk
- Chestnut-flanked sparrowhawk
- Shikra
- Nicobar sparrowhawk
- Levant sparrowhawk
- Chinese sparrowhawk
- Frances's sparrowhawk
- Spot-tailed sparrowhawk
- Grey goshawk
- Variable goshawk
- Brown goshawk
- Black-mantled goshawk
- Pied goshawk
- White-bellied goshawk
- Fiji goshawk
- Moluccan goshawk
- Slaty-mantled goshawk
- Imitator goshawk
- Grey-headed goshawk
- New Britain goshawk
- Little sparrowhawk
- Japanese sparrowhawk
- Besra
- Dwarf sparrowhawk
- Rufous-necked sparrowhawk
- Collared sparrowhawk
- New Britain sparrowhawk
- Vinous-breasted sparrowhawk
- Madagascan sparrowhawk
- Ovambo sparrowhawk
- Eurasian sparrowhawk
- Rufous-breasted sparrowhawk
- Sharp-shinned hawk
- White-breasted hawk
- Plain-breasted hawk
- Rufous-thighed hawk
- Cooper's hawk
- Gundlach's hawk
- Bicolored hawk
- Chilean hawk
- Black sparrowhawk
- Henst's goshawk
- Northern goshawk
- Meyer's goshawk
- Western marsh harrier
- Eastern marsh harrier
- Papuan harrier
- Swamp harrier
- African marsh harrier
- Reunion harrier
- Malagasy harrier
- Long-winged harrier
- Spotted harrier
- Black harrier
- Hen harrier
- Northern harrier
- Cinereous harrier
- Pallid harrier
- Pied harrier
- Montagu's harrier
- Red kite
- Black kite
- Yellow-billed kite
- Whistling kite
- Brahminy kite
- White-bellied sea eagle
- Sanford's sea eagle
- African fish eagle
- Pallas's fish eagle
- White-tailed eagle
- Bald eagle
- Steller's sea eagle
- Lesser fish eagle
- Grey-headed fish eagle
- Grasshopper buzzard
- White-eyed buzzard
- Rufous-winged buzzard
- Grey-faced buzzard
- Mississippi kite
- Plumbeous kite
- Black-collared hawk
- Snail kite
- Slender-billed kite
- Crane hawk
- Plumbeous hawk
- Slate-colored hawk
- Common black hawk
- Rufous crab hawk
- Savanna hawk
- White-necked hawk
- Great black hawk
- Montane solitary eagle
- Crowned solitary eagle
- Barred hawk
- Roadside hawk
- Harris's hawk
- White-rumped hawk
- White-tailed hawk
- Variable hawk
- Black-chested buzzard-eagle
- Mantled hawk
- White hawk
- Grey-backed hawk
- Semiplumbeous hawk
- Black-faced hawk
- White-browed hawk
- Grey hawk
- Grey-lined hawk
- Red-shouldered hawk
- Ridgway's hawk
- Broad-winged hawk
- White-throated hawk
- Short-tailed hawk
- Hawaiian hawk
- Swainson's hawk
- Galapagos hawk
- Zone-tailed hawk
- Red-tailed hawk
- Rufous-tailed hawk
- Ferruginous hawk
- Rough-legged buzzard
- Upland buzzard
- Eastern buzzard
- Himalayan buzzard
- Long-legged buzzard
- Cape Verde buzzard
- Socotra buzzard
- Common buzzard
- Forest buzzard
- Mountain buzzard
- Archer's buzzard
- Red-necked buzzard
- Madagascan buzzard
- Augur buzzard
- Jackal buzzard
Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras)
- Black caracara
- Red throated caracara
- Carunculated caracara
- Mountain caracara
- White throated caracara
- Striated caracara
- Crested caracara
- Yellow-headed caracara
- Chimango caracara
- Laughing falcon
- Barred forest falcon
- Plumbeous forest falcon
- Lined forest falcon
- Cryptic forest falcon
- Slaty backed forest falcon
- Collared forest falcon
- Buckley's forest falcon
- Spot winged falconet
- African pygmy falcon
- White rumped pygmy falcon
- Collared falconet
- Black thighed falconet
- White fronted falconet
- Spot winged falconet
- Philippine falconet
- pied falconet
- Lesser kestrel
- Greater kestrel
- Common kestrel
- Rock kestrel
- Malagasy kestrel
- Mauritius kestrel
- Seychelles kestrel
- Spotted kestrel
- Nankeen kestrel
- American kestrel
- Fox kestrel
- Grey kestrel
- Dickinson's kestrel
- Banded kestrel
- Red necked falcon
- Red footed falcon
- Amur falcon
- Eleanora's falcon
- Sooty falcon
- Aplomado falcon
- Peregrine falcon
- Merlin
- Bat falcon
- Orange breasted falcon
- Eurasian hobby
- African hobby
- Oriental hobby
- Australasian hobby
- New Zealand falcon
- Brown falcon
- Grey falcon
- Black falcon
- Lanner falcon
- Laggar falcon
- Saker falcon
- Gyrfalcon
- Prairie falcon
- Barbary falcon
- Taita falcon
Otidiformes (bustards)
Otididae (bustards)
- Great bustard
- Arabian bustard
- Kori bustard
- Great Indian bustard
- Australian bustard
- Houbara bustard
- MacQueen's bustard
- Ludwig's bustard
- Denham's bustard
- Heuglin's bustard
- Nubian bustard
- White-bellied bustard
- Blue korhaan
- Karoo korhaan
- Ruppell's korhaan
- Little brown bustard
- Savile's bustard
- Buff-crested bustard
- Red-crested korhaan
- Southern black korhaan
- Northern black korhaan
- Black-bellied bustard
- Hartlaub's bustard
- Bengal florican
- Lesser florican
- Little bustard
Mesitornithiformes (mesites)
Mesitornithidae (mesites)
Cariamiformes (seriemas)
Cariamidae (seriemas)
Eurypygiformes (kagu and sunbittern)
Rhynochetidae (kagu)
Eurypygidae (sunbittern)
Gruiformes (rails, coots, cranes, and allies)
Sarothruridae (flufftails)
- Grey-throated rail
- Madagascan wood rail
- Tsingy wood rail
- White-spotted flufftail
- Buff-spotted flufftail
- Red-chested flufftail
- Chestnut-headed flufftail
- Streaky-breasted flufftail
- Striped flufftail
- Madagascan flufftail
- White-winged flufftail
- Slender-billed flufftail
Heliornithidae (finfoots)
Rallidae (coots, crakes, and rails)
- Nkulengu rail
- Swinhoe's rail
- Yellow rail
- Speckled rail
- Ocellated crake
- Chestnut forest rail
- White-striped forest rail
- Forbes's forest rail
- Mayr's forest rail
- Red-necked crake
- Andaman crake
- Red-legged crake
- Slaty-legged crake
- Chestnut-headed crake
- Russet-crowned crake
- Black-banded crake
- Rufous-sided crake
- Rusty-flanked crake
- Ruddy crake
- White-throated crake
- Grey-breasted crake
- Black rail
- Galapagos crake
- Red-and-white crake
- Rufous-faced crake
- Bar-winged rail
- Woodford's rail
- Weka
- Calayan rail
- New Caledonian rail
- Lord Howe woodhen
- Okinawa rail
- Barred rail
- Pink-legged rail
- Tahiti rail
- Buff-banded rail
- Guam rail
- Wake Island rail
- Roviana rail
- Dieffenbach's rail
- Chatham rail
- Slaty-breasted rail
- Hawkins's rail
- Mangrove rail
- Clapper rail
- Ridgway's rail
- King rail
- Aztec rail
- Plain-flanked rail
- Virginia rail
- Ecuadorian rail
- Bogota rail
- Austral rail
- Water rail
- Brown-cheeked rail
- African rail
- Madagascan rail
- Brown-banded rail
- Lewin's rail
- Auckland rail
- White-throated rail
- Reunion rail
- Red rail
- Rodrigues rail
- African crake
- Corn crake
- Rouget's rail
- Snoring rail
- Ascension crake
- St. Helena rail
- Inaccessible Island rail
- Little wood rail
- Rufous-necked wood rail
- Grey-necked wood rail
- White-bellied wood rail
- Brown wood rail
- Giant wood rail
- Slaty-breasted wood rail
- Red-winged wood rail
- Uniform crake
- Blue-faced rail
- Talaud rail
- Bare-eyed rail
- Brown crake
- Isabelline bush-hen
- Plain bush-hen
- Pale-vented bush-hen
- Talaud bush-hen
- White-breasted waterhen
- Black crake
- Sakalava rail
- St. Helena crake
- Black-tailed crake
- Little crake
- Baillon's crake
- Spotted crake
- Australian crake
- Sora
- Dot-winged crake
- Ash-throated crake
- Ruddy-breasted crake
- Band-bellied crake
- Spotless crake
- Tahiti crake
- Kosrae crake
- Henderson crake
- Hawaiian rail
- Laysan rail
- Yellow-breasted crake
- White-browed crake
- Striped crake
- Zapata rail
- Colombian crake
- Paint-billed crake
- Spotted rail
- Blackish rail
- Plumbeous rail
- Chestnut rail
- Invisible rail
- New Guinea flightless rail
- Watercock
- Western swamphen
- African swamphen
- Grey-headed swamphen
- Black-backed swamphen
- Philippine swamphen
- Australasian swamphen
- White swamphen
- North Island takahē
- South Island takahē
- Allen's gallinule
- Purple gallinule
- Azure gallinule
- Samoan woodhen
- Makira woodhen
- Tristan moorhen
- Gough moorhen
- Common moorhen
- Common gallinule
- Dusky moorhen
- Lesser moorhen
- Spot-flanked gallinule
- Black-tailed nativehen
- Tasmanian nativehen
- Red-knobbed coot
- Mascarene coot
- Eurasian coot
- Hawaiian coot
- American coot
- Caribbean coot
- White-winged coot
- Andean coot
- Red-gartered coot
- Red-fronted coot
- Giant coot
- Horned coot
Psophiidae (trumpeters)
Gruidae (cranes)
- Grey crowned crane
- Black crowned crane
- Siberian crane
- Sandhill crane
- White-naped crane
- Sarus crane
- Brolga
- Demoiselle crane
- Blue crane
- Wattled crane
- Red-crowned crane
- Whooping crane
- Common crane
- Hooded crane
- Black-necked crane
Aramidae (limpkin)
Charadriiformes (buttonquail, waders, gulls, alcids, and allies)
Turnicidae (buttonquail)
- Common buttonquail
- Red-backed buttonquail
- Hottentot buttonquail
- Black-rumped buttonquail
- Yellow-legged buttonquail
- Spotted buttonquail
- Barred buttonquail
- Madagascan buttonquail
- Black-breasted buttonquail
- Chestnut-backed buttonquail
- Buff-breasted buttonquail
- Painted buttonquail
- Worcester's buttonquail
- Sumba buttonquail
- Red-chested buttonquail
- Little buttonquail
- Quail-plover
Burhinidae (thick-knees and stone-curlews)
- Eurasian stone-curlew
- Indian stone-curlew
- Senegal thick-knee
- Water thick-knee
- Spotted thick-knee
- Double-striped thick-knee
- Peruvian thick-knee
- Bush stone-curlew
- Great stone-curlew
- Beach stone-curlew
Chionidae (sheathbills)
Pluvianellidae (magellanic plover)
Haematopodidae (oystercatchers)
- Magellanic oystercatcher
- Blackish oystercatcher
- Black oystercatcher
- American oystercatcher
- Canary Islands oystercatcher
- African oystercatcher
- Eurasian oystercatcher
- South Island oystercatcher
- Pied oystercatcher
- Variable oystercatcher
- Chatham oystercatcher
- Sooty oystercatcher
Dromadidae (crab-plover)
Ibidorhynchidae (ibisbill)
Recurvirostridae (avocets and stilts)
- Black-winged stilt
- White-headed stilt
- Black-necked stilt
- White-backed stilt
- Black stilt
- Banded stilt
- Pied avocet
- American avocet
- Red-necked avocet
- Andean avocet
Charadriidae (lapwings and plovers)
- Northern lapwing
- Long-toed lapwing
- Blacksmith lapwing
- Spur-winged lapwing
- River lapwing
- Black-headed lapwing
- Yellow-wattled lapwing
- White-crowned lapwing
- Senegal lapwing
- Black-winged lapwing
- Crowned lapwing
- African wattled lapwing
- Spot-breasted lapwing
- Brown-chested lapwing
- Grey-headed lapwing
- Red-wattled lapwing
- Javan lapwing
- Banded lapwing
- Masked lapwing
- Sociable lapwing
- White-tailed lapwing
- Southern lapwing
- Andean lapwing
- Red-kneed dotterel
- Inland dotterel
- Wrybill
- European golden plover
- Pacific golden plover
- American golden plover
- Grey plover
- New Zealand plover
- Common ringed plover
- Semipalmated plover
- Long-billed plover
- Little ringed plover
- Wilson's plover
- Killdeer
- Piping plover
- Madagascan plover
- Kittlitz's plover
- St. Helena plover
- Three-banded plover
- Forbes's plover
- White-fronted plover
- Kentish plover
- Snowy plover
- Javan plover
- Red-capped plover
- Malaysian plover
- Chestnut-banded plover
- Collared plover
- Puna plover
- Two-banded plover
- Double-banded plover
- Lesser sand plover
- Greater sand plover
- Caspian plover
- Oriental plover
- Eurasian dotterel
- Rufous-chested plover
- Mountain plover
- Hooded dotterel
- Shore dotterel
- Black-fronted dotterel
- Tawny-throated dotterel
- Diademed plover
- Pied plover
Pluvianidae (Egyptian plover)
Rostratulidae (painted-snipes)
Jacanidae (jacanas)
- Lesser jacana
- African jacana
- Madagascan jacana
- Comb-crested jacana
- Pheasant-tailed jacana
- Bronze-winged jacana
- Northern jacana
- Wattled jacana
Pedionomidae (plains-wanderer)
Thinocoridae (seedsnipes)
Scolopacidae (sandpipers)
- Eurasian woodcock
- Amami woodcock
- Javan woodcock
- New Guinea woodcock
- Bukidnon woodcock
- Sulawesi woodcock
- Moluccan woodcock
- American woodcock
- Chatham snipe
- North Island snipe
- South Island snipe
- Snares snipe
- Subantarctic snipe
- Jack snipe
- Solitary snipe
- Latham's snipe
- Wood snipe
- Pin-tailed snipe
- African snipe
- Madagascan snipe
- Great snipe
- Common snipe
- Wilson's snipe
- South American snipe
- Puna snipe
- Noble snipe
- Giant snipe
- Fuegian snipe
- Andean snipe
- Imperial snipe
- Short-billed dowitcher
- Long-billed dowitcher
- Asian dowitcher
- Black-tailed godwit
- Hudsonian godwit
- Bar-tailed godwit
- Marbled godwit
- Little curlew
- Eskimo curlew
- Bristle-thighed curlew
- Slender-billed curlew
- Eurasian curlew
- Far Eastern curlew
- Long-billed curlew
- Whimbrel
- Upland sandpiper
- Spotted redshank
- Common redshank
- Marsh sandpiper
- Common greenshank
- Nordmann's greenshank
- Greater yellowlegs
- Lesser yellowlegs
- Green sandpiper
- Solitary sandpiper
- Wood sandpiper
- Grey-tailed tattler
- Wandering tattler
- Willet
- Terek sandpiper
- Common sandpiper
- Spotted sandpiper
- Tuamotu sandpiper
- Kiritimati sandpiper
- Tahiti sandpiper
- Moorea sandpiper
- Ruddy turnstone
- Black turnstone
- Surfbird
- Great knot
- Red knot
- Sanderling
- Semipalmated sandpiper
- Western sandpiper
- Red-necked stint
- Little stint
- Temminck's stint
- Long-toed stint
- Least sandpiper
- White-rumped sandpiper
- Baird's sandpiper
- Pectoral sandpiper
- Sharp-tailed sandpiper
- Curlew sandpiper
- Purple sandpiper
- Rock sandpiper
- Dunlin
- Stilt sandpiper
- Spoon-billed sandpiper
- Broad-billed sandpiper
- Buff-breasted sandpiper
- Ruff
- Wilson's phalarope
- Red-necked phalarope
- Red phalarope
Glareolidae (coursers and pratincoles)
- Cream-coloured courser
- Somali courser
- Burchell's courser
- Temminck's courser
- Indian courser
- Double-banded courser
- Three-banded courser
- Bronze-winged courser
- Jerdon's courser
- Australian pratincole
- Collared pratincole
- Oriental pratincole
- Black-winged pratincole
- Madagascan pratincole
- Rock pratincole
- Grey pratincole
- Small pratincole
Laridae (gulls, terns, and allies)
- Brown noddy
- Lesser noddy
- Black noddy
- Blue noddy
- Grey noddy
- White tern
- Black skimmer
- African skimmer
- Indian skimmer
- Swallow-tailed gull
- Black-legged kittiwake
- Red-legged kittiwake
- Ivory gull
- Sabine's gull
- Slender-billed gull
- Bonaparte's gull
- Silver gull
- Black-billed gull
- Andean gull
- Brown-headed gull
- Brown-hooded gull
- Black-headed gull
- Grey-headed gull
- Hartlaub's gull
- Saunders's gull
- Little gull
- Ross's gull
- Dolphin gull
- Lava gull
- Laughing gull
- Franklin's gull
- Grey gull
- Relict gull
- Audouin's gull
- Mediterranean gull
- Pallas's gull
- White-eyed gull
- Sooty gull
- Pacific gull
- Belcher's gull
- Olrog's gull
- Black-tailed gull
- Heermann's gull
- Mew gull
- Ring-billed gull
- California gull
- Great black-backed gull
- Kelp gull
- Glaucous-winged gull
- Western gull
- Yellow-footed gull
- Glaucous gull
- Iceland gull
- Thayer's gull
- European herring gull
- American herring gull
- Vega gull
- Caspian gull
- Yellow-legged gull
- Armenian gull
- Slaty-backed gull
- Lesser black-backed gull
- Gull-billed tern
- Caspian tern
- Royal tern
- Greater crested tern
- Elegant tern
- Lesser crested tern
- Chinese crested tern
- Sandwich tern
- Cabot's tern
- Little tern
- Saunders's tern
- Least tern
- Yellow-billed tern
- Peruvian tern
- Fairy tern
- Damara tern
- Aleutian tern
- Spectacled tern
- Bridled tern
- Sooty tern
- River tern
- Roseate tern
- White-fronted tern
- Black-naped tern
- South American tern
- Common tern
- White-cheeked tern
- Arctic tern
- Antarctic tern
- Kerguelen tern
- Forster's tern
- Snowy-crowned tern
- Black-bellied tern
- Black-fronted tern
- Whiskered tern
- White-winged tern
- Black tern
- Large-billed tern
- Inca tern
Stercorariidae (skuas)
- Chilean skua
- South polar skua
- Brown skua
- Great skua
- Pomarine skua
- Parasitic jaeger
- Long-tailed jaeger
Alcidae (auks)
- Little auk
- Thick-billed murre
- Common murre
- Razorbill
- Great auk
- Black guillemot
- Spectacled guillemot
- Pigeon guillemot
- Marbled murrelet
- Long-billed murrelet
- Kittlitz's murrelet
- Guadalupe murrelet
- Scripps's murrelet
- Craveri's murrelet
- Ancient murrelet
- Japanese murrelet
- Cassin's auklet
- Parakeet auklet
- Least auklet
- Whiskered auklet
- Crested auklet
- Rhinoceros auklet
- Atlantic puffin
- Horned puffin
- Tufted puffin
Pterocliformes (sandgrouse)
Pteroclidae (sandgrouse)
- Tibetan sandgrouse
- Pallas's sandgrouse
- Pin-tailed sandgrouse
- Namaqua sandgrouse
- Chestnut-bellied sandgrouse
- Spotted sandgrouse
- Black-bellied sandgrouse
- Yellow-throated sandgrouse
- Crowned sandgrouse
- Black-faced sandgrouse
- Madagascan sandgrouse
- Lichtenstein's sandgrouse
- Painted sandgrouse
- Four-banded sandgrouse
- Double-banded sandgrouse
- Burchell's sandgrouse
Columbiformes (pigeons, doves, and allies)
Columbidae (pigeons, doves, and allies)
- Rock dove
- Hill pigeon
- Snow pigeon
- Speckled pigeon
- White-collared pigeon
- Stock dove
- Yellow-eyed pigeon
- Somali pigeon
- Common wood pigeon
- Trocaz pigeon
- Bolle's pigeon
- Laurel pigeon
- Afep pigeon
- African olive pigeon
- Cameroon olive pigeon
- Sao Tome olive pigeon
- Comoros olive pigeon
- Speckled wood pigeon
- White-naped pigeon
- Ashy wood pigeon
- Nilgiri wood pigeon
- Sri Lanka wood pigeon
- Pale-capped pigeon
- Silvery pigeon
- Andaman wood pigeon
- Japanese wood pigeon
- Bonin wood pigeon
- Ryukyu wood pigeon
- Metallic pigeon
- White-headed pigeon
- Yellow-legged pigeon
- Eastern bronze-naped pigeon
- Western bronze-naped pigeon
- Island bronze-naped pigeon
- Lemon dove
- White-crowned pigeon
- Scaly-naped pigeon
- Scaled pigeon
- Picazuro pigeon
- Bare-eyed pigeon
- Spot-winged pigeon
- Band-tailed pigeon
- Chilean pigeon
- Ring-tailed pigeon
- Pale-vented pigeon
- Red-billed pigeon
- Maranon pigeon
- Plain pigeon
- Plumbeous pigeon
- Ruddy pigeon
- Short-billed pigeon
- Dusky pigeon
- Malagasy turtle dove
- Rodrigues pigeon
- Pink pigeon
- European turtle dove
- Dusky turtle dove
- Adamawa turtle dove
- Oriental turtle dove
- Island collared dove
- Eurasian collared dove
- African collared dove
- White-winged collared dove
- Mourning collared dove
- Red-eyed dove
- Ring-necked dove
- Vinaceous dove
- Red turtle dove
- Spotted dove
- Laughing dove
- Barred cuckoo-dove
- Slender-billed cuckoo-dove
- Brown cuckoo-dove
- Philippine cuckoo-dove
- Ruddy cuckoo-dove
- Bar-necked cuckoo-dove
- Andaman cuckoo-dove
- Bar-tailed cuckoo-dove
- Mackinlay's cuckoo-dove
- Little cuckoo-dove
- Great cuckoo-dove
- Pied cuckoo-dove
- Crested cuckoo-dove
- White-faced dove
- Black dove
- Emerald-spotted wood dove
- Black-billed wood dove
- Blue-spotted wood dove
- Tambourine dove
- Blue-headed wood dove
- Namaqua dove
- Common emerald dove
- Pacific emerald dove
- Stephan's emerald dove
- New Guinea bronzewing
- New Britain bronzewing
- Common bronzewing
- Brush bronzewing
- Flock bronzewing
- Crested pigeon
- Spinifex pigeon
- Squatter pigeon
- Partridge pigeon
- Thick-billed ground pigeon
- Wonga pigeon
- Chestnut-quilled rock pigeon
- White-quilled rock pigeon
- Diamond dove
- Zebra dove
- Peaceful dove
- Barred dove
- Bar-shouldered dove
- Inca dove
- Scaled dove
- Common ground dove
- Plain-breasted ground dove
- Ecuadorian ground dove
- Ruddy ground dove
- Picui ground dove
- Croaking ground dove
- Blue-eyed ground dove
- Blue ground dove
- Purple-winged ground dove
- Maroon-chested ground dove
- Bare-faced ground dove
- Moreno's ground dove
- Black-winged ground dove
- Golden-spotted ground dove
- Long-tailed ground dove
- Blue-headed quail-dove
- Indigo-crowned quail-dove
- Sapphire quail-dove
- Crested quail-dove
- Ruddy quail-dove
- Violaceous quail-dove
- Grey-fronted quail-dove
- White-fronted quail-dove
- Key West quail-dove
- Bridled quail-dove
- Olive-backed quail-dove
- White-tipped dove
- Yungas dove
- Grey-fronted dove
- Grey-headed dove
- Pallid dove
- Azuero dove
- Grenada dove
- Caribbean dove
- Grey-chested dove
- Ochre-bellied dove
- Tolima dove
- Tuxtla quail-dove
- Buff-fronted quail-dove
- Purplish-backed quail-dove
- White-faced quail-dove
- White-throated quail-dove
- Lined quail-dove
- Chiriqui quail-dove
- Russet-crowned quail-dove
- Passenger pigeon
- Mourning dove
- Socorro dove
- Eared dove
- Zenaida dove
- Galapagos dove
- White-winged dove
- West Peruvian dove
- Nicobar pigeon
- Spotted green pigeon
- Sulawesi ground dove
- Cinnamon ground dove
- Luzon bleeding-heart
- Mindanao bleeding-heart
- Mindoro bleeding-heart
- Negros bleeding-heart
- Sulu bleeding-heart
- Wetar ground dove
- White-breasted ground dove
- White-fronted ground dove
- Polynesian ground dove
- White-throated ground dove
- Tongan ground dove
- Santa Cruz ground dove
- Tanna ground dove
- Thick-billed ground dove
- Marquesan ground dove
- Bronze ground dove
- Palau ground dove
- Choiseul pigeon
- Pheasant pigeon
- Western crowned pigeon
- Southern crowned pigeon
- Victoria crowned pigeon
- Dodo
- Rodrigues solitaire
- Tooth-billed pigeon
- White-eared brown dove
- Amethyst brown dove
- Tawitawi brown dove
- Mindanao brown dove
- Cinnamon-headed green pigeon
- Little green pigeon
- Pink-necked green pigeon
- Orange-breasted green pigeon
- Sri Lanka green pigeon
- Grey-fronted green pigeon
- Ashy-headed green pigeon
- Andaman green pigeon
- Philippine green pigeon
- Buru green pigeon
- Thick-billed green pigeon
- Grey-cheeked green pigeon
- Sumba green pigeon
- Flores green pigeon
- Timor green pigeon
- Large green pigeon
- Yellow-footed green pigeon
- Bruce's green pigeon
- Madagascan green pigeon
- Comoros green pigeon
- African green pigeon
- Pemba green pigeon
- Sao Tome green pigeon
- Pin-tailed green pigeon
- Sumatran green pigeon
- Yellow-vented green pigeon
- Wedge-tailed green pigeon
- Whistling green pigeon
- Banded fruit dove
- Black-banded fruit dove
- Red-naped fruit dove
- Pink-headed fruit dove
- Flame-breasted fruit dove
- Cream-breasted fruit dove
- Yellow-breasted fruit dove
- Red-eared fruit dove
- Jambu fruit dove
- Banggai fruit dove
- Oberholser's fruit dove
- Sula fruit dove
- Black-chinned fruit dove
- Scarlet-breasted fruit dove
- Wompoo fruit dove
- Pink-spotted fruit dove
- Ornate fruit dove
- Tanna fruit dove
- Orange-fronted fruit dove
- Wallace's fruit dove
- Superb fruit dove
- Many-colored fruit dove
- Crimson-crowned fruit dove
- Palau fruit dove
- Lilac-crowned fruit dove
- Mariana fruit dove
- Rose-crowned fruit dove
- Silver-capped fruit dove
- Grey-green fruit dove
- Makatea fruit dove
- Atoll fruit dove
- Red-bellied fruit dove
- Rapa fruit dove
- White-capped fruit dove
- Red-moustached fruit dove
- Henderson fruit dove
- Coroneted fruit dove
- Beautiful fruit dove
- Blue-capped fruit dove
- White-bibbed fruit dove
- Yellow-bibbed fruit dove
- Claret-breasted fruit dove
- White-headed fruit dove
- Orange-bellied fruit dove
- Knob-billed fruit dove
- Grey-headed fruit dove
- Carunculated fruit dove
- Black-naped fruit dove
- Dwarf fruit dove
- Negros fruit dove
- Orange fruit dove
- Golden fruit dove
- Whistling fruit dove
- Cloven-feathered dove
- Mauritius blue pigeon
- Madagascan blue pigeon
- Comoros blue pigeon
- Seychelles blue pigeon
- Pink-bellied imperial pigeon
- White-bellied imperial pigeon
- Mindoro imperial pigeon
- Grey-headed imperial pigeon
- Spotted imperial pigeon
- Green imperial pigeon
- Nicobar imperial pigeon
- Spectacled imperial pigeon
- Seram imperial pigeon
- Elegant imperial pigeon
- Pacific imperial pigeon
- Micronesian imperial pigeon
- Polynesian imperial pigeon
- Marquesan imperial pigeon
- Red-knobbed imperial pigeon
- Spice imperial pigeon
- Purple-tailed imperial pigeon
- Cinnamon-bellied imperial pigeon
- Finsch's imperial pigeon
- Rufescent imperial pigeon
- Island imperial pigeon
- Pink-headed imperial pigeon
- Christmas imperial pigeon
- Grey imperial pigeon
- Barking imperial pigeon
- Chestnut-bellied imperial pigeon
- Vanuatu imperial pigeon
- Goliath imperial pigeon
- Pinon's imperial pigeon
- Black imperial pigeon
- Collared imperial pigeon
- Zoe's imperial pigeon
- Mountain imperial pigeon
- Dark-backed imperial pigeon
- Timor imperial pigeon
- Pied imperial pigeon
- Silver-tipped imperial pigeon
- Torresian imperial pigeon
- Yellowish imperial pigeon
- Topknot pigeon
- New Zealand pigeon
- Chatham pigeon
- Sombre pigeon
- Papuan mountain pigeon
- Buru mountain pigeon
- Seram mountain pigeon
Opisthocomiformes (hoatzin)
Opisthocomidae (hoatzin)
Musophagiformes (turacos)
Musophagidae (turacos)
- Great blue turaco
- Guinea turaco
- Livingstone's turaco
- Schalow's turaco
- Knysna turaco
- Black-billed turaco
- Fischer's turaco
- Yellow-billed turaco
- White-crested turaco
- Bannerman's turaco
- Red-crested turaco
- Hartlaub's turaco
- White-cheeked turaco
- Ruspoli's turaco
- Purple-crested turaco
- Ruwenzori turaco
- Violet turaco
- Ross's turaco
- Grey go-away-bird
- Bare-faced go-away-bird
- White-bellied go-away-bird
- Western plantain-eater
- Eastern plantain-eater
Cuculiformes (cuckoos and allies)
Cuculidae (cuckoos and allies)
- Guira cuckoo
- Greater ani
- Smooth-billed ani
- Groove-billed ani
- Striped cuckoo
- Pheasant cuckoo
- Pavonine cuckoo
- Lesser ground cuckoo
- Greater roadrunner
- Lesser roadrunner
- Rufous-vented ground cuckoo
- Scaled ground cuckoo
- Banded ground cuckoo
- Rufous-winged ground cuckoo
- Red-billed ground cuckoo
- Buff-headed coucal
- White-necked coucal
- Ivory-billed coucal
- Biak coucal
- Rufous coucal
- Green-billed coucal
- Black-faced coucal
- Black-hooded coucal
- Short-toed coucal
- Bay coucal
- Gabon coucal
- Black-throated coucal
- Senegal coucal
- Blue-headed coucal
- Coppery-tailed coucal
- White-browed coucal
- Burchell's coucal
- Sunda coucal
- Greater coucal
- Malagasy coucal
- Goliath coucal
- Black coucal
- Philippine coucal
- Lesser coucal
- Violaceous coucal
- Black-billed coucal
- Pheasant coucal
- Andaman coucal
- Bornean ground cuckoo
- Sumatran ground cuckoo
- Coral-billed ground cuckoo
- Snail-eating coua
- Crested coua
- Verreaux's coua
- Blue coua
- Red-capped coua
- Red-fronted coua
- Coquerel's coua
- Running coua
- Giant coua
- Red-breasted coua
- Raffles's malkoha
- Blue malkoha
- Green malkoha
- Sirkeer malkoha
- Red-billed malkoha
- Yellow-billed malkoha
- Chestnut-breasted malkoha
- Blue-faced malkoha
- Black-bellied malkoha
- Green-billed malkoha
- Rough-crested malkoha
- Scale-feathered malkoha
- Chestnut-winged cuckoo
- Great spotted cuckoo
- Levaillant's cuckoo
- Jacobin cuckoo
- Little cuckoo
- Dwarf cuckoo
- Ash-colored cuckoo
- Squirrel cuckoo
- Black-bellied cuckoo
- Dark-billed cuckoo
- Yellow-billed cuckoo
- Pearly-breasted cuckoo
- Mangrove cuckoo
- Cocos cuckoo
- Black-billed cuckoo
- Grey-capped cuckoo
- Chestnut-bellied cuckoo
- Bay-breasted cuckoo
- Jamaican lizard cuckoo
- Great lizard cuckoo
- Puerto Rican lizard cuckoo
- Hispaniolan lizard cuckoo
- Thick-billed cuckoo
- Dwarf koel
- Asian koel
- Black-billed koel
- Pacific koel
- Pacific long-tailed cuckoo
- Channel-billed cuckoo
- Asian emerald cuckoo
- Violet cuckoo
- Diederik cuckoo
- Klaas's cuckoo
- Yellow-throated cuckoo
- African emerald cuckoo
- Long-billed cuckoo
- Horsfield's bronze cuckoo
- Black-eared cuckoo
- Rufous-throated bronze cuckoo
- Shining bronze cuckoo
- White-eared bronze cuckoo
- Little bronze cuckoo
- Pallid cuckoo
- White-crowned cuckoo
- Chestnut-breasted cuckoo
- Fan-tailed cuckoo
- Banded bay cuckoo
- Plaintive cuckoo
- Grey-bellied cuckoo
- Brush cuckoo
- Rusty-breasted cuckoo
- Moluccan cuckoo
- Dusky long-tailed cuckoo
- Olive long-tailed cuckoo
- Barred long-tailed cuckoo
- Philippine drongo-cuckoo
- Square-tailed drongo-cuckoo
- Fork-tailed drongo-cuckoo
- Moluccan drongo-cuckoo
- Moustached hawk-cuckoo
- Large hawk-cuckoo
- Dark hawk-cuckoo
- Common hawk-cuckoo
- Rufous hawk-cuckoo
- Philippine hawk-cuckoo
- Malaysian hawk-cuckoo
- Hodgson's hawk-cuckoo
- Black cuckoo
- Red-chested cuckoo
- Lesser cuckoo
- Sulawesi cuckoo
- Indian cuckoo
- Madagascan cuckoo
- African cuckoo
- Himalayan cuckoo
- Oriental cuckoo
- Sunda cuckoo
- Common cuckoo
- St. Helena cuckoo
Strigiformes (owls)
Tytonidae (barn owls)
- Greater sooty owl
- Lesser sooty owl
- Minahassa masked owl
- Taliabu masked owl
- Moluccan masked owl
- Manus masked owl
- Golden masked owl
- Australian masked owl
- Sulawesi masked owl
- Red owl
- Western barn owl
- Eastern barn owl
- Andaman masked owl
- Ashy-faced owl
- African grass owl
- Eastern grass owl
- Congo bay owl
- Oriental bay owl
- Sri Lanka bay owl
Strigidae (typical owls)
- Giant scops owl
- White-fronted scops owl
- Reddish scops owl
- Serendib scops owl
- Sandy scops owl
- Sokoke scops owl
- Andaman scops owl
- Flores scops owl
- Mountain scops owl
- Rajah scops owl
- Javan scops owl
- Mentawai scops owl
- Indian scops owl
- Collared scops owl
- Japanese scops owl
- Sunda scops owl
- Palawan scops owl
- Philippine scops owl
- Everett's scops owl
- Negros scops owl
- Wallace's scops owl
- Mindanao scops owl
- Pallid scops owl
- African scops owl
- Arabian scops owl
- Eurasian scops owl
- Oriental scops owl
- Socotra scops owl
- Moluccan scops owl
- Rinjani scops owl
- Sula scops owl
- Siau scops owl
- Mantanani scops owl
- Ryukyu scops owl
- Sulawesi scops owl
- Sangihe scops owl
- Biak scops owl
- Seychelles scops owl
- Simeulue scops owl
- Enggano scops owl
- Nicobar scops owl
- Pemba scops owl
- Karthala scops owl
- Anjouan scops owl
- Moheli scops owl
- Mayotte scops owl
- Torotoroka scops owl
- Rainforest scops owl
- Sao Tome scops owl
- Reunion owl
- Mauritius owl
- Rodrigues owl
- Flammulated owl
- Eastern screech owl
- Western screech owl
- Balsas screech owl
- Pacific screech owl
- Whiskered screech owl
- Tropical screech owl
- West Peruvian screech owl
- Koepcke's screech owl
- Bare-shanked screech owl
- Bearded screech owl
- Rufescent screech owl
- Colombian screech owl
- Cinnamon screech owl
- Cloud-forest screech owl
- Tawny-bellied screech owl
- Middle American screech owl
- Vermiculated screech owl
- Roraiman screech owl
- Napo screech owl
- Choco screech owl
- Yungas screech owl
- Black-capped screech owl
- Long-tufted screech owl
- Puerto Rican screech owl
- White-throated screech owl
- Palau owl
- Bare-legged owl
- Northern white-faced owl
- Southern white-faced owl
- Snowy owl
- Great horned owl
- Lesser horned owl
- Eurasian eagle-owl
- Indian eagle-owl
- Pharaoh eagle-owl
- Cape eagle-owl
- Spotted eagle-owl
- Greyish eagle-owl
- Fraser's eagle-owl
- Usambara eagle-owl
- Spot-bellied eagle-owl
- Barred eagle-owl
- Shelley's eagle-owl
- Verreaux's eagle-owl
- Dusky eagle-owl
- Akun eagle-owl
- Philippine eagle-owl
- Blakiston's fish owl
- Brown fish owl
- Tawny fish owl
- Buffy fish owl
- Pel's fishing owl
- Rufous fishing owl
- Vermiculated fishing owl
- Spotted wood owl
- Mottled wood owl
- Brown wood owl
- Tawny owl
- Himalayan owl
- Omani owl
- Desert owl
- Spotted owl
- Barred owl
- Cinereous owl
- Fulvous owl
- Rusty-barred owl
- Chaco owl
- Rufous-legged owl
- Ural owl
- Pere David's owl
- Great grey owl
- African wood owl
- Mottled owl
- Rufous-banded owl
- Black-and-white owl
- Black-banded owl
- Maned owl
- Crested owl
- Spectacled owl
- Tawny-browed owl
- Band-bellied owl
- Northern hawk-owl
- Eurasian pygmy owl
- Collared owlet
- Pearl-spotted owlet
- Northern pygmy owl
- Mountain pygmy owl
- Baja pygmy owl
- Guatemalan pygmy owl
- Costa Rican pygmy owl
- Andean pygmy owl
- Cloud-forest pygmy owl
- Yungas pygmy owl
- Colima pygmy owl
- Tamaulipas pygmy owl
- Pernambuco pygmy owl
- Central American pygmy owl
- Subtropical pygmy owl
- Amazonian pygmy owl
- East Brazilian pygmy owl
- Ferruginous pygmy owl
- Pacific pygmy owl
- Austral pygmy owl
- Cuban pygmy owl
- Red-chested owlet
- Sjostedt's barred owlet
- Asian barred owlet
- Javan owlet
- Jungle owlet
- Chestnut-backed owlet
- African barred owlet
- Albertine owlet
- Long-whiskered owlet
- Elf owl
- Little owl
- Spotted owlet
- Burrowing owl
- Forest owlet
- Boreal owl
- Northern saw-whet owl
- Bermuda saw-whet owl
- Unspotted saw-whet owl
- Buff-fronted owl
- Rufous owl
- Togian boobook
- Powerful owl
- Barking owl
- Sumba boobook
- Southern boobook
- Morepork
- Brown hawk-owl
- Northern boobook
- Chocolate boobook
- Hume's hawk-owl
- Andaman hawk-owl
- White-browed hawk-owl
- Luzon hawk-owl
- Mindanao hawk-owl
- Mindoro hawk-owl
- Romblon hawk-owl
- Cebu hawk-owl
- Camiguin hawk-owl
- Sulu hawk-owl
- Ochre-bellied boobook
- Cinnabar boobook
- Hantu boobook
- Halmahera boobook
- Christmas boobook
- Papuan boobook
- Manus boobook
- Speckled boobook
- New Ireland boobook
- New Britain boobook
- Solomons boobook
- Little Sumba hawk-owl
- Papuan hawk-owl
- Laughing owl
- Jamaican owl
- Striped owl
- Fearful owl
- Stygian owl
- Long-eared owl
- Abyssinian owl
- Madagascan owl
- Short-eared owl
- Marsh owl
Caprimulgiformes (nightjars and allies)
Podargidae (frogmouths)
- Marbled frogmouth
- Papuan frogmouth
- Tawny frogmouth
- Solomons frogmouth
- Large frogmouth
- Dulit frogmouth
- Philippine frogmouth
- Gould's frogmouth
- Sri Lanka frogmouth
- Hodgson's frogmouth
- Short-tailed frogmouth
- Bornean frogmouth
- Javan frogmouth
- Blyth's frogmouth
- Palawan frogmouth
- Sunda frogmouth
Steatornithidae (oilbird)
Nyctibiidae (potoos)
- Great potoo
- Long-tailed potoo
- Northern potoo
- Common potoo
- Andean potoo
- White-winged potoo
- Rufous potoo
Caprimulgidae (nightjars)
- Spotted nightjar
- White-throated nightjar
- Solomons nightjar
- New Caledonian nightjar
- Satanic nightjar
- Papuan nightjar
- Archbold's nightjar
- Malaysian eared nightjar
- Great eared nightjar
- Collared nightjar
- Nacunda nighthawk
- Least nighthawk
- Sand-colored nighthawk
- Lesser nighthawk
- Common nighthawk
- Antillean nighthawk
- Short-tailed nighthawk
- Rufous-bellied nighthawk
- Band-tailed nighthawk
- Plain-tailed nighthawk
- Blackish nightjar
- Pygmy nightjar
- Pauraque
- Anthony's nightjar
- Todd's nightjar
- Little nightjar
- Roraiman nightjar
- Cayenne nightjar
- Sickle-winged nightjar
- White-winged nightjar
- Band-winged nightjar
- Swallow-tailed nightjar
- Lyre-tailed nightjar
- White-tailed nightjar
- Spot-tailed nightjar
- Ladder-tailed nightjar
- Scissor-tailed nightjar
- Long-trained nightjar
- Least poorwill
- Jamaican poorwill
- Choco poorwill
- Eared poorwill
- Yucatan poorwill
- Ocellated poorwill
- Common poorwill
- Chuck-will's-widow
- Rufous nightjar
- Cuban nightjar
- Hispaniolan nightjar
- Tawny-collared nightjar
- Yucatan nightjar
- Silky-tailed nightjar
- Buff-collared nightjar
- Eastern whip-poor-will
- Mexican whip-poor-will
- Puerto Rican nightjar
- Dusky nightjar
- Brown nightjar
- Red-necked nightjar
- Jungle nightjar
- Grey nightjar
- Palau nightjar
- European nightjar
- Sombre nightjar
- Rufous-cheeked nightjar
- Egyptian nightjar
- Sykes's nightjar
- Vaurie's nightjar
- Nubian nightjar
- Golden nightjar
- Jerdon's nightjar
- Large-tailed nightjar
- Mees's nightjar
- Andaman nightjar
- Philippine nightjar
- Sulawesi nightjar
- Donaldson Smith's nightjar
- Black-shouldered nightjar
- Fiery-necked nightjar
- Montane nightjar
- Ruwenzori nightjar
- Indian nightjar
- Madagascan nightjar
- Swamp nightjar
- Nechisar nightjar
- Plain nightjar
- Star-spotted nightjar
- Savanna nightjar
- Freckled nightjar
- Bonaparte's nightjar
- Salvadori's nightjar
- Prigogine's nightjar
- Bates's nightjar
- Long-tailed nightjar
- Slender-tailed nightjar
- Square-tailed nightjar
- Standard-winged nightjar
- Pennant-winged nightjar
Apodiformes (swifts, hummingbirds, and allies)
Aegothelidae (owlet-nightjars)
- Feline owlet-nightjar
- Starry owlet-nightjar
- Moluccan owlet-nightjar
- Wallace's owlet-nightjar
- Archbold's owlet-nightjar
- Mountain owlet-nightjar
- New Caledonian owlet-nightjar
- Barred owlet-nightjar
- Vogelkop owlet-nightjar
- Australian owlet-nightjar
Hemiprocnidae (treeswifts)
Apodidae (swifts)
- Spot-fronted swift
- White-chinned swift
- White-fronted swift
- Sooty swift
- Rothschild's swift
- American black swift
- White-chested swift
- Great dusky swift
- Tepui swift
- Chestnut-collared swift
- White-collared swift
- Biscutate swift
- White-naped swift
- Giant swiftlet
- Glossy swiftlet
- Cave swiftlet
- Bornean swiftlet
- Pygmy swiftlet
- Seychelles swiftlet
- Mascarene swiftlet
- Indian swiftlet
- Philippine swiftlet
- Halmahera swiftlet
- Sulawesi swiftlet
- Seram swiftlet
- Mountain swiftlet
- White-rumped swiftlet
- Australian swiftlet
- Himalayan swiftlet
- Volcano swiftlet
- Whitehead's swiftlet
- Bare-legged swiftlet
- Mayr's swiftlet
- Mossy-nest swiftlet
- Uniform swiftlet
- Ameline swiftlet
- Palau swiftlet
- Mariana swiftlet
- Island swiftlet
- Tahiti swiftlet
- Atiu swiftlet
- Marquesan swiftlet
- Black-nest swiftlet
- Edible-nest swiftlet
- Germain's swiftlet
- Three-toed swiftlet
- Scarce swift
- Schouteden's swift
- Philippine spine-tailed swift
- Papuan spine-tailed swift
- Madagascan spinetail
- Sao Tome spinetail
- White-rumped spinetail
- Mottled spinetail
- Black spinetail
- Silver-rumped spinetail
- Sabine's spinetail
- Cassin's spinetail
- Bohm's spinetail
- White-throated needletail
- Silver-backed needletail
- Brown-backed needletail
- Purple needletail
- Lesser Antillean swift
- Band-rumped swift
- Costa Rican swift
- Pale-rumped swift
- Grey-rumped swift
- Vaux's swift
- Sick's swift
- Chimney swift
- Chapman's swift
- Mato Grosso swift
- Short-tailed swift
- White-throated swift
- White-tipped swift
- Andean swift
- Antillean palm swift
- Pygmy palm swift
- Neotropical palm swift
- Great swallow-tailed swift
- Lesser swallow-tailed swift
- African palm swift
- Asian palm swift
- Alpine swift
- Mottled swift
- Cape Verde swift
- Common swift
- Plain swift
- Nyanza swift
- Pallid swift
- African black swift
- Malagasy black swift
- Fernando Po swift
- Forbes-Watson's swift
- Bradfield's swift
- Pacific swift
- Salim Ali's swift
- Blyth's swift
- Cook's swift
- Dark-rumped swift
- Little swift
- House swift
- Horus swift
- White-rumped swift
- Bates's swift
Trochilidae (hummingbirds)
- Saw-billed hermit
- White-tipped sicklebill
- Buff-tailed sicklebill
- Hook-billed hermit
- Rufous-breasted hermit
- Bronzy hermit
- Band-tailed barbthroat
- Sooty barbthroat
- Pale-tailed barbthroat
- Broad-tipped hermit
- White-whiskered hermit
- Green hermit
- White-bearded hermit
- Long-billed hermit
- Mexican hermit
- Long-tailed hermit
- Great-billed hermit
- Tawny-bellied hermit
- Koepcke's hermit
- Needle-billed hermit
- Straight-billed hermit
- Pale-bellied hermit
- Scale-throated hermit
- Planalto hermit
- Sooty-capped hermit
- Buff-bellied hermit
- Dusky-throated hermit
- Streak-throated hermit
- Little hermit
- Minute hermit
- Cinnamon-throated hermit
- Reddish hermit
- White-browed hermit
- Black-throated hermit
- Tapajos hermit
- Stripe-throated hermit
- Grey-chinned hermit
- Tooth-billed hummingbird
- Green-fronted lancebill
- Blue-fronted lancebill
- Scaly-breasted hummingbird
- Curve-winged sabrewing
- Wedge-tailed sabrewing
- Long-tailed sabrewing
- Grey-breasted sabrewing
- Rufous sabrewing
- Rufous-breasted sabrewing
- Violet sabrewing
- White-tailed sabrewing
- Lazuline sabrewing
- Santa Marta sabrewing
- Napo sabrewing
- Buff-breasted sabrewing
- Sombre hummingbird
- Swallow-tailed hummingbird
- White-necked jacobin
- Black jacobin
- Brown violetear
- Green violetear
- Sparkling violetear
- White-vented violetear
- Green-throated mango
- Green-breasted mango
- Black-throated mango
- Veraguan mango
- Antillean mango
- Green mango
- Jamaican mango
- Fiery-tailed awlbill
- Crimson topaz
- Fiery topaz
- Purple-throated carib
- Green-throated carib
- Ruby-topaz hummingbird
- Antillean crested hummingbird
- Violet-headed hummingbird
- Green-crowned plovercrest
- Purple-crowned plovercrest
- Emerald-chinned hummingbird
- Tufted coquette
- Dot-eared coquette
- Frilled coquette
- Short-crested coquette
- Rufous-crested coquette
- Spangled coquette
- Festive coquette
- Peacock coquette
- Black-crested coquette
- White-crested coquette
- Wire-crested thorntail
- Black-bellied thorntail
- Letitia's thorntail
- Green thorntail
- Racket-tailed coquette
- Red-billed streamertail
- Black-billed streamertail
- Blue-chinned sapphire
- Golden-crowned emerald
- Cozumel emerald
- Canivet's emerald
- Garden emerald
- Blue-tailed emerald
- Western emerald
- Red-billed emerald
- Chiribiquete emerald
- Glittering-bellied emerald
- Gould's emerald
- Brace's emerald
- Cuban emerald
- Hispaniolan emerald
- Puerto Rican emerald
- Coppery emerald
- Narrow-tailed emerald
- Green-tailed emerald
- Short-tailed emerald
- Fiery-throated hummingbird
- White-tailed emerald
- Coppery-headed emerald
- Oaxaca hummingbird
- White-tailed hummingbird
- Stripe-tailed hummingbird
- Black-bellied hummingbird
- Pirre hummingbird
- Violet-capped hummingbird
- Dusky hummingbird
- Broad-billed hummingbird
- Doubleday's hummingbird
- Blue-headed hummingbird
- Mexican woodnymph
- Crowned woodnymph
- Fork-tailed woodnymph
- Long-tailed woodnymph
- Violet-capped woodnymph
- Violet-bellied hummingbird
- Sapphire-throated hummingbird
- Sapphire-bellied hummingbird
- Shining-green hummingbird
- Blue-throated sapphire
- Rufous-throated sapphire
- White-chinned sapphire
- Gilded sapphire
- Blue-headed sapphire
- Humboldt's sapphire
- Golden-tailed sapphire
- White-throated hummingbird
- White-tailed goldenthroat
- Tepui goldenthroat
- Green-tailed goldenthroat
- Buffy hummingbird
- Tumbes hummingbird
- Spot-throated hummingbird
- Olive-spotted hummingbird
- Many-spotted hummingbird
- White-bellied hummingbird
- Green-and-white hummingbird
- Cinnamon hummingbird
- Buff-bellied hummingbird
- Rufous-tailed hummingbird
- Chestnut-bellied hummingbird
- Amazilia hummingbird
- Plain-bellied emerald
- Versicolored emerald
- White-chested emerald
- Andean emerald
- White-bellied emerald
- Azure-crowned hummingbird
- Violet-crowned hummingbird
- Green-fronted hummingbird
- Cinnamon-sided hummingbird
- Glittering-throated emerald
- Sapphire-spangled emerald
- Blue-chested hummingbird
- Charming hummingbird
- Purple-chested hummingbird
- Mangrove hummingbird
- Honduran emerald
- Steely-vented hummingbird
- Indigo-capped hummingbird
- Snowy-bellied hummingbird
- Blue-tailed hummingbird
- Berylline hummingbird
- Green-bellied hummingbird
- Copper-rumped hummingbird
- Snowcap
- Santa Marta blossomcrown
- Tolima blossomcrown
- White-vented plumeleteer
- Bronze-tailed plumeleteer
- Blue-throated mountaingem
- Amethyst-throated mountaingem
- Green-throated mountaingem
- Green-breasted mountaingem
- White-bellied mountaingem
- Purple-throated mountaingem
- White-throated mountaingem
- Grey-tailed mountaingem
- Xantus's hummingbird
- White-eared hummingbird
- Garnet-throated hummingbird
- Speckled hummingbird
- Ecuadorian piedtail
- Peruvian piedtail
- Brazilian ruby
- Velvet-browed brilliant
- Pink-throated brilliant
- Rufous-webbed brilliant
- Black-throated brilliant
- Gould's jewelfront
- Fawn-breasted brilliant
- Green-crowned brilliant
- Empress brilliant
- Violet-fronted brilliant
- Rivoli's hummingbird
- Admirable hummingbird
- Scissor-tailed hummingbird
- Violet-chested hummingbird
- White-tailed hillstar
- Buff-tailed coronet
- Chestnut-breasted coronet
- Velvet-purple coronet
- Shining sunbeam
- Purple-backed sunbeam
- White-tufted sunbeam
- Black-hooded sunbeam
- Ecuadorian hillstar
- Andean hillstar
- White-sided hillstar
- Black-breasted hillstar
- Wedge-tailed hillstar
- Mountain velvetbreast
- Bronzy inca
- Brown inca
- Black inca
- Collared inca
- White-tailed starfrontlet
- Golden-bellied starfrontlet
- Dusky starfrontlet
- Blue-throated starfrontlet
- Buff-winged starfrontlet
- Violet-throated starfrontlet
- Rainbow starfrontlet
- Sword-billed hummingbird
- Great sapphirewing
- Giant hummingbird
- Green-backed firecrown
- Juan Fernandez firecrown
- Orange-throated sunangel
- Amethyst-throated sunangel
- Gorgeted sunangel
- Tourmaline sunangel
- Flame-throated sunangel
- Purple-throated sunangel
- Bogota sunangel
- Royal sunangel
- Black-breasted puffleg
- Gorgeted puffleg
- Glowing puffleg
- Black-thighed puffleg
- Turquoise-throated puffleg
- Coppery-bellied puffleg
- Sapphire-vented puffleg
- Golden-breasted puffleg
- Blue-capped puffleg
- Colorful puffleg
- Emerald-bellied puffleg
- Greenish puffleg
- Buff-thighed puffleg
- Hoary puffleg
- Purple-bibbed whitetip
- Rufous-vented whitetip
- Booted racket-tail
- Black-tailed trainbearer
- Green-tailed trainbearer
- Red-tailed comet
- Black-backed thornbill
- Purple-backed thornbill
- Bearded mountaineer
- Green-bearded helmetcrest
- Blue-bearded helmetcrest
- White-bearded helmetcrest
- Buffy helmetcrest
- Tyrian metaltail
- Perija metaltail
- Viridian metaltail
- Violet-throated metaltail
- Neblina metaltail
- Coppery metaltail
- Fiery-throated metaltail
- Scaled metaltail
- Black metaltail
- Rufous-capped thornbill
- Olivaceous thornbill
- Blue-mantled thornbill
- Bronze-tailed thornbill
- Rainbow-bearded thornbill
- Mountain avocetbill
- Grey-bellied comet
- Long-tailed sylph
- Venezuelan sylph
- Violet-tailed sylph
- Hyacinth visorbearer
- Hooded visorbearer
- Wedge-billed hummingbird
- Purple-crowned fairy
- Black-eared fairy
- Horned sungem
- Marvellous spatuletail
- Plain-capped starthroat
- Long-billed starthroat
- Stripe-breasted starthroat
- Blue-tufted starthroat
- Oasis hummingbird
- Peruvian sheartail
- Sparkling-tailed woodstar
- Slender sheartail
- Mexican sheartail
- Amethyst woodstar
- Bahama woodstar
- Inagua woodstar
- Magenta-throated woodstar
- Purple-throated woodstar
- Slender-tailed woodstar
- Lucifer sheartail
- Beautiful sheartail
- Vervain hummingbird
- Bee hummingbird
- Ruby-throated hummingbird
- Black-chinned hummingbird
- Anna's hummingbird
- Costa's hummingbird
- Bumblebee hummingbird
- Wine-throated hummingbird
- Purple-collared woodstar
- Chilean woodstar
- Short-tailed woodstar
- White-bellied woodstar
- Little woodstar
- Gorgeted woodstar
- Santa Marta woodstar
- Esmeraldas woodstar
- Rufous-shafted woodstar
- Broad-tailed hummingbird
- Rufous hummingbird
- Allen's hummingbird
- Volcano hummingbird
- Glow-throated hummingbird
- Scintillant hummingbird
- Calliope hummingbird
Coliiformes (mousebirds)
Coliidae (mousebirds)
- Speckled mousebird
- White-headed mousebird
- Red-backed mousebird
- White-backed mousebird
- Blue-naped mousebird
- Red-faced mousebird
Trogoniformes (trogons)
Trogonidae (trogons)
- Eared quetzal
- Pavonine quetzal
- Golden-headed quetzal
- White-tipped quetzal
- Resplendent quetzal
- Crested quetzal
- Cuban trogon
- Hispaniolan trogon
- Lattice-tailed trogon
- Slaty-tailed trogon
- Choco trogon
- Ecuadorian trogon
- Black-tailed trogon
- Black-headed trogon
- Citreoline trogon
- White-tailed trogon
- Baird's trogon
- Green-backed trogon
- Gartered trogon
- Amazonian trogon
- Guianan trogon
- Blue-crowned trogon
- Surucua trogon
- Black-throated trogon
- Elegant trogon
- Mountain trogon
- Collared trogon
- Masked trogon
- Narina trogon
- Bare-cheeked trogon
- Bar-tailed trogon
- Javan trogon
- Sumatran trogon
- Malabar trogon
- Red-naped trogon
- Diard's trogon
- Philippine trogon
- Whitehead's trogon
- Cinnamon-rumped trogon
- Scarlet-rumped trogon
- Orange-breasted trogon
- Red-headed trogon
- Ward's trogon
Leptosomiformes (cuckoo roller)
Leptosomidae (cuckoo roller)
Coraciiformes (kingfishers and allies)
Coraciidae (rollers)
- Purple roller
- Indian roller
- Purple-winged roller
- Racket-tailed roller
- Lilac-breasted roller
- Abyssinian roller
- European roller
- Blue-bellied roller
- Blue-throated roller
- Broad-billed roller
- Oriental dollarbird
- Azure dollarbird
Brachypteraciidae (ground rollers)
- Short-legged ground roller
- Scaly ground roller
- Pitta-like ground roller
- Rufous-headed ground roller
- Long-tailed ground roller
Alcedinidae (kingfishers)
- Green-backed kingfisher
- Scaly-breasted kingfisher
- Moustached kingfisher
- Spotted wood kingfisher
- Hombron's kingfisher
- Rufous-collared kingfisher
- Hook-billed kingfisher
- Banded kingfisher
- Common paradise kingfisher
- Kofiau paradise kingfisher
- Biak paradise kingfisher
- Numfor paradise kingfisher
- Little paradise kingfisher
- Buff-breasted paradise kingfisher
- Black-capped paradise kingfisher
- Red-breasted paradise kingfisher
- Brown-headed paradise kingfisher
- Lilac kingfisher
- Shovel-billed kookaburra
- Laughing kookaburra
- Blue-winged kookaburra
- Spangled kookaburra
- Rufous-bellied kookaburra
- Glittering kingfisher
- Stork-billed kingfisher
- Great-billed kingfisher
- Brown-winged kingfisher
- Ruddy kingfisher
- White-throated kingfisher
- Javan kingfisher
- Chocolate-backed kingfisher
- Black-capped kingfisher
- Grey-headed kingfisher
- Brown-hooded kingfisher
- Striped kingfisher
- Blue-breasted kingfisher
- Woodland kingfisher
- Mangrove kingfisher
- Blue-black kingfisher
- Winchell's kingfisher
- Blue-and-white kingfisher
- Lazuli kingfisher
- Forest kingfisher
- White-mantled kingfisher
- Ultramarine kingfisher
- Vanuatu kingfisher
- Sombre kingfisher
- Collared kingfisher
- Torresian kingfisher
- Islet kingfisher
- Mariana kingfisher
- Melanesian kingfisher
- Pacific kingfisher
- Talaud kingfisher
- Guam kingfisher
- Rusty-capped kingfisher
- Pohnpei kingfisher
- Beach kingfisher
- Sacred kingfisher
- Flat-billed kingfisher
- Cinnamon-banded kingfisher
- Chattering kingfisher
- Mewing kingfisher
- Society kingfisher
- Mangareva kingfisher
- Niau kingfisher
- Marquesan kingfisher
- Red-backed kingfisher
- Yellow-billed kingfisher
- Mountain kingfisher
- African dwarf kingfisher
- African pygmy kingfisher
- Madagascan pygmy kingfisher
- White-bellied kingfisher
- Malachite kingfisher
- Malagasy kingfisher
- Cerulean kingfisher
- Blue-banded kingfisher
- Shining-blue kingfisher
- Blue-eared kingfisher
- Common kingfisher
- Half-collared kingfisher
- Blyth's kingfisher
- Oriental dwarf kingfisher
- Philippine dwarf kingfisher
- Sulawesi dwarf kingfisher
- Moluccan dwarf kingfisher
- Dimorphic dwarf kingfisher
- Sula dwarf kingfisher
- Buru dwarf kingfisher
- Papuan dwarf kingfisher
- Manus dwarf kingfisher
- New Ireland dwarf kingfisher
- New Britain dwarf kingfisher
- North Solomons dwarf kingfisher
- New Georgia dwarf kingfisher
- Malaita dwarf kingfisher
- Guadalcanal dwarf kingfisher
- Makira dwarf kingfisher
- Indigo-banded kingfisher
- Southern silvery kingfisher
- Northern silvery kingfisher
- Azure kingfisher
- Bismarck kingfisher
- Little kingfisher
- American pygmy kingfisher
- Green-and-rufous kingfisher
- Green kingfisher
- Amazon kingfisher
- Crested kingfisher
- Giant kingfisher
- Ringed kingfisher
- Belted kingfisher
- Pied kingfisher
Todidae (todies)
Motmotidae (motmots)
- Tody motmot
- Blue-throated motmot
- Russet-crowned motmot
- Blue-crowned motmot
- Blue-diademed motmot
- Whooping motmot
- Trinidad motmot
- Amazonian motmot
- Andean motmot
- Rufous motmot
- Rufous-capped motmot
- Keel-billed motmot
- Broad-billed motmot
- Turquoise-browed motmot
Meropidae (bee-eaters)
- Red-bearded bee-eater
- Blue-bearded bee-eater
- Purple-bearded bee-eater
- Black-headed bee-eater
- Blue-headed bee-eater
- Blue-moustached bee-eater
- Black bee-eater
- Swallow-tailed bee-eater
- Little bee-eater
- Blue-breasted bee-eater
- Cinnamon-chested bee-eater
- Red-throated bee-eater
- White-fronted bee-eater
- Somali bee-eater
- White-throated bee-eater
- Bohm's bee-eater
- Green bee-eater
- Blue-cheeked bee-eater
- Olive bee-eater
- Blue-tailed bee-eater
- Rainbow bee-eater
- Blue-throated bee-eater
- Chestnut-headed bee-eater
- European bee-eater
- Rosy bee-eater
- Northern carmine bee-eater
- Southern carmine bee-eater
Bucerotiformes (hoopoes, hornbills, and allies)
Upupidae (typical hoopoes)
Phoeniculidae (wood hoopoes)
- Forest wood hoopoe
- White-headed wood hoopoe
- Green wood hoopoe
- Black-billed wood hoopoe
- Violet wood hoopoe
- Grant's wood hoopoe
- Black scimitarbill
- Common scimitarbill
- Abyssinian scimitarbill
Bucorvidae (ground hornbills)
Bucerotidae (typical hornbills)
- Tanzanian red-billed hornbill
- Western red-billed hornbill
- Damara red-billed hornbill
- Southern red-billed hornbill
- Northern red-billed hornbill
- Monteiro's red-billed hornbill
- Von der Decken's hornbill
- Jackson's hornbill
- Southern yellow-billed hornbill
- Eastern yellow-billed hornbill
- Bradfield's hornbill
- Crowned hornbill
- African pied hornbill
- Hemprich's hornbill
- African grey hornbill
- Red-billed dwarf hornbill
- Pale-billed hornbill
- Piping hornbill
- Trumpeter hornbill
- Brown-cheeked hornbill
- White-thighed hornbill
- Black-and-white-casqued hornbill
- Silvery-cheeked hornbill
- Black-casqued hornbill
- Yellow-casqued hornbill
- Black dwarf hornbill
- White-crested hornbill
- White-crowned hornbill
- Rhinoceros hornbill
- Great hornbill
- Rufous hornbill
- Helmeted hornbill
- Palawan hornbill
- Oriental pied hornbill
- Malabar pied hornbill
- Sulu hornbill
- Black hornbill
- Malabar grey hornbill
- Sri Lanka grey hornbill
- Indian grey hornbill
- Tickell's brown hornbill
- Austen's brown hornbill
- Bushy-crested hornbill
- Rufous-necked hornbill
- Blyth's hornbill
- Narcondam hornbill
- Wreathed hornbill
- Sumba hornbill
- Plain-pouched hornbill
- Knobbed hornbill
- Walden's hornbill
- Writhed hornbill
- Sulawesi hornbill
- Wrinkled hornbill
- Luzon hornbill
- Mindoro hornbill
- Mindanao hornbill
- Samar hornbill
- Visayan hornbill
Piciformes (Woodpeckers, toucans, and allies)
Gabulidae (jacamars)
- White-eared jacamar
- Purus jacamar
- Dusky-backed jacamar
- Pale-headed jacamar
- Brown jacamar
- White-throated jacamar
- Three-toed jacamar
- Yellow-billed jacamar
- Blue-necked jacamar
- Rufous-tailed jacamar
- Green-tailed jacamar
- Coppery-chested jacamar
- White-chinned jacamar
- Bluish-fronted jacamar
- Purplish jacamar
- Bronzy jacamar
- Paradise jacamar
- Great jacamar
Bucconidae (puffbirds)
- White-necked puffbird
- Guianan puffbird
- Buff-bellied puffbird
- Black-breasted puffbird
- Brown-banded puffbird
- Pied puffbird
- Chestnut-capped puffbird
- Spotted puffbird
- Sooty-capped puffbird
- Collared puffbird
- Barred puffbird
- White-eared puffbird
- Striolated puffbird
- Caatinga puffbird
- Chaco puffbird
- Russet-throated puffbird
- Two-banded puffbird
- Crescent-chested puffbird
- White-chested puffbird
- Semicollared puffbird
- Black-streaked puffbird
- Rufous-necked puffbird
- White-whiskered puffbird
- Moustached puffbird
- Lanceolated monklet
- Rusty-breasted nunlet
- Fulvous-chinned nunlet
- Brown nunlet
- Grey-cheeked nunlet
- Rufous-capped nunlet
- Chestnut-headed nunlet
- White-faced nunbird
- Black nunbird
- Black-fronted nunbird
- White-fronted nunbird
- Yellow-billed nunbird
- Swallow-winged puffbird
Capitonidae (New World barbets)
- Scarlet-crowned barbet
- Scarlet-banded barbet
- Sira barbet
- Spot-crowned barbet
- Orange-fronted barbet
- White-mantled barbet
- Black-girdled barbet
- Brown-chested barbet
- Black-spotted barbet
- Gilded barbet
- Five-colored barbet
- Lemon-throated barbet
- Red-headed barbet
- Scarlet-hooded barbet
- Versicolored barbet
Semnornithidae (toucan barbets)
Ramphastidae (toucans)
- Wagler's toucanet
- Emerald toucanet
- Blue-throated toucanet
- Violet-throated toucanet
- Santa Marta toucanet
- Grey-throated toucanet
- White-throated toucanet
- Black-throated toucanet
- Groove-billed toucanet
- Chestnut-tipped toucanet
- Tepui toucanet
- Crimson-rumped toucanet
- Yellow-browed toucanet
- Blue-banded toucanet
- Green aracari
- Lettered aracari
- Red-necked aracari
- Ivory-billed aracari
- Brown-mandibled aracari
- Black-necked aracari
- Chestnut-eared aracari
- Many-banded aracari
- Collared aracari
- Stripe-billed aracari
- Pale-mandibled aracari
- Fiery-billed aracari
- Curl-crested aracari
- Saffron toucanet
- Yellow-eared toucanet
- Guianan toucanet
- Golden-collared toucanet
- Tawny-tufted toucanet
- Gould's toucanet
- Spot-billed toucanet
- Grey-breasted mountain toucan
- Plate-billed mountain toucan
- Hooded mountain toucan
- Black-billed mountain toucan
- Green-billed toucan
- Channel-billed toucan
- Citron-throated toucan
- Choco toucan
- Keel-billed toucan
- Toco toucan
- White-throated toucan
- Yellow-throated toucan
Megalaimidae (Asian barbets)
- Fire-tufted barbet
- Great barbet
- Red-vented barbet
- Brown-headed barbet
- Lineated barbet
- White-cheeked barbet
- Green-eared barbet
- Brown-throated barbet
- Golden-whiskered barbet
- Red-crowned barbet
- Red-throated barbet
- Black-banded barbet
- Yellow-fronted barbet
- Golden-throated barbet
- Black-browed barbet
- Indochinese barbet
- Chinese barbet
- Taiwan barbet
- Blue-throated barbet
- Mountain barbet
- Moustached barbet
- Yellow-crowned barbet
- Flame-fronted barbet
- Golden-naped barbet
- Yellow-eared barbet
- Blue-eared barbet
- Bornean barbet
- Crimson-fronted barbet
- Malabar barbet
- Coppersmith barbet
- Brown barbet
- Sooty barbet
- Grey-throated barbet
- Sladen's barbet
- Bristle-nosed barbet
- Naked-faced barbet
- White-eared barbet
- Anchieta's barbet
- Green barbet
- Speckled tinkerbird
- Green tinkerbird
- Moustached tinkerbird
- Western tinkerbird
- Red-rumped tinkerbird
- Yellow-throated tinkerbird
- Yellow-rumped tinkerbird
- White-chested tinkerbird
- Red-fronted tinkerbird
- Yellow-fronted tinkerbird
- Yellow-spotted barbet
- Hairy-breasted barbet
- Red-fronted barbet
- Miombo pied barbet
- Acacia pied barbet
- Spot-flanked barbet
- Black-throated barbet
- Banded barbet
- Vieillot's barbet
- White-headed barbet
- Chaplin's barbet
- Red-faced barbet
- Black-billed barbet
- Black-collared barbet
- Brown-breasted barbet
- Black-backed barbet
- Double-toothed barbet
- Bearded barbet
- Black-breasted barbet
- Yellow-billed barbet
- Crested barbet
- Red-and-yellow barbet
- Yellow-breasted barbet
- D'Arnaud's barbet
Indicatoridae (honeyguides)
- Cassin's honeybird
- Green-backed honeybird
- Brown-backed honeybird
- Zenker's honeyguide
- Yellow-footed honeyguide
- Dwarf honeyguide
- Willcocks's honeyguide
- Pallid honeyguide
- Least honeyguide
- Thick-billed honeyguide
- Lesser honeyguide
- Spotted honeyguide
- Scaly-throated honeyguide
- Yellow-rumped honeyguide
- Malaysian honeyguide
- Greater honeyguide
- Lyre-tailed honeyguide
Picidae (wrynecks, piculets, and woodpeckers)
- Eurasian wryneck
- Red-throated wryneck
- Speckled piculet
- Bar-breasted piclet
- Lafresnaye's piculet
- Orinoco piculet
- Golden-spangled piculet
- Black-dotted piculet
- Ecuadorian piculet
- Scaled piculet
- White-bellied piculet
- Arrowhead piculet
- Spotted piculet
- Speckle-chested piculet
- Varzea piculet
- White-barred piculet
- Ocellated piculet
- Ochre-collared piculet
- White-wedged piculet
- Rusty-necked piculet
- Rufous-breasted piculet
- Ochraceous piculet
- Tawny piculet
- Mottled piculet
- Plain-breasted piculet
- Fine-barred piculet
- Olivaceous piculet
- Greyish piculet
- Chestnut piculet
- African piculet
- Rufous piculet
- White-browed piculet
- Antillean piculet
- Grey-and-buff woodpecker
- Heart-spotted woodpecker
- White woodpecker
- Lewis's woodpecker
- Guadeloupe woodpecker
- Puerto Rican woodpecker
- Red-headed woodpecker
- Acorn woodpecker
- Yellow-tufted woodpecker
- Yellow-fronted woodpecker
- Golden-naped woodpecker
- Beautiful woodpecker
- Black-cheeked woodpecker
- White-fronted woodpecker
- Hispaniolan woodpecker
- Jamaican woodpecker
- Golden-cheeked woodpecker
- Grey-breasted woodpecker
- Yucatan woodpecker
- Red-crowned woodpecker
- Gila woodpecker
- Hoffmann's woodpecker
- Golden-fronted woodpecker
- Velasquez's woodpecker
- Red-bellied woodpecker
- West Indian woodpecker
- Williamson's sapsucker
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker
- Red-naped sapsucker
- Red-breasted sapsucker
- Cuban green woodpecker
- Fine-spotted woodpecker
- Bennett's woodpecker
- Speckle-throated woodpecker
- Nubian woodpecker
- Golden-tailed woodpecker
- Mombasa woodpecker
- Knysna woodpecker
- Green-backed woodpecker
- Little green woodpecker
- Tullberg's woodpecker
- Buff-spotted woodpecker
- Brown-eared woodpecker
- Ground woodpecker
- Little grey woodpecker
- Speckle-breasted woodpecker
- Abyssinian woodpecker
- Cardinal woodpecker
- Gabon woodpecker
- Melancholy woodpecker
- Stierling's woodpecker
- Bearded woodpecker
- Yellow-crested woodpecker
- Fire-bellied woodpecker
- Elliot's woodpecker
- African grey woodpecker
- Eastern grey woodpecker
- Olive woodpecker
- Brown-backed woodpecker
- Rufous-bellied woodpecker
- Sulawesi pygmy woodpecker
- Philippine pygmy woodpecker
- Sulu pygmy woodpecker
- Sunda pygmy woodpecker
- Brown-capped pygmy woodpecker
- Japanese pygmy woodpecker
- Grey-capped pygmy woodpecker
- Lesser spotted woodpecker
- Fulvous-breasted woodpecker
- Freckle-breasted woodpecker
- Stripe-breasted woodpecker
- Brown-fronted woodpecker
- Yellow-crowned woodpecker
- Arabian woodpecker
- Crimson-breasted woodpecker
- Darjeeling woodpecker
- Middle spotted woodpecker
- White-backed woodpecker
- Himalayan woodpecker
- Sind woodpecker
- Syrian woodpecker
- White-winged woodpecker
- Great spotted woodpecker
- Ladder-backed woodpecker
- Nuttall's woodpecker
- Hairy woodpecker
- Downy woodpecker
- Arizona woodpecker
- Strickland's woodpecker
- Red-cockaded woodpecker
- White-headed woodpecker
- Smoky-brown woodpecker
- Eurasian three-toed woodpecker
- American three-toed woodpecker
- Black-backed woodpecker
- Scarlet-backed woodpecker
- Yellow-vented woodpecker
- Bar-bellied woodpecker
- Little woodpecker
- Dot-fronted woodpecker
- White-spotted woodpecker
- Checkered woodpecker
- Striped woodpecker
- Blood-colored woodpecker
- Red-rumped woodpecker
- Red-stained woodpecker
- Choco woodpecker
- Golden-collared woodpecker
- Yellow-eared woodpecker
- Rufous-winged woodpecker
- Stripe-cheeked woodpecker
- White-throated woodpecker
- Lita woodpecker
- Yellow-throated woodpecker
- Golden-green woodpecker
- Yellow-browed woodpecker
- Golden-olive woodpecker
- Grey-crowned woodpecker
- Bronze-winged woodpecker
- Crimson-mantled woodpecker
- Black-necked woodpecker
- Spot-breasted woodpecker
- Green-barred woodpecker
- Northern flicker
- Gilded flicker
- Fernandina's flicker
- Chilean flicker
- Andean flicker
- Campo flicker
- Cinnamon woodpecker
- Waved woodpecker
- Scaly-breasted woodpecker
- Chestnut-colored woodpecker
- Chestnut woodpecker
- Pale-crested woodpecker
- Blond-crested woodpecker
- Ochre-backed woodpecker
- Cream-colored woodpecker
- Rufous-headed woodpecker
- Kaempfer's woodpecker
- Ringed woodpecker
- Helmeted woodpecker
- Black-bodied woodpecker
- Lineated woodpecker
- Pileated woodpecker
- White-bellied woodpecker
- Andaman woodpecker
- Black woodpecker
- Powerful woodpecker
- Crimson-bellied woodpecker
- Red-necked woodpecker
- Robust woodpecker
- Crimson-crested woodpecker
- Pale-billed woodpecker
- Guayaquil woodpecker
- Cream-backed woodpecker
- Magellanic woodpecker
- Ivory-billed woodpecker
- Imperial woodpecker
- Banded woodpecker
- Checker-throated woodpecker
- Greater yellownape
- Lesser yellownape
- Crimson-winged woodpecker
- Streak-breasted woodpecker
- Laced woodpecker
- Streak-throated woodpecker
- Scaly-bellied woodpecker
- Japanese green woodpecker
- European green woodpecker
- Iberian green woodpecker
- Levaillant's woodpecker
- Red-collared woodpecker
- Black-headed woodpecker
- Grey-headed woodpecker
- Olive-backed woodpecker
- Himalayan flameback
- Common flameback
- Spot-throated flameback
- Black-rumped flameback
- Buff-spotted flameback
- Luzon flameback
- Yellow-faced flameback
- Red-headed flameback
- Javan flameback
- Greater flameback
- Crimson-backed flameback
- White-naped woodpecker
- Pale-headed woodpecker
- Bamboo woodpecker
- Okinawa woodpecker
- Maroon woodpecker
- Bay woodpecker
- Orange-backed woodpecker
- Rufous woodpecker
- Buff-rumped woodpecker
- Black-and-buff woodpecker
- Buff-necked woodpecker
- Ashy woodpecker
- Sooty woodpecker
- Great slaty woodpecker
New Zealand wrens
- Thrush-like schiffornis
- Rufous-tailed plantcutter
- Barred fruiteater
- Sharpbill
- Lovely cotinga
- Andean cock-of-the-rock
- Three-wattled bellbird
- Bare-throated bellbird
- Long-wattled umbrellabird
- Snowy cotinga
- Swallow-tailed cotinga
Tyrant flycatchers
- Yellow-bellied elaenia
- Chapada flycatcher
- Rufous-headed pygmy tyrant
- São Paulo tyrannulet
- Grey-hooded flycatcher
- Eared pygmy tyrant
- Streamer-tailed tyrant
- Cliff flycatcher
- Common tody-flycatcher
- White-throated spadebill
- Eastern phoebe
- Royal flycatcher
- Western wood pewee
- Yellow-bellied flycatcher
- Acadian flycatcher
- Vermilion flycatcher
- Pacific-slope flycatcher
- White-fronted ground tyrant
- Masked water tyrant
- Boat-billed flycatcher
- White-rumped monjita
- Long-tailed tyrant
- Cattle tyrant
- Great kiskadee
- Tropical kingbird
- Scissor-tailed flycatcher
- Eastern kingbird
- Great crested flycatcher
- Star-throated antwren
- White-bearded antshrike
- Great antshrike
- Barred antshrike
- Squamate antbird
- Rusty-backed antwren
- Ferruginous antbird
- White-plumed antbird
- Bicoloured antbird
- Spotted antbird
- Ocellated antbird
- Black-spotted bare-eye
Antpittas and antthrushes
- Common miner
- Grey-crested cachalote
- Blackish cinclodes
- Canyon canastero
- Rufous hornero
- Thorn-tailed rayadito
- Spix's spinetail
- Firewood-gatherer
- Ochre-breasted foliage-gleaner
- Plain xenops
- White-eyed foliage-gleaner
- Plain-brown woodcreeper
- Scalloped woodcreeper
- Planalto woodcreeper
- Olivaceous woodcreeper
- Red-billed scythebill
Australasian treecreepers
Australasian wrens
- Orange-crowned fairywren
- Variegated fairywren
- Splendid fairywren
- Superb fairywren
- Striated grasswren
- Stitchbird
- Yellow-faced honeyeater
- Noisy miner
- Mimic honeyeater
- Lewin's honeyeater
- Yellow-throated miner
- Blue-faced honeyeater
- White-naped honeyeater
- New Zealand bellbird
- Tui
- Noisy friarbird
- Spiny-cheeked honeyeater
- Red wattlebird
- Eastern spinebill
- New Holland honeyeater
- Crimson chat
Thornbills and gerygones
- Pilotbird
- Fernwren
- White-browed scrubwren
- Weebill
- White-throated gerygone
- Southern whiteface
- Brown thornbill
- Yellow-rumped thornbill
Australasian babblers
Wattled crows
Whipbirds and relatives
Wattle-eyes and batises
Helmetshrikes and puffbacks
- Barred cuckooshrike
- Black-faced cuckooshrike
- Cicadabird
- White-shouldered triller
- Red-shouldered cuckooshrike
- Long-tailed minivet
- Scarlet minivet
Vireos and relatives
- Figbird
- Golden oriole
- Yellow oriole
- Orchard oriole
- Northern oriole
- Cowbird
- African black-headed oriole
- Silver oriole
- Hooded oriole
- Orange oriole
- Baltimore oriole
- Abyssinian oriole
- Montserrat oriole
- Bullock's oriole
- Streak-backed oriole
- Scott's oriole
- Jamaican oriole
Shrikethrushes and relatives
- Black-naped monarch
- African paradise flycatcher
- Asian paradise flycatcher
- Cerulean paradise flycatcher
- ‘Elepaio
- Black-faced monarch
- Spectacled monarch
- Pied monarch
- Shining flycatcher
- Magpie-lark
- Restless flycatcher
- Silktail
Crows and jays
- Crested jay
- Western scrub jay
- Steller's jay
- Blue jay
- Siberian jay
- Pinyon jay
- Eurasian jay
- Lidth's jay
- European magpie
- Azure-winged magpie
- Clark's nutcracker
- Spotted nutcracker
- Red-billed blue magpie
- Alpine chough
- Green magpie
- Red-billed chough
- Piapiac
- Western jackdaw
- House crow
- Rook
- American crow
- White-necked raven
- Carrion crow
- Northern raven
- Thick-billed raven
- Large-billed crow
- Pied crow
- Ribbon-tailed astrapia
- Superb bird-of-paradise
- Wilson's bird-of-paradise
- Victoria's riflebird
- Paradise riflebird
- Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise
- King bird-of-paradise
- Raggiana bird-of-paradise
- Lesser bird-of-paradise
- Six-plumed bird-of-paradise
Australian robins
Bald crows
Waxwings and relatives
True tits
- Black-capped chickadee
- Grey-headed chickadee
- Coal tit
- Crested tit
- Varied tit
- Blue tit
- Sultan tit
- Tufted titmouse
Penduline tits
Swallows and martins
- White-backed swallow
- Sand martin
- Cliff swallow
- Tree swallow
- Purple martin
- Blue-and-white swallow
- Welcome swallow
- Wire-tailed swallow
- Barn swallow
- Common house martin
- Greater striped swallow
- Clapper lark
- Spike-heeled lark
- Greater hoopoe-lark
- Calandra lark
- Woodlark
- Skylark
- Horned lark
- Crested lark
- Golden-headed cisticola
- Graceful prinia
- Zitting cisticola
- Bar-throated apalis
- Grey-backed camaroptera
- Common tailorbird
- Straw-headed bulbul
- Red-whiskered bulbul
- Sombre greenbul
- Long-billed bernieria
- Green-tailed bristlebill
- Chestnut bulbul
- Black bulbul
Old World warblers
- Little grassbird
- Spinifexbird
- Brown songlark
- Cetti's warbler
- Cape grassbird
- Grasshopper warbler
- Sedge warbler
- Paddyfield warbler
- Australian reed warbler
- Olivaceous warbler
- Eurasian reed warbler
- Icterine warbler
- Common chiffchaff
- Wood warbler
- Izu leaf warbler
- Arctic warbler
- Yellow-bellied eremomela
- Northern crombec
- Blackcap
- Barred warbler
- Whitethroat
- Dartford warbler
- Rueppell's warbler
Babblers and relatives
- Pale-breasted illadopsis
- Rusty-cheeked scimitar babbler
- Rufous-capped babbler
- Common babbler
- Wrentit
- Greater necklaced laughingthrush
- Silver-eared mesia
- Blue-winged minla
- Bar-throated minla
- Rufous-winged fulvetta
- White-eared sibia
- Striated yuhina
- Bearded reedling
- Vinous-throated parrotbill
- Cape rockjumper
- Cape white-eye
- Mountain white-eye
- Oriental white-eye
- Japanese white-eye
- Bare-eyed white-eye
- Mountain blackeye
- Silvereye
- Crested white-eye
- Cactus wren
- Rock wren
- Sedge wren
- Carolina wren
- Bewick's wren
- House wren
- Winter wren
- Canyon wren
- Black-capped donacobius
- Blue-gray gnatcatcher
- California gnatcatcher
- Black-tailed gnatcatcher
- Black-capped gnatcatcher
- White-lored gnatcatcher
- Tropical gnatcatcher
- Long-billed gnatwren
Mockingbirds and thrashers
- Northern mockingbird
- Gray catbird
- Sage thrasher
- Socorro mockingbird
- Brown thrasher
- Curve-billed thrasher
- Blue mockingbird
- Brown trembler
Philippine creepers
- Asian glossy starling
- Golden myna
- Hill myna
- Bali myna
- Superb starling
- Common myna
- Chestnut-cheeked starling
- Common starling
- Wattled starling
- Rosy starling
- Tristram's starling
- Cape starling
- Yellow-billed oxpecker
- Eastern bluebird
- Mountain bluebird
- Orange-headed thrush
- Hermit thrush
- Blue whistling thrush
- Wood thrush
- Ring ouzel
- Japanese thrush
- Mistle thrush
- Common blackbird
- Song thrush
- Fieldfare
- Red-legged thrush
- Austral thrush
- American robin
- White-browed shortwing
- Green cochoa
- Red-throated alethe
- Aztec thrush
- Clay-colored robin
- Veery
Chats and flycatchers
- European robin
- Japanese robin
- Nightingale
- Bluethroat
- White-throated robin
- Oriental magpie-robin
- Rufous bush robin
- Indian robin
- Common redstart
- Black redstart
- White-capped water redstart
- White-tailed robin
- White-crowned forktail
- European stonechat
- Pied bushchat
- Black wheatear
- Northern wheatear
- Common rock thrush
- Spotted flycatcher
- European pied flycatcher
- Red-breasted flycatcher
- Blue-and-white flycatcher
- Rufous-bellied niltava
- Thrush nightingale
- Pygmy sunbird
- Purple-rumped sunbird
- Socotra sunbird
- Bronze sunbird
- Malachite sunbird
- Olive-backed sunbird
- Purple sunbird
- Crimson sunbird
- Gould's sunbird
Old World sparrows
- Saxaul sparrow
- House sparrow
- Italian sparrow
- Spanish sparrow
- Sind sparrow
- Somali sparrow
- Russet sparrow
- Plain-backed sparrow
- Dead Sea sparrow
- Iago sparrow
- Great sparrow
- Kenya sparrow
- Kordofan sparrow
- Shelley's sparrow
- Socotra sparrow
- Abd al-Kuri sparrow
- Cape sparrow
- Northern grey-headed sparrow
- Swainson's sparrow
- Parrot-billed sparrow
- Swahili sparrow
- Southern grey-headed sparrow
- Desert sparrow
- Eurasian tree sparrow
- Sudan golden sparrow
- Arabian golden sparrow
- Chestnut sparrow
Rock sparrows
Snowfinches (sparrows)
- White-winged snowfinch
- Black-winged snowfinch
- White-rumped snowfinch
- Pere David's snowfinch
- Rufous-necked snowfinch
- Plain-backed snowfinch
- Afghan snowfinch
- Sociable weaver
- White-billed buffalo weaver
- Speckle-fronted weaver
- White-headed buffalo weaver
- Cape weaver
- Southern masked weaver
- Jackson's widowbird
- Spectacled weaver
- Red-billed quelea
Waxbills and relatives
- Green-winged pytilia
- Pink-throated twinspot
- Cut-throat finch
- Western bluebill
- Red-billed firefinch
- Purple grenadier
- Black-rumped waxbill
- Orange-breasted waxbill
- Painted finch
- Zebra finch
- Red-browed finch
- Blue-faced parrotfinch
- Gouldian finch
- Chestnut munia
- Java sparrow
Wagtails and pipits
- Grey wagtail
- Cape longclaw
- Australasian pipit
- Golden pipit
- Water pipit
- Meadow pipit
- Red-throated pipit
Finches and relatives
- Brambling
- Common chaffinch
- Pine siskin
- European greenfinch
- European goldfinch
- American goldfinch
- Linnet
- Common redpoll
- Cassin's finch
- Desert finch
- Pallas's rosefinch
- Pine grosbeak
- Red crossbill
- Scarlet finch
- Hawfinch
- Eurasian bullfinch
- Evening grosbeak
- Maui parrotbill
- Japanese grosbeak
- Iiwi
New World warblers
- Tennessee warbler
- Yellow warbler
- Blackburnian warbler
- Northern parula
- Black-and-white warbler
- American redstart
- Prothonotary warbler
- Northern waterthrush
- Ovenbird
- Wrenthrush
- Common yellowthroat
- Yellow-breasted chat
New World blackbirds
- Crested oropendola
- Yellow-rumped cacique
- Baltimore oriole
- Brewer's blackbird
- Common grackle
- Brown-headed cowbird
- Eastern meadowlark
- Bobolink
- Red-winged blackbird
Bunting and American sparrows
- Yellowhammer
- Lapland longspur
- Reed bunting
- Lark bunting
- Snow bunting
- Ortolan bunting
- Fox sparrow
- Song sparrow
- White-throated sparrow
- Dark-eyed junco
- Chipping sparrow
- Sage sparrow
- Saffron finch
- Zapata sparrow
- Bachman's sparrow
- Variable seedeater
- Yellow-faced grassquit
- Large ground finch
- Spotted towhee
- Small ground finch
- Woodpecker finch
- Red-crested cardinal
- Cinnamon tanager
- Magpie tanager
- Blue-winged mountain tanager
- Green-headed tanager
- Silver-beaked tanager
- Swallow tanager
- Red-legged honeycreeper
- Red-necked tanager
- Green honeycreeper
- Cinereous conebill
- Scarlet tanager
- Thick-billed euphonia
- Blue-naped chlorophonia
Cardinals and grosbeaks
- Rose-breasted grosbeak
- Dickcissel
- Northern cardinal
- Buff-throated saltator
- Blue grosbeak
- Painted bunting
See also
- National Audubon Society; BirdLife International (2007). Bird: the definitive visual guide (1st American ed.). New York: DK Pub. ISBN 9781405306331.
External links
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, April 15, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.